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An organization is any group of creatures in Warcraft lore that are associated by some characteristic, be it clan, tribe, family, politics, religion, etc.

Unlike factions, organizations are not all tracked in World of Warcraft by reputation.

AllianceLogo.png Alliance

For more organizations in the Grand Alliance, see Alliance organizations.

High King of the Alliance: IconSmall Anduin2.gif High King Anduin Wrynn
Former High King(s): IconSmall Varian.gif High King Varian Wrynn †

Members Current leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Kingdom of Stormwind IconSmall Anduin2.gif King Anduin Wrynn
IconSmall Turalyon.gif Regent Turalyon (in absentia)
HumanHuman House of Nobles
IconSmall Human Male.gif General Hammond Clay
IconSmall Mathias.gif Master Mathias Shaw
IconSmall Varian.gif King Varian Wrynn †
IconSmall Bolvar.gif Regent Bolvar Fordragon
Kingdom of Ironforge Council of Three Hammers DwarfDwarf Senate of Ironforge
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Advisor Belgrum
IconSmall Brann.gif Brann Bronzebeard
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Thargas Anvilmar
IconSmall Magni.gif King Magni Bronzebeard Active
Nation of Darnassus IconSmall Shandris.gif General Shandris Feathermoon IconSmall TyrandeNight.gif Tyrande Whisperwind
IconSmall Malfurion.gif Malfurion Stormrage
IconSmall Jarod.gif Jarod Shadowsong
IconSmall Maiev.gif Maiev Shadowsong
IconSmall Highborne Male.gif Archmage Mordent Evenshade
IconSmall TyrandeNight.gif High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind
IconSmall Malfurion.gif Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage
Nation of Gnomeregan IconSmall Mekkatorque.gif High Tinker/King Gelbin Mekkatorque IconSmall Erazmin.gif Prince Erazmin
IconSmall Gnome Male.gif Tinkmaster Overspark
IconSmall Gnome Male.gif Commander Nevin Twistwrench
None Active
Exodar draenei IconSmall Velen.gif Prophet Velen Triumvirate of the Hand

IconSmall Draenei Male.gif Grand Artificer Romuul
IconSmall Nobundo.gif Farseer Nobundo
IconSmall Man'ari Male.gif Arzaal

None Active
Kingdom of Gilneas  Queen Tess Greymane IconSmall Genn.gifIconSmall Greymane.gif Genn Greymane
IconSmall Mia.gif Mia Greymane
HumanHuman Nobles of Gilneas
IconSmall Darius.gifIconSmall Crowley.gif Lord Darius Crowley
IconSmall Lorna.gif Commander Lorna Crowley
IconSmall Genn.gifIconSmall Greymane.gif King Genn Greymane Active
Tushui Pandaren IconSmall Aysa.gif Master Aysa Cloudsinger IconSmall Pandaren Male.gif Shield Captain Chien None Active
Telogrus Rift void elves IconSmall Alleria.gifIconSmall Alleria2.gif Alleria Windrunner
IconSmall Umbric.gif Magister Umbric
IconSmall VoidElf Male.gif Celosel Nightgiver None Active
Grand Army of the Light IconSmall Turalyon.gif High Exarch Turalyon
Lightforged draeneiLightforged draenei Council of Exarchs
 High Commander Lothraxion
 Captain Fareeya
 Commander Rosallas
None Active
Dark Iron clan IconSmall Moira.gif Queen-Regent Moira Thaurissan IconSmall Dagran.gif Prince Dagran Thaurissan II
Dark Iron dwarfDark Iron dwarf Shadowforge Senate
IconSmall DarkIron Male.gif Chief aid Drukan
None Active
Admiralty of Kul Tiras IconSmall Jaina3.gif Lord Admiral Jaina Proudmoore  Lady Katherine Proudmoore
 Captain Tandred Proudmoore
 Lady Lucille Waycrest
 Brother Pike
HumanHuman Nobles of Kul Tiras
None Active
Kingdom of Mechagon IconSmall Mekkatorque.gif High Tinker/King Gelbin Mekkatorque
IconSmall Erazmin.gif Prince Erazmin
Unknown None Active
Obsidian Warders IconSmall Azurathel.gifIconSmall Azurathel2.gif Scalecommander Azurathel IconSmall Dracthyr.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Female.gif Dervishian None Active

HordeLogo.png Horde

For more organizations in the New Horde, see Horde organizations.

Ruling body of the Horde: Horde Horde Council
Former Warchief(s): IconSmall Sylvanas.gif Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner, IconSmall Vol'jin.gif Warchief Vol'jin †, IconSmall Garrosh.gif Warchief Garrosh Hellscream †, IconSmall Thrall.gif Warchief Thrall

Members Current leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Nation of Durotar IconSmall Thrall3.gif Thrall IconSmall Eitrigg.gif Eitrigg
IconSmall Drek'Thar.gif Drek'Thar
IconSmall Nazgrel.gif Nazgrel
IconSmall Orc Female.gif Thega Graveblade
IconSmall Orc Female.gif Gorgonna
IconSmall Gorfax.gif Gorfax Angerfang
IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Jorin Deadeye
IconSmall Orc Male.gif Karga Rageroar
IconSmall Varok.gif High Overlord Varok Saurfang †
IconSmall Garrosh.gif Garrosh Hellscream †
Darkspear tribe IconSmall Rokhan.gif Chieftain Rokhan IconSmall Troll Male.gif Master Gadrin
IconSmall Troll Male.gif High Warlord Volrath
 Shadow Hunter Denjai
IconSmall Troll Female.gif Bwemba
IconSmall Vol'jin.gif Chieftain Vol'jin † Active
United tauren tribes of Thunder Bluff IconSmall Baine.gif High Chieftain Baine Bloodhoof IconSmall Grimtotem Male.gif Jevan Grimtotem
IconSmall Hamuul.gif Hamuul Runetotem
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Tahu Sagewind
IconSmall Tauren Female.gif Aponi Brightmane
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Dezco
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Cliffwalker
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Chief Hawkwind
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Greyhoof Farwanderer
IconSmall Cairne.gif High Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof † Active
Forsaken Desolate Council IconSmall Derek.gif Derek Proudmoore
 Grand Executor Mortuus
 The Black Bride
IconSmall Sylvanas.gif Queen Sylvanas Windrunner Active
Kingdom of Quel'Thalas IconSmall Lor'themar.gif Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron IconSmall Halduron.gif Halduron Brightwing
IconSmall Rommath.gif Grand Magister Rommath
IconSmall Liadrin.gif Lady Liadrin
IconSmall Aethas.gif Aethas Sunreaver
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher
IconSmall Kael'thas.gif Kael'thas Sunstrider Active
Bilgewater Cartel IconSmall Gazlowe.gif Trade Prince Monte Gazlowe IconSmall Goblin Female.gif Boss Mida
IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Uncle Bedlam
IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Commander Molotov
IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Patch
IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Chief Enforcer Druz
IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Hobart Grapplehammer
IconSmall Gallywix.gif Trade Prince Jastor Gallywix Active
Huojin Pandaren IconSmall Ji.gif Master Ji Firepaw IconSmall Pandaren2 Male.gif Brewmaster Lin
IconSmall Pandaren2 Female.gif Shield Captain Liang
None Active
Kingdom of Suramar IconSmall Thalyssra.gif First Arcanist Thalyssra IconSmall Oculeth.gif Chief Telemancer Oculeth
IconSmall Valtrois.gif Arcanist Valtrois
IconSmall Nightborne Female.gif Lady Ly'leth Lunastre
IconSmall Nightborne Female.gif Victoire
None Active
Highmountain Tribe IconSmall Mayla.gif High Chieftain Mayla Highmountain IconSmall Jale.gif Chieftain Jale Rivermane
IconSmall Lasan.gif Chieftain Lasan Skyhorn
IconSmall Navarrogg.gif Navarrogg (as ally)
None Active
The Mag'har Clans IconSmall Geya'rah.gif Overlord Geya'rah IconSmall OrcGray Female.gif Kaz the Shrieker None Active
Zandalari Empire IconSmall Talanji.gif Queen Talanji Zanchuli Council None Active
Voldunai IconSmall Kiro.gif Caravan leader Kiro IconSmall Vulpera Female.gif Nisha
IconSmall Vulpera Female.gif Meerah
None Active
Dark Talons IconSmall Cindrethresh.gifIconSmall Cindrethresh2.gif Scalecommander Cindrethresh IconSmall Dracthyr.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Male.gif Kodethi None Active

Legion Icon.png Burning Legion

Lord of the Burning Legion: IconSmall Sargeras.gif Sargeras (Imprisoned)

Demonic organizations

Members Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Corrupted Ancients None IconSmall Nathrezim2.gif Tichondrius Destroyed
Demon Elite Guard None IconSmall Nathrezim2.gif Tichondrius Destroyed
Tomb Guardians Unknown Unknown Unknown
Kil'jaeden's Seekers Unknown IconSmall Kil'jaeden.gif Kil'jaeden † Unknown
Dreadlord Insurgents None IconSmall Dreadlord2.gif Detheroc
IconSmall Dreadlord2.gif Balnazzar †
IconSmall Nathrezim.gif Varimathras †
Champions of Draenor Unknown Unknown Unknown
Hederine IconSmall Sayaad Female.gif Lady Hederine Unknown Defeated
Dreadscar None IconSmall Annihilan.gif Jagganoth † Defected to the
Council of the Black Harvest
Fel Covenant IconSmall Man'ari Female.gif Talixae Flamewreath Unknown Defeated
Felsoul None IconSmall BloodElfDemonHunter Male.gif Varedis Felsoul † Unknown
Rakeeshi Unknown IconSmall Man'ari Male.gif High General Rakeesh † Active
Antoran High Command None IconSmall Doommaiden.gif Admiral Svirax †
IconSmall Man'ari Male.gif Chief Engineer Ishkar †
IconSmall EredarBrute.gif General Erodus †
Talgathi Unknown IconSmall Man'ari Male.gif Talgath † Active

Magtheridon's Forces

Former leader(s): IconSmall PitLord.gif Magtheridon

Members Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Horde of Agony None IconSmall FelOrc Male.gif Maim †
IconSmall Doomguard.gif Master of Pain †
Defeated; merged into the Fel Horde
Horde of Pain None IconSmall FelOrc Male.gif Rend †
IconSmall Doomguard.gif Master of Pain †
Defeated; merged into the Fel Horde
Legion of Anguish None IconSmall FelOrc Male.gif Sagra'nel †
IconSmall Sayaad Female.gif Mistress of Torment †
Defeated; merged into the Fel Horde
Legion of Torment None IconSmall FelOrc Male.gif Nera'thor †
IconSmall Sayaad Female.gif Mistress of Torment †
Defeated; merged into the Fel Horde

Kael'thas forces

Former leader(s): IconSmall Kael'thas.gifIconSmall KaelWretched.gif Sun King Kael'thas Sunstrider †

Members Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Bloodwarder None IconSmall Kael'thas.gif Sun King Kael'thas Sunstrider †
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Commander Sarannis †
Defeated by the heroes of Outland
Crimson Hand None IconSmall Kael'thas.gif Sun King Kael'thas Sunstrider † Defeated by the heroes of Outland
Sunhawk None IconSmall Man'ari Female.gif Sironas Defeated by Alliance adventurers
Sunseekers None IconSmall Kael'thas.gif Sun King Kael'thas Sunstrider † Defeated by the heroes of Outland
Dawnblade None IconSmall KaelWretched.gif Sun King Kael'thas Sunstrider † Defeated by the Shattered Sun Offensive
Shadowsword None IconSmall KaelWretched.gif Sun King Kael'thas Sunstrider † Defeated by the Shattered Sun Offensive
Sunblade None IconSmall KaelWretched.gif Sun King Kael'thas Sunstrider † Defeated by the Shattered Sun Offensive

Satyr sects

Sects Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Bleakheart IconSmall Satyr.gif Rethazar the Fallen Unknown Active
Deth'ryll Unknown Unknown Unknown
Felmusk Unknown Unknown Active
Haldarr Unknown Unknown Unknown
Hatefury IconSmall Satyr.gif Prince Kellen Unknown Active
Jadefire IconSmall Satyr.gif Prince Xavalis Unknown Active
Legashi IconSmall Satyr.gif Master Feardred Unknown Active
Lords of the Emerald Flame Unknown Unknown Defeated in the War of the Satyr
Putridus IconSmall Satyr.gif Lord Vyletongue Unknown Active
Wildspawn IconSmall Satyr.gif Alzzin the Wildshaper Unknown Active
Xavian Unknown IconSmall Satyr.gif General Xalan the Feared Active
Axxarien IconSmall Satyr.gif Zevrax Unknown Active
Nethervine IconSmall Satyr.gif Thorngrin the Tender Unknown Active
Nazzivus Unknown Unknown Active
Unbound Unknown Unknown Active

Shadow Council

Main leader(s): Unknown
Former leader(s): IconSmall Gul'dan2.gif Gul'dan †, IconSmall CultistOrc Male.gif Grandmaster Vorpil, IconSmall OgreMage2.gif Blackheart the Inciter, IconSmall Dreadlord2.gif Lord Banehollow, IconSmall ChaosOrc Male.gif Shadow Lord Fel'dan †, IconSmall Gul'dan.gif Gul'dan †

Members Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Argus Wake Unnamed master Unknown Crippled
Burning Blade cult Unknown IconSmall Orc Male.gif Neeru Fireblade †
IconSmall Unknown.gif Zmodlor
Cult of the Dark Strand None IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Athrikus Narassin (Undead) Annihilated
Searing Blade None IconSmall Satyr.gif Bazzalan
IconSmall Orc Male.gif Jergosh the Invoker †
Shadowsworn Unknown IconSmall Human Male.gif Archmage Allistarj †
IconSmall Orc Female.gif Lady Sevine †
Defeated or crippled
Cabal IconSmall CultistOrc Male.gif Grandmaster Vorpil
IconSmall OgreMage2.gif Blackheart the Inciter
Unknown Unknown
Kil'sorrow clan IconSmall Shivarra.gif Giselda the Crone Unknown Active
Deathshadow Unknown Unknown Active

Alternate Shadow Council

Main leader(s): Unknown
Former leader(s): IconSmall Gul'dan2.gif Gul'dan †

Members Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Gorebound Unknown IconSmall Orc Male.gifIconSmall Gorefiend.gif Teron'gor † Unknown
Sargerei Unknown IconSmall FelVigilant.gifIconSmall Man'ari Male.gif Socrethar † Unknown
Sargerei War Council IconSmall Draenei Female.gif Archmagus Tekar
IconSmall Draenei Female.gif Soulbinder Naylana
IconSmall Draenei Male.gif Strategist Ankor
Unknown Unknown
Sethekk Unknown IconSmall Iskar.gif Shadow-Lord Iskar
IconSmall Arakkoa2.gif Talon King Ikiss †
Hellfire High Council None IconSmall FelOrc2 Male.gif Blademaster Jubei'thos
IconSmall FelOrc2 Female.gif Dia Darkwhisper
IconSmall Fel-sworn2.gif Gurtogg Bloodboil

Undead organizations

Members Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Dreadlord Insurgents None IconSmall Dreadlord2.gif Detheroc
IconSmall Nathrezim.gif Balnazzar †
IconSmall Nathrezim.gif Varimathras †
Dreadlord Loyalists None IconSmall Lich Male.gif Morbent Fell Defeated
Risen None IconSmall Nathrezim.gif Balnazzar † Defeated
Dread Fleet None IconSmall Undead Female.gif Dread Admiral Eliza † Defeated

Third invasion allies

Allied organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current affiliation(s) Current status
Bonespeakers IconSmall Vrykul Male.gif Runeseer Faljar IconSmall Vrykul Male.gif Rythas the Oracle † Tideskorn clan Active
Drekirjar IconSmall Vrykul Male.gif Jarl Velbrand IconSmall Vrykul Male.gif Thane Irglov the Merciless †
IconSmall Vrykul Male.gif Oktel Dragonblood †
Tideskorn clan Active
Felrock IconSmall StoneTrogg.gif Borlock of the Deeps IconSmall StoneTrogg.gif Chieftain Bouldergut † Unknown Active
Felbound IconSmall Dreadlord2.gif Zemorath IconSmall Murloc Male.gif Grrvrgull the Conqueror † Unknown Unknown
Felskorn IconSmall Vrykul Female.gif God-Queen Sigryn IconSmall Skovald.gif God-King Skovald † Independent
Armies of Legionfall
Feltalon Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Feltotem tribe Unknown IconSmall Torok.gif Chieftain Torok Bloodtotem † Horde Highmountain Tribe Active
Veiled Hand None IconSmall Cultist Male.gif Melris Malagan † Burning Legion Defunct
Deadwood IconSmall FelHarpy.gif Witchmatron Magora Unknown Burning Legion Active
Felborne Insurgents IconSmall Felborne Male.gif Master Artificer Nyell Unknown Burning Legion Unknown
Felfin IconSmall Murloc Male.gif Flllurlokkr Unknown Independent Unknown

Other organizations

Members Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Gordunni Unknown IconSmall Human Male.gif Captain Malus † Active
Bash'ir IconSmall Ethereal.gif Bash'ir Unknown Unknown
Ethereum Unknown IconSmall VoidEthereal.gif Saprish †
IconSmall Ethereal.gif Nexus-Prince Bilaal †
IconSmall Ethereal.gif Nexus-King Salhadaar †
Haal'eshi IconSmall Arakkoa.gif Avruu † Unknown Crippled
Razaani IconSmall Ethereal.gif Nexus-Prince Razaan † Unknown Active
Archival Authority of Argus Unknown Unknown Unknown
Cult of the Green Flame Unknown Unknown Unknown
Cult of the Nethersworn Unknown Unknown Unknown
Gordok's Elite Unknown IconSmall Human Male.gif Captain Malus † Unknown
Hidden None IconSmall Dreadlord.gif Xaraax
IconSmall Human Male.gif Captain Malus †

Blackrock clan of Lordaeron

Members Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Blackrock Raiders None IconSmall Orc Male.gif Throk'Feroth † Defeated
Blackrock Scouts None IconSmall Orc Male.gif Khanzo † Defeated
Blackrock Slavers None IconSmall Orc Male.gif Mazrigos † Defeated
Blackrock Warlocks None IconSmall FelOrc Male.gif Jubei'Thos † Defeated
Blackrock Warriors None IconSmall Orc Male.gif Genjuros † Defeated

Naga tribes

Tribes Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Coilskar tribe Unknown Unknown Unknown
Darkspine Unknown Unknown Defeated
Greengill tribe Unknown Unknown Unknown
Felrage IconSmall FelNaga Male.gif Warlord Kaz'jatar
IconSmall FelSkrog.gif Felbeard
Unknown Unknown
Felsurge IconSmall FelNaga Female.gif Lady Ssathara Unknown Unknown
Unnamed felsworn tribe Unknown Unknown Unknown


Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current affiliation(s) Current status
Old Horde None IconSmall Orgrim.gif Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer † Independent Defeated
Horde Sunfury IconSmall Lor'themar.gif Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron IconSmall Kael'thas.gifIconSmall KaelWretched.gif Sun King Kael'thas Sunstrider † Horde Kingdom of Quel'Thalas Active
Tideskorn IconSmall Vrykul Female.gif God-Queen Sigryn IconSmall Skovald.gif God-King Skovald † Independent
Armies of Legionfall
Horde Bloodtotem tribe Unknown IconSmall Torok.gif Chieftain Torok Bloodtotem † Horde Highmountain Tribe Active

Demon Hunter Crest.png Illidan's forces

Main leader(s): Alliance & Horde Demon Hunter IconSmall Adventurer.gif The Slayer
Former leader(s): IconSmall Illidan.gif Lord Illidan Stormrage

Illidan's Naga

Main leader: IconSmall Naga Female.gif Lady S'theno
Former leader: IconSmall Vashj.gif Lady Vashj †

Illidari demons

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Illidan's Servitors None IconSmall Illidan.gif Illidan Stormrage Destroyed
Shadowhoof Unknown Unknown Unknown

Illidari blood elves

Former leader(s): IconSmall Kael'thas.gif Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider †

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Crimson Sigil Unknown Unknown Defeated
Eclipsion IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Grand Commander Ruusk Unknown Active
Firewing Unknown IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Sharth Voldoun † Defeated by the heroes
of Outland
Illidari Council None IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Gathios the Shatterer †
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Veras Darkshadow †
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png High Nethermancer Zerevor †
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Lady Malande †

Illidan's draenei

Broken tribes

Tribes Current leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Ashtongue tribe IconSmall Akama.gif Chieftain Akama IconSmall Broken Male.gif Battlelord Gaardoun None Active
Ashtongue Deathsworn IconSmall Akama.gif Chieftain Akama Unknown Unknown Active
Dreghood tribe IconSmall Terrorguard.gif Arzeth the Merciless IconSmall Broken Male.gif Naladu
IconSmall Broken Male.gif Akoru the Firecaller
IconSmall Broken Male.gif Morod the Windstirrer
IconSmall Broken Male.gif Aylaan the Waterwaker
Unknown Enslaved by Illidan
Greyheart tribe Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Murkblood IconSmall Broken Male.gif Swamplord Musel'ek Unknown Unknown Active
Wastewalker tribe Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Wrekt None Unknown Unknown Unknown

Lost One tribes

Tribes Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Tuurem Unknown Unknown Unknown
Umbrafen tribe IconSmall LostOne.gif Kataru Unknown Unknown

Fel Horde

Former Warchief(s): IconSmall KargathFel.gif Warchief Kargath Bladefist †

Clans Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Shattered Hand clan None IconSmall KargathFel.gif Chieftain Kargath Bladefist † Active
Dragonmaw clan None IconSmall Zuluhed.gif Chieftain Zuluhed the Whacked † Active
Shadowmoon clan Unknown IconSmall Teron.gif Teron Gorefiend † Active
Bleeding Hollow clan Unknown IconSmall ChaosOrc Male.gif Grillok "Darkeye" † Active
Bonechewer clan IconSmall FelOrc Male.gif Tagar Spinebreaker Unknown Unknown
Laughing Skull clan Unknown Unknown Unknown

Other organizations

Organizations Current leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Servants of Illidan IconSmall Illidan.gif Lord Illidan Stormrage IconSmall Broken Male.gif Battlelord Gaardoun
IconSmall Naga Female.gif Lady S'theno
IconSmall Shivarra2.gif Matron Mother Malevolence
Unknown Active

Scourge Crest.png Scourge

Main leader(s): None
Former leader(s): IconSmall NewLichKing.gifIconSmall BolvarUndead2.gif Lich King Bolvar Fordragon, IconSmall LichKing.gifIconSmall ArthasDK.gif Lich King Arthas Menethil †, IconSmall LichKing.gifIconSmall Ner'zhul.gif Lich King Ner'zhul †, IconSmall Nathrezim2.gif Tichondrius

Cult of the Damned

Main leader(s): Unknown
Former leader(s): IconSmall Necromancer.gifIconSmall Kel'Thuzad.gif Archlich Kel'Thuzad, IconSmall Nathrezim.gif Mal'Ganis

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Acolytes in Hiding Unknown Unknown Unknown
Thuzadin Unknown Unknown Unknown
Scholomance IconSmall Arugal.gif Darkmaster Gandling IconSmall Lich Male.gif Araj the Summoner †
IconSmall Lich Male.gif Ras Frostwhisper †

Death knight orders

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current affiliation Current status
Four Horsemen IconSmall Darion.gif Lord Darion Mograine IconSmall DeathKnight.gif Baron Rivendare
IconSmall Mograine.gif Alexandros Mograine †
Knights of the Ebon Blade Active
Host of Suffering Unknown IconSmall Orbaz.gif Orbaz Bloodbane † Scourge Unknown
Death Knights of Acherus IconSmall Darion.gif Highlord Darion Mograine Unknown Scourge Reorganized into
the Knights of the Ebon Blade

Crypt fiends of Azjol-Nerub

Former leader(s): IconSmall Anub'arak.gif Traitor King Anub'arak †

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Nerubis IconSmall CryptFiend.gif Anok'suten Unknown Unknown
Ahn'kahar Unknown Unknown Unknown
Anub'ar Unknown IconSmall Anub'arak.gif Anub'arak † Active
Hath'ar IconSmall NerubianVizier.gif Malas the Corrupter Unknown Active
Nerub'ar Unknown Unknown Unknown

Vrykul clans

Last leader(s): IconSmall Ymiron.gif King Ymiron

Clans Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Dragonflayer clan Unknown IconSmall Ymiron.gif King Ymiron Active
Jotunheim vrykul Unknown IconSmall FrostVrykul Male.gif Overthane Balargarde † Active
Mjordin Unknown IconSmall Vrykul Male.gif Thane Ufrang the Mighty † Active
Valkyrion Hyldnir IconSmall FrostVrykul Female.gif Yulda the Stormspeaker Unknown Active
Winterskorn clan IconSmall Vrykul Male.gif Chieftain Bjorn Halgurdsson Unknown Active
Ymirjar Unknown IconSmall LichKing.gif The Lich King †
IconSmall Ymiron.gif King Ymiron
Sveldrek None IconSmall Vrykul Male.gif Andjor Dragontamer † Defeated


Former leader(s): IconSmall San'layn Queen.gif Blood-Queen Lana'thel †

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Blood Prince Council None IconSmall San'layn Prince.gif Prince Keleseth †
IconSmall San'layn Prince.gif Prince Taldaram †
IconSmall San'layn Prince.gif Prince Valanar †

Scourge forces

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Undead Caravan Unknown Unknown Unknown
Undead Pillagers Unknown Unknown Unknown
Undead Ravagers Unnamed lich Unknown Unknown
Undead Elite Guard Unknown IconSmall Nathrezim.gif Mal'Ganis Unknown
Black Guard IconSmall SkeletalWarrior.gif Black Guard Swordsmith Unknown Unknown
Death's Head tribe IconSmall Quilboar Male.gif Death Speaker Blackthorn IconSmall Quilboar Female.gif Charlga Razorflank Unknown
Mindless Ones Unknown Unknown Active
Rot Hide Unknown IconSmall Human Male.gif Thule Ravenclaw Active
Splinterbone skeletons IconSmall Lich Male.gif Amnennar the Coldbringer Unknown Unknown
Drakuru trolls Unknown IconSmall IceTroll Male.gif Overlord Drakuru † Defeated
Frostbrood Unknown IconSmall Frostbrood.gif Frost Queen Sindragosa † Unknown
Wolfcult IconSmall Arugal.gif Shade of Arugal † Unknown Unknown
Boneguard Unknown Unknown Unknown


Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current affiliation(s) Current status
Horde Forsaken Desolate Council IconSmall Sylvanas.gif Queen Sylvanas Windrunner Horde Horde Active
Knights of the Ebon Blade Alliance & Horde DeathKnight IconSmall Adventurer.gif The Deathlord
IconSmall BolvarUndead2.gif Highlord Bolvar Fordragon
IconSmall Darion.gif Lord Darion Mograine
IconSmall LichKing.gif IconSmall NewLichKing.gif The Lich King
Armies of Legionfall

Old Gods' forces

Old Gods: IconSmall GiantEye.gifIconSmall OldGod.gif C'Thun (passive), IconSmall Yogg-Saron.gifIconSmall Vrykul Female.gif Yogg-Saron (passive), IconSmall N'Zoth.gif N'Zoth †, IconSmall Y'Shaarj.gif Y'Shaarj †, IconSmall G'huun.gif G'huun †

N’Zoth’s forces

Former leader(s): IconSmall N'Zoth.gif N'Zoth †

Deathwing's dragonkin

Former leader(s): IconSmall Deathwing.gifIconSmall DeathwingHuman.gif Deathwing †

Dark Horde

Main leader(s): None
Former leader(s): IconSmall Nefarian.gifIconSmall Nefarius.gif Nefarian †, IconSmall Rend.gif Warchief Dal'rend Blackhand †, IconSmall OrcGray Male.gif Chieftain Maim Blackhand †

Orc clans
Ogre clans
Clans Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Firegut IconSmall Ogre.gif Gorlop IconSmall Ogre.gif Gor'tesh † Unknown
Spirestone clan IconSmall Ogre.gif Urok Doomhowl Unknown Active
Troll tribes
Tribes Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Firetree tribe Unknown Unknown Active
Smolderthorn tribe Unknown IconSmall ForestTroll Male.gif War Master Voone † Active

Emerald Nightmare

Former leader(s): IconSmall Xavius.gifIconSmall Xavius2.gif Nightmare Lord Xavius †

Oranizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Druids of the Fang None IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Lord Serpentis † Defunct
Nightmare dragonflight None IconSmall YseraNightmare.gif Ysera †
IconSmall Xavius2.gif Xavius
Darkfiend Unknown Unknown Active
Darkgrove IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Lyrathos Darkgrove Unknown Active
Taintheart Unknown Unknown Unknown

Mantid Empire

Main leader(s): IconSmall MantidQueen2.gif Grand Empress Shek'zara
Former leader(s): IconSmall MantidQueen.gif Grand Empress Shek'zeer †, IconSmall MantidQueen.gif Grand Empress Zek'hara †

Black Empire

Former leader(s): IconSmall N'Zoth.gif N'Zoth †, IconSmall Y'Shaarj.gif Y'Shaarj †, IconSmall GiantEye.gifIconSmall OldGod.gif C'Thun †, IconSmall Yogg-Saron.gifIconSmall Vrykul Female.gif Yogg-Saron †

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Clearscale tribe IconSmall Saurok.gif Veskan the Fallen Unknown Active
Cult of the Void Unknown IconSmall DragonVoid.gif Vexiona † Unknown
Darkwhisper Unknown IconSmall Human Female.gif Dark Inquisitor Xanesh † Unknown
Deephive Unknown Unknown Active
Squidtail tribe IconSmall Hozen.gif Chief Mek-mek Unknown Active
Vil'thik IconSmall MantidQueen2.gif Grand Empress Shek'zara Unknown Active
Zara'thik IconSmall MantidQueen2.gif Grand Empress Shek'zara Unknown Active

C'Thun's forces

Former leader(s): IconSmall GiantEye.gifIconSmall OldGod.gif C'Thun (passive)

Kingdom of Ahn'Qiraj

Former leader(s): Twin Emperors - IconSmall QirajiEmperor.gif Emperor Vek'nilash, IconSmall QirajiEmperor.gif Emperor Vek'lor

Hives Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Centipaar hive Unknown Unknown Active
Field of Giants None Unknown Destroyed
Gorishi hive Unknown IconSmall Silithid.gif Gorishi Hive Queen † Active
Hazzali hive Unknown Unknown Active
Hive'Ashi None IconSmall Silithid.gif Overlord Aluntir † Destroyed
Hive'Regal None IconSmall SilithidTank.gif OverlordXil'xix † Destroyed
Rustmaul Dig Site Hive None Unknown Destroyed
Zukk'ash hive Unknown Unknown Active
Hive'Zara Unknown Unknown Crippled
Hive'Zora None IconSmall SilithidWorker.gif Overlord Arakis † Destroyed
Swarming Pillar Hive None Unknown Destroyed
Vekniss Unknown Unknown Crippled

Yogg-Saron's forces

Former leader(s): IconSmall Yogg-Saron.gifIconSmall Vrykul Female.gif Yogg-Saron (passive)

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Yogg-Saron's Faceless Ones IconSmall FacelessGeneral.gif General Vezax Unknown Unknown
Tribunal of Ages Unknown Unknown Defeated
Iron army None IconSmall Loken.gif Loken † Defeated
Assembly of Iron IconSmall IronGiant.gif Steelbreaker
IconSmall IronVrykul Male.gif Runemaster Molgeim
IconSmall IronDwarf.gif Stormcaller Brundir
Unknown Defeated

Y'Shaarj's forces

Former leader(s): IconSmall Y'Shaarj.gif Y'Shaarj †

G'huun's forces

Former leader(s): IconSmall G'huun.gif G'huun †

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Atal'Shadra Unknown IconSmall Yazma.gif Yazma † Unknown
Atal'zul Unknown IconSmall Zul.gif Dark Prophet Zul † Unknown
Faithless Unknown IconSmall Sethrak.gif Emperor Korthek † Active

Blood troll tribes

Main leader(s): Unknown
Former(s): IconSmall Zul.gif Dark Prophet Zul (post-revival) †, IconSmall BloodTroll Female.gif Grand Ma'da Ateena †

Minions of Ragnaros

Former leader(s): IconSmall Ragnaros.gif Ragnaros the Firelord †

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Druids of the Flame Unknown IconSmall FandralFire.gif Archdruid Fandral Staghelm † Unknown
Cult of Ragnaros IconSmall DarkIron Male.gif High Justice Grimstone Unknown Active

Minions of Al'Alkir

Former leader(s): IconSmall Al'Akir.gif Al'Akir the Windlord †

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Conclave of Wind IconSmall Djinn.gif Anshal
IconSmall Djinn.gif Nezir
IconSmall Djinn.gif Rohash
Unknown Active
Galak tribe IconSmall CentaurKhan.gif Khan Ablinh
IconSmall CentaurKhan.gif Khan Blizh
IconSmall CentaurKhan.gif Veng † Active
Neferset tribe Unknown IconSmall Tol'vir.gif Dark Pharaoh Tekahn † Defeated
Oathsworn Unknown Unknown Unknown

Twilight's Hammer

Main leader(s): Unknown
Former leader(s): IconSmall Cultist Male.gif Twilight Deacon Farthing †, IconSmall Ogre2.gif Burglosh the Earthbreaker †, IconSmall DrakeTwilight.gif Mistress Zeryxia †, IconSmall Benedictus.gif Twilight Prophet Benedictus † IconSmall Cho'gall.gifIconSmall OldCho'gall.gif Cho'gall †

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Fallenroot Unknown Unknown Unknown
Abyssal Council Unknown Unknown Unknown
Ascendant Council None IconSmall AscendantWater.gif Feludius †
IconSmall AscendantFire.gif Ignacious †
IconSmall AscendantAir.gif Arion †
IconSmall AscendantEarth.gif Terrastra †
Blackscale naga IconSmall Naga Male.gif Fathom-Lord Heth'Jatar Unknown Active
Bloodeye clan Unknown Unknown Defeated
Darkscale IconSmall NagaLord.gif Warlord Wrathspine Unknown Unknown
Dark Iron Army Unknown Unknown Unknown
Disciples of Cho'gall None IconSmall Cho'gall.gif Cho'gall † Decimated
Mo'grosh IconSmall DiscipleofCho'gall.gif Gor'kresh IconSmall Ogre.gif Chok'sul † Active
Lycanthoth Vandals Unknown Unknown Unknown
Twilight Council Unknown Unknown Unknown
Twilight Elite IconSmall Grimtotem Male.gif Warmaster Blackhorn Unknown Unknown

Other organizations

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Infinite dragonflight Unknown IconSmall Murozond.gif Murozond † Active
Blindlight tribe IconSmall FacelessoftheDeep.gif Subjugator Kor'ul Unknown Active
Necrodark IconSmall FacelessGeneral2.gif Uul'gyneth Unknown Defeated
Deepwarden Followers Unknown Unknown Unknown

Former organizations

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current affiliation(s) Status
Alliance Dark Iron clan IconSmall Moira.gif Queen-Regent Moira Thaurissan IconSmall Thaurissan.gif Emperor Dagran Thaurissan † Alliance Alliance Active
Farraki tribe IconSmall SandTroll Male.gif Chief Ukorz Sandscalp Unknown Independent Active
Horde Dragonmaw clan IconSmall Dragonmaw Male.gif Gorfax Angerfang IconSmall FelOrc Male.gif Warchief Mor'ghor †
IconSmall Orc Male.gif Chieftain Nek'rosh Skullcrusher †
Horde Horde Active
Horde Blackrock clan IconSmall Eitrigg.gif Eitrigg IconSmall Rend.gif Chieftain Dal'rend Blackhand † Horde Horde Active
Abyssal Maw IconSmall Neptulon.gif Neptulon the Tidehunter None Independent Active
Deepholm IconSmall Therazane.gif Therazane the Stonemother None Independent Active
Firelands IconSmall Smolderon.gif Firelord Smolderon IconSmall Ragnaros.gif Ragnaros the Firelord † Independent Active
Skywall IconSmall Thunderaan2.gif Windlord Thunderaan IconSmall Al'Akir.gif Al'Akir the Windlord † Independent Active
Black dragonflight IconSmall Ebyssian.gifIconSmall Ebonhorn.gif Ebyssian the Earth-Warder IconSmall Deathwing.gifIconSmall DeathwingHuman.gif Deathwing † Valdrakken Accord

Nazjatar Empire

Main leader(s): IconSmall AzsharaQ.gif Queen Azshara

Organizations in the Shadowlands

Kyrian sigil.png Kyrian Covenant

Main leader(s): IconSmall Kyrestia.gif Kyrestia the Firstborne

Organizations Current leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Ascended Unknown Unknown Unknown Active
Paragons Unknown Unknown Unknown Active
Bearers Unknown Unknown Unknown Active
Collectors Unknown Unknown Unknown Active
Hands Unknown Unknown Unknown Active
Watchers Unknown Unknown Unknown Active
Forsworn IconSmall UtherKyrianDark.gif Uther Unknown IconSmall Helya.gif Helya
IconSmall Kyrian Female.gif Devos †

Necrolord sigil.png Necrolord Covenant

Main leader(s): IconSmall Primus.gif The Primus

Night Fae sigil.png Night Fae Covenant

Main leader(s): IconSmall WinterQueen.gif Winter Queen

Organizations Current leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Court of Night IconSmall WinterQueen.gif Winter Queen Unknown Unknown Active
Marasmius Unknown Unknown Unknown Active
Wild Hunt IconSmall Vorkai Male.gif Lord Herne IconSmall Vorkai Female.gif Hunt-Captain Korayn Unknown Active

Venthyr sigil.png Venthyr Covenant

Main leader(s): IconSmall Renathal.gif Prince Renathal
Former leader(s): IconSmall Denathrius.gif Sire Denathrius

Independent organizations

Organizations Current leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Mawsworn IconSmall TheJailer2.gif Zovaal the Jailer † None  Anduin Wrynn (forced)
IconSmall Sylvanas2.gif Sylvanas Windrunner
IconSmall Kel'Thuzad.gif Kel'Thuzad †
IconSmall Helya.gif Helya

Brokers cartels

Cartels Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Cartel Au IconSmall Broker.gif Leader Au'llano Unknown Active
Cartel Ba Unknown Unknown Active
Cartel So Unknown  So'leah † Active
Cartel Ta IconSmall Broker.gif Matriarch Ta'dolla Unknown Active
Cartel Ve Unknown Unknown Active
Cartel Xy IconSmall Xy'mox2.gif Artificer Xy'mox Unknown Active
Cartel Zo Unknown Unknown Active

Spriggan groups

Groups Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Blackthorn Unknown Unknown Active
Bristlecone Unknown Unknown Active
Brittlebark Unknown Unknown Active
Rotbriar Unknown Unknown Active
Sicklethorn Unknown Unknown Active

Other organizations

Class groups

Class Orders

Organizations Current leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Status
Cenarion Circle IconSmall Cenarius.gif Cenarius
IconSmall Malfurion.gif Malfurion Stormrage
IconSmall Hamuul.gif Hamuul Runetotem
Alliance & HordeDruid The Archdruid of the Dreamgrove
IconSmall Cenarian Male.gif Keeper Remulos
IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Rabine Saturna
IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Commander Mar'alith
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Ysiel Windsinger
IconSmall Broll.gif Broll Bearmantle
IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Skylord Omnuron
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Lea Stonepaw
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Sylendra Gladesong
Conclave IconSmall Alonsus.gif Alonsus Faol
Alliance & HordePriest The High Priest
IconSmall Naaru.gif Saa'ra
IconSmall Velen.gif Velen
IconSmall Moira.gif Moira Thaurissan
Council of the Black Harvest Alliance & HordeWarlock The First IconSmall Human Male.gif Kanrethad Ebonlocke
IconSmall OrcGray Male.gif Ritssyn Flamescowl
IconSmall Undead Female.gif Jubeka Shadowbreaker
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Shinfel Blightsworn
IconSmall Worgen Male.gif Zinnin Smythe
IconSmall LeperGnome Male.gif Zelifrax Wobblepox
Earthen Ring Alliance & HordeShaman The Farseer
Shaman The Elder Council
 Muln Earthfury
 Rehgar Earthfury
 Stormcaller Mylra
The Illidari Alliance & HordeDemon Hunter The Slayer IconSmall Altruis.gif Altruis the Sufferer / IconSmall Kayn.gif Kayn Sunfury
IconSmall Akama.gif Akama / IconSmall Akama.gif Shade of Akama
IconSmall Naga Female.gif Lady S'theno
IconSmall Broken Male.gif Battlelord Gaardoun
IconSmall Shivarra2.gif Matron Mother Malevolence
IconSmall NightElfDemonHunter Male.gif Vandel
Knights of the Ebon Blade  Highlord Bolvar Fordragon
Alliance & HordeDeath Knight The Death Lord
The Four Horsemen

IconSmall Thassarian.gif Thassarian
IconSmall Koltira.gif Koltira Deathweaver
IconSmall BloodElfDeathKnight Male.gif Dread Commander Thalanor
IconSmall HumanDeathKnight Male.gif Duke Lankral
IconSmall ForsakenDeathKnight Male.gif Lord-Commander Arete
IconSmall DarkRider.gif Salanar the Horseman

Knights of the Silver Hand IconSmall Turalyon.gif High Exarch Turalyon
Alliance & HordePaladin The Highlord of the Silver Hand
IconSmall Maxwell.gif Lord Maxwell Tyrosus
IconSmall Human Male.gif Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker
IconSmall Human Female.gif Justicar Julia Celeste
IconSmall Arator.gif Arator the Redeemer
IconSmall Draenei Male.gif Vindicator Boros
Order of the Broken Temple Alliance & HordeMonk The Grand Master IconSmall Chen.gif Chen Stormstout
IconSmall Pandaren Female.gif Number Nine Jia
IconSmall Pandaren Male.gif Iron-Body Ponshu
IconSmall Pandaren Male.gif Fearsome Jang
IconSmall Pandaren Female.gif Wise Scholar Lianji
IconSmall Ji.gif Ji Firepaw
IconSmall Aysa.gif Aysa Cloudsinger
Tirisgarde Alliance & HordeMage The Conjurer of Tirisgarde IconSmall Meryl.gif Meryl Felstorm
IconSmall Modera.gif Archmage Modera
IconSmall Vargoth.gif Archmage Vargoth
IconSmall Kalecgos.gifIconSmall Kalec.gif Archmage Kalec
The Uncrowned IconSmall Human Male.gif Jorach Ravenholdt
Alliance & HordeRogue The Shadowblade
IconSmall Tess.gif Tess Greymane
IconSmall Garona.gif Garona Halforcen
IconSmall Pandaren Female.gif Taoshi
IconSmall Human Male.gif Fleet Admiral Tethys
IconSmall Valeera.gif Valeera
Unseen Path Alliance & HordeHunter The Huntmaster IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Emmarel Shadewarden
IconSmall Shandris.gif Shandris Feathermoon
IconSmall Vereesa.gif Vereesa Windrunner
IconSmall Halduron.gif Halduron Brightwing
IconSmall Rexxar.gif Rexxar
IconSmall UndeadElf Female.gif Dark Ranger Velonara
Valarjar IconSmall Odyn.gif Odyn
Alliance & HordeWarrior The Battlelord
IconSmall Eyir.gif Eyir
IconSmall Hymdall.gif Hymdall

Death knight Death knight groups

Main article: Death knight organizations
Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Dark Riders None IconSmall Human Male.gif Ariden † Independent Defeated
Dark Riders of Acherus IconSmall DarkRider.gif Salanar the Horseman None Knights of the Ebon Blade Active
Death Knights of Acherus None IconSmall Darion.gif Darion Mograine
IconSmall LichKing.gif Lich King
None Reformed into the
Knights of the Ebon Blade
Four Horsemen IconSmall Darion.gif Darion Mograine IconSmall DeathKnight.gif Baron Rivendare †
IconSmall Mograine.gif Alexandros Mograine †
Knights of the Ebon Blade Active
Host of Suffering None IconSmall Orbaz.gif Orbaz Bloodbane † Scourge Defeated

Druid Druid groups

Main article: Druid organizations
Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Druids of the Claw IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Lea Stonepaw Unknown Cenarion Circle Active
Druids of the Fang None IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Serpentis † Emerald Nightmare Defunct
Disciples of Naralex IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Naralex None Cenarion Circle Active
Druids of the Antler IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Sylendra Gladesong Unknown Cenarion Circle Active
Alliance Druids of the Grove Unknown IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Elerethe Renferal † Alliance Active
Druids of the Talon IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Omnuron Unknown Cenarion Circle Active
Emerald Circle Unknown IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall Satyr.gif Navarax † Cenarion Circle Active
Cenarion Expedition IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Ysiel Windsinger None Cenarion Circle Active
D.E.H.T.A. IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Lathorius None Cenarion Circle Active
Guardians of Hyjal IconSmall Malfurion.gif Malfurion Stormrage
IconSmall Cenarius.gif Cenarius
IconSmall Malorne.gif Malorne
IconSmall Ysera.gif Ysera † Cenarion Circle Active
Avengers of Hyjal IconSmall Malfurion.gif Malfurion Stormrage None Guardians of Hyjal
Cenarion Circle
Dreamweavers IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Rensar Greathoof Unknown Cenarion Circle Active
Ashen IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Delandros Shimmermoon Unknown Cenarion Circle Active
Druids of the Branch IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Archdruid Lilliandra (presumed) Unknown Cenarion Circle Active
Druids of the Fin Unknown Unknown Cenarion Circle Active
Druids of the Moon IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Isoraen Nightstar Unknown Cenarion Circle Active
Druids of the Flame IconSmall DruidoftheFlame Male.gif Ashendir Hartwood † IconSmall FandralFire.gif Fandral Staghelm † Ragnaros
Twilight's Hammer
Old Gods' forces
Druids of the Scythe None IconSmall Worgen Male.gif Ralaar Fangfire † Independent Banished
Harvest-witches IconSmall Worgen Female.gif Celestine of the Harvest Unknown Independent Active
Darkgrove Unknown IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Lyrathos Darkgrove † Emerald Nightmare Active
Horde Lun'alai IconSmall ZandalariMoonkin.gif Jin'alun Unknown Zandalari Empire Active
Horde Raptari IconSmall Zandalari Female.gif Loti Unknown Zandalari Empire Active
Alliance Thornspeakers IconSmall Drust Male.gif Ulfar Unknown Kul Tiras Active

Hunter Hunter groups

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Horde Dark rangers‎ ForsakenForsaken Desolate Council IconSmall Sylvanas.gif Sylvanas Windrunner Horde
The Hand of Vengeance
Unseen Path
Dragon Hunters IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Feranor Steeltoe Unknown Independent Unknown
Horde Farstriders IconSmall Halduron.gif Halduron Brightwing IconSmall SylvanasHE.gif Sylvanas Windrunner †
IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Lireesa Windrunner †
IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Talanas Windrunner †
Kingdom of Quel'Thalas
Unseen Path
Nesingwary Safari IconSmall Hemet.gif Hemet Nesingwary None Independent Active
Alliance Rangari IconSmall Draenei Female.gif Exarch Naielle Unknown Council of Exarchs Active

Mage Mage groups

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Alliance Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences‎ IconSmall Human Male.gif Mazen Mac'Nadir (presumed) Unknown Kingdom of Stormwind Active
Alliance Auric's Angels None Unknown Alliance Active
Horde Blazing Sunhawks None Unknown Horde Active
EAAAES Unknown Unknown Independent Active
Kelani Magi None Unknown Independent Fell to ruin
Mages' Guild None Unknown Magocracy of Dalaran Defeated
Alliance Magical Preservation Society Unknown Unknown Alliance Active
Horde Magisters IconSmall Rommath.gif Grand Magister Rommath IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Grand Magister Belo'vir Salonar † Kingdom of Quel'Thalas Active
Magocrats None IconSmall Human Male.gif Ardogan † Kingdom of Arathor Replaced
Mennar Academy None Unknown Independent Destroyed
Moon Guard Unknown IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Latosius †
IconSmall Stormrage.gif Illidan Stormrage
Independent Crippled
Sorcerers' League None Unknown Magocracy of Dalaran Defeated
Sullied Banner IconSmall Gnome Female.gif Turi Flickerflame None Theramore (overtly), Independent Active

Paladin Paladin groups

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Horde Blood Knights‎ IconSmall Liadrin.gif Lady Liadrin None Horde
Kingdom of Quel'Thalas
The Reliquary
Sunreaver Onslaught
Shattered Sun Offensive
Alliance Brotherhood of Northshire Unknown IconSmall Human Male.gif Abbot of Northshire Abbey † Alliance
Kingdom of Stormwind
Church of the Holy Light
Alliance Hand of Argus IconSmall Draenei Male.gif Vindicator Boros
IconSmall Draenei Male.gif Vindicator Kuros
IconSmall Draenei Male.gif Vindicator Aesom
IconSmall Draenei Male.gif Vindicator Saruan † Alliance
Order of the Silver Hand (allied)
Alliance Light's Chosen IconSmall Velen.gif Velen None Alliance
Holy Light
Horde Sunwalkers IconSmall Tauren Female.gif Aponi Brightmane None Horde
Thunder Bluff
Tyr's Guard IconSmall Human Male.gif Travard Unknown Independent Active
Alliance Circle of Holy Light None IconSmall Human Male.gif Halahk the Lifebringer † Alliance of Lordaeron
Order of the Silver Hand
Alliance Champions of Light None IconSmall Human Male.gif Ballador the Bright † Alliance of Lordaeron
Order of the Silver Hand
Alliance Champions of Peace None IconSmall Human Male.gif Gavinrad the Dire † Alliance of Lordaeron
Order of the Silver Hand
Alliance Champions of Truth None IconSmall Human Male.gif Sage Truthbearer † Alliance of Lordaeron
Order of the Silver Hand
Alliance Crippling Force None IconSmall Human Male.gif Dagren the Orcslayer Alliance of Lordaeron
Order of the Silver Hand
Alliance Defenders of Justice None IconSmall Human Male.gif Magroth the Defender † Alliance of Lordaeron
Order of the Silver Hand
Horde Zandalari prelates IconSmall Zandalari Female.gif High Prelate Rata Unknown Rastari
Zandalari Empire

Priest Priest groups

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Alliance Brotherhood of Northshire Unknown IconSmall Human Male.gif Abbot of Northshire Abbey † Alliance
Kingdom of Stormwind
Church of the Holy Light
Alliance Church of the Holy Light Unknown IconSmall Benedictus.gif Archbishop Benedictus †
IconSmall Human Male.gif Archbishop Alonsus Faol †
Kingdom of Stormwind
Silver Hand
Crane Wing order Unknown Unknown Chi-Ji Active
Cult of Forgotten Shadows IconSmall Human Female.gif Natalie Seline Unknown Forsaken
Horde Seers IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Tahu Sagewind None Thunder Bluff
Horde Lok'osh IconSmall OrcBrown Female.gif Lok'osh Nakha None Nation of Durotar
The Mag'har
Alliance Sisterhood of Elune IconSmall TyrandeNight.gif Tyrande Whisperwind IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Maiev Shadowsong
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Marinda †
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Dejahna †
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Kalo'thera †
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Haidene †
Alliance Tidesages Unknown IconSmall Human Male.gifIconSmall K'thir.gif Lord Stormsong † Kingdom of Kul Tiras
Storm's Wake
House Stormsong

Rogue Rogue groups

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Council of Shadows‎ IconSmall Human Male.gif Jorach Ravenholdt Unknown Uncrowned Active
Horde Deathstalkers IconSmall Undead Male.gif Deathstalker Commander Belmont IconSmall Nathrezim.gif Varimathras † Undercity
The Hand of Vengeance
Alliance Gnomeregan Covert Ops Unknown Unknown Alliance
Alliance Hidden Circle IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Hulfdan Blackbeard Unknown Alliance
Kingdom of Ironforge
Lonika's School of Roguery IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Lonika Stillblade None Uncrowned Active
Ravenholdt‎ IconSmall Human Male.gif Jorach Ravenholdt None Uncrowned Active
Horde Shadowstalkers Unknown IconSmall Nathrezim.gif Varimathras † Horde
Horde Shattered Hand clan IconSmall Orc Female.gif Thega Graveblade IconSmall Orc Male.gif Gordul
IconSmall Kargath.gif Kargath Bladefist †
Neutral Shera Ali'kh Unknown Unknown Zandalari Empire Active
Horde Longwalkers IconSmall Baine.gif Baine Bloodhoof IconSmall Cairne.gif Cairne Bloodhoof † Horde
United tauren tribes
Alliance SI:7 IconSmall Mathias.gif Master Mathias Shaw Unknown Alliance
Kingdom of Stormwind
Uncrowned (allied)
Alliance Stormwind Assassin's Guild Unknown Unknown Alliance
Kingdom of Stormwind

Shaman Shaman groups

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Horde Lightning Sons Unknown Unknown The Mag'har
Dark Shaman Unknown IconSmall Orc Male.gif Haromm †
IconSmall Orc Female.gif Kardris Dreamseeker †
True Horde Unknown
Guardians of the Vault Unknown IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Lagar the Wise † Independent Active

Warlock Warlock groups

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Blackrock Warlocks None IconSmall FelOrc Male.gif Jubei'Thos † Burning Legion Defeated
Cult of the Green Flame Unknown IconSmall Human Female.gifIconSmall Dreadlord2.gif Corrine Burning Legion Active
Empyrean Society Unknown IconSmall Human Female.gif Nora Blackfire † Independent Active
Shadow Council Unknown IconSmall Gul'dan2.gif Gul'dan †
IconSmall CultistOrc Male.gif Vorpil †
IconSmall OgreMage2.gif Blackheart the Inciter †
IconSmall Dreadlord2.gif Lord Banehollow
IconSmall ChaosOrc Male.gif Fel'dan †
IconSmall Gul'dan.gif Gul'dan †
Burning Legion Unknown
Alternate Shadow Council Unknown IconSmall Gul'dan2.gif Gul'dan † Burning Legion Active

Warrior Warrior groups

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Blackrock Warriors‎ None IconSmall Orc Male.gif Genjuros † Blackrock clan Defeated
Brotherhood of the Horse None IconSmall Lothar.gif Anduin Lothar † Kingdom of Stormwind Destroyed
Horde Deathguard ForsakenForsaken Desolate Council IconSmall Sylvanas.gif Sylvanas Windrunner [[Undercity (faction)|Undercity]
The Hand of Vengeance
Horde Expedition
Horde Dreadguard ForsakenForsaken Desolate Council IconSmall Sylvanas.gif Sylvanas Windrunner Undercity Active
Alliance Gilnean Royal Guard  Tess Greymane IconSmall Genn.gifIconSmall Greymane.gif Genn Greymane
IconSmall Human Male.gif Archibald Greymane †
Gilnean military
House of Greymane
Kingdom of Gilneas
Alliance Ironforge Guard IconSmall Muradin.gifIconSmall Falstad.gifIconSmall Moira.gif Council of Three Hammers IconSmall Magni.gif Magni Bronzebeard Bronzebeard clan
Kingdom of Ironforge
Alliance Stormwind Royal Guard IconSmall Anduin2.gif Anduin Wrynn IconSmall Varian.gif Varian Wrynn †
IconSmall Llane.gif Llane Wrynn I †
IconSmall Human Male.gif Barathen Wrynn †
IconSmall Human Male.gif Landan Wrynn  †
Kingdom of Stormwind
Stormwind Army
House of Wrynn


Current leaders: Council of Six

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Council of Six IconSmall Khadgar.gif Khadgar IconSmall Jaina2.gif Jaina Proudmoore
IconSmall Rhonin.gif Rhonin †
IconSmall Antonidas.gif Antonidas †
Dalaran Destroyers Unknown Unknown Active
Kirin Tor IconSmall Khadgar.gif Khadgar IconSmall Jaina2.gif Jaina Proudmoore
IconSmall Rhonin.gif Rhonin †
IconSmall Antonidas.gif Antonidas †
Kirin Tor Advanced Research
and Illumination Sect
Unknown Unknown Active
Alliance Silver Covenant IconSmall Vereesa.gif Vereesa Windrunner None Active
Horde Sunreavers IconSmall Aethas.gif Aethas Sunreaver None Active
Violet Eye IconSmall Human Male.gif Archmage Cedric Unknown Active


Organizations Current leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Current status
Argent Crusade  Lord Maxwell Tyrosus  Justicar Mariel Trueheart
 Commander Eligor Dawnbringer
Argent Dawn  Lord Maxwell Tyrosus  Argent Officer Garush
 Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff
 Argent Officer Pureheart
Merged into the Argent Crusade
Armies of Legionfall Alliance & Horde Order leaders IconSmall Illidan.gif Illidan Stormrage
IconSmall Khadgar.gif Khadgar
IconSmall Velen.gif Velen
IconSmall Maiev.gif Maiev Shadowsong
(presumed disbanded)
Ashen Verdict  Highlord Tirion Fordring
 Highlord Darion Mograine
None Disbanded
August Celestials IconSmall Yu'lon.gif Yu'lon
IconSmall Chi-Ji.gif Chi-Ji
IconSmall Xuen.gif Xuen
IconSmall Niuzao.gif Niuzao
None Active
Brawler's Guild Alliance IconSmall Gnome Male.gif Bizmo
Horde IconSmall Goblin Female.gif Boss Bazzelflange
Unknown Active
Brew of the Month Club Unknown Unknown Active
Council of Tirisfal None None Destroyed
New Council of Tirisfal None None Disbanded
Crimson Ring Unknown Unknown Active
Darkmoon Faire IconSmall Gnome Male.gif Silas Darkmoon Unknown Active
Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge Alliance IconSmall Gnome Male.gif Fizzle Brassbolts
Horde IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Pozzik
Unknown Active
Elite Tauren Chieftain IconSmall Undead Male.gif Michael Schweitzer Unknown Active

Profession based organizations


Organizations Current leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Current status
Thorium Brotherhood IconSmall DarkIron Male.gif Overseer Oilfist Unknown Active
Mithril Order IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Galvan the Ancient Unknown Active
Ironhorn tribe Unknown Unknown Active


Organizations Current leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Current status
Mechanical Engineering Guild, Associated Unknown Unknown Active
Goblin Experimental Engineering Korporation Unknown Unknown Active


Organizations Current leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Current status
Horde Shadra'Zan Unknown Unknown Active
Horde Royal Apothecary Society IconSmall Undead Male.gif Faranell IconSmall Undead Male.gif Chief Plaguebringer Harris
IconSmall Undead Female.gif Chief Apothecary Hildagard
Crown Chemical Company IconSmall Undead Male.gif Apothecary Hummel Unknown Active

Shattrath City

Current ruler: IconSmall Naaru.gif A'dal

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Aldor Aldor IconSmall Draenei Female.gif Ishanah IconSmall Velen.gif Velen Active
Lower City None None Active
Scryers Scryers IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Voren'thal None Active
Sha'tar IconSmall Naaru.gif A'dal None Active
Sha'tari Skyguard IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Adaris
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Keller
None Active
Shattered Sun Offensive Unknown None Active
Skettis Exiles IconSmall Arakkoa.gif Kirrik
IconSmall Arakkoa.gif Rilak
Unknown Active


Current leader: IconSmall Aman'Thul.gif Aman'Thul

Ulduar titan-forged

Last prime designate of Azeroth: IconSmall Odyn.gif Odyn, IconSmall Loken.gif Loken †

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Dolomite Giants Unknown Unknown Active
Hyldnir IconSmall Thorim.gif Thorim None Active
Sons of Hodir IconSmall FrostGiant.gif Jokkum IconSmall FrostGiant.gif Arngrim † Active
Frostworg pack IconSmall Worg.gif Frostworg Denmother Unknown Active
Storm giants IconSmall StormGiant.gif Gymer Unknown Active


Current Dragon Queen:  Alexstrasza

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Red dragonflight  Alexstrasza None Active
Bronze dragonflight  Nozdormu None Active
Green dragonflight IconSmall Merithra.gifIconSmall Merithra2.gif Merithra IconSmall YseraDragon2.gifIconSmall Ysera2.gif Ysera Active
Blue dragonflight  Kalecgos IconSmall Malygos.gifIconSmall Malygos2.gif Malygos † Active
Black dragonflight  Ebyssian IconSmall Deathwing.gifIconSmall DeathwingHuman.gif Deathwing † Active

Mercenary and criminal organizations


Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Bloodhill Bandits None IconSmall Human Male.gif Menag † Destroyed
Copper Street Gang None IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Skezzo † Destroyed
Defias Brotherhood IconSmall Human Male.gif Duncon Ratsbon IconSmall Vanessa.gif Vanessa VanCleef
IconSmall EdwinVanCleef.gif Edwin VanCleef †
Goldtusk Gang IconSmall Zandalari Male.gif Rhan'ka Unknown Active
Kurzen's Expedition Unknown IconSmall Human Male.gif Chief Esquivel †
IconSmall Human Male.gif Colonel Kurzen †
Sailing Wolves Unknown Unknown Unknown
Scrimshaw IconSmall Human Male.gif Don Adams Unknown Active
Syndicate Unknown IconSmall Human Male.gif Lord Falconcrest †
IconSmall Human Male.gif Aliden Perenolde †
Wastewander IconSmall Human Male.gif Arik Scorpidsting IconSmall Human Male.gif Caliph Scorpidsting † Active


Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Auchenai Unknown IconSmall Draenei Male.gif Exarch Maladaar † Active
Alternate Auchenai IconSmall Draenei Male.gif Exarch Maladaar Unknown Active
Scarlet Crusade Unknown IconSmall Human Male.gif High Commander Goodchilde †
IconSmall Sally.gif Sally Whitemane (Undead)
IconSmall Human Female.gif Brigitte Abbendis †
IconSmall Human Male.gif Isillien †
IconSmall Human Male.gif Taelan Fordring †
IconSmall Human Male.gif High General Abbendis †
IconSmall Saidan.gifIconSmall Nathrezim.gif Saidan Dathrohan †
Crimson Legion None IconSmall Saidan.gifIconSmall Nathrezim.gif Balnazzar † Defeated
Scarlet Onslaught Unknown IconSmall Human Male.gif Inquisitor Ward †
IconSmall Human Male.gifIconSmall Nathrezim.gif Barean Westwind †
IconSmall Human Male.gif Archbishop Landgren †
IconSmall Human Female.gif Brigitte Abbendis †
Scarlet Fleet None IconSmall Human Male.gifIconSmall Nathrezim.gif Barean Westwind † Defeated


Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Bad Dogs Unknown Unknown Active
Blackfuse Company Unknown IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Pauli Rocketspark †
IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Helix Blackfuse †
Grimrail Enforcers None Unknown Defeated
Blackmane Mercenaries Unknown IconSmall Gnoll.gif Captain Ripflesh † Active
Blackwater Raiders IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Baron Revilgaz Unknown Active
Dragon Hunters IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Feranor Steeltoe Unknown Unknown
Hidden None IconSmall Human Male.gif Malus †
IconSmall Dreadlord.gif Xaraax
Marshal Expeditions IconSmall Human Male.gif Williden Marshal None Active
Thalo'dan Privateers IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Thalo'thas Brightsun None Active
Sergeant Bly's party IconSmall Human Male.gif Sergeant Bly None Active
The Undermarket Unknown Unknown Unknown
Veiled Blade None Unknown Disbanded
Venture Company Unknown IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Mogul Razdunk † Active


Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current status
Bilge Rats IconSmall Vulpera Female.gif Captain Eudora Unknown Active
Blacksail Crew IconSmall Human Male.gif Mr. Shackle Unknown Active
Blacktooth Brawlers IconSmall KulTiran Male.gif Captain Raoul Unknown Active
Bloodsail Buccaneers Unknown Unknown Active
Brashtide Crew Unknown Unknown Active
Alliance Briona's Buccaneers IconSmall DarkIron Female.gif Briona the Bloodthirsty Unknown Active
Cutwater Corsairs IconSmall Human Male.gif Captain Jolly Unknown Active
Dread Crew IconSmall Human Female.gif Dread Captain DeMeza Generous Dan Active
Fogsail Freebooters IconSmall KulTiran Female.gif Captain Owings IconSmall KulTiran Male.gif Captain Rhenik † Active
Horde Greenbelly's Raiders IconSmall Orc Female.gif Captain Greenbelly Unknown Active
Irontide Raiders Unknown IconSmall Sweete.gif Harlan Sweete † Active
Northsea Freebooters IconSmall Human Female.gif Annie Bonn IconSmall Human Male.gif Jonah Sterling † Active
Southsea Freebooters Unknown Unknown Active

Organizations by races

For more organizations by race, see Organizations by race.

Historical and defunct factions

These factions have either been destroyed or disbanded.

Primordial Azeroth

Empires Last leader(s) Status
Black Empire IconSmall Y'Shaarj.gif Y'Shaarj
IconSmall N'Zoth.gif N'Zoth
IconSmall OldGod.gif C'Thun
IconSmall Yogg-Saron.gif Yogg-Saron

Ancient Kalimdor

Troll empires

Empires Last leader(s) Current status
Empire of Zul Unknown Defunct
Amani Empire IconSmall ForestTroll Male.gif Jintha †
IconSmall ForestTroll Male.gif Atai'natha †
Defeated during the Troll Wars.
Drakkari Empire IconSmall Malakk.gif Malakk †
IconSmall IceTroll Male.gif Ancient Drakkari Kings †
Gurubashi Empire IconSmall Troll Male.gif Var'gazul † Defunct

New world

Organizations Last leader(s) Current status
Arathor IconSmall Thoradin.gif King Thoradin Defunct. Splintered into the
Seven Human Kingdoms.
Convocation of Silvermoon Unknown Defunct. All members were killed.
Ranger Corps Unknown Defunct

Great Wars

Organizations Last leader(s) Current status
Alliance Alliance of Lordaeron IconSmall Terenas.gif Terenas Menethil II † Precursor to the Grand Alliance.
Defeated during the Third War.
Kingdom of Alterac IconSmall Human Male.gif Aiden Perenolde † Defunct. Surviving nobles regrouped
into the Syndicate.
"Great Alliance" IconSmall Malfurion.gif Malfurion Stormrage
IconSmall Tyrande.gif Tyrande Whisperwind
IconSmall Thrall.gif Thrall
IconSmall Jaina.gif Jaina Proudmoore
Disbanded after the Battle of Mount Hyjal.
Horde Horde of Draenor IconSmall Ner'zhul.gif Warchief Ner'zhul † Disbanded after the Invasion of Draenor.
Alliance Kingdom of Lordaeron IconSmall Terenas.gif Terenas Menethil II † Destroyed by the Scourge.
Horde Old Horde IconSmall Blackhand.gif Blackhand †
IconSmall Orgrim.gif Orgrim Doomhammer †
Precursor to the New Horde.
Defeated in the Second War.

Modern era

Organizations Last leader(s) Current status
Alliance Alliance resistance IconSmall Garithos.gif Grand Marshal Garithos Destroyed by Sylvanas Windrunner
and the Forsaken.
Garithos' Elite Guard IconSmall Garithos.gif Grand Marshal Garithos Regrouped into Alliance resistance.
Alliance Remnants IconSmall Garithos.gif Grand Marshal Garithos Regrouped into Alliance resistance.
Might of Kalimdor IconSmall Varok.gif Varok Saurfang Disbanded
Alliance Theramore IconSmall Jaina.gif Jaina Proudmoore Destroyed by the Horde.

Iron Horde Emblem.png Iron Horde

Warchief of the Iron Horde: None

Former leader: IconSmall Gul'dan2.gif Gul'dan †, IconSmall Grommash.gif Grommash Hellscream

Orc clans

Orc clans Former leader(s) Status
Blackrock clan IconSmall Blackhand2.gif Blackhand † Active
Bleeding Hollow clan IconSmall Kilrogg2.gifIconSmall FelKilrogg.gif Kilrogg Deadeye † Active
Burning Blade clan IconSmall OrcGray Female.gif Azuka Bladefury †
IconSmall OrcGray Male.gif Dharl of the Thrice-Bloodied Blade †
Dragonmaw clan IconSmall Zaela.gif Zaela † Active
Shadowmoon clan IconSmall Ner'zhul2.gif Ner'zhul † Active
Shattered Hand clan IconSmall Bladefist.gif Kargath Bladefist † Active
Thunderlord clan IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Fenris Wolfbrother † Active
Warsong clan IconSmall Garrosh.gif Garrosh Hellscream † Active


Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Blackfuse Company Unknown IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Pauli Rocketspark † Unknown
Grom'kar None IconSmall Doomhammer.gif Orgrim Doomhammer Dissolved
Ironmarch None IconSmall Zaela.gif Zaela † Dissolved
Black Iron None IconSmall Zaela.gif Zaela † Defeated
Gorebound None IconSmall Gorefiend.gif Teron'gor † Defeated


Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Dreadmaul tribe Unknown IconSmall Ogre.gif Toothsmash the Annihilator † Unknown
Gorian Empire Unknown IconSmall Mar'gok.gif Imperator Mar'gok † Crippled

Former allies

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Venture Company Unknown IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Mogul Razdunk † Active

War of the Ancients

See also