Captain Rhenik

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NeutralCaptain Rhenik
Image of Captain Rhenik
Title <The Fogsail Freebooters>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-60
Resource Mana
Reaction Horde
Affiliation(s) Fogsail Freebooters
Occupation Pirate captain of the Fogsail Freebooters
Location Plunder Harbor, Tiragarde Sound
Status Deceased (lore)
Killable Battle for Azeroth

Captain Rhenik was the former leader of the Fogsail Freebooters, which was based within Plunder Harbor within Tiragarde Sound. Believing that Ashvane would make the Fogsail Freebooters more powerful and acquire plenty of gold, Rhenik signed to sell his crews service to Ashvane. However, not everyone under his employment wished to sign away their freedom, thus a schism occurred within the Fogsail Freebooters that came to a head when First Mate Owings led a mutiny, backed by the Honorbound, and ended the Captain's life.

With his death Owings became Captain Owings and the Fogsail Freebooters rejected Ashvane and instead opened up their port to the Horde.


  • Inv glowing azerite geode.png Azerite Grenade — Throws an Azerite grenade at enemy, inflicting Arcane damage after 3 sec.
  • Inv alchemy 71 potion4.png Azerite Potion — Increases the caster's haste by 25% for 8 sec. Causes the caster to inflict 25% increased Arcane damage.

Objective of


Do you understand what you're meddling in? Ashvane will make us powerful beyond our wildest belief!
But think of all... the gold...

Patch changes

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