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Spitelash Siren HS.jpg
Main leader IconSmall Naga Male.gif Warlord Krellian
IconSmall Naga Female.gif Lady Sesspira
Secondary leaders IconSmall Naga Female.gif Lady Silisthra
IconSmall Naga Female.gif Lady Vesthra
Race(s) NagaNaga Naga
Character classes Warrior, Siren, Myrmidon, Sea witch, Mage, Priest
Base of operations Ruins of Eldarath, Temple of Zin-Malor, Southridge Beach and Ravencrest Monument
Theater of operations Azshara
Language(s) Nazja
Affiliation Nazjatar Empire
Status Active

The Spitelash naga shows the greatest presence to the surface world. They have claimed Eldarath in Azshara for their own. Warlord Krellian rules over the invasion with an iron fist. It is rumored that Lady Sesspira sometimes appears at the ruins to overview the actions of Krellian, whose leadership over the community is limited, like those of all male naga.

Azshara was home to rare  [Enchanted Coral], which the Spitelash were drawn to.[1]

Cata-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

After the Cataclysm, the naga and the goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel waged a full-blown war at the ruins. The area is now led by Lord Kassarus.

Legion-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Legion.

During the Burning Legion's invasion, the ruins fell under the Legion's control, seeking to use it as a staging ground for a new invasion. Some of the naga have been eliminated by the demons. After the Horde disposed of the demons, the naga returned to reclaim and patrol their ruined land once again.[2]




See also
