Thane Ufrang the Mighty

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MobThane Ufrang the Mighty
Image of Thane Ufrang the Mighty
Gender Male
Race Vrykul (Humanoid)
Level 25-30
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Mjordin, Jotunheim vrykul
Occupation Thane
Location Ufrang's Hall, Icecrown
Status Killable
Thane Ufrang the Mighty

“You dare challenge the might of the vrykul in our homelands? By Valhalas, you will soon be nothing more than a mindless servant of undeath.”

— Thane Ufrang the Mighty[1]

Thane Ufrang the Mighty sits in Ufrang's Hall in Icecrown. The thane is patient, with a head for strategy and warfare. He's also shown a penchant for biding his time and not wanting to overplay his hand in the ongoing battle. He sits on his throne while receiving reports from a Jotunheim Warrior kneeling before him, and makes executive orders in response.

Bethod Feigr was previously his champion.


  • Ability warrior savageblow.png Brutal Strike — Inflicts 150% weapon damage.
  • Inv gauntlets 05.png Powerful Smash 8 yd range — Inflicts 150 - 250% of weapon damage to an enemy, knocking it back.
  • Ability gouge.png Rend — Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy every 3 sec. for 15 sec.

Objective of


  • Jotunheim Warrior says: Milord, there have been reports of the other thanes preparing their forces for a strike against us. We should move quickly.
Thane Ufrang the Mighty says: Call in all of our favors then. See to it that whatever they're up to, we know of it before it occurs. Then we shall see who strikes first!
Thane Ufrang the Mighty says: Bethod was a great warrior, but apparently not great enough. Find me a new champion. We cannot afford this dishonor now!
Thane Ufrang the Mighty says: Tell Hroegar that he will be at the van of my forces when I give the word for them to strike.
  • Jotunheim Warrior says: Lord Ufrang, there are strangers on the ledge petitioning your warriors to honor duels. They are not vrykul.
Thane Ufrang the Mighty says: Let them fight. If they fall to one of the lesser races then it was fated and they are worthless.
Thane Ufrang the Mighty says: Then you must send a messenger to the Lich King. Ready my forces to attack upon his word.
Thane Ufrang the Mighty says: Leave him chained there. I will deal with him in good time. As for the others... see to it that they do not escape!

Patch changes


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