Cartel Zo

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NeutralCartel Zo
Race(s) IconSmall Broker.gif Broker
Theater of operations Oribos
Status Active

Cartel Zo is one of the broker cartels. They seem to be primarily focused on security work, being the main peacekeepers in Tazavesh, the Veiled Market and one of the city's leading cartels. The hulking broker Zo'phex along with his guards work in the customs office in Tazavesh, making sure no contraband enters the city. Cartel Au has hired Zo'gron to work as a bouncer for Myza's Oasis, an exclusive club within the city. Other cartel members can also be seen throughout the city, most often as guards.[1]

They have a presence in the Enclave in Oribos where they seem to be interested in observing how the Maw Walkers do battle, be it through arena matches, battlegrounds or out in the shadowlands. The members in the Enclave in Oribos seem to be delivering information to one they name "the Observer".[2]

A member of the cartel, Zo'umlo, is seen working in the Challenger's Promenade where they help obtain challenges for the Theater of Pain. He seems to answer to Au'narim there.[3]


  •  Zo'umlo <Containment Specialist>




  • The item  [Star in a Jar] mentions a "Startamer Ja'z of Cartel Zo" but their name goes against the broker naming rule where the name of the cartel they belong to is attached as a prefix to their name.
