Bleeding Hollow clan (alternate universe)

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For the clan from the main universe, see Bleeding Hollow clan.
HordeBleeding Hollow clan
Bleeding hollow Crest.png
Main leader Horde Unknown
  Formerly Iron Horde  Kilrogg Deadeye †
Neutral IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Kilrogg's father †
Secondary leaders Horde Unknown
  Formerly Iron Horde IconSmall Fel-sworn2.gif Gurtogg Bloodboil †
Iron Horde IconSmall OrcBrown Female.gif Marak the Blooded †
Race(s) Mag'har orcMag'har orc Mag'har orc
IconSmall DireOrc.gif Dire orc
Character classes Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Assassin, Scout, Blood shaman
Capital Horde Orgrimmar
  Formerly Iron Horde Zeth'Gol
Other major settlements Horde Hall of the Brave
  Formerly Iron Horde Heartblood
Base of operations Horde Orgrimmar Embassy
  Formerly Iron Horde The Bleeding Altar, Hellfire Citadel
Theater of operations Azeroth
  Formerly Tanaan Jungle, Draenor
Language(s) Orcish
Affiliation Mag'har Clans
  Formerly Iron Horde, Shadow Council
Status Active

The Bleeding Hollow clan is an orc clan led by Kilrogg Deadeye and makes their home in the jungles of Tanaan Peninsula. The clan is named after the hidden chamber in which the chieftains sacrifice an eye to receive a vision of their death.[1] They are a fanatical and crude clan who fight with a berserker fury and gain the boon of prophecy from their elders, who sacrifice an eye to see into the future. They imbue themselves with berserk fury, slather their weapons in hallucinogenic venom, and stalk prey from the treetops, branding their victims' final moments with visions of pure horror.[2]

The Bleeding Hollow use blood in their spells, including a ritual to create dire orcs.[3]

Alternate banner.


The clan has long been in conflict with the arakkoa for many years. Kilrogg Deadeye finally won them victory against their foes.

Many members join Kilrogg Deadeye in drinking demon blood.

After the death of Archimonde, the non-corrupted of the clan help rebuild Draenor.

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

In time, the Bleeding Hollow clan joined with the other Mag'har orc clans under the command of Warchief Grommash Hellscream.[4] As the Mag'har and Lightbound clashed, events on Azeroth would see to a new war between the Horde and the Alliance. In the midst of this, Eitrigg sought to travel to the alternate Draenor and call upon the debt the Mag'har owed to the Horde for liberating them from Garrosh Hellscream's meddling and the Burning Legion's corruption.[5]

As the entire Lightbound army was marching towards the Mag'har, Grommash ordered for the Mag'har to follow Geya'rah and fallback to Azeroth. Thus when Warchief Hellscream and Lantresor of the Blade charged at the Lightbound, Eitrigg activated the shard of the  [Vision of Time] in his possession in order to return to Azeroth with his new allies.[6] After their arrival on Azeroth, Overlord Geya'rah took her place as leader of the Mag'har and pledged the loyalty of her people to Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner and the Horde.[7]


Name Role Status Location
IconSmall FelKilrogg.gif Kilrogg Deadeye Warlord Deceased-Killable Hellfire Citadel, Tanaan Jungle
IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Kilrogg's father Former chieftain, killed by his son Deceased Presumably Bleeding Hollow Cave, Tanaan Jungle
IconSmall OrcBrown Female.gif Marak the Blooded Lieutenant of Admiral Gar'an Killable Blackrock Foundry, Gorgrond
IconSmall DireOrc.gif Uk'urogg Deckhand of Marak the Blooded Killable Blackrock Foundry, Gorgrond
IconSmall DireOrc.gif Borka the Brute Assistant to Pauli Rocketspark Killable Grimrail Depot, Gorgrond
IconSmall OrcBrown Female.gif Ahri'ok Dugru Blood shaman, Grimrail Enforcer Killable Iron Docks, Gorgrond
IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Krahl Deadeye Presumed member Killable Mok'gol Watchpost, Nagrand
IconSmall Fel-sworn2.gif Gurtogg Bloodboil Highguard and Council of War Killable Hellfire Citadel, Tanaan Jungle
IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Bilkor the Thrower Spearmaster Killable Zeth'Gol, Tanaan Jungle
IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Bloodhunter Zulk Assassin Killable Zeth'Gol, Tanaan Jungle
IconSmall DireOrc.gif Dorg the Bloody Aberration Killable Zeth'Gol, Tanaan Jungle
IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Relgor Master Scout Killable Zeth'Gol, Tanaan Jungle
IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Rogond the Tracker Huntmaster Killable Zeth'Gol, Tanaan Jungle
IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Rulkrik the Pillager Scavenger leader Killable Zeth'Kur, Tanaan Jungle
IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Drivnul Master of Rituals Killable Zeth'Gol, Tanaan Jungle
IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Gorabosh Keeper of the Cave Killable Bleeding Hollow Hunting Grounds, Tanaan Jungle
IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Braknoth Guardian of the Bleeding Hollow Ghost Bleeding Hollow Cave, Tanaan Jungle
IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Durmak Former chieftain Ghost Bleeding Hollow Cave, Tanaan Jungle
IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Vargrak Former chieftain Ghost Bleeding Hollow Cave, Tanaan Jungle
IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Gondar Hollow's Eye Killable Dark Portal, Tanaan Jungle
IconSmall DireOrc.gif Smashum Grabb Hollow's Fist Killable Dark Portal, Tanaan Jungle
IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Drakum Hollow's Spear Killable Dark Portal, Tanaan Jungle

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See also
