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Blacktooth Brawlers

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MobBlacktooth Brawlers
Blacktooth Brawlers banner.jpg
Main leader  Captain Raoul
Race(s) HumanHumanHumanHuman Human
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
Theater of operations Kul Tiras
Affiliation Irontide Raiders
Status Active

The Blacktooth Brawlers are a crew of rough-and-tumble bruisers who never shy away from a fight. One of many pirate bands based out of Freehold in Tiragarde Sound. They have a bar called Blacktooth's Grin.

As their name indicates, they are good at hand-to-hand melee and knocking a few teeth out of their Knuckledusters' mouths is the way to join their crew in the Freehold dungeon.




Items and objects


External links