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For his The Frozen Throne statistics, see Rokhan (Warcraft III). For the Zuldazar quest, see H [10-60] Rokhan.
Image of Rokhan
Title Chieftain of the Darkspear tribe,
Horde Champion,[1]
Darkspear Troll Champion
Gender Male
Race Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Class Shadow hunter
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Darkspear tribe, Horde, Horde Council, Warsong Offensive, Dream Wardens
Occupation Chieftain,[2][3] representative, and champion of the Darkspear tribe,[4][5][6] Representative of the Darkspear on the Horde Council,
Horde champion,
Scout of the Horde,
Member of the Warsong Offensive,
Location Various
Status Alive
Companion(s) Talanji, Rexxar, Chen Stormstout (formerly)

“Da Darkspear tribe have always stood shoulda'ta to shoulda'ta wit' da Horde. Dis be our home, da place we belong. Whatever da future brings for da Horde, it bring for da Darkspear.”

— Rokhan, after joining the Horde Council.

Rokhan (pronounced ROH-kawn)[7] is a veteran shadow hunter[8] of the Darkspear tribe, said by Thrall himself to be the Horde's best scout. After the Third War, he assisted Rexxar to halt Admiral Proudmoore's campaign and notably participated in the war in the alternate Draenor. After the death of Vol'jin, he was considered a potential public face for the Darkspear trolls, though they had not found a new leader yet.[6]

Rokhan became instrumental to the winning over of the Zandalari Empire to ally with the Horde, becoming close friends with the princess, and later queen, Talanji.[3] When the Horde became divided between Varok Saurfang's revolutionaries and Sylvanas Windrunner's loyalists, Rokhan stood by Saurfang's side. Following Saurfang's death and abandonment of the Horde by Sylvanas, the Horde reunited and elected to form a council-style leadership over choosing a new Warchief. Despite his private doubts Rokhan, with his tribe's faith and the encouragement of the Horde leaders, became the new Chieftain of the Darkspear tribe and their representative on the Horde Council.


Old Hatreds

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

Rokhan in Warcraft III.

Formerly led by Sen'jin on the Darkspear Islands, Rokhan joined Thrall and his Horde when he saved them from the Sea Witch and led them to Kalimdor. After the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the trolls settled on the Echo Isles off the coast of Durotar, but Rokhan remained in Orgrimmar as a scout for Thrall. When Rexxar came to Orgrimmar with Mogrin's report, Thrall asked Rokhan to accompany the beastmaster's trek through the wilds.

Rokhan and Rexxar found humans on the coast of Durotar after they got to the observatory in Gar'thok's outpost, and when they reported to Thrall, he sent them back to find the outpost ruined, and the humans quite hostile.

Rokhan began to worry about his own people on the Echo Isles and thought that perhaps they should come to the mainland to avoid any danger. Thrall agreed and sent Rokhan and his band to the Echo Isles to warn Vol'jin and see them off the island.

After destroying the battleships that blocked their path and lighting signal fires for the outlying village, Rokhan and Rexxar were sent to a summit in Thrall's place. When they were ambushed, Thrall, hoping to finish things peacefully, sent Rokhan and his friends to Theramore Island to secretly parlay with Jaina Proudmoore.

With Jaina's aid, they discovered the invaders were led by Jaina's own father Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, who was determined to wipe out the Horde in Durotar. Rokhan battled alongside Rexxar as they hastily traveled around the Barrens enlisting aid from their allies. Finally, the human and orc forces clashed in a titanic battle at Tidefury Cove, and when the orcs emerged victorious, they chased the humans back to Theramore. Rokhan helped to lead the raid on Theramore and battled Daelin Proudmoore's elite forces beside Rexxar.

Cycle of Hatred

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

As tensions remained high between the orcs of Durotar and the humans of Theramore, war nearly broke out once again due to the scheming of a minor demon Zmodlor and a few Burning Blade cultists. During this time, Rokhan was still in Thrall's service as a scout - his finest - and made a sudden appearance to warn the Warchief of reinforcements to Northwatch Hold on the border between human and orc territory.[9]

Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Rokhan at Dragon's Fall.

During the war against the Lich King, Rokhan could be found in a small camp named Dragon's Fall in the Dragonblight. As the Scourge was raising frostwyrms to send against Horde forces at the Wrathgate, Rokhan and his dragon hunters were tasked with destroying them. Though most of the frostwyrms were easily dealt with the undead dragon Sarathstra was proving to be problematic.[10] After receiving reinforcements, Rohkan was able to call Sarathstra down and the Horde was quick to kill frostwyrm.[11]


WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Having returned to Durotar, Rokhan was forced to lead a band of his people trapped outside of Orgrimmar to safety during the War Against the Nightmare. He was contacted by Malfurion Stormrage to do battle against the Nightmare Lord but the troll was more focusing on safeguarding his people.[12]

Warlords of Draenor

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

When the Dark Portal turned red, Rokhan helped stop the Ironmarch invasion in Blasted Lands and was located in the Shattered Landing along with the remnants of the now-occupied Okril'lon Hold and the Horde soldiers. He sent the goblin Scout Pazaztick to scout the Dark Portal but Pazaztick was killed in the act. Rokhan also sent adventurers to kill some Iron Horde executioners and free their prisoners.

During the war in Draenor, Rokhan appeared in Frostwall commander's garrison in Frostfire Ridge as a member of the Azerothian expedition to Draenor, where he oversaw various actions and events throughout the continent. He was also present in Talador to participate in the fall of Warlord Azuka Bladefury.

He later put together a plan for striking at the heart of Everbloom Wilds in order to draw the Botani back into the jungles of Gorgrond, giving the Horde room to maneuver around them.[13] He requested the rescue of friendly troops that have been taken prisoner in the main Bloodmaul compound at Stonefury Cliffs by the Bloodmaul ogres.[14] He was concerned at the Shadowmoon clan's proximity to key choke points leading into Shadowmoon Valley, and put out a request to thin their forces.[15] When some of Horde's best scouts went missing in the vicinity of the lost ruins of Veil Anzu, Rokhan requested any available resources be dispatched to identify the threat and see if any of the men yet remain alive within the ruins.[16]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, when a Horde adventurer reached Prestige Rank 2, Rokhan could be found in the Undercity alongside other notable leaders of the Horde. He was present at the ceremony hosted by Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner that congratulated the adventurer for their battles against the Alliance.[17]

Following the creation of the Orgrimmar Embassy, Rohkan could be found within the building, seemingly representing the Darkspear tribe. During the speech of Sylvanas Windrunner about recruiting new allies, she referred to the people present as the "leaders of the Horde".[5]

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Rokhan and Talanji in Nazmir.
Rokhan among Talanji's allies.

At the beginning of the Fourth War, Rokhan was part of the Horde's strike team to free Princess Talanji and Zul of the Zandalari from the Stormwind Stockade. While on the mission they also encountered Varok Saurfang, who had recently been captured at the Battle for Lordaeron. While Varok refused to go with them, they did accomplish their mission to free Zul and Talanji before fleeing the city.[7]

Later, he joined Talanji's Expedition in Nazmir on Zandalar.[18] He personally led the efforts in converting the nearby Zul'jan Ruins into the expedition's main outpost within Nazmir and then joined the fight against the blood trolls within the region.[19] He conferred with Talanji in determining the best way to attack the blood trolls and agreed with her plan to call upon the local loa for aid. Following the death of Hir'eek, who was corrupted by G'huun, and a bargain being reached with Bwonsamdi, Rokhan would arrive at the Zo'bal Ruins and be informed of the recent events.[20] While Talanji joined with the local Tortollan Seekers in seeking out Torga, Rokhan journeyed on ahead and established a base within Gloom Hollow.

When he received word that his reinforcements, the Gob Squad, were captured he called for heroes of the Horde to rescue them. Once the Expedition and Horde forces were secured, Rokhan led his forces back to Zul'jan Ruins in preparation for the assault on Zul'Nazman. He subsequently participated in the assault on the blood troll capital that saw to the death of Grand Ma'da Ateena and Taloc being blasted into Uldir itself. With the battle finished, Rokhan journeyed to discover where Titan Keeper Hezrel was. After finding the Titan Keeper, Rokhan learned about the Underrot and upon deciding to return to the Zul'jan Ruins, Rohkan would request adventurers to inform Baine Bloodhoof of the events within Nazmir[21] and aid Titan Keeper Hezrel in his mission. During the battles within the Underrot, Hezrel would be killed but his mission in destroying the Unbound Abomination would be completed. Upon learning of the events within the Underrot, Rohkan remarked that the abomination's death was a good thing, but was saddened by the death of Hezrel. He expressed his fears that despite that the conflict wasn't over due to the fact Taloc still needed to be taken down and expressed his hope that G'huun would remain sealed.[22]

When the Blood Gate came under attack by the blood trolls, Rokhan led a strike team from Nazmir into Zuldazar to cut off the blood trolls. However, during the fighting, he became trapped behind enemy lines and was subsequently rescued by Speaker of the Horde.[23] Working together the pair were able to breach the lines and secure the pathway for Talanji's own attack on the blood trolls attacking the Blood Gate.[24]

When the Echo Isles came under attack by Zalazane who had returned as a lich, Rokhan returned home to aid in the defense and Talanji accompanied him.[25] It was eventually discovered that Vol'jin's spirit was lost, which deeply concerned Bwonsamdi. He tasked Rokhan, Master Gadrin, and Talanji with performing a seance to find the lost Warchief.[26] With the presence of his old teacher and friend, Vol'jin appeared, not to reveal what happened to him, but to say that the Shadowlands were in turmoil: G'huun's influence was spreading without the Grand Seal, and trolls of the past and present alike cried out for justice against the Blood God. The time to end G'huun was nigh and Vol'jin requested they use his glaive to stab G'huun's corpse to draw his blood and show all of Zandalar that the old god is dead.[27] Talanji then accompanied a team of Horde adventurers into the Underrot and Uldir to defeat G'huun and Rokhan was present when Talanji presented their victory over G'huun to the Zandalari Empire.

He is one of the Horde commanders during the Battle for Stromgarde. Rokhan's forces are supplemented by fellow Darkspear shadow hunters.

Rokhan participated in a meeting with Talanji and Blood Prince Dreven in the Zo'bal Ruins about the status of the Alliance and Horde. He reported the progress made by Ranger Captain Areiel. Upon learning that the Alliance killed her, Rokhan ordered Dreven to use his power to move rocks in a collapsed tunnel between Nazmir and Vol'dun in order to attack the Alliance forces there. After Dreven left, the Darkspear champion explained Talanji the deal with the san'layn and Sylvanas, and they subsequently left as well. Unbeknownst to them, the meeting was spied on by an Alliance adventurer.[28]

Tides of Vengeance

Rokhan with Rexxar and Usha Eyegouge.
Rokhan captured by Blademaster Telaamon.

During the Faction Assault on Stormsong Valley, Rokhan helped defend Warfang Hold against the Alliance alongside Usha Eyegouge and his old friend Rexxar.[29] He also participated in the Faction Assault on Drustvar, where he conducted a ritual with Master Gadrin and Madam Konawla to imbue adventurers with the ancient powers of trolls in order to fight against the Alliance's Purified forces.[30] As the Faction Assault on Nazmir neared its end, he ordered the death of Captain Beamwind.[31]

In preparation for their attack on Dazar'alor, the Alliance tricked the Horde into thinking that they were moving to attack through Nazmir by creating an unnatural fog with the Abyssal Scepter. It was Jaina's hope that with the Zandalari focused on Nazmir, the harbor would be open for an attack by the Alliance fleet.[32] As the Alliance attacked the Blood Gate, Rokhan, in a heroic stand, held off the Alliance and their champions before being captured. Determined to rescue the shadow hunter, the Horde struck against the Alliance and succeed in freeing Rokhan from his imprisonment by Blademaster Telaamon.[33]

Rokhan as part of Talanji's personal entourage.

After his liberation, Rokhan joined the Horde and Zandalari in striking back against the Alliance. He united with Talanji and the Speaker of the Horde in heading towards Zalamar to do battle against the Alliance.[34] Amidst the fighting, Rokhan was tasked with discovering the exact location of the Alliance general, who is revealed to be none other than his former captor Blademaster Telaamon.[35] After determining his exact location Rokhan reunited with his allies and aided them in killing Telaamon.[36] With the blademaster dead, Rokhan and the Speaker regrouped with Talanji and Rakera to put an end to Alliance operations. Following the destruction of the Abyssal Scepter, Rokhan and his allies learned that Telaamon and his forces were a bait to lure them away from Dazar'alor in order to weaken the city's defenses.[37] Realizing that the city was in danger, the combined Zandalari and Horde army rushed back to defend the city, with Rohkan among them.[38]

Within the Orgrimmar Embassy, Rokhan revealed to the Speaker of the Horde that after everything the Horde and Zandalari have been through together, the Zandalari belonged in the Horde and that Talanji has invited them to witness her coronation.[39] Rokhan and the Speaker of the Horde were granted a special honor as part of her personal entourage, escorting her to the temple of the Loa.[40] When Mutinous Zanchuli Devouts attacked, he was seen speaking with Gadrin, Shadow Hunter Narez, and Shadow Hunter Mutumba. Riding with Talanji in special garb atop a Zandalari Direhorn, he later attended Talanji's coronation standing alongside the leaders of the Horde.[41]

After the resurrection of Derek Proudmoore, Rokhan took part in the ritual to contact Vol'jin at Baine's request, as the tauren chieftain sought to learn who urged Vol'jin to name Sylvanas Windrunner Warchief of the Horde.[42] He later accompanied Talanji, Baine, and the Horde champion to the Necropolis.[43] When Baine was arrested, and Zelling was killed for their parts in freeing Derek from Horde captivity, Rokhan knew Sylvanas' actions would only throw more fuel onto the fire of the Horde's disunity even though they needed to stick together against the Alliance.

Rise of Azshara

In order to help Thrall and Varok Saurfang save Baine Bloodhoof from execution, he gave them a totem of stealth feeling that they would be needing it and promised to keep an eye out for them.[44] As Sylvanas Windrunner and Varok Saurfang called their loyalists for battle, Rokhan answered Saurfang's call and met with the Horde's leadership in Dustwallow Marsh.[45] Following Saurfang's death and Sylvanas's betrayal of the Horde, Rokhan was among the Horde heroes who attended Saurfang's funeral.[46] The shadow hunter reflected that he never had a good feeling about the war and simply tried to make the best of a bad situation. He also admitted that he was wrong to have thought that Sylvanas had the Horde's best interest at heart and expressed his belief that he should have done more for Saurfang.

Visions of N'zoth

Rokhan on the Horde Council.

In the aftermath of N'Zoth's death and the end of the Fourth War, Rokhan and the other Horde leaders received the terms for an armistice from the Grand Alliance, putting the Fourth War on hold indefinitely, if not permanently. With that matter settled, Lor'themar Theron addressed the absence of a Warchief. Despite support for Thrall to take the mantle on again, he refused, citing that he had promised Varok Saurfang he would not take on the role once more. Instead, he brought up the idea of the Warchief being necessary, instead bringing in the belief that a change was needed for the Horde's leadership. With this, the Horde Council was created. Knowing that the Darkspear were looking at Rokhan for guidance, the other leaders of the Horde approached him to lead his people. However, Rokhan was uncertain, though Baine was able to convince the troll that he had proved himself in Zuldazar and Stromgarde, and that as the Darkspear had faith in him, so did Baine. Recognizing Baine's words as true, Rokhan took his place as the new Chieftain of the Darkspear tribe and their representative the council.[2]

Remarking that the Darkspear tribe has always stood with the Horde, Rokhan stated the Horde was their home, the place where they belong. Thus, he declared that whatever the future brings, it came for both the Horde and the Darkspear.

Shadows Rising

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

In light of Queen Talanji's call for the Horde to respond to the Zandalari wounds during a Horde Council meeting, Rokhan voted in her favor. The friction in the meeting forced Thrall to call the meeting adjourned, and an assassination attempt was made on Talanji soon after. Unaware of Bwonsamdi's role in the event, Rokhan solely praised Zekhan for saving Talanji, declaring that he had the reflexes of Kimbul. Seeking to help Talanji, Rokhan and the rest of the council empowered Zekhan, still grieving the loss of Varok Saurfang, with a critical mission to aid Talanji and help uncover the rising threat against her.

After Zekhan sent word that another assassination attempt was made by a war party, Rokhan journeyed to Dazar'alor on a flying machine provided by Gazlowe to personally help Talanji, joining the fight against the Widow's Bite. When Thrall and Ji Firepaw arrived in the city to inform Talanji that the Widow's Bite were working with the Banshee loyalists, they were attacked by the Widow's Bite, and Rokhan aided them in fending off their attackers. Sometime after, Rokhan joined the Horde and Zandalari forces in striking against the Widow's Bite and the Banshee loyalists assaulting Bwonsamdi at his Necropolis.[47]

After the Horde Council decided to send Rexxar and Zekhan to look over the Horde holdings within Kalimdor, in order to assess the needs and statuses of the people, how the wounds from the Fourth War were healing, and where there were still aches within the Horde, Rokhan personally sent a letter to Rexxar in which he formally requested his aid, acknowledging that no one can order Rexxar to do anything, and revealed that Zekhan was the son of Hekazi, who they had saved together and was remembered as being one of Rokhan's bravest hunters.[48]


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

Rokhan in Grommash Hold.

At some point, Rokhan came to reside within Grommash Hold, where he took up leadership of Orgrimmar.[49]

After the abduction of Thrall and Baine Bloodhoof by the Mawsworn, Rokhan alongside his fellow council members convened atop of Grommash Hold where they informed Horde champions of the return of the Scourge. They also learned from Valeera Sanguinar that Jaina Proudmoore and Anduin Wrynn had also been abducted, and that an attempt was made on Tyrande Whisperwind, who neutralized her attackers.[50] These champions were subsequently sent to unite with the Knights of the Ebon Blade and the Argent Crusade in order to combat the returning enemy.[51] Rokhan acknowledged this as a perilous time for the Horde, stating that if they weren't careful then Death would take hold of Azeroth, and that they had to stay vigilant. He then declared that the Horde had to remain strong, no matter what rises from the shadow.

Following the death of Herald Dalora, the champions returned to Orgrimmar to inform the council about the events that occurred in Icecrown and the dark powers that Sylvanas had allied with.[52] From within Grommash Hold Rokhan acknowledged the many trials and dangers the Horde faces, he then voiced pride on being on the council that will lead the Horde forward. He further declared that Vol'jin was the finest warchief the Horde had ever known and hoped to honor his memory by never letting the Horde forget the sacrifices Vol'jin made for them.

Rokhan was among the Horde leaders to convene with the leaders of the Alliance and Bolvar Fordragon at the Frozen Throne within Icecrown Citadel. While desiring to rescue his friends Rokhan knew that he couldn't risk the stability of the Horde and send their fellow leaders on what might well be a suicide mission. In light of Tyrande Whisperwind's hostility when Lor'themar Theron encouraged the Alliance to do the same, he prepared himself for battle but stood down when Bolvar called for it.[53] He then witnessed the ritual to open the doorway to the Maw and watched as championss of Azeroth, the Knights of the Ebon Blade, and even Tyrande enter to rescue their comrades and seek out Sylvanas.[54] He subsequently left Icecrown.

The Vow Eternal

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

A few years later, Rohkan was among those who attended the wedding of Lor'themar Theron and Thalyssra, where he stood with Zekhan and Talanji during the ceremony.[55]


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Rokhan reunited with Baine, Rexxar, Misha, and Chen at Toghusuq Village.

After Rokhan received word from Baine Bloodhoof of the death of Bovan Windtotem, he subsequently traveled to the Ohn'ahran Plains on the Dragon Isles to meet with him. After arriving at Toghusuq Village, he also reunited with Rexxar and Chen Stormstout, who had also traveled to the village after hearing of their old friend's passing. After the trio decided to help with the restoration of the village, Rokhan reflected on how it had been some time since he had reflected on those old days. In particular, he found himself recalling how Baine's capture had hit Cairne hard, wearing it as a weight wrapped around his neck as it choked the life out of his eyes. He then admitted that as soon he heard of Bovan's death, he knew that Baine's heart was dying too, and arrived to help ensure that Baine didn't let it weigh him down. He further reflected that while Bovan may be gone, he would be happy to see them all reunited once more.

Guardians of the Dream

Along with many of the other Alliance and Horde leaders, Rokhan joined Alexstrasza and her allies to defend the growing Amirdrassil from Fyrakk the Blazing in the Emerald Dream.[56] In the battle that followed, he fought side by side with Baine Bloodhoof, Rexxar, Misha, and Chen Stormstout.[57] He was amongst those that fought against Ashendir Hartwood.[58] In the aftermath, Rokhan could be found with Thrall and his fellow combatants.

Dark Heart

Rokhan, wearing the rush'kah.

After receiving word that Bwonsamdi had a message to the Darkspear, Rokhan joined the rest of the tribe at the Echo Isles, and called upon Darkspear champions to join him.[59] Upon their arrival, Rokhan was stunned to learn that members of the tribe had taken to worshipping Mueh'zala. After Bwonsamdi called upon him to fix the matter, Rokhan decided that they needed to balance the Darkspear by getting their old loa back. However, when Witch Doctor Tzadah proved unable to contact them, Rokhan decided that they needed to seek them out.[60] To that end, Bwonsamdi helped them call upon Jani, who brought Rokhan and the champion to Zul'Gurub.[61]

Upon their arrival, Rokhan had them split with him looking for the loa, while the champion obtained offerings to Hakkar the Soulflayer that the loa had been taking, though Rokhan was uncertain of its intention. After they were obtained, the champion rejoined Rokhan and Jani just as Kevo ya Siti appeared before them. After Rokhan explained that he wanted the Darkspear to remember him and defeat Mueh'zala's influence, Kevo ya Siti revealed that he took the offerings in order to slow down Hakkar's return. The loa further stated that it would take more than remembering and that their hunt had just begun.[62]

Upon seeing Kevo ya Siti, Rokhan remembered that the loa of cunning had been important to the shadow hunter training, and that he embodied many things that they try to emulate. Meanwhile, Kevo ya Siti, revealed that their sister Lukou, the loa of regeneration, would be the ideal loa to balance against Mueh'zala. However, the pair had been separated for some time after a disagreement pushed them apart and in order to find her, the group traveled to the last place Kevo ya Siti had seen her: Bambala.[63] After asking around, the group discovered that Lukou was likely to be within the Mosh'Ogg Ogre Mound. Upon their arrival, Rokhan questioned why she was hiding, only for Kevo ya Siti to reveal Lukou wasn't one to hide and that something must be wrong.[64]

With Kevo ya Siti's aid, Rokhan and his allies made their way to Lukou's altar in the shadows only to discover it demolished.[65] However they were able to sense her presence and Rokhan directed champions with repairing the altar, which led to the death of the Mosh'Ogg chieftain Mai'Zoth.[66][67] Upon summoning Lukou, Rokhan formally apologized for the Darkspear forgetting her, who declared that it was time to forgive and heal.[68] With the loa by their side, the Darkspear returned to the Echo Isles, with Rokhan hoping that their positive influence would make short work of Mueh'zala's presence.[69]

As he created his rush'kah mask, Rokhan revealed that he felt a deep connection to Kevo ya Siti. He then admitted that he had long been in the shadow of Vol'jin, that he needed to find a way to emerge, in his own unique way, for the Darkspear.[70] With the rush'kah completed, Rokhan called upon for the trial of the loa to start, where to his surprise Witch Doctor Tzadah had called upon Mueh'zala.[71] As Mueh'zala's forces invaded the Echo Isles, Rokhan directed Darkspear champions to deal with his minions, while Kevo ya Siti empowered his weapons for the fight against Tzadah, and Lukou helped liberate the Darkspear from Mueh'zhala's dark influence.[72][73]

As Rokhan led the battle against Tzadah, the witch doctor defended her actions by claiming that Mueh'zala would make the Darkspear strong. However, Rokhan questioned what strength there was in sacrificing their own people and countered that Mueh'zala only brought servitude and death. After a fierce battle, Rokhan personally killed Tzadah, while declaring that the Darkspear were finished with him.[74] In the aftermath, Rokhan admitted that while it wasn't a traditional trial, it did keep with tradition in helping the tribe, and that adapting to what comes was the Darkspear's strength. He further stated that they endured because they chose their path, and allies well, and that the time had come to honor loa and the champion for protecting the soul of the Darkspear. As the Darkspear celebrated their victory, Rokhan approached Bwonsamdi and revealed that Tzadah had feared that Bwonsamdi was forgetting them. In response, Bwonsamdi declared that he would always look out for the Darkspear, which prompted Rokhan to muse that it took only a few frightened trolls turning to Mueh'zala to be putting them all at risk. This prompted Kevo ya Siti, Lukou, and Jani to declare that they knew the true worth of the Darkspear, with Bwonsamdi stating that they all knew that the Darkspear meant loyalty.[75]


Rokhan is described as having massive tusks and beady black eyes,[8] which look kind. His face is surprisingly gentle for a troll.[9]

In the game, he has a few different appearances. His typical appearance is that of his armor he was given in Wrath of the Lich King. During the Battle for Stromgarde and inconsistently during the defense of Zuldazar from the blood troll invasions, Rokhan was given a similar but new appearance that wore a full set of armor, boasting an  [Orgrimmar Tabard] and unique belt. He has a unique appearance that only shows up during the Zandalari allied race recruitment questline and in the cutscene during H [50] Warchief of the Horde, where he wears an entirely unique set of armor with the Honorbound tabard.

In the Darkspear heritage quest chain, Rohkan is seen wearing two versions of armor that looks similar to the Darkspear heritage armor set. The first has him without the rush'kah and the second has him with it.


Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
Dragonblight 72 96,100
Blasted Lands 93 134,820
Gorgrond 100 489,270
H [10-45] A Royal Audience 113 1,380,704,384
Orgrimmar Embassy ?? 17,954,400
H [10-60] The Stormwind Extraction 110 748,100
Port of Zandalar 123 51,876,000
H [10-60] Speaker of the Horde 123 43,230
Battle for Stromgarde Alliance ?? 13,477,000
Battle for Stromgarde Horde ?? 4,312,640


Battle for Stromgarde
  • Spell nature chainlightning.png Chain Lightning — Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing [ 15 + 30% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects up to 5 total targets.
  • Spell nature guardianward.png Greater Serpent Totem — Creates a Greater Serpent Totem, which casts Serpent's Breath at nearby enemies.
    • Spell nature guardianward.png Serpent's Breath — The caster unleashes a wave of flame, inflicting 37 Fire damage instantly and additional 6 Fire damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.
  • Spell shaman hex.png Hex Bomb — Transforms an enemy into a frog, rendering it unable to attack or cast spells for 5 sec.
  • Spell shaman hex.png Hex Bomb — Curses the target, after 3 sec the target transforms all nearby enemies into frogs for 5 sec.
  • Spell shaman earthquake.png Sinkhole Totem — Summons a totem that collapses into the ground pulling all enemies within 20 yds to it, inflicting 52 Nature damage.

Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

  • Inv pet diseasedsquirrel.png Pestilence — Inflicts 30 Plague damage to the target over 15 sec.
  • Spell shaman hex.png Pestilent Hex — Transforms the target and any allies within 10 yards into frogs, rendering them unable to attack or cast spells for 8 sec. Any players coming into contact with these frogs will be afflicted with Pestilence, suffering 30 Plague damage over 15 sec.
  • Spell nature guardianward.png Serpent Wards — Summons several Serpent Wards nearby that periodically attack enemies at random for 5 Fire damage.
  • Spell shadow shadowwordpain.png Shadow Word: Pain — Utters a word of darkness, inflicting Shadow damage to an enemy every 3 sec. for 18 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Spell shadow gathershadows.png Veil of Shadow — Reduces healing effects for nearby enemies by 60% for 15 sec.


Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

Shattered Beach


Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.
Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the PTR stages.
  • H [100] Amphitheater of the Eternal AvailablequestActivequest
  • Court of Blood (quest) AvailablequestActivequest
  • Deadeye's Vision (quest) AvailablequestActivequest
  • Grommash's Torment (quest) AvailablequestActivequest
  • Hellfire Assault (quest) AvailablequestActivequest
  • Iskar's Clutch (quest) AvailablequestActivequest
  • The Felborne Breach (quest) AvailablequestActivequest
  • The Iron Bulwark (quest) AvailablequestActivequest

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Stub.png Please add any available information to this section.

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


Warcraft III

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

For unit quotes, see Quotes of Warcraft III/Orc Horde#Rokhan.


Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Don't ya worry, mon. Just leave it to Rokhan. She be comin'.

Mon, da west wastes of dis place be full o' baddies. Stay away from dis here area if ya want to live!


Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

Eh Boss-mon! Ol' Vol'jin da warchief be sendin' me some shadow hunters to be ya eyes an ears.
When I hear of tings out there in da world ya should be hearin' of, I'll be lettin' ya know.
To Shadow Hunter Kajassa and Shadow Hunter Ukambe
  • Be watchin' for any 'ting out of da ordinary.
  • Remembah, try to not make the locals too angry. We gotta' keep a low profile 'til we get fortified.
  • Bring ya scout reports to me, and I gonna be relayin' dem to the commander.
  • Ya gonna' be earnin' ya titles this trip.
On approach
Eh Boss-mon! We be needin' ya for sometin' important over here.

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.


Main article: Battle for Azeroth: Mission Statement#Notes
Main article: The Stormwind Extraction#Notes
Main article: Journey to Nazmir#Notes
Main article: Nazmir, the Forbidden Swamp#Notes
Main article: Into The Darkness#Notes
Main article: A Time of Revelation#Notes
Main article: The Aid of the Loa#Notes
Main article: Battle for Stromgarde#Quotes
Main article: Romp in the Swamp#Notes
Main article: A Display of Power#Individual dialogue
Main article: Old Soldier (Horde)#Leader dialogue
Horde Council
Main article: Warchief of the Horde (quest)#Notes


  • For the Darkspear!
  • I be listenin'.
  • Whatcha got, boss?
  • I've lost me head! It was about, ah, yea big. If ya find it, let me know.
  • Sadly, the name "Pinkspear tribe" already be taken.
  • You wanna know how I got dese scars?
  • Dis your ting? Everyone got a ting now.
  • Come back if ya need me help.
  • Don't be gettin' mixed up in da voodoo.
  • Watch ya back.


In Zuldazar during introduction questline
I never be settin' foot on Zandalar before. Zuldazar be more grand than anythin' I believin' before today.
Watchya back, mon. The Zandalari may be lookin' prim' n' proper, but they still be trolls. Troll society be unforgivin' to those that be seen as weak.
Orgrimmar Embassy
The spirit of Ol' Vol'jin still be strong in dis city, mon. Da work ya be doin' honors his memory.
Nazmir - Gloom Hollow
We almost done with dis, <name>. Just gonna keep goin' a little further.
Nazmir - Tul'vor
We got ta win dis war, mon.
De Zandalari be dependin' on us.
Talanji's coronation
I be honored dat Talanji asked me to witness dis. We have spoken some about her future, and dat of de Zandalari. I hope she will see dat our people are bound to one another. We will be stronger together dan we are apart.
I am certain you have a part to play in dis, still. Perhaps you can convince her where I did not.
War Campaign - Blood Gate
De Alliance gonna be stopped here.
Orgrimmar Embassy
Da Darkspear tribe have always stood shoulda'ta to shoulda'ta wit' da Horde. Dis be our home, da place we belong.
Whatever da future brings for da Horde, it bring for da Darkspear.


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

Main article: Death Rising#Horde
Grommash Hold
Da Horde be facin' many trials. Many dangers.
I'm proud ta be a voice on da council dat's gonna lead us forward.
Vol'jin was da finest warchief we ever knew... and a good friend. I can only hope ta be honorin' his memory by never lettin' da Horde forget da sacrifices he made for us.


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Ohn'ahran Plains gossip

Been some time since I be thinkin' about dem days of old.

I remember when we found old Cairne Bloodhoof in Mulgore. "Return to your warchief," he say. "Tell him I be dead... just as my heart be dead."

Baine's capture hit him hard. He wore it like a weight around his neck, chokin' de life from his eyes.

Like father, like son. When Baine sent word of Bovan... I knew his heart be dyin' too.

Ain't gonna let it weigh him down alone.

Old Bovan may be gone, but I think he be happy, knowin' we be together again.

Darkspear Hold, Heritage gossip

I called you here to be listening to Bwonsamdi's message to de Darkspear.

We be needing to work together.

Notes and trivia


Patch changes

See also


  1. ^ Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 126
  2. ^ a b H [50] Warchief of the Horde
  3. ^ a b Shadows Rising, pg. 148
  4. ^ H [10-45] A Royal Audience
  5. ^ a b H [45] The Call for Allies
  6. ^ a b Before the Storm, chapter 3
  7. ^ a b H [10-60] The Stormwind Extraction
  8. ^ a b Shadows Rising, pg. 51
  9. ^ a b Cycle of Hatred, chapter 17
  10. ^ H [15-30G] To Dragon's Fall
  11. ^ H [15-30G] Sarathstra, Scourge of the North
  12. ^ Stormrage
  13. ^ H [40] Missive: Assault on the Everbloom Wilds
  14. ^ H [40] Missive: Assault on Stonefury Cliffs
  15. ^ H [40] Missive: Assault on Pillars of Fate
  16. ^ H [40] Missive: Assault on Lost Veil Anzu
  17. ^ H [10-45] A Royal Audience
  18. ^ H [20-60] Journey to Nazmir
  19. ^ H [20-60] Into The Darkness
  20. ^ H [20-60] Catching Up
  21. ^ H [20-60] Halting the Empire's Fall
  22. ^ H [25-50D] The Underrot: Sealing G'huun's Corruption
  23. ^ H [10-60] Rokhan
  24. ^ H [10-60] Bulwark of Torcali
  25. ^ H [50] Zalazane Returns
  26. ^ H [50] The Lost Spirit
  27. ^ H [50R] Justice for the Fallen
  28. ^ A [60] Meeting of the Minds
  29. ^ H [10-50] Horde of Heroes
  30. ^ H [10-50] In Every Dark Corner
  31. ^ H [10-50] Romp in the Swamp
  32. ^ A [60] The Fall of Zuldazar
  33. ^ H [60] No One Left Behind
  34. ^ H [60] We Have Them Cornered
  35. ^ H [60] Zandalari Justice
  36. ^ H [60] Telaamon's Purge
  37. ^ H [60] Parting Mists
  38. ^ H [60] Fly Out to Meet Them
  39. ^ H [40-70] A Royal Occasion
  40. ^ H [40-70] A Queen's Entourage
  41. ^ H [40-70] The Rite of Kings and Queens
  42. ^ H [50] Shades of Disruption
  43. ^ H [50] The Loa of Death
  44. ^ H [60] Old Allies
  45. ^ Negotiation – Cinematic (Spoiler)
  46. ^ B [60] Old Soldier
  47. ^ Shadows Rising
  48. ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor, pg. 3
  49. ^ Alliance  [Opposing Orgrimmar]
  50. ^ B [50] Cause for Distraction
  51. ^ B [50] Return of the Crusade
  52. ^ B [50] With Hope in Hand
  53. ^ A Chilling Summons
  54. ^ N [50] Through the Shattered Sky
  55. ^ The Vow Eternal
  56. ^ Guardians of the Dream Launch Trailer | Dragonflight | World of Warcraft
  57. ^ N [70] The Age of Mortals
  58. ^ N [70] Echo of the Firelands
  59. ^ H [50-70] Return to the Echo Isles
  60. ^ H [50-70] De Old Loa
  61. ^ H [50-70] De Loa of de Past
  62. ^ H [50-70] Stalking the Stalker
  63. ^ H [50-70] There is Another
  64. ^ H [50-70] Looking for Lukou
  65. ^ H [50-70] One with the Loa
  66. ^ H [50-70] Stolen but Not Forgotten
  67. ^ H [50-70] The Unkillable
  68. ^ H [50-70] Heart of Lukou
  69. ^ H [50-70] Honor and Tribute
  70. ^ H [50-70] The Rush'kah
  71. ^ H [50-70] The Loa Trials
  72. ^ H [50-70] De Power of Death
  73. ^ H [50-70] Retraining the Trainees
  74. ^ H [50-70] Avatar of Mueh'zala
  75. ^ H [50-70] De Darkspear Loa
  76. ^ H [20-60] Rendezvous with the Libation
  77. ^ H [20-60] A Message of Blood and Fire
  78. ^ H [20] Letter to Jin'Zil
  79. ^ Andrea Toyias on Twitter - "Of course! I have been waiting soooo long to share these amazing new actors with you!! Both STILL give me chills every time I hear them. Both are out of the UK. Rastakhan: @KayiUshe . Rokhan: @Abzybabzy . You can't know how great it was to work with them!!! They gave us soo much!"

External links

Rokhan Troll Scout
Preceded by:
Chieftain of the Darkspear tribe
Succeeded by: