Ballador the Bright

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Ballador the Bright



Race Human
Base unit Paladin
Faction Champions of Light, The Silver Hand, Alliance of Lordaeron
Hit points 850
Mana 330
Unit Classified As Ground
Level 4
Normal attack 32-42
Range Melee
Attack type Normal
Defense Type Hero
Armor 5
Hero Parameters
Primary Attribute Strength
Strength Infocard-heroattributes-str.png 30
Agility Infocard-heroattributes-agi.png 17
Intelligence Infocard-heroattributes-int.png 22
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.

Ballador the Bright was a paladin stationed at Andorhal. He protected the Urn of King Terenas alongside Sage Truthbearer and Uther Lightbringer, but he was defeated by Arthas.[1]



Statistics from Warcraft III

Main article: Paladin (Warcraft III)

Hero Level: 4

Ability Level
Holy Light 2
Divine Shield 1
Devotion Aura 1

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Ballador in the RPG.

Ballador was small for a human, but bulky and well-muscled. Though a quiet man, he nevertheless still commanded attention from others. His brown hair was kept in a long ponytail, and his brown eyes were kind. However, when he spoke, the rich baritone could undoubtedly either entrance women or command men.

Ballador was a quiet man when he was away from the battlefield, but was confident and commanding when fighting. He cut his teeth in the Second War and fought Arthas in the Third. Though he survived his encounter with Arthas in Andorhal, he failed to save Uther Lightbringer from Arthas’ blade, and this knowledge haunts him. This drives him in battle, as he commands the troops and puts himself in the middle of melee in each battle, regardless of whether he needs to or not. He searches out the commander of the enemy and attempts to take him/her/it down immediately.[2]


es:Ballador el Fuerte fr:Ballador