Major characters
“The hope for future generations has always resided in mortal hands. And now that my task is done, I will take my place...amongst the legends of the past.”
Color markers
The following acronyms are used to show what source each character appears in (excluding references).
- See also Sources page.
- WC1 - Warcraft: Orcs & Humans
- WC2 - Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
- WC2X - Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal expansion
- WC3 - Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
- WC3X - Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne expansion
- WoW - World of Warcraft
- WoWBC - The Burning Crusade expansion
- WoWWotLK - Wrath of the Lich King expansion
- WoWC - Cataclysm expansion
- WoWMoP - Mist of Pandaria expansion
- WoWWoD - Warlords of Draenor expansion
- WoWL - Legion expansion
- WoWBfA - Battle for Azeroth expansion
- WoWS - Shadowlands expansion
- WoWD - Dragonflight expansion
- WoWTWW - The War Within expansion
- LoC - Lord of the Clans (contains most of the storyline from the cancelled Warcraft Adventures game)
- WA1 - War of the Ancients 1: The Well of Eternity
- WA2 - War of the Ancients 2: The Demon Soul
- WA3 - War of the Ancients 3: The Sundering
- DoD - Day of the Dragon
- B&H - Of Blood and Honor
- TLG - The Last Guardian
- CoH - Cycle of Hatred
- RotH - Rise of the Horde
- ToD - Tides of Darkness
- BtDP - Beyond the Dark Portal
- NotD - Night of the Dragon
- RotLK - Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
- Sr - Stormrage
- TS:PtC - The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm
- T:TotA - Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
- Wh - Wolfheart
- JP:ToW - Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War
- DotA - Dawn of the Aspects
- V:SotH - Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde
- WC - War Crimes
- Illidan - World of Warcraft: Illidan
- Tr - Traveler
- T:TSP - Traveler: The Spiral Path
- BtS - Before the Storm
- SR - Shadows Rising
- WoWSV - World of Warcraft: Sylvanas
- WotSB - War of the Scaleborn
- SW1 - The Sunwell Trilogy 1: Dragon Hunt
- SW2 - The Sunwell Trilogy 2: Shadows of Ice
- SW3 - The Sunwell Trilogy 3: Ghostlands
- WCL - Warcraft: Legends
- DK - Death Knight (manga)
- Mage - Mage (manga)
- Shaman - Shaman (manga)
- ShW1 - Shadow Wing 1: The Dragons of Outland
- ShW2 - Shadow Wing 2: Nexus Point
- Comic - World of Warcraft (Wildstorm comic)
- Ashbringer - World of Warcraft: Ashbringer
- CotW - Curse of the Worgen
- Saga - Warcraft Saga
- DR - Dark Riders
- BLS - Bloodsworn
- PoP - Pearl of Pandaria
- GatS - Gul'dan and the Stranger
- Blackhand - Blackhand
- BaT - Blood and Thunder
- FL - Magni: Fault Lines
- N:ToS - Nightborne: Twilight of Suramar
- H:AMD - Highmountain: A Mountain Divided
- A:SotW - Anduin: Son of the Wolf
- J:R - Jaina: Reunion
- M:TS - Magni: The Speaker
- W:TS - Windrunner: Three Sisters
Short Stories
- WotSS - War of the Shifting Sands
- RtD - Road to Damnation
- Broken - Unbroken
- Glory - Glory
- SH/EB - Silver Hand, Ebon Blade
- CotA - Charge of the Aspects
- BotH - Blood of the Highborne
- HoW - Heart of War
- LoHP - Lord of His Pack
- TSoaTP - Trade Secrets of a Trade Prince
- FaI - Fire and Iron
- TJ - The Judgment
- CS - Cut Short
- AOFBU - As Our Fathers Before Us
- SoF - Seeds of Faith
- EoN - Edge of Night
- BoOF - Blood of Our Fathers
- ItSotS - In the Shadow of the Sun
- PL - Prophet's Lesson
- Li Li - Li Li's Travel Journal
- QfP - Quest for Pandaria
- BoS - Burdens of Shaohao
- TotRB - Trial of the Red Blossoms
- BS - Bleeding Sun
- DFA - Death From Above
- TBS - The Blank Scroll
- SoS - Strength of Steel
- OW - Over Water
- UV - Untamed Valley
- JH - Jade Hunters
- LoW - Lords of War
- Hellscream - Hellscream
- CoR - Code of Rule
- Apocrypha - Apocrypha
- Harbingers - Harbingers
- DM - Dark Mirror
- Elegy - Elegy
- AGW - A Good War
- Warbringers - Warbringers
- AMiV - A Moment in Verse
- Afterlives - Afterlives
- WRF - We Ride Forth
- Legacies - Legacies
- TVE - The Vow Eternal
- ToD - Threads of Destiny
- ALAS - Alleria: Light and Shadow
- TVW - The Voices Within
- TToS - The Tomb of Sargeras
- ATYoW - A Thousand Years of War
- Heartlands - Heartlands
This is a list of many of the major characters throughout the many centuries of Warcraft history.
They come from all the games, expansions, books, and any other sources that exist. Keep in mind that some are dead, some have changed, and some have undetermined fates. Please note that this category is not for characters made up by players.
Terokk — WoWBC, Apocrypha, WoWWoD
Talon King Ikiss — WoWBC, Apocrypha, WoWWoD
Archimonde — Comic, Ashbringer, WC3, WA1, WA2, WA3, RotH, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, RotLK, Sr, JP:ToW, WoWWoD, Illidan, TToS, WoWL, AGW
Kil'jaeden — BtDP, WC3X, RotH, RotLK, WoWBC, PL, JP:ToW, WoWWoD, Illidan, TToS, ATYoW, WoWL, BtS
Mannoroth — Comic, WC3, WA1, WA2, WA3, RotH, RotLK, WoWBC, Sr, HoW, T:TotA, WoWC, JP:ToW, WC, GatS, Hellscream, WoWWoD, TToS
Balnazzar — Comic, WC3X, WoW, Ashbringer, RotLK, WoWC, WoWL
Magtheridon — WC3X, WoWBC, Illidan
Mal'Ganis — Comic, WC3, WoWWotLK, RotLK, DK, WoWMoP, WoWL, WoWS, WoWSV
Tichondrius — WC3, RotLK, WoWC, Illidan, WoWL
Varimathras — Comic, WC3X, WoW, Ashbringer, RotLK, WoWWotLK, Sr, WoWL, BtS, WoWSV
Azgalor — WCL, WC3, WoWBC, Comic, Sr, WoWWoD, WoWL
Hakkar the Houndmaster — WA1, WA2, WA3, WoWL
Kazzak — WoWBC, WoWWoD
Velen — Broken, RotH, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, WoWC, BoOF, Wh, PL, WoWMoP, UV, WC, WoWWoD, WoWL, A:SotW, BtS, Elegy, WoWBfA
Akama — Broken, WC3X, WoWBC, WoWMoP, WoWWoD, Illidan, WoWL
Nobundo — Broken, Shaman, WoWBC, TS:PtC, WoWC, T:TotA, CotA, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, WoWWoD, WoWL, WoWBfA
Vindicator Maraad — WCL, WoWWotLK, Comic, PL, UV, LoW, WoWWoD
Yrel — WoWWoD, WoWBfA
Scalecommander Emberthal — Legacies, WoWD
Scalecommander Azurathel — WoWD
Scalecommander Cindrethresh — WoWD
Scalecommander Sarkareth — WoWD
Dragon Aspects
Alexstrasza — Comic, DoD, WA1, WA2, WA3, ToD, NotD, SW3, ShW2, WoWWotLK, Sr, WoWC, T:TotA, CotA, JP:ToW, DotA, WC, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA, WoWS, WoWD
Kalecgos/Kalec — SW1, SW2, SW3, Comic, ShW1, ShW2, WoWBC, NotD, WoWWotLK, WoWC, T:TotA, CotA, JP:ToW, DotA, WoWMoP, WC, WoWL, BtS, J:R, WoWBfA, WoWD
Malygos — Comic, Mage, DoD, WA1, WA2, WA3, NotD, SW1, SW3, ShW1, ShW2, WoWWotLK, ItSotS, T:TotA, CotA, JP:ToW, DotA, WC
Neltharion (Deathwing)/Lord Daval Prestor — Comic, WC2X, DoD, BtDP, WA1, WA2, WA3, RotLK, WoWWotLK, NotD, SW1, ShW1, ShW2, Sr, TS:PtC, WoWC, LoHP, BoOF, T:TotA, Wh, PL, CotA, JP:ToW, QfP, DotA, WoWMoP, V:SotH, WC, H:AMD, WoWL, T:TSP, BtS
Nozdormu — Comic, DoD, WA1, WA2, WA3, NotD, ShW2, WoWWotLK, Sr, WoWC, T:TotA, CotA, JP:ToW, DotA, WC, Legacies, WoWD
Ysera — Comic, DoD, WA1, WA2, WA3, NotD, ShW2, WoWWotLK, Sr, WoWC, T:TotA, CotA, JP:ToW, QfP, DotA, WC, WoWL, WoWS, WoWD
Merithra — WoW, WoWBfA, WoWD
Ebyssian/Ebonhorn — WoWL, WoWBfA, WoWD
Dragon Aspects' consorts
Korialstrasz/Krasus/Borel — DoD, WA1, WA2, WA3, ToD, BtDP, SW1, SW2, SW3, RotLK, WoWWotLK, NotD, Sr, ItSotS, T:TotA, JP:ToW, DotA, BotH, WoWL, BtS
Sindragosa — WA1, WA2, WA3, WoWWotLK, WoWD
Eranikus — Comic, WoW, Sr
Sintharia/Sinestra — WoWBC, NotD, ShW2, WoWC, T:TotA, CotA, WoWL
Soridormi — WA1, WA2, WA3, WoWBC, WoWC, CotA
Tyranastrasz — DoD, WA1, WA2, WA3
Dragon Aspects' children
Nefarian (Blackwing)/Lord Victor Nefarius — WoW, BtDP, NotD, WoWC, T:TotA
Onyxia/Lady Katrana Prestor — WCL, WoW, Comic, BtDP, NotD, Sr, TS:PtC, Wh, WoWC, T:TotA, BtS
Wrathion — WoWC, WoWMoP, WC, WoWWoD, WoWL, WoWBfA, TVE, WoWD
Sabellian/Baron Sablemane — WoWBC, BtDP, WoWD
Anachronos — WotSS, WoW, WoWC, T:TotA
Arygos — ShW2, WotSS, WoW, ShW2, WoWC, T:TotA, JP:ToW
Kirygosa — T:TotA, JP:ToW, WC, BtS
Other dragons
Chronormu/Chromie — WoW, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, WoWC, T:TotA, DotA, WoWMoP, WC, WoWWoD, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA, WoWD
Galakrond — WCL, WoWWotLK, WoWC, DotA
Kairozdormu/Kairoz — WoWMoP, WC, Hellscream, WoWWoD
Tyrygosa/Tyri — NotD, SW1, SW2, SW3, ShW1, ShW2, Comic, WoWBC, WoWC, JP:ToW, DotA
Sapphiron — WC3X, WoW, WoWS
Primal Incarnates
Iridikron — WoWD, WotSB
Vyranoth — WoWD, WotSB
Fyrakk — WoWD, WotSB
Raszageth — WoWD, WotSB
Dargrul — H:AMD, WoWL
Navarrogg — WoWL
Ironforge dwarves
Brann Bronzebeard — RPG, ToD, BtDP, WoWWotLK, TS:PtC, WoWC, WoWMoP, QfP, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA
Muradin Bronzebeard — WC3, ToD, BtDP, Ashbringer, WoWWotLK, DK, RotLK, TS:PtC, WoWC, FaI, JP:ToW, QfP, WoWMoP, WC, JH, WoWWoD, FL, WoWL, BtS, M:TS, WoWBfA
Magni Bronzebeard — WCL, BtDP, NotD, WoW, Comic, Ashbringer, Sr, TS:PtC, WoWC, FaI, CotA, Wh, BoOF, PL, JP:ToW, QfP, PoP, WC, FL, WoWL, BtS, M:TS, Elegy, WoWBfA, WoWTWW
Moira Thaurissan — Comic, WoW, TS:PtC, WoWC, FaI, Wh, JP:ToW, QfP, WoWMoP, WC, JH, FL, WoWL, A:SotW, BtS, M:TS, WoWBfA, TVW, WoWTWW
Dagran Thaurissan II — Comic, TS:PtC, WoWC, FaI, WC, BtS, TVW, WoWTWW
Thargas Anvilmar — Comic, WoWC, Wh, JP:ToW
Wildhammer dwarves
Falstad Wildhammer — DoD, WA3, WoW, Sr, TS:PtC, WoWC, FaI, QfP, WoWMoP, WC, JH, FL, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA
Kurdran Wildhammer — WC2X, Ashbringer, DoD, ToD, BtDP, WoWBC, WoWC, FaI, Wh, JP:ToW, ATYoW, WoWTWW, Heartlands
Dark Iron dwarves
Dagran Thaurissan — Comic, WoW, TS:PtC, JH
Sorcerer-thane Thaurissan — Shaman, WoWC
Brinthe — WoWTWW
Merrix — WoWTWW
Adelgonn — WoWTWW
Lufsela — WoWTWW
Blood elves
Kael'thas Sunstrider — Comic, RtD, BtDP, WC3X, WoWBC, RotLK, ItSotS, Wh, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, BotH, WC, Illidan, DM, WoWBfA, AMiV, WoWS
Aethas Sunreaver — Mage, WoWWotLK, ItSotS, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, WoWL
Grand Magister Rommath — WoWBC, WoWWotLK, ItSotS, WoWMoP, BotH, WoWL, WoWBfA, AMiV
Halduron Brightwing — WoWBC, SW3, ToD, WoWWotLK, WoWC, ItSotS, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, BotH, WC, WoWL, WoWBfA, AMiV
Lady Liadrin — WoWBC, WoWWotLK, ItSotS, JP:ToW, BotH, WoWWoD, WoWL, WoWBfA
Lor'themar Theron — SW3, ToD, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, ItSotS, WoWC, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, BotH, WC, DM, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA, AMiV
Koltira Deathweaver — DK, WoWWotLK, WoWC, WoWL
Valeera Sanguinar — WCL, Comic, WoWWotLK, Sr, WoWL, BtS, J:R, WoWBfA
Zendarin Windrunner — ShW2, NotD
Arator the Redeemer — WoWBC, ATYoW, WoWL, W:TS, BtS
Giramar — WA1, WA3, ToD, NotD, Sr, JP:ToW, WC, W:TS, BtS, WoWBfA
Galadin — WA1, WA3, ToD, NotD, Sr, JP:ToW, WC, W:TS, BtS
High elves
Alleria Windrunner — WA1, WC2X, ToD, BtDP, NotD, RotLK, JP:ToW, PoP, BotH, WC, DM, ATYoW, WoWL, W:TS, BtS, WoWBfA, AMiV, SR, WoWSV ALAS, TVW, WoWTWW
Sylvanas Windrunner — WCL, Comic, Ashbringer, NotD, WC3, WC3X, WoW, SW3, ToD, RotLK, WoWWotLK, WoWC, LoHP, EoN, Wh, ItSotS, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, BotH, WC, WoWWoD, DM, ATYoW, WoWL, T:TSP, J:R, W:TS, BtS, Elegy, AGW, Warbringers, WoWBfA, SR, WoWS, WoWSV
Vereesa Windrunner — DoD, WA1, WA2, WA3, ToD, BtDP, NotD, RotLK, WoWWotLK, Sr, WoWC, ItSotS, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, WC, WoWL, W:TS, BtS, WoWBfA, WoWSV
Dath'Remar Sunstrider — Ashbringer, WA3, BotH
Dar'Khan Drathir — ToD, NotD, SW1, SW2, SW3, RotLK, WoWBC, T:TotA, BotH
Anasterian Sunstrider — ToD, RotLK, ItSotS, WoWWotLK, BotH, WoWBfA
Night elves
Illidan Stormrage — Comic, WC3, WC3X, WA1, WA2, WA3, NotD, WoWBC, RotLK, WoWWotLK, ShW1, Sr, SoF, Wh, WoWC, WoWMoP, BotH, Illidan, Harbingers, TToS, ATYoW, WoWL
Jarod Shadowsong — WA1, WA2, WA3, WoWC, Wh, WoWL
Maiev Shadowsong — WC3X, WA3, WoWBC, Wh, Illidan, TToS, WoWL, WoWBfA
Malfurion Stormrage — Comic, WC3, WC3X, WA1, WA2, WA3, NotD, WoW, Sr, TS:PtC, CotW, WoWC, LoHP, SoF, Wh, JP:ToW, QfP, WC, Illidan, WoWL, BtS, Elegy, AGW, WoWBfA, WoWD
Queen Azshara — WA1, WA2, WA3, NotD, Sr, WoWC, WoWL, Warbringers, WoWBfA
Tyrande Whisperwind — WCL, WC3, WC3X, WA1, WA2, WA3, WoW, Comic, Sr, CotW, TS:PtC, WoWC, SoF, Wh, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, QfP, WC, Illidan, WoWL, BtS, Elegy, AGW, WoWBfA, WoWS, WoWD
Lady Vashj — WC3X, WA3, WoWBC, Illidan, WoWS
Lord Xavius — WA1, WA2, WA3, Sr, Wh, CotW, WoWL
Shandris Feathermoon — WC3, WA2, WA3, WoW, Sr, CotW, SoF, Wh, JP:ToW, WC, WoWL, Elegy, WoWBfA, WoWS, WoWD, Heartlands
Fandral Staghelm — WCL, WotSS, WoW, Comic, Sr, CotW, WoWC, Wh
Kur'talos Ravencrest — WA1, WA2, WA3, Sr, WoWL
Broll Bearmantle — WCL, Comic, WoWWotLK, Sr, WoWC, SoF, JP:ToW, WoWL, WoWBfA
Varo'then — WA1, WA2, WA3, WoW, Sr, WoWC
Elisande — N:ToS, WoWL
Thalyssra — N:ToS, WoWL, WoWBfA, AMiV, AvE, Heartlands
Valtrois — WoWL, WoWBfA
Oculeth — WoWL, WoWBfA
Silgryn — WoWL, WoWBfA
Void elves
Alleria Windrunner — WA1, WC2X, ToD, BtDP, NotD, RotLK, JP:ToW, PoP, BotH, WC, DM, ATYoW, WoWL, W:TS, BtS, WoWBfA, AMiV, SR, WoWSV, ALaS, TWW
Magister Umbric — WoWL, WoWBfA, Heartlands
Cenarius's children
Remulos — Comic, WA2, WA3, WoW, Sr, TS:PtC, WoWL
Zaetar — WoW, Sr, BLS
Celebras — WoW
Elemental Lords
Ragnaros — Shaman, Comic, WoW, WoWC, CotA, JH, WoWBfA
Al'Akir — WoWC, QfP
Neptulon — WoWC, QfP, WoWL, WoWBfA
Therazane — WoWC, WoWL, WoWBfA
Thunderaan — WoW, WoWL
Smolderon — WoWL, WoWD
Eternal Ones
Zovaal — Afterlives, SR, WoWS, WoWSV
Primus — WoWS
Denathrius — Afterlives, WoWS
Kyrestia the Firstborne — Afterlives, WoWS
Winter Queen — Afterlives, WoWS
Arbiter — WoWS
Old Gods
C'Thun — WCL, WoW, Comic
Yogg-Saron — WoWWotLK, WoWL
Y'Shaarj — WoWMoP, WC
N'Zoth — WoWC, WoWL, Warbringers, WoWBfA
Sargeras — Comic, TLG, ToD, BtDP, WC3X, WA1, WA2, WA3, RotH, CoH, Sr, CotW, Saga, DR, Illidan, TToS, ATYoW, WoWL, BtS, M:TS, Elegy, AGW
Aman'Thul — T:TotA, CotA, Saga, WoWL
Eonar — T:TotA, CotA, Saga, WoWL, Tr
Khaz'goroth — T:TotA, CotA, Saga, WoWL
Norgannon — T:TotA, CotA, Saga, JP:ToW, WoWL
Aggramar — Saga, WoWL
Golganneth — Saga, WoWL
Titanic watchers
Algalon the Observer — Comic, WoWWotLK, WoWL
Tyr — B&H, DotA, WoWD
Freya — WoWWotLK, DotA
Hodir — WoWWotLK, WoWL
Loken — WoWWotLK, DotA, WoWMoP
Mimiron — WoWWotLK, WoWL
Odyn — WoWL, WoWS
Ra — DotA, WoWMoP, WoWL, WoWBfA
Thorim — WoWWotLK, WoWL
Wild Gods
Cenarius — Comic, WC3, WA1, WA2, WA3, Sr, TS:PtC, BLS, WoWC, Wh, CotW, WoWL
Chi-Ji the Red Crane — WoWMoP, Li Li, BoS, BS, WC, JH, BtS, WoWBfA
Aviana — WA2, WA3, WoWC, WoWL, WoWBfA
Hakkar the Soulflayer — WoW, WoWC, WoWS
Malorne — WA3, Sr, WoWC, WoWL
Niuzao the Black Ox — WoWMoP, BoS, BS, WC, JH, WoWBfA
Xuen the White Tiger — WoWMoP, Li Li, BoS, BS, WC, JH, Hellscream, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA
Yu'lon the Jade Serpent — WoWMoP, Li Li, BoS, BS, WC, JH, WoWL, WoWBfA
Aessina — WoWC
Agamaggan — WA3, WoWC, WoWL
Anzu — WoWBC, WoWWoD
Goldrinn — WCL, Comic, Sr, CotW, WoWC, Wh, CotW, JP:ToW, DR, WoWL, WoWBfA
Tortolla — WoWC
Ursoc — WA3, WoWWotLK, WoWL, Afterlives
Ursol — WA3, WoWWotLK, WoWL
Other deities
Elune — WC3, WC3X, WA1, WA2, WA3, WotSS, WoW, Comic, Sr, CotW, SoF, DotA, QfP, UV, WC, WoWL, BtS, Elegy, AGW, WoWBfA, WoWS
The Lich King — Ashbringer, RtD, Glory, DK, Comic, WA1, DoD, CoH, NotD, WC3, WC3X, RotLK, SW1, SW2, SW3, WoWWotLK, Sr, TS:PtC, HoW, EoN, T:TotA, PL, CotA, SH/EB, DotA, WC, WoWWoD, Illidan, DM, WoWL, T:TSP, BtS, AGW, WoWBfA, WoWS
Xal'atath— WoWL, WoWBFA, ToD, WoWTWW
Forsaken Undead
Grand Apothecary Putress — WCL, Comic, Glory, Ashbringer, WoWWotLK, TS:PtC, BLS, BtS, WoWSV
Lilian Voss — WoWC, WoWMoP, WoWWoD, WoWL, WoWBfA, WoWS, WoWTWW
Master Apothecary Faranell — RotLK, WoW, WoWWotLK, WoWL, WoWS
Gazlowe — WC3X, WoW, TS:PtC, WoWC, JP:ToW, WoWWoD, T:TSP, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA, TVW, WoWTWW
Trade Prince Gallywix — WoWC, TSoaTP, JP:ToW, TBS, WoWMoP, WC, WoWL, BtS, Elegy, AGW, WoWBfA, WoWS, WoWTWW
Baron Revilgaz — Comic, WoW, WoWC, QfP, WoWD, WoWTWW
Marin Noggenfogger — WoW, WoWC, WoWL, T:TSP, WoWBfA, TVW, WoWTWW
Trade Prince Steamwheedle — TSoaTP
Gelbin Mekkatorque — BtDP, WoW, WoWC, CS, Wh, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, WC, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA
Millhouse Manastorm — WoWBC, WoWC, WoWMoP, WoWWoD, WoWL
Mekgineer Thermaplugg — WoW, CS, WoWC
Silas Darkmoon — Comic, WoW, WoWBC, WoWC
Orweyna — WoWTWW
The Monkey King — WoWMoP, BoS, WoWL
Aegwynn — WCL, TLG, CoH, ToD, Comic, RotLK, TS:PtC, TToS, WoWL
Anduin Lothar — WCL, Ashbringer, WC1, WC2, DoD, TLG, ToD, BtDP, LoC, CoH, Comic, RotLK, TS:PtC, LoHP, BoOF, T:TotA, WoWL, BtS
Antonidas — RtD, B&H, BtDP, CoH, WC3, WC3X, ToD, RotLK, T:TotA, JP:ToW
Arthas Menethil — Glory, Comic, Ashbringer, WA1, B&H, DoD, WC3, WC3X, ToD, BtDP, CoH, NotD, RotLK, SW1, SW3, ShW1, WoWWotLK, DK, Sr, TS:PtC, WoWC, EoN, ItSotS, T:TotA, Wh, SH/EB, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, BotH, WC, Illidan, DM, WoWL, T:TSP, W:TS, BtS, Warbringers, WoWBfA, Afterlives
Bolvar Fordragon — WCL, WoW, Comic, WoWWotLK, TS:PtC, EoN, WoWWoD, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA, WoWS
Genn Greymane — DoD, ToD, BtDP, RotLK, WoWC, CotW, LoHP, BoOF, Wh, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, WC, WoWL, BtS, Elegy, AGW, WoWBfA, SR, WoWS, WoWD
Jaina Proudmoore — WCL, Ashbringer, RtD, RotH, DoD, WC3, WC3X, CoH, WoW, Comic, RotLK, WoWWotLK, Sr, TS:PtC, LoHP, BoOF, T:TotA, Wh, SH/EB, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, DotA, WC, WoWWoD, WoWL, BtS, J:R, Warbringers, WoWBfA, WoWS, WoWTWW, Heartlands
Kel'Thuzad — RtD, WC3, WC3X, WoW, ToD, CoH, Ashbringer, RotLK, WoWWotLK, SW1, T:TotA, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, BotH, WoWS
Khadgar — WC2X, TLG, ToD, BtDP, CoH, Comic, RotLK, WoWBC, JP:ToW, DotA, WoWWoD, Illidan, Harbingers, TToS, ATYoW, WoWL, J:R, WoWD, WoWTWW
Medivh — Comic, DoD, ToD, BtDP, WC1, TLG, WC3, RotH, CoH, WoWBC, RotLK, TS:PtC, T:TotA, JP:ToW, QfP, DR, Illidan, Harbingers, WoWL
Rhonin — Mage, DoD, WA1, WA2, WA3, NotD, WoWWotLK, Sr, CotA, ItSotS, JP:ToW, DotA, WC, WoWL, W:TS, WoWBfA
Terenas Menethil II — WC2, DoD, LoC, WC3, ToD, BtDP, Ashbringer, RotLK, RtD, WoWWotLK, Sr, TS:PtC, LoHP, T:TotA, Wh, SH/EB, WoWMoP, BotH, WC, BtS
Tirion Fordring — B&H, WoW, ToD, Ashbringer, RotLK, WoWWotLK, DK, SH/EB, WoWC, WoWL
Uther the Lightbringer — WC2, WC2X, B&H, Ashbringer, DoD, WC3, WoW, ToD, BtDP, RotLK, WoWWotLK, BoOF, T:TotA, JP:ToW, WoWL, BtS, Afterlives, WoWS
Varian Wrynn — WCL, WC2X, WoW, ToD, BtDP, NotD, Comic, WoWWotLK, DK, RotLK, Sr, WoWC, LoHP, FaI, EoN, BoOF, T:TotA, Wh, SH/EB, PL, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, V:SotH, WC, LoW, WoWWoD, WoWL, A:SotW, T:TSP, BtS, J:R, Elegy, AGW, WoWBfA
Alexandros Mograine — Comic, WoW, Ashbringer, WoWWotLK, DK, SH/EB, WoWS
Anduin Wrynn — WCL, RotLK, WoW, Comic, Sr, TS:PtC, WoWC, FaI, BoOF, Wh, AOFBU, PL, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, BS, WC, WoWL, A:SotW, W:TS, BtS, Elegy, AGW, WoWBfA, SR, WoWS, WoWSV, TVW, WoWTWW
Danath Trollbane — WC2X, BtDP, WoWBC, ATYoW, WoWL, WoWBfA, WoWTWW, Heartlands
Darion Mograine — Ashbringer, WoWWotLK, DK, SH/EB, WoWWoD, WoWL, WoWS
Faerin Lothar — TVE, WoWTWW
Falric — WC3, RotLK, WoWWotLK, DK
Thassarian — WoWWotLK, DK, WoWC, WoWL
Turalyon — WC2X, ToD, BtDP, Comic, RotLK, ShW1, ATYoW, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA, SR, ALAS, WoWTWW, Heartlands
Aedelas Blackmoore — Comic, LoC, CoH, RotLK, TS:PtC, T:TotA, WC
Aiden Perenolde — WC2, DoD, ToD, BtDP, LoHP
Anveena Teague — SW1, SW2, SW3, NotD, WoWBC, JP:ToW, DotA, BotH, WC, BtS
Archmage Arugal — WoW, WoWWotLK, CotW, LoHP, ItSotS, Wh
Archbishop Benedictus — WoW, TS:PtC, BoOF, T:TotA, Wh, WoWC
Daelin Proudmoore — B&H, DoD, WC2X, WC3X, ToD, BtDP, CoH, RotLK, Wh, JP:ToW, QfP, DotA, J:R, Warbringers, WoWBfA
Darius Crowley — WoWC, CotW, LoHP, WoWL, WoWBfA
Llane Wrynn I — WCL, WC1, TLG, ToD, Comic, RotLK, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, BoOF, Wh, LoW, WoWL, BtS
Marwyn — WC3, RotLK, WoWWotLK
Meryl Felstorm — WCL, Comic, WoWL
Othmar Garithos — Comic, CoH, WC3X, ItSotS
Renault Mograine — Comic, WoW, Ashbringer
Tess Greymane — WoWC, CotW, LoHP, WoWL, BtS, Elegy, WoWBFA, WoWD, Heartlands
Alonsus Faol — DoD, ToD, BtDP, RotLK, WoWL, BtS, Elegy
Galen Trollbane — WoW, WoWC, WoWL
Jorad Mace — WCL, SW1, SW2, SW3, ShW1, ShW2, WoWBC, WoWL
Landan Wrynn — CoH
Liam Greymane — WoWC, CotW, LoHP, Wh, BtS
Lorna Crowley — WoWC, CotW, WoWL, WoWBfA
Nathanos Blightcaller — WoW, ItSotS, WoWC, DM, WoWL, BtS, Elegy, AGW, Warbringers, WoWBfA, SR, WoWS, WoWSV
Nielas Aran — Comic, TLG, CoH, WoWBC, WoWL
Baron Rivendare — Comic, WoW, WoWWotLK
Taretha Foxton — Comic, LoC, CoH, WoWBC, TS:PtC, T:TotA, WC
Thoras Trollbane — DoD, WC2, WC2X, ToD, BtDP, LoHP, WoWL
Vincent Godfrey — WoWC, CotW
Grand Empress Shek'zeer — WoWMoP
Lei Shen — WoWMoP, V:SotH, WC, JH
A'dal — Comic, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, JP:ToW, Illidan
M'uru — WoWBC, BotH
Xe'ra — ATYoW, WoWL, BtS
K'ara — WoWWoD
K'ure — RotH, WoWBC, WoWWoD
L'ura — WoWL, W:TS
Anub'arak — RtD, WC3X, RotLK, WoWWotLK
Queen Ansurek — ToD, WoWTWW
Queen Neferess — ToD, WoWTWW
Widow Arak'nai — WoWTWW
Anub'azal — WoWTWW
Executor Nizrek — WoWTWW
Mug'thol — WC3X, WoW, WoWC
Ogre magi
Cho'gall — WCL, ToD, BtDP, WC1, WC2, Comic, WoWC, WoWWoD
Imperator Mar'gok — CoR, WoWWoD
Mogor — WC2X, WoW, WoWWoD
Dentarg — WC2X, BtDP, WoWWoD
Gruul the Dragonkiller — BtDP, WoWBC, ShW1, ShW2, WoWWoD, Illidan
Orcs and half-breeds
Grom Hellscream — Broken, Comic, WC2X, LoC, WC3, RotH, BtDP, CoH, WoWBC, Sr, TS:PtC, HoW, T:TotA, Wh, SH/EB, JP:ToW, PoP, WC, GatS, LoW, Hellscream, CoR, WoWWoD, TToS
Gul'dan — Comic, WCL, ToD, BtDP, TLG, WC1, WC2, LoC, WC3X, RotH, CoH, RotLK, WoWBC, BoOF, T:TotA, WC, GatS, Hellscream, WoWWoD, Illidan, N:ToS, Harbingers, TToS, ATYoW, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA
Ner'zhul — Comic, WC2X, ToD, BtDP, LoC, WC3, WC3X, RotH, WC, WoWWoD, Illidan, TToS, ATYoW, WoWL, WoWS
Orgrim Doomhammer — Comic, Ashbringer, WA1, DoD, ToD, BtDP, WC2, WC2X, LoC, RotH, CoH, RotLK, TS:PtC, T:TotA, JP:ToW, PoP, WC, Blackhand, WoWWoD, BtS
Thrall — Ashbringer, WCL, Comic, Shaman, WA1, WA2, WA3, B&H, LoC, WC3, WC3X, CoH, RotLK, WoW, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, Glory, RotH, Comic, Sr, TS:PtC, BLS, WoWC, HoW, TSoaTP, T:TotA, Wh, ItSotS, CotA, SH/EB, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, QfP, PoP, V:SotH, SoS, BotH, WC, Hellscream, WoWWoD, WoWL, A:SotW, J:R, BtS, WoWBfA, SR, WoWS, TVW, WoWTWW, Heartlands
Blackhand — Comic, WC1, DoD, ToD, BtDP, TLG, RotH, T:TotA, JP:ToW, Blackhand, WoWWoD, AGW
Durotan — Comic, LoC, ToD, BtDP, B&H, RotH, TS:PtC, HoW, T:TotA, JP:ToW, WC, BaT, LoW, WoWWoD, BtS, WoWBfA
Kilrogg Deadeye — Comic, ToD, WC1, WC2, WC2X, TLG, RotH, LoW, WoWWoD
Varok Saurfang — WCL, WoW, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, Sr, HoW, TS:PtC, WoWMoP, WC, WoWWoD, WoWL, BtS, Elegy, AGW, Warbringers, WoWBfA
Dal'rend Blackhand — Comic, ToD, WoW, RotH, T:TotA, JP:ToW
Broxigar — WA1, WA2, WA3, Sr, TS:PtC, WC, WoWL
Draka — WCL, RotH, LoC, TS:PtC, T:TotA, WC, WoWWoD, WoWBfA, Afterlives, WoWS
Drek'Thar — Comic, Shaman, WC3X, LoC, CoH, WoW, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, RotH, TS:PtC, WoWC, T:TotA, CotA, WC, WoWWoD, WoWL
Nekros Skullcrusher — DoD, ToD, CotA, WC
Teron Gorefiend — WC2X, ToD, BtDP, WoWBC, WoWWoD
Eitrigg — WCL, Ashbringer, B&H, WoW, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, RotH, TS:PtC, WoWC, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, WC, WoWL, WoWBfA, Heartlands
Fenris Wolfbrother — BtDP, BaT, WoWWoD
Garad — WCL, RotH, TS:PtC, WC, BaT, WoWWoD
Nazgrel — CoH, WC3X, WoW, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, WoWWoD
Rehgar Earthfury — WCL, Comic, Sr, TS:PtC, T:TotA, JP:ToW, WC, WoWL
Zuluhed the Whacked — DoD, ToD, WC2, WoWBC, ShW1, ShW2
Fel orcs
Kargath Bladefist — Comic, WC2X, RotH, BtDP, WoWBC, LoW, CoR, WoWWoD
Tagar Spinebreaker — WC2, WoWBC, WoWWoD
Garrosh Hellscream — WCL, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, BtDP, Comic, TS:PtC, WoWC, HoW, T:TotA, TJ, AOFBU, EoN, Wh, SH/EB, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, QfP, TBS, DotA, V:SotH, SoS, BLS, OW, UV, WC, GatS, Hellscream, CoR, WoWWoD, TToS, A:SotW, BtS, J:R, Elegy, AGW, WoWBfA, Afterlives
Aggra — TS:PtC, WoWC, T:TotA, CotA, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, WC, WoWWoD, WoWL, TVW, Heartlands
Dranosh Saurfang — Glory, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, TS:PtC, HoW, WC, AGW
Geya'rah — WoWBFA, WoWTWW, Heartlands
Greatmother Geyah — Comic, BtDP, WoWBC, TS:PtC, LoW, WoWWoD
Durak — TVW
Garona Halforcen — WCL, WC1, TLG, ToD, RotLK, Comic, WoW, WoWC, BoOF, WoWWoD, WoWL, WoWBfA
Med'an — WCL, Comic, PL
Rexxar — BtDP, WC3X, WoW, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, CoH, Wh, QfP, V:SotH, WoWWoD, WoWL, J:R, WoWBfA
Leoroxx — BtDP, WoWBC
Chen Stormstout — WC3X, WoWMoP, PoP, QfP, Li Li, V:SotH, WoWL
Emperor Shaohao — WoWMoP, Li Li, BoS, V:SotH
Kang — WoWMoP, JH
Liu Lang — WoWMoP, PoP, QfP, Li Li, V:SotH
Lorewalker Cho — WoWMoP, WoWWoD, WoWL
Taran Zhu — WoWMoP, TotRB, V:SotH, WC, WoWL
Aysa Cloudsinger — WoWMoP, Li Li, WC, WoWL, WoWBfA
Ji Firepaw — WoWMoP, Li Li, WC, WoWL, BtS, AGW, WoWBfA
Li Li Stormstout — WoWMoP, PoP, Li Li, QfP, V:SotH, WoWL
Baine Bloodhoof — WC3X, WoW, Sr, WoWC, TS:PtC, AOFBU, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, WC, WoWL, A:SotW, BtS, AGW, WoWBfA, WoWS, WoWD, Heartlands
Cairne Bloodhoof — Comic, RotH, BtDP, WC3, WC3X, WoW, Sr, WoWC, TS:PtC, TJ, AOFBU, T:TotA, JP:ToW, QfP, BLS, WC, BtS, AGW, WoWBfA
Magatha Grimtotem — WCL, WoW, Comic, WoWC, TS:PtC, T:TotA, JP:ToW, WC, WoWL
Hamuul Runetotem — WCL, WoW, Comic, WoWC, Sr, TS:PtC, AOFBU, T:TotA, JP:ToW, QfP, WC, WoWL, WoWBfA
Muln Earthfury — Shaman, WoWC, T:TotA, CotA, JP:ToW, WoWL
Sunwalker Dezco — WoWMoP, BS, WoWWoD, WoWL
Trag Highmountain — WCL, Comic, SW2, WoWWotLK, WoWL
Highmountain tauren
Huln Highmountain — H:AMD, WoWL, WoWS
Mayla Highmountain — H:AMD, WoWL, WoWBfA
Jale Rivermane — H:AMD, WoWL
Lasan Skyhorn — H:AMD, WoWL, WoWBfA
Torok Bloodtotem — H:AMD, WoWL
Ulan Highmountain — H:AMD
Forest trolls
Zul'jin — WC2, ToD, WoWBC, V:SotH, BotH, WoWBfA
Jungle trolls
Vol'jin — WC3X, WoW, WoWBC, WoWWotLK, TS:PtC, BLS, WoWC, TJ, JP:ToW, WoWMoP, QfP, V:SotH, SoS, OW, WC, WoWL, BtS, J:R, WoWBfA, WoWS
Rokhan — WC3X, CoH, WoWWotLK, Sr, WoWWoD, WoWL, BtS, WoWBfA, SR
Master Gadrin — WoW, TJ, V:SotH, WoWBfA
Sen'jin — WC3 Demo, TJ, JP:ToW, V:SotH, WC
Zalazane — WoW, WoWC, TJ, V:SotH, WoWBfA
Zandalari trolls
King Rastakhan — WoW, WoWC, WoWMoP, V:SotH, WoWBfA
Zul — WoWC, WoWMoP, V:SotH, WoWBfA
Talanji — WoWBfA, SR
Vilnak'dor — V:SotH, WoWBfA
Helya — WoWL, WoWS
Agatha — WoWC, EoN
Annhylde the Caller — WoWWotLK, EoN
King Ymiron — WoWWotLK, WoWMoP, WoWL
In the RPG
Legends are the most famous heroes and villains from all eras of Azeroth's history. The world of Azeroth is rife with adventure. Even the smallest villages have their stories of monsters assailed, treasures discovered and battles won. Yet only a few adventurers in each generation rise to face the next level of challenge, to become true heroes. Of those heroes, fewer still survive their trials to become legends that will be remembered for all time. Decades, centuries, even millennia later, their names are still known: Malfurion Stormrage, Tyrande Whisperwind, Orgrim Doomhammer, Korialstrasz, Uther Lightbringer and the other characters are beings of great renown and greater ability, legends.[2][3]
- Heroes and Villains[4]
- Lords of the Burning Legion[5]
- Archimonde the Defiler
- Kil'jaeden the Deceiver
- Mannoroth the Destructor
- Tichondrius the Darkener
- Sargeras The Destroyer
- Other legendary villains[6]
- Azgalor[7]
- Illidan Stormrage[8]
- Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider
- Kel'Thuzad
- The Lich King
- Sylvanas Windrunner
- Lady Vashj
- Queen Azshara[8]
- Other legendary heroes
- "Legends" (aka Legendary Heroes) is the term for the unique special hero units in Warcraft II.[10]
- ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
- ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 9
- ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 32
- ^ Shadows & Light, "Chapter 2: Legends, Heroes and Villains", pg.k 34 - 58
- ^ Shadows & Light, "Chapter 2: Legends, Lords of the Burning Legion", pg. 58
- ^ Manual of Monsters, "Appendix 2: Villains of Warcraft, Villains", pg. 176 - 189
- ^ Manual of Monsters, pg. 177
- ^ a b Shadows & Light, "Chapter 2: Legends, Legends and Your Campaign, Dungeoneering", pg. 33
- ^ a b Shadows & Light, "Story at the end of Chapter 1", pg. 29
- ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness - manual