Reputation rewards | |
A faction is a group of allies, either racial or ideological. Most in-game factions are described in Warcraft lore, but some were specifically introduced in World of Warcraft. The concept of a faction exists primarily in World of Warcraft. The use of factions in other Warcraft games is more for general grouping purposes and not quantitatively tracked like World of Warcraft.
Most factions are tracked in World of Warcraft by the reputation that a player character has with each faction. Some groups that are not tracked as factions appear in the organization list.
The term faction is also used to refer specifically to the two playable factions in World of Warcraft: the Alliance and the Horde. Each playable race is specifically aligned with one faction or the other, and all player characters of that race automatically belong to that faction. Pandaren characters are the exception and must choose a faction to leave the Wandering Isle, at around level 10. Once chosen, a character's faction cannot be changed through in-game means. However, there is a paid Faction Change service available that can perform this function. For all races except pandaren, using this service requires also changing your character to a new race, one that is aligned with the character's new faction.
A character's faction has numerous consequences. Characters can only talk, group, and create guilds with players from their own faction. Certain zones and cities in the world are also friendly to one faction while hostile to the other. The majority of the leveling experience will be determined by the character's faction, with different quests, NPCs and areas for each faction. Faction also determines a substantial amount of play: characters will fight the opposite faction in battlegrounds and world PvP; work to raise their reputation and earn the praise of the heroes of their faction; complete quests to aid their faction's efforts, and frequently fight against the other faction's NPCs; and generally spend the majority of their time in their faction's cities and surrounded by other members of their faction. Although many choose to play characters of each faction, some players develop a strong sense of faction pride, often leading to varying degrees of sparring and rivalry between players who identify with each faction.
Any organization or NPC not aligning to either playable faction are sometimes described as Neutral between the two.
Argent Dawn | (Formerly related to Naxxramas, Stratholme & Scholomance) |
Bloodsail Buccaneers | (Enemies of Steamwheedle Cartel) |
Brood of Nozdormu | (Related to Ahn'Qiraj) |
Cenarion Circle | (Related to Ahn'Qiraj & Druids) |
Darkmoon Faire | (Related to Darkmoon Island) |
Gelkis Clan Centaur | (Enemies of Magram Clan Centaur, removed in patch 4.0.3, and returned in patch 8.0.1) |
Hydraxian Waterlords | (Related to Molten Core) |
Magram Clan Centaur | (Enemies of Gelkis Clan Centaur, removed in patch 4.0.3, and returned in patch 8.0.1) |
Ravenholdt | (Related to Rogues) |
Syndicate | (Enemies of Ravenholdt) |
Thorium Brotherhood | (Related to Molten Core) |
Timbermaw Hold | |
Wintersaber Trainers | (Related to Winterspring) |
Darkspear Trolls | (Related to Trolls) |
Orgrimmar | (Related to Orcs) |
Thunder Bluff | (Related to Tauren) |
Undercity | (Related to Undead) |
Silvermoon City | (Related to Blood elves) |
Bilgewater Cartel | (Related to Goblins) |
Huojin Pandaren | (Related to Horde-aligned Pandaren) |
Darnassus | (Related to Night elves) |
Gnomeregan | (Related to Gnomes) |
Ironforge | (Related to Dwarves) |
Stormwind | (Related to Humans) |
Exodar | (Related to Draenei) |
Gilneas | (Related to Worgen) |
Tushui Pandaren | (Related to Alliance-aligned Pandaren) |
Horde Forces
Brawl'gar Arena | (The Horde Brawler's Guild) |
The Defilers | (Related to Arathi Basin) |
Frostwolf Clan | (Related to Alterac Valley) |
Warsong Outriders | (Related to Warsong Gulch) |
Alliance Forces
Bizmo's Brawlpub | (The Alliance Brawler's Guild) |
The League of Arathor | (Related to Arathi Basin) |
Silverwing Sentinels | (Related to Warsong Gulch) |
Stormpike Guard | (Related to Alterac Valley) |
Steamwheedle Cartel
Booty Bay | (Enemies of Bloodsail Buccaneers) |
Everlook | (Enemies of Bloodsail Buccaneers) |
Gadgetzan | (Enemies of Bloodsail Buccaneers) |
Ratchet | (Enemies of Bloodsail Buccaneers) |
The Burning Crusade
Ashtongue Deathsworn | (Related to Black Temple) |
Cenarion Expedition | (Related to Coilfang Reservoir) |
The Consortium | (Related to Auchindoun) |
Honor Hold | (Related to Hellfire Citadel) |
Keepers of Time | (Related to Caverns of Time) |
Kurenai | (Related to Nagrand) |
The Mag'har | (Related to Nagrand) |
Netherwing | (Related to Shadowmoon Valley) |
Ogri'la | (Related to Blade's Edge Mountains) |
The Scale of the Sands | (Related to Battle of Mount Hyjal) |
Sporeggar | (Related to Coilfang Reservoir and Zangarmarsh) |
Thrallmar | (Related to Hellfire Citadel) |
Tranquillien | (Related to Ghostlands) |
The Violet Eye | (Related to Karazhan) |
Shattrath City
The Aldor | (Enemies of The Scryers) |
Lower City | (Related to Auchindoun) |
The Scryers | (Enemies of The Aldor) |
The Sha'tar | (Related to Tempest Keep) |
Sha'tari Skyguard | (Related to Skettis) |
Shattered Sun Offensive | (Related to Magisters' Terrace & Sunwell Plateau) |
Wrath of the Lich King
Argent Crusade | |
Ashen Verdict | (Related to Icecrown Citadel, formed by merging of Argent Crusade and Knights of the Ebon Blade) |
The Kalu'ak | |
Kirin Tor | (Related to Dalaran) |
Knights of the Ebon Blade | (Related to Death Knights) |
The Sons of Hodir | (Related to The Storm Peaks) |
The Wyrmrest Accord |
Horde Expedition
The Hand of Vengeance | |
The Sunreavers | (Related to Argent Tournament) |
The Taunka | |
Warsong Offensive |
Alliance Vanguard
Explorers' League | |
The Frostborn | (Related to The Storm Peaks) |
The Silver Covenant | (Related to Argent Tournament) |
Valiance Expedition |
Sholazar Basin
Frenzyheart Tribe | (Enemies of The Oracles) |
The Oracles | (Enemies of Frenzyheart Tribe) |
Avengers of Hyjal | (Related to Firelands, formed by merging of Cenarion Circle and Guardians of Hyjal) |
Baradin's Wardens | (Related to Tol Barad) |
Dragonmaw Clan | (Horde faction in Twilight Highlands) |
Guardians of Hyjal | (Related to Mount Hyjal and Molten Front) |
Hellscream's Reach | (Related to Tol Barad) |
Ramkahen | (Related to Uldum) |
The Earthen Ring | |
Therazane | (Related to Deepholm) |
Wildhammer Clan | (Removed in patch 2.0.3, re-introduced in 4.0.3, Alliance faction in Twilight Highlands) |
Mists of Pandaria
The Anglers | |
The August Celestials | |
The Black Prince | |
Dominance Offensive | (Related to Krasarang Wilds) |
Emperor Shaohao | (Related to Timeless Isle) |
Forest Hozen | (Related to The Jade Forest) |
The Golden Lotus | (Related to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms) |
Kirin Tor Offensive | (Related to Isle of Thunder) |
Klaxxi | (Related to the Dread Wastes) |
The Lorewalkers | |
Operation: Shieldwall | (Related to Krasarang Wilds) |
Order of the Cloud Serpent | (Related to The Jade Forest) |
Pearlfin Jinyu | (Related to The Jade Forest) |
Shado-Pan | |
Shado-Pan Assault | (Related to the Throne of Thunder) |
Shang Xi's Academy | (Related to the Wandering Isle) |
Sunreaver Onslaught | (Related to Isle of Thunder) |
The Tillers |
Individual NPCs
- Nat Pagle (Related to The Anglers)
- Chee Chee
- Ella
- Farmer Fung
- Fish Fellreed
- Gina Mudclaw
- Haohan Mudclaw
- Jogu the Drunk
- Old Hillpaw
- Sho
- Tina Mudclaw
Warlords of Draenor
Arakkoa Outcasts | (Related to Spires of Arak) |
Council of Exarchs | (Related to Shadowmoon Valley) |
Frostwolf Orcs | (Related to Frostfire Ridge) |
Hand of the Prophet | (Related to Tanaan Jungle) |
Laughing Skull Orcs | (Related to Gorgrond) |
Order of the Awakened | (Related to Tanaan Jungle) |
The Saberstalkers | (Related to Tanaan Jungle) |
Sha'tari Defense | (Related to Talador) |
Steamwheedle Preservation Society | (Related to Nagrand) |
Vol'jin's Headhunters | (Related to Tanaan Jungle) |
Vol'jin's Spear | (Related to Ashran) |
Wrynn's Vanguard | (Related to Ashran) |
Argussian Reach | (Related to Krokuun and Eredath) |
Armies of Legionfall | (Related to Broken Shore) |
Army of the Light | (Related to Antoran Wastes and Krokuun) |
Court of Farondis | (Related to Azsuna) |
Dreamweavers | (Related to Val'sharah) |
Highmountain Tribe | (Related to Highmountain) |
The Nightfallen | (Related to Suramar) |
Talon's Vengeance | (Related to a special PvP system) |
The Wardens | (Related to rare mobs) |
Valarjar | (Related to Stormheim) |
Individual NPCs
Battle for Azeroth
Champions of Azeroth | |
Honeyback Hive | (Related to Stormsong Valley) |
Honorbound | |
Order of Embers | (Related to Drustvar) |
Proudmoore Admiralty | (Related to Tiragarde Sound) |
Rajani | (Related to Vale of Eternal Blossoms) |
Rustbolt Resistance | (Related to Mechagon) |
Storm's Wake | (Related to Stormsong Valley) |
Talanji's Expedition | (Related to Nazmir) |
Tortollan Seekers | |
Uldum Accord | (Related to Uldum) |
The Unshackled | (Related to Nazjatar) |
Voldunai | (Related to Vol'dun) |
Waveblade Ankoan | (Related to Nazjatar) |
Zandalari Empire | (Related to Zuldazar) |
7th Legion |
The Ascended | (Related to Bastion) |
The Avowed | |
Court of Harvesters | (Related to Revendreth) |
The Undying Army | (Related to Maldraxxus) |
The Wild Hunt | (Related to Ardenweald) |
Stitchmasters | (Related to Necrolord Covenant) |
Ember Court | (Related to Venthyr Covenant) |
Death's Advance | (Related to Korthia and The Maw) |
Archivists' Codex | (Related to Korthia) |
Automa | (Related to Zereth Mortis) |
Enlightened | (Related to Zereth Mortis) |
Individual NPCs
- Ember Court NPCs
- Alexandros Mograine
- Baroness Vashj
- Choofa
- Cryptkeeper Kassir
- Droman Aliothe
- Grandmaster Vole
- Hunt-Captain Korayn
- Kleia and Pelagos
- Lady Moonberry
- Mikanikos
- Plague Deviser Marileth
- Polemarch Adrestes
- Rendle and Cudgelface
- Sika
- Stonehead
- The Countess
Dragonscale Expedition | |
Dream Wardens | (Related to Emerald Dream) |
Iskaara Tuskarr | (Related to Azure Span) |
Loamm Niffen | (Related to Zaralek Cavern) |
Maruuk Centaur | (Related to Ohn'ahran Plains) |
Valdrakken Accord | |
Artisan's Consortium - Dragon Isles Branch | |
Azerothian Archives | |
Cobalt Assembly | (Related to Azure Span) |
Glimmerogg Racer | (Related to Zaralek Cavern) |
Sabellian | |
Soridormi (Related to Thaldraszus) | |
Winterpelt Furbolg (Related to Azure Span) | |
Wrathion |
The War Within
Council of Dornogal | (Related to Isle of Dorn) |
Assembly of the Deeps | (Related to Ringing Deeps) |
Hallowfall Arathi | (Related to Hallowfall) |
Severed Threads | (Related to Azj-Kahet) |
The General | (Related to Azj-Kahet) |
The Vizier | (Related to Azj-Kahet) |
The Weaver | (Related to Azj-Kahet) |
Brann Bronzebeard |
Removed factions
Revantusk Tribe | (Added in patch 1.5, removed in patch 1.11) |
Royal Apothecary Society | (Seen at BlizzCon 2007, removed before Wrath of the Lich King Beta) |
Shen'dralar | (Added in patch 1.3, removed in patch 4.0.3, although still visible in reputation panel) |
Silvermoon Remnant | (Added in patch 1.6.0, removed in patch 1.6.1) |
Theramore | (Added in Patch 1.6.0, removed in patch 1.6.1) |
Zandalar Tribe | (Related to Zul'Gurub, removed in patch 4.0.3, although still visible in reputation panel) |
Moro'gai | (Faction of Lost Ones removed during the World of Warcraft beta) |
See also