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For the draenei organization, see Sha'tari. For the draenei organization in the alternate universe, see Sha'tari Defense.
NeutralThe Sha'tar
Shatar faction.png
Main leader IconSmall Naaru.gif A'dal
Secondary leaders IconSmall Naaru.gif Xi'ri
IconSmall Draenei Male.gif Marcus Auralion
IconSmall Draenei Female.gif Ishanah
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Voren'thal the Seer
  Formerly IconSmall Draenei Male.gif Tiras'alan †
Race(s) IconSmall Naaru.gif Naaru
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
Capital Terrace of Light, Shattrath City
Theater of operations Outland, Isle of Quel'Danas
Language(s) Common, Draenei, Thalassian
Affiliation Army of the Light, Independent
Status Active
Notable reward(s) [Warpforged Key]
[The Tempest Key]
Tabard Sha'tar Tabard.jpg

The Sha'tar, meaning "Born from Light" in Draenei,[1][2] are a faction of powerful naaru led by A'dal, and a part of the Army of the Light.[3]. They rule over a rebuilt Shattrath City,[4] and with the help of the Aldor and the Scryers, they led the battle against Illidan and the Burning Legion[4] during the course of the invasion of Outland.

The Sha'tari Skyguard are an air wing of the Sha'tar defending the capital from attackers in the hills, as well as battling against the arakkoa of Terokk in the peaks of Skettis.



Right before the invasion of Outland began, Khadgar and Velen reached out to the naaru independently, both seeking aid against the dark forces amassing on Outland. The Army of the Light heard their pleas, but their battles with the Burning Legion were costly and ceaseless, so they could not spare soldiers to protect Outland. Instead A'dal, M'uru, and O'ros volunteered to help the people of Outland and arrived with Tempest Keep.[5][6]

According to the Broken Alexius and Khadgar's Servant, as they explored Terokkar Forest, the naaru were drawn to the ruins of Shattrath City when they sensed the Aldor priests performing rites inside the rubble of one of their temples.[1][7] The ruined city, meaning "dwelling of light", was once the draenei capital on Draenor, but when the Legion turned the orcs against the draenei, the fiercest battle was fought there. The draenei fought tooth and nail, but in the end, the city fell and was left in ruins and darkness until the Sha'tar arrived.[2] The Aldor regained strength as word spread that the naaru had returned and they pledged themselves to the Sha'tar, rebuilding the city with their help.[2]

Soon, other people started arriving in Shattrath, drawn by A'dal's power. Among them were Velen and his followers, Khadgar and members of the Sons of Lothar, as well as Maiev Shadowsong.[8][9] As one of the few safe places of Outland, refugees also arrived here in great number, mostly dwelling within the Lower City.[10] The naaru also started recruiting an army to fight against the Burning Legion.[9]

In time, Illidan Stormrage saw a danger in the rebuilding of Shattrath and sent a force of blood elves, led by the magister Voren'thal, to take the city. However, A'dal granted the magister a vision, in which it was revealed to him that the blood elves' survival lay with the leader of Shattrath City rather than the elves' increasingly twisted prince, Kael'thas Sunstrider. It was enough to convince Voren'thal and the blood elf army to put down their weapons and pledge their loyalty to the Sha'tar instead. They became the Scryers and settled in their own quarter within Shattrath.[11]

The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

By the time of the invasion of Outland, the Sha'tar were the main faction in Shattrath City, assisted by the Aldor and the Scryers from their respective tiers. Led by A'dal, the Sha'tar oversaw the running and defense of their city, including the care of displaced refugees and orphans from all over Outland, as they stood in defiance of both the Burning Legion and Illidan Stormrage. They maintained the Sha'tari Base Camp to defend the area around Shattrath City and kept the peace within the city itself.

At some point, Val'zareq the Conqueror managed to capture Marcus Auralion, the high general of the Sha'tar war effort in Shadowmoon Valley, and held him within a crystalline prison at Crimson Watch. After the adventurers killed Val'zareq and took his journal,[12] they managed to free Auralion who called upon them to gather their forces and defeat the Crimson Sigil. Upon their victory against Torloth the Magnificent and his troops, Illidan appeared and challenged the heroes to face him at the Black Temple.[13] In time, Xi'ri and Marcus Auralion led the Sha'tar's war effort directly to the Betrayer's doorstep, including the storming of the Black Temple,[14] with their forces drawn from the divided Aldor and Scryers.[15][16]

After Kael'thas Sunstrider's defeat, the Sha'tar formed a coalition of Aldor and Scryers named the Shattered Sun Offensive, which took the battle against the Legion to the Isle of Quel'Danas. The Blood Knight matriarch Lady Liadrin traveled to Shattrath to reveal the prince's abduction of M'uru. A'dal pardoned Liadrin for her order's maltreatment of the naaru, informing her that M'uru had long known of his fate and played his part accordingly. Liadrin pledged to aid the Sha'tar in the defeat of Kael'thas and Kil'jaeden, and the Blood Knights fought beside the offensive in relieving the isle.[17]

Tides of War

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Some time after the defeat of Deathwing, A'dal sent General Tiras'alan and other draenei to Theramore,[18] commanding them to protect and defend the port city against the Horde.[19]


Legion-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Legion.

Following the break-in by the Council of the Black Harvest of the Black Temple, Akama had his Sha'tari priests erect a holy barrier[20] to protect it from fel magic.[21]


The naaru A'dal, leader of the Sha'tar


Both Alliance and Horde players begin as Neutral toward the Sha'tar. Players can increase their Sha'tar reputation through various quests, by raising their reputation with the Aldor or Scryers, or by adventuring into Tempest Keep. Such players may wish to keep an eye out for the activation of  [A'dal's Song of Battle], a +10% reputation buff granted to anyone in the Tempest Keep instances for two hours. (This occurs after any player on the server completes the quest for defeating Kael'thas Sunstrider.)

Neutral Friendly Honored Revered Exalted Rep Notes
Rep Turnins
12.5 (x1)
125 (x10)
 [Firewing Signet]
 [Mark of Kil'jaeden]
12.5 (x1)
125 (x10)
 [Sunfury Signet]
 [Mark of Sargeras]
125  [Dreadfang Venom Sac]
 [Dampscale Basilisk Eye]
175  [Arcane Tome]
 [Fel Armament]
~10k-11k rep 25-29 Quests
Instances Trash: 12
Mini-Boss: 90
Bosses: 120
Full Clear: 1,620 rep
Full Clear (heroic): ~2,100 rep
Trash: 12
Bosses: 120
Full Clear 2,200 rep
Full Clear (heroic): 3,245 rep
Trash: 12-24
Bosses: 120
Full Clear ~1,800 rep
Full Clear (heroic): ~2,600 rep


Completing quests for the Sha'tar is the most obvious way of earning reputation with that faction. Similarly, killing mobs in the three wings of Tempest Keep — namely, the Botanica, Mechanar, and Arcatraz — rewards reputation with the Sha'tar. There are only a limited number of quests that award reputation with the Sha'tar, however. Once these are exhausted, the only way to reach exalted status is to repeatedly run the Tempest Keep instances.

Until Honored

Characters may initially earn reputation with the Sha'tar by completing quests for the Aldor or the Scryers, including each faction's repeatable reputation quests. Each such quest completed nets a reputation gain with the Sha'tar equal to one-half that awarded by the character's respective faction, e.g., completing N [15-30] Allegiance to the Scryers awards 3500 reputation with the Scryers, and 1750 reputation with the Sha'tar. These incidental gains stop upon reaching 5999/6000 friendly with the Sha'tar, however. Once this cap is reached, a character may only attain honored status by completing a Sha'tar-specific quest or by killing a mob in Tempest Keep.

Through Exalted

After exhausting the reputation rewards from Aldor/Scryer turn-ins and Mechanar runs, players may wish to complete the few Sha'tar quests available. In addition to the quests, instance runs in Tempest Keep: Botanica, Arcatraz, and Mechanar will continue to grant reputation. At this point, it is probably more worthwhile to run these instances in Heroic mode.


Reputation rewards can be purchased from Almaador located Northwest of A'dal in the center of Shattrath City. He's standing below the smaller naaru, G'eras, that sells equipment for Justice points.

Arcanist Xorith and Haldor the Compulsive will sell specialized Flasks only usable in raid zones to players who are exalted with Cenarion Expedition, the Sha'tar and the respective faction (Scryer or Aldor). The flasks are only purchasable with  [Mark of the Illidari] obtained from creatures in Tempest Keep: The Eye, Serpentshrine Cavern, CoT Mount Hyjal, or the Black Temple.

<Sha'tari Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Design: Insightful Earthstorm Diamond] 12g Jewelcrafting (365)
Honored  [Pattern: Drums of Battle] 12g Leatherworking (365)
 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Major Healing] 6g Enchanting (350)
 [Design: Kailee's Rose] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
 [Design: Ring of Arcane Shielding] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
 [Stalker's Chain Spaulders] 19g 5s 94c Mail Shoulder
 [Dreadweave Leggings] 17g 51s 95c Cloth Legs
Revered  [Recipe: Transmute Primal Air to Fire] 8g Alchemy (350)
 [Formula: Enchant Ring - Healing Power] 10g Enchanting (370)
 [Design: Blood of Amber] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
 [Design: Talasite Owl] 12g Jewelcrafting (350)
 [Blessed Scale Girdle] 13g 2s 88c Mail Waist
 [Xi'ri's Gift] 17g 59s 52c Trinket
 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Major Healing] 6g Enchanting (350)
 [Recipe: Alchemist Stone] 8g Alchemy (350)
Exalted  [Recipe: Flask of the Titans] 4g Alchemy (300)
 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Threat] 10g Enchanting (300)
 [A'dal's Command] 79g 1s 12c Finger
 [Crest of the Sha'tar] 134g 49s 28c Shield
 [Gavel of Pure Light] 191g 38s 44c One-Hand Mace
 [Sha'tar Tabard] 1g Tabard


Terokkar Forest (1610 reputation)
Auchindoun (1610 reputation)
  1. N [15-30] I See Dead Draenei
  2. N [15-30] Ezekiel
  3. N [15-30G3] What Book? I Don't See Any Book.
  4. N [15-30] The Master's Grand Design?
  5. N [15-30] Vision of the Dead
  6. N [15-30] Levixus the Soul Caller
Nagrand (1200 reputation)
Shadowmoon Valley (1650 reputation)
Shattrath City (5010 reputation)

Total Reputation From Quests

  • Alliance: 9880 (25 quests)
  • Horde: 11080 (29 quests)

Patch changes


External links