Dagran Thaurissan II

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"Dagran" redirects here. For his father, see Dagran Thaurissan.
AllianceDagran Thaurissan II
Image of Dagran Thaurissan II
Title Prince[1]
Gender Male
Race(s) Dwarf (half-Ironforge / half-Dark Iron) (Humanoid)
Level 72-82 Elite
Class Fire Mage
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ironforge, Dark Iron clan, Alliance
Occupation Heir to Ironforge and Shadowforge City
Location High Seat, Ironforge
Status Alive
Relative(s) Moira, Dagran (parents),
Magni, Eimear (grandparents),
Muradin, Brann (great uncles),
Elder Bronzebeard, Aegrim, Thaurissan, Modgud, Madoran (ancestors)

Prince Dagran Thaurissan II is the son of Emperor Dagran Thaurissan of the Dark Iron clan and Moira Thaurissan (born Moira Bronzebeard) of the kingdom of Ironforge. Dagran is thus the heir presumptive[2] to the thrones of both Ironforge and Shadowforge City.[3]

The rule of Ironforge is currently decided by the Council of Three Hammers, composed of Moira, Muradin Bronzebeard, and Falstad Wildhammer. When Dagran achieves his age of majority and takes control of the kingdom, this arrangement will end,[2] though the council does not seem to be set to disband.[4]


Cataclysm era

Dagran and Dagran at the High Seat.

After Magni Bronzebeard turned to diamond shortly before the Cataclysm, Moira brought the infant Dagran to Ironforge.[5] He could be found in a cradle next to his mother in the High Seat.

War Crimes

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

During the trial of Garrosh Hellscream, Dagran was seen in a vision of the night when King Varian Wrynn and SI:7 infiltrated Ironforge.[6]

Before the Storm

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When King Anduin Wrynn visited Ironforge following the Argus Campaign, Dagran accompanied his mother and the king on a walk through Ironforge, including a visit to his favorite place, the Hall of Explorers. Anduin guessed that the prince was six or seven years old. When the trio reached Old Ironforge, Dagran started reading the ritual words that had turned Magni into diamond. Moments later, a guard informed Moira and Anduin that Magni had returned to Ironforge and needed to see them in the Hall of Explorers.[1] Although Dagran protested that he wanted to see his grandfather, Moira asked Advisor Belgrum to take care of the prince while she and Anduin met with the Speaker. However, once the conversation with Magni was over, Moira asked him to stay in the city a little longer so he could meet his grandson.[7]

The Vow Eternal

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A few years later, Dagran and his family were among those who attended the wedding of Lor'themar Theron and Thalyssra at the Lunastre Estate. At some point during the party, he chatted amicably with Arator the Redeemer under a tree, with whom he developed a friendship, and examined a beautiful ceremonial dagger that the paladin had worn at the wedding. Moira expressed to Wrathion that she was glad Arator was befriending him as Dagran didn't have many friends growing up.[8]

The Lilac and the Stone

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Following the discovery of a great dwarven shield in the Badlands, debate raged on its origin, and which clan had a right to claim it. As Dagran sought to uncover the mystery of the runes upon it, he spent a great deal of time in the library of Ironforge. However, his habit of spending time with his books was soon noticed by the dwarven council and the powerful families, who sought to test him and see what kind of heir he would be. His mother Moira in particular was concerned, that while Dagran knew how to play the political game, he seemed disinterested in it.

After she informed him that it was time for him to attend the next meeting about the shield, Dagran couldn't but wonder exactly how he was to rule, questioning if he should rule as his grandfather, who he reflected was responsible for his father's death, or like her, who was already painted in a dark light in history books. In response, Moira informed him that books can be unfaithful and that the time of learning was over, that the time for action had come. However, Dagran countered that the time of learning was never over.

At the morning meeting, before the entire dwarven assembly, Dagran declared them all fools. He then revealed that he had been studying and determined that the runes on the shield, were not from one clan, but all. He thus determined that the shield was in reality a memorial, an apology and a promise, a tale of what happens when their people war with one another and come together once more. As Dagran left the meeting, Moira followed and expressed her pride in him.[9]

The War Within

TheWarWithin-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to The War Within.

Dagran with his family watching over Magni.

Along with his great-uncle Brann, Dagran came to the Visitor Center in Dalaran where he was observing the new tomes. An adventurer approached them and told them about Magni's injury. They rushed to the Portrait Room to see him.[10]

Soon after Magni awakened, the Council of Six moved Dalaran to Khaz Algar, where it was ultimately destroyed by Xal'atath.[11] Dagran and Moira subsequently found themselves trapped under a Tower Fragment upon the Tranquil Strand, though he was able to limit his injuries through the use of stoneform. As the survivors came under assault by the nerubians, he rushed to find and aid his grandfather.[12] After Queensguard Zirix and his forces were driven off, Dagran joined the other survivors in Dornogal. He marveled that his family were the first dwarves to set foot within the earthen city and interact with their civilization and wished that he had been able to see the Coreway before it had been attacked.[13]

Dagran was granted permission to explore the Archival Repository with Speaker Brinthe answering his questions. He subsequently learned that Dornogal had long existed long before the Sundering and that without a way to recharge the earthen would all enter stasis within the ten centuries. He was sorry to hear of it and wished that the Machine Speakers were able to reinitiate the machines.[14]

Sometime later, Dagran made his way to the Opalcreg to gather opals for Brinthe but was stunned to discover the Opalcreg under attack by the nerubians. While he helped care for the wounded earthen, he instructed adventurers to gather opals for Brinthe.[15] With the opals in hand, he delivered them to Brinthe at Golgrin's Reach, which he was overjoyed to see was an archaeological site with a Titan vault.[16] He thus called upon the collection of Shattered Relic Fragments, while Brinthe revealed that the opals were going to be used to help restore titan console.[17][18] He subsequently aided Brinthe in restoring the console and joined her in following the device's signal to the small portion of the island behind Dornogal, that earthen felt compelled to ignore.[19] Dagran was concerned when Brinthe felt pain from being in the area and vowed to stay with her, while adventurers investigated. After the device activated and displayed a Titan watchers recording, he sent them to chase the other signal and was surprised to discover that it triggered another memory to appear and attack them. Feeling like they were left with more questions than answers, they departed from the area.[20]

When Speaker Brinthe headed into the Ringing Deeps to check on her fellow Machine Speakers, Moira, Magni, and Dagran decided to join her. Apprehensive at the idea of her son going into danger, she double-checked that he truly wanted to go and didn't feel forced.[21] Soon after their arrival, they met High Speaker Eirich, who gave them his blessing to wonder before departing. The group subsequently made their way to Gundargaz.[22] When the High Speaker visited the city, the group was able to acquire information on what troubled the Machine Speakers.[23]

While Moira departed to share the information with the Council of Dornogal, Magni, Dagran, and champions set off to investigate the Taelloch.[24] As they investigated, Magni warned him to watch his steps, as this wasn't going to be like his stories.[25] As they investigated, Dagran and Magni expressed their worries for one another and came to an agreement; Dagran would try to be more cautious, while Magni would try to enjoy adventure now and then. The group eventually made a chilling discovery, a skardyn transformation in progress. However Dagran in his fascination at this occurrence found himself attacked by the skardyn. Though saved by his grandfather's intervention, Magni didn't know how he had activated the spherical shield used to protect them.[26]

As they further investigated, the trio eventually discovered that the discovered that the High Speaker had been swayed to Xal'atath's side and was responsible for the skardyn within the deeps.[27] As Brinthe and her allies prepared for the battle against the High Speaker, Moira (who had a gut feeling) returned with Adelgonn and Oathsworn soldiers.[28] The group thus struck against the corrupt earthen at the Earthenworks,[29] and even killed Supervisor Varric.[30]

Following Varric's death, Dagran was amongst those who entered the Hall of Awakening in order to confront the High Speaker. Despite their best efforts, they were unable to prevent him from corrupting the Awakening Machine. After Eirich departed, Magni seemingly sacrificed himself to purify the machine. As mother and son started to mourn, cracks started forming on Magni's body and with a bright flash of light, a living Magni was once more a normal dwarf. Overjoyed at his survival, the family hugged one another.[31] In the aftermath, Dagran led a group of champions into the Stonevault and put an end to the Eirich,[32] while Brinthe ascended as the new High Speaker.[33]

Following the reactivation of the Awakening Machine, Dagran aided Brinthe with sorting through the Archive. After activating the teleporter, the group entered and arrived at the Vault of Memory,[34] and sought to unlock information within it.[35]

Dagran later aided Brinthe in coming up with a plan to reactivate the earthen War Golems for the war effort.[36] With the aid of champions and ZZ-01-47, Dagran restored the Waterworks and got Shadowvein Extraction Site up and running again.[37][38]

Magni and Dagran visited the Bronze Celebration outside the Caverns of Time. They spoke with Moira, before getting ice-cream from Brivelthwerp.

Dagran decided to stay in Khaz Algar to continue his studies, while Magni and Moira prepared to return to Ironforge.[39] However, he still returned home to celebrate Winter Veil with his family.[40]


Hidden Edicts
Dark Revelations Ringing Deeps
The Machines March to War

Objective of



  • Greetings
    • Give me something to figure out.
    • Hmm? Oh I was just thinking.
    • So much to discuss.
    • I want to see everything.
    • Another puzzle to solve?
    • Did you find something?
    • I read about this.
    • Speak your piece.
  • Farewell
    • Sorry, I got distracted.
    • I'll contemplate what we talked about.
    • Make sure to take notes.
    • Oh, are you headed out?
    • Keep your eyes open!
    • I need some time to think.
    • On to adventure!

Dialogue and gossip

Visions of Azeroth
Main article: The Bronzebeard Family#Notes
Main article: A Mysterious Warning#Notes
Main article: To Khaz Algar!#Notes
Breaking Point
Main article: Urgent Recovery#Notes
Main article: Secure the Beach#Notes
Main article: They Come from Below#Notes
Earthen Fissures
Main article: Hypocenter#Notes
Main article: The Archive (quest)#Notes
Hidden Edicts
Main article: Not Enough Minerals#Notes
Main article: Golgrin's Reach (quest)#Notes
Main article: Charge for a Charge#Notes
Main article: The Anachronism#Notes
Main article: A Place Forgotten#Notes
Main article: The Old Orders#Notes
Main article: The Old Guard#Notes
Kriegval's Rest Delve

Stub.png Please add any available information to this section.


Dark Revelations Ringing Deeps
Main article: The Tunnel's End#Notes
Main article: We Don't Go to Taelloch#Notes
Main article: Ghost of a Company Town#Notes
Main article: Buried in Stone#Notes
Main article: Find the Foreman#Notes
Main article: The High Speaker's Secret#Notes
The Stonevault
Main article: Stonevault#Narrative
Against the Current
Main article: There's Always Another Secret#Notes
Main article: What's Hidden Beneath Dornogal#Notes
Main article: Preparing for the Unknown#Notes
The Machines March to War

Stub.png Please add any available information to this section.


WoW's Anniversary

Dialogue with Magni and Moira
Moira Thaurissan says: I admit, I was a bit worried the drill might take ye off course. Speaking of, where -is- the drill?
Dagran Thaurissan II says: In a blizzard.
Moira Thaurissan says: Well. I trust nobody got hurt. So, what do ye want to see today, Dagran?
Dagran Thaurissan II says: The animals, and food.
Magni Bronzebeard says: I second the food. Let's go. If we eat now that means by the time we're done with the rest of the events we can eat again.
Dagran Thaurissan II says: After so many years as a diamond, I didn't think food would interest you any longer.
Magni Bronzebeard says: Quite the opposite, my boy.
Magni and Dagran walk to Brivelthwerp, then return back to Moira, then back toward the stalls, before disappearing.


In Cataclysm, Dagran uses a baby dwarf model with pale skin, short red hair, big eyebrows, and blue eyes.

In Before the Storm, he is a young child with skin described as an unusual but warm shade of gray. His eyes are large and green with no hint of any red glow, and his hair is white.[1] In The Vow Eternal, now several years older, he is described as having a glimmer of fiery red in his green eyes and his white hair being tied into a tidy braid. His body is described as gawky.[8]

In The War Within, Dagran is given a new model as a teenager. He has no beard and wears glasses, with light gray skin, short white hair, and red eyes. He wears purple and black clothing and carries several scrolls and books on his person.

Because Moira was pregnant with him when Emperor Dagran was killed in Year 25,[41] Dagran was about 14 - 15 years old in Dragonflight, which was in Year 40.[42]

Notes and trivia

  • A bright and bookish boy, the prince speaks with little more than a trace of the local dwarven accent.[1]
  • Before Dagran was born, Moira's child appeared in the nightmares of his grandfather Magni Bronzebeard, in which he was fully grown and was called "Fenran".[43] Interestingly enough, he is still called "Fenran" in the Spanish, German and Russian translations of Fire and Iron.
  • Twilight's Hammer loyalists consider him a "halfbreed" unworthy of the Dark Iron throne.[44]
  • The index of the Ultimate Visual Guide book lists Dagran with the title of "Emperor".[45]
  • In the Ringing Deeps, Dagran rides a brown-white hippogryph on the gound and in the air.
  • Dagran is voiced by Peter Hannah.



Patch changes

  • TheWarWithin-Icon-Inline.png Patch 11.0.0 (2024-07-23): Teenager model added. Baby model from the High Seat removed.
  • Cata-Logo-Small.png Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Added.

See also


External links

Preceded by:
Dagran Thaurissan
Emperor of the Dark Iron Dwarves
(under regency of Moira Thaurissan)
Succeeded by:
Preceded by:
Advisor Belgrum
Lord of Ironforge
(under regency of the Council of Three Hammers)
Succeeded by: