Sylendra Gladesong

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NeutralSylendra Gladesong
Image of Sylendra Gladesong
Title <Archdruid of the Antler>
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Class Druid
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Cenarion Circle, Druids of the Antler
Occupation Champion of the Cenarion Circle, leader of the Druids of the Antler
Location Various
Status Alive

Sylendra Gladesong is a night elf druid. She is the leader of the Druids of the Antler, who are based in Malorne's Refuge in Val'sharah.[1]



Legion-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Legion.

During the third invasion, the refuge came under attack by Darkfiend satyrs who stole the  [Idol of the Wild]. She was rescued by Broll Bearmantle and the new Archdruid. She resolved to recover the idol by tracking the satyrs, which brought success. The druids entered Moonclaw Vale and obtained information that led them to Kalazzius the Guileful. She then traveled to the Dreamgrove and became a champion of the order.

She was later part of the druids that communed with Malorne beneath Nordrassil in Mount Hyjal.[2] Afterward, she was among the druids that entered and fought in Malorne's Nightmare.


Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Sylendra, now styled the "Archdruid of the Antler", could be found next to Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem and Lord Fallowmere in the Terrace of the Moon in Bel'ameth after the night elves' new capital was established in Amirdrassil.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Malorne's Refuge, Val'sharah; Mount Hyjal; Malorne's Nightmare 10-45 Alliance Horde As part of the the Druid Campaign.
Dreamgrove 10-45 Elite Alliance Horde
Terrace of the Moon, Amirdrassil[50.1, 70.0] Amirdrassil Elite Alliance Horde


  • Ability shaman cleansespirit.png Nature's Cure — Cures harmful effects on the current friendly target while restoring 5% of their health every 5.2 sec. for 5 sec.
  • Spell nature resistnature.png Regrowth — Heals an ally for a fixed amount, then heals additional damage every 3 sec. for 21 sec.
  • Spell nature rejuvenation.png Rejuvenation — Heals an ally every 3 sec. for 12 sec.
  • Spell nature rejuvenation.png Rejuvenation — Imbues the target with a burst of rejuvenating energy and restores additional health every 5.2 sec. for 9 sec.
  • Ability druid travelform.png Travel Form: Stag — Transform into a swift stag.
  • Ability druid flourish.png Wild Growth — Heals all injured party or raid members within 30 yards of the target every 5.2 sec. over 7 sec.
  • Spell nature wrathv2.png Wrath — Causes Nature damage to the target.
  • Spell nature abolishmagic.png Wrath — Hurls a bolt of lightning at an enemy, inflicting Nature damage.


Objective of



Malorne's Nightmare

It must be difficult for the wild gods to re-live this moment. I can only imagine the horror when the Legion invaded, all those years ago.


Main article: Grip of Nightmare#Notes
Main article: Tracking the Enemy#Notes
Main article: Idol of the Wilds#Notes
Main article: Champion: Sylendra Gladesong#Notes
Main article: The War of the Ancients (quest)#Notes


  • Ishnu-alah.
  • Peace to you.
  • Come and be restored.
  • Listen to the wind. What does it say?
  • Yes?
  • How can I help?
  • Where is the danger?
  • This is getting us nowhere.
  • I, don't, have, time, for this!
  • See if I heal you again.
  • May tranquility surround you.
  • Peaceful journey to you.
  • For the grove.
  • May the wind be at your back.
  • Swift travels.



This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

She may be related to Namuria Gladesong.


Patch changes


  1. ^ N Druid [10-45] Grip of Nightmare
  2. ^ N Druid [45] Communing With Malorne

External links

Sylendra Gladesong Guardian of the Dream