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We are the vanguard of a new technological revolution, creating opportunities for all to enhance their lives with incredible technology!”

Flip Quickcharge[1]

Technology refers to inventions, machinery, and equipment developed from the application of scientific, magical, and technical knowledge in the field of engineering. Azeroth itself was crafted by technology, and the titans left evidence of their prowess all over the world. Titan ruins often hide gigantic engines of creation, and sometimes, weapons capable of mass destruction.[2] Nowadays, technology can commonly be observed as machines and devices created by the gnomes and goblins. Their engineers take advantage of their inventiveness to create an immense variety of helpful items, which they use to solve problems and make life easier, faster, and better for everyone.[3] Some of the most common pieces of technology are the firearms and siege engines, among many others.


The Steamwhistle schematic.

During the ordering of Azeroth by the Pantheon of Order, various complexes and technologies were created to protect the planet from any type of threat, such as the Old Gods. Among them, the Forge of Origination was created by the titan-forged to fortify and regulate Azeroth's slumbering world-soul, but also to eradicate all life if the planet became corrupted, allowing it to start anew. Its twin, the Forge of Wills, was built to infuse the world-soul with cosmic energies and shape its sentience.[4] A peerless example of techno-magical engineering, the  [Titanstrike] was designed by the brilliant inventor Keeper Mimiron as Azeroth's first firearm.

Over the years after the Third War, not only did the traditional goblin and gnomish technology expand, but various other nations made their own advances. Nonetheless, despite the accelerated development of technology, some races still avoid most contact with modern inventions due to living in close relationship with nature. For example, the night elves are uncomfortable with the Alliance's technology,[5] and rather rely on a primal form of warfare, like the tauren and jungle trolls within the Horde.

The Alliance and the Horde are unions of races spanning vast stretches of territory, making transportation of paramount importance. While both rely on traditional beasts of burden, each has also developed its own methods of mass transportation through technological advances. The Horde prefers to travel by air in goblin-engineered zeppelins, while the Alliance prefers to travel by sea, in great ships. The Alliance also possesses one of the greatest achievements of gnomish technology: the Deeprun Tram.[2]


Many Alliance races have embraced technology. The two most fervent in their pursuit have origins that lead back to the titans themselves. The gnomes, who are descended from robotic creatures called mechagnomes, display remarkable intelligence, strong engineering skills, and a zest for using those skills to improve the quality of life wherever they see fit. The dwarves, descendants of an early stone-built race known as earthen, tend to focus their technological prowess on the manufacturing of weapons and armor. Perhaps the most technologically advanced of the Alliance are the draenei, who use highly advanced, naaru-based technology, enhanced by magic, to cross dimensions. Although not all of the Alliance races are obsessed with technology, all reap its benefits in one way or another.[2] During the Fourth War, the recruitment of the Mechagon mechagnomes and the Lightforged draenei brought many varieties of technologies to the Alliance.

Various Alliance machineries


The many races of the Horde are far more primitive than those of the Alliance and thus are not nearly as technologically advanced. Most advances have taken place in the field of war machines and weaponry, and the Horde had to employ technological "consultants" - goblins - to create the city of Orgrimmar. The introduction of the blood elves into the Horde sparked an increase in technological knowledge, although the technology of the blood elves is greatly augmented by their vast skills in the magical arts. However, the permanent inclusion of goblins, with their emphasis on engineering and mechanical development, into the Horde has opened up tremendous technological potential. Today, the Horde is slowly realizing real gains through technology, both for military and domestic purposes.[2] During the Alliance-Horde war on Pandaria and the war in Draenor, Garrosh Hellscream ordered the Blackfuse Company to create new machineries and weapons for the True Horde and Iron Horde. By the time of the Fourth War, the Horde made use of the technologies developed under its former warchief's rule, such as the dreadnaughts and iron stars.[6]

Various Horde machineries


Recent contacts with alien races, and the discovery of titan facilities across the world, have revealed technologies far beyond the imagination and capabilities of any mortal.

At the other end of the Great Dark Beyond, the eredar of Argus developed long ago a vast, wondrous, advanced society in which art, science, magic, and technology were all as one.[7] The dimensional ships they used to flee the Burning Legion were naaru vessels that can travel between worlds and dimensions, traversing the Twisting Nether just as normal ships traverse the air and sea, and warp time itself.[8] The Lightforged draenei of the Army of the Light also developed their own technology during their millennial war against the Legion, using Argunite crystals[9] to power their weapons such as the Light's Judgment and Lightforged Warframes.

In the ranks of the Burning Legion, the highly resourceful and industrious mo'arg were recruited to serve as armorers, forging fel-infused weaponry and constructs to besiege the worlds of the cosmos.[10] Used to transport and deploy troops directly on the field, the Legion ships are spaceships that can teleport and travel between planes. Each ship requires multiple power cores, which are standard hyper-injection fel matter anti-matter devices, charged with the energy of fel geysers.[11]

Tucked away in the fabric of the Shadowlands itself, Zereth Mortis is a realm crafted by the First Ones to act as their workshop to create afterlives. This process is carried out by the enormous Forge of Afterlives left in the care of the automa, a mechanical race ensuring that it fulfills its purpose. The realm's most notable feature is the Sepulcher of the First Ones, which contains the Machine of Origination that could rewrite reality.

With the discovery of Khaz Algar and the Dornogal earthen, new discoveries and wonders of technology also resurfaced.

Notable technologies

Main article: Mechanical
The zeppelin, a goblin invention, and the common means for intercontinental travel after the Third War.

Tech-dependent professions

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

What is technology? In simplest terms, it is science applied to practical use. Thus, by this definition, a simple can opener is a technological device. A more accurate description is that technology is the system by which an entire society provides for the wants and needs of its population. Technology tends to improve as the demand for it increases. A society might go decades or even centuries without a major advancement before some bright inventor comes up with something that alters the fundamental way things are done. For example, wagon wheels help move heavy loads from place to place, while wheels of stone grind meal into flour. Put notches in a wheel, connect them together, and you have gears that can drive even more complicated devices. All too frequently, war is the primary driver of technological advancements.[12]

Technology is an art worth talking about! Historians may not always acknowledge the fact, but those who fought on the battlefield understand that the Third War could not have turned out as it did in the absence of technology. How were troops moved quickly across great distances? What blasted gargoyles and dragons alike from the skies? How were the enemy buildings demolished? Technology relies upon ingenuity, know-how, craft, physical materials — and perhaps not a little disregard for one's safety. (Sudden explosions, unfortunately, are a hazard of the trade.) Magic messed up the world; technology will take it to grand, new heights.[13]

Notable inventions

RPG classes


See also
