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For the character from an alternate universe, see Velen (alternate universe).
Image of Velen
Title Prophet,
The Divine,[1]
Prophet of the Naaru,[2]
Prophet of the Exodar[3]
Great Prophet,[4]
Ageless One,[5]
Leader of the Draenei[6]
Gender Male
Race(s) Draenei[7] (Humanoid)
Class WoW Icon update.png Priest, formerly Mage (presumed)[8]
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Exodar, Alliance, Light's Chosen, Conclave, Armies of Legionfall, Dream Wardens
Former affiliation(s) Second Duumvirate of Argus, Aldor
Occupation Leader of the draenei and the Light's Chosen, Advisor to King Anduin,[9]Prophet, Seer, Sage[10]
Former occupation(s) Co-ruler of Argus, Leader of the Aldor[11]
Location Various
Status Alive
Relative(s) Rakeesh (son),[12] Nuuri (mate,[13] presumed wife)
Student(s) Anduin Wrynn[6]

“Where faith dwells, hope is never lost.”

— Velen[14][6]

Velen has been the leader of the draenei people since their flight from Argus 13,000 years[12] before the first orcish invasion of Azeroth. Known by his people as the Prophet, he has been granted the gift of the Sight, and — aided by the Light — rejected offers of dark power from Sargeras and has guided his people as they fled from, and later fought against, the Burning Legion and their former eredar brethren. He is first among the draenei and is the arch-nemesis (formerly best friend) of Kil'jaeden.

Following the draenei's flight to Azeroth, they made a new home on the Azuremyst Isles and, sensing great courage in the Alliance, Velen and his followers pledged themselves to this noble faction. The strengthened Alliance then helped the draenei reclaim their former holdings from the Legion. Most recently, Velen used the heart of the naaru M'uru to sanctify the blood elves' tainted Sunwell, transforming the sacred fount into a source of holy and arcane energies. He also managed with the aid of the Conclave to bring the void god Saraka the Lighteater back to the Light as the naaru Saa'ra.

Although the Legion's forces in Outland have been greatly diminished and the demonic invasion of Azeroth has been driven back, Velen remains fearful of an upcoming war between light and shadow.[15] During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, Velen led the defense of the Exodar from a Legion attack led by his own son High General Rakeesh. After the deaths of both O'ros and Rakeesh, Velen declared that he was neither prophet nor pawn, and that the draenei were returning home to Argus. Following the defeat of Argus' corrupted world-soul and the containment of Sargeras, apparently ending the Legion and the Burning Crusade forever, Velen returned to Azeroth with his reunited people, offering his counsel to King Anduin Wrynn and the Alliance in the conflicts to come, and noting that perhaps it was time for each one of them to forge their own fate.



Younger Kil'jaeden, Velen and Archimonde.
Velen's old home in Eredath.

Twenty-five thousand years ago, the world of Argus was shaped into a paradise by the eredar race who called it home. Velen, who is known and respected for his immense wisdom, compassion and magical prowess, rose as a leader of Argus alongside Kil'jaeden, forming the Second Duumvirate.[16]

During Velen's time, a strange curse which addled its victims' minds and diminished their memories began to spread across Argus. Most of the eredar, terrified of the prospect of losing their precious knowledge, argued that quarantining or even banishing the afflicted was the best course of action to prevent the curse from spreading. Velen, however, refused to abandon his people. Using T'uure, an artifact which had fallen from the sky some time prior and which was in fact the shard of a deceased naaru, Velen walked among the afflicted at great risk to himself, calling upon the artifact's powers to cure all of the diseased eredar.[17]

Velen, Kil'jaeden, and the eredar rulers' inner circle later bore witness to a grand demonstration held by the sorcerer Thal'kiel, who led an order of magi called the Wakeners. First, Thal'kiel summoned orderly rows of the old, familiar arcane constructs he and his followers were known for, but then he summoned a storm of infernal meteors to destroy the constructs as a symbolic display of the "new era" he foresaw for his people thanks to the arts of demonic summoning he had recently discovered. However, when he looked upon his colleagues' faces, Thal'kiel didn't see the approval he expected. Kil'jaeden's expression was remote and inscrutable, but Velen harshly condemned Thal'kiel's actions and forbade him from ever conjuring demons again, denouncing his "new era" as a failed experiment. Some time later, Thal'kiel resumed his experiments regardless, using cloaking magic to hide a demonic army he and his Wakeners were constructing with the purpose of installing him as dictator of Argus. The night before the planned coup, however, Thal'kiel's ambitious young apprentice, Archimonde, informed Velen and Kil'jaeden of his master's plans. To prove his loyalty to Argus' rulers, Archimonde himself led the attack on the Wakeners' secret training grounds and decapitated his former master with his own blade. Later, he would rise to rule the eredar alongside Velen and Kil'jaeden.[16]

Velen formed a deep friendship and affection with both Kil'jaeden and Archimonde. He even saw both of them as "extensions of his soul", so deep was their friendship. Velen and Kil'jaeden were particularly close, loving and respecting each other as brothers, as they had ruled Argus together long before Archimonde joined them. However, this peaceful state did not last forever.

When Velen's son was born, Velen had a vision of himself holding a fel-corrupted eredar as he died, but he did not understand it.[12]


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Velen with the Ata'mal crystal.
Velen discovers the truth behind Sargeras' words using the Ata'mal crystal.

One day, the peace of the eredar was shattered. Sargeras, Destroyer of Worlds, had noticed their achievements. Instead of destroying Argus, Sargeras appeared before the three leaders in the form of a benevolent entity, offering to transform them into an even more powerful race of beings, with the goal of unifying all the races of the universe. In return, the eredar would serve him as his perfect spellcasters, spreading his universal union with every world they touched. Two of the eredar's triumvirate of leaders, Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, along with two-thirds of the eredar population, took the offer. Only one eredar leader realized the true horror of Sargeras' Burning Crusade: Velen.

Velen, unlike Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, had the gift of "Sight", and was granted a vision by the naaru K'ure of the truth of Sargeras' plot. The utopia that Sargeras had promised was a lie, much to Velen's horror. He at first saw himself at the head of a vast eredar force of the Light, spreading the gifts of their race to worlds beyond count, as Sargeras had said; the next moment, he saw the truth. Sargeras had no intention of unification. His vision was one of death, of razing entire worlds to bare rock and ashes. And the eredar were not to be the bringers of enlightenment with their new powers; they would be man'ari, twisted, malevolent shadows of their former selves devoted to the destruction of worlds for the glory of Sargeras' terrible Burning Crusade. Horrified, Velen desperately prayed for guidance. K'ure appeared before him, reassured Velen that his plight had been heard, and instructed him to gather up his followers and go to the highest mountain on Argus, during the longest day of the year.

The Genedar appears on Argus to rescue Velen and his followers.

Velen asked his friend Talgath to gather his wife and son, but Talgath was on Kil'jaeden's side and delivered them to him instead.[18] Talgath led a squad of man'ari eredar to pursue Velen's refugees, but they were held off by Hatuun who stayed behind.[19] Velen and his followers barely escaped the newly created Burning Legion. From then on, Kil'jaeden vowed to hunt down Velen and his followers and slaughter them, even if it took a thousand years.[20] As Argus grew smaller and smaller in the distance Velen begged the naaru to go back, but they told him that was not his path.[21] Kil'jaeden would eventually take Velen's son under his wing and raise him as an agent of the Burning Legion named Rakeesh, meaning "butcher" in Eredun, letting Velen believe that the boy had been killed.[12] During this time, despair gripped the renegades, and many even considered giving up, but Velen brought T'uure to bear and renewed his people's confidence and hope.[17]

The Legion chased the exiles, or "draenei" ("Exiled Ones") as they had come to be known, across the universe for thousands of years. Each time Kil'jaeden approached, the naaru granted new powers to Velen to preserve his race, though he eventually gifted T'uure to a promising young student named Askara.[17] After millennia of flight, Velen and his people were finally able to evade the Legion settled on a world they named Draenor.

Rise of the Horde

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Icon-time.svg This section contains information that is out-of-date. Reason: Needs Chronicle 2 info.

Velen and the draenei were taken from Argus via the crystal-ship, the Genedar, that became known by the orcs as Oshu'gun — "Mountain of Spirits". After crash landing, Velen and his followers buried almost-dead naaru D'ore into a place that would be known as Auchindoun.[22]

As they settled onto their new homeworld, the draenei came into contact with the orcish clans, and began to trade with them; the relations with the orcs were cordial but aloof and businesslike. While the draenei established themselves and built the city of Shattrath as their capital, Velen set up his own private refuge at the Temple of Karabor, on the eastern edge of the lands of the Shadowmoon Clan.

While he was visiting the town of Telmor in Terokkar Forest, Velen met two orcs who would later shape the destiny of the Horde — Durotan, heir to the chieftainship of the Frostwolf clan, and the future Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer; Telmor's captain of the guard, Velen's friend Restalaan, had rescued them from an ogre attack. Their dinner discussions spoke much of the orcish heritage and of the prophecy relating to the Doomhammer, which Orgrim would receive upon the death of his father — the prophecy of how, after bringing salvation then doom in the hands of the last of the Doomhammer line, it would pass into the hands of one of non-Blackrock lineage, who would wield it and lead the orcs to salvation.

Over the eons after their escape from Argus, Kil'jaeden continued his search for Velen and his followers but was frustrated when he found only traces of where they had been. His agents had managed to locate Draenor, and reported back to him both the conditions the draenei lived in and the people that lived on their world. Realizing that he had found the tool of vengeance, Kil'jaeden appeared to the elder shaman Ner'zhul and informed him that the draenei were plotting against them.

Over a short span of time, the draenei came under increasing attack by the orcs, convinced that the draenei were their enemies. Concerned, Velen sent a courier to Ner'zhul, asking for a reason behind the attacks, and requesting a meeting in the shadow of Oshu'gun. The orcs, however, had killed the courier, and Ner'zhul did not wish to attend the meeting himself. Instead, he sent for Durotan, who captured Velen and his entourage. Velen tried to explain the true purpose of Oshu'gun to the Frostwolves but Durotan and his chief shaman, Drek'Thar, grew angered by what they perceived as blasphemy. Despite this, and despite the orders from Ner'zhul, Durotan released Velen and his fellows, taking their ata'mal crystals instead.

Over time, attacks against the draenei became increasingly violent. The newly-established Horde, now directed by Ner'zhul's apprentice, Gul'dan - who had become Kil'jaeden's pupil in the art of the warlock - began to assault and destroy draenei settlements to appease their new master. Durotan led the assault on Telmor, utilizing one of the captured crystals to allow him to lower the draenei's defensive cover. Velen's refuge at the Temple of Karabor was also attacked and defiled by Gul'dan and his new warlocks, who renamed it the Black Temple and set it up as the headquarters of their Shadow Council.[23]


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After the attacks increased — including the final assault that destroyed the city of Shattrath — Velen and some of his followers went into hiding in the marshes along the Zangar Sea, establishing Telredor, and were never found by either the orcs or Kil'jaeden's minions. Velen remained in contact with neighboring draenei's camps.

Velen was granted a vision in which he saw the Broken: formerly healthy draenei who had de-evolved during the orcs' murderous crusade to wipe out the draenei race. According to Velen's vision, the Broken would rise to power once again and aid their displaced brethren. Velen's vision was given substance in the form of Nobundo, a one-time draenei vindicator who had regressed while the orcs decimated his race and tore the planet apart. Like his fellow Broken, Nobundo had lost contact with the Light, and so he ventured far into the deserts of Outland to meditate and pray for guidance. After decades of silence, an unfamiliar voice finally answered his prayers. It was not the Light that whispered to him, but the Wind. The breeze spoke to him of lost truths, of the might of the elements—of the delicate balance of power embraced by the shaman. Nobundo listened eagerly and learned all he could. When he judged the time was right, he departed the desert determined to use this knowledge to help the draenei race. However, most draenei refugees greeted the sight of a Broken with skepticism and outright prejudice. Only one of the healthy draenei did not shun the Broken: the wise and perceptive Velen.

Nobundo visited Telredor but hesitated to speak with draenei about shamanism. He even wanted to leave, but thanks to the wise words of Velen, he remained and introduced shamanism to draenei. Velen had heard the philosophy of the shaman before, but Nobundo revealed new truths. The elements were timeless; they stretched across the cosmos to inhabit every world they touched. With the proper training, the draenei might learn to wield this overlooked, seemingly inexhaustible source of power.

Velen rejoiced to realize that his vision was coming to pass.[10]

Escape from Outland

Velen and his remaining followers remained hidden over the decades that passed since the draenei were massacred by the demonically-possessed Horde. During that period, great changes occurred in Draenor: The Dark Portal to the world of Azeroth was opened, and the orcs invaded - but after years of warfare, they were finally defeated. When Ner'zhul, in a desperate attempt to escape Kil'Jaeden's wrath, tried to open portals to other worlds for the Horde to conquer, the incredible energies tore Draenor apart. In order to prevent this catastrophe from affecting their world, the Alliance Expedition under the command of the archmage Khadgar sealed the Dark Portal, cutting off both the orcs already in Azeroth and those they were battling on the fields of Hellfire Peninsula.[24]

Over a decade passed before anyone traveled through portals to Draenor—now known as Outland. The half-demon night elf Illidan Stormrage, accompanied by his naga and blood elf allies, sought refuge from Kil'jaeden after Illidan failed to destroy the Lich King, the imprisoned spirit of Ner'zhul who controlled the Scourge back in Azeroth.[25] As the blood elves, under the command of Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider, took up residence in the naaru interdimensional fortress of Tempest Keep, Velen decided it was time to gather what remained of his people and find a new place to take refuge once more.

Aided by the Broken Farseer Nobundo, who introduced shamanism to the draenei, Velen personally led a raid to capture the Exodar, one of Tempest Keep's satellite structures, and attempted to use it in order to escape Outland.[26] The blood elves, realizing the draenei's intentions, sabotaged the transdimensional "engine" of the Exodar. As the draenei attempted to travel the dimensional planes, the reactor malfunctioned, hurtling the Exodar and its crew across the Twisting Nether until one month ago, where it appeared—coincidentally—in the world of Azeroth. The damaged Exodar screamed across the skies of northern Kalimdor, pods ejecting and spreading across a small island chain off the coast of Darkshore, before crashing on the west coast of what is now called Azuremyst Isle.

After the dust settled and the draenei began to establish themselves in settlements built from the wreckage of the Exodar, Velen and his people set themselves to exploring their new homeworld. Inspired by tales of the heroic Alliance that stood against the might of the Burning Legion, the Draenei have come to enlist their aid in their continued resistance to the Burning Crusade.[27]

The time for the draenei shaman to test themselves draws near, for the battle against the Burning Legion is once again at hand. And the fate not only of Azeroth, but of all worlds, hangs in the balance.

The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Velen in World of Warcraft.

Having survived the crash, Velen continued to lead the draenei people from the Vault of Lights, deep inside the largest intact portion of the crashed Exodar, which served as the draenei capital in Azeroth. Velen and the draenei developed a friendship with the noble Alliance,[28][29] something he had more or less foreseen in a prophecy.[30][31]

Together, they uncovered a conspiracy involving the Sunfury, the Venture Company, and their traitorous agents, Engineer "Spark" Overgrind[32][33] and Sironas.[34] Adventurers later reported to Velen that the blood elven Sunhawks were using Sun Gates, portals to Outland, to summon reinforcements and prime Kalimdor for a blood elven invasion, and that a traitor was among the draenei.[35] Velen created a battle plan and ordered Vindicator Boros to organize the military campaign in order to end the blood elven menace once and for all.[36] Velen later oversaw the trial of Matis the Cruel and sentenced him to execution.[37] Velen was one of the many to congratulate the Alliance adventurer for repelling the blood elven invasion and defeating the man'ari traitor Sironas. Velen also revealed that the draenei adventurer's destiny lay in Outland and urged them to let any Outland draenei know of their new home.[38]

Afterward, Prophet Velen and his noble refugees played a key role in urging the Alliance to invade Outland and disrupt the Burning Legion's nefarious activities. Armed with their unshakable faith in the Light, the draenei ventured to their embattled former home as steadfast members of the Alliance and defeated their ancient demonic rivals.[39]

The prophecy of the Sunwell

According to A'dal, Velen made the following prophecy:

Silvery moon, washed in blood,
Led astray into the night, armed with the sword of broken Light.
Broken, then betrayed by one, standing there bestride the sun.
At darkest hour, redemption comes, in knightly lady sworn to blood.

The first line refers to Silvermoon City and its destruction by the Scourge; the second to the blood elves' reverence of Prince Kael'thas, and his "gift" of the naaru M'uru to give power to the Blood Knight order; the third refers to the Blood Knights' discovery of Kael'thas' treachery (Kael'thas and his fel elves capture M'uru and take him to the Sunwell), and the fourth refers to Lady Liadrin, the Blood Knight leader, who renounces her ties to Kael'thas and swears her allegiance to the Sha'tar and the Shattered Sun Offensive.

The fall of the Deceiver

Main article: Sunwell Plateau epilogue
The Prophet at the Sunwell.

Following the defeat of Kil'jaeden in the Sunwell Plateau, Velen will arrive to congratulate the players, accompanied by Lady Liadrin, leader of the Blood Knights. Following the banishment of Kil'jaeden, Velen recovered the spark left after the defeat of M'uru and used it to recharge the Sunwell with holy energies, directly saving the blood elf race from magical withdrawal despite the amount of wrongs the blood elf people have committed against him and his people.

War against the Lich King

When the Lich King awoke, he sent his Scourge into all corners of Azeroth. To defeat the Plague of Undeath and necropolises, members of the Church of the Holy Light traveled to Shattrath and created an artifact of the Naaru's Light. Adventurers of the Alliance delivered it to Velen for defense.

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Velen was present at the meeting during the Elemental Unrest, discussing the earthquakes, stating that he could feel them in the Exodar and, having experienced similar tremors before, suggesting that perhaps fleeing their planet was the best option.


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When Magni Bronzebeard was petrified, Velen sent Nobundo to represent the draenei at Magni's memorial.[40]


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Shortly after the Shattering, Velen traveled to Darnassus to meet with the other leaders of the Alliance. Surprisingly, he had not been invited. Tyrande mentioned that they had assumed the draenei as a whole had declared themselves neutral after defeating Kil'jaeden. Velen dismissed the assumption and declared the draenei's allegiance to helping the Alliance, stating that they would remain on Azeroth for so long as they were needed. Nevertheless, he was treated as an honored guest. Even Malfurion wished to seek his opinion about the troubling matters of the Highborne murders.

When King Varian Wrynn finally arrived at the summit with his son and started his disparagement of Genn Greymane, Velen was seen to have taken a sudden interest in Anduin. It was after the verbal brawl between the two kings, that Tyrande and Malfurion noticed Velen talking with Anduin about the Light, but were interrupted when the prince's personal guards came to retrieve him. Later, while the Prophet was meditating in the Temple Gardens, Anduin approached him again and resumed their talk about the Light.

After overhearing the argument between Malfurion and Varian, Anduin informed his father about his decision to leave and train with Velen. When the young prince reassured Velen of his choice, the Prophet offered to take Anduin under his wing for a time and noted that he has a great destiny ahead of him within the Light.[41]

Prophet's Lesson

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Velen from Prophet's Lesson.

After taking Anduin under this tutelage, Velen sought to find the path that would lead to victory over the Burning Legion, losing himself in his visions and refusing to see anyone aside from the human prince. When human refugees from the Shattering made their way to Azuremyst Isle and camped out in front of the Exodar, Anduin questioned why he never warned anyone else about Deathwing. In answer, Velen showed him a vision of a world destroyed by the Burning Legion, and explained that despite the devastation wrought by Deathwing, finding a way to defeat the Burning Legion was of even greater importance. After Anduin left, though, Velen thought about the young prince's question and wondered why the Light, which guided him through visions both true and false, had not directed him toward the Cataclysm.

Later, Anduin tried to get Velen to see what was happening outside the Exodar. The refugees were unhappy and demanded to see the Prophet; he was needed in the here and now. When Velen turned to face Anduin, he had a sudden vision of a hero in gleaming armor, leading not just the Horde and Alliance, but the dragons and naaru as well in a battle against a vast and all-consuming shadow. When the refugees started a riot, leading to a fight with the draenei guards, Anduin rushed to Velen, begging him to stop the needless slaughter. Anduin asked what the war against the Legion meant for those fighting outside, and reminded him that every life is a universe to be protected. Wondering how he had become so lost that he must be taught by a mortal child, Velen went outside and, in a booming voice, berated both the refugees and his fellow draenei for what had occurred, walking out onto the blood-soaked ground to help heal the fallen. Realizing that he had become so focused on the future that he had lost sight of the present, he resolved that the draenei would go out into Azeroth and help heal the world in order to help its people prepare to unite against the dark in the war to come.[5]

The Harborage

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Velen enters the Harborage to come to the aid of Magtoor

The Prophet subsequently remained in closely guarded seclusion, not daring to waste his energy on anything save the coming battle between Light and Darkness. However, during A [15-30] Remember the Light, Velen comes in person to the Harborage in the Swamp of Sorrows, to aid the desperate Anchorite Avuun in his tending to the mortally-injured Magtoor. Velen channels "Extreme Unction" (another term for "last rites") on the dying Broken, allowing him to be raised up by the Light, before returning to the Exodar.

Tides of War

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After Deathwing's defeat, Velen still kept Anduin under his tutelage, teaching him something new almost every single day.[42]

When Theramore was in danger of being invaded by the Horde, Jaina Proudmoore asked Velen for help.[43]

Mists of Pandaria

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

At some point after the Alliance and Horde's landing in Pandaria, Prince Anduin Wrynn was heavily wounded, with his bones broken after a confrontation with Garrosh Hellscream. He was carried to safety at Lion's Landing and is under emergency care. King Varian, while tending to his son, summoned Velen to Lion's Landing to help his son. However, in 5.2 Anduin states that he was healed by Pandaren Mistweavers. Velen apparently did the initial healing,[44] while the monks did the rest. Velen told him that the pain would not go away and might increase with age.

With Garrosh's attack against Anduin and his possession of the Heart of Y'Shaarj, the Prophet suspected that the warchief's leadership would end in disaster, not only for the Alliance but for all of Azeroth as well.[45]

The Untamed Valley

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According to Maraad, Velen traveled to northern Pandaria, presumably in Kun-Lai Summit. He wanted to have good relationships "with all on Pandaria" and learn new knowledge.[46]

War Crimes

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War Crimes.

Velen, alongside the other Alliance leaders, received a letter from Xuen inviting them to the trial of Garrosh Hellscream and traveled to the Temple of the White Tiger, where Anduin joined him. He was the first witness of Tyrande, retelling the tragic events of Durotan's visit to Telmor, including Durotan killing his old friend Restalaan. When asked by Baine Bloodhoof how he felt about orcs today, Velen replied that he was glad that the orcs overcame their previous ordeal and liberated themselves from Mannoroth. He also stated that he believed people could change, but when Baine directly asked Velen whether he felt Garrosh could change, as the orcs before him had, Tyrande interrupted Baine, accusing him of steering the witness, and Taran Zhu agreed, telling Baine that he was not to ask Velen to speculate.[47]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Velen attends the funeral of Varian Wrynn, who he considered a good friend. He argues with Jaina about fighting the Horde, saying that quarreling between the Alliance leaders is exactly what the Burning Legion wants and that his people have learned the price of trying to face the Legion while divided. Velen believes that now is the time that they need to join the Horde's strength to their own.[48]

It was revealed that Velen has been working with Alonsus Faol and Moira Thaurissan against those who would harm Azeroth. After Faol decides to send a priest adventurer to claim a weapon of great power, he joins Faol in Dalaran in order to travel to Netherlight Temple. There the assembled priests combine their powers and the adventurer uses their artifact to reverse Saraka the Lighteater back into Saa'ra.

Velen is present during Balnazzar's attack on Netherlight Temple and the arrival of Lothraxion of the long-prophesied Army of the Light.

Velen holding the body of Rakeesh.

Following Khadgar's guidance, an adventurer comes to deliver a mysterious lightbound object to Velen, but at that same time, the Legion begins an invasion of the Exodar, led by the eredar High General Rakeesh. After the adventurer helps to save draenei citizens and fight off demonic invaders, Velen reveals that the object is known as  [Light's Heart], the sentience core of the naaru prime: Xe'ra. Locked away within the core is wisdom crucial to the battle against the Legion, and only naaru born of Xe'ra can unlock it. O'ros is the last of this line, and the true purpose of the Legion's invasion of the Exodar was to destroy O'ros before the core could be unlocked. However, Rakeesh beats Velen and the adventurer to O'ros, destroying the naaru. They are joined by two of the adventurer's champions in the battle against the eredar general, and are successful in driving him to the brink of defeat, at which point he activates a self-destruct in his Fel Annihilator, threatening to destroy the entire Exodar and everyone inside it. However, as the heroes battle to defeat the eredar in time, Velen has a sudden realization, and without explanation demands that the heroes stop attacking Rakeesh. When the heroes refuse, Velen even turns against the adventurer, attempting to stop them by force, but ultimately Rakeesh is defeated.

To the surprise of the heroes, Velen kneels down and cradles the head of the eredar to his chest as he dies. Velen reveals that before the coming of the Legion he had a son, and when his son was born a vision had come to him of this day, in which he wept as he held a dying eredar in his arms; only now did he realize that Rakeesh was, in fact, his son, another example of Kil'jaeden's "creative" punishments. Velen is stricken by the death of his son, and tells the adventurer to return the Light's Heart to Khadgar and tell him "the Light died here this day." As the adventurer prepares to leave, Velen speaks to the Light's Chosen, renouncing the title of Prophet and declaring that he is no longer either prophet or pawn. After checking that Romuul survived the attack, Velen orders him to begin repairs on the vessel, telling the Chosen that the draenei are going home.[12]

When an Alliance player reaches Prestige Rank 2, Velen can be found in Stormwind Keep alongside other notable leaders of the Alliance. During A [10-45] A Royal Audience, he is present at the ceremony hosted by King Anduin Wrynn that congratulates the character for their battles against the Horde, following their receiving of the  [Grand Marshal's Medal of Valor] from the King, as well as an artifact appearance.


Velen with Khadgar and the order hall champions.

Velen and champions of the order halls traveled to Krasus' Landing, where Khadgar spoke about using the Pillars of Creation to close the portal at the Tomb of Sargeras. However, Velen reminded all assembled that Gul'dan was merely a pawn and Kil'jaeden was still out there. Kil'jaeden, watching this all from his ship in orbit above Argus, sent Legion ships to assault Dalaran. While Khadgar looked worried as cries of alarm were heard around them, Velen did not look particularly surprised in light of his warning.[49]

Velen joins in the second battle for the Broken Shore, where he identifies Mephistroth and tells Maiev Shadowsong and Illidan Stormrage to stop arguing.[49] Afterward, he tells Illidan to enter the Cathedral of Eternal Night and secure the  [Aegis of Aggramar] while he and Khadgar enter the Tomb of Sargeras itself. Maiev insists on going with Illidan, saying that Velen trusts him too easily.[50] Velen and Khadgar's initial assault on the tomb was a failure, and Khadgar informed the team inside the Cathedral of Eternal Night of this just before they activated the Aegis.

After the heart of Highlord Kruul is stolen from the vaults of Dalaran, Velen observes the Tomb of Sargeras from Krasus' Landing and receives a vision of Kruul regenerating within the Nether, his heart hastening the process. He sends Kor'vas Bloodthorn and an adventurer to the Stair of Destiny in Hellfire Peninsula, where they pry open a doorway to Kruul's realm.[51] Later, the adventurer, Kor'vas, and Velen confronted Kruul inside the Twisting Nether. Before he could die Kruul overloaded himself with power to self-destruct and kill his opponents along with him, but Velen saved Kor'vas and the adventurer.[52]

Velen, Genn and Anduin at Wrynnfall.

Since an Alliance hero found King Varian's lost compass on the Broken Shore and returned it to the newly-crowned King Anduin, Anduin has not been eating or sleeping. Velen and Genn Greymane attempt to console Anduin, but to no avail. When he leaves for the Cathedral of Light to pray, the two of them call on the hero to try and break Anduin out of his melancholy.[53] Later, Velen and Genn have a discussion in Stormwind Keep. While Velen foresaw Anduin becoming a great leader, Genn insists that visions don't win wars and Anduin may have a good heart but is untested. Nonetheless, Velen believes that the Light is strong with Anduin and he has faith Anduin will grow into his crown. Genn continues to insist that they and he need more than faith.[54] Anduin, having overheard the conversation, travels to the Broken Shore in secret and has the adventurer tell his advisors where he has gone since if he told them himself, they'd only stop him. The adventurer tells only Velen, who is understanding of Anduin's decision and will relay the message to Genn when the time is right.[55] At Wrynnfall in front of the Tomb of Sargeras, Genn shows Velen the site of Varian's death, and Velen comments that Anduin does not know the Legion like they do. Anduin arrives and reveals his worries and doubts about living up to his father's legacy. The young king finds one of the two blades comprising his father's sword Shalamayne under the ash and sand and falls to his knees, but encouraging words from Genn and an image of his father cause Anduin to regain hope as the sword glows in his hands.[56]

Within the Tomb of Sargeras, Velen confronted Kil'jaeden with Khadgar and Illidan while adventurers battled the Fallen Avatar. Although Khadgar voiced his desire to seal the portal, Velen declared he was done hiding and followed Kil'jaeden into the Twisting Nether.

Argus visible in the sky above Azsuna.

Aboard Kil'jaeden's command ship within the Twisting Nether, Velen confronted his old friend and declared his intent to stop Kil'jaeden's hunt across the stars. Kil'jaeden told Velen that he had lacked vision back then and refused to see the Legion's inevitable victory, while Velen insisted that Kil'jaeden had lost faith in the Light, and if the two of them had worked together they could have resisted Sargeras and saved Argus. Kil'jaeden questioned if the Light had saved Velen's son, or if what shone in Rakeesh's eyes when he died was hatred for the father who had abandoned him. Enraged, Velen declared his intent to fight alongside Azeroth's champions against Kil'jaeden and end his crusade.

Upon Kil'jaeden's defeat, his ship began to crash toward Argus. As Kil'jaeden was on his deathbed, he told Velen that he was always envious of the latter's gift, faith, and vision. Kil'jaeden had never believed that Sargeras could be stopped, but wonders if perhaps Velen will prove him wrong. As he died and Khadgar prepared to teleport everyone back to Azeroth through a rift Illidan had opened with the  [Sargerite Keystone], Velen silently placed a hand on Kil'jaeden's forehead. When the heroes of Azeroth vanished before him, Kil'jaeden closed his eyes as the fel within him caused an explosion that took out his ship. In the last moments of Kil'jaeden's life, Velen realized he had to let go of the past not only for his own sake but for Rakeesh's memory as well. Upon their return to Azeroth however, it was revealed that Illidan had left the rift from Azeroth to Argus open, and Argus became visible on Azeroth's sky. Khadgar, horrified, asked Illidan what he had done, and Illidan responded that sometimes the hand of fate must be forced.[57]

When Khadgar's teleport brought them to Azsuna, they saw Argus in the sky above them.

Shadows of Argus

The forces aboard the Vindicaar prepare to assault Argus.

In secret, the draenei had been building a new dimensional ship called the Vindicaar to prepare to go to Argus.[58] Velen gathered allies to join him in the assault on the draenei homeworld.[59] Aboard it above Azuremyst Isle, while final preparations were underway, Illidan confronted Velen about his faith; how he had allowed Sargeras to corrupt Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, and allowed the Legion to take Argus, and through it all did nothing, all the time believing he was following the Light's will. When Illidan told Velen that his people's blood was on his hands, Velen snapped that Illidan would never understand what he did to save his people, to which Illidan replied that the Light was holding him back and Velen should forge his own path. At this time, Grand Artificer Romuul arrived and told Velen that the Vindicaar was ready for its trip to Argus.

After arriving above Krokuun, Illidan was at first dismissive of the Army of the Light that Velen had intended to ally with as they were nowhere to be found. When the Xenedar appeared soon after the Vindicaar's arrival, it was quickly shot down by the Burning Legion and Azeroth's forces rallied to begin the final battle for Argus.[58] During the chaos of the battle, Velen heard of hooded Krokul that lived on Argus, used as slaves by the Legion. After defeating the Antaen Light-Breaker alongside Illidan and heroes, he traveled to the Krokul Hovel where he discovered his old friend Hatuun was the leader of the survivors on Argus, but Hatuun hated him for leaving them behind. Velen also met Turalyon, High Exarch of the Army of the Light, at last.[60]

When it was discovered that the titan Aggramar had been revived by Sargeras as the first of a new "Dark Pantheon", Velen decided that they needed to travel to his home of Eredath to retrieve the Crown of the Triumvirate, an ancient eredar relic which he held one piece of, and Archimonde's and Kil'jaeden's should still have been in the ruined city.[61] Returning to Eredath was hard on Velen, who remembered the day he fled and had to deal with the ghosts of eredar who died that day.[19] When Archimonde's piece, the  [Sigil of Awakening], was secured, Velen contemplated on how Archimonde was disdainful of the Crown because alone his piece gave him little power, and if he had anticipated its use to them he surely would have destroyed it long ago.[62]

Retrieving the Sigil of Awakening attracted the attention of the Burning Legion, who came to Eredath to hunt down the forces of Azeroth. Velen had traveled with the Army of the Light to the Arinor Gardens to search for the Crest of Knowledge, Kil'jaeden's piece of the Crown of the Triumvirate, prompting Turalyon and an adventurer to go and try to save them before it was too late.[63] Velen was found in the ruins of his old home, before the childhood bed of his son, who he asked to forgive him. Once they reunited, Velen revealed that his old friend Talgath was the leader of the Legion's presence on Eredath and aimed to take the Crest of Knowledge beyond their reach.[64] At Kil'jaeden's Terrace they learned that long ago Kil'jaeden had thrown the Crest in the Seat of the Triumvirate to rot alongside L'ura.[65] After Velen recalled the day Sargeras came to the eredar, Talgath arrived to confront his old friend.[66]

Talgath commented on how unlike Velen it is for the Prophet to stand his ground, but that it was a welcome change of pace. Velen attempted to reach a peaceful solution and told Talgath to stand down, but Talgath refused. During the battle Talgath taunted Velen, telling him how his departure wounded Kil'jaeden and how cold Velen had been leaving his wife and son behind. When Talgath was about to lose he attempted to flee, but Velen bound him with chains of light. Velen once more tried to get Talgath to help them find the Crest of Knowledge, but Talgath responded that they were too late, and not even the Light could escape the Seat of the Triumvirate where the Crest was hidden. Afterwards, Velen killed his old friend with a burst of holy magic.[13]

With Talgath defeated, Velen realized from Talgath's words that the naaru L'ura had fallen to the Void. This concept was a foreign one to Turalyon, who thought it impossible for a naaru to fall to darkness. As Velen explained, there was much Xe'ra had not wanted Turalyon to know.[67] Alleria and an adventurer would be the ones to break into the temple, defeat L'ura, and retrieve the Crest of Knowledge. When they returned having slain L'ura, Velen voiced his mourning for the naaru. He placed his own piece, the Eye of Prophecy located on his staff, with the other two to complete the Crown of the Triumvirate and empower the Vindicaar. The fight could now be taken to Antorus, the Burning Throne.[68]

After Argus the Unmaker was finally slain by their combined efforts, and the Pantheon prepared to use the last of his essence to imprison Sargeras within the Seat of the Pantheon, Velen and the heroes of Azeroth returned to the Vindicaar. To Velen's surprise, however, Illidan stayed behind to serve as the Dark Titan's jailer. Before leaving, Velen chuckled when Illidan asked whether or not he had foreseen this, and admitted that their survival was never in fate's hands, giving Illidan his final blessing with the Light as he departed.

After Sargeras was imprisoned, and the Burning Crusade which had destroyed his world and so many others apparently ended forever, Velen talked about the countless nights of his life that were spent dreaming of returning to Argus, of seeing what had become of his home and saving it. There was no salvation to be had, but they did find victory. What would come next Velen couldn't say, but he would not wait for visions to guide him. He would do all he could to support Anduin, and to ensure he was prepared to face the threat that loomed in the darkness.

Before the Storm

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

When King Anduin Wrynn summoned his councilors to Stormwind's map room to discuss opinions on Azerite, both Genn Greymane and Prophet Velen marveled at its power but were also aware of its potential for misuse. Sometime later, Anduin had breakfast with Genn and Velen and the two advised Anduin on how to go about his diplomatic tour. When Anduin asked Velen if he had any suggestions of what Stormwind could do to show its appreciation for the draenei, Velen told Anduin that his consideration about them was enough. Even so, Anduin insisted that they think of something tangible to gift the draenei and Velen smiled at his thoughtfulness.

Velen accompanied Anduin in his diplomatic tour and attended the feast with the Council of Three Hammers in celebration of Stormwind's gift to Ironforge. By the time dessert was to be served, Velen left with Falstad and Muradin to let Anduin and Moira speak. Later on, he was one of the Alliance leaders summoned by Magni Bronzebeard for a meeting. Velen heeded Magni's plea for healers to heal Azeroth and Anduin's discovery of Azerite. Following Moira's suggestion, Velen, Moira, and Anduin traveled to the Netherlight Temple to recruit the Conclave in their mission to heal Azeroth.

Later on, Velen returned to the draenei to spur their efforts in healing Azeroth while Anduin went to Darnassus to check on the night elves' progress.

Following the death of King Anduin Wrynn's manservant Wyll Benton, King Anduin would later summon his advisers along with Alleria Windrunner and High Exarch Turalyon to the map room to unveil his plan for a Gathering between the Forsaken and their human loved ones. Velen was the only adviser in support of Anduin's idea as he believed the Gathering's success to be a stepping stone to peace and was worth the attempt despite the risks. The Gathering ended in tragedy however, and Velen went to council Anduin in his despair. Though Anduin longed for the innocence of his youth when he trained with Velen in the Exodar, Velen told him they cannot go back to the past and he must face the hardships of being king. Velen advised Anduin to first find peace within himself before comforting others, elaborating that priests can only heal if they are steady themselves. He urged Anduin to go to the Netherlight Temple and grieve with Alonsus Faol and also to seek Saa'ra's council so he may know how to guide his people in coping with the tragic events.

Battle for Azeroth

War of the Thorns

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

After SI:7 reports indicated that Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner had endorsed the campaign to conquer Silithus and monopolize Azerite, Velen and Tyrande traveled from Kalimdor to Stormwind to strategize with Anduin and Genn Greymane. Tyrande Whisperwind stated that if the Alliance was in agreement, her army stood ready to deter the Horde's campaign. Although Velen had hoped for a period of peace after the Argus Campaign, he also agreed with the other Alliance leaders' assessment and supported the deployment of night elven troops. Velen stated he hoped the troops sent to Silithus would deter the Horde from war and that they would end up being unnecessary. While Velen and other Alliance leaders were at Stormwind City aiding in the planning for the upcoming war, the Horde, having intended to divert the Alliance all along, attacked Ashenvale. As the Argus Campaign had depleted most of their resources, the draenei's contributions to the Alliance war effort was very minimal, although several brave draenei nevertheless went to the kaldorei's aid. With the night elf fleet en route to Silithus, Ashenvale had only Malfurion Stormrage and a limited number of Darnassian defenders to defend it.

When word reached Stormwind of the Horde invasion, the Alliance leaders realized that the Horde had deceived them into weakening Ashenvale's defenses. After King Anduin took responsibility for the military failure, Velen comforted his former student by saying older heads than his had not expected this turn of events, but seemed deeply concerned despite his assurances. The Alliance leaders coordinated with each other to accommodate as many refugees as possible and to reinforce the Ashenvale warfront. Velen personally aided in the escorting of night elf refugees to the Cathedral of Light, telling Anduin it would be his honor to assist them, and spent the remainder of the War of the Thorns tending to the refugees' needs. Although it was mentioned that Velen stood ready to return to Azuremyst "if need be", the Horde appeared obsessed with their march to Darnassus, and the draenei were not apparently immediately threatened.[69]

Tides of Vengeance

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Velen can be found in the War Room of Stormwind Keep, helping the Alliance strategize for the war. He briefed adventurers about the disagreement between Tyrande Whisperwind and King Anduin Wrynn regarding the allocation of troops for Tyrande's campaign to reclaim Darkshore. Since Anduin could not provide any military aid at that moment, the night elves and their Gilnean allies went to fight for Darkshore by themselves.[70]

Velen was later present on the Kul Tiran vessel in Stormwind Harbor with the other Alliance leaders to witness the Kul Tirans gifting the vessel to Anduin and rejoining the Alliance.[71]

Visions of N'Zoth

Following the fall of N'Zoth, Velen was present at the Stormwind Embassy meeting where he learned that the armistice ending the Fourth War between the Horde and Alliance was signed. Remarking how each of them must their own path in the world, he believed that the time has come for the Horde to forge their own fate as well. Due to the Horde retiring the position of Warchief in favor of a council-style leadership, Velen found himself questioning if the new path the Horde walked would be of peace or war. He then declared that only time could answer where it will lead.[72]

Exploring Azeroth

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

After the Horde Council decided to send Rexxar and Zekhan to look over the Horde holdings within Kalimdor, in order to assess the needs and statuses of the people, how the wounds from the Fourth War were healing, and where there were still aches within the Horde, Velen wrote them a letter extending an invitation to the Azuremyst Isles. He also warned them about avoiding the territories of the night elves, including the remains of Teldrassil, as they remained hostile despite the armistice.[73]


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

The Penitent

Chieftain Hatuun introducing Arzal'kal to Prophet Velen.

Upon receiving a message from Chieftain Hatuun, Velen called upon Virtos and Dranarus to send adventurers of the Alliance and Horde to him abroad the Vindicaar.[74] Upon their arrival, he revealed that after the defeat of the Legion, he offered to help Hatuun and his people rejoin the draenei, but they instead choose to remain on Argus. He further revealed that even though the Legion's leadership was slain and Sargeras imprisoned, the Legion itself was still vast and that their mission to wipe them out was far from over. Upon their arrival to Krokuun, Velen warmly greeted Hatuun only to be told that he was not called for pleasantries, but to meet with an ally that Hatuun had acquired. Velen responded that it would be an honor to meet with any friends of his, only to reel in shock when the man'ari eredar Arzal'kal emerged from the shadows. The Prophet was quick to bind the demon in holy shackles and accuse Hatuun of allying with the Legion. As Hatuun worked himself into a fury over the accusations, Arzal'kal pleaded for Velen to hear him out and declared that he wasn't there to fight. After a moment of contemplation, Velen agreed and learned of Arzal'kal's history, of his desire for penitence for serving the Legion, to which Velen allowed him a chance to prove his words. Thus while Velen and Hatuun remained behind to converse, adventurers were sent to help Arzal'kal obtain his proof.[75][76]

After the pair returned with the  [Brilliant Star], one of the shards of the Ata'mal crystal, Hatuun witnessed Velen welcome Arzal'kal (who reclaimed his birth name of Arzaal) and his like-minded man'ari into draenei society. As the Prophet and Arzaal departed together, Velen called upon Hatuun to think on his offer. For his part, Hatuun was surprised that Velen had decided to accept the man'ari into the fold and reflected that things were different now and that he could allow himself to hope.[77]

Guardians of the Dream

Along with many of the other Alliance and Horde leaders, Velen joined Alexstrasza and her allies to defend the growing Amirdrassil from Fyrakk the Blazing in the Emerald Dream.[78] During the battle before the Wellspring Temple, Velen fought against Fyrakk's forces, while healing the wounded, and was amongst those who fought against Ashendir Hartwood.[79][80]

The Tishamaat

Velen, Arzaal, and Hatuun witnessing the fel spreaders being destroyed.

As the draenei prepared to celebrate the Tishamaat, Velen discovered that the satyr on Bloodmyst Isle had been ambushing draenei traveling for the Tishamaat and wished to deal with the matter quietly, as he didn't want to mobilize the vindicators and alarm his people on a day of sacrament. To that end he recruited Hatuun and Arzaal, whom he had invited to attend the Tishamaat, to aid him. However, when the attacks continued despite their best efforts, he sent Hatuun to the Exodar in order to recruit the champions to aid them.[81]

As the group worked to stop the satyrs they discovered that they were using fel spreaders, with Arzaal concluding that a man'ari artificer made them.[82] Determined to root out the satyrs, Velen instructed Arzaal with investigating Axxarien in the north, while he led the others with investigating Nazzivian to the west. As the trio discovered fel spreaders within the camp, Hatuun questioned Velen on how he could let the corruption run rampant. In response, Velen admitted that he hadn't foreseen it and admitted that he had pulled the Rangari out of Bloodmyst in order to protect them. After the last fel spreader within the camp was dealt, the trio regrouped with Arzaal, who revealed that while the camp seemed empty, the fel resonance within was stronger than anywhere else on the island.[83]

After Arzaal's magic revealed that hundreds of fel spreaders were spread across the island, Velen called upon Romuul and ordered him to transport one of their generators to them immediately. Once the Arkonite Generator was activated, Velen and Hatuun empowered the generator, while Arzaal and the champions defended it from the satyrs and their master Sironas. Following Sironas' death, the generator sent forth a large wave of Light to erupt and destroy fel spreaders from the isle. With the corruption removed, Velen believed that Bloodmyst would finally begin to heal.[84] In the aftermath, he and the others made their way to the Exodar to partake in the Tishamaat.[85]

While the champion served as their tishataan, the memory bearer of Tishamaat, Velen reflected that the eredar had lived shattered for too long and that it was time for them to be reunited in hope and faith. During this time, Velen expressed the hope of reconciliation to Hatuun and declared that there was always an open seat on his council, if Hatuun wished it.[86] When Velen began the ceremony, he declared that they must let go of the past in order to grasp their future. He further stated that they no longer needed to live scattered, that they would build a new city on the ashes of their exile, and declared that they would finally be home. Velen then personally thanked the champion for helping their people reforge as one, declared them a paragon of their people, and then bestowed upon them the a sacred vestiment of precious materials from Argus.[87]


Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
A [10-45] A Royal Audience 113 1,380,704,400
N [45] Assault on Broken Shore 110 411,150
Deliverance Point ?? 685,250
A [45] Summons to the Keep ?? 29,716,250
N [45] Confirming Suspicions 110 4,157,068
Vindicaar 110 10,392,670
Krokuun 110 487,400
Echo of Velen ?? 269,804
Stormwind Embassy ?? 2,284,000
Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
The Exodar ?? 28,527,600
Bloodmyst Isle ?? 972,000
Sunwell Plateau ?? 1,517,500
Elemental Unrest ?? 5,578,000
A [10-45] The Fallen Lion ?? 29,716,250
A [10-45] Demons Among Us 103 - 113 524,681,984
Dalaran 113 60,692
Netherlight Temple 103 184,135
A Light in the Darkness 110 87,790
N [10-45] Bringer of the Light ?? 5,057,287


Emerald Dream
  • Velen's Resptie


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Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

The Broken Shore
Argus campaign

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the PTR stages of patch 7.3.0.

Bc icon.gif The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Burning Crusade Classic.

Removed from game The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft.


The encounter with Velen is generally considered the easiest of the faction leaders, and the virtually non-existent player traffic within the Exodar leaves room for planning. It is often the first city to be attacked during a "For the Horde!" raid, due to its simplicity.

The raid should group up at the stairs, and to play it safe, pull Velen's two battlemasters before him. With them down, the raid can freely focus on Velen.

Velen pulls with his battlemasters, though if disposed of beforehand will only be protected by his Shield of Velen elite guards. One tank is enough to hold him in such a case.

Velen's abilities are not particularly potent, even after the step up to Cataclysm level difficulty. His shield is easily broken, and his infrequent use of [Holy Nova] can be easily healed through. His Holy Smite ability will be randomly cast on a raid member. For the most part, the encounter is a good example of tank and spank, and the extremely low chance of an Alliance defense raid allows breathing space.


In Legion and Shadowlands, Velen in the Exodar received new set of abilities:

  • Spell paladin lightofdawn.png Circle of Light — Creates a patch of holy energy, healing for 3% of maximum health every 2 sec.
  • Ability priest holybolts01.png Fire and Brimstone — Prophet Velen calls down bolts of light that inflict 30 Holy damage to all players within 5 yards of the impact. Each impact leaves a zone of Holyfire that inflicts 50 Holyfire damage over 15 sec sec. to any players entering the zone.
  • Spell paladin lightofdawn.png Light's Vengeance — Fires a series of holy bolts at the enemy, inflicting Holy damage every 1 sec for 6 sec.
  • Spell holy holysmite.png Smite — Smites an enemy, inflicting Holy damage.
  • Spell holy ardentdefender.png Vigilant Defender — The caster protects the target from 25%-100% of all incoming damage.

Bc icon.gif The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft but is present in Burning Crusade Classic.

  • Spell shadow deathpact.png Holy Blast — Blasts an enemy with Holy magic, inflicting 9625 to 12375 Holy damage and knocking the enemy back.
  • Spell holy holybolt.png Holy Nova — Causes an explosion of divine light, inflicting 18900 to 23100 Holy damage to nearby enemies.
  • Spell holy holysmite.png Holy Smite — Smites an enemy, inflicting Holy damage.
  • Spell holy prayerofhealing02.png Prayer of Healing — Invokes Holy magic to heal nearby party members.
  • Ability rogue ambush.png Staff Strike — Strikes at an enemy, inflicting increased melee damage.


Rise of the Horde

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

  • "Yes, I am the cautious one, and sometimes my caution has saved us as much as your decisiveness, Kil'jaeden, and your instinctive impetuosity, Archimonde."
  • To begin with, 'draenei' is not our true name. It is a term that means...'exiled ones.'" We disagreed with others in our world. We chose not to sell our people into slavery, and for that we were exiled. We have spent much time finding a suitable place to dwell—a place to call our own. We fell in love with this land, and we call it Draenor.[88]

World of Warcraft

The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

  • We must unite against the Legion.
  • Not all who wander are lost.
  • Will you join our cause?
  • An unwise decision.
  • I foresaw this.
  • How unfortunate...for you.

As we attempt to gain the help of the peoples of this world against the Burning Legion, we must also learn to live peaceably amongst them.

Please keep this in mind as your journey takes you throughout Azeroth. May the Light guide you.

In Blood Watch

The draenei champion walks among us. This is a celebration for the savior of Azuremyst and Bloodmyst!

Gossip during A IconSmall Draenei Male.gifIconSmall Draenei Female.gif [1-30] The Unwritten Prophecy

This is all for you, <name>. You did this. You saved all of these people and thousands more.

You have risen above the strife and tragedy of this world and in doing so, elevated all of us with you.

You have done so much - more than many could do in ten lifetimes - yet your life has just begun. If only we had a thousand heroes like you.

But listen well, <name>. Your destiny lies in the Outland. I have seen it in visions, a prophecy yet untold.

Find our people, <name>. Find them and bring them home...

Sunwell Plateau
Main article: Sunwell Plateau epilogue#Script


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Main article: A Gift of Time#Notes
Main article: Return of the Light#Notes
Main article: Blade in Twilight#Notes
Main article: The Light and the Void#Notes
Main article: Bringer of the Light#Notes
Main article: Whispers in the Void#Notes
Main article: Velen's Vision#Notes
Main article: A Light in the Darkness
Main article: The Tomb of Sargeras trailer#Transcript
Main article: Assault on Broken Shore#Notes
Main article: Cathedral of Eternal Night: Altar of the Aegis#Note
Main article: The Highlord's Return#Notes
Main article: Summons to the Keep#Notes
Main article: Consoling the King#Notes
Main article: A Kingdom's Heart#Notes
Main article: The King's Path#Notes
Main article: Confirming Suspicions#Notes
Main article: Chamber of the Moon#Quotes
Main article: Maiden of Vigilance#Quotes
Main article: Fallen Avatar#Quotes
Main article: Kil'jaeden (Tomb of Sargeras tactics)#Quotes
Main article: The Hand of Fate#Notes
Main article: Light's Exodus#Notes
Main article: The Vindicaar (quest)#Notes
Main article: Into the Night#Notes
Main article: Alone in the Abyss#Notes
Main article: Overwhelming Power (quest)#Notes
Main article: Vengeance (quest)#Notes
Main article: Signs of Resistance#Notes
Main article: The Prophet's Gambit#Notes
Main article: A Moment of Respite#Notes
Main article: Essence of the Light Mother#Notes
Main article: An Offering of Light#Notes
Main article: The Burning Heart (quest)#Notes
Main article: Lord of the Spire#Notes
Main article: A Floating Ruin#Notes
Main article: Eredath, Jewel of Argus#Notes
Main article: Defenseless and Afraid#Notes
Main article: Consecrating Ground#Notes
Main article: Khazaduum, First of His Name#Notes
Main article: The Path Forward#Notes
Main article: Not-So-Humble Beginnings#Notes
Main article: The Sigil of Awakening#Notes
Main article: A Non-Prophet Organization#Notes
Main article: Flanking Maneuvers#Notes
Main article: Talgath's Forces#Notes
Main article: What Might Have Been#Notes
Main article: Across the Universe#Notes
Main article: Shadow of the Triumvirate#Notes
Main article: The Seat of the Triumvirate (quest)#Notes
Main article: Seat of the Triumvirate: The Crest of Knowledge#Notes
Main article: Light's Breach (Antorus)
Main article: Gaze of the Legion
Main article: Felhounds of Sargeras#Quotes
Main article: Antoran High Command#Quotes
Main article: Portal Keeper Hasabel#Quotes
Main article: Eonar the Life-Binder#Quotes
Main article: Burning Throne
Main article: Coven of Shivarra#Quotes
Main article: World Soul (subzone)
Main article: Aggramar (tactics)#Quotes
Main article: Argus the Unmaker#Quotes
Netherlight Temple gossip

You have proven to be a powerful priest.

Argus gossip
  • The Light will not forsake us.
  • This is no longer the Argus I remember.
  • It has been eons since I have laid eyes on this place. So many memories...
    <Velen's brows knit in pensive thought.>
Antorus, the Burning Throne - The Death of a Titan
  • It is finished. At long last, the Burning Crusade is over. I thank you for all you did, <name>. With the power of Argus feeding his Dark Pantheon, Sargeras would have been unstoppable. On behalf of the draenei, the eredar, the countless worlds destroyed by the Legion...Thank you.

Before the Storm

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

  • Anduin smiled. "I'll never be as wise as you, old friend." Velen chuckled and shook his head ruefully. "My only wisdom is to understand that I am not."

Stormwind Embassy

I have spent too long depending on visions to guide me.

It is time we forge our own fate. Part of that is finding new allies to stand beside us.

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Main article: Waning Hope#Notes

Stormwind Embassy

I once told you that each of us must forge our own fate in this world.

The time has come for the Horde to forge their own fate as well. Without a warchief to command them, they must learn to walk a new path.

Will it be a path of peace or a path of war? Only time can tell where it will lead.

In Hearthstone

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.

Notes and trivia

  • Velen was the first racial leader to have a completely unique model made for them. Thrall and Sylvanas Windrunner used unobtainable features but still used the core model player model for orcs and night elves respectively. By Wrath of the Lich King, Varian Wrynn and Sylvanas would join this distinction; with more to follow in subsequent expansions.
  • Velen was at one point planned to be involved in the Maiden of Vigilance encounter.[89]
  • Although Velen stated that he was neither prophet nor pawn during the finale of N [10-45] Bringer of the Light, he is still seen with the title on Argus, although at the end of the Burning Crusade, he declares that their salvation was never in fate's hands, and shortly afterwards at the Stormwind Embassy, he vows that each must forge their own fate, instead of relying on visions to guide them. He is also directly mentioned as "Prophet" multiple times throughout Before the Storm and Elegy. It is possible that he has since reclaimed the mantle of Prophet (which he might never have officially renounced in the first place), but simply has broader and more balanced views rather than blindly following the naaru or the Light after his experiences with Illidan and Argus.
  • Velen once visited Tyrande and told her of the similarities between Elune and the naaru. Tyrande thanked him for his input but then cordially requested that he refrain from making such outlandish claims when in Darnassus or in the presence of Elune's priesthood.[90]
  • In the original Ultimate Visual Guide, Velen was stated to be an eredar.[91] The Updated and Expanded edition instead calls him a draenei.
  • Velen never faulted Garrosh for the crimes of his father, Grommash, but was wary about the Horde's potential.[45]
  • During the battle in the Temple of the White Tiger in War Crimes, Velen is among the individuals whose alternate selves weren't summoned by the Hourglass of Time. According to Christie Golden, she only selected alternate individuals that she felt brought the most impact on their main timeline counterparts.[92]
  • Velen is considered to be immortal.[93][94]
  • Kil'jaeden believes that Velen was the most powerful and wise of the three eredar leaders on Argus,[95] as well as the one most attuned to arcane magic and science.[96]
    • In Rise of the Horde, Velen used a very advanced form of magic to prevent Archimonde and Kil'jaeden from finding out his attempt to gather those who were willing to follow him after being revealed of Sargeras' duplicity.
    • Velen also managed to fake the Ata'mal crystal by replacing it with a convincingly simple crystal with appearance and glow of the original.
    • The artwork of the TCG card Velen, Prophet of the Naaru depicts the draenei with flame behind him while he unleashes an energy beam, a testament to his own power.
    • Kil'jaeden's last words to Velen expressed how he always envied his vision and his faith, and finally admitted that perhaps Velen was right and he was wrong. Velen admitted that while hatred and revenge consumed him, he learned to let go of his past, for not only his sake but that of his fallen son, indicating that his final gesture to his estranged brother was likely one of forgiveness and reconciliation.[57]
  • In Rise of the Horde, Velen's eyes were described as glowing blue.[97] Both Rise of the Horde and Wolfheart described his skin color as alabaster.[98] However, his in-game model, in-game cutscenes, and most of the artwork depicting him instead show him with violet skin and eyes, and in Before the Storm he is described as "lavender-skinned".[99]
  • During the event following Kil'jaeden's defeat at the Sunwell, Velen calls Kil'jaeden his "brother". They at least treated each other like brothers; "Kil'jaeden had loved Velen as a brother, closer than that, loved him almost as another aspect of himself".[100]
  • Unlike other draenei, Velen's [Gift of the Naaru] forehead signet is permanently visible.
  • During A [50-70] Excision, his generic name is Draenei Priest.
  • The Alliance's tier 9 priest sets, Velen's Regalia, are named after the Prophet, highlighting his great connection to the Light.[91]
  • Velen's TCG card in the Fires of Outland set lists him as a shaman,[101] though there is nothing in lore to indicate that he is one. This may have been done to emphasize the fact that the draenei were the first Alliance race to have shaman, as Lor'themar Theron, who was added in the same set, is a paladin in the card game despite being an elven ranger in lore. Alternatively, it's simply a mistake. In the subsequent Tomb of the Forgotten set, Velen is listed as a priest instead.[102]
  • When The Burning Crusade was first released, Velen had the speech files of a normal male draenei. He received unique quotes in patch 2.1.0.
  • Velen wields the  [Exodar Life-Staff], which serves as a focal point for his magic and provides light to all who seek it.[91]
  • Velen was voiced by Alan Shearman in The Burning Crusade,[104] and is now voiced by David Shaughnessy starting with Legion.[105] David Shaughnessy also voiced the alternate Velen in Warlords of Draenor.
  • One of Velen's quotes - "Not all who wander are lost" - may be based on a line from the poem All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.
  • The name Velen may be related to Valen, a character from the sci-fi television series Babylon 5. Several general details between the two characters seem similar. Valen appeared aboard a starship seemingly out of nowhere to aid the Minbari in their war against the chaotic Shadows, much as Velen and the draenei crashed on Azeroth just in time to help fight the Burning Legion. Both seem to possess some method of prophecy, and both have contact with a higher race of beings of light, Velen the naaru, Valen the Vorlons.
    • Author Christie Golden confirmed that she indeed watched Babylon 5, but Velen was not her creation.[106]
  • It is said that Velen uses special guidestones to reach out to his people across vast distances.
  • There's a server named after him: Server:Velen US.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Based on his prophetic visions, he might be considered a diviner.



Patch changes

See also


  1. ^ The Characters of Warcraft/Velen
  2. ^ Ask CDev Answers - Round 3
  3. ^ A [1-70 Daily] A Gift for the Prophet
  4. ^ Rise of the Horde, chapter 9
  5. ^ a b Prophet's Lesson
  6. ^ a b c Raising a King on the official website
  7. ^ World of Warcraft: Ultimate Visual Guide, Updated and Expanded, pg. 109
  8. ^ Rise of the Horde, chapter 20
  9. ^ A [45] A Kingdom's Heart
  10. ^ a b Unbroken
  11. ^ World of Warcraft Community Site - Retrieved
  12. ^ a b c d e N [10-45] Bringer of the Light
  13. ^ a b N [45] Across the Universe
  14. ^ World of Warcraft Trading Card Game: Tomb of the Forgotten. Blizzard Entertainment..
  15. ^ Races of World of Warcraft: Draenei
  16. ^ a b Tome of Blighted Implements
  17. ^ a b c Word of the Conclave
  18. ^ N [45] A Floating Ruin, Velen's gossip dialogue
  19. ^ a b N [45] Eredath, Jewel of Argus
  20. ^ Rise of the Horde, pg. 1 - 18
  21. ^ N [45] Consecrating Ground
  22. ^ H [15-30D] Auchindoun...
  23. ^ Rise of the Horde
  24. ^ Beyond the Dark Portal
  25. ^ A Symphony of Frost and Flame
  26. ^ Archived World of Warcraft site
  27. ^ Draenei Introduction Video
  28. ^ A [1-30] Newfound Allies
  29. ^ A [15] The Way to Auberdine
  30. ^ A IconSmall Draenei Male.gifIconSmall Draenei Female.gif [1-30] The Prophecy of Velen
  31. ^ A [1-30] A Small Start
  32. ^ A [1-30] Tree's Company
  33. ^ A [1-30] Show Gnomercy
  34. ^ A [1-30] What We Don't Know...
  35. ^ A [1-30] Audience with the Prophet
  36. ^ A [1-30] Truth or Fiction
  37. ^ A [1-30G] Matis the Cruel
  38. ^ A IconSmall Draenei Male.gifIconSmall Draenei Female.gif [1-30] The Unwritten Prophecy
  39. ^ Races in World of Warcraft (archived page)
  40. ^ The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm
  41. ^ Wolfheart
  42. ^ Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War, pg. 39: "I'm learning something new almost every single day."
  43. ^ Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War, 128 - 129: Jaina: "I'll be contacting the other Alliance leaders as well.[...] I think even the draenei would be willing to help."
  44. ^ War Crimes, chapter ??
  45. ^ a b BlizzCon 2013
  46. ^ The Untamed Valley, pg. 3
  47. ^ War Crimes
  48. ^ A [10-45] The Fallen Lion
  49. ^ a b N [45] Assault on Broken Shore
  50. ^ N [45D] Cathedral of Eternal Night: Altar of the Aegis
  51. ^ N [45] Confirming Suspicions
  52. ^ N [110] The Highlord's Return
  53. ^ A [45] Consoling the King
  54. ^ A [45] A Kingdom's Heart
  55. ^ A [45] A Personal Message
  56. ^ A [45] The King's Path
  57. ^ a b N [45R] The Deceiver's Downfall
  58. ^ a b The Battle for Argus Begins
  59. ^ 2017-08-23, Patch 7.3 Preview: The Campaign for Argus. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2017-08-16
  60. ^ N [45] The Prophet's Gambit
  61. ^ N [45] A Floating Ruin
  62. ^ N [45] The Sigil of Awakening
  63. ^ N [45] We Have a Problem
  64. ^ N [45] A Non-Prophet Organization
  65. ^ N [45] Flanking Maneuvers
  66. ^ N [45] What Might Have Been
  67. ^ N [45] Shadow of the Triumvirate
  68. ^ N [45D] Seat of the Triumvirate: The Crest of Knowledge
  69. ^ Elegy
  70. ^ A [60] Waning Hope
  71. ^ A [40-70] Allegiance of Kul Tiras
  72. ^ A [50] The Price of Peace
  73. ^ Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor, pg. 6, 44
  74. ^ N [70] Prophecy Stirs
  75. ^ N [70] Uncertainty
  76. ^ N [70] Opening Wounds
  77. ^ N [70] Proof and Promise
  78. ^ Guardians of the Dream Launch Trailer | Dragonflight | World of Warcraft
  79. ^ N [70] The Age of Mortals
  80. ^ N [70] Echo of the Firelands
  81. ^ A [50-70] Emergency Efforts
  82. ^ A [50-70] Assessing the Enemy
  83. ^ A [50-70] Excision
  84. ^ A [50-70] At the Source
  85. ^ A [50-70] Pain Recedes
  86. ^ A [50-70] A Burden Shared
  87. ^ A [50-70] Our Path Forward
  88. ^ Rise of the Horde, pg. 92
  89. ^ Maiden of Vigilance#Quotes
  90. ^ Ask CDev Answers - Round 2
  91. ^ a b c Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 97
  92. ^ Christie Golden on Twitter (2015-09-21). Retrieved on 2019-04-27.​ “There wasn't room to have an alternate everyone, so I selected a few that I thought would have the biggest impact. :)
  93. ^ Loreology on Twitter. "At least one draenei (Velen) is immortal. We haven't specified about the others, though some do remember Argus."
  94. ^ Playable draenei opening cutscene
  95. ^ Rise of the Horde, chapter 5
  96. ^ Rise of the Horde, chapter 20
  97. ^ Rise of the Horde, chapter 3
  98. ^ Loreology on Twitter (2014-02-06) "Not in all art! The one I was asked to review was Ludo's art for Velen's short story. Alabaster is canon. :)"
  99. ^ Before the Storm, chapter 4
  100. ^ Rise of the Horde, pg. 82
  101. ^ Prophet Velen
  102. ^ Velen, Prophet of the Naaru
  103. ^ A [60] On Whispered Winds
  104. ^ World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade
  105. ^ World of Warcraft: Legion
  106. ^ Christie Golden on Twitter (2015-09-21). Retrieved on 2019-04-27.​ “I did but Velen is not my creation ;)

External links

Velen Generic name
Preceded by:
Prophet of the draenei
Succeeded by:
Preceded by:
Leader of the Aldor
Succeeded by:
High Priestess Ishanah
Preceded by:
Superior of the Temple of Karabor
Succeeded by:
Gul'dan (as master of the Black Temple)
Preceded by:
Ruler of Shattrath City
Succeeded by:
Unknown, eventually A'dal

es:Velen pl:Velen it:Velen