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"Farstrider" redirects here. For the hunter talent, see [Farstrider].
Kassandra Flameheart.jpg
A blood elf ranger and her dragonhawk companion.
Main leader IconSmall Halduron.gif Halduron Brightwing
  Formerly IconSmall SylvanasHE.gif Sylvanas Windrunner
 Lireesa Windrunner †
 Talanas Windrunner †
Secondary leaders  Captain Helios
 Ranger Captain Venn'ren
 Ranger Captain Natacha
  Formerly  Renthar Hawkspear
 Lor'themar Theron
 Nathanos Blightcaller
 Alleria Windrunner
Race(s) Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
  Formerly High elfHigh elf High elf
HumanHuman Human (one)
Character classes Hunter, Elven ranger, Scout, Marksman
Capital Rangers' Lodge
Base of operations Farstrider Enclave, Farstrider Retreat
  Formerly Quel'Lithien Lodge
Theater of operations Azeroth
Language(s) Thalassian, Common, Orcish
Affiliation Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, Horde, Unseen Path
  Formerly Alliance of Lordaeron
Status Active

“We are rangers sworn to defend our people from enemies both near and far.”

Lieutenant Dawnrunner

The Farstriders are an order[1] of elite blood elf rangers, once high elf, in charge of the protection of the kingdom of Quel'Thalas and its people. They are led by the Ranger-General of Silvermoon, Halduron Brightwing, who succeeded Sylvanas Windrunner after the Third War. The Farstriders are based at the Rangers' Lodge in Silvermoon City, but they are known to have several camps and lodges scattered all across Quel'Thalas. They are considered part of the sin'dorei government, along with the Magisters and the Blood Knights, but its members have never been a formal military. The army that currently defends Quel'Thalas is a separate entity from the Farstriders, whose small numbers would in any case make it impossible for them to wage war.[2]

Intimately bound to the wildlands,[3] and with a deep respect for the law, the rangers that compose the Farstriders' ranks remain noble, traditional, and valiant protectors of blood elf society.[2]



The Farstriders were initially comprised of little more than a group of high elven rangers, who loosely fought together during the Troll Wars to keep Quel'Thalas safe. Of them, Talanas Windrunner was the greatest and quickly rose through the ranks until he was named the first ranger-general of Silvermoon for his valor.[4]

Roughly 500 years ago, a group of similarly dedicated fighters formed and officially took on the name "Farstriders." Their mandate was, originally, to protect Quel'Thalas far beyond its actual borders and look after high elf interests all over Azeroth, and while the Farstriders still see their mission as a broad one, this ambitious goal narrowed over time; today, the Farstriders rarely range beyond Quel'Thalas. The commander of the Farstriders was given a unique, historic title: Ranger-General of Silvermoon.[2]

Before the Great Wars

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Inheritor to the title of ranger-general, Lireesa Windrunner, summoned the kingdom's most elite Farstriders to her spire on the day her eldest daughter, Alleria Windrunner, was to begin formal training as her own successor. Among those gathered were Lor'themar Theron, Lireesa's deputy and future regent lord, and Halduron Brightwing, a future ranger-general. The youngest Windrunners, Sylvanas and Vereesa, watched the proceedings from the spire. Alleria named her prey and entered the wilderness of Eversong to claim the kill that would mark her worthiness; but Sylvanas, after conferring with her father and the Farstriders, grew concerned for her sister and struck out to ensure her safety. The ranger-general's trial had gone awry: Alleria's prey got the better of her, and Sylvanas slew the beast to save her life. Lireesa raged at the outcome - Alleria had been shamed before the Farstriders she was born to lead, and robbed of the chance of redemption - but Alleria did not plan to succeed her mother. The ranger-general believed all that mattered lay in Quel'Thalas, that they were protectors of the people and leading the Farstriders must be a ranger-general's primary concern; Alleria wished to experience the world and form bonds with peoples beyond her cloistered kingdom, and resented the traditions that dictated she inherit a title she did not desire.

The Farstriders suffered from Lireesa and Alleria's feuding. A splintering occurred between those loyal to the ranger-general and those who shared Alleria's beliefs. Eventually, Alleria abdicated entirely and made known her intention to leave Quel'Thalas with her ranger company. She convinced her furious mother to elevate Sylvanas in her place, as the younger Windrunner was well respected among the Farstriders, had the strong support of Theron and Brightwing, and had surpassed her as a ranger. Publicly, Lireesa framed the upheaval in as dignified a manner she could: the ranger-general declared that it was time for the Farstriders to reclaim the meaning of their name, and once again look to the world beyond their borders. Alleria and her rangers would depart to fulfill this charge, while Sylvanas would become ranger-general and lead the Farstriders in her stead.[5]

The young Vereesa Windrunner was inducted into the entry ranks of the Farstriders some time before the Second War, rising to become among the best of her training group. More than one of her tutors scolded her for her reckless attitude and fighting style, derogatorily comparing her impatience to that of a human's.[6]

At some point, Lor'themar served as a lieutenant, and during a patrol his three-men group was captured by Zul'jin who killed the two rangers and briefly tortured Lor'themar. Several archers had also accompanied Magister Dar'Khan Drathir, Priestess Liadrin, and apprentice Galell to investigate a malfunctioning Runestone, but they were ambushed by forest trolls as well. The archers were killed and the others were taken prisoner.[7]

Second War

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Ranger-Captain Alleria Windrunner hunting orcs through the forests of Quel'Thalas.

Prior Quel'Thalas' participation in the Second War, Ranger General Lireesa and her husband were slain while on king's business in Eastweald. The Farstriders established there, supported by rangers from Silvermoon, concluded she'd been ambushed and killed by Amani trolls, the Farstriders' long nemeses. Sylvanas, reluctantly empowered by King Anasterian Sunstrider to more thoroughly investigate the deaths, revealed evidence of orcish involvement - a threat Lireesa had not believed in. When Sylvanas confronted Anasterian with this knowledge, the king destroyed the evidence and forbade the Farstriders from acting in reprisal. Demanding loyalty from his incumbent ranger-general, the king swore Sylvanas to silence on the matter - the high elves would not involve themselves in a war that was not their own, nor would the Farstriders increase their patrols as though something was amiss.[8]

With their leader fallen, the Farstriders gathered at Farstrider Retreat to elect the new ranger-general. As Lireesa's second and the highest-ranked ranger behind Sylvanas herself, Lor'themar Theron led the Farstriders in a eulogy to the fallen, a retelling of the battle that won her fame, and moved to swear Sylvanas in as her successor. Many were willing to call Sylvanas their new ranger-general, but some were more hesitant or beholden to personal grudges. Helios still believed Alleria should bear the title, and would not commit to a vote until her return. A quarrel broke out - Helios held to the tradition of the eldest Windrunner leading the Farstriders; Lor'themar reminded those present that Alleria had disinherited herself and chosen the world beyond over Quel'Thalas, while Sylvanas was entirely dedicated to the Farstriders - but Sylvanas' critics were not swayed until Alleria herself arrived to second Theron's words. Lireesa's eldest shamed the dissidents for not believing in their ranger-general's judgment and gave Sylvanas her full support. Sylvanas was sworn in unanimously.[9]

Following Sylvanas's ascension to ranger-general of the Farstriders, she inducted an unlikely apprentice into the Farstriders' ranks - the human ranger, Nathanos Marris. Sylvanas took what was considered an inordinate amount of pride in her talented human disciple, as noted by several of her comrades, and a number of the other Farstriders did not take kindly to the presence of a human in their ranks. Halduron Brightwing and Renthar Hawkspear both argued against his inclusion in their ranks,[10] while Quel'Thalas' scion Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider himself demanded Sylvanas dismiss him from the ranger corps, though Sylvanas persisted in his training. Regardless, Nathanos proved himself a valuable ally and was the first and last human to achieve the rank of Ranger Lord and be trained with the Farstriders.

As the forces of the Amani and the Old Horde encroached upon northern Eversong, the Farstriders sought to push back the invaders. Notable Farstrider commanders such as Sylvanas' second-in-command, Lor'themar Theron, the ranger-captain Alleria Windrunner, and their comrade Halduron Brightwing were part of the conflict, and the Farstriders were instrumental in holding off the Amani until the Horde's subdued red dragon allies began to lay waste to the forests.

While Sylvanas remained behind to help secure Quel'Thalas, it was Halduron and his platoon of rangers, assisted by some of Silvermoon's priests and priestesses, who defeated and apprehended the troll chieftain, Zul'jin, amidst the burning woodlands. The rangers, many of whom had lost loved ones in their many conflicts with the trolls, tortured the leader of their ancient enemy extensively. Halduron had hoped to keep Zul'jin alive long enough to be brought back to Silvermoon, but an Amani war party was able to cause a damaging enough diversion for their leader to escape the elves' grasp.[11] When the Farstriders and the Alliance forces had succeeded in driving off the invaders, Alleria and Lor'themar led their rangers to Lordaeron to relieve the human capital.

Some time after the conflict was over, Anasterian, who had only reluctantly committed to the war in the first place, cited poor leadership on the humans' end that led to unnecessary violence in the elven homeland as an excuse to withdraw his kingdom from the Alliance. Thus, the nation of Quel'Thalas and the Farstriders went back into their isolation from the wider world. The Farstriders saw little action during this time; the odd Amani war-party aside, Quel'Thalas enjoyed a peaceful end to the Second War.

Third War

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Ranger-General Sylvanas Windrunner and the Farstriders fighting during the Fall of Quel'Thalas.

The Farstriders were the high elves' first line of defense during the Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas. They were the first to learn of the fall of Lordaeron, wrought on by the twisted Prince Arthas and his undead hordes. Farstrider scouts informed Ranger-General Sylvanas of the approaching death knight, and Sylvanas led a raid of rangers herself to meet him. After mocking the Ranger-General's attempts to convince him to turn back, Arthas strode on towards the elfgates, and the Farstriders dispersed to put a stop to him before the Scourge's unholy trail of destruction could spread further into the elven kingdom.

Firstly, the Farstriders rained a hail of arrows down upon the invaders, while a contingent drew their blades and targeted the mortal members of the Cult of the Damned. Against the Farstriders' superior abilities, the living members of the cult proved little match, though their corpses were swiftly reanimated and any elves that fell followed suit.[12] Before long, Ranger-General Sylvanas gave the order to retreat, the undead Scourge fast approaching the elfgates and cutting its way through the rangers. Sylvanas came to realize that they could not win this battle but held out hope that the Magisters on Quel'Danas could still turn the battle around, if they knew what was coming. Farstrider scouts were sent north to inform them, but Arthas had them swiftly murdered at every turn.

The Ranger-General made numerous efforts to halt the Scourge advance, including destroying the main passage leading to Elrendar and keeping the Key of Three Moons out of Arthas' grasp. However, these attempts proved mostly futile: Arthas supplemented the destroyed bridge with his shambling, mindless servants, and a traitor named Dar'Khan Drathir ensured that Arthas knew exactly where to find his much-coveted key.[13]

The Farstriders launched a large-scale dragonhawk attack on the invaders. After some initial successes, their valiant beasts were largely fought off by the Scourge's stone gargoyles.

Sylvanas herself fell before Silvermoon after single combat with the scion of Lordaeron, and the Farstriders fought a desperate battle for survival without her leadership.[14] In an act of surpassing cruelty, Arthas raised Sylvanas and many of her fallen Farstriders from the grave, and forced them to battle their homeland in his name. Sylvanas, a spectral banshee rather than an undead corpse, was sent into Silvermoon to massacre the innocent with her horrifying new powers. Ranger Lord Lor'themar Theron and his rangers were patrolling near Zul'Aman around the time of the invasion and rushed to check on the hidden mooncrystals after catching signs of an invasion. They joined with Halduron Brightwing's ranger company and rushed north to Silvermoon, and the Sunwell.[11][15]

Their efforts thwarted, the Farstriders were pushed back to the capital, and Belo'vir Salonar, Grand Magister of Quel'Thalas, took over the defense of the city in Sylvanas's place.[11] After the fall of Quel'Thalas, the banshee rangers that Arthas had raised were given to Sylvanas. The death knight also raised the fallen members of Sylvanas Windrunner's army as Darkfallen, prowling the lands as either dark rangers or blood mages for the Scourge.[16]


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When the battle was over, Ranger Lord Lor'themar Theron became the acting high elven leader, and the Farstriders were instrumental in keeping the survivors of the Scourge onslaught safe. Upon their arrival at Silvermoon, Lor'themar and the remaining Farstriders had gathered together all the survivors they could find. They established a defensible position within Silvermoon and fought back the wandering dead that maintained a vigil in the area. The next day, the Farstriders struck out and made sweeping perimeter searches of Eversong, seeking out survivors they had missed or those trying to reach the city, and leading them to safety.[11]

After learning of the devastation of Quel'Thalas, Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider returned to his homeland. He renamed the survivors "blood elves" in honor of their fallen brethren, and commanded Lor'themar to safeguard the elven homeland from the Scourge remnants, while he took 15% of the blood elven people to join the Alliance resistance.[17] With Sylvanas' demise, a void was left, and the Farstriders elected Halduron Brightwing as their new ranger-general, as he was both a talented leader and a skilled ranger.

Once she'd reclaimed her body from Deatholme, Sylvanas, now a free-willed undead, sought out the Farstriders as her first choice of ally. She was certain her old friends and comrades Lor'themar and Halduron, with whom she'd formed the Trio, would see past the horrors she'd been forced to commit and perhaps even allow her to rejoin and lead their unit of rangers.

Such hopes turned to ash as she spied their patrol near Farstrider Retreat. As she prepared to unveil herself, the two comrades' grim conversation turned to Sylvanas' downfall, and the death she'd visited upon their people. Her old friends concluded that nothing of the Sylvanas they'd loved now remained, and hoped only that their friend's spirit would find its well-earned rest. Shaken by their words, and knowing they would look upon her visage and see only a butcher who'd slaughtered the innocents of their kingdom, Sylvanas departed Quel'Thalas with a heart turned even colder. The allies she needed would not be found in Quel'Thalas – at least not yet.[18]

Reclaiming Quel'Thalas

Ranger Lord Lor'themar Theron leading the Farstriders in the Ghostlands.

In time, Lor'themar Theron and Halduron Brightwing led the Farstriders in the battle against the Scourge all over Quel'Thalas, with varying success. They noted that the Scourge numbers were increasing and soon learned that the resurgence of the betrayer Dar'Khan Drathir himself was the cause. The hunters picked up his track and launched an ambush on him; however, they were met with a raid of high elven skeletons blocking their path, and the traitor eluded justice. Lor'themar, Halduron, and their rangers later captured and interrogated Kalecgos and his companions, but joined forces with the blue dragon's party upon discerning their good intentions. The rangers then helped to defeat Dar'Khan on Quel'Danas.[19]

For years, the blood elves made little progress in reclaiming their lands, and the Scourge was still inhabiting it in strong numbers. Nevertheless, the Farstriders continued their battle against the undead, and were eventually relieved by Grand Magister Rommath and his Magisters, who quickly went about using the radical new teachings advocated by Illidan Stormrage (ostensibly Prince Kael'thas) to expel the invaders and reclaim much of Quel'Thalas with stunning efficiency. Silvermoon City itself was rebuilt "almost overnight," and the blood elves' fortune was beginning to look far better.[citation needed] 

However, the teachings Rommath brought back to Quel'Thalas caused some friction within the Farstriders: Renthar Hawkspear and his rangers notably openly opposed them. To avoid the nation becoming divided on the issue, as the teachings had been an essential boon to the blood elves, the newly-named Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron decided to banish them south.[10]

Around this time, Quel'Thalas looked for allies and the Farstriders were initially dubious regarding an alliance with the Horde. They also opposed the creation of the Blood Knight order.[citation needed] 

The Farstriders were perhaps the most unaffected by the pangs of magic addiction and withdrawal and felt a much lesser hunger for the arcane than some of their brethren. The cause of this was unknown.[11]

The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

At the time of the Invasion of Outland, the Farstriders did not usually range far from home, instead, they fought to reclaim and control the southern section of Quel'Thalas, which has been heavily afflicted by the Plague of Undeath, and the southernmost areas that had fallen under the control of the Scourge. The Farstriders were also fighting to hold onto Eversong Woods, which was being threatened by the Amani trolls of Zul'Aman.[2]

The Farstriders held the Ghostlands via their numerous holdings throughout Eversong Woods with the unlikely assistance of the Forsaken; primarily concerned with dealing with the Amani trolls still holding out within Quel'Thalas from the Farstrider Retreat. They would also take the fight into the Ghostlands, from their main base in the Farstrider Enclave. Halduron and a Farstrider platoon joined with the Blood Knights in dealing with Dar'Khan Drathir's first reappearance in the Ghostlands.[11]

In the Shadow of the Sun

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After the dramatic events surrounding the treacherous Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider and the Burning Legion, the Sunwell has been restored to its people. Around this time, a number of the Sunfury forces returned home to serve their people, and the Farstriders have been less stretched with protecting Quel'Thalas' borders as a result.[10]


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Halduron Brightwing, Vol'jin, and Vereesa Windrunner meeting on the outskirts of Zul'Aman.

Following the Cataclysm, the Farstriders and Darkspear tribe formed an alliance against the new troll empire brewing in Zul'Aman, and a regiment of Farstrider Troll hunters could be found on its outskirts. With most of the Farstriders away on duty, Halduron Brightwing called upon support from an unlikely source -- Vereesa Windrunner and her own rangers of the Silver Covenant, who traveled to Quel'Thalas to assist their homeland against the Amani threat.[20]

Mists of Pandaria

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

During the Alliance-Horde war, a Farstrider regiment was deployed to Pandaria roughly two months after the continent's discovery. Accompanying Lor'themar Theron, the Farstriders and Blood Knight divisions served as bodyguards for the Regent Lord, and as a protective measure for the Reliquary. Ranger Orestes was tasked with tracking down and capturing a mogu warlord alongside Blood Knight Aenea, and Farstriders were seen subduing the captured mogu warlord with chains after the deed was done.[21]

Following Grand Magister Rommath's assault on Dalaran to rescue the Sunreavers, Lor'themar ordered Halduron Brightwing to assemble the Farstriders, noting that the time had finally come for the sin'dorei to take their future into their own hands. Halduron and his Farstrider rangers then assisted Lor'themar and the Sunreaver Onslaught against the Zandalari and mogu forces.[22]

Warlords of Draenor

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

During the war in Draenor, the Sunsworn contained a number of rangers, assisting the Blood Knight-heavy force in their battles across Talador.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, Halduron Brightwing led the Farstriders to Trueshot Lodge; where many of their rangers could be found in and around the camp. They were responsible for uncovering the whereabouts of their old comrade Alleria Windrunner, after torturing a demon into giving up information on Niskara,[23] a Legion world inhabited by the Inquisitor demons. Joining forces with Vereesa Windrunner, the Farstriders returned to the Broken Shore to plan a rescue.[24] During their attempt, Vereesa and the hunter adventurer narrowly escaped Gorelix the Fleshripper after retrieving  [Thas'dorah, Legacy of the Windrunners], however, Ranger Orestes lost his life during the mission.[25]

When the Unseen Path's new leader was inaugurated, Halduron vowed that the Farstriders would fight at their side.[26]

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

During the Fourth War, several Farstriders accompanied Lor'themar Theron on the regent lord's excursion into Nazjatar, and were commanded by Ranger Captain Natacha.

After Sylvanas Windrunner was deposed as warchief of the Horde, Lor'themar dispatched Farstriders to hunt down Sylvanas and her right hand, former ranger lord Nathanos Blightcaller, both of whom had disappeared in the battle's aftermath.[27]


Average Farstrider's attire.

The Farstriders is a small but highly skilled group of rangers. The organization can trace its roots back to the Troll Wars when a loosely affiliated band of high elf warriors occasionally worked together to defend Quel'Thalas. Over time, their focus has evolved and today they do not usually range far from home. Instead, they are trying to reclaim the southern section of Quel'Thalas heavily afflicted by the plague: where the southernmost areas have fallen into Scourge possession. The Farstriders are also fighting to hold onto Eversong Woods, which is being threatened by the Amani trolls of Zul'Aman, to the east of Quel'Thalas.[2]

Although Ranger-General Halduron Brightwing is the blood elves' military commander,[28] the Farstriders as an organization have never been a formal military, and are considered separate from Silvermoon's standing army.[2] However, this is contradicted during a conversation between Halduron and an envoy sent by Lor'themar Theron, as the Ranger-General argued the point that as the official military commander of Quel'Thalas, he has the right to call upon the aid of whoever he wishes (in reference to him seeking the aid of Vereesa Windrunner and the Silver Covenant.)


The Farstriders have a ranking system by title, and it appears to possess a fairly straightforward command hierarchy.

Promotion to Ranger Lord, or Alar'annalas, is often done in a formal public ceremony. The ranger-general drapes the new ranger lord in a Fora'nal cloth, symbolizing their progression and imparts encouraging words. The head of state may even pay their respects.[29]

Unsurprisingly, the Farstriders tend to use mostly blood elven crafted designs for their outfits, and usually wield bows, crossbows, swords, or polearms. Unlike the Blood Knights, they do not usually display any particular preference for their color code and are typically seen in varying attire. Halduron himself sports a mostly blue outfit; however, standard Farstrider attire is often green.

In the same way player blood elf paladins are considered part of the Blood Knights through their class quests, player blood elf hunters are considered part of the Farstriders,[30] but received comparatively few quests to emphasize this affiliation.

Beliefs and practices

“The Farstriders sacrifice much to keep the kingdom safe. Sometimes everything. Quel'Thalas will remember.”

High King Anasterian Sunstrider to his ranger-general, Sylvanas Windrunner[31]
A female Farstrider statue in Silvermoon City.

The Farstriders have long been considered valiant and honorable elves who regarded the law with deep respect and faith. Indeed, they have long been considered the epitome of selfless dedication.

Since the Scourge's bloody rampage through Quel'Thalas, the Farstriders have lost some of their optimism. Even so, they are nobly maintaining their role as protectors of blood elf society. Perhaps due to their ties to the land, these rangers tend to be spiritually, mentally, and physically healthier than many other blood elves. They see their mission as a broad one: to seek out and eradicate evil. Their primary focus is on Quel'Thalas itself, but they also occasionally venture abroad, carrying out surgical strikes where they feel their efforts will have the greatest effect.[2]

While many of their brethren focus on magical supremacy and the wonders of the arcane, the Farstriders retain some of their forebears' connection to nature, feeling at home in the forests and finding allies in the wilderness - while Silvermoon has many political divisions, in nature the Farstriders find allies that do not know deceit.[30] Intimately bound to the wildlands,[3] the Farstriders are experts at their craft and know the forests of Quel'Thalas like no others, outclassing even their ancient enemy the Amani trolls in terms of woodsmanship and stealth.[32] Some of them possess minor druidic abilities, as Vereesa Windrunner was able to use the "language of the trees, of all plants", and sense a plant's emotions and history through touch.[33]

The Farstriders' salute is a fisted hand to the heart. When a Farstrider vows to kill an enemy, they name the target their prey.[34] Farstriders are trained to communicate silently via hand signals: arm extended – get to ground; palm up – hold position; hand on heart – prepare to fire; lower right hand, fingers splayed – stand down, do not fire.[35]

Sylvanas Windrunner believed the Farstriders protect Quel'Thalas from the true face of Azeroth – the rangers expose themselves to horror so their people's aesthetes, and others with gentler hearts, can flourish in its absence.[36] Service in the Farstriders comes with prestige – exceptional athleticism, agility, and marksmanship skills can elevate even a commoner to a certain kind of nobility.[37]

The Farstriders are not opposed to torture, sometimes practicing it with a brutality that unsettles fellow elves.[11] They famously employed it on Zul'jin, beating him ruthlessly and gouging out his eye to take vengeance for the lives his campaigns had claimed, and have also made use of it on captured demons for the purpose of interrogation.[38]

Rangers always keet woundwood on hand.[39]


Though initially icy in relation to their prospective alliance with the Horde, the Farstriders seem capable of putting racial prejudice aside when needed, such as gladly working with the Darkspear tribe. The Ranger-General Halduron Brightwing himself seems highly respectful to his Horde allies; the ranger-general is noted as displaying few of the haughty prejudices the elves are known for.[40]

Their feud with the Blood Knights is well known. Due to the knights' method of wielding the Light, the Farstriders looked down upon the Blood Knights, considering them to be immoral, and hoped they would see the light. In turn, the Blood Knights considered the Farstriders afraid of grasping true power. Since the restoration of the Sunwell, relations between the two organizations seem to have improved, as they could be seen working together on different battlefields.

The Farstriders also seem at odds with several of the Magisters. This is perhaps fuelled by the various allusions given to Grand Magister Rommath and Halduron Brightwing not seeing eye-to-eye on many matters.[10] Despite this, they had a very common goal when it came to seeing the great traitor Dar'Khan Drathir, now an undead servant of the Lich King, dead.

The comments of Silvermoon City Guardians indicate their cold feelings towards the Farstriders, as they consider it a waste of time to speak with those "backwards individuals".

The dark rangers of the Forsaken were once high elven Farstriders, who fell during the Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas. After Sylvanas Windrunner regained her body, she raised Dark Ranger Velonara.[41] She did so probably with the others as well.

Known members

Name Role Location Status
IconSmall Halduron.gif Horde Halduron Brightwing Ranger-General Various Alive
IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Neutral Lireesa Windrunner Ranger-General Unknown Deceased
IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Neutral Alleria Windrunner
(mother of Lireesa)
Ranger-General Unknown Deceased
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Horde Helios Captain Farstrider Enclave, Ghostlands Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Horde Venn'ren Ranger Captain Falcon Watch, Hellfire Peninsula Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Horde Natacha Ranger Captain Wreck of the Hungry Riverbeast, Nazjatar Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Horde Dawnrunner Lieutenant Farstrider Retreat, Eversong Woods Alive
IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Alliance Rellian Lieutenant Unknown Unknown
IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Neutral Ry'el Lieutenant Unknown Deceased
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Horde Tomathren Lieutenant Lake Elrendar, Ghostlands Alive
IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Alliance Talthressar Lieutenant Unknown Unknown
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Horde Adronis Ranger Darkstone Isle, Broken Shore Alive
IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Neutral Anaryth Ranger Farstrider Retreat, Eversong Woods Deceased
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Horde Carellis Ranger Darkstone Isle, Broken Shore Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Horde Duskhaft Ranger Darkstone Isle, Broken Shore Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Horde Dusking Ranger Farstrider Enclave, Ghostlands Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Horde Fardawn Ranger Darkstone Isle, Broken Shore Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Horde Hathvelion Sungaze[42] Ranger Tranquil Shore, Eversong Woods Alive
IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Neutral Jadia Ranger Killed at Windrunner Village Deceased
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Horde Jirri Ranger Unknown Alive
IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Neutral Kelmarin Ranger Unknown Deceased
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Horde Krenn'an Ranger Farstrider Enclave, Ghostlands Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Horde Lethvalin Ranger Tranquillien, Ghostlands Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Horde Lilatha Ranger Amani Catacombs, Ghostlands Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Horde Marillion Ranger Darkstone Isle, Broken Shore Alive
IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Neutral Nalyss Ranger Unknown Unknown
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Horde Nemeth Hawkeye Ranger Grom'Gol Base Camp, Stranglethorn Vale Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Horde Orestes Ranger Various Deceased
IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Neutral Rendevan Ranger Farstrider Retreat, Eversong Woods Deceased
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Horde Salissa Ranger Ghostlands Unknown
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Horde Sedina Ranger Farstrider Enclave, Ghostlands Alive
IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Neutral Sheldaris Ranger Unknown Deceased
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Horde Silvershadow Ranger Darkstone Isle, Broken Shore Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Horde Solanna Ranger Farstrider Enclave, Ghostlands Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Horde Valanna Ranger Lake Elrendar, Ghostlands Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Horde Vedoran Ranger Deatholme, Ghostlands Alive
IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Neutral Vor'athil Ranger Unknown Unknown
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Horde Vynna Ranger Farstrider Enclave, Ghostlands Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Horde Twinrise Marksman Trueshot Lodge, Highmountain Alive
IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Neutral Tel'kor Messenger Unknown Unknown
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Horde Oninath Hunter Trainer Rangers' Lodge, Silvermoon City Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Horde Hannovia Hunter Trainer Falconwing Square, Eversong Woods Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Horde Telenus Pet Trainer Falconwing Square, Eversong Woods Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Horde Arathel Sunforge Blacksmith Farstrider Retreat, Eversong Woods Alive


For other rangers that might be Farstriders, see Elven ranger.
High elf ranger during H IconSmall BloodElf Male.pngIconSmall BloodElf Female.png [50-70] The First to Fall.


Name Role Status
IconSmall Alleria.gif Alliance Alleria Windrunner Ranger captain Alive
IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Neutral Renthar Hawkspear Ranger Lord Killable
IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Alliance Vereesa Windrunner Ranger Alive
IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Alliance Auric Sunchaser Ranger Alive
IconSmall UndeadElf Female.gif Horde Cyndia Ranger Active
IconSmall Lor'themar.gif Horde Lor'themar Theron Ranger Lord Alive
IconSmall UndeadElf Female.gif Horde Lyana Ranger Deceased
IconSmall Nathanos.gif Neutral Nathanos Blightcaller Ranger Lord Deceased
IconSmall Sylvanas3.gif Neutral Sylvanas Windrunner Ranger-General Active
IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Alliance Theloria Shadecloak Ranger Alive
IconSmall UndeadElf Male.gif Neutral Thalanor Ranger Active
IconSmall UndeadElf Female.gif Horde Velonara Ranger Active
IconSmall UndeadElf Female.gif Alliance Verana Ranger Active
IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Alliance Vyrin Swiftwind[43] Ranger Alive

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.


The Farstriders prepare for a kill during the Second War, as seen in Dark Factions.

Although every Farstrider is a ranger, a rare few do take on roguish pursuits. The organization can trace its roots back to the Troll Wars, when a loosely affiliated band of high elf warriors occasionally worked together to defend Quel'Thalas. Roughly five hundred years ago, a group of similarly dedicated fighters formed and officially took on the name "Farstriders". Their mandate was to protect Quel'Thalas far beyond its actual borders and look after high elf interests all over Azeroth. The commander of the Farstriders was given a unique title: Ranger-General of Silvermoon.

Over time the Farstriders' focus has evolved. Once, Farstriders traveled far and wide. These days, most stay within Quel'Thalas's borders, maintaining the peace and fighting off the Scourge and Zul'Aman. While the occasional band ventures into the Eastern Plaguelands or Hinterlands, they don't go far from home anymore.[44]

Military tactics

Farstriders use similar tactics to other elven regiments, preferring bows. A good Farstrider is never seen in battle. The blood elf rangers prefer to hide among camouflage and in trees, sniping with their longbows.

Farstriders are independent of Silvermoon's military forces. Rather, Farstriders are structured more like a mercenary group. While individual Farstriders bear military designations, the bands are independent. Most Farstrider bands include from 3 to 5 members and answer only to the ranger-general.

Farstriders prefer guerilla tactics to frontal assaults. They always attack from cover, using trees and rocks to cover their traces while sniping at enemies. A Farstrider band splits up just before the attack, surrounding the enemy forces. Once in position, the lead ranger gives a birdcall to ready the others. Then all rangers bombard their enemies with arrows. They hamper fleeing targets with spells such as entangle. When discovered, a ranger retreats to a more strategic location and renews his assault. The Farstriders hunt and exterminate any enemies that escape the spells and arrows. Farstriders are quick, expert, and ruthless.[45]


Farstriders are all blood elves. Furthermore, everyone is a ranger of some sort. While the rare Farstrider may focus on roguish pursuits, the faction is entirely combat-related, and even their rogues are deadly with a bow. Or without, for that matter. Joining the Farstriders is no mean task. You must go through an extensive trial period, testing your archery skills as well as your survival and stealth skills. No Farstrider is truly a greenhorn, though. To become a Farstrider, a character must have excellent stealth and survival skills and at least some training as a ranger. A newly inducted ranger receives extensive training in guerilla tactics, as well as lessons in anatomy. Senior members are killing machines. They can put an arrow through a goblin's heart at 500 paces and not even break a sweat. Most senior Farstriders have killed more beasts than any soldier in the blood elf military. They make Defias assassins look like babies.[44]

High elven rangers

The few high elves who join the Farstriders often succumb to blood elf ways and declare themselves sin'dorei. Thus, all Farstriders are blood elf rangers.[46]

As such, the high elves no longer possess an official Farstrider organization, though a small number of high elven rangers are still seen in residence at their elven lodges. Farstrider Lodge in Loch Modan, an Alliance territory, has since become a dwarven hunting lodge since the conversion from quel'dorei to sin'dorei,[47] and some exiled rangers (now Wretched) once made the Quel'Lithien Lodge their home away from home.

Night elven Farstriders

Farstriders is also a name given to a small night elf organization based in Ashenvale. They were the only unified night elf presence dwelling in Ashenvale, before the Third War, as a reclusive group of rangers. The Farstriders use the terrain and other inhabitants to train in their specialized skills. They hold a difference of opinion regarding strangers in Ashenvale. Some believe that their duty is to welcome and protect travelers, as long as they show no threat to the forest. Others see any strangers as unwelcome interlopers who must be “escorted” to the southern border. Still, whatever their opinion on Ashenvale, the Farstriders bow to the wishes of the ancients and the sentinels. They lived in the Farstrider Camp. Outraged Farstriders prevented orcs that mined Goldcrease Mine from taking the gold.[48]


Blood elves are known for their grudges. Of all the blood elves, Farstriders carried a deep resentment towards the Horde. They went out of their way to slay trolls, even those of the Horde. They hate the undead as well, they didn't like the fact that the Horde let the Forsaken into their ranks. They have had little experience with tauren, and don't have much quarrel with them but see them as bestial brutes. Despite the fact that blood elves and undead do not get well together, Sylvanas offered assistance to the blood elves despite the feelings of the Farstriders, leading to the blood elves joining the Horde.[49]


Farstrider skin for Hanzo in Heroes of the Storm.
  • The Farstriders were largely unaffected by the addiction to magic that manifested after the destruction of the Sunwell. The exact reason for this is unknown,[11] but is perhaps due to their outdoorsy lifestyle, or because the rangers practice little-to-no magic compared to the rest of their brethren.
  • Most young high elves had a 'I wanna be a Farstrider' phase, which they had left by the time they were taken as apprentices.[50]
  • As the name suggests, the Farstrider Lodge may have belonged to the Farstriders once.
  • The Farstriders represent the hunter class in Hearthstone's March of the Lich King expansion.[51] Halduron Brightwing and several of the Farstriders' rangers and animal companions appear as cards.
  • There is a Farstrider skin for Hanzo in Heroes of the Storm.


See also


  1. ^ Alleria Windrunner#Valley of Heroes monument
  2. ^ a b c d e f g The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Farstriders
  3. ^ a b Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, Alliance Ground Units, Elven Ranger
  4. ^ Tales of the Hunt: Thas'dorah, Legacy of the Windrunners
  5. ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 91
  6. ^ Day of the Dragon, pg. 66
  7. ^ Blood of the Highborne, chapter 1
  8. ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 150 - 153
  9. ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 161 - 164
  10. ^ a b c d In the Shadow of the Sun
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h i Blood of the Highborne
  12. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, pg. 271
  13. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, pg. 275
  14. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, pg. 266 - 274
  15. ^ The Sunwell Trilogy
  16. ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 184
  17. ^ The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Blood Elves
  18. ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 230
  19. ^ Ghostlands
  20. ^ Leaders' meeting at the Amani Pass
  21. ^ H [15-35] To the Valley!
  22. ^ a b Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 147
  23. ^ N Hunter [10-45] Rendezvous with the Courier
  24. ^ B Hunter [10-45] Clandestine Operation
  25. ^ N Hunter [10-45] Rescue Mission
  26. ^ N Hunter [10-45] The Unseen Path
  27. ^ H [60] Old Soldier
  28. ^ The Burning Crusade Townhall/History of the Blood Elves
  29. ^ Blood of the Highborne - "With this Fora'nal I appoint you Alar'annalas, ranger lord of the Farstriders. The good people of our kingdom may rest easy, knowing that you will always be here to guard and protect them, to defend them against any threat." She finished with "Belono sil'aru, belore'dorei," which meant, "Shoulder your burdens well, child of the sun."
  30. ^ a b H IconSmall BloodElf Male.pngIconSmall BloodElf Female.png Hunter [10] Seek the Farstriders
  31. ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 110
  32. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 211
  33. ^ Day of the Dragon, pg. 167
  34. ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 20 - “Springpaw lynx, I name you prey.”
  35. ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 105
  36. ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 130
  37. ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 16
  38. ^ N Hunter [10-45] Call of the Marksman
  39. ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 46
  40. ^ Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 144
  41. ^ Dark Ranger Velonara#Quotes
  42. ^ H [1-30] Fish Heads, Fish Heads...
  43. ^ Quest for Pandaria Part 4, pg. 9 - 10, 13 - 14
  44. ^ a b Dark Factions, pg. 154
  45. ^ Dark Factions, pg. 178
  46. ^ Dark Factions, pg. 154
  47. ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 77 - 78
  48. ^ Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 186-187
  49. ^ Dark Factions, pg. 153
  50. ^ Ros'eleth
  51. ^ March of the Lich King's story: Factions

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