Arngrim the Insatiable

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NeutralArngrim the Insatiable
Image of Arngrim the Insatiable
Gender Male
Race Frost giant (Humanoid)
Level 25-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Sons of Hodir
Former occupation(s) King of the frost giants
Location Dun Niffelem, Storm Peaks[66, 60]
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Jokkum (son and successor)

Arngrim the Insatiable is a frost giant quest giver at Dun Niffelem in the Storm Peaks.

Ages ago, Arngrim had been the King of the frost giants and leader of the Sons of Hodir, who were friends with Keeper Thorim. However, after being corrupted by Yogg-Saron, the Keeper Loken killed his brother's wife Sif, and tricked Thorim into believing that King Arngrim and the frost giants were responsible. In a fit of rage, Thorim threw his hammer, Krolmir, at Arngrim, who was in the middle of a battle against a clan of frost dwarves. The explosion of Krolmir striking the ground killed all those nearby and froze the entire tableau for all time, which is known today as Thunderfall.[1]

In his last act, Arngrim cast a rune on the hammer, preventing anyone from claiming it.[2] After he died, he was succeeded by his son Jokkum, who would later lead the Sons of Hodir to restore their links with Thorim.

Even in death, Arngrim's appetites were legendary; it was said that there was nothing he would not eat. In N [25-30 Daily] Feeding Arngrim, players must find a way to feed the King's eternally hungering spirit. This daily is the only way to get the Ghost Worm, a rare skin that is see-through. A hunter must do this quest in order to summon said worms.


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