Lord Scowl

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NeutralLord Scowl
Image of Lord Scowl
Title <House Scowl>
Gender Male
Race Venthyr (Humanoid)
Level 58-60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) House Scowl
Location Ember Ward, Revendreth

Lord Scowl is a venthyr located in Ember Ward in Revendreth.


On approach
Lord Scowl says: Is that you down there, Theotar?

Yes, what is it?

If you are going to so rudely interrupt my reading time, I would hope that you had a very good reason.

Gossip I want your treasure.

Of course, the treasure. I suppose that is why you are bothering me, yes?
shall offer you the same deal I offer all unscrupulous treasure hunters: Bring me a book, get treasure.
I warn you, however, that I am a very discerning reader.
Gossip Where can I find books?
This is the Ember Ward! Where is anything when you need it?
Look around, I am sure there is one not too far off. Check the other cages.
Gossip I want to ask something else.
Gossip I want to ask something else.

Gossip Do you need help escaping this cage?

Of course not. I quite like it up here.
Peaceful and quiet. No one bothers me... usually.
<Lord Scowl shows you his namesake.>
I am finally catching up on all the reading I have intended to do for years.
I only wish I had more books.
Gossip Aren't you worried about turning into an ash ghoul?
I am not quite so dull, I assure you.
My dear friend Theotar stops by regularly to ensure I am protected from the harsh cruelties of the Light.
A true gentleman that one.
Gossip I want to ask something else.
Gossip I want to ask something else.

Gossip <Give Lord Scowl the book you found.>

It is a bit dusty, but I suppose it will have to do.
A deal is a deal, as they say.
Lord Scowl kicks his treasure chest to the ground below.
Now go collect your treasure and leave me alone!

Patch changes

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