Spirestone clan

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Not to be confused with Stonespire tribe.
NeutralSpirestone clan
Main leader Unknown
  Formerly  Urok Doomhowl †
Secondary leaders Unknown
  Formerly  Highlord Omokk †
Race(s) Ogre Ogre
IconSmall OgreMage.gifOgre mage Ogre mage
Capital Mok'Doom
Theater of operations Burning Steppes
Language(s) Ogre, Orcish
Affiliation Dark Horde
  Formerly Old Horde
Status Active

The Spirestone clan[1] of ogres are a group following the Dark Horde led by Rend Blackhand and his brother Maim at Blackrock Mountain. The Spirestone clan, led by Highlord Omokk, now comprise a large portion of the forces in Blackrock Spire. The ogres have set up their domain in the Lower Blackrock Spire. More specifically, they inhabit sections of Hordemar City and Mok'Doom. Omokk holds one of the magical gemstones needed to gain access to the upper regions of the Spire.



