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Lord Falconcrest.jpg
Lord Falconcrest, wearing one of the Syndicate's signature orange bandanas.
Main leader Unknown
  Formerly  Lord Falconcrest †
 Lord Aliden Perenolde †
Secondary leaders Unknown
  Formerly  Baron Vardus †
 Syndicate Master Ryson
 Bandit Lord Menag †
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
  Formerly OrcOrc Orc (as allies)
Character classes Mage, Rogue, Warrior, Warlock, Assassin, Brigand, Conjurer, Shadowmage, Thief, Wizard
Capital None
  Formerly Strahnbrad, Stromgarde Keep
Base of operations Uplands
  Formerly Dabyrie's Farmstead, Go'Shek Farm, Northfold Manor, Dandred's Fold, Durnholde Keep, Veiled Cleft
Theater of operations Alterac Mountains
  Formerly Hillsbrad Foothills, Arathi Highlands, Alterac Valley
Language(s) Common
Former sub-group(s) Bloodhill Bandits †
Affiliation Independent, Argus Wake[1] (manipulated)
Status Crippled

“It seems the lords of Alterac have fallen far in the years since their betrayal.”

Mennet Carkad[2]

The Syndicate is a human criminal organization[3] led by villainous nobles of the fallen kingdom of Alterac.[4] After the Third War, it was based in Strahnbrad and operated primarily in the Arathi Highlands and the Alterac Mountains, although a few small encampments were scattered in the Hillsbrad Foothills. They are enemies of the Alliance (especially towards the kingdom of Stromgarde), and the Horde, and the rivals of Ravenholdt.

Following the demise of Lord Aliden Perenolde, the prince of Alterac who directed the Syndicate's actions in the Alterac Mountains, Lord Falconcrest became one of the few remaining Syndicate leaders, still commanding their forces in Arathi from the semi-abandoned fortress of Stromgarde Keep. Since the retaking of Stromgarde by the undead king Galen Trollbane, the Syndicate stands leaderless. By the time of the Fourth War, the Syndicate has lost almost all of its territories to the Alliance and their headquarters to the Horde, although their remaining forces continue to operate in the Alterac Mountains.


Third War

WC3Reforged-icon.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reforged.

Lord Aliden Perenolde, prince of Alterac and founder of the Syndicate.

Prince Aliden Perenolde began his operations in the Alterac Mountains an unknown amount of time before Thrall escaped from Durnholde Keep.[5] Shortly before the Third War began, a group of Syndicate goons known as the Bloodhill Bandits were operating in the woodlands outside Strahnbrad, before being defeated by the paladin of the Silver Hand, and prince of Lordaeron, Arthas Menethil.[6]

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

With the rise of the Syndicate, Ravenholdt became entrenched in a battle with them for years, as what the brigands lack in skill they make up for in numbers, making it impossible to kill them off fast enough to have any noticeable impact on their numbers.[7] The guild consider that the Syndicate is made up of a bunch of hacks – disorganized, unskilled, and lazy.[8] In time, Ravenholdt found that the best way to deal with the Syndicate was to pilfer their emblems, as once it is stolen, the shamed member is 'dealt' with internally. Consequently, they hired rogue adventurers to regularly steal emblems from their enemies across the region.[7]

At some point, Ravenholdt accepted SI:7's aid in routing out the Syndicate affliction, housing the base of operations out of Jorach Ravenholdt's manor.[9]

The Syndicate was hunted by both factions, with Sylvanas Windrunner, in particular, placing a bounty on their heads - guaranteeing that all captured Syndicate members would be summarily executed. In addition, Warchief Thrall ordered a number of his agents, including Krusk, Drull, Tog'Thar, and their leader Gol'Dir to launch an investigation into the nature of the Syndicate and its activities.[10] However, they were captured in Durnholde Keep, and Gol'dir was brought to Strahnbrad, while only Krusk managed to flee and tried to free them.[11][12]

The Forsaken Andron Gant secretly kept sending them some information until he was discovered by the Horde adventurer and Mennet Carkad of the Deathstalkers.[13]

Alterac Mountains

Once the domain of King Aiden Perenolde, the Alterac Mountains houses Strahnbrad - an abandoned town that had been taken over by the Syndicate and transformed into a military installation where Syndicate agents practiced their skills as well as kept some of their enslaved orcs. The organization had several camps in the Uplands, where they were strongest.[14] The mountains are also the home of Dandred's Fold - the area where the late Syndicate leader, Prince Aliden Perenolde, was located.

As the leader of the Syndicate, Lord Aliden Perenolde strongly believed in slavery and sought to place the orc race back into chains — to return, in fact, to the days of Alliance internment camps.[15] After Gol'dir learned Aliden's plans, he saw that Perenolde's mistress, Elysa, was wearing the pendant Warchief Thrall had been looking for.[15] With this information, the orc Krusk tasked Horde adventurers to recover the necklace that had belonged to Taretha Foxton. The champions then traveled to Dandred's Fold, killed Aliden Perenolde, and retrieved the necklace from the frightened mistress.[16][17]

The forces of the Syndicate in Alterac Valley, led by Syndicate Master Ryson, intended to do as the Alteraci people had always done: wait until a clear victor rose from the ashes, and then strike.[18]

Hillsbrad Foothills

The presence of the Syndicate in the Hillsbrad Foothills was fairly low, but they successfully took control over Durnholde Keep as their base of operations. From there, the organization targeted the town of Southshore, stealing their horses and shipments.[19] Magistrate Henry Maleb was convinced that the Syndicate were scheming Southshore's destruction, since they assassinated the former magistrate,[4] and requested aid from any adventurer to help in retaliation.[20] Maleb was later the target of Baron Vardus' assassins,[21] but the noble failed and was killed on the orders of Maleb and High Executor Darthalia.[22][23]

Arathi Highlands

Following the Third War, the Syndicate ruled over small pockets in the Arathi Highlands, like Northfold Manor. But most importantly, they had domination over a big part of the land's ruined capital, Stromgarde Keep, despite the best efforts of the Stromgarde army to remove them from the area. Lord Falconcrest commanded the Syndicate efforts in the Arathi Highlands from the ruined city, and the Stromgarde Militia placed a bounty on his head.[24] In return, the Syndicate also placed bounties on the militia members, in order to urge the rabble to fight their more disciplined troops, and awarding gold for each Stromgarde badge gathered off killed militiamen. Captain Nials later tasked Alliance adventurers to hunt down the assassins and retrieve the badges.[25]

The Argus Wake, which secretly controlled the Syndicate, also planned to take over the city and use it as a power base from which they could prepare the way for the Burning Legion's next invasion of Azeroth.[1]

In Season of Discovery, Caius Blackwood was a powerful magic user working with the Syndicate.


Cata-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Strahnbrad, former headquarters of the Syndicate.

Following the Cataclysm, the Syndicate had been almost completely pushed out of the Hillsbrad Foothills. They have lost Durnholde Keep to the Forsaken,[26] and the hills overlooking Hillsbrad to Stormpike troops.[27] The Syndicate's presence in the Alterac Mountains was also reduced, with Dandred's Fold completely deserted and the last troops of the organization located in Strahnbrad and the Uplands. The Syndicate's power in Arathi Highlands remained unbroken at the time, but the Alliance and the Horde were still trying to break their control over Stromgarde Keep and the region.[28]


Legion-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Legion.

By the time of the third invasion of the Burning Legion, the undead king Galen Trollbane had retaken most of Stromgarde Keep, including the Syndicate-occupied portion. With this, the Syndicate presence there and their leader were no longer, implying they were killed either by the adventurers or the undead forces of Stromgarde.

Battle for Azeroth

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

The Fourth War between the Alliance and the Horde had them fighting over territories and settlements in the continent of Lordaeron, some of which were previously held by either the kingdom of Alterac or the Syndicate. The Syndicate's holdings in Northfold Manor were taken over by the Horde while Stromgarde Keep was restored by the Alliance. However, the Syndicate took over the Dabyrie's Farmstead when the Alliance controlled Stromgarde, and Go'Shek Farm when the Horde controlled Stromgarde.[29] Despite their heavy losses, they still managed to harass the opposing factions, until they were driven back to Alterac.[30]

In the Alterac Mountains, the Horde took control of the ruins of Alterac City,[31][32] and Strahnbrad in order to use them as garrisons against the Alliance,[33] dislodging the Syndicate from its positions.

Objectives and philosophy

“Your war in the heart of Alterac means nothing to the Syndicate, <class>. We will do as we have always done: Wait until a clear victor rises from the ashes and rubble of this madness and then strike.”

Syndicate Master Ryson[18]
A typical Syndicate brigand.

The Syndicate's leaders were once the nobles of Alterac, and since the fall of their kingdom, they aspire to regain control of their territories.[1]

They are enemies of both the Alliance, whom they consider their mortal enemies, and the Horde, whom they consider mere brutes good for nothing but slave labor. The Syndicate strongly believes in slave labor and is determined to return to the days of the internment camps for orcs. Lord Aliden in particular was determined to enslave the orcs again, thus following in the footsteps of his mentor Aedelas Blackmoore.[15]

The Syndicate has worked hard to destabilize the regions it operates in and does not hesitate to resort to subterfuge and covert operations. Baron Vardus, a high-ranking member of the Syndicate, was involved in the failed assassination attempt of Magistrate Henry Maleb Southshore, but they managed to kill his predecessor at the post.[4]

Behind the scene, the Syndicate is being manipulated by a group called the Argus Wake,[1] who in turn serve the Shadow Council at Jaedenar.[34] They made a bargain, confident that the Syndicate would regain control of Alterac with their troops, and urged the bandits to take control of Stromgarde Keep to use it as a power base from which they could prepare the way for the Burning Legion's next invasion of Azeroth.[1]



Name Status Occupation
IconSmall Human Male.gif Aliden Perenolde Deceased Leader of the Syndicate in the Alterac Mountains
IconSmall Human Male.gif Falconcrest Unknown Leader of the Syndicate in the Arathi Highlands and Hillsbrad Foothills[35]
IconSmall Human Male.gif Ryson Unknown Master of the Syndicate in Alterac Valley
IconSmall Human Male.gif Menag Deceased Bandit Lord of the Bloodhill Bandits
IconSmall Human Male.gif Eston Unknown Overseer of Durnholde Keep
IconSmall Human Male.gif Marlgen Unknown Overseer of Durnholde Keep
IconSmall Human Male.gif Otto Unknown Falconcrest's bodyguard
IconSmall Human Male.gif Borhuin Unknown Jailor of the slave Gol'dir
IconSmall Human Male.gif Vardus Deceased Quartermaster of the Syndicate[35]
IconSmall Human Male.gif Benedict Deceased Member of the Bloodhill Bandits
IconSmall Human Male.gif Gravis Slipknot Killable Agent of the Syndicate
IconSmall Human Male.gif Valik Deceased Agent of the Syndicate
IconSmall Human Female.gif Singer Killable Agent of the Syndicate
IconSmall Human Male.gif Jimmy the Bleeder Killable Agent of the Syndicate
IconSmall Human Female.gif Kris Legace Alive Freewheeling trader
IconSmall Human Female.gif Elysa Unknown Aliden's mistress
Argus Wake allies
Name Status Occupation
IconSmall Orc Male.gif Nagaz Deceased Leader of the Argus Wake
IconSmall Orc Female.gif Marez Cowl Unknown Advisor of the Argus Wake
IconSmall Human Female.gif Darbel Montrose Killable Ally of the Shadow Council


A typical Syndicate wizard.

WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3 but is present in Classic Era.

Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 1.8.0.

Faction reputation

Currently, there is only one known option to increase a player's reputation with the Syndicate, and that is by killing members of the Ravenholdt faction. All Ravenholdt-affiliated NPCs give 5 Syndicate reputation points, with the exception of Myrokos Silentform, who gives 25. 0/3000 Neutral status is the highest you can reach with the Syndicate. With all players starting at 32000/36000 Hated with the faction, this would require 10,000 reputation, or 2,000 dead Ravenholdt NPCs.

Unfortunately, at the moment there are no rewards from increasing Syndicate reputation, and none of the Ravenholdt NPCs drop loot.

Most classes cannot raise Syndicate reputation without lowering Ravenholdt reputation. Rogues can achieve 0/3000 Neutral with the Syndicate while being friendly with Ravenholdt thanks to N Rogue [60] Syndicate Emblems, which is only available while Neutral with Ravenholdt. Turn in a Syndicate Emblem to gain 250 Ravenholdt reputation. Ten Ravenholdt NPCs may now be killed for a net gain of 50 Syndicate reputation. Therefore, at least 200 emblems must be pickpocketed to gain the 10,000 rep with the Syndicate. Note, however, that if you intend to become exalted with Ravenholdt, this would be a complete waste of time.

A Player should not try to gain reputation with the Syndicate until level 70/80, where the player can kill the Ravenholdt guards quickly and easily. You will not receive any rewards for being with the Syndicate or Ravenholdt (depending on class). However, being neutral with the Syndicate will make it very easy for you to run into their territory without having to kill low-level mobs and waste time.

NPCs value chart

Name Reputation gained with Syndicate Reputation lost with Ravenholdt
Myrokos Silentform 25 125
Winstone Wolfe 5 25
Lord Jorach Ravenholdt 5 25
Fahrad 5 25
Zan Shivsproket 5 25
Smudge Thunderwood 5 25
Simone Cantrell 5 25
Master Kang 5 25
Carlo Aurelius 5 25
Ravenholdt Assassin 5 25
Ravenholdt Guard 5 25


  • The masks worn by Syndicate agents are orange, just like the color of the fallen kingdom of Alterac. Nobles can be found among their ranks hiding as normal agents, but their signet rings still make them recognizable.[20]
    • Syndicate infiltrators are also known to wear black masks when needed, as well as the uniforms of their enemies.[35]

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

They hate the Horde with a passion, as these orcs severed ties right when the Syndicate needed them.[36]


The Syndicate's roots lie in the kingdom of Alterac, one of the human nations that was part of the Alliance of Lordaeron.

During the Second War, the Horde attempted to conscript some Alliance nobles to help them. Lord Aiden Perenolde, ruler of Alterac, and other nobles from the kingdom thought the Alliance would lose the war, and collaborated with the Horde. Yet the Alliance won, and Alterac's treachery was uncovered. Alterac was crushed by the other nations and Perenolde, along with other nobles and many of their allies, were sentenced to exile by Uther Lightbringer.

The ousted nobles discovered, to their dismay, that the few bands of free orcs in Lordaeron wanted nothing to do with them and refused them sanctuary, so they began stealing to stay alive. Soon they banded together to become more powerful and called themselves the Syndicate. A haughty, fractious group led loosely by Lord Aiden Perenolde, this collection of fledgling rogues had many troubles working together, but managed to stay alive by stealing from towns and villages and never staying in one area for long. During their travels, other outlaws joined their ranks. These professional thieves found they preferred a larger community of rogues to working alone, although some detested the Syndicate's haughty noble leaders. Lord Aiden Perenolde, the self-proclaimed leader, realized he had to do something drastic to reclaim his lands. When the Burning Legion and the Scourge began their assault on Lordaeron, he did not make the same mistake twice by allying himself with the enemy; he simply took advantage of the Alliance's distraction to begin reclaiming his lands. The harried and panicked citizens, the people they used to lord over, were frightened and confused and put up little fight, more concerned with the hellish creatures that were rampaging over the land. The Syndicate thus retook the Alterac Mountains and currently battles with ogres and the undead to keep their lands. After regaining much of their lost territory, they sought to expand their sphere of influence, looking to punish the already hurting Alliance. They set their sights on the Arathi Highlands to the South.[36] When Aiden Perenolde was captured and ousted (he later died in prison), Lord Aliden Perenolde, Aiden's son, took over the Syndicate.[37] Perhaps Lady Beve Perenolde, daughter of Aiden Perenolde, plays an important role too.

At first, the Syndicate's goal was just to spread chaos and disorder, striking from hidden bases in the Alterac Mountains. With the end of the Third War and the resultant chaos, however, the leaders of the Syndicate saw their chance to return Alterac to its former power. They have now gained control of several outposts in the surrounding area including the sacked fortress of Durnholde Keep and a portion of the city of Stromgarde.[38][39]


The trouble with the Syndicate is that it is primarily made up of egotistical, high-born nobles, with lands, farms, and citizens who once owed fealty to them. When time came for them to band together and work as one, there was difficulty in finding a leader, as they all wanted the job. Once the Alterac Mountains were retaken and nearly every noble was back in his former home with a citizenry of bandits serving him, many of the old habits returned. Each noble claimed autonomy from the others and considered himself answerable to no one. When Lord Aiden Perenolde came up with the idea to take advantage of the Alliance's crippled state and attack neighboring lands, the Syndicate once again came under his rule, grudgingly. There was little structure beyond his rule, although Lord Falconcrest had taken over command in the Arathi Highlands.

Each noble has a household and family that serve him or her, including whatever rogues or bandits they've picked up along the way. These nobles in turn answered to Lord Perenolde, but there was little organization beyond that. The Syndicate suffers from pride and jealousy, each leader wished to be in Perenolde's position. There are no titles and little management. Infighting, usually over newly acquired holdings, is a frequent problem. The dirty work, of course, is done by the people lower in the household. The nobles did the stealing and the fighting when they were exiles, but they consider themselves too good for that now, desiring to merely train their underlings and plan grand conquests over ravaged Lordaeron. Yet don't mistake, these nobles are fierce in battle and will pick up weapons if pushed.[40]


The leadership of the Syndicate is fractured, and much of a noble household's energy goes towards jockeying for position within the unspoken hierarchy. The corrupt nobles send their best rogues and assassins not against their enemies but against their peers.[41]


Most Syndicate members had no choice in the matter: they were part of the traitorous nobles' households, either staff or family, and they were exiled with their lords. They learned the lifestyle of the thief the hard way, leaving their pampered lives behind to steal from others. They still managed to justify it with no problem, saying that their victims should be supporting them anyway, as they once did. Many of these valets, stablehands, and pampered noble children found themselves developing a clever hand and a scrappy demeanor when it came to living hand-to-mouth on the road. After some weeks of whining, most everyone began pulling their weight when their bellies became empty enough. With enough stolen items, they began to build a semblance of a community in the foothills.

Leaving the Syndicate is very difficult. Each noble knows who belongs in his own little "gang" and notices when someone goes missing. The penalty for attempting to leave is whipping and branding the lower back with an "S." Bandits found the Syndicate a powerful organization that, while fraught with infighting, is still better to belong to than the smaller gangs they were leading. The Syndicate had greater plans than simply robbing the refugees fleeing Lordaeron. Land conquest was more than the bandits had ever dreamed, and they were eager to join. The Syndicate accepted their pledges of fealty, and thus stronger warriors and rogues brought their skills to the group. One of the smarter decisions Aiden Perenolde made for the Syndicate was to break up these bandit gangs among the noble families, giving the bandits new allegiances so the gangs couldn't stay together to work against the nobles. This trick worked perfectly, and most bandits went along with it for the greater reward. Any member of the Horde wishing to join the Syndicate is slaughtered on sight.[42]


The Syndicate has no standing army. All adult members are expected to be able to pull their weight in a fight, although since returning to a landed state, the higher echelons participate less and less. With several thousand potential soldiers one might think that the Syndicate would be able to raise a sizeable army. However, the lack of strong leadership makes assembling a force of significant size nearly impossible. The noble households (gangs of criminals, really) hold only nominal loyalty to Perenolde or each other, and thus forces of greater than 50 individuals are rare.

Since returning to Alterac the Syndicate has become less cohesive. Each noble claims a territory (usually, but not always, their original lands), and his or her household "works" that land, stealing from the communities within it and the travelers who pass through. If a village proves stubborn or a common threat enters the area (such as Scourge forces), multiple households may band together to deal with the threat to their collective sovereignty. However, the households just as often work at cross-purposes, squabbling over territory.

Most members of the Syndicate lack training in any productive occupation and receive no encouragement to learn. Instead, the households survive by "appropriation of resources," which is just a fancy way of saying "stealing." In most cases, a noble sends his goons to a village and tells the inhabitants that they are now under the "protection" of his household. They then tax the village — taking food, supplies, and whatever else catches their fancy. A village that refuses meets with violent retribution, until it either submits or is destroyed. These "taxes" are often more than the noble's household needs or the village can afford. Woe betides the village that finds itself between two competing households. The Syndicate is also infamous for "taxing" travelers through their lands.

Members of the Syndicate are almost exclusively warriors or rogues (or both). Other classes are rare: The Syndicate has only a handful of magi and warlocks, and no healers. Many of the founding members also have levels in aristocrat. Because of the prevalence of rogues and the lack of healers, the Syndicate favors ambush tactics. The ideal combat is one in which they can surprise their opponents, get what they want quickly, and leave without being followed. They know they can't win a battle of attrition, and avoid extended combat.

Given that the Syndicate's primary targets are travelers and small villages, most raids go according to plan. If a target turns out to be more powerful than expected — if, for example, the travelers are in fact adventurers — the gang retreats. Often it returns at a more advantageous time with reinforcements, but sometimes it doesn't return at all. Some of the nobles would rather let spoils go than be forced to share them with another household.[43]


See also


External links