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Sisterhood of Elune

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For more background information on this organization, see The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Sisterhood of Elune.
AllianceSisterhood of Elune
Temple of the Moon.jpg
High Priestess Haidene statue in Darnassus
Main leader  High Priestess Tyrande
  Formerly See below
Race(s) Night elfNight elf Night elf
Capital Unknown
  Formerly Temple of the Moon †
Temple of Elune
Theater of operations Kalimdor; Broken Isles
  Formerly Ancient Kalimdor
Language(s) Darnassian, Common, Sisterhood liturgical language[1]
Affiliation Darnassus, Alliance, Conclave
  Formerly Kaldorei Resistance, Kaldorei Empire
Status Active

“By the moons' glow, listen. Beside the river, listen. Holding those you love, listen. To the cries of the dying, to the whisper of the wind over the silent dead...”

Astarii Starseeker and other two other priestesses' last elegy and prayer to Elune before their deaths

The Sisterhood of Elune (aka Sisters of Elune[2] or simply the Sisters)[3] could be the oldest night elf religious and magical order, predating the quel'dorei by some 2,000 years.[citation needed]  As the name implies, they are an order of priestesses dedicated to the worship and servitude of the moon goddess, Elune.[4][5] The Sisterhood is led by the High Priestess of Elune, Tyrande Whisperwind, while the priestesses of Elune are the elite of the organization. As followers of the mother moon, they can be found throughout the world, ready to heal the war-weary Azeroth with her holy moonlight.

While unknown for how long, as an organization they have existed long before the Great Sundering, and worship of Elune among the night elves dates back about 15,000 years.[6]


War of the Ancients

The headquarters of the Sisterhood was originally the Temple of Elune in the city of Suramar,[7] but the Sisters staffed temples and chapterhouses on the whole length and breath of Ancient Kalimdor. The temple was lost when Suramar was overrun by the nathrezim, but the Sisterhood, under the leadership of high priestess Dejahna, escaped and flocked to the banner of Lord Ravencrest in the Kaldorei Resistance. A few weeks after the abandoning of Suramar, Tyrande Whisperwind was made high priestess following the death of her predecessor at the hands of Hakkar the Houndmaster. The Sisterhood continued to fight in the War of the Ancients after Tyrande's capture by Xavius — under the leadership of first Marinda, and then Maiev Shadowsong.

The first members of the Watchers[8] and the Sentinels were from the Sisterhood of Elune.[9]

The Long Vigil and current times

Following the conclusion of the war and the creation of Nordrassil, the Sisterhood continued in a less formal role (many of the Sisters became Sentinels), particularly during the Long Vigil.

Some of the priestesses, along with other units, rallied under Fandral Staghelm in Silithus in the War of the Shifting Sands. Though they suffered heavy casualties in pushing the qiraji and silithid back, the night elves were successful in temporarily ending this threat to Kalimdor.

After the defeat of Archimonde at Mount Hyjal and the night elves freedom from the Long Vigil, Tyrande led a much more formal and religious Sisterhood of Elune from the Temple of the Moon in Darnassus.

The Sisterhood helped the troubled citizens of Auberdine.[10]

During the War Against the Nightmare, Shandris Feathermoon commanded the Sentinels and the Sisters of Elune to help the inhabitants of the ruined Darnassus. Tyrande would later send some of the Sisters into Alliance-held lands in order to help their people recover from the terrible ordeals of the Nightmare. The priestesses of Elune were also the ones responsible for preserving Malfurion's slumbering body and keeping him alive even as unbeknownst to them, Fandral Staghelm sought to slowly poison him to death.[11]

Intrigued by its moon-worship rituals, the Church of the Holy Light sent some of its members to the allied Sisterhood, hoping to someday lead the night elves to the Light as well.[12]

A branch of the Sisterhood of Elune, implied to be an ancient offshoot of the Suramar priesthood in Val'sharah, was apparently given the Tears of Elune after Elisande and her Highborne used the Pillars of Creation to seal the Legion's portal, and shortly before the Great Sundering and the isolation of Suramar. Lyanis Moonfall stated that her "order" has protected the sacred artifact at the Temple of Elune for thousands of years.[13] Tyrande Whisperwind reunited with these priestesses ten millennia later and together, they successfully defended the Temple and slew the corrupted Ysera, whereupon Elune directly intervened to purify the fallen Aspect as well as her Tears.[14]

Battle for Azeroth and aftermath

After Sargeras destroyed Silithus, Tyrande sent several priestesses there. Together with the druids of the Cenarion Circle,[15] they built moonwells there.[16]

The Sisterhood of Elune attempted to aid Malfurion Stormrage and their kin in Darkshore during the War of the Thorns, with some priestesses rallied to the region to bolster the other kaldorei forces.[17] Most of the Sisterhood of Elune, including Astarii Starseeker, apparently perished in the Burning of Teldrassil after refusing to abandon the remaining night elves in Darnassus.[18] However, those who survived fought in Darkshore against the Horde forces immediately after Teldrassil's destruction, many having apparently lost their families, and enchanted Lunar Wards to assist their defenders, only to be slain by the Horde.[19] Moon Priestess Maestra was targeted by the Horde in Ashenvale at Maestra's Post, controlling the pass between Ashenvale and Darkshore.[20] Several Devout Priestesses were slain in Nazmir during the Faction Assaults when the Horde blighted their ancients.[21]

Despite their heavy losses and the destruction of Darnassus and their Temple of the Moon, some members of the Sisterhood, including Moon Priestess Lasara and several Nightwreathed Priestesses would join the Battle for Darkshore in revenge for the Burning of Teldrassil, being infused with Elune and Tyrande Whisperwind's power, and ultimately survived the Fourth War, witnessing Tyrande's victory speech at Bashal'Aran after the Alliance successfully reclaimed Darkshore.[22]

After the war, a group of priestesses of Elune tended to the Shrine of Mel'Thandris, singing prayers for the worgen.[23]


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

A group of the Sentinels was sent with Kaylessa Duskwhisper to Felwood to deal with a demonic resurgence in Jaedenar.[24] They were overwhelmed and killed, leaving the Watchers taking over the mission.

Priestesses of the moon later followed Tyrande Whisperwind into the Emerald Dream to fight against Fyrakk's forces. After his death and the blooming of Amirdrassil on the Dragon Isles, many priestesses could be found in Bel'ameth's Terrace of the Moon.


Role in the night elven society

The Sisters are a major and active night elven political faction, and fulfill the role of magistrates, officials, and others for the night elven government. The highest-ranking of the Sisters are privy to the government's most important secrets, such as the original condition of Malfurion Stormrage and the power struggle that erupted between Tyrande Whisperwind and Fandral Staghelm.

The Sisterhood of Elune is the highest echelon of the priesthood that serves the goddess of the moon, Elune. The Sisterhood has remained exclusively female up until recent times. This is largely because of a common belief that the deepest mysteries of Elune can only be comprehended by women. Although the vast majority of Elune's priesthood is still comprised of night elven women, the order has come to accept Kaldorei males into its ranks as well.[4]

The Sisterhood has maintained its role since the days of the ancient Kaldorei Empire, over 10,000 years prior; although this role was significantly less political before the Great Sundering. Owing to their military capabilities, the Sisterhood also played an active role in the War of the Ancients, where they joined with the Kaldorei Resistance to curb the invasion of the Burning Legion. They ultimately played a decisive role in numerous battles with the demons, acting as both, elite shock troops, and adept healers.[25]

As part of night elf culture, priestesses are part of the rituals for their dead. A priestess ritualistically cleanses the body of the deceased individual in pools of moonlit water, combining arcane and nature magic to mend the dead body for a final viewing. Then, they sing arias that highlight the life and sacrifices of the fallen as a burial shroud is draped around the deceased.[26]


All priests who served Elune were night elf women. However, after the devastation of the Third War, they thought that the organization had drifted too far away from night elf society and decided to open up their group more to the world. As a result, although a majority of Elune's priests are still women, the order now welcomes men into its ranks.[4]

Elune expected dedication from her priests, but she did not demand that they give her every waking moment — the Mother Moon was a kind, loving mistress. One of these dedications was called the Ritual of the High Moon.[27]

The center of her worship was the Temple of the Moon in Darnassus. Tyrande Whisperwind is her high priestess, but many priests, are found throughout the world, ready to heal the war-weary Azeroth with her light.


The sisterhood trained its priestesses in war training[28] and to learn to survive at times with minimal sustenance. There were even four periods of ritual fasting each year, done as a sign of dedication to the goddess.[29]


Name Role Status Location
Alliance  Alinya Priestess Alive Ruins of Auberdine, Darkshore
Alliance  A'moora Priestess Unknown Temple of the Moon, Darnassus
Alliance  Alathea Priestess, priest trainer Active Temple of the Moon, Darnassus
Alliance  Astarii Starseeker Priestess, priest trainer Active Temple of the Moon, Darnassus
Alliance  Amara Moon Priestess Unknown Dolanaar, Teldrassil
Alliance  Aquinne Sister, novice priestess Active Temple Gardens, Darnassus
Alliance  Belysra Starbreeze Priestess of the Moon Alive Howling Oak, Darnassus
Neutral  Dejahna High Priestess of Elune (penultimate) Deceased
Alliance  Dentaria Silverglade Priestess of the Moon Alive Teldrassil and Darkshore
Neutral  High Priestess Siralen High Priestess of Vashj'ir Unknown
Neutral  Haidene High Priestess of Elune (first) Deceased
Neutral  Hel'jara Deceased
Neutral  Jia Deceased
Alliance  Kyleen Il'dinare Priestess Alive Odesyus' Landing, Azuremyst Isle
Neutral  Kalo'thera High Priestess of Elune Unknown Unknown
Alliance  Lasara Moon Priestess Alive Temple Gardens, Darnassus
Alliance  Laurna Morninglight Priest trainer Active Dolanaar, Teldrassil
Alliance  Maestra Moon Priestess Alive Maestra's Post, Ashenvale
Alliance  Maiev Shadowsong Former member and senior priestess, High Priestess of Elune (interim),
founder of the Watchers
Alive Unknown
Neutral  Marinda High Priestess of Elune (interim) Deceased
Alliance  Merende Unknown Unknown
Alliance  Nici Moon Priestess Alive Dalaran, Northrend
Alliance  Serendia Oakwhisper Priestess of the Moon Alive Lor'danel, Darkshore
Alliance  Shalasyr Former Priestess Deceased
Alliance  Shandris Feathermoon Former member Alive Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas
Alliance  Shiromar Priestess Alive Unknown
Alliance  Tharill Moon Priestess Alive Darkshore
Alliance  Tyrande Whisperwind High Priestess of Elune (current) Alive Temple of the Moon, Darnassus


Notable leaders

History Ancient times Burning Legion Invasion Recent history
Ruler Haidene Unknown Kalo'thera Unknown Dejahna Tyrande Whisperwind Marinda Maiev Shadowsong Tyrande Whisperwind

Notes and trivia

  • In her role as cleric prior and during the War of the Ancients, Tyrande often obtained information that even Lord Ravencrest's strategists never picked up.[30]
  • The Warcraft Encyclopedia says that since the night elves emerged from their societal isolation, the priests of Elune have also extended membership to a few priests, male and female, of other races.[4] No priests of the moon from other races have been seen.
  • The Sisterhood have a special language to commune with the lunar deity.[1]
  • The server Sisters of Elune US is named after the organization.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

See also


es:Hermandad de Elune