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Horde organizations

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For more organizations, see organizations.

This article is a list of Horde organizations. Organizations within the Horde and the Old Horde and within its member states in Azeroth, Outland, and alternate Draenor.


Ruling body of the Horde: Horde Council

Former Warchief: IconSmall Sylvanas.gif Sylvanas Windrunner, IconSmall Vol'jin.gif Vol'jin †, IconSmall Garrosh.gif Garrosh Hellscream †, IconSmall Thrall.gif Thrall

Orgrimmar Nation of Durotar

Represented in-game as: Orgrimmar (faction)

Leader: IconSmall Thrall3.gif Thrall

Former leaders: IconSmall Varok.gif Varok Saurfang †, IconSmall Garrosh.gif Garrosh Hellscream †

Darkspear Darkspear tribe

Represented in-game as: Darkspear Trolls

Chieftain: IconSmall Rokhan.gif Rokhan

Former Chieftains: IconSmall Vol'jin.gif Vol'jin †, IconSmall Sen'jin.gif Sen'jin †

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Atal-Mhuto IconSmall Rokhan.gif Rokhan(presumed) IconSmall Vol'jin.gif Vol'jin Active
Headhunters Unknown None Active
Ravasaur Trainers IconSmall Troll Male.gif Mor'vek None Active
Vol'jin's Spear IconSmall Troll Male.gif Volrath None Unknown
Vol'jin's Headhunters IconSmall Troll Male.gif Shadow Hunter Denjai None Unknown

Thunder Bluff United tauren tribes

Represented in-game as: Thunder Bluff (faction)

High Chieftain: IconSmall Baine.gif Baine Bloodhoof

Former High Chieftain: IconSmall Cairne.gif Cairne Bloodhoof

Undercity The Forsaken

Represented in-game as Undercity (faction)

Leader: IconSmall Voss.gifIconSmall Calia.gifIconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall UndeadElf Female.gif Desolate Council

Former Leader: IconSmall Sylvanas.gif Sylvanas Windrunner

Organizations Current leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Desolate Council IconSmall Voss.gif Lilian Voss
 Calia Menethil
IconSmall Undead Male.gif Faranell
IconSmall Undead Male.gif Belmont
IconSmall UndeadElf Female.gif Velonara
IconSmall Undead Male.gif Jem Felstone †
IconSmall Undead Male.gif Jack Felstone †
IconSmall Undead Male.gif Jake Felstone †
IconSmall Undead Male.gif Parqual Fintallas †
IconSmall Undead Female.gif Annie Lansing
IconSmall Undead Female.gif Vellcinda Benton † Active
Deathguard Unknown Unknown IconSmall Sylvanas.gif Sylvanas Windrunner Active
Deathstalkers IconSmall Undead Male.gif Deathstalker Commander Belmont Unknown IconSmall Nathrezim.gif Varimathras † Active
Defilers IconSmall Undead Female.gif The Black Bride IconSmall Undead Female.gif Deathmaster Dwire None Active
Hand of Vengeance Unknown IconSmall Undead Male.gif High Executor Anselm
IconSmall Undead Male.gif High Executor Wroth
IconSmall Undead Male.gif Chief Plaguebringer Harris
IconSmall UndeadElf Female.gif Ranger Captain Areiel
IconSmall Sylvanas.gif Sylvanas Windrunner Active
Shadowstalkers Unknown Unknown IconSmall Nathrezim.gif Varimathras † Active
Queensguard Unknown Unknown IconSmall Sylvanas.gif Sylvanas Windrunner Unknown
Royal Apothecary Society IconSmall Undead Male.gif Faranell  Chief Plaguebringer Harris
 Chief Apothecary Hildagard
IconSmall Putress.gif Putress † Active
Dreadguard IconSmall Voss.gifIconSmall Calia.gifIconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall UndeadElf Female.gif Desolate Council Unknown IconSmall Sylvanas.gif Sylvanas Windrunner Active
Windrunner Fleet Unknown  Tattersail
 Captain Harker
IconSmall Sylvanas.gif Sylvanas Windrunner Active
Blightguard IconSmall Undead Male.gif Blightguard Captain Thedric Unknown None Active
Cult of the Forgotten Shadow  Natalie Seline  Aelthalyste None Active
Executors IconSmall Undead Male.gif Grand Executor Mortuus High Executors None Active

Silvermoon Kingdom of Quel'Thalas

Represented in-game as Silvermoon City (faction)

Regent Lord: IconSmall Lor'themar.gif Lor'themar Theron

Organizations Leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Status
Blazing Sunhawks Unknown Unknown Active
Blood Hawks IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Aeldon Sunbrand IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Sergeant Kan'ren Active
Blood Knights IconSmall Liadrin.gif Lady Liadrin IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Astalor Bloodsworn
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Lord Solanar Bloodwrath
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Knight-Lord Bloodvalor
Farstriders IconSmall Halduron.gif Halduron Brightwing IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Captain Helios
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Ranger Captain Venn'ren
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Lieutenant Dawnrunner
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Lieutenant Tomathren
Magisters IconSmall Rommath.gif Rommath IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Esara Verrinde
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Magister Astalor Bloodsworn
Outrunners Unknown Unknown Active
Reliquary IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Belloc Brightblade
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Examiner Remy Starminder
Sunfury IconSmall Lor'themar.gif Lor'themar Theron Unknown Active
Sunreavers IconSmall Aethas.gif Aethas Sunreaver IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Elsia Active
Sunreaver Onslaught IconSmall Lor'themar.gif Lor'themar Theron IconSmall Rommath.gif Rommath
IconSmall Aethas.gif Aethas Sunreaver
IconSmall Halduron.gif Halduron Brightwing
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Elsia
Sunsworn IconSmall Liadrin.gif Lady Liadrin IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Astalor Bloodsworn Active
Tranquillien IconSmall Undead Male.gif High Executor Mavren
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Dame Auriferous
Unknown Active

Bilgewater Cartel Bilgewater Cartel

Represented in-game as: Bilgewater Cartel (faction)

Trade Prince: IconSmall Gazlowe.gif Monte Gazlowe

Previous Trade Prince: IconSmall Gallywix.gif Jastor Gallywix

Organizations Leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Status
Bilgewater Battalion Unknown IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Uncle Bedlam
IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Commander Molotov
Bilgewater Buccaneers IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Crosscheck Unknown Active
Gob Squad IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Patch IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Grit
IconSmall Goblin Female.gif Newt
IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Ticker
IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Volt
Kajaro Trading Company IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif Goblin Adventurer Unknown Active
Mergers and Acquisitions IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Captain Tork IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Sergeant Zelks Active
S.H.A.R.K. Unknown Unknown Active
Dredge Fleet Unknown Unknown Active
Hardwrench Industries IconSmall Goblin Female.gif Sassy Hardwrench Unknown Active
Gallywix' Boys Unknown Unknown Unknown
Bilgewater Mining IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Merd Archfeld Unknown Active
Gazlowe's Greasemonkeys IconSmall Gazlowe.gif Gazlowe IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Skaggit Active

Huojin Huojin Pandaren

Master: IconSmall Ji.gif Ji Firepaw

Suramar Kingdom of Suramar

Leader: IconSmall Thalyssra.gif Thalyssra

Organizations Leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Status
Duskwatch IconSmall Thalyssra.gif Thalyssra IconSmall Nightborne Female.gif Victoire Active
The Highborne Unknown Unknown Active
The Nightfallen IconSmall Thalyssra.gif Thalyssra IconSmall Oculeth.gif Oculeth
IconSmall Valtrois.gif Valtrois
IconSmall Nightborne Female.gif Ly'leth Lunastre
IconSmall Nightborne Female.gif Victoire

Highmountain Tribe Highmountain tribes

High Chieftain: IconSmall Mayla.gif Mayla Highmountain

Tribes Leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Status
Highmountain Tribe IconSmall Mayla.gif Mayla Highmountain IconSmall Jale.gif Jale Rivermane
IconSmall Lasan.gif Lasan Skyhorn
Rivermane tribe IconSmall Jale.gif Jale Rivermane Unknown Active
Skyhorn tribe IconSmall Lasan.gif Lasan Skyhorn Unknown Active
Bloodtotem tribe Unknown Unknown Active
Ironhorn tribe Unknown Unknown Active

Mag'har Mag'har Clans

Overlord: IconSmall Geya'rah.gif Geya'rah

Orc clans Leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Status
Blackrock clan Unknown Unknown Active
Bleeding Hollow clan Unknown Unknown Active
Burning Blade clan Unknown Unknown Active
Frostwolf clan Unknown Unknown Active
Laughing Skull clan IconSmall OrcGray Female.gif Kaz the Shrieker (presumed) Unknown Active
Shadowmoon clan Unknown Unknown Active
Shattered Hand clan Unknown Unknown Active
Thunderlord clan Unknown Unknown Active
Warsong clan Unknown Unknown Active
Ogre clans Leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Status
Stonemaul clan Unknown Unknown Active
Organizations Leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Status
Draenor's Blood Unknown Unknown Active

Zandalar Zandalari Empire

Queen: IconSmall Talanji.gif Talanji

Former leader: IconSmall Rastakhan.gif Rastakhan  †

Organizations Leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Zanchuli Council Unknown IconSmall Zandalari Female.gif Loti
IconSmall Zandalari Male.gif Raal
IconSmall DireZandalari.gif Jo'nok, Bulwark of Torcali
IconSmall Zandalari Female.gif Rata
IconSmall Zandalari Female.gif Rakera
IconSmall Tortollan.gif Lashk
IconSmall Zul.gif Zul  †
IconSmall Yazma.gif Yazma  †
IconSmall Vol'kaal.gif Vol'kaal  †
IconSmall Sul.gif Jakra'zet  †
Atal'Jani Unknown Unknown Unknown Active
Golden Fleet IconSmall Pa'ku.gif Pa'ku
IconSmall Talanji.gif Talanji
IconSmall Zandalari Male.gif Dockmaster Cobo
IconSmall Zandalari Male.gif Captain Rez'okun
IconSmall Rastakhan.gif Rastakhan  †
IconSmall Zul.gif Zul  †
Lun'alai IconSmall ZandalariMoonkin.gif Jin'alun Unknown Unknown Active
Paku'ai Unknown Unknown Unknown Active
Talanji's Expedition IconSmall Talanji.gif Talanji Unknown None Active
Torcalin Unknown Unknown Unknown Active
Warpack Unknown IconSmall Zandalari Female.gif Wardruid Loti
IconSmall Zandalari Male.gif Hexlord Raal
IconSmall Rastakhan.gif Rastakhan  † Active
Pa'kura IconSmall Zandalari Male.gif Hexlord Raal Unknown Unknown Active
Raptari IconSmall Zandalari Female.gif Loti Unknown Unknown Active
Zandalari prelates IconSmall Zandalari Female.gif High Prelate Rata Unknown Unknown Active
Zandalari army IconSmall Talanji.gif Talanji IconSmall Zandalari Female.gif Rakera IconSmall Rastakhan.gif Rastakhan  † Active
Rastari Unknown IconSmall Zandalari Female.gif Rata
IconSmall Zandalari Female.gif Rakera
Unknown Active
Shera Ali'kh Unknown Unknown Unknown Active
Shadra'Zan Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

Voldunai Voldunai

Caravan leader: IconSmall Kiro.gif Kiro

Organizations Leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Status
Goldtusk Gang IconSmall Zandalari Male.gif Rhan'ka Unknown Active
Scorched Sands tribe IconSmall Zandalari Male.gif Razgaji Unknown Active

Horde forces

Organizations Current leader(s) Secondary leader(s) Former leader(s) Status
Brawl'gar Arena IconSmall Goblin Female.gif Boss Bazzelflange Unknown None Active
Dominance Offensive Unknown IconSmall Orc Male.gif Warlord Bloodhilt
IconSmall Orc Male.gif Blood Guard Gro'tash
IconSmall Garrosh.gif Garrosh Hellscream † Active
Grookin tribe IconSmall Hozen.gif Kah Kah IconSmall Hozen.gif Tooki Tooki Unknown Active
Slingtail tribe Unknown Unknown IconSmall Hozen.gif Chief Gukgut † Active
Garad'kra IconSmall Orc Male.gif Battlemaster Bröng IconSmall Orc Female.gif Shagara IconSmall Garrosh.gif Garrosh Hellscream † Active
Greenbelly's Raiders IconSmall Orc Female.gif Greenbelly Unknown None Active
Honorbound Unknown IconSmall Garona.gif Garona Halforcen IconSmall Nathanos.gif Nathanos Blightcaller † Active
Horde Expedition Unknown IconSmall Varok.gif Varok Saurfang †
IconSmall Taunka Male.gif Roanauk Icemist
IconSmall Aethas.gif Aethas Sunreaver
IconSmall Undead Male.gif High Executor Anselm
IconSmall Undead Male.gif High Executor Wroth
IconSmall Garrosh.gif Garrosh Hellscream † Active
Taunka tribes IconSmall Taunka Male.gif Roanauk Icemist IconSmall Taunka Male.gif Tormak the Scarred
IconSmall Taunka Male.gif Chieftain Ashtotem
Unknown Active
Frosthoof tribe Unknown Unknown Unknown Active
Iceborn tribe Unknown Unknown Unknown Active
Icemist tribe IconSmall Taunka Male.gif Roanauk Icemist Unknown Unknown Active
Stormwhisper tribe Unknown Unknown Unknown Active
Warsong Offensive Unknown IconSmall Orc Female.gif Gorgonna
IconSmall Orc Male.gif Overlord Bor'gorok
IconSmall Orc Male.gif Overlord Agmar
IconSmall Orc Male.gif Sky-Reaver Korm Blackscar
IconSmall Garrosh.gif Garrosh Hellscream †
IconSmall Varok.gif Varok Saurfang †
Horde High Command Unknown Unknown Unknown Active
Horde Trauma IconSmall Undead Male.gif Gregory Victor Unknown Unknown Active
Kargath Expeditionary Force IconSmall Orc Male.gif Lunk Goretooth IconSmall Orc Male.gif Commander Gor'shak
IconSmall Orc Male.gif Lexlort
None Active
Krom'gar None None IconSmall Orc Male.gif Krom'gar † Disbanded
Boulderslide kobolds IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Subjugator Devo Unknown IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Goggeroc † Active
Mag'har IconSmall Geyah.gif Greatmother Geyah IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Jorin Deadeye
IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Gorkan Bloodfist
IconSmall Garrosh.gif Garrosh Hellscream † Active
Lightning Sons Unknown Unknown Unknown Active
Dunemaul IconSmall Goblin Female.gif Megs Dreadshredder (presumed) Unknown IconSmall Ogre Male.gif Sandscraper † Active
Stonemaul clan IconSmall Ogre Male.gif Tharg (presumed) IconSmall Mok'Nathal Female.gif Orhan Ogreblade IconSmall Ogre Male.gif Mok'Morokk
IconSmall Rexxar.gif Rexxar
Okril'lon IconSmall Orc Female.gif Okrilla IconSmall Orc Male.gif Captain Metlek None Active
Revantusk tribe IconSmall ForestTroll Male.gif Primal Torntusk and
IconSmall ForestTroll Female.gif Elder Torntusk
Unknown Unknown Active
Shatterspear tribe IconSmall Troll Male.gif Ohseso Unknown IconSmall Troll Male.gif Jor'kil the Soulripper † Active
Rok'nah None Captains IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Rok'nah † Defeated
Thrallmar IconSmall Nazgrel.gif Nazgrel IconSmall Orc Male.gif Stone Guard Stok'ton
IconSmall Orc Male.gif Sergeant Shatterskull
None Active
Unshackled IconSmall Gilgoblin Female.gif Neri Sharpfin Unknown None Active
Tidelost Unknown Unknown Unknown Active
Thrall's Thrashers Unknown Unknown Unknown Active
Warbraves Unknown Unknown Unknown Active
Gorok's Sea Dogs IconSmall Orc Male.gif Cap'n Gorok Unknown None Active
Usha's Eyegougers IconSmall Orc Female.gif Usha Eyegouge Unknown None Active

Allied organizations

Although not officially part of the Horde, the following organizations have allied themselves with the Horde:

Organizations Leader(s) Status
Fogsail Freebooters IconSmall KulTiran Female.gif Captain Owings Active
Mok'Nathal clan IconSmall Leoroxx.gif Leoroxx Active
Pandaren of Eastwind Rest IconSmall Pandaren Male.gif Elder Shiao and
IconSmall Pandaren Male.gif Farmhand Ko
Jellyneck's tribe IconSmall Troll Male.gif Jon-Jon Jellyneck Active
Villagers of Honeydew Village IconSmall Pandaren Male.gif Mayor Honeydew Active

Former organizations and allies

Organizations Current leader(s) Former leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Dreadmaul tribe Unknown IconSmall Orc Female.gif Okrilla Unknown Active
Dustbelcher Unknown IconSmall Ogre Male.gif Boss Tho'grun Independent Active
Witherbark tribe  Zalas Witherbark IconSmall ForestTroll Female.gif Ojin'ba † Independent Active
Magram clan IconSmall CentaurKhan.gif Khan Kammah IconSmall CentaurKhan.gif Khan Jehn † Independent Active

Historical factions and splinter groups

Old Horde

Last Warchief: IconSmall Orgrim.gif Orgrim Doomhammer, IconSmall Blackhand.gif Blackhand †, IconSmall Gul'dan.gif Gul'dan †

Organizations Leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Blackrock clan IconSmall Orgrim.gif Orgrim Doomhammer
IconSmall Blackhand.gif Blackhand †
Horde Horde Active
Amani tribe IconSmall Zul'jin.gif Zul'jin Independent Active
Black Tooth Grin clan IconSmall Rend.gif Rend Blackhand
IconSmall OrcGray Male.gif Maim Blackhand
Neutral Dark Horde Active
Bleeding Hollow clan IconSmall Kilrogg.gif Kilrogg Deadeye Horde Horde Active
Bonechewer clan IconSmall Orc Male.gif Hurkan Skullsplinter Neutral Fel Horde Unknown
Burning Blade clan Unknown Horde Horde
Neutral Shadow Council
Frostwolf clan IconSmall Drek'Thar.gif Drek'Thar
IconSmall Durotan.gif Durotan  †
Horde Horde Active
Horde Death knights IconSmall Teron.gif Teron Gorefiend None Defunct
Laughing Skull clan IconSmall OgreMage.gif Mogor None Unknown
Red Dragonflight
(Enslaved by the Dragonmaw clan)
IconSmall Alexstrasza.gifIconSmall Alex.gif Alexstrasza Independent Active
Shadow Council IconSmall Gul'dan.gif Gul'dan † Neutral Burning Legion Active
Shattered Hand clan IconSmall Kargath.gifKargath Bladefist Horde Horde Active
Steamwheedle Cartel IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Trade Prince Steamwheedle Independent Active
Stormreaver clan IconSmall Gul'dan.gif Gul'dan † None Defunct
Thunderlord clan IconSmall Orc Male.gif Fenris Wolfbrother None Defunct
Twilight's Hammer clan IconSmall OldCho'gall.gif Cho'gall Neutral Old Gods' forces Active
Warsong clan IconSmall Grom.gif Grommash Hellscream Horde Horde Active

Horde of Draenor

Last Warchief: IconSmall Ner'zhul.gif Ner'zhul

Organizations Leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Black dragonflight
(as allies)
IconSmall Deathwing.gif Deathwing None Near extinct
Bleeding Hollow clan IconSmall Kilrogg.gif Kilrogg Deadeye † Horde The Mag'har
Neutral Fel Horde
Bladewind clan Unknown Unknown Unknown
Bonechewer clan IconSmall Orc Male.gif Tagar Spinebreaker Neutral Fel Horde Unknown
Cabal IconSmall CultistOrc Male.gif Grandmaster Vorpil Neutral Shadow Council Unknown
Horde Death knights IconSmall Teron.gif Teron Gorefiend None Defunct
Laughing Skull clan IconSmall OgreMage.gif Mogor None Unknown
Lightning's Blade clan Unknown Unknown Unknown
Shadowmoon clan IconSmall Ner'zhul.gif Ner'zhul Neutral Independent Semi-active
Shattered Hand clan IconSmall Kargath.gifKargath Bladefist Neutral Fel Horde Active
Thunderlord clan IconSmall Orc Male.gif Fenris Wolfbrother None Defunct
Warsong clan IconSmall Grom.gif Grommash Hellscream Horde Horde Active
Fel Horde

Last Warchief: IconSmall KargathFel.gif Kargath Bladefist †

Organizations Leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Bleeding Hollow clan IconSmall FelOrc Male.gif Grillok "Darkeye" † Unknown Unknown
Bonechewer clan IconSmall FelOrc Male.gif Tagar Spinebreaker † Unknown Unknown
Dragonmaw clan
IconSmall Zuluhed.gif Zuluhed the Whacked † Unknown Unknown
Laughing Skull clan Unknown Unknown Unknown
Shadowmoon clan IconSmall Teron.gif Teron Gorefiend † Unknown Unknown
Shattered Hand clan
IconSmall KargathFel.gif Kargath Bladefist † Unknown Unknown

Dark Horde

Last Warchief: IconSmall Rend.gif Rend Blackhand †

Organizations Leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Blackrock clan IconSmall Rend.gif Rend Blackhand † Horde Horde Active
Blackhand Legion Unknown Unknown Defeated
Bloodaxe Legion Unknown Unknown Defeated
Firebrand Legion Unknown Unknown Defeated
Scarshield Legion Unknown Unknown Defeated
Firegut IconSmall Ogre Male.gif Gorlop †
IconSmall Ogre Male.gif Gor'tesh †
Unknown Unknown
Spirestone clan IconSmall Ogre Male.gif Urok Doomhowl † Unknown Unknown
Firetree tribe
(Dark Horde)
Unknown Unknown Defeated
Smolderthorn tribe
(Dark Horde)
IconSmall ForestTroll Male.gif War Master Voone † Unknown Defeated

True Horde

Last Warchief: IconSmall Garrosh.gif Garrosh Hellscream †

Organizations Leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Blackfuse Company IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Helix Blackfuse † Unknown Unknown
Dark Shaman IconSmall Orc Male.gif Earthbreaker Haromm †
IconSmall Orc Female.gif Kardris Dreamseeker †
Unknown Unknown
Dragonmaw clan IconSmall Zaela.gif Zaela † Horde Horde Active
Klaxxi IconSmall Mantid.gif Paragons of the Klaxxi † Neutral Independent
Neutral Old Gods' forces
Kor'kron IconSmall Malkorok.gif Malkorok † Horde Horde Active

Iron Horde

Last leaders: IconSmall Gul'dan2.gif Gul'dan †, IconSmall Grommash.gif Grommash Hellscream

Orc clans
Orc clans Leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Blackrock clan IconSmall Blackhand2.gif Blackhand Horde Mag'har Clans Active
Bleeding Hollow clan IconSmall Kilrogg2.gifIconSmall FelKilrogg.gif Kilrogg Deadeye Horde Mag'har Clans Active
Burning Blade clan IconSmall OrcGray Female.gif Azuka Bladefury
IconSmall OrcGray Male.gif Dharl of the Thrice-Bloodied Blade
Horde Mag'har Clans Active
Dragonmaw clan IconSmall Zaela.gif Zaela Horde Horde Active
Shadowmoon clan IconSmall Ner'zhul2.gif Ner'zhul Horde Mag'har Clans Active
Shattered Hand clan IconSmall Bladefist.gif Kargath Bladefist Horde Mag'har Clans Active
Thunderlord clan IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Fenris Wolfbrother Horde Mag'har Clans Active
Warsong clan IconSmall Garrosh.gif Garrosh Hellscream Horde Mag'har Clans Active
Organizations Leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Blackfuse Company IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Pauli Rocketspark Neutral Independent Unknown
Grom'kar IconSmall Doomhammer.gif Orgrim Doomhammer  † None Dissolved
Ironmarch IconSmall Zaela.gif Zaela None Dissolved
Black Iron IconSmall Zaela.gif Zaela None Defeated
Gorebound IconSmall Gorefiend.gif Teron'gor None Defeated
Organizations Leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Dreadmaul tribe IconSmall Ogre Male.gif Toothsmash the Annihilator † Neutral Independent Unknown
Gorian Empire IconSmall Mar'gok.gif Imperator Mar'gok † Neutral Independent Crippled
Former allies
Organizations Leader(s) Current affiliation Status
Venture Company IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Mogul Razdunk Neutral Independent Active