Cartel Ve

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NeutralCartel Ve
Race(s) IconSmall Broker.gif Broker
Theater of operations Maw, Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Status Active

Cartel Ve is one of the broker cartels. They have a reputation for creeping around dangerous places in search of treasure.[1]

According to Ta'lora's report to Overseer Ta'readon, the cartel financed an exploratory venture into the Maw to gain access to an untapped source of information, untouched resources and untold influence. The venture was an unmitigated success. Shortly after confirmation of a defensible position was acquired, all communication with Ve agents was severed. Ve'nari, the broker in charge of the expedition, arranged the elimination of her fellow cartel members to secure exclusive access to their newfound resources. Through these actions, Ve'nari positioned herself as the sole ally (and, therefore, the only available point of commerce) of the Maw Walkers.[2] Members of Cartel Ve also claim that they were betrayed by Ve'nari. Ve'nari meanwhile claims that her fellow expedition members were hunted down by the Mawsworn until she alone remained.[3] While Ve'nari helped Maw Walkers in their expeditions in the Maw, the cartel repeatedly sent agents hunting her down until she faked her own death in Zereth Mortis.[4]

Cartel Ve brokers could also be found inside Torghast, Tower of the Damned where they aided Maw Walkers exploring the tower by selling various items usable in there. A member of the cartel, Ve'nish, made a box that would grant the user power to travel the halls of Torghast with impunity. However, he made it so the powers within the box could only be accessed by one who proved their worth within the walls of the tower. Unfortunately for him, he proved unworthy, and so gave the box to a Maw Walker he encountered in Torghast hoping that they would prove worthy of the box instead.[5]


The Maw

Former members


The Maw
