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Deathguard Kel.jpg
Main leader Horde The Desolate Council
  Formerly  Queen Sylvanas Windrunner
Race(s) ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
Character classes Warrior
Capital Ruins of Lordaeron
  Formerly Undercity †
Theater of operations Lordaeron, Northrend
Language(s) Gutterspeak
Affiliation Forsaken (Hand of Vengeance), Horde (Horde Expedition)
Status Active

The Deathguard (or the Deathguards)[1] is the bulk of the Forsaken military force. Its members are simply called deathguards.[2] They are mostly deployed to the Tirisfal Glades, Silverpine Forest, and the Hillsbrad Foothills, as well as Northrend with the Hand of Vengeance under the Horde Expedition.

According to the comments from the Deathguards in Tirisfal Glades on abominations, they don't hold them in high regards.


In Year 24, they had to shut down the kids' summer camp because of psychos wearing masks near Brightwater Lake.

The Deathguard likes to use the cellar of the Gallows End Tavern as a holding cell until prisoners can be "properly" dealt with.[3] They were concerned about the growing army of the Lich King.[4]

They also assisted in the invasion of Gilneas at the time of the Cataclysm, fighting against the night elven Sentinels.[5] They also participated in the Battle for Andorhal.

They can be chosen as guards of Frostwall.

During the Legion Invasions, some of them could spawn at the Northern Barrens, Hillsbrad Foothills, and at Tanaris to help their allies defend against the Legion. They also accompanied Warchief Windrunner to Stormheim.

A number of Deathguards participated in the Fourth War, notably in the Battle for Darkshore. Nathanos also dispatched them to clean up the Syndicate stragglers in Go'Shek Farm.[6]

After the war against the Jailer, a number of Deathguards returned to the rebuilt Brill and defended it against the blighted undead.

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Capable of enduring vastly harsher conditions than living troops, the tireless Deathguard can march for days, even weeks. The Forsaken can disguise themselves as dead or dying soldiers in the colors of intruding forces. Sometimes the Deathguard will dig ambushes, lying still under the earth to erupt forth upon the proper signal.[7]




Equipment and weaponry

The Deathguard protecting Lordaeron wear light mail armor and are generally seen using only axes, but when deployed in Northrend and Pandaria they can be seen using shields and heavier plate armor.

Some of them prefer "traditional" medicines like leeches, maggots or bonesaws instead of herbalism cures. They speak fondly of engineering weapons and leather armor (referring to it as "something dead rubbing up against you".). They also don't like taxidermists who think they can stuff and mount them because they think they're dead. Black, grey and dark purple are their prescribed colors.



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