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"Magister" redirects here. For non-high and blood elf magisters, see Magister (disambiguation).
FirewardenWylandKaslinth Cropped.jpg
Main leader IconSmall Rommath.gif Grand Magister Rommath
  Formerly IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Grand Magister Belo'vir Salonar †
Secondary leaders IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Magister Esara Verrinde
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Magister Astalor Bloodsworn
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Magister Duskwither
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Magister Kaendris
Race(s) Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
  Formerly High elfHigh elf High elf
Character classes Mage, Battle mage, Blood mage, Wizard, Arcanist, Pyromancer, Cryomancer, Summoner
Capital Silvermoon City
Base of operations Magisters' Terrace, Sanctum of the Sun, Hall of the Guardian
  Formerly Duskwither Spire
Theater of operations Azeroth, Outland
Language(s) Thalassian, Common, Orcish
Sub-group(s) Sunreavers[1]
Affiliation Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, Tirisgarde, Horde

“Our guile and knowledge of the arcane are unmatched.”

Magister Kaendris

The Magisters[2][3] are a prominent organization of blood elf mages, once high elf, and one of the major factions within the government of Quel'Thalas, along with the Farstriders and the Blood Knights. They are led by Grand Magister of Quel'Thalas Rommath, a powerful archmage who succeeded Grand Magister Belo'vir Salonar after he was killed by Arthas Menethil during the Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas. They are a politically powerful group, its leaders having strong historic ties to the upper echelons of Silvermoon.[4] Their magical formidability is considered fearsome by even Dalaran's standards.[5]

The various arcane structures around Silvermoon City are empowered by the Magisters' volatile magics, and the thought of what one of the most powerful magi organizations in Azeroth could bring to the Horde was a key component in what would ultimately pave the way for the kingdom of Quel'Thalas to being accepted as an equal independent nation of the faction.[6]



The Magisters' exact origin and time of ascension to authority are unknown, but it is presumed that they existed maybe before or during the founding of Quel'Thalas. They have been Silvermoon's top authority on all things pertaining to magic, and have been in possession of a vast reservoir of knowledge on all things arcane. Their magical formidability is considered fearsome by even Dalaran's standards.[5]

When the city-state of Dalaran was founded in southern Lordaeron after the Troll Wars, groups of quel'dorei traveled there, and according to Jaina Proudmoore, some of them were among those who had taught humans magic to begin with.[7] In time, Silvermoon and Dalaran established an alliance that would continue for over 2,000 years to come,[8] leading many Magisters to teach and study with the Kirin Tor.[2] The crown prince Kael'thas Sunstrider, Archmage Rommath, and Magister Varenthas are known to have settled and study in the human city.[5]

Some time before the First War, Belo'vir Salonar was elected as the Grand Magister of Quel'Thalas. He was constantly surrounded by magi, including his trusted colleagues Magister Rommath and Dar'Khan Drathir.[9]

During the Second War, the elven Magisters used the Sunwell's power to erect a shield around Silvermoon City in order to hold off the Old Horde's invasion.[10]

Fall of Quel'Thalas

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

At the crux of the Third War, the high elven magi of Quel'Thalas were mostly stationed within the illustrious elven capital of Silvermoon, and residing on the Isle of Quel'Danas with High King Anasterian and the Convocation of Silvermoon (possibly at the Magisters' Terrace).[11] When the Scourge entered Quel'Thalas, Ranger-General Sylvanas Windrunner ordered most of the kingdom's magi and priests to gather in Silvermoon, where they would serve as the last line of defense if the undead made it to the capital.[12] The Farstriders under her command also sent out numerous messengers to Quel'Danas, though these proved to be vain attempts of getting the word to them in time. Sylvanas herself held out hope that the magisters could turn the battle around if word reached them in time, though the Scourge had already reached Silvermoon by the time the bewildered elves became aware of the threat.[4]

The Magisters were rallied by Grand Magister Belo'vir after Sylvanas' downfall, who took over the defense of Silvermoon in the fallen general's stead, organizing the combined efforts of the magi and rangers. The Magisters Yisanan, Senithir, Ainetu, and Cillias notably fought to defend Silvermoon.[13] However, despite Belo'vir's best efforts and strategies, the Scourge overcame all obstacles and Belo'vir was slain on Quel'Danas, along with the entire Convocation of Silvermoon.[4]

Much of this destruction came about due to the Magisters having been betrayed by one of their own - the ambitious and slighted, Dar'Khan Drathir sold out the high elves to Arthas Menethil in return for power and personally murdered many Convocation of Silvermoon members and other magisters near the Sunwell Plateau, which he then bound and cut off from the elves. Several deceased magisters were raised into spectres and left at the defiled Sunwell.[14] Most of the elder sin'dorei mages were killed by the end of the Scourge invasion.[5]

When Prince Kael'thas returned from Dalaran to take his murdered father's place, a raid of Farstriders, warriors, priests, and the surviving magisters accompanied him to Quel'Danas. On the way, undead magisters were spotted among the Scourge's ranks and Lor'themar Theron hoped that they lacked in death the great powers they had wielded in life.[4] The elves soon discovered that the Sunwell was fouled and corrupted by the Scourge's necromantic energies. Through his attunement to magic, the prince sensed that the fount's dark power was gradually enveloping Quel'Thalas, and in time, would seep into the hearts and minds of the blood elves and kill them all. Alongside Archmage Rommath and Magister Astalor Bloodsworn,[3] Kael'thas gathered the most powerful magi in Quel'Thalas at the fount, and in unison, they conducted a great ritual that destroyed the Sunwell.[15]

Rise of the sin'dorei

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Following the fall of Quel'Thalas, the culling of the high elves, as well as the loss of the Sunwell, the surviving high elves cast off their name and rose to become "blood elves" in honor of their fallen brethren. At the behest of Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider, rightful monarch of Quel'Thalas, many powerful magi traveled with him to serve the Alliance remnants and later Illidan Stormrage in Outland in order to secure a new homeland for their people and to find relief for their race's magical addiction. The magi were among the first to dabble in the volatile new powers advocated by the powerful half-demon, and Prince Kael'thas sent back a number of magi along with Rommath to share these new teachings with the survivors back in Quel'Thalas.[16]

The elven homeland, shattered by the Scourge attack, remained infested with undead in spite of the blood elves' attempts to reclaim it for their people. However, this was to little avail, until Rommath and the Magisters returned - bringing with them the radical teachings advocated by Illidan - smoothly attributed to Kael'thas - which involved forcibly taking arcane energy from various external sources, such as arcane crystals and mana-bearing creatures. Coming under the total leadership of Rommath, the new Grand Magister, the magisters rejoined with the blood elves within Quel'Thalas and stormed the undead-infested areas of northern Eversong, eradicating the undead still lingering within.[16]

Revitalized by this turn of events, the blood elves generally took well to this efficient new method, and the magisters went about reclaiming and rebuilding Silvermoon City -- "almost overnight". Once complete, they quickly re-established themselves as one of the most respected political groups within Quel'Thalas. The towering spires of Silvermoon stood standing skyward once again, powered by the magisters' volatile magics. With their homeland back under sin'dorei control, the blood elves hailed Kael'thas as their savior and hero, emboldened by the notion that the prince would someday return to lead his people to power and glory.[16]

After the capture of M'uru, the naaru guardian of Tempest Keep, Prince Kael'thas had the naaru shipped back to Silvermoon, as a gift for his people to feed upon. Magister Astalor Bloodsworn, however, was not content with this notion. Instead, he and several of the magisters worked tirelessly to harness and twist the naaru's energies, and ultimately succeeded in manipulating them. The end result of this was a free method by which the sin'dorei could now wield the Light again, as many of them had renounced their vows in contempt following the brutal Scourge invasion that sundered their homeland and people. Lady Liadrin, a former priestess, was the first blood elf to offer herself to test the powers, thus becoming the first Blood Knight. Astalor assisted her in first communicating with M'uru, and remained close to the Blood Knights after their formation, his magi working tirelessly to keep M'uru bound in spite of the naaru's apparent recalcitrance.[4]

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

An expedition led by Magus Rimtori traveled to Azshara searching for a rune. After they betrayed and slaughtered their orcish bodyguards, Rimtori positioned her entire escort at the Thalassian Base Camp under Magister Hawkhelm's supervision.[17]

The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Under the leadership of Grand Magister Rommath, the magisters re-established themselves as one of the most influential and authoritative groups within Quel'Thalas, more so than the Farstriders and the newly-emerged Blood Knights, a group the magisters had a hand in creating. The Magisters' successes in retaking and rebuilding Quel'Thalas were not seen as a good thing by all of the blood elves, however. One notable pair held a rally against the state, claiming that the Magisters' work had been excessive, at too high a cost, and too reliant on the magic they felt had damned them all in the first place, going so far as to call them traitors. As they were supporters of Silvermoon's alliance with the Horde, the Magisters had any dissidents speaking out against it magically silenced.[18] Using the Arcane Guardians patrolling the city, they also spread positive propaganda regarding the blood elves' looming destiny and their prince. Although even Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron did not condone all of their methods, Grand Magister Rommath spoke with Prince Kael'thas's full approval.[4]

When Illidan Stormrage decided to strike against Shattrath City, believing the naaru's holdings could threaten his own sovereignty over Outland,[19] he left the matter to Prince Kael'thas and his blood elves. Under the leadership of Voren'thal the Seer, an elder magister and advisor to the prince, a Sunfury contingent moved towards Shattrath City. En route to the battle, Voren'thal was struck by a vision that forever changed him: his homeland of Quel'Thalas, restored to its golden glory by the grace of a radiant light; and his people, at last freed from the shackles of addiction and despair, their torments eased by the naaru from whence flowed this Holy Light. The magister shared this vision with his followers, who began to consider that their race's salvation lay not with their increasingly volatile prince or the capricious Betrayer, but with the very naaru they'd been commanded to slay. Many were optimistic, for their long and fruitless sojourn on Outland had brought them only suffering; they were desperate for a new, better path to follow.[20] As the regiment of blood elves approached Shattrath, the unexpected happened - the blood elves put down their weapons before the Aldor defenders. During an audience with the naaru A'dal, Voren'thal pledged himself and his followers to the cause of the Sha'tar. The defection of Voren'thal and his followers was the largest loss ever incurred by Kael'thas' forces. Nor were these just any blood elves. Many of the strongest and brightest amongst Kael'thas' scholars and magisters had been swayed by Voren'thal's influence. The naaru accepted the defectors, who became known as the Scryers.[21]

Meanwhile, Magister Astalor Bloodsworn and his magi kept M'uru in check over the years, occasionally requiring Blood Knight assistance to keep them supplied with Light energy.[22] In time, a few Blood Elf Magisters took residence beneath the Blood Knight headquarters, some dazing after they drained the naaru, still radiating residual holy energies. The blood elf paladin was later tasked to draw the last vestiges of the Light surrounding these magisters to resurrect Sangrias Stillblade.[23]

The Sanctum of the Sun, the Magisters' main base of operations in the Ghostlands.

While the Magisters and the Farstriders rarely see eye-to-eye, the two sin'dorei organizations found some very common ground against Dar'Khan Drathir, one of Quel'Thalas' greatest traitors.[24] Military might alone would not suffice against the undead forces streaming from Deatholme in the Ghostlands, yet with their guile and unmatched knowledge of the arcane,[25] some of the most powerful Magisters rebuilt and made the Sanctum of the Sun operational to stand defiant against the Scourge invaders.[26][27] Magister Kaendris and his magi coordinated the final strikes against Dar'Khan from there, ending with the traitor's head sent back to Silvermoon's regency.

At the East Sanctum in Eversong Woods, Apprentice Mirveda ventured into the Dead Scar to collect samples and see if it was possible to heal the defiled ground. She later concluded that her endeavors were hopeless, for the very nature of the soil was altered, and deemed the taint irreversible.[28] Her mentor Magistrix Landra Dawnstrider found the notes shocking; if they were correct it would mean that the damage to the land on the Dead Scar is irreversible, and so she notified the Grand Magister right away.[29]

At the beginning of the invasion of Outland, a pair of Silvermoon Magisters at the Stair of Destiny could be found channeling a portal to Orgrimmar, from which Horde reinforcements arrived to fight the demons in Hellfire Peninsula. In Netherstorm, Exarch Orelis tasked adventurers to kill the Sunfury Magisters at Manaforge B'naar, in order to prove their loyalty to the Aldor and help the Scryers uncover valuable information.[30] When Magister Theledorn betrayed the Sunfury and offered assistance to the Scryers, the latter sent adventurers to check if Theledorn wasn't a double agent,[31] but the contrary happened, and thanks to him they were able to obtain evidence of the alliance between Kael'thas' forces and the Burning Legion.[32]

During the battle for Quel'Danas, a few magisters remained loyal to Prince Kael'thas and joined the ranks of the Sunblade, guarding the Magisters' Terrace and Sunwell Plateau from interlopers.

Northrend Campaign

With the threat that the crazed aspect Malygos posed to the world of magic, the Kirin Tor turned to those who had always been allies of Dalaran, friends from the past - the Magisters of Quel'Thalas. Rommath, still with fresh memories of how the Kirin Tor had turned a blind eye to the blood elves' slated execution at the hands of the Alliance resistance, decreed that none of his magisters would be assisting Archmage Aethas Sunreaver if it would be for the benefit of the Kirin Tor. Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron, though in agreement with Rommath's reasoning, overruled this and eventually accepted Aethas's proposal, commanding him to look after any blood elves who would find themselves in Dalaran during the Northrend war.[5]

At the beginning of the war against the Lich King, Sylvanas Windrunner met Lor'themar Theron, Rommath, and Halduron Brightwing at Sunfury Spire. As she instructed them to send a force of blood elves for the war effort — including the Magisters, Farstriders and Blood Knights — the Regent Lord was still apprehensive, reasoning that he had only just overcome the war on Quel'Danas. The Banshee Queen noted that the blood elves were a part of the Horde only by her hand, and that if they refused to mobilize they would surely lose its support - and Forsaken support on their lands. Without other issues, Lor'themar relented, and agreed to send a contingent of blood elves to the Undercity.[5] Several blood elven magisters were thus seen supporting the Horde in Northrend, though most of which were affiliated with the Sunreavers.

Once the mage commander of Agmar's Hammer, Magister Keldonus betrayed his order and former allies to become a mage hunter at the service of the blue dragonflight.[33]

Mists of Pandaria

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Grand Magister Rommath, Aethas Sunreaver, and the Magisters experiencing the mogu artifact.

During the course of the Alliance-Horde war, Rommath and Aethas were tasked by Lor'themar Theron to uncover the secrets of a mogu device found by Warchief Garrosh Hellscream in Pandaria. Beneath the Hall of Blood in Silvermoon City, the Blood Elf Magisters could be seen probing the mysterious box. When the Horde adventurer came to check at the request of the Regent Lord, the magisters had already disabled most of its protective wards. They also discovered that it worked on the same principle that the fel crystals once used in Quel'Thalas, and that they needed to check how intact the imprisoned sha was inside. However, once released, the sha heightened both Rommath and Aethas' anger and compelled them to battle one another until the adventurer disposed of it.[8]

During the Purge of Dalaran, Grand Magister Rommath led a strike team into the city in order to rescue the Sunreavers, with moderate success: some of the Sunreavers and Aethas Sunreaver himself were able to escape the city and reach Silvermoon, though many more remained imprisoned in the Violet Hold. With the expulsion of the Sunreavers from the Kirin Tor, their strength was added to that of the Magisters.[1] On the orders of Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron, Rommath and his magi later assisted the Sunreaver Onslaught on the Isle of Thunder.

Warlords of Draenor

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

During the war in Draenor, Magister Astalor Bloodsworn followed Lady Liadrin and other Blood Knights as part of the Sunsworn. He was in charge of the animus golems, magically empowering them with blood magic and sending them to supplement the soldiers fighting the Burning Legion forces. He brought an apprentice with him named Kaelynara Sunchaser, but an unspecified incident caused him to deem her incompetent, suspend her as his apprentice, and send her back to Azeroth. However, she instead took over the Jorune Mine with the intention of absorbing the great magical power there, but was eventually killed by the adventurers alongside Archmage Elandra and Manduil Skycaller.[34][35]

Magistrix Chillbreeze and Magistrix Soulblaze could be recruited as Horde garrison followers through Akanja at the Frostwall Tavern.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

In the past, many Magisters studied together with the Kirin Tor in Dalaran, and some wondered if it was time to put their recent conflicts behind them and fight the Burning Legion together.[2] During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, Grand Magister Rommath named Esara Verrinde to be the Magisters' Seeker of Wisdom, who traveled from Silvermoon to investigate the Empyrean Society and find anything of use. She met the Conjuror of the Tirisgarde and was then invited to join the Tirisgarde reformed by Meryl Felstorm and the Conjuror in the Hall of the Guardian. Consequently, several Magisters also joined their ranks, as Esara stated that she would ensure that they would support the reformed order to fight the Burning Legion.[2]

During the Nightfallen rebellion, the Magisters supported the Dusk Lily rebels in Suramar. Unimpressed with the Alliance's camp, and considering their forces chaotic and unorderly, Rommath believed that only his Magisters and Lady Liadrin's Blood Knights were capable of achieving victory against the city's Burning Legion-aligned masters.[36]

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Believing that the Void could be harnessed for the protection of the sin'dorei and Silvermoon, Magister Umbric and his followers delved into it against the wishes of the Grand Magister, who eventually banished them of the kingdom, reasoning that any who treat with the void pose a danger to the Sunwell.[37] In the Ghostlands, Umbric's group pursued their research and discovered notes left by the traitorous magister Dar'Khan Drathir, who had sought the power of shadow magic long before selling his people to Arthas Menethil.[38] Using Drathir's findings, they opened a portal to Telogrus Rift where they were eventually transformed by void ethereals but rescued by Alleria Windrunner, who had gained mastery of the Void herself on Argus and taught them how to control their dark powers. Permanently transformed by the process, they became void elves and pledged their loyalty to the Alliance.[39]

During the Fourth War, Magister Zaedana was encountered in the Ruins of Theramore in Dustwallow Marsh by Alliance champions.[40]

During the annual ritual remembering the losses of the blood elves to the Scourge, visions of Grand Magister Belo'vir Salonar, Rommath, and Astalor Bloodsworn could be seen as part of the recreation of the fall of Quel'Thalas and the destruction of the Sunwell. In the aftermath, Silvermoon's inhabitants and some magisters gathered at the Court of the Sun to listen to Lor'themar Theron's speech.[3]

Since the opening of the Pathfinder's Den in Orgrimmar, a magister and magistrix can be found there maintaining a portal to Silvermoon.


The Magisters are foremost a political group and have little presence outside Quel'Thalas. Unlike the Sunreavers, mostly composed of blood elves with a number of other races within their ranks, the Magisters are comprised entirely of sin'dorei. They commonly take on apprentices and sometimes run magical schools.[41] The Magisters have long been renowned for their vast magical knowledge; according to Grand Magister Rommath, the Kirin Tor was known to frequently ask for their aid when in over their heads.[5]

Officially, the Magisters are non-military personnel,[42] but higher-ranked Magisters have commanded and overseen military operations in the past. During the Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas, Grand Magister Belo'vir took over overall command of the battle when Ranger-General Sylvanas Windrunner fell, and Rommath was placed in charge of evacuating the non-combatants from Silvermoon. Magister Kaendris and his magi played an active part in assisting the Farstriders in defeating Dar'Khan Drathir and invading the traitor's citadel.[43]

The Grand Magister of Quel'Thalas serves as their supreme leader and highest figure of authority, holding more influence than even the highest sin'dorei archmages.[5] It is an extremely high and prestigious rank to hold in Quel'Thalas, above even the Ranger-general of Silvermoon,[44] and is an elected position. Rommath and Belo'vir as the only known grand magisters, the latter of whom was elected prior to the First War. To become a magister is to have achieved a high status in blood elf society.[45] A mage falling out of favor with the Magisters usually results in them being reassigned to less pleasant duties outside of Quel'Thalas.

The Magisters enforced a regime that heavily emphasized the importance of unity in Quel'Thalas, at its harshest to the point of totalitarianism.[46] Their more vocal critics and dissenters were even mind-controlled into singing the state praises. The Magisters were also behind other less savory ideas, such as the exploitation of M'uru. Their power was not uncontested - in fact, Rommath frequently argued with both Lor'themar and Halduron over many matters - but the grand magister ultimately spoke with Prince Kael'thas's full authority, even if the regent lord did not condone the action.[4] With Kael's death and Lor'themar now the sole head of state, this is no longer the case.[5]


Most blood elf mages belong to the Magisters,[47] and it is possible that blood elf warlocks do as well.[48] On the other hand, blood elven priests are separated from the Magisters.[49]

There are several ranks within the Magisters, each one a title that showcases their mastery of the arcane, as well as their importance within the order.

  • Grand Magister - Leader and overseer of the organization.
  • Seeker of Wisdom - A unique position given to an individual who travels beyond Silvermoon in search of arcane knowledge.[2]
  • Magister / Magistrix - A rank of prestige and power in blood elf society.
  • Apprentice - A newly inducted member into the order.

Some members of the organization may have other titles and functions than Magister/Magistrix, such as summoner, arcanist, and mage trainer.

Research and creations

A standard arcane guardian within Silvermoon City.

The Magisters are responsible for several ambitious magical projects in Quel'Thalas. Apprentices can do their own research, but a magister still needs to review their work to be taken seriously.[29]

The Magisters studied for many years to protect Quel'Thalas and so weapons to bolster their skills were fashioned to assist that effort.[50] None were more skilled in the mastery of arcane than the high elven Magisters of Quel'Thalas.[51] The Grand Magister also appoints a Seeker of Wisdom, who travels across Azeroth in search of further magical knowledge on the Magisters' behalf.[2]

Ban'dinoriel, the great magical shield that once protected Silvermoon, was also able to be upheld by the magi themselves even without access to the Sunwell's power; Grand Magister Belo'vir made use of this during the Scourge invasion, when the Sunwell was bound and unable to passively empower the shield. Through the runestones, the magi also maintained a dampening field within Quel'Thalas, restricting the magical power of all non-elves, although this was dwarfed by Ban'dinoriel's seemingly impenetrable strength.[4]

It is strongly implied that the magi were the ones who created the mana wyrms, small mana-bearing creatures who were once used to defend elven crystals. They were maddened by the Scourge invasion, and have even begun attacking their creators.[52] The magi of the Sunreavers have deployed more powerful, friendly mana wyrms in recent times.[53]

The Magisters were the ones who originally devised the Blood Knight order. After months of extensive research into M'uru, the naaru shipped back to Silvermoon for the elves to feed upon, they discovered a more pragmatic way to use the gift and were able to manipulate his energies to grant the powers of the Light to elves who had no interest in following its teachings or tenets. Grand Magister Rommath and Magister Astalor Bloodsworn were key figures in this experiment, the latter of whom went on to become a recurring figure within the Blood Knight order.[4]

In order to fight their magical addiction, the blood elves started draining arcane power from compact mana crystals.[4] In Outland, Prince Kael'thas' magisters refined their usage of mana crystals to the point where they could siphon large amounts of energy in a matter of seconds. They did this by attuning smaller bloodgem crystal shards to larger, fully charged ones.[54]

On Azeroth, the Magisters also repurposed the large, green crystals known as fel crystals found around Silvermoon, using the demonic power stored within to empower the city, which had begun to deteriorate without the Sunwell's energies to hold it together.[55] It is implied that living in proximity to this is the reason so many blood elves acquired their fel-eye glint despite the use of fel being largely hidden from the general public.[56] Some bolder magisters siphoned these crystals directly and also used them to empower the various extravagances that blood elves enjoy indulging in. The need for these has become apparent as many of the Arcane Sanctums in the land have either begun to weaken or malfunction due to the various problems caused by sabotage and remnants of the Scourge invasion.[57] When the Sunwell was restored at the end of the conflict on Quel'Danas, the crystals were removed,[8] though the blood elves have continued to employ standard arcane crystals.

The magi of Quel'Thalas were also responsible for bathing their kingdom in perpetual springtime, leading to Quel'Thalas becoming known as the Land of Eternal Spring.[4]

Stance on magical addiction

The Magisters encouraged the addicted masses to sate their magical cravings carefully and with good judgment, using Prince Kael'thas's teachings. Their belief was that finding the key balance between deficiency — since arcane withdrawal was weakening many elves and even killing some — and overindulgence — as overusing the mana siphoning was also hazardous, giving birth to the Wretched — would allow their people to maintain their health and allow them to thrive.[4]

The demonic nature of the fel crystals within Quel'Thalas was not disclosed to the public, as the Magisters were aware that its citizens would not embrace fel magic as their desperate brethren on Outland had.[58] Notably, fel was dismissed as an alternative to arcane magic by Magister Duskwither, whose attempts to purify it for consumption ended in failure.[59]

Magistrix Elosai was exiled to Thousand Needles for her searches to find a cure to the blood elves' magical addiction, and every copy of her treatise on natural cures was burned.[60] In the end though, her cure failed and accelerated her transformation into a wretched. She miserably wondered whether the other Magisters were right and that their magical addiction was something they must live with- that it couldn't be overcome.[61]


The Magisters seem to be somewhat above the political divide within Silvermoon City, and the majority of the friction stems from and between the Farstriders and the Blood Knights. The Magisters were essentially the creators of the Blood Knights, and seem to be supportive of their mindset, though reference has been given to several disagreements between Grand Magister Rommath and the Farstriders' leader, Halduron Brightwing. Their relations have mostly improved since Prince Kael'thas's betrayal.[5]

Once, it was not uncommon for mages of Quel'Thalas to study in Dalaran, like Prince Kael'thas and Rommath both did so, but this ceased after the Third War. The Sunreavers, whose ranks include many who bear the title of magister, later rejoined the Kirin Tor but were banished during the Alliance-Horde war. The Magisters' most bitter grudge is reserved for the Kirin Tor, whom they believe to have enabled the great injustice Kael'thas and his troops suffered in the Dungeons of Dalaran. Rommath completely denied the Kirin Tor the aid of any of his magisters but was overruled in the matter by the regent lord.[5] Some of the Sunreavers feel similarly betrayed by the Purge of Dalaran.[62]

Known members

Name Role Location Status
Horde IconSmall Rommath.gif Rommath Grand Magister Various Alive
Neutral IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Belo'vir Salonar Grand Magister Isle of Quel'Danas Deceased
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Esara Verrinde Seeker of Wisdom Hall of the Guardian, Dalaran Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Astalor Bloodsworn Magister Various Alive
Neutral IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Ainetu Magister Silvermoon City, Eversong Woods Unknown
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Aledis Magister Falcon Watch, Hellfire Peninsula Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Aminel Magistrix Tranquillien, Ghostlands Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Bloodhawk Magister Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Carinda Magistrix Falcon Watch, Hellfire Peninsula Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Chillbreeze Magistrix Frostwall, Frostfire Ridge Alive
Neutral IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Cillias Magister Silvermoon City, Eversong Woods Unknown
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Darenis Magister Tranquillien, Ghostlands Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Duskwither Magister Farstrider Retreat, Eversong Woods Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Eredania Magistrix Saltheril's Haven, Eversong Woods Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Erona Magistrix Sunstrider Isle, Eversong Woods Alive
Mob IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Hawkhelm Magister Thalassian Base Camp, Azshara Unknown
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Idonis Magister Sanctum of the Sun, Ghostlands Alive
Neutral IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Ilastar Magister Sun's Reach Armory, Isle of Quel'Danas Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Jaronis Magister Falconwing Square, Eversong Woods Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Kaendris Magister Sanctum of the Sun, Ghostlands Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Krelas Magister Khadgar's Tower, Talador Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Landra Dawnstrider Magistrix Fairbreeze Village, Eversong Woods Alive
Neutral IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Maisie the Storm-Summoner Arcanist Unknown Unknown
Neutral IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Monica the Sun-Gazer Magistrix Unknown Unknown
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Nizara Magistrix Silvermoon City, Eversong Woods Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Quallestis Magister Sanctum of the Sun, Ghostlands Alive
Neutral IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Senithir Magister Silvermoon City, Eversong Woods Unknown
Neutral IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Seyla Magistrix Throne of Kil'jaeden, Hellfire Peninsula Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Sylastor Magister An'telas, Ghostlands Alive
Neutral IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Yisanan Magister Silvermoon City, Eversong Woods Unknown
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Sendath Magus Suramar City, Suramar Alive
Mob IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Kanthin Summoner Manaforge Duro, Netherstorm Killable
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Quithas[63] Mage trainer Sunfury Spire, Silvermoon City Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Zaedana Mage trainer Sunfury Spire, Silvermoon City Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Loralthalis Apprentice Duskwither Grounds, Eversong Woods Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Telethayon Apprentice Unknown Deceased
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Mirveda Apprentice East Sanctum, Eversong Woods Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Maelnerana Icon-TCG.png Magistrix Unknown Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Varden Dawngrasp Hearthstone Magister Unknown Alive



Besides the ones directly serving Quel'Thalas, Magisters can be found in the ranks of the Sunreavers and the Kirin Tor:


Name Role Location Status
Alliance IconSmall VoidElf Female.gif Crystalynn Magister Arom's Crossing, Drustvar Killable
Neutral IconSmall Dar'khan.gif Dar'Khan Drathir Magister Deatholme, Ghostlands Deceased
Neutral IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Dath'omere Magister Valiant Rest, Borean Tundra Alive
Neutral IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Elmarine Magistrix Unknown Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Elosai Magistrix Freewind Post, Thousand Needles Deceased
Alliance IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Falath Magister Mystic Ward, Ironforge Alive
Neutral IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Falris Magister Scryer's Tier, Shattrath City Alive
Neutral IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Fyalenn Magistrix Scryer's Tier, Shattrath City Alive
Neutral IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Haelenai Magistrix Amberpine Lodge, Grizzly Hills Alive
Neutral IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Kaelynara Sunchaser Apprentice Jorune Mine, Talador Killable
Neutral IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Keldonus Magister Moonrest Gardens, Dragonblight Killable
Neutral IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Larynna Magistrix Area 52, Netherstorm Alive
Alliance IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Lyanis Magister Ihgaluk Crag, Isle of Thunder Alive
Alliance IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Sanal Magistrix Ihgaluk Crag, Isle of Thunder Alive
Neutral IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Sundown Magister Trelleum Mine, Netherstorm Alive
Neutral IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Theledorn Magister Manaforge Ara, Netherstorm Alive
Alliance IconSmall Umbric.gif Umbric Magister Various Alive
Neutral IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Voren'thal the Seer Magister Seer's Library, Shattrath City Alive
Alliance IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Yalis Magister Ihgaluk Crag, Isle of Thunder Alive
Neutral IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Ashi Icon-TCG.png Magister Unknown Alive
Neutral IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Dianas Icon-TCG.png Magistrix Unknown Alive
Neutral IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Lashan Icon-TCG.png Magister Unknown Alive
Neutral IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Oleinas Icon-TCG.png Magistrix Unknown Alive
Neutral IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Tibrana Icon-TCG.png Magistrix Unknown Alive
Neutral IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Valthin Icon-TCG.png Magistrix Unknown Alive


Notes and trivia



  1. ^ a b H [15-35] One Last Grasp
  2. ^ a b c d e f Esara Verrinde
  3. ^ a b c H IconSmall BloodElf Male.pngIconSmall BloodElf Female.png [50-70] The Fall of the Sunwell
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Blood of the Highborne
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k In the Shadow of the Sun
  6. ^ Horde Emissaries
  7. ^ A [15-35] The Fate of Dalaran
  8. ^ a b c H [15-35] What's in the Box?
  9. ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, pg. 110
  10. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 228
  11. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, pg. 274
  12. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 61
  13. ^ Warcraft III: Reforged, The Fall of Silvermoon (WC3 Undead)
  14. ^ Tormented Magister
  15. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 88
  16. ^ a b c The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Blood Elves
  17. ^ H [56] Betrayed
  18. ^ Priest Ennas
  19. ^ Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 146
  20. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 141
  21. ^ Game Guide/Burning Crusade Reputation (US)#Aldor and Scryers
  22. ^  [Items for Magister Astalor Bloodsworn]
  23. ^ H IconSmall BloodElf Male.pngIconSmall BloodElf Female.png Paladin [12] Claiming the Light
  24. ^ H [1-30] The Farstrider Enclave
  25. ^ Magister Kaendris#Quotes
  26. ^ H [1-30] Salvaging the Past
  27. ^ H [1-30] The Sanctum of the Sun
  28. ^ H [1-30] Unexpected Results
  29. ^ a b H [1-30] Research Notes
  30. ^ N [25-30] Distraction at Manaforge B'naar
  31. ^ N [25-30] A Defector
  32. ^ N [25-30] Damning Evidence
  33. ^ H [15-30G] WANTED: Magister Keldonus
  34. ^ Manduil Skycaller gossip text
  35. ^ B [20-40] Kaelynara Sunchaser
  36. ^ B [45] Take Me To Your Leader
  37. ^ H [40-70] Remember the Sunwell
  38. ^ A [40-70] The Ghostlands
  39. ^ A [40-70] Telogrus Rift
  40. ^ War Campaign Generic Lingering in Theramore
  41. ^ Duskwither Spire
  42. ^ Blood of the Highborne "... but I believe it will take the endorsement of a nonmilitary voice to open the eyes of the Convocation."
  43. ^ H [1-30G5] The Traitor's Destruction
  44. ^ Micky Neilson on Twitter: "Thank you! If I remember correctly, Grand Magister is higher than Ranger General."
  45. ^ Micky Neilson on Twitter (2013-08-28).​ “"Magisters in Silvermoon: if Dharkan Drathir was pissed off because "just a magister", what is their exact status in society?" "He was one of many. High status, but not enough to sate Dar'Khan's greed."
  46. ^ Priest Kath'mar event
  47. ^ Micky Neilson on Twitter: Would you say that *most* BE mages belong to the Magisters? That's the impression I got from TBC quests and BotH. "If memory serves, yes."
  48. ^ Magistrix Soulblaze
  49. ^ Micky Neilson on Twitter: Blood Elf priest Lore Q: Do they operate under Rommath and the Magisters, or have they got their own organization? "I had them separate."
  50. ^  [Battle Magister's Enchantments]
  51. ^  [Battle Magister's Regalia]
  52. ^ H IconSmall BloodElf Male.pngIconSmall BloodElf Female.png [1-10] A Fistful of Slivers
  53. ^ Sunreaver Mana Wyrm
  54. ^ N [25-30] Bloodgem Crystals
  55. ^ 4:30 Burning Crusade Behind the Scenes DVD
  56. ^ Ask CDev - Round 2
  57. ^ Magister Idonis#Quotes
  58. ^ The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Blood Elves
  59. ^  [Magister Duskwither's Journal]
  60. ^ H [28] A Different Approach
  61. ^ H [28] Testing the Tonic
  62. ^ Girana the Blooded#Gossip
  63. ^ Silvermoon City Guardian
  64. ^ Ros'eleth#Gossip
  65. ^ March of the Lich King's story: Factions