Kirin Tor

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For the organization from the Warcraft film universe, see Kirin Tor (film universe).
NeutralKirin Tor
Kirin Tor banner 6.jpg
Kirin Tor banner
Main leader

Mage Council of Six

Race(s) HumanHuman Human
High elfHigh elf High elf
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
Half-elfHalf-elf Half-elf
GnomeGnome Gnome
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
Alliance & Horde Various races
Character classes Mage (and various specializations)
Capital Dalaran City
Other major settlements Dalaran Crater
  Formerly Kirin'Var Village †, Ambermill, Nethergarde Keep †
Base of operations Camp Antonidas, Rhonin's Shield, The Overlook,[1] Violet Rise, Amber Ledge, Transitus Shield
  Formerly Baradin Hold, Violet Stand, Khadgar's Tower, Violet Bluff, Abandoned Kirin Tor Camp
Theater of operations Azeroth, Outland
  Formerly Argus, Alternate Draenor
Language(s) Common, Thalassian, Coded dialect,[2] and various other racial languages
Sub-group(s) See below
Affiliation Magocracy of Dalaran, Tirisgarde, Armies of Legionfall
  Formerly Alliance,[3][4][5] Alliance of Lordaeron, Magocrat lords
Status Active
Quartermaster IconSmall Human Male.gif Archmage Alvareaux
Tabard Tabard of the Kirin Tor.jpg

The Kirin Tor (sometimes spelled Kirin-Tor[6][7][8] and Kirin'Tor),[9] also known as the Wizard Council of Dalaran,[10] or the Magus Senate of Dalaran,[11] is an elite cadre of the most powerful wizards in the known world,[12] and the ruling conclave[13][14] of magi that leads the magical nation of Dalaran, one of the seven human kingdoms. More specifically, they are governed by the Council of Six.[13][15] The Kirin Tor were members of the original Alliance of Lordaeron, and have also upheld an alliance with Silvermoon for over 2,000 years,[16] with the Council of Six itself once included Quel'Thalas' crown-prince Kael'thas Sunstrider and the blood elf Aethas Sunreaver, its sovereignty causing most contemporary human and elven mages to bow before it.[14]

Once a secretive and selective order of magi that kept aloof from ordinary politics,[17] the organization was also described as the most learned and puissant of the magical academies, guilds, and societies, advisors to the kings, teachers of the learned, and revealers of secrets.[18] The Kirin Tor has since become one of the foremost factions standing against the threats posed to Azeroth's survival. Remaining neutral in the conflict between the Alliance and the Horde, the magi of Dalaran fought in recent years against the Scourge, the blue dragonflight, and the Iron Horde, with Dalaran becoming a focal point of the campaign against the Burning Legion and serving as a neutral ground where the heroes of every kingdom could join together against their mutual foe.[19]

The Kirin Tor also became a reputation faction in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.


Early history

Main article: Dalaran (kingdom)

As Dalaran became the chief center of learning for magicians throughout the land, its Magocrat lords formed the Kirin Tor[20][21] as a specialized sect that was charged with cataloging and researching every spell, artifact, and magic item known to mankind at the time.[22] The Council of Six became the rulers of the Kirin Tor, and eventually replaced the Magocrats at the head of Dalaran.[23]

After the War of the Ancients, the blue dragonflight's clutch was taken care for by the other dragonflights in Malygos' absence. This new generation of young blue dragons initially hid their true identities behind mortal visages and sought membership within the Kirin Tor to offer their support, and to ensure that the elite mages of Azeroth did not misuse magic again.[24] As such, Dalaran offered refuge to mortals and dragons alike for generations.[25]

Approximately 500 BDP, the black dragon Sintharia, former prime consort of Deathwing, attempted to bring down the Kirin Tor with a curse that left all the wizards in the city unable to use their magic. Her scheme was foiled in part by Korialstrasz, consort to Alexstrasza, and when Sintharia was defeated, most believed her to be dead when her own magic had been turned on her.[26]

With Aegwynn distancing herself and giving birth to Medivh, the Council of Tirisfal was without an official Guardian. They called on the Kirin Tor's accomplished magi to keep watch and safeguard the world.[27] Likewise, at the Council's behest, the Kirin Tor sent agents to infiltrate Karazhan and spy on the young Medivh, taking parts in his parties in the magical tower. The spies, however, always left empty-handed - as Medivh made sure of it.[28] Every elder mage in Dalaran seemed to hold Medivh in awe. As befitting his title, the Last Guardian of Tirisfal had amassed a vast collection of writings and artifacts that dwarfs even that of the Kirin Tor.[29] Every scholar of the Kirin Tor said that it was an honor to be introduced to the most powerful mage of Azeroth, and an opportunity, they insisted, that was not to be missed. They also wanted to learn what knowledge he had hidden away in his library, what research he favored, and most of all, when he would form an heir.[30] The Violet Eye, a secret sect founded by the Kirin Tor, was later assigned to keep an eye on Karazhan and to spy on the Guardian and all his works.[31]

Their members were present across all the Eastern Kingdoms, notably in the Kingdom of Stormwind, where Anduin Lothar was acquainted with the fellow wizards of the Kirin Tor in the realm.[32]

During the First War

Archmage Antonidas, leader of the Kirin Tor and Dalaran at the time of the Great Wars.

At the beginning of the First War, the resurgence of strange green-skinned creatures who attacked human settlements in Azeroth had thoroughly occupied the attention of the Council of Tirisfal and the Kirin Tor. The appearance of creatures never seen on this world, corrupted by demonic energies, far outweighed their concerns about Medivh. However, the Council still wanted to work with the Guardian of Tirisfal and convinced the Kirin Tor to send another apprentice to Karazhan. For years apprentices had presented themselves to the tower, some sent by the Kirin Tor, others willingly, but Medivh was a severe master, and the slightest mistake led to being expelled, most of them only stayed for one day, the others less than a week. At the request of the Council, and recently learning that Medivh wished for the first time to have an apprentice, they sent the young Khadgar who came to be worthy of being the Guardian's apprentice and spent several years studying with the latter.[33] Several mage instructors of the Kirin Tor saw an opportunity to gain new information and asked Khadgar to learn various information for them.[30]

Despite the war happening far away from them, the mages of the Kirin Tor still saw their fair share of troubles. Seven mages of the Violet Citadel died in mysterious circumstances, including Guzbah and archmage Arrexis. Besides Guzbah all of them were secretly members of the Council of Tirisfal,[34] and the responsible was none other than Medivh, possessed by the Dark Titan Sargeras.

Some time after Medivh's death and the end of the war, Aegwynn gave Aluneth to the Kirin Tor. The mages locked it in an enchanted vault.[35]

During the Second War

Following the fall of Stormwind to the Orcish Horde, the Kirin Tor was present during the Council of Seven Nations, represented by the Archmage Antonidas. After heated debates, and Turalyon's encouraging speech to unite them, Antonidas pledged the support of Dalaran with the other kingdoms to the newly formed Alliance of Lordaeron,[36] with Khadgar as their liaison.[37]

Among the mages that participated in the Second War, some were the former students of the Conjurers of Azeroth who fell during the First War as they were unprepared for the rigors of warfare. Whether in their sanctum at the Violet Citadel in Dalaran or on the many battlefields of Lordaeron, the mages were resolute in their efforts to defend the people.[38]

Though the Dark Portal was destroyed by Khadgar and his fellow magi at the end of the war,[39] the Kirin Tor noticed a rift that still connected Azeroth and Draenor together. At the behest of Archmage Khadgar, the construction of Nethergarde was funded by the various kingdoms of the Alliance of Lordaeron, and built by the Stonemasons Guild under the supervision of Edwin VanCleef. The archmages of the Kirin Tor, along with the help of King Terenas Menethil II, King Thoras Trollbane and the young King Varian Wrynn, convinced the members of the Alliance that the high costs involved with constructing the fortress were well worth it considering the dangers involved with a possible "second invasion".[40] The fortress was primarily staffed by members of the Kirin Tor,[40] who were also tasked with stopping the spread of the taint that had corrupted the orcish homelands and threatened to spread over all the continent. The magi managed to preserve the northern swamps and the human realms beyond.[41]

During the war that would follow between the Alliance of Lordaeron and Horde of Draenor, Teron Gorefiend and his death knights, aided by Deathwing, found themselves able to successfully enter Dalaran's Arcane vault and steal the Eye of Dalaran from the Kirin Tor, a relic they crafted that could focus and amplify magical energies.[42] When Gorefiend shattered the containment wards placed around the artifact, he attracted the attention of one of the most powerful leaders in the Kirin Tor, the Archmage Antonidas, who raced to investigate the source of the disturbance. He and a handful of magi battled the death knights in the vault, but the element of surprise was on the Horde's side, and one of the magi was killed before they escaped with the artifact. The Grand Magus of the Kirin Tor gave chase for as long as he could, but once the death knights had reunited with the black dragons, they vanished into the skies and Antonidas would quickly inform Khadgar of the theft.[43]

When the Alliance sent an expedition to finish the Horde of Draenor once and for all, a group of Kirin Tor wizards and Dalaranian citizens led by Archmage Vargoth established a base named Kirin'Var Village on the shore of the Devouring Sea, in Farahlon. When Draenor was torn apart, the explosion devastated the land and all that remained became the Netherstorm, where the survivors of Kirin'Var Village remained for seventeen years.[44]

Aftermath of the Second War

Dalaran before its destruction during the Third War.

After the Invasion of Draenor, Deathwing was aware of the danger Dalaran represented for his disguise and hoped that he could sow distrust among the wizards and toward the other Alliance members. During the Alterac crisis, he manipulated the human kings into making him the future king of Alterac but drew the suspicious attention of the Kirin Tor who were conveniently left out of the negotiations by the black dragon.[45][46] His plans were ultimately thwarted after the Battle of Grim Batol which forced him into hiding, causing Daval Prestor to mysteriously vanish from the royal court of Lordaeron.[47]

In time, the Kirin Tor studied the imprisoned orcs and their magics. The magi knew that elements of the Horde were still lurking throughout the Eastern Kingdoms. They wanted to learn as much as they could about their enemy in the event that another war broke out,[48] and later found out that the defeated orcs had fallen into a strange lethargy, suffering from a withdrawal of the demonic energies that they had become addicted to.[49]

For years, the Kirin Tor had watched Natalie Seline, greatly troubled by her dark teachings. After her death, they set out to scour her writings from history. Magi picked through the villages and cities Seline had traveled, gathering up every scroll and tome that she had penned. Her writings were then locked away in the Kirin Tor's vaults of Dalaran,[50] hoping that would be the end of Seline's dangerous brand of magic. Yet despite their efforts, they could not bury the doctrine of balance she had preached.[51]

At some point, it came to Antonidas' attention that Kel'Thuzad, another member of the Council of Six, had begun to experiment with the arcane art of necromancy. As this threatened the safety and reputation of Dalaran, Antonidas and the other leaders of the Kirin Tor decided to put a stop to it. In fact, the Kirin Tor and their magi were considered as heretics for centuries by the Church of the Holy Light, as they never have been fond of their methods, but who let them continue to exist because they don't practice dark magic and are somewhere necessary. To avoid the wrath of the people of Lordaeron, they had Kel'Thuzad's properties searched, and all items tainted by dark magic were confiscated and destroyed. Antonidas warned Kel'Thuzad that he would be stripped of his rank and holdings, and exiled from both Dalaran and Lordaeron, if he did not abandon that path. Kel'Thuzad chose to leave Dalaran and swore to serve the Lich King at the Frozen Throne,[52] and founded the Cult of the Damned.

As a representative of the Kirin Tor and the Alliance of Lordaeron, Antonidas held the position as one of the four jurors during the court of the paladin of the Silver Hand Tirion Fordring in Stratholme. Like the other judges, he was shocked when Tirion admitted his guilt, which led the paladin to his excommunication and his exile.[53]

While the Alliance of Lordaeron was unaware of the death cults forming in their lands before, the departure of Quel'Thalas who stated that the humans' poor leadership had led to the burning of their forests during the Second War,[54] alongside the liberation of the orcs from internment camps by Thrall, led to the departure of Gilneas and Stromgarde from the Alliance.[55] However, several kingdoms made it known that they had no intention of letting the Alliance collapse, among them was Dalaran.[56]

By the time of the Third War, most contemporary human and high elven mages bowed to the sovereignty of Dalaran and the Kirin Tor. Elven sorceresses served the Kirin Tor as its agents.[14] However, the city was noted for being politically aloof and secretive - magi of the Kirin Tor did not get involved in "ordinary" politics, and outsiders were rarely welcome in Dalaran, even visiting royalty.[17]

During the Third War

Arthas Menethil battling the forces of Dalaran while Kel'Thuzad summons the demon lord Archimonde.

At the beginning of the Third War, the Kirin Tor discovered a mysterious plague gripping the northlands. As such, their ambassador to King Terenas Menethil II revealed that the Kirin Tor were prepared to place the villages under strict quarantine. However, the king of Lordaeron declared that there would be no quarantine without proof of these claims as its people had suffered enough.[57] Suspecting that the plague was magical in nature, the Kirin Tor sent Jaina Proudmoore to investigate, accompanied by the paladin of the Silver Hand Arthas Menethil and his envoys sent by King Terenas to assist her.[58][59] The Kirin Tor eventually learned that their suspicions were not only correct but that Kel'Thuzad was responsible for spreading the plague.[60]

When the Third War began, some of the aspiring geniuses of the magocracy were allured by the dark arts and forsook their very souls, becoming necromancers in service of the Lich King Ner'zhul, who granted them power over the dead in exchange for their obedience.[61] When Capital City fell after King Terenas was killed by his corrupted son, magi from Dalaran went to the ruined kingdom of Lordaeron along with other Alliance soldiers to deal with the rampaging undead army, but soon found themselves overwhelmed.[62]

Under the direction of Archimonde, who wished to come to Azeroth to begin his invasion, the undead Scourge, led by the death knight Arthas, prepared to invade Dalaran to claim the Book of Medivh, which was protected by the Kirin Tor since a messenger from Khadgar brought them the artifact before he destroyed the Dark Portal on Draenor. The idea of ​​using this artifact to open the way for demons was from the Lich King, the latter knowing that it would be possible to access it with the help of the now resurrected Kel'Thuzad, who had been one of Dalaran's rulers.[63]

With the Scourge approaching Dalaran, Archmage Antonidas and the Kirin Tor readied themselves for battle. They evacuated most of the city's civilians, leaving behind only a small resistance force. Though these defenders were few, they were some of the greatest magi in the world. Not only that, as Dalaran itself was a weapon, whose magic coursed through the streets, and arcane barriers blanketed the city. Many of these wards would destroy any undead that touched them.[64] As the Kirin Tor’s leader, Archmage Antonidas could not abandon Dalaran, since protecting the city and its vaults of arcana was his duty. Nevertheless, he managed to convince his apprentice, Lady Jaina Proudmoore, to save as many innocents as possible, as both knew that the city could not hold out against the Scourge.[65]

On the day of the Siege of Dalaran, the Scourge met resistance every bit as formidable as that of Lordaeron or Quel'Thalas. The Kirin Tor's magi battered the undead with a barrage of arcane energy, wreaking havoc on the invaders, while the arcanic defenses and the magical guilds in the city tried to defend it. However, this frontal assault was nothing more than a diversion for Arthas, Kel'Thuzad and the dreadlord Tichondrius who killed the wizards maintaining the auras and arcane barriers on the capital, and confronted Archmage Antonidas who fought until his last breath.[66] Although the forces of Dalaran fought on even after Antonidas' death, the undead and demonic reinforcements were able to hold them long enough.[67] Using the Book of Medivh,[68] Kel'Thuzad summoned Archimonde who immediately turned his ire on Dalaran, considering that if left alone, the magi would remain a constant thorn in the Legions side. He gathered the latent energies permeating Dalaran and single-handedly laid waste to the city by creating a magical effigy out of the dust, which he then crushed; the mighty towers of Dalaran fell simultaneously.[69]

After the fall of Dalaran, surviving agents of the Kirin Tor such as Jailor Kassan pledged their support to Grand Marshal Garithos and the Alliance resistance. The blood elves, led by Council of Six member Kael'thas Sunstrider, came to reside in Dalaran and fought in its defense; however, the elves came under Garithos' prejudice against their kind and were eventually imprisoned in the city's dungeons for consorting with the naga, slated for execution. However, thanks to the timely arrival of Lady Vashj, the blood elves were freed and eventually found their way to Outland. When Kael'thas Sunstrider was fleeing the dungeons, he found the ghosts of Antonidas and several of his kindred, and finally released them, allowing them peace after so many months.[70]

While elves such as Aethas Sunreaver would vouch for the Kirin Tor's innocence in these events, others like Rommath would accuse their magi of looking the other way.[71] The organization's role in this remained largely unknown, but they were known to have partial control of the city.[72] The destruction of Dalaran was a massive blow to the Kirin Tor, leaving its surviving members scattered and its leadership in disarray,[73] while some of them fought and were killed by the pets of Hakkar the Houndmaster.[74]

At some point, the Kirin Tor cleared the naga from the Tomb of Sargeras and sealed the place.[75]

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Archmage Rhonin, who led the Kirin Tor in the reconstruction of Dalaran and during the Nexus War.

In the years following the Third War, the surviving wizards of the Kirin Tor returned to the ruins of Dalaran and constructed a vast, magical dome around the heart of their city. Some believe it was for protection from the violence of these times, others say they merely wanted solitude, to study and plot. The shield was opaque and completely impenetrable by any known means warding off any new attack while the magi slowly regained their strength. In time, Archmage Rhonin was chosen to lead the Kirin Tor and led the reconstruction of Dalaran and its defenses.[76] The area and ruined outskirts of their city were patrolled by the wizards and their earth elemental minions,[77] with Archmage Ansirem Runeweaver present among those who remained outside the dome.

While a conflict occurred between the Alliance and the Forsaken in Hillsbrad Foothills, Dalaran had its forces stationed in Ambermill, Nethergarde Keep, the Lordamere Internment Camp and parts of Silverpine Forest. At first, the Kirin Tor was not knowledgeable about the Forsaken, believing them to be just another clan of undead,[78] until they eventually came into conflict over the control of Ambermill. They also sent Sorcerer Ashcrombe to Shadowfang Keep to check on Archmage Arugal's progress against the undead, ignorant to the fact that the archmage had been driven mad with guilt over the fact that he summoned the worgen to Gilneas.

According to Shadow Priest Allister, Ambermill remained a source of human opposition in the Silverpine Forest, mainly through the support they received from the wizards of Dalaran.[79] The village was located atop a dormant ley line energy node,[80] and the Kirin Tor attempted to reactivate the node for a large-scale project that was interrupted by the Forsaken, as they feared to lose their hold on the region if that had been accomplished.[81] The Deathstalkers later learned from one of their prisoners that the wizards at Ambermill have stored away important documents pertaining to the current state of Dalaran, and Mennet Carkad asked an adventuring rogue of the Horde to steal these documents.[82]

In the Blasted Lands, the mages of the Kirin Tor kept Nethergarde Keep in operation,[83] and focused their efforts on studying the Dark Portal's effects on the region and its wildlife.[84]

One day, seven members of the Dark Riders managed to pass the magical dome protecting Dalaran during its reconstruction and stole several powerful artifacts from the Kirin Tor's vaults. After the city's scryers discovered their identity, a Dalaran Agent of the Violet Eye traveled to Ariden's Camp in Deadwind Pass, where she tasked adventurers to bring her any of the stolen artifacts they could find, as any one of them would have been a serious danger to Azeroth in the wrong hands.[85] When the adventurers brought her the artifacts, which they obtained by facing the Riders across the Eastern Kingdoms, she announced that she would bring them safely back to Dalaran.[86]

At some point, after the Scarlet Crusade failed to properly create a second Ashbringer in the form of Light's Wrath, the elite magi of the Kirin Tor hid it away lest it unleash further deadly calamities.[87] Fearing its unbridled power, the Kirin Tor entrusted its safekeeping to the blue dragonflight in order to secure it away from the hands of men.[88]

The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Prior to the invasion of Outland, Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider discovered Kirin'Var Village in the Netherstorm. One night, he led the Sunfury to attack the village with a mana bomb,[89][90][91] and was followed by Master Daellis Dawnstrike leading thousands of blood elves against the wizards.[92] Overwhelmed, Archmage Vargoth cast a protective ward on the Violet Tower to protect the survivors, however, his apprentice Naberius betrayed him and handed the blood elves the secrets of the tower's defenses. His treason caused the defeat of Kirin'var, the massacre of all civilians, and the imprisonment of Vargoth in the tower by the prince of Quel'Thalas.[93][94] After the Alliance and Horde forces arrived in Outland, Ravandwyr, an apprentice of Vargoth, asked the adventurers to help him free his master.[95] In the ruins, the ghost of Custodian Dieworth tasked the heroes to destroy the lich Naberius, as the latter prevented the Dalaranian spirits from resting in peace.[96]

Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Dalaran, the greatest mage city in the world, now floating in the skies of Azeroth.

When Malygos intended to siphon from every source of arcane power on Azeroth and dispose of it where no one could reach it, the magi of Azeroth quickly noticed that something was amiss. A delegation of a few powerful magi of the Kirin Tor was sent out to investigate, and when they arrived at the Nexus, they were confronted by the Aspect of Magic himself who hid nothing from them. He told them that the use of the arcane had put the Burning Legion's eye on Azeroth, repeatedly, and that the Horde and the Alliance were now abusing those energies to settle their factional disputes. He showed them the damage that had already been done to Azeroth, and asked them to join his cause. Some high-ranking magi of the Kirin Tor were swayed by his argument and pledged themselves to Malygos. Others were horrified and attempted to escape, but none succeeded, as they were killed to stop word from getting back to the Kirin Tor. The magi who joined Malygos soon became known as mage hunters, dedicated to erasing all resistance to the blue dragonflight's new purpose.[97]

Archmage Rhonin and the ranking members of the Kirin Tor were shocked to learn that some of their own had defected to the blue dragonflight's cause. The danger posed by Malygos and the Scourge was so great that the magi of Dalaran did something unprecedented: they pooled their power and teleported their entire city to the skies above Crystalsong Forest in Northrend,[98] leaving only a crater in its place. During the Scourgewar, after the fall of Naxxramas, the Kirin Tor finally uncovered what was happening at the Nexus, where Malygos and his dragonflight were draining away Azeroth's arcane magic, redirecting all the ley lines towards the Nexus, and killing anyone who dared to oppose them. From their new vantage point, the city subsequently served as a base of operations for many actions taken against the growing threat of the Lich King, while the Kirin Tor engaged the Nexus War to stop Malygos's campaign, but progress was slow. The blue Dragon Aspect and his servants were too strong for even the great magi of Dalaran to contend with, and the presence of the Kirin Tor was indeed met with deep-seated revilement from the crazed Malygos, who made numerous attempts to destroy the city.[76]

In time, the Kirin Tor proclaimed themselves neutral in the conflict between the Horde and the Alliance, and instead sought to help bridge the gaps between the two factions, starting with reaching out to Quel'Thalas for magical support against Malygos.[71] Consequently, the elven population of the Kirin Tor underwent something of a split: the portion of the elves who converted to the blood elven philosophy took up the name "the Sunreavers", named for their leader, Aethas Sunreaver, the only non-human on the Council of Six who ensured the Horde a sanctuary within the city. Conversely, some high elven members opposed the notion of allowing the sin'dorei back into the Kirin Tor's ranks and formed the Silver Covenant to oppose it. Consequently, as a base of operations, the Alliance was given the Silver Enclave which was the base of the Silver Covenant. Its leader, Vereesa Windrunner, however, held no political sway within the city, thus leading to the blood elves officially being readmitted as members of the Kirin Tor.[99]

The Kirin Tor then called upon the factions to aid them. The idea of diverting resources from the war against the Lich King did not sit well with Garrosh Hellscream or Bolvar Fordragon, but both agreed that it was necessary and joined the Kirin Tor in the Nexus War. Alexstrasza and her red dragonflight allied with the Kirin Tor to fight,[100] later joined by representatives of the other dragonflights who had also grown wary of Malygos. Together, they attempted to contact the Aspect of Magic and convince him to end his destructive crusade, but their efforts were met with open hostility. With the help of the Wyrmrest Accord, an agreement between all the dragonflights, and both factions, the Kirin Tor assaulted the Nexus, and Malygos was ultimately killed before his vengeance could be fulfilled. The Kirin Tor then spent years reversing the damage done to Azeroth's ley lines, eventually restoring them to their former power.[101][102]

When Brann Bronzebeard barely escaped from Ulduar, he immediately notified Archmage Rhonin of the Kirin Tor that a living nightmare was stirring within the forgotten stronghold. The leader of the Kirin Tor notified the Alliance and the Horde, hoping they would see fit to set aside their differences again, but it was a failure because of the recently disastrous battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate.[103] Consequently, the Explorers' League and the Kirin Tor later implored members of the Horde and the Alliance to join them in the final assault on the stronghold, and since the request came from neutral parties, they agreed. The assault was more difficult than anyone imagined, but they managed to reach Yogg-Saron's prison chamber and defeat the Old God.[104]

At some point during the war, the Kirin Tor acquired the crown of the nerubian king and put it aside for the nerubians, whenever they decided to coronate a new one.[105]


During the War Against the Nightmare, most of the Kirin Tor agents, including Rhonin, were trapped in their nightmares. Archmage Modera and her remaining comrades, however, were holding against the shadowy attackers, despite their exhaustion.[106]

In the past, the Kirin Tor controlled Baradin Hold full of monstrous creatures, including demons. Prior to the Cataclysm, the magi were unable to contain the massive pit lord Argaloth in the cells of Violet Hold, so they were left with no choice but to confine the powerful demon beneath Tol Barad. Similarly, the shivarra Alizabal was imprisoned in the Violet Hold, not long after corrupt magi summoned her, but despite arcane wards restricting her powers, her influence alone caused her guards to murder one another in sudden fits of rage. Therefore, she was transferred to Baradin Hold which only aggravated the ruined prison's increasingly dire conditions. Ultimately, the mages were overrun.[107]

At some point after the Cataclysm, Archmage Ataeric and his magi of Ambermill abandoned their affiliation with Dalaran and shifted their entire town into a pocket dimension, where they plotted to return and aid the Alliance in its invasion of Lordaeron when more reinforcements arrived.[108] On behalf of Sylvanas Windrunner during the invasion of Gilneas,[109] the Horde adventurer entered the pocket dimension and killed Ataeric, returning the town to Azeroth and leaving it open for the Forsaken to invade.[110] After being resurrected, Ataeric and the Ambermill residents could be seen fighting on the Forsaken's side during the final battle for Silverpine.

Between the Cataclysm and the discovery of Pandaria, Dalaran and the Kirin Tor remained in Northrend.[111] When the nation was invited by the Alliance leaders to send a representative to their diplomatic meeting in Darnassus, the Council declined, citing its desire to retain its neutrality and continue to help bridge the gaps between the Alliance and the Horde.[112]

Tides of War

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Archmage Jaina Proudmoore, successor to Rhonin following the Attack on Theramore Isle.

After a desperate Kalecgos went to Dalaran for aid in seeking the stolen Focusing Iris, Archmage Rhonin sent him to Jaina Proudmoore in the hopes that she might be able to aid him in his search. However, as they learned of Garrosh Hellscream's ambitions to conquer the whole of Kalimdor, starting with a brutal attack on Theramore Isle, Jaina herself visited Dalaran on Kalecgos's advice, requesting for assistance in staving off the impending Horde invasion. Despite Rhonin's initial reluctance to involve the neutral Kirin Tor into a conflict between the Alliance and the Horde, the Council of Six ultimately agreed to provide limited assistance to Jaina in the defense of Theramore. Among them, Aethas Sunreaver cast the decisive vote in support of Theramore, reasoning that to do nothing would be to implicitly support the Horde's expansionism.

During the attack, Rhonin sacrificed himself in an attempt to localize Garrosh's mana bomb detonation, teleporting Jaina and a few wounded defenders to safety. When it was discovered that a Sunreaver agent was a part of the Horde's attack on the city, Aethas denied responsibility and vowed to atone for Thalen's treachery.[113] In the aftermath, the Council of Six refused to launch an attack on Orgrimmar in retaliation for Theramore's decimation, but chose Jaina as Rhonin's replacement at the head of Dalaran and the Kirin Tor. Soon afterward, many, if not nearly every member of the Kirin Tor, attended Rhonin's funeral ceremony, which concluded when the mages and denizens sent small arcane orbs floating upwards.[114]

The Blue Aspect Kalecgos later joined the Kirin Tor and stayed in the city for a time, but since he saw distrust from the other magi, he often found excuses to be away.[115]

Mists of Pandaria

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

At the time of the discovery of Pandaria, King Varian Wrynn sent Prince Anduin and the Alliance adventurer to negotiate with Jaina Proudmoore the withdrawal of blood elves from Dalaran, as the Sunreavers claimed fealty to the Horde and represented a major threat to the war effort.[116] Lady Jaina refused in order to maintain Dalaran's neutrality, as she wished for Dalaran to serve as a beacon of hope for peace. By showing the world that both factions could trust each other and work together in the magical city, she believed that they could eventually be above the war.

However, Jaina soon discovered that the Sunreavers helped Garrosh to steal the Divine Bell, using Dalaran portals to infiltrate Darnassus,[117][118] which led to the conception of the mana bomb that destroyed Theramore Isle. Consequently, she mobilized the Kirin Tor, Alliance forces, and the Silver Covenant to purge the Horde from Dalaran.[119] Though Aethas Sunreaver claimed he knew nothing of Garrosh's scheme, Jaina incarcerated him and his Sunreavers after he refused to order his people to leave the city peacefully. Those that surrendered were imprisoned in the Violet Hold,[120] while those that resisted were put to the sword.[121] Meanwhile, Grand Magister Rommath, who had feared this would happen,[122] led a strike team into Dalaran to rescue Aethas and the Sunreavers.[16]

In the wake of the purge, Jaina pledged the Kirin Tor to High King Varian Wrynn's war cause, effectively bringing Dalaran back into the Alliance.[123] The purge also put an end to Dalaran's alliance with Silvermoon, which had stood for over 2,000 years.[16] During these events, the floating capital had already left Northrend and was in motion.[124]

Ignited by Jaina's fury, the Kirin Tor Offensive sought to seize Thunder Isle and the treasures contained within for the interest of the Alliance.[125] Their ranks were composed of Silver Covenant high elves, combined with Kirin Tor warmages and warriors. Their goals were to prevent the Horde from obtaining artifacts from Emperor Lei Shen and to fight the Zandalari and mogu coalition threatening Pandaria.

Warlords of Draenor

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

The Kirin Tor's expedition into the alternate Draenor of thirty-five years ago was led by Archmage Khadgar.[126] While the Alliance-Horde expedition was mostly busy dealing with the Iron Horde, Khadgar, feeling responsible for the release of Gul'dan after the Assault on the Dark Portal, led agents of the Kirin Tor to track down the mad warlock.

Based at Zangarra in Talador, the Kirin Tor were friendly with the Alliance adventurers, but remained neutral with the Horde adventurers, as Jaina Proudmoore had ordered that all outsiders to Dalaran - especially the Horde - were not allowed on Kirin Tor grounds. Despite this, Khadgar said that as a member of the Council, his friends - regardless of faction - were allowed in, and that if Jaina had a problem with it she could take it up with him.[127] When Jaina arrived on Draenor, she expressed distaste that Khadgar allowed the Horde to work with him at Zangarra, and that the rest of the Council of Six would not approve as she certainly did not.

A Kirin Tor expedition was also sent to Gorgrond. They asked the forces of Frostwall and Lunarfall to help them with the natives.[128] They were responsible for maintaining a supply line between Draenor and Azeroth, but their holdout within the Everbloom, the Violet Bluff, was overgrown by Primals and most of its population infested. This turn of events nearly ended in a disaster, when the genesaur Yalnu crossed the mage portal into the Kirin Tor overlook above Stormwind City, where he was stopped before he could muster his strength and infest the city or even worse.[129]

Another Kirin Tor force, led by Archmage Modera, later fought the forces of Socrethar and the Sargerei at Socrethar's Rise.[130][131]

Kirin Tor mages accompanied Khadgar to the Hellfire Citadel and are seen at the entrance and at the site of the disabled Black Gate maintaining portals.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Archmage Khadgar, actual leader of the Kirin Tor since the third invasion of the Burning Legion.

During the battle for the Broken Shore, a squad of Kirin Tor Battle-Mages led by Jaina Proudmoore fought alongside High King Varian Wrynn and King Genn Greymane against the demonic invaders.

After the disastrous battle, Jaina and the Kirin Tor moved the entire city to Deadwind Pass with a giant teleportation spell, in order to aid in the protection of the Eastern Kingdoms,[132] hovering over Karazhan.[133] In the town ruins outside of Karazhan, a few mages of the Kirin Tor could be seen fighting alongside the Violet Eye mages, holding off the Burning Legion reinforcements from reaching the gates of the Master's Cellar. At the same time, the local forces of Dalaran in Hillsbrad Foothills were trying to reconstruct the remaining ruins of the Dalaran Crater, overseen by Archmage Cedric.[134]

Later, Khadgar called for a vote to have the Horde return to Dalaran in order for the Kirin Tor to fight the Legion at its utmost capability. While Jaina was vehemently opposed, especially after the events of the Broken Shore, she was outvoted by the Council of Six with only Ansirem Runeweaver voting "no" alongside her. Feeling betrayed, Jaina lambasted the Six for blindly trusting the Horde and told them to remember her warnings the next time the Horde betrayed them again. As she left Dalaran, Khadgar became the council's replacement leader.[135] When the council next assembled, Kalecgos was seen as the sixth in Jaina's place.[136] The council later voted to allow Aethas Sunreaver back into Dalaran, although not as a member of the Six.[137]

After the Burning Legion had launched an attack on the city, the Council moved the city to the southern shores of the Broken Isles in close proximity to Azsuna,[138] so it would once again serve as a hub for Azeroth's heroes at the front lines in the renewed war against the Legion when countless forces pour from the Tomb of Sargeras.

In order to fight the Burning Legion, the Tirisgarde was reformed by Meryl Felstorm and the Conjuror of the Tirisgarde in the Hall of the Guardian. Several members of the Kirin Tor, including members of the Council of Six,[139][140][141] joined the ranks of the Tirisgarde. Some of the Magisters who studied amongst the Kirin Tor also joined the Tirisgarde, convinced and led by Esara Verrinde.[142] Later, the unified Tirisgarde managed to capture the dreadlord Kathra'natir in the Nightborne Soulstone, now used to power a weapon defense system located in the tallest spire atop Dalaran's Violet Citadel.[143]

Khadgar asked the Unseen Path for help against Hakkar who had captured several Kirin Tor mages. The Archmage, Baron, and the Huntmaster found them in Meredil in Suramar, but they were too late, the mages have just been fed to Hakkar's felhounds.[144][145] The Kirin Tor also participated in the Nightfallen rebellion, and supported the Armies of Legionfall in the Assault on Broken Shore and further incursions on the island, while the Archmage Kesalon was sent to scour the Broken Isles for anomalies and arcane artifacts.

Some mages of the Kirin Tor were present on Argus under the orders of the Conjuror of the Tirisgarde, Archmage Khadgar, and Aethas Sunreaver, in order to fight demons on the battlefield at Darkfall Ridge, and protect the Vindicaar from Legion's attacks.

After the Argus Campaign, several Kirin Tor mages were seen among the gathered crowd at the memorial ceremony at Lion's Rest in Stormwind City.

Fourth War and aftermath

During the Fourth War, the Kirin Tor remained largely neutral and did not provide significant assistance to either side, although King Anduin Wrynn briefly attempted to reach them during the War of the Thorns.[146] Their leader Khadgar remained in Karazhan throughout the course of the Fourth War, and even after its conclusion.[147] However, some were able to join the ranks of the Alliance during the war, notably the Quartermaster Tomas Riogain who replaced his tabard and was aboard the Alliance fleet who chased the remains of the Horde fleet sailing from Zandalar after the Battle of Dazar'alor. He managed to survive Queen Azshara's trap and joined the survivors in Mezzamere, regretting having left Dalaran.[148]

At some point, emissaries of the Kirin Tor settled in both portal rooms of Stormwind and Orgrimmar, offering access to a portal for the Broken Isles. Unlike the Pathfinder's Den, the Wizard's Sanctum was renovated and decorated with banners of the Kirin Tor, and one of their magus maintained a portal for Stormshield. Some Arcane Golems also regularly patrolled the Sanctum, similar to the ones used by the Kirin Tor. This seems to indicate that the Kirin Tor was involved in the renovations.

Some Kirin Tor Keepers also assisted Kalecgos in securing the Charged Scale of the Blue Aspect at the Nexus.[149]

Following the war against the Jailer, the Bronzebeard brothers visited Northrend once again. During their exploration, they reported that all that remains of the Kirin Tor on the frozen continent is the contingent watching the Nexus at the Amber Ledge,[150] and that their problems with the blue dragonflight were mostly ended since the end of the Nexus War.[151]

By 40 ADP, the Kirin Tor Offensive forces were still present on the Isle of Thunder, but their once conflict with the Sunreaver Onslaught had turned into a friendly competition.[152]


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

When the Dragon Isles emerged, Kalecgos visited Khadgar in Karazhan and informed him that ancient enemies of the Dragon Aspects, known as the Primal Incarnates, were returning to threaten the world and sought to cleanse Azeroth of the "stain" of the titans. Realizing their oncoming threat, Khadgar agreed to help, and the Kirin Tor traveled to the Dragon Isles with the Dragonscale Expedition.

In the Azure Span, the Kirin Tor worked to safeguard the wild arcane magic located all throughout the region and wanted to help Kalecgos in reclaiming the Azure Oathstone. However, the Primalists began to hunt the Kirin Tor mages since their arrival, as they detested their practice of arcane magic.[153] After establishing Camp Antonidas, they came under attack by the Primalists proto-dragons. However, with the aid of adventurers, they were able to hold the line until Kalecgos arrived to fend them off.[154] Khadgar later led the mages to continue fighting the Primalists, notably in and around Vakthros, as the area was connected to the major ley lines of the region, and its destruction would destroy have destroyed the Azure Archives and the Span itself.[155]

Sometime later, Khadgar and the Kirin Tor joined forces with the blue dragonflight and Iskaara Tuskarr in combating Fyrakk's forces at Suffusion Camp: Frostburn.[156]

Following the downfall of Fyrakk, Khadgar, Glania of the Blessed Ones, Drok Scrollstabber, and Noriko the All-Remembering visited Amirdrassil when it bloomed on the Dragon Isles and could be seen attending the celebration in Bel'ameth.[157] After regaining his Aspect powers, Kalecgos stepped down from the Council of Six, as the dragonflights needed his full attention more than Dalaran did.

Organization and headquarters

As the elite cadre of the most powerful magi in the known world, and the ruling conclave that leads the magical nation of Dalaran, the Kirin Tor has its own hierarchical structure to organize its activities around the world. The Kirin Tor held no other spellcasters as their equals for magical knowledge, indeed often sought to hinder those wizards who did not hold allegiance to the Violet Citadel.[30]

Joining the Kirin Tor requires years of study in magic schools,[76] then to become the apprentice of one of their mages, in order to prove itself worthy of being integrated as a member of the organization. Thereafter, nothing advanced a wizard in the Kirin Tor quicker than reputation, although none of the senior council would have ever admitted to that base fact.[158] As agents of the Kirin Tor, their mission is to collect knowledge and magical artifacts found across all Azeroth, and even beyond.

The Kirin Tor's headquarters is the Violet Citadel, an impressive building so named for its stone walls which gave off a faint violet light. Separately, the conclave's senior council met in the Chamber of the Air, a room with no visible walls — the gray stone floor with its central diamond symbol stood beneath an open sky that shifted and changed rapidly as if time was speeding past within the chamber.


Main article: Council of Six
The current members of the Council of Six. From left to right: Karlain, Ansirem, Khadgar, Modera, and Vargoth.

The Council of Six is the Kirin Tor high council of Dalaran. These six individuals are the leaders of both the city and all territories under the control of Dalaran. The Six are usually the most senior, but not necessarily the most gifted. They are chosen by several means, magic but one of them.[13]

Within the conclave, there is an inner council: the Six, who are the actual rulers of the city.[159] This governing body appoints one of their own as Head of the Kirin Tor[14] (also known as Grand Magus of the Kirin Tor[160]); this master wizard[37] is essentially the ruler of Dalaran.[37]

Notable leaders
History Before the Dark Portal WC2-BnetE-logo.png WC2BtDP-logo.png Interlude WC3RoC-logo.png Interlude WoW Icon update.png Bc icon.gif Wrath-Logo-Small.png Cataclysm Mists of Pandaria Warlords of Draenor Legion Battle for Azeroth Shadowlands Dragonflight The War Within
Ruler Grand Magus Antonidas Unknown Grand Magus Antonidas Archmage Rhonin Lady Jaina Proodmoure Archmage Khadgar


Main article: List of Kirin Tor mages
The Kirin Tor banner.

Though primarily a human kingdom, the Kirin Tor has always housed a sizeable Thalassian minority. For over two thousand years, it was not uncommon for some of the long-lived elves to study and serve in Dalaran as well as Silvermoon. Relations were strained between the two magical kingdoms after the Third War, and further compounded by Silvermoon's alliance with the reformed Horde,[71] however, the readmitted Sunreavers continued tradition somewhat, even if they were excluded and subsequently readmitted in Dalaran in the last years. Most of the Kirin Tor's current high elf population is now part of the Silver Covenant, a militant wing of Kirin Tor defenders. The Kirin Tor also has gnomes, dwarves, and half-elves in their ranks. The organization also seems to accept some of its members who became undead after the Third War, the only example being Old Fillmaff,[161] although he does not know that he is dead.[162]

Following the Cataclysm, the Kirin Tor recruited worgen, draenei, and pandaren mages in their ranks. At the same time, the gradual reintroduction of arcane magic into night elf society has in turn also slowly produced mages of that race. By the time of the war in Draenor, night elf and Highborne mages had joined the Kirin Tor, carrying out work such as maintaining a portal between Lion's Watch and Stormshield in Ashran.

In the years following the war against the Jailer, the Kirin Tor recruited many races into its ranks, mainly from those of the Horde. On the Dragon Isles, the Kirin Tor expedition counted among its ranks the usual races but also Kul Tiran humans, Lightforged draenei, Mechagon mechagnomes, orcs, jungle trolls, tauren, goblins, nightborne, Zandalari trolls, and vulpera mages.

Depending on their school of arcane magic, their talent, or their function, the agents of the Kirin Tor carry different titles that specify their work, as well as the studies and research they are in charge of for the organization.

The elite of the Kirin Tor are the archmages, who represent the pinnacle of magical power.[14] It is an honorary title given to the most powerful and experienced mages of the Kirin Tor, in which they obtain a position of authority in the hierarchy. They take care of directing their subordinate mages in their activities and missions for the organization, while some of them represent the Kirin Tor in other realms, notably as appointed Archmage in the Royal Court of one of the Seven Kingdoms.[170][171]

Factions and forces

  • Mage Violet Council - An elite council of nine wizards who protected the magical vaults holding Dalaran's treasures or experiments.
  • Mage Mages' Guild - An organization that fought against the Scourge during the Siege of Dalaran. Possibly either destroyed or fused with the Kirin Tor.
  • Mage Sorcerers' League - An organization that fought against the Scourge during the Siege of Dalaran. Possibly either destroyed or fused with the Kirin Tor.


See also: Dalaran (kingdom)#People and cultureDalaran#Notes and trivia
The Violet Citadel in the city of Dalaran.

The magi of the Kirin Tor were private, mysterious, and powerful, but they kept to themselves save when needed. They usually didn't get involved in ordinary politics, nor did they do ordinary political maneuvering such as inviting royalty to enjoy their hospitality. This, however, was not always the case. They arrange formal dinners - for their own members and for visitors in a large dining room. The magi are usually clad in the purple and gold robes of Dalaran with an embroidered symbol of the great Eye upon them.[17] They also wear their Kirin Tor signets.

There is one thing every member of the Kirin Tor valued, it's their independence. According to Khadgar and Antonidas, getting even two wizards to work together was difficult enough, it was something their own brethren have never found easy, and the thought of managing more than that was almost beyond imagining.[172] Among them, some hold themselves in a certain way above the non-mages.[173] However, following the destruction of Dalaran, the once reviled mage Rhonin led his kind from the brink, and under his leadership, the mages of the Kirin Tor quickly began to work to the restoration of Dalaran,[76] indicating a change in their behavior, notably to cooperate.

Mages live and dine in the Violet Citadel, and it is customary to serve wine with dinner,[174] most often a bottle of flamewine for which they have a fondness. Despite their busy schedules, most members of the Kirin Tor keep themselves in great shape through a strict diet and a robust exercise regime.[175] When a mage of the Kirin Tor died, its relatives and those in contact with them received a letter from the organization, asking them to return to Dalaran any correspondence, money, information, or property, in particular any of their books on loan, that belonged to the deceased.[34]

The mages seemingly celebrate an event called the Feast of Scribes. Most of them had at least some semblance of order to their archives, with their most valuable tomes hidden away.[176] A favored companion of Kirin Tor magi, the Albino Snake makes one wonder whether it's truly a snake or something else altogether.[177]

The Kirin Tor has a very strict mentality and regulation regarding dark magics, severely punishing those who attempt to practice them in their ranks.[52] Thus, the Kirin Tor makes sure to capture or eliminate the practitioners of dark and unholy magic,[178] but also demons,[179] undead,[180] aberrations,[181] renegade mages,[182] associates of evil organizations,[183] dangerous creatures,[76] and other threats. They use the Violet Hold, the main magically-shielded prison complex of the organization, to store a number of powerful prisoners, in order to study and prevent them from threatening the world again. The organization's laws also prohibited their agents from sharing Dalaran's secrets with outsiders.[184]

Contrary to the teachings of the Kirin Tor, there are a great many who choose to delve into the secrets of magic by themselves. Considered to be non-sanctioned renegades, these rogue mages strive to expand their knowledge of magic and spellcraft beyond the constraints of what most other wizards believe to be safe or morally acceptable.[14] While the Kirin Tor officially condemns torture, its members are not always opposed to using information obtained by others through it.[185] Their doctrines frown upon making homunculi, but some understand the principles involved in creating them.[186]

The highest honor available to non-citizens of Dalaran is the Violet Signet, a magical ring that grew in power for those loyal to the Violet Eye, and which may become as those of the archmages of the Kirin Tor when its full power is released.[187]

Studies and education

“If you rushed through the studying of spells or their execution, you risked results where nothing happened—at best—or at worst, disaster.”

Archmage Antonidas teaching Jaina Proudmoore[188]
A magic class as seen in the manga Mage.

Those with an affinity to magic may join the Kirin Tor in Dalaran. The city has magic schools where young mages and schoolchildren are trained and educated,[189][190] the topics for study being magic and its nature. The mentors of the Kirin Tor conclave were ambitious and insatiably curious about magic in all its forms. Their continual accumulation, cataloging, and definition of magic were imprinted on young students at an early age.[30] Before the Third War, the Archmage Antonidas was in charge of teaching in some magic classes.[191] Simeon isn't a member of the Kirin Tor, but he dedicated his life to training young mages that would be their future.[76]

Pupils practice and hone their skills and mastery over the types and forms of spells, with demanding and rigorous schedules, and clad in traditional apprentice robes, usually in Dalaran's academies such as Violet Citadel. A large part of their study is to learn from their grand libraries. Students have dedicated practice chambers in the city,[76] but in case of need, they may practice their spells in other areas, such as the Violet Hold surroundings. They live in students' quarters. Summer was a very intensive time for the students. Dalaran is also a place to learn the history of the world.[17] Students become apprenticed to archmages, typically asking the senior mages to be their mentor.[192] Students are divided by year[193] and level.[76] To prevent apprentices from secretly using elemental familiars to complete their chores, the archmagi placed the ritual required to summon the creature across the pages of several spellbooks hidden throughout Dalaran. They are also prohibited from using scrying pools to post students of the opposite sex on a pay-per-view basis.[194] All mages are taught the story of Balacgos and his artifact, as a reminder to always double-check measurements and calculations.[195]

Among the first things learned by Jaina Proudmoore after becoming apprenticed were that strong emotions and wizardry didn't always mix well and that the worst sin a mage could commit was arrogance, and also the easiest.[196] As a child, Khadgar learned from most of his lessons that non-Dalaran mages, wild, untrained, and self-taught wizards without restraint, control, and thought, always ended in the same fashion with a bad end, and sometimes, though not often, destroying a large amount of the surrounding countryside with them.[30] He also learned that the stress of the magical energies the magi wield can turn their hair gray, which has happened to many mages in the past.[30] Students are warned about rings of power, magical inscriptions carved into the floor,[197] and are taught about the four rules of the laws of arcane magic, as well as the law of sympathy.[198] Other topics of study are runes and their meanings, and golems.[199] Members of the Kirin Tor have to know the flora and fauna of Azeroth for a variety of reasons, many of them dealing with survival.[200] Thousands of years before the opening of the Dark Portal, and by the era of the opening of the portal, every wizard studied the legends of the demon horde, better known as the Burning Legion. Most of those who had claimed dealings with them had generally turned out to be of questionable states of mind.[21]

Abjuration is the most important school for a young mage to study. Its most generalized spell is the mana shield, effective but very difficult for a novice to master, as it often takes months of practice to even conjure a simple mana shield.[201] With time and experience, some magi of the Kirin Tor develop certain abilities, such as the "sixth sense" that told them through a feeling of unease that something is "off".[202] Or the sensitivity to tell the difference between one mage's magic and another, as every wizard wielded the forces of magic differently, the same to differentiate arcane and demonic magic.[203]

At the Violet Citadel, an order of mages, the former students of the fallen Conjurers of Azeroth, has been forced to discover untapped magical forces to command in their war against the ruthless orcs. Determined to avoid a similar fate, these mages have undertaken a regimen equally demanding on body and soul, thus dedicating themselves to the command of more aggressive and destructive magiks.[38]

Generally, outsiders were not welcome to study, but some expectations could be made, like with Prince Arthas Menethil, who convinced his father and Archmage Antonidas that the Kirin Tor's knowledge was valuable for him as future king.[17]

Philosophy, research, and inventions

The main library of Dalaran in the manga Mage.

Dalaran - especially the Violet Citadel, Aegwynn's Gallery, and the Hall of the Guardian - holds libraries, archives, and research laboratories,[21] the latter's library being capable on its own to rival with Silvermoon City's even in its current disarray.[142] There are also a few private libraries and secret collections.[30] Among these collections, some of the rarer parchments need to be protected from sunlight, thus requiring reading them in rooms while wearing gloves, in order to not damage the fragile paper.[204] During the Third War, the great libraries were burned, and countless generations of knowledge had been lost,[205] but with the restoration of Dalaran, the libraries too were restored. Currently, the main library from before the city's destruction still stands, and it uses protective wards. A recognition spell in order to enter it safely is used on the wards, and each mage who consigned a book to the great library put his or her own warding seal on it.[206]

At the time of the First War, the philosophical question that the mages were arguing about in the halls of the Kirin Tor was whether when you created a flame by magic, you called it into being or summoned it from some parallel existence. To which Medivh replied that when a mage creates fire, all they do is concentrate the inherent nature of the fire contained in the surrounding area into one location in order to call it into being.[176] According to Medivh, the philosophical debates in the halls of the Kirin Tor were baffle and blow, as they seek to place rationality upon the world and regulate its motions, like when the seasons fall one after the other with lockstepped regularity, except that magic is precisely the art of circumventing the normal.[174]

The Kirin Tor possesses an (or was the) Advanced Research and Illumination Sect, which Antonidas joined very young.[207] Jaina Proudmoore excelled at magical research and investigation.[10]

The Kirin Tor have divided the eldritch arts into eight or nine different categories. All schools of magic can be combined to create formidable spells that utilize multiple sources of power. Mages are cautioned about the dangers of combining multiple types of magic.[208] There are also multiple spells and branches of arcane research forbidden to members of the Kirin Tor.[209] They also contributed to the creation of spells, such as the slow spell as the Kirin Tor developed a technique that envelops a person in a field that reduces kinetic energy. The mages also discovered a way to bring out the potential of the warrior's fighting spirit and essentially wreathe them in their own spiritual energies in the spell inner fire. This has had the overall effect of making the Alliance warriors more resistant to damage and better able to deal damage.[14] According to Muradin Bronzebeard, they have access to knowledge none could guess at, and it has saved Azeroth more than once.[151]

The official teachings in the Violet Citadel and the Kirin Tor are that demonology is to be eschewed, avoided, and abjured. Any attempt to summon demons is to be found out and stopped at once, and those involved are to be expelled, or worse.[210] Just as the possession of fel-inscribed tomes of demonic spells must be punished, and the books confiscated, as they are considered blasphemous.[211] Specifically, Guzbah and Korrigan researched demon lore and demon worshipers respectively. What the Kirin Tor originally had at their disposal was a collection of folk legends and the reports of the local authorities involving demon worshipers.[210] Even during the third invasion of the Burning Legion, the Kirin Tor's knowledge of demonic forces was limited.[212] In all of the Kirin Tor's research into succubi and other sayaad, they have come to one conclusion - they are not to be trusted.[213] Researching into banned fields of magic such as necromancy and shadow magic is expressly forbidden by laws almost as old as the Kirin Tor itself. Necromancy is highly illegal and should be avoided at all costs. They only discussed having a basic understanding of its use, as any practitioner of necromancy is the enemy of the Kirin Tor.[214] Those who persist are censored, stripped of their power and influence, and banned from the kingdom,[215] as was the case with Kel'Thuzad and Levia Laurence. Kel'Thuzad eventually considered Kirin Tor to be set in their archaic ways.[216]

As a result, the Kirin Tor has written several publications related to magic, including The Schools of Arcane Magic, Kirin Tor Monthly, and the various books and reports by Antonidas or works by Khadgar. To ensure safe and fast teleportations with the blink, specific rules and boundaries were created by the Kirin Tor, and must be adhered at all times, while immense resources of the organization were being spent to perfect this already nearly flawless spell to avoid any other accident.[217] Other regulations were also created by the Kirin Tor for polymorphism,[218] or the use of portals, with notably dimensions to be respected, taxes to be paid, and permits to be obtained.[219]

Members of the Kirin Tor also researched species of trolls, elven history, or weapons,[18] and some of the mages or the city's artisans deal with alchemy and enchanting. For example, Deucus Valdera and Patricia Egan research and learn new alchemy recipes together, and then sell them.[220] Other fields of research are other-worldly dimensions and beings done by Ur,[221] as well as research on titans and keepers,[222] and seemingly on Old God-related artifacts such as the Bloodstone Artifacts.[78] After the Second War, Rhonin joked that there was not much documentation on dragons as most of the researchers got eaten. Deathwing laughed and said that there might be some truth to that.[158] The mage Krasus was their resident expert on dragon lore. Seemingly, he didn't reveal to Antonidas his identity, and instead he called this knowledge his research.[223] Krasus offered many advancements and counsel to the Kirin Tor.[224] Chronomancy, or time magic, is a young field of research for the Kirin Tor.[225]

The mages of Dalaran created golems to perform manual labor and guard their mystical holdings.[14] They also created the Eye of Dalaran to focus their magics in an effort of reconstruction.[226] To control earth elementals, the wizards of Dalaran may use magical stone tokens.[227] The Kirin Tor also contributed to the Alliance by donating materials for Altars of Kings that harness the derelict life forces of fallen human champions. The specifics of this building's magical properties were among the most guarded secrets in all the human realms.[14] Powerful mages of the Kirin Tor who wield as much power as Archmage Rhonin, former leader of the Kirin Tor, often use arcane bindings to steady the magic unleashing from their fingertips.[228] The Kirin Tor agents also have portal crystals at their disposal.[229]

Prior to the Third War, the Kirin Tor favored water and frost spells compared to the other schools of magic. Fire was implied to be associated with the demonic.[230] Mage towers hold ominous secrets that none but the mages of Lordaeron dare to explore. As extensions of the Violet Citadel in Dalaran, these towers allow the mages to research arcane spells, unfettered by the affairs of the temporal plane.[38] During the events of the Nexus War and the war against the Lich King, the Kirin Tor intended to study a Ley Line Tuner to combat Malygos,[231] an Artifact from the Nathrezim Homeworld to gain a better understanding of the nathrezim,[232] and The Curse of Flesh Disc to learn about the Curse of Flesh.


“The mages and archmages running the city of Dalaran. Faced with the rising threats of the Blue Dragonflight and the Scourge, they've transported their city to the heart of Northrend.”

— Faction description

Aside from championing, Kirin Tor reputation can also be gained by completing Dungeon and Heroic Dungeon dailies, and Dalaran (cooking, jewelcrafting and fishing) dailies. In Legion, reputation can also be gained by completing Kirin Tor world quests.

Most classes start at a neutral standing with the Kirin Tor. Mages, however, automatically start at friendly level with them. Because of this, it is possible for a mage to obtain the  [Tabard of the Kirin Tor] at level 1.

Neutral Friendly Honored Revered Exalted Rep Notes
Daily Fishing
N Fishing [10-30 Daily] The Ghostfish (R)
325 Sholazar Basin
N Fishing [10-30 Daily] Jewel Of The Sewers (R)
325 Dalaran (Underbelly)
N Fishing [10-30 Daily] Dangerously Delicious (R)
325 Wintergrasp
N Fishing [10-30 Daily] Disarmed! (R)
325 Dalaran (Violet Hold)
N Fishing [10-30 Daily] Blood is Thicker (R)
325 Borean Tundra
Drop Item
250 From [Bag of Fishing Treasures]
N Cooking [10-30] Waterlogged Recipe (R)
250 From Bag of Fishing Treasures
Daily Cooking
B Cooking [10-30 Daily] Sewer Stew (R)
195 Crystalsong Forest
B Cooking [10-30 Daily] Cheese for Glowergold (R)
195 Dalaran
195 Dalaran
B Cooking [10-30 Daily] Infused Mushroom Meatloaf (R)
195 Dalaran (Underbelly)
B Cooking [10-30 Daily] Mustard Dogs! (R)
195 Dalaran
Daily Jewelcrafting
N Jewelcrafting [10-30 Daily] Shipment: Blood Jade Amulet (R)
32.5 Dalaran
32.5 Dalaran
32.5 Dalaran
32.5 Dalaran
32.5 Dalaran
N Jewelcrafting [10-30 Daily] Shipment: Wicked Sun Brooch (R)
32.5 Dalaran
Quests ~11k

When you reach exalted status with the Kirin Tor, the achievement The Kirin Tor is awarded.


Archmage Alvareaux
<Kirin Tor Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Tabard of the Kirin Tor] 1g Tabard
Honored  [Helm of the Majestic Stag] 25g 80s Leather Head
 [Lightblade Rivener] 65g 96s 36c Dagger
 [Shroud of Dedicated Research] 19g 86s 36c Cloak
 [Spaulders of Grounded Lightning] 31g 21s 30c Mail Shoulder
Revered  [Flameheart Spell Scalpel] 74g 12s 9c Dagger
 [Girdle of the Warrior Magi] 26g 37s 52c Plate Waist
 [Mind-Expanding Leggings] 37g 86s 93c Leather Legs
 [Stave of Shrouded Mysteries] 92g 98s 20c Staff
Exalted  [Boots of Twinkling Stars] 46g 13s 26c Mail Feet
 [Fireproven Gauntlets] 36g 5s 39c Plate Hands
 [Ghostflicker Waistband] 25g 42s 75c Leather Waist
 [Robes of Crackling Flame] 40g 53s 90c Cloth Chest
 [Design: Brilliant Scarlet Ruby] 4g Jewelcrafting
 [Pattern: Sapphire Spellthread] 5g Tailoring


In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The Kirin Tor is a lawful neutral and independent organization, although they (and many of its members, both past and present) has strong ties to the Alliance. Made up of 120 members, divided in several levels of importance and influence, the Kirin Tor is a sect of wizards trying to study and record all of humanity's magic, and determined to rebuild the fallen city of Dalaran.[233]


Long ago, most wizards lived in Strom, where things were difficult, and so some of them fled north, where they created the city of Dalaran with the help of the high elves. More wizards followed, and the city became a haven for magi and a center of arcane study. They used their arts to make Dalaran magnificent and to protect it and its more mundane residents, who in return provided basics like food and trade. Unfortunately, with nobody to control them the magi cast spells whenever they liked, and the constant magic tore at reality. These tears acted as beacons to the Burning Legion, luring them back to Azeroth. Demons slipped through the gaps, terrorizing the locals until the ruling Magocrats were forced to turn to the elves for aid. Elf wizards quickly realized what had happened and warned that humanity would have to give up magic to avoid the threat completely. The Magocrats didn't like that, and instead proposed selecting a mortal champion to protect them from the Legion. This Guardian would have access to all their might, and would form a secret defense for the world. The elves agreed and, through the newly formed Order of Tirisfal, provided guidance in the selection. At the same time, the Magocrats set some of their number to research and catalog all human magic. These wizards became the Kirin Tor.

Even the Kirin Tor, however, found itself powerless to stop Prince Arthas and his forces when he led the Scourge through Lordaeron. Arthas acquired the spellbook of Medivh and Kel'Thuzad used it to summon Archimonde, who destroyed Dalaran. The city was left in ruins. Some felt the devastation was well-deserved, since Kel'Thuzad had himself been one of the Kirin Tor (before he left to form the Scholomance). Since Kel'Thuzad was responsible for creating the Plague of Undeath and releasing the Scourge upon the world, many felt the Kirin Tor should share in the blame and the consequences.

Following the Third War, they were able to reclaim their city. They erected a glowing dome around the entire city, powerful enough to destroy anyone who touches it, while they worked to rebuild their fallen city.[233][234]


The Kirin Tor has a ruling council of six archmagi. The council meets to discuss important issues and vote on matters — no single member holds sway, and the majority vote decides every issue. In case of a tie, the members reconvene a day later, during which interval each member considers his or her vote and all relevant information.

Beneath the ruling council are the archmagi, each of whom is given tasks as the council sees fit. Archmagi do not hold specific positions or responsibilities, beyond the general loyalty to the Kirin Tor and to the world, and the standing obligation to study new human magic whenever it appears. In reality, however, some archmagi have been given the same tasks so often they have essentially assumed responsibility for those jobs. Thus one archmage might be in charge of cataloging all wands, while another handles researching and cataloging all illusions. Several of them work to monitor and maintain the city's protective dome.[234]

Magi are the lowest members of the Kirin Tor and answer to the archmagi. Any archmage in the sect can issue orders to a mage, provided the instructions still fit within the organization's goals. As with archmagi, however, most magi settle into specific positions and tasks and work exclusively for one archmage. The ruling council can change this at any time but rarely does so, unless they feel a mage has become a problem in his current position, or if they need him for a different task. Most magi are allowed the freedom to pursue their tasks and studies in whatever manner they choose. Despite the fact that they are the lowest members in the hierarchy, many magi possess great power.[234]

Before the Scourge came, any human mage was welcome in Dalaran. They found peers and a place to stay and to work in peace. Magi with an eye for detail and a strong focus on research were offered membership in the Kirin Tor. This process could take anywhere from a few months to several years — the ruling council did not invite magi until it was sure of their abilities and allegiances. The Kirin Tor became even more cautious about admittance after Kel'Thuzad defected and took many other magi with him.[234]


Before Dalaran's destruction, the Kirin Tor was the city's ruling power. Dalaran was not a large city, but it was a beautiful place of towering spires and glittering streets, and the people there were happy and well-protected. The Kirin Tor's headquarters was the Violet Citadel, an impressive building so named for its stone walls which gave off a faint violet light. The building had many libraries, research chambers, testing rooms, classrooms, meeting alcoves, and bedrooms. The ruling council, six members in all, met in the Chamber of the Air, a room with no visible walls — the gray stone floor with its central diamond symbol stood beneath an open sky that shifted and changed rapidly, as if the time sped past within the chamber.[234]

Notes and trivia

  • The insignia of the Kirin Tor represents an eye. In the Underbelly of Dalaran, there is an unofficial coin called the [Sightless Eye].
  • Some mages that acted in the Kirin Tor were at the same time members of the Council of Tirisfal, as evidenced by Indus.[21]
  • At the time of the Second War, Archmage Antonidas was considered a living legend among the mages of Dalaran.[235]
  • After he saw the Dalaran Crater left behind by the Kirin Tor, the red dragon Korialstrasz had been forced to admit that it was one of the most astounding, if potentially catastrophic, spells ever cast.[236]
  • While some criminals are put in magical cells that dampen their powers, the Kirin Tor may also strip one's power, notably in the case of Crevan Falamar. To his family they said that he died, while being locked up in the Violet Hold.[76]
  • According to Magni Bronzebeard, the Kirin Tor were the ones who first thought to use the Pillars of Creation during the third invasion of the Burning Legion, and might have more knowledge of the titans than they realize.[151]
  • In an alternate universe where Aedelas Blackmoore was king of Lordaeron, the Kirin Tor was led by Antonidas, who severed all ties with Kel'Thuzad, who was Blackmoore's chief advisor. Rumor also had it that the mages liked to appear impartial but that they favored Stormwind rather than Lordaeron. Like in the main universe, Korialstrasz was a member too. His Alexstrasza understood that his work there would aid their flight and more importantly, Azeroth.[237]
  • In the alternate universe of Azmerloth, Krrrn Trr is comprised of murlocs.
  • While the citizens, visitors, merchants, and trainers in the city of Dalaran are affiliated with the in-game faction of the Kirin Tor, it is for gameplay issues of neutrality and reputation for players of both factions.
  • The NPC members of the Kirin Tor can have the <Kirin Tor> title, or <The Kirin Tor> in some rare cases.
  • In The Frozen Throne, Rexxar can get Drek'thar's Spellbook after finishing a quest. The book is filled with pages stolen from Kirin Tor mages that were slain in battle.
  • In the canceled Warcraft Adventures, a bulletin board inside Durnholde Keep indicated that the Kirin Tor was recruiting, complete with a little drawing of a mage tower.
  • During early Legion development, an area called Kirin Tor Shore was to be present in Azsuna. It would be overrun by infernals.



Patch changes

See also


  1. ^ Everbloom map name
  2. ^  [Remedy of Arugal]
  3. ^ A [15-35] What Had To Be Done
  4. ^ Ultimate Visual Guide
  5. ^ Ultimate Visual Guide, Updated and Expanded
  6. ^ A [15-35] The Fate of Dalaran
  7. ^ N [100] Touch of the Kirin-Tor
  8. ^  [Spellbound Solium Band of the Kirin-Tor]
  9. ^ Polymorphic Rules & Regulations
  10. ^ a b Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Game Manual#A New Generation
  11. ^ N [70] The Contact from Dalaran
  12. ^ Blood of the Highborne
  13. ^ a b c Day of the Dragon
  14. ^ a b c d e f g h i Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Game Manual
  15. ^ N [10-45] City Under Siege
  16. ^ a b c H [15-35] What's in the Box?
  17. ^ a b c d e Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
  18. ^ a b The Last Guardian, chapter 2
  19. ^ N [10-45] City Under Siege
  20. ^ " [The Guardians of Tirisfal]"
  21. ^ a b c d The First Guardian
  22. ^ " [The Seven Kingdoms]"
  23. ^  [Mantle of the First Kirin Tor]
  24. ^ World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex, pg. 69
  25. ^ World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex, pg. 82
  26. ^ Night of the Dragon, chapter 11
  27. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 115
  28. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 112
  29. ^  [Wrathion's Journal]
  30. ^ a b c d e f g The Last Guardian, chapter 1
  31. ^ N [70] The Contact from Dalaran
  32. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 26
  33. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 120
  34. ^ a b The Last Guardian, chapter 9
  35. ^ Archive of the Tirisgarde#Aluneth, Greatstaff of Magna
  36. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 152
  37. ^ a b c Tides of Darkness
  38. ^ a b c Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, Alliance Ground Units, Mage
  39. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 174
  40. ^ a b Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal manual, The Aftermath of the Second War
  41. ^ Beyond the Dark Portal, chapter 2
  42. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 182
  43. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 188
  44. ^ Excerpts from the Journal of Archmage Vargoth
  45. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 6
  46. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 13
  47. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 21
  48. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 198
  49. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, pg. 79
  50. ^ World of Warcraft: The Magazine Issue 4, pg. 84
  51. ^ Word of the Conclave
  52. ^ a b Road to Damnation
  53. ^ Of Blood and Honor, chapter 5
  54. ^ The Alliance Splinters
  55. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 34
  56. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 36
  57. ^ The Warning
  58. ^ Jaina's Meeting
  59. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 46
  60. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, pg. 137
  61. ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos manual, Undead Units, Necromancer
  62. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 54
  63. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 57
  64. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 64
  65. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 64 - 65
  66. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 65
  67. ^ Under the Burning Sky
  68. ^ The Siege of Dalaran (WC3 Undead)
  69. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 66
  70. ^ The Dungeons of Dalaran
  71. ^ a b c In the Shadow of the Sun
  72. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 90
  73. ^ The Well of Eternity, pg. 5
  74. ^ The Demon Soul, chapter 11
  75. ^ The Tomb of Sargeras, pg. 13
  76. ^ a b c d e f g h i Mage
  77. ^ H [35] Dalaran Patrols
  78. ^ a b  [Belamoore's Research Journal]
  79. ^ H [14] Border Crossings
  80. ^ H [14] Dalaran's Intentions
  81. ^ H [16] Ambermill Investigations
  82. ^ H IconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Female.gif Rogue [20] Tools of the Trade
  83. ^ A [42] Deliver the Shipment
  84. ^ A [41] Mazen's Behest
  85. ^ Dalaran Agent's gossip
  86. ^ Curious Dalaran Relic
  87. ^ Blizzard Entertainment 2015-10-23. Legion: Priest Artifact Review. Retrieved on 2015-11-08.
  88. ^ N Priest [10-45] The Light's Wrath
  89. ^ Custodian Dieworth#Quotes
  90. ^ Archmage Vargoth#Quotes
  91. ^ N [25-30] The Unending Invasion
  92. ^ N [25-30] Down With Daellis
  93. ^ N [25-30] Capturing the Phylactery
  94. ^ N [25-30] Destroy Naberius!
  95. ^ N [25-30] Curse of the Violet Tower
  96. ^ N [25-30] Destroy Naberius!
  97. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 170
  98. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 177
  99. ^ Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War, chapter 12
  100. ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 2
  101. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 178
  102. ^ World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex, pg. 36
  103. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 182
  104. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 183
  105. ^ N [80H] Proof of Demise: Anub'arak
  106. ^ Stormrage, chapter 24
  107. ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, pg. 103 - 104
  108. ^ H [5-30] Breaking the Barrier
  109. ^ H [5-30] Transdimensional Warfare: Chapter I
  110. ^ H [5-30] Transdimensional Warfare: Chapter III
  111. ^ MMO-Champion Blue Tracker - Dalaran and Cataclysm
  112. ^ Wolfheart, chapter 14
  113. ^ Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War, chapter 22
  114. ^ Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War, Epilogue
  115. ^ Dawn of the Aspects, chapter 1
  116. ^ A [15-35] The Kirin Tor
  117. ^ A [15-35] Tracking the Thieves
  118. ^ War Crimes, chapter 31
  119. ^ A [15-35] Jaina's Resolution
  120. ^ A [15-35] Nowhere to Run
  121. ^ A [15-35] Nowhere to Hide
  122. ^ Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 147
  123. ^ A [15-35] What Had To Be Done
  124. ^ Dave Kosak on Twitter (2012-12-14).​ “.@Leviathonlx Dalaran is in motion!”
  125. ^ Kirin Tor Offensive's faction description
  126. ^ Tom Chilton at BlizzCon 2013 " connect this world of Draenor of 35 years in the past..."
  127. ^ B [20-40] Making Acquaintances
  128. ^ Combat Rustle in the Bushes
  129. ^ Everbloom's Dungeon Journal
  130. ^ B [40] Garrison Campaign: The Sargerei
  131. ^ N [40] Infiltrating the Sargerei
  132. ^ A [10-45] The Fallen Lion
  133. ^ Dalaran over Karazhan phases in after completing the Broken Shore scenario.
  134. ^ N Mage [45] Chilled to the Core
  135. ^ B [10-45] Calling of the Council
  136. ^ N [10-45] Author! Author!
  137. ^ N Mage [10-45] The Frozen Flame
  138. ^ N [10-45] In the Blink of an Eye
  139. ^ N Mage [10-45] Champion: Archmage Modera
  140. ^ N Mage [45] Champion: Archmage Vargoth
  141. ^ N Mage [10-45] Champion: Archmage Kalec
  142. ^ a b Esara Verrinde#Gossip
  143. ^ N Mage [45] Arming Dalaran
  144. ^ N Hunter [45] Missing Mages
  145. ^ N Hunter [45] The Scent of Magic
  146. ^ Elegy pgs. 36-37 - "I’ll send a unit of Stormwind guards to assist with the evacuations in Howling Oak and wherever else in Darnassus they can. Archmage Malin, get a message to Dalaran. Tell them the situation and ask if they would be willing to join us here in Stormwind—to get more refugees through portals."
  147. ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms
  148. ^ Tomas Riogain#Quotes
  149. ^ N [120] A Bolt from the Blue
  150. ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 96
  151. ^ a b c Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 65
  152. ^ Exploring Azeroth: Pandaria pg. 94
  153. ^ N [65-68] To the Azure Span
  154. ^ N [65-68] Wrath of the Kirin Tor
  155. ^ N [65-68] Calling the Blue Dragons
  156. ^ N [70EWQ] Suffusion Camp: Frostburn
  157. ^ N [70] Something Worth Celebrating
  158. ^ a b Day of the Dragon, chapter 10
  159. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 1
  160. ^ Antonidas Memorial
  161. ^  [Lost Research Notes]
  162. ^ Magister Varenthas#Quotes
  163. ^ Warcaster Fanoraithe
  164. ^ Addled Arcanomancer
  165. ^ Magister Teronus III
  166. ^ Inspector Valwynna
  167. ^ Kirin Tor Guardian
  168. ^ Severed Defender
  169. ^ Kirin Tor Defender
  170. ^ Nielas Aran
  171. ^ Arugal
  172. ^ Tides of Darkness, chapter 3
  173. ^ Tides of Darkness, chapter 8
  174. ^ a b The Last Guardian, chapter 5
  175. ^ Kirin Tor Monthly (May Issue)
  176. ^ a b The Last Guardian, chapter 3
  177. ^  [Albino Snake]
  178. ^ Lord Malgath
  179. ^ Sael'orn
  180. ^ Anub'esset
  181. ^ Mindflayer Kaahrj
  182. ^ Crevan
  183. ^ Xevozz
  184. ^ N [40] A Service to Dalaran
  185. ^ N [10-30] The Art of Persuasion
  186. ^ The Last Guardian, pg. 30-31
  187. ^ The Violet Signet questline
  188. ^ Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War, chapter 25
  189. ^ STAY OUT!!!
  190. ^ The Old Wizard's Almanac
  191. ^ Journal of Archmage Antonidas
  192. ^ Dark Riders
  193. ^ Cycle of Hatred, chapter 12
  194. ^ The Schools of Arcane Magic - Divination
  195. ^ World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex, pg. 76
  196. ^ Cycle of Hatred, chapter 3, 8
  197. ^ The Last Guardian, chapter 7
  198. ^ The Last Guardian, pg. 40
  199. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 10, 17
  200. ^ Dawn of the Aspects, Part 5
  201. ^ The Schools of Arcane Magic - Abjuration
  202. ^ Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War, chapter 4, pg. 52
  203. ^ Cycle of Hatred, chapter 8
  204. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, chapter 6
  205. ^ The Well of Eternity, chapter 1
  206. ^ Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War, pg. 268 (ebook)
  207. ^ The Archmage Antonidas
  208. ^ The Schools of Arcane Magic - Introduction
  209. ^  [Regarding Prohibited Magics]
  210. ^ a b The Last Guardian, pg. 230
  211. ^ N Mage [10-45] Some Knowledge Shouldn't Be Shared
  212. ^ N [110] The Council's Approval
  213. ^ N Rogue [45] Outlaw: The Folly of Levia Laurence
  214. ^ The Schools of Arcane Magic - Necromancy
  215. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 29
  216. ^ Helcular#Conversation with Kel'Thuzad
  217. ^ Blinking Rules & Regulations
  218. ^ Polymorphic Rules & Regulations
  219. ^ Thinking with Portals - A Memorandum on Proper Portal Usage
  220. ^ Patricia Egan#Quotes
  221. ^  [The Book of Ur]
  222. ^ Dawn of the Aspects, Part 3
  223. ^ Beyond the Dark Portal, chapter 11
  224. ^ World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex, pg. 48
  225. ^ N [40] Mysterious Ring
  226. ^ The Eye of Dalaran (WC2 Orc)
  227. ^ H [32] Stone Tokens
  228. ^  [Rhonin's Assaulting Armwraps]
  229. ^ N [110] Feltotem's Fall
  230. ^ Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne game manual#Blood Mage
  231. ^ N [80H] Proof of Demise: Ley-Guardian Eregos
  232. ^ N [80H] Proof of Demise: Mal'Ganis
  233. ^ a b Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 154
  234. ^ a b c d e Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 155
  235. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 15
  236. ^ Stormrage, chapter 6
  237. ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, chapter 10

External links