- For its predecessor, see Old Horde. For other uses, see Horde (disambiguation).
The Horde | |
The Horde crest | |
Ruling body | Horde Council |
Leaders | |
Core races | |
Allied races | |
Other races | |
Capital cities |
Orgrimmar, Darkspear Isle, Thunder Bluff, |
Allied cities | Thunder Totem, Suramar City, Dazar'alor, Vulpera Hideaway, Hammerfall |
Zones of influence | Lordaeron, Central Kalimdor, Northern and central Broken Isles, and southern Zandalar |
Languages | Draconic, Goblin, Gutterspeak, Orcish, Pandaren, Shalassian, Taurahe, Thalassian, Vulpera, Zandali |
Main factions | Orgrimmar, Darkspear Trolls, Thunder Bluff, Undercity, Silvermoon City, Bilgewater Cartel, Huojin Pandaren, Dark Talons |
Notable factions |
Dragonmaw clan, Forest Hozen, Highmountain Tribe, Zandalari Empire, Mag'har Clans, Voldunai, The Mag'har, The Nightfallen, Revantusk tribe, Sunreavers, The Taunka tribes See more forces |
“The proud nations of the Horde are loosely joined in an alliance of convenience against a hostile world that would see them destroyed. Focused, ferocious and sometimes monstrous, the Horde values strength and honor, but struggles to keep aggression in check. Join the Horde and fight to build a world where their people can live free.”
- — Horde in-game's description
The Horde (also called the New Horde or Thrall's Horde) is one of the two major political factions of the mortal races in Azeroth, its counterpart being the Alliance which the Horde has traditionally been at war with. Driven by unity,[1] the Horde consists of a coalition of disparate races and cultures loosely joined in an alliance of convenience against a hostile world that would see them destroyed.[2][3] A faction led by off-worlders and composed of outsiders, the Horde has survived the obstacles of Azeroth by bonding together, fighting as family, comrades, or even uneasy allies.[4] Focused, ferocious, and sometimes monstrous, the Horde values strength and honor[2] and is relentlessly opposed to any who threaten the ideals of freedom and hope,[1] but struggles to keep aggression in check.[2]
During Garrosh Hellscream's reign, the faction was plunged into a state of civil war, divided between Hellscream's pan-orc government he referred to as the "True Horde" and the Darkspear Rebellion, comprised of the remaining Horde races, as well as orcs that have decided to oppose Garrosh, under leadership of Vol'jin. After the Siege of Orgrimmar upon the defeat of Garrosh, Vol'jin was chosen as the new Warchief of the Horde with every leader supporting the choice, even Thrall himself. This also marks the first time, when the Warchief's position was held by a person that isn't an orc, signifying a sense of unity between all the member races of the faction, in Vol'jin's own words - The Horde is a family. Following the disastrous Battle for Broken Shore at the start of the third invasion of the Burning Legion, Sylvanas Windrunner was named the new Warchief by a dying Vol'jin, who with his last breath said she must step out of the shadows to lead.
The Horde has throughout the Warcraft story remained the only force that can match up to the Alliance. These two factions have warred several times with their predecessors (Old Horde, Alliance of Lordaeron) having clashed together in the First, Second, and Third Wars. In the Fourth War, the last major conflict as of Battle for Azeroth, the controversial acts by the Horde Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner eventually caused a Horde rebellion led by Varok Saurfang. This led to a temporary unity between the two factions when Varok asked Anduin Wrynn, High King of the Alliance, for aid in assaulting Orgrimmar to end both the reign of Sylvanas and the enmity between the Horde and Alliance.[5] Ultimately, the rebellion caused the Horde to lose its top leadership when Sylvanas killed Varok and abandoned the Horde. With his death and her abandonment, the Fourth War was considered over, and the Horde discarded the position of Warchief ruling the Horde in favor of a council style leadership, while the two factions began talks of peace, though many surmise it may not last or cannot forgive the atrocities of the past.[6][7] Currently the Horde and Alliance are in an "uneasy armistice".[8]
The Horde is one of the two factions that player characters belong to―the Alliance being the other―as determined by a given character's race (with the exception of Pandaren which can be both). Besides race, being a member of the Horde or Alliance affects gameplay through what settlements, NPCs, quests, reputation factions and in some cases items and encounters the player may access. Faction mechanics also prevent Horde and Alliance players from talking with each other or making groups together, and most PvP gameplay involves Horde players fighting against Alliance players. The divide between the Horde and Alliance—in regard to gameplay mechanics, story elements, and sometimes in social aspects like faction pride—acts as the core element of the World of Warcraft experience.
- The indomitable Horde is driven by unity. They are fervent keepers of freedom and hope, relentlessly opposed to any who threaten these ideals, including the stringent Alliance.[9] The Horde fights for honor and freedom, surviving in a world that questions their unity and strength.[10]
- The Horde is made up of orcs, forsaken, tauren, trolls, blood elves, and most recently, goblins. Misunderstood and cast aside, these diverse and powerful races strive to overcome their differences and unite as one in order to win freedom for their people and prosper in a land that has come to hate them. In the Horde, action and strength are valued above diplomacy, and its leaders earn respect by the blade, wasting no time with politics. The brutality of the Horde's champions is focused, giving a voice to those who fight for survival.[11]
- Classic
- Four races comprise the Horde: the brutal orcs, the shadowy undead, the spiritual tauren, and the quick-witted trolls. Beset by enemies on all sides, these outcasts have forged a union they hope will ensure their mutual survival. (in-game)
- A coalition of outcasts who have forged a union in the flames of survival, the Horde values action and strength, committed to enduring in an unforgiving land that would see it extinguished.[12]
- See also: Old Horde, Dark Horde, Fel Horde, Iron Horde and True Horde
In the past, the Horde referred to the orcs and their battle thralls from both Draenor and Azeroth, such as trolls and ogres. Following its utter defeat at the end of the Second War, the Horde's dark power was broken, allowing Thrall to awaken the dormant spirituality of his people and free them from the Burning Legion's control.
During the events of the Third War, Thrall has made lasting bonds with the tauren chief Cairne Bloodhoof and the troll shadow hunter Vol'jin of the Darkspear tribe. The ties between the three races are very close, as both share many similar cultural views. With the help of the tauren, both the orcs and the tribe of trolls have established a place for themselves in Kalimdor. During the invasion of Durotar, Vol'jin and Rexxar unexpectedly had been presented with an opportunity to bring the Stonemaul clan into the Horde and seized on it.[13]
The present Horde is mostly about surviving in a land that has come to hate them. The orcs are hated because, much like the Forsaken, they were manipulated by corrupt forces that channeled their aggression on unsuspecting foes, thus leaving behind a legacy of brutality and domination. In fact, many races of the Horde have a history of being unscrupulous. Though redeemed and trying to make amends or simply trying to survive, they are not forgiven nor trusted by many members of the Alliance who believe them to be their old selves still.[14] The trolls, tauren and their other allies are the ones who understood them, and so they are hated for that.
World of Warcraft
After carving out a functional empire of their own and with growing numbers by the day, the Forsaken knew that the next step to realizing their vengeance upon Arthas Menethil was to secure their place in the world. In time, their leader Sylvanas Windrunner looked for allies, and to that end she sent ambassadors to both the Alliance and the Horde. While emissaries to Stormwind City never returned, Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem believed that Forsaken could be redeemed and spiritually revived. Thus he brought the Forsaken ambassadors to meet with Cairne Bloodhoof, high chieftain of the tauren tribes, and Cairne agreed that the undead should be given a chance to thrive.[15] Thus, the tauren convinced Warchief Thrall, despite his misgivings, to forge an alliance of convenience between the Forsaken and the Horde. This alliance of convenience has granted the Horde a better footing in the mostly Alliance controlled Eastern Kingdoms, and in turn, with the Horde's protection, and even the assistance of the Argent Dawn,[16] the Forsaken were able to keep their holdings in Lordaeron.
Meanwhile, word of the new Horde and its noble goals soon reached the Revantusk tribe, who immediately dispatched its speediest runners to make contact with the orcs. Though initially wary, Thrall came to see that the Revantusk trolls were unique among forest trolls in a fundamental way. The Revantusk tribe had never had much in the way of the fighters or resources, and so it had instead decided to specialize in the trickier art of negotiation. By the time they spoke with Thrall, the Revantusks had acquired a reputation for trustworthiness that was well deserved. The trolls were impressed by Thrall and his dream. Even so, they remembered the recklessness and corruption of the first Horde. Thus, the Revantusks declined to rejoin the Horde, but they did agree to a pact of friendship and mutual assistance.[17]
In time, old animosity between the Horde and Alliance arose once more which resulted in open conflict on several battlefields, keeping relations between the Horde and Alliance in a state of cold war.
Despite the political quarreling between the Horde and Alliance, Thrall does wish to establish true peace between the two factions. However, the Alliance still remembers the Old Horde's association with the Burning Legion. To differentiate his New Horde from its predecessor's dark legacy, Thrall sanctioned Keldran's campaign against the Burning Blade[18][19][20] and the demon infestation in Desolace.[21] With such a grand display of hostility against the Burning Legion's agents, Keldran and Thrall hoped the Alliance would see the new Horde's sincerity and prevent a war caused by misunderstandings.[22] Thrall also sought to send a strike team to liberate Moira Thaurissan from the Dark Irons to strengthen relations in the Eastern Kingdoms,[23] though it was ultimately Alliance forces who entered the Blackrock Depths and killed Dagran Thaurissan, the Emperor of the Dark Irons.[24]
When Moira covertly sent her spies with word about Dark Horde's alliance with the black dragonflight, it reached Thrall who assembled the mightiest of his Horde warriors to claim the heads of Dal'Rend and of Deathwing's son, Nefarian.[25][26] The Horde later received word from the Zandalari that the Atal'ai and their leader, Jin'do the Hexxer, sought to summon Hakkar the Soulflayer. Thus a large Horde strike force invaded Zul'Gurub, and though they killed the priests and Jin'do they were too late to stop Hakkar's summoning. Manifesting as a force of death and insanity, Hakkar poisoned the blood of the Horde's champions and tried to drag their thoughts into absolute madness. Yet it was Hakkar's own power that proved to be his undoing. In desperation, the Horde forces allowed themselves to be poisoned, and then let Hakkar feed on their corrupted blood. In his frenzied state, with every thought filled with the urge to consume blood, Hakkar paid little heed to the tactics of his seemingly harmless enemies. He was unaware of the poison entering his veins until it was too late, and in the end Hakkar was consumed by his own dark magic.[27]
At the time of the Ahn'Qiraj War, Thrall quickly came to an unprecedented agreement with Regent Lord Bolvar Fordragon. Both the Horde and the Alliance would combine the might of their armies, as the Might of Kalimdor, in order to strike back against the threat of the Old God C'Thun and its qiraji at Ahn'Qiraj.[28][29]
The Burning Crusade
The blood elves needed allies, and they would no longer find them among the humans, dwarves, gnomes, and night elves. Kael'thas' alliance with Lady Vashj and Illidan Stormrage had soured relations between Quel'Thalas and the Alliance, and the kingdom's secession during Anasterian's rule still left bitter memories; the Alliance had no interest in fighting for Quel'Thalas,[30] to the point that their ambassador was actively working with several night elven spies to sabotage the blood elves' arcane sanctums.
The blood elves were offered support from an unlikely source: the Forsaken, under the former ranger-general Sylvanas Windrunner. Though initially skeptical of a trick, the blood elves allowed the Forsaken to assist them in terms of manpower in the Ghostlands. Through the Forsaken, Lor'themar was introduced to the wider Horde. Rumors circulated that some lingering part of her still sympathized with Quel'Thalas and its hardships. Other stories hinted that Sylvanas had ulterior motives. Whatever the truth, she arranged for Warchief Thrall and High Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof to convene with Lor'themar and discuss such a possibility. Despite the elves' history of bitter warfare with the orcs, Lor'themar was receptive to the idea. He knew this Horde was different than the one that had ravaged Quel'Thalas in years past. He was also painfully aware that time was running out for his kingdom and his prince. The Horde's leaders also saw great promise in Lor'themar's people and considered it an act of honor to offer another race facing extinction their support. Thrall and Cairne extended the hand of peace, and Lor'themar accepted.[31]
During the Invasion of Outland the orcs came in contact with uncorrupted orcs. While the Mag'har joined the Horde, the Horde warred with the fel orc clans of the Fel Horde and ultimately killed Warchief Kargath Bladefist.[32]
Many blood elves didn't want to believe the rumors that Kael'thas had pledged himself to the Burning Legion. But when they arrived at the Netherstorm, they saw the truth with their own eyes. These blood elves sent word back to Lor'themar Theron and other high-ranking elves in Quel'Thalas, who with a heavy heart came to the consensus that Kael'thas was lost and had to be vanquished. And so, the Horde officially declared war on Kael'thas. Horde champions ultimately stormed Tempest Keep and defeated the maddened prince.[33]
Wrath of the Lich King
At the beginning of the war against the Lich King, the Scourge Invasion sent the Alliance and the Horde into a righteous fury, and both factions mobilized their armies to bring war to the Lich King's doorstep in Northrend. Warchief Thrall commanded Garrosh Hellscream and Varok Saurfang to led the Warsong Offensive against the Scourge. Upon arriving to Northrend, the Horde gained the allegiance of the Taunka, kin to the Tauren. As the war progressed, Varok was wary of the resurfacing bloodlust of the orcs, due to its employment in Hellscream's savage but successful tactics.
Following the Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate, Horde forces mobilized to reclaim the Undercity from Varimathras and his forces. In the aftermath, King Varian Wrynn, who decided to use the opportunity to reclaim Lordaeron for the Alliance, declared war on the Horde. Furthermore, the credibility of the Forsaken in the eyes of the wider Horde had also suffered and Thrall dispatched a legion of a legion of Kor'kron Guard led by Bragor Bloodfist to occupy the Undercity, guarding it from threats outside, and from any that may remain within following The Battle for the Undercity.
As of the Cataclysm, Thrall was forced to step down from Warchief to help deal with the elemental turmoil. In his placed he named Garrosh Hellscream acting Warchief[34] of the Horde. This caused signs of internal strife among the Horde leaders, which saw Cairne Bloodhoof challenge Garrosh to an honorable duel, Vol'jin making a veiled death threat against him, while Sylvanas Windrunner came into conflict with him on both an ethical and a tactical level - the use of Val'kyr to raise new soldiers, and the Forsaken Blight as a weapon.
While the senior leadership clashed, the Horde bolstered its ranks with the Bilgewater Cartel led by Trade Prince Gallywix joining after the events of the Lost Isles, the Revantusk tribe becoming official members with them openly supporting the Horde, and the Dragonmaw clan being brought back into the Horde by Hellscream personally.
Mists of Pandaria
By the time the mists concealing Pandaria dissipated, cracks within the Horde started to emerge. The war had intensified with the surprise mana-bombing of Theramore Isle on Garrosh's orders, the actions of which Baine Bloodhoof and Vol'jin openly disapproved of.[35] In response, Garrosh ordered the Kor'kron to suppress any potential dissent, going as far as subjugating the Darkspear trolls on their own territory.[36][37] When welcoming Ji Firepaw and the Huojin Pandaren into the Horde, Warchief Hellscream makes it clear that the Tushui Pandaren that joined the Alliance are now their enemies and that he not tolerate any lingering ties across enemy lines.[38]
Horde leaders were weary of Garrosh's attempts to harness the sha for his own ends,[39] and the blood elves became increasingly discontented with Garrosh treating them as expendable in his attempts to do so.[40][41] The exposure of Sunreaver agents taking orders from Garrosh eventually led to the Sunreavers' expulsion from Dalaran, stoking further recriminations from the blood elf leadership towards Garrosh.[42]
After the Thunder King's death the Darkspear Rebellion began in earnest and Horde leader after Horde leader joined it. When at last even Gallywix and the Bilgewater Cartel joined the Rebellion due to Garrosh refusing to pay them for excavating the Heart of Y'Shaarj,[43] Garrosh re-organized his orc forces into the True Horde and, with the power of Y'Shaarj, began a genocidal campaign to conquer Azeroth, subjugate all non-orcish life, and brutally crush all who oppose him. Garrosh and the True Horde were defeated in the ensuing conflict by the Horde rebels and Alliance forces, and ultimately Vol'jin was declared Warchief of the Horde.[44]
Warlords of Draenor
Following the events of Siege of Orgrimmar, Garrosh Hellscream was imprisoned to be tried in Pandaria. Before the trial could conclude, aided by an ally who could manipulate the timelines, Garrosh escaped to Draenor of the past, and prevented the orcs from ever drinking the blood of Mannoroth, creating an untainted Iron Horde under the leadership of Grommash Hellscream. Under Vol'jin's command, the Horde would engage against the forces of the Iron Horde and later the Burning Legion on Draenor.
During the Battle for Broken Shore the Horde and Alliance worked together to prevent the Burning Legion from securing the Broken Shore as a staging ground for their invasion.[45] Both armies would be pushed back, King Varian Wrynn slain, and Vol'jin mortally wounded. In Vol'jin's dying moments he named Sylvanas Windrunner the new Warchief of the Horde and faced with combating the armies of the Burning Legion and the hostility of the Alliance the Horde moved forward to combat the armies of the Burning Legion.
The forces of Azeroth ultimately succeed in defeating the Burning Legion during the third invasion of the Burning Legion, and the Horde soon after gained the allegiance of the Highmountain tauren tribes of Highmountain and the nightborne of Suramar.
Battle for Azeroth
At Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner's command, the Horde began the War of the Thorns with the goal of conquering Teldrassil itself. However after the Horde conquered Darkshore, the Banshee Queen gave the order to Teldrassil to be burned.[46] This triggered the Fourth War, as the Alliance avenged Teldrassil's destruction by unleashing an all-out siege on Lordaeron Keep, defeating most of the Horde forces stationed there. However, Sylvanas managed to blight the ruins, preventing the Alliance from establishing it as their stronghold in the region.
After liberating Princess Talanji and Prophet Zul from the Stormwind Stockade, King Rastakhan allowed the Horde to establish themselves on Zandalar.[47] While the Horde worked to aid the Zandalari and sway them to their cause, Eitrigg and the Speaker of the Horde were able to get the Mag'har clans of Draenor to join the Horde. In the aftermath of the Battle of Dazar'alor, the Horde's efforts proved fruitful as the Zandalari Empire joined the Horde, as its equals.
As the war progressed, the Horde split between Sylvanas loyalists and Varok Saurfang's revolutionaries. Before the two armies could clash at Orgrimmar, Varok Saurfang, recognizing Sylvanas's loyalists as his brothers and sisters in the Horde and unwilling to spill more Horde blood, challenged Sylvanas to Mak'gora. During the duel, Saurfang was able to get Sylvanas to admit that she considered the Horde nothing, which caused the Warchief to swiftly kill him and abandoned the Horde altogether.[48] In the aftermath of Saurfang's death and Sylvanas's betrayal, the Horde rallied together once more, with her former loyalists defecting to his revolution. Following these events, the Horde and the Alliance have entered into an armistice with one another.
Sometime later, the Voldunai vulpera of Vol'dun led by Kiro joined the Horde.
In the aftermath of N'Zoth's death and the end of the Fourth War, the leaders of the Horde received the terms for an armistice from the Grand Alliance, putting the Fourth War on hold indefinitely, if not permanently. With that matter settled, Lor'themar Theron addressed the absence of a Warchief. Despite support for Thrall to take the mantle on again, he refused, citing that he had promised Varok Saurfang he would not take on the role once more. Instead, he brought up the idea of the Warchief being necessary, instead bringing in the belief that a change was needed for the Horde's leadership. Thus the Horde Council, a conglomerate of leaders who would represent their people's interests, was created to lead the Horde,[6] who rejoiced at the announcement of the council.[49]
Sometime after the formation of the Horde Council, the armies of the Horde rallied together and defeated the Widow's Bite and Banshee loyalists that were causing unrest within Zandalar.[50] After Sylvanas defeated Bolvar Fordragon and shattered the Helm of Domination, the Horde united with the Argent Crusade in order to combat the Scourge forces that were attacking Durotar,the Northern Barrens, and Icecrown.[51] Soon after the deaths of Herald Dalora and Nathanos Blightcaller, the leaderships of both the Horde and Alliance grouped with Bolvar and the Knights of the Ebon Blade and decided to send their champions to enter the Shadowlands in order rescue the recently captured Thrall, Baine Bloodhoof, Anduin Wrynn, and Jaina Proudmoore.[52] Subsequently, the Horde joined the war against the Jailer, during which they successfully rescued Thrall, Baine, and Jaina. Furthermore, each champion personally joined one of the four main Covenants of the Shadowlands and aided them in their conflicts. The Horde, Alliance, and the Covenant forces were ultimately victorious, with Zovaal being killed within the Sepulcher of the First Ones.
After Zovaal's defeat, the truce between the Alliance and Horde continued to hold. When the Dragon Isles were re-revealed to Azeroth, both factions sent a joint expedition to investigate.[53] During this time, the Horde gained the allegiance of the Dark Talons, a group of Dracthyr, following their awakening on the Forbidden Reach and joined the Aspects in their war against the Primalists. Following the war's conclusion with the death of Fyrakk, members of the Horde were amongst those that attended the celebratory party on Amirdrassil. In a historic move, Tyrande Whisperwind, allowed for Hamuul Runetotem, Bashana Runetotem, and Horde champions entry into Bel'ameth, the new night elven capital, in recognition of the Horde's aid in ensuring that Amirdrassil successfully bloomed unto Azeroth.
Horde forces later aided Tess Greymane and her people in reclaiming Gilneas from the Scarlet Crusade, while Horde champions aided in the defense of the Telogrus Rift against Xal'atath and her forces.
The War Within
When Dalaran came under attack by Xal'atath and the nerubians of Azj-Kahet, Horde forces aided in the defense of the city and its evacuation. Following Dalaran's destruction above the Isle of Dorn, the survivors found themselves fighting against a nerubian ambush on the Tranquil Strand,[54] and after Queensguard Zirix and his forces were driven off, they received sanctuary in Dornogal.[55] As Horde champions worked to unite the earthen, Thrall departed to Orgrimmar in order to gather Horde reinforcements in view of the conflict against the Harbinger.[56]
Ten days after the fall of Dalaran, Proudmoore Keep in Boralus hosted a joint meeting between several Alliance and Horde leaders who answered Thrall and Jaina Proudmoore's call, where they helped organize the strike force that they could take to Khaz Algar.[57]
Following the arrival of the Horde fleet, they were allowed to establish an embassy within Dornogal.[58] Even as the Horde and Alliance united to train the earthen for the battle ahead, tension and friction remained between them.[59] In time, the earthen were invited into both the Horde and Alliance,[60][61] While individual earthen joined the Horde, the Council of Dornogal sent Olbarig and Harmot to serve as their ambassadors and represent their people.
Orgrimmar is the capital of the Horde, and the Warchief of the Horde once stood as the undisputed leader. During the time of the warchief, they held dominion over the entire Horde,[62] maintained the faction and was able to declare war for the entire Horde, taking any precaution to ensure the stability and security of the Horde's member states, and had the final say in the induction of new Horde members. The Warchief often made use of Command Boards to order able-bodied citizens to join the war efforts of the Horde in different areas of Azeroth.
All members of the Horde have to swear a blood oath to join the faction and previously were obligated to follow the warchief's commands and support the warchief in war if the warchief calls upon them for aid. When it was active, the position of warchief could be attained by having the previous warchief chose a successor or challenging the current warchief to a Mak'gora: a prearranged duel with deadly weapons between two people following a formal procedure in the presence of witnesses and traditionally fought until one party yields or is killed, usually to settle a quarrel involving a point of honor. Above all else, the title warchief was granted to those who display strength and decisive action. The final warchief was Sylvanas Windrunner, who was challenged for the position by Varok Saurfang and abandoned the Horde after defeating him.
Each race within the Horde pledges a leader to represent them on the Horde's council, which has come to replace the warchief position. These representatives are typically the leaders of their people, though Lilian Voss was appointed as representative for the Forsaken[6] as they assessed their leadership crisis. The council members have the abilities of the previous warchief position, able to induct races into the Horde, deny them, as well as address leadership gaps for other factions within the Horde; such as Thrall appointing Monte Gazlowe to take over the position of Trade Prince of the Bilgewater Cartel.
Equal in size, the Horde also has its complexities, much like the Alliance. The core seven races of the Horde are the orcs, Darkspear trolls, tauren, undead, blood elves, goblins, and Huojin pandaren. This roster expanded in the periods leading up to, and during, the Fourth War, which saw the nightborne, Mag'har orcs of alternate Draenor, the Highmountain tauren, the Zandalari trolls, and vulpera join their ranks.
The Horde also has countless allies and smaller factions among the races of Azeroth that have joined them: the Revantusk forest trolls of the Hinterlands, the Stonemaul ogres and various individuals like the Mok'Nathal beastmaster Rexxar, the taunka of Northrend, and the hozen of Pandaria to name a few.
Before the tauren and trolls joined the Horde, the Horde was also called the Orcish Horde.[63] Although the Horde is a coalition of diverse races with different cultures, agendas, and values, one thing remains constant within the Horde: respect is earned by the blade.
The Horde makes no compromises when it comes to excellence,[64] and the power and ferocity of their warriors is legendary.[65] Misunderstood by many as evil, the Horde possesses a strong code of honor and strict laws for disobedience.[66]
Despite their somewhat monstrous appearance, the majority of the Horde is not evil; much like the Alliance, it is comprised of diverse factions and individuals who possess a wide range of values and virtues. Even so, there is one expectation that must be met when joining the Horde: regardless of gender or station, all are expected to pull their own weight and give their talents for the betterment of the Horde.[67] When weakness is a liability to the future of the Horde, it is the duty of the strong to usurp control from the incompetent and redeem the Horde. Lok'tar ogar! Victory or death - it is these words that bind one to the Horde. For they are the most sacred and fundamental of truths to any warrior of the Horde.[68] For the Horde, failure is not an option.
Culturally, orcs and tauren believe in redemption more than most other races on Azeroth and are willing to give almost anyone a chance, regardless of reputation. The Revantusk seem to have even accepted, (if not at least tolerate) their ancient enemy the blood elves. Largely because of these beliefs, a number of mortal races and many diverse factions can be found in service to the Horde.
- See also: Old Horde#Leadership
The Horde has traditionally been led by a Warchief; a singular leader who possesses the ultimate say over the decisions that impact the Horde as a faction. This warchief is the top general, politician and ultimate supreme leader of the Horde. While other leaders still possess power over their own nations and have even been shown to defy the warchief in the past, the ability to rally and lead the Horde as a whole is a privilege that the warchief alone possesses and is able to distribute under their power. This position was abolished in favor of the Horde Council following Sylvanas Windrunner's tenure as warchief. This was done as the Warchief held a dark legacy[5] that needed to end after Sylvanas' abuse of the position.[6]
As the exact phrasing used in the position's abolition was 'in a time of peace', it is unknown if the position will be used again if war should return.
- Horde
Warchief Thrall -
Warchief Garrosh Hellscream † -
Warchief Vol'jin † -
Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner -
Horde Council
- Orc clans
Warchief Thrall -
Warchief Garrosh Hellscream † -
High Overlord Varok Saurfang † -
Chieftain Thrall
- The Forsaken
Queen Sylvanas Windrunner -
Desolate Council † / Queen Sylvanas Windrunner
Queen Sylvanas Windrunner
Representative Lilian Voss -
The Desolate Council
- Thunder Bluff tauren tribes
High Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof † -
High Chieftain Baine Bloodhoof
- Darkspear tribe
Chieftain Vol'jin † -
Chieftain Rokhan
- Kingdom of Quel'Thalas
Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider † / Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron -
Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron
- Bilgewater Cartel
Trade Prince Jastor Gallywix -
Trade Prince Monte Gazlowe
- Huojin Pandaren
- Kingdom of Suramar
- Highmountain Tribe
High Chieftain Mayla Highmountain
- Mag'har clans
- Zandalari Empire
- Voldunai vulpera
Dark Talons
The Desolate Council,
Governing body of the ForsakenLor'themar Theron,
Regent Lord of Quel'ThalasJi Firepaw,
Master of the HuojinGeya'rah,
Overlord of the Mag'har ClansTalanji,
Queen of the Zandalari EmpireCindrethresh, Scalecommander of the Dark Talons
“I'll tell ya what de Horde is. De Horde that me an' Thrall built. It be a family. When de whole world try ta put us down, da family come an' pick us back up.”
The alliances which comprised the Horde in earlier times were never restored following their defeat in the Second War. Instead, the orcs forged new alliances that reflected their rediscovered shamanistic heritage, including the tauren and the Darkspear trolls. Even their pact with the undead Forsaken was based on compassion and a genuine desire to help the restless undead of Lordaeron.
The Horde in Kalimdor, which acts as the bulk of the Horde's forces, serve under the Warchief's leadership. They include most of the orcs, the tauren, the Darkspear trolls, the goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel, the Huojin Pandaren, and a number of less prominent races within the Horde - such as the Stonemaul ogres. The Horde in the Eastern Kingdoms, comprising of the Forsaken and the blood elves, act with more independence from the Kalimdor Horde but ultimately answers to the warchief out of necessity for the Horde's support. Following the third invasion of the Burning Legion, new allies of the Broken Isles join to the Horde, the Nightborne of Suramar and the Highmountain Tribe. These races all see the Horde differently. Some see it as an instrument of vengeance, hellbent to carve out a future for its people. Others see it as a refuge for those who need shelter, a commonwealth of the downtrodden, built for mutual support. While some view it as an alliance of convenience, a confederacy of unlikely partners free to pursue their own agendas.[72] Whatever their motivations, they are united to claim Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms for themselves in order to secure key provisions and supplies needed to support their people, and forcibly remove Alliance incursions from their own lands. This Horde is the result of the actions in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.
Nation of Durotar
Orcs - The surviving orcs of Azeroth's First, Second and Third Wars, who were released by Thrall from the Internment camps of Lordaeron and led by him to form their new destiny in Kalimdor while attempting to re-embrace their once honorable, shamanistic ways and fight the corruption of demonic magic. They founded their capital of Orgrimmar in Durotar, previously led by High Overlord Varok Saurfang. Their culture is split mostly between the orcs' warrior spirit and their shamanistic roots, which has recently wrought on a conflict between the younger and older generations. Dedicated to carving out an existence in a world that has come to largely revile them, the orcs have recently turned their attention to reinvigorated conquests. Ashenvale and Stonetalon were among their first targets, and ultimately Warchief Hellscream intended to unite the entirety of Azeroth under a single banner.[73] His campaign resulted in Garrosh's dethroning as Warchief.
- Led by Chieftain Thrall.
- Kor'kron - The elite fighting force of the Horde, once serving as the personal bodyguards of the Warchief and enforcers of their command, they now answer to the Horde Council. They can be considered the Horde's closest counterpart to the Alliance's 7th Legion.
- Led by General Talgar
The orcs in the Horde are from the following clans:
- Frostwolf clan - The Frostwolf clan is an orc clan that originally dwelled in the southwestern parts of Frostfire Ridge. Named for their close kinship with Frostfire's native frost wolves, the clan placed great value in the noble ideals of family and community and sought to live in harmony with the land. After crossing the Dark Portal many years ago, they are one of the few orcish clans left in the Eastern Kingdoms, the Frostwolf settled in the hidden Alterac Mountains after their exile by Gul'dan. However, the Stormpike dwarves later arrived to search for artifacts causing conflict between the two in Alterac Valley. The Frostwolf clan derived its symbol and name from its kinship with Frostfire Ridge's native frost wolves, whom the orcs hunted alongside, befriended, and even tamed as companions
- Warsong clan - A powerful warrior clan native to Nagrand that battle the night elves for dominance over Ashenvale.
- Led by Gorgonna
- Warsong Outriders – Following the Third War, those of the Warsong clan who invaded Ashenvale and began deforestation have not ceased their operation and have come into direct conflict with the Silverwing Sentinels.
- Led by Gargok.
- Warsong Outriders – Following the Third War, those of the Warsong clan who invaded Ashenvale and began deforestation have not ceased their operation and have come into direct conflict with the Silverwing Sentinels.
- Led by Gorgonna
- Blackrock clan - Many Blackrock orcs joined with Thrall under Orgrim and when he freed them from the internment camps. Notable individuals are Eitrigg and Varok Saurfang. Furthermore, the former Warchief Garrosh Hellscream granted the Blackrock clan of the Dark Horde led by Rend amnesty and recruited a formidable amount of them into the ranks of the Horde.
- Led by Eitrigg
- Bleeding Hollow clan - The clan returned to Draenor after the Second War, but as it was torn apart, some members crossed safely into Azeroth at the same time as the Warsong clan. They were captured and later rescued from the internment camps, and now they serve the new Horde. Additionally they have a notable presence in the Mag'har.
- Led by: Jorin Deadeye.
- Dragonmaw clan - The Dragonmaw residing in the Twilight Highlands joined the new Horde during the Cataclysm.[74]
- Led by Gorfax Angerfang.
- Shadowmoon clan - Scouts and peons are seen serving the New Horde at Shadowmoon Village.
- Burning Blade clan - The blademasters were once part of the Burning Blade, although the clan consumed itself in the throes of demonic corruption, these few swordsmen are still part of the Horde.
- Rageroar clan - A newly created clan that was assaulting Northwatch hold. It was almost destroyed at the end of the Alliance questline.[75] Later joined the Horde army in the Razing of Northwatch.[35]
- Led by Karga Rageroar.
- Shattered Hand - The Azerothian part of the clan have joined Thrall and serve as the Horde's guild of assassins admitting other races like trolls into the organization.
- Led by Thega Graveblade.
- Dire orc - A small number of these mutated orcs are found in the ranks of the main timeline orc nation, such as Ariok, Korm Bonegrind and a few others.
Darkspear tribe
Jungle trolls - The jungle trolls of the Darkspear Islands in the Great Sea have a very savage and dark history studying voodoo arts and worshiping the loa, however after Thrall had saved their tribe from extinction, Vol'jin son of Sen'jin pledged his tribe to the Horde and founded a new home on the Darkspear Isle of the Echo Isles off the coast of Durotar. Some trolls have now begun to study shamanism and more recently druidism, some of these trolls even mix shamanism with voodoo arts, most of the members of the tribe have or are attempting to give up the ways of cannibalism and the other traits of their race's darker history. After retaking much of their territory from the Kul Tiras marines and the treacherous Zalazane, the Darkspear have been invited to join a revitalized troll empire under the Zandalari's leadership - though Vol'jin declined this offer.
- Led by: Chieftain Rokhan.
- Atal-Mhuto - are the elite shadow hunter military group of the Darkspear trolls.[76]
- Ravasaur Trainers - They were a faction of trolls in Un'Goro Crater, part of an elite group of raptor riders that provided their mounts to members of the Horde who prove themselves able to survive the creature's poison.
Thunder Bluff tauren tribes
Tauren - The noble tauren of Kalimdor are a race that had hunted the lands of central Kalimdor for generations; however, when Thrall and his orcs had arrived onto the lands of Kalimdor they had already been driven near extinction by the marauding centaur that rampaged through their lands. Under the leadership of High Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof and the young Warchief Thrall, the tauren managed to drive back most of the centaur, and find a permanent home in Thunder Bluff. Since then, Cairne has pledged his people to the Horde, offering the orcs spiritual guidance and aid. After Cairne's death, Baine Bloodhoof has arisen to take his father's place and lead the tauren into a brighter future. With the recent Alliance incursion into the Barrens, the tauren have created a mighty gate to protect their homeland of Mulgore.
- Led by High Chieftain Baine Bloodhoof.
- Sunwalkers - Tauren paladins who take their power from An'she, the sun.
- Led by Aponi Brightmane.
- Seers - Tauren priests who take their power from An'she, the sun.
- Created by Tahu Sagewind.
The Tauren of the Horde come from various tribes:
- Bloodhoof tribe - The first tauren tribe to side with the Horde, they are led by Baine Bloodhoof in the wake of his father's death at the hands of Magatha Grimtotem.
- Led by Baine Bloodhoof.
- Ragetotem tribe - Proud warriors and the fiercest of Thunder Bluff.
- Dawnstrider tribe - Experienced enchanters and skilled shamans.
- Runetotem tribe - These tauren have recently discovered the ways of the druidism.
- Led by Hamuul Runetotem.
- Highmountain tribe - A tribe with several notable members who fought (and still fight) against the Burning Legion.
- Skychaser tribe - The spiritual leaders of the tauren. They were nearly wiped out during the Grimtotem coup to take over Thunder Bluff.
- Thunderhorn tribe - Most of the Thunderhorn tribe are hunters, the greatest among the tauren.
- Cloudsong tribe – They picked up the role of spiritual leaders of the tauren shamans after the Skychaser tribe was nearly wiped out.
- Eagletalon tribe – This tribe hunts harpies in Mulgore.
- Mistrunner tribe – The Mistrunners are dedicated to the druidic path and seeks to heal the earth and ease the suffering of the Earthmother.
- Stonehoof tribe – The Stonehoof are the most talented smiths among the tauren.
- Led by: Unknown
- Wildmane tribe – This tribe has largely joined the Runetotem in seeking the ways of the druid.
- Winterhoof tribe – The Winterhoof tribe represents some of the greatest herbalists and alchemists the tauren have to offer.
- Stonespire tribe - A tauren tribe that lived in the Southern Barrens. Most were killed by the forces of Bael'dun Keep but there are a few survivors.
- Cliffwalker tribe - A tribe based in Cliffwalker Post with strong ties to druidism.
- Led by High Chieftain Cliffwalker.
- Dawnchaser tribe - A tribe of Horde tauren from Thunder Bluff that have come to Pandaria. One of their main outposts in Pandaria is located in the Krasarang Wilds at Thunder Cleft.
- Led by Chieftain Dezco.
- Grimtotem tribe - The Grimtotem tauren who survived the battle at Thunder Bluff, chose to follow Jevan Grimtotem and join the Horde.
- Led by Jevan Grimtotem. Formerly led by Magatha Grimtotem.
The Forsaken
Forsaken - The Horde of the Eastern Kingdoms was initially next to non-existent, with only the Frostwolf orcs and other smaller forces in operation around the continent. In recent years, however, the Horde's presence has been bolstered by the inclusion of the Forsaken of Eastern Kingdoms and the blood elves of Quel'Thalas. While considered members of the Horde, their bonds with the western Horde are perhaps not on the same level as the orcs, trolls, and tauren.
The Forsaken were once part of the Scourge, forced into mindless servitude under the Lich King. After the Lich King's grip began to weaken, the banshee queen Sylvanas Windrunner broke free from his will, and went on to both free and rally other undead beings to join her own empire of undeath, dubbed the "Forsaken." Under Lady Sylvanas' leadership, the Forsaken used any means necessary to conquer the fallen kingdom and remove both the dreadlords and other foes threatening their dominion. After expelling the Scourge from the capital city and massacring the last remaining holdouts of the Alliance, they took over the catacombs of the former capital in Tirisfal Glades, founding a capital of their own called the Undercity.
With the backing of the tauren, Thrall warily accepted the Forsaken into the Horde, though this alliance of convenience has been tested - great betrayal at the hands of Grand Apothecary Putress has put the Forsaken on a tight leash, made tighter by his successor's less lenient stance on their modus operandi. Following Vol'jin's ascension to Warchief and especially once Sylvanas Windrunner took the reins of power, this increased scrutiny has all but evaporated. The group also consists of other undead creatures, such as abominations.
- Led by the Desolate Council.
- Royal Apothecary Society - A faction of Forsaken alchemists trying to create a new plague to wipe out the Scourge and, perhaps, humanity.[77]
- Led by Master Apothecary Faranell. Formerly led by Grand Apothecary Putress.
- Leper gnome - A few leper gnomes had sworn fealty to Sylvanas and continue after her betrayal to act as assistants to the apothecaries.
- Queensguard - An army formerly led by Warchief Sylvanas in the Broken Isles. They are located in Highmountain, Val'sharah, and Stormheim and consist primarily of the Forsaken.
- Formerly Led by Sylvanas Windrunner.
- Deathguard - The bulk of the Forsaken military force. They are mostly stationed in the Tirisfal Glades, Silverpine Forest, and the Hillsbrad Foothills, as well as Forsaken outposts in Northrend.
- Dreadguard - The elite soldiers of Forsaken military. They guard strategically important areas in Lordaeron.
- Defilers – A force of Forsaken sent to gather the resources of Arathi Basin, found themselves fighting a vicious war with the League of Arathor, humans who are native to the Arathi Highlands who in turn are fighting to gather resources for the Alliance.
- Led by The Black Bride.
- Hand of Vengeance - A group of Forsaken forces that have been sent to Northrend by Sylvanas Windrunner to bring Undercity's vengeance upon the Lich King. Their method is the delivery of the latest strain of their deadly Plague.
- Cult of the Forgotten Shadow - The official Forsaken religion. There is no official leader but some minor characters have a major influence over it.
- Deathstalkers - The Forsaken military faction of assassins and rogues.
- Shadowstalkers - The most elite assassins from ranks of the Forsaken. They were sent to Northrend to help Horde Expedition.
- Led by Deathstalker Commander Belmont
- Executors - Military leaders of Forsaken army and overseers over their towns.
- Led by Grand Executor Mortuus (presumed)
The Forsaken employ various different types of undead.
- Skeleton - Forsaken necromancers are known to summon skeletons to battle.
- Darkfallen - Various former high elven citizens continue to serve the Forsaken after the Banshee Queen's betrayal.
- Banshee - Sylvanas had many banshee allies and is known as the banshee queen.
- Abomination - The Forsaken keep a large amount of abominations in their service.
- Ghoul - Sylvanas used ghouls in conquering the Ruins of Lordaeron.
- Zombie - The Forsaken have zombies within their ranks such as Algernon and Boyle.
- Wraith - Ophelia Montague was a banker in the Undercity, and during the Fourth War wraiths that haunted Dun Garok were enslaved by the Forsaken.
- Gargoyle - The Forsaken were seen employing gargoyles in their fight against the night elves in Darkshore.[78]
- Geist - The Forsaken were seen employing geist in their fight against the night elves in Darkshore.
- Undead night elf - These former night elves chose to accept rebirth at the hands of the Val'kyr.[79]
- Flesh beast - The Forsaken used one, Gorerot, in the invasion of Gilneas[80]
- Plague Eruptor - The Forsaken are seen employing them during Faction Assaults on Tiragarde Sound.[81][82]
Kingdom of Quel'Thalas
Blood elf - The sin'dorei of Quel'Thalas preside over the other major kingdom of the Eastern Horde from their capital of Silvermoon City in Eversong Woods. After the Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas essentially culled the high elven race during the Third War, with over 90% of their people killed, the remaining 10% vowed to avenge the destruction of their once-great nation and dubbed themselves the "blood elves" in honor of their fallen brethren. The blood elves worked tirelessly to reclaim their homeland from lingering Scourge and the ever-vengeful Amani tribe, with the volatile new powers the magisters advocated, the kingdom of Quel'Thalas was offered aid from an unlikely source - the Forsaken, whose queen, Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, a former Ranger-general of Silvermoon who had lost her life during the Scourge invasion. With their assistance, the blood elves were able to fend off the lingering Scourge in the kingdom and were able to enter the Horde as an equal nation of its own.
Quel'Thalas suffered another dark hour in recent years when its twisted scion Kael'thas Sunstrider attacked his homeland in a mad bid to usher the Burning Legion's master into Azeroth. He was put to death for this on Quel'Danas, and Lor'themar Theron has thus become the sole leader of the blood elven people. With the Sunwell restored and the monumental betrayal of their prince behind them, a bright future now lies ahead for the blood elves of Quel'Thalas.[83] Following the Battle for Lordaeron, they are one of the final bastions of Horde power left within the Eastern Kingdoms.
- Led by Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron.
- Magisters - The primary magic users of Quel'Thalas.
- Led by Grand Magister Rommath.
- Farstriders - The ancient order of Thalassian rangers. Now blood elves, they are dedicated to safeguarding their homeland from any and all threats, near and far while maintaining the old, nature-revering ways of their people.
- Led by Ranger-general Halduron Brightwing.
- Blood Knights - Silvermoon's order of blood elf paladins formed after the capture of the Naaru M'uru at Tempest Keep. Once, they drained power from the Naaru but, after the events at the Sunwell Plateau during the invasion of Outland, the Naaru's spark transformed the Sunwell into a font of Holy Light from which these paladins could draw power.
- Led by Lady Liadrin.
- The Sunsworn - A military force of blood elves on Draenor. Headed by the Blood Knights, they have combined forces with rangers and magi and based themselves in Talador. They have also deployed the blood elves' recently-acquired blood golem technology.
- The Sunreavers - A faction of blood elves who represented the Horde in Dalaran. Named after their leader, the Sunreavers sought to have the blood elves admitted as members of the Kirin Tor, and joined the Horde Expedition in Northrend. They were eventually forced to leave the city some time later after Jaina Proudmoore came into power.
- Led by Aethas Sunreaver
- The Sunreaver Onslaught - The Sunreaver Onslaught is the Horde reputation faction introduced in Patch 5.2. It is personally led by Lor'themar Theron, Regent Lord of Quel'Thalas, and bears the namesake of the Sunreavers.
- Led by Lor'themar Theron
- The Sunfury - A ruthless blood elven military force once under the command of Prince Kael'thas. Many have since returned home to Quel'Thalas, following the betrayal of their prince for the Burning Legion.[84]
- The Reliquary - A group of examiners and archaeologists out to give the Horde a monopoly on magical artifacts.
- Led by Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher.
- The Blood Hawks - The guards of Eversong Woods.
- Led by Aeldon Sunbrand.
- They also have holdings in the Ghostlands, alongside the Forsaken and an encampment in Hellfire Peninsula in Outland, to support blood elf pilgrims traveling through the Dark Portal from Azeroth. The Reliquary has a number of blood elven camps in and adjacent to the Badlands, Tanaris, and the Blasted Lands.
Bilgewater Cartel
Goblins - The cunning Bilgewater Cartel goblins from Kezan, one of the most (if not the most) powerful goblin cartels that dominates trade in the south seas, have recently joined the Horde. After Deathwing assaulted Kezan and the goblins were forced to flee, their first escape ships were attacked by an Alliance fleet in the Battle of the Lost Isles. With a common enemy, the goblins assisted the captive former Warchief Thrall in breaking his bonds and obliterating the Alliance on the Lost Isles. Their future was tested when their leader, the angered Trade Prince Gallywix, attempted to defeat Thrall and take over Azshara for himself, though this ultimately ended in failure. Thrall mercifully allowed him to retain his position as Trade Prince, and thus the Bilgewater goblins were accepted into the Horde, founding Bilgewater Harbor in the heavily-reshaped Azshara and the Goblin Slums of Orgrimmar led by Boss Mida
- Led by Trade Prince Monte Gazlowe.
- Bilgewater Battalion - The new army and defense force of the Bilgewater Cartel of goblins created after the cartel pledged allegiance to the Horde.
- Led by Uncle Bedlam.
- Gob Squad - The Gob Squad is an elite goblin squadron working for the Bilgewater Cartel.
- Led by Patch.
- Hobgoblins - Huge chemically altered goblins have come with the goblins. In-game goblins can summon them to access the bank.
Huojin Pandaren
Pandaren - These pandaren who hail from the Wandering Isle follow the path of the Huojin, a philosophy among the pandaren that inaction is the greatest injustice, and that there is no shame in defending one's homes and loved ones regardless of cost. Those pandaren who follow the path of Huojin are allies of the Horde, and are represented and led by the intrepid Ji Firepaw, a staunch adherent of this philosophy.[85]
The Huojin are quick to act and quicker to fight for what they believe in. Impulsive and practical, they feel that the ends can justify the means.[85] These followers now integrated into the Horde community and have a small base of operations in Orgrimmar's Valley of Honor.
- Led by Master Ji Firepaw
Kingdom of Suramar
Nightborne - The shal'dorei are a powerful and mystical race of night elves who live in Suramar City in Suramar. Since the city was first separated from the rest of the world over 10,000 years ago, isolated behind a protective barrier, they have evolved by the Nightwell into an arcane-enhanced version of their former selves, and in the process, grew increasingly dependent upon its arcane magic. To protect this font of power, the leaders of the nightborne struck a bargain with the Burning Legion that plunged their kingdom into civil war. After fighting for freedom from their demonic masters, the nightborne seek allies to help them reclaim their place in the world.
After the death of Grand Magistrix Elisande and the end of the third invasion of the Burning Legion, the shal'dorei wished to rejoin the world. After a harsh exchange between Thalyssra and Tyrande Whisperwind, and an offer of mutual friendship from Lady Liadrin, the shal'dorei leader decided that it would be best to ally with the Horde, who share ideals similar to those of the nightborne.[86]
- Led by First Arcanist Thalyssra.
- The Duskwatch - The primary body responsible for maintaining law and order in the city of Suramar. Boasting a wide array of skilled mages and warriors alike, the Duskwatch represents the bulk of Nightborne armed forces.
- Led by First Arcanist Thalyssra and secondarily by First Blade Victoire.
Highmountain tauren tribes
Highmountain tauren - The Highmountain tauren are found in the region of Highmountain on the Broken Isles in their capital of Thunder Totem. Divided into four tribes (Highmountain, Rivermane, Skyhorn and Bloodtotem), they are the direct descendants of the tauren led by Huln Highmountain who assisted the Kaldorei Resistance during the War of the Ancients.[87] During the war, Huln received a blessing from Cenarius, so that his people would forever have the demigod's favor, granting them the Horns of Eche'ro: moose-like antlers.[88] The Highmountain tauren honor the spirits of earth, river, and sky.
- Highmountain Tribe - The dominant tribe of the Highmountain tauren of the Broken Isles, they are led by Mayla Highmountain.
- Led by Mayla Highmountain.
- Rivermane tribe - They are a highly peaceful and diplomatic tribe, focused on fishing, agriculture, and shamanism. In exchange for protection and equipment, they provide the other tribes with food and healing.[89]
- Led by Jale Rivermane
- Skyhorn tribe - A proud people, the Skyhorn sports some of the greatest pathfinders and hunters Azeroth has ever known.
- Led by Lasan Skyhorn.
- Bloodtotem tribe - During third invasion of the Burning Legion the Bloodtotem pledged their allegiance to the Burning Legion and became Fel Totem. However, in the aftermath of the Legion's defeat on Argus, Bloodtotem who rejected to serve the Legion have emerged and rejoined their people at Thunder Totem.
- Led by: Unknown
Mag'har Clans
Mag'har orc - The Mag'har are a noble race with a shamanistic tradition cultivating a mighty tribal society that was centered around survival, regulating themselves through ritualized combat and personal honor. For untold generations, the orc clans of Draenor battled one another in endless war, but when Gul'dan offered them the blood of his demonic masters, the disparate tribes of Mag'har — the orcish word for "uncorrupted" — refused the dark bargain and banded together to drive out the Burning Legion, after their victory, the clans stood united as one tribe under the leadership of Grommash Hellscream.
After their escape from Draenor and their Warchief's sacrifice against the fanatical crusade of the Lightbound, the clans pledged their loyalty to the Horde.
Amid the armistice at the end of the Fourth War, the Mag'har Clans were granted Hammerfall in the Arathi Highlands as a place for their people to make a fresh start on Azeroth.
- Led by Overlord Geya'rah.
- Blackrock clan - A disciplined, organized, and militaristic clan who boast expert smiths and metalworkers. Well-armored, they utilize brute strength and weaponry to destroy their foes.
- Led by: Unknown
- Bleeding Hollow clan - A fanatical and crude clan who fight with a berserker fury and gain the boon of prophecy from their elders, who sacrifice an eye to see into the future.
- Led by: Unknown
- Burning Blade clan - A powerful clan known for their deadly blademasters.
- Led by: Unknown
- Frostwolf clan - A strong, close-knit clan renowned for their prowess as one-on-one combatants and their bond with wolves only adds to their strength, though their numbers remain smaller than most clans. The clan spends much of their time in Frostfire Ridge, they migrate to Nagrand with the seasons.
- Led by: Unknown
- Laughing Skull clan - Known for their violent and bloodthirsty nature, these orcs take great pride in their clan identity. In an attempt to avoid extinction from the Iron Horde, the Laughing Skulls have allied with the Frostwolves and the Horde.
- Led by Kaz the Shrieker (presumed)
- Shadowmoon clan - A highly spiritual clan, they have always spoken the language of the stars and the earth.
- Led by: Unknown
- Shattered Hand clan - They are sadistic warriors who maim their bodies, perhaps in a show of solidarity or perhaps because they simply enjoy the pain.
- Led by: Unknown
- Thunderlord clan - The clan is known for their excellent hunters, who are specialized in hunting down (and even taming) rylaks and other beasts, and even gronn and magnaron.
- Led by: Unknown
- Warsong clan - A warlike orcish clan, their war cries inspire their allies and strike fear into all those who dare get in their way.
- Led by: Unknown
- Stonemaul clan - This clan of ogres was subdued by the Mag'har to further strengthen their forces
- Gronn - The Mag'har have managed to subjugate and strapping great cannons to their backs using harnesses engineered in such a way that the gronn hardly notice the weight and can fire the cannons at will.
- Gronnling - The Mag'har have managed to subjugate them to strengthen their army.
- Ogron - The Mag'har have managed to subjugate them to strengthen the might of their army.
- Goren - The Mag'har have managed to subjugate them to strengthen their army and fight in the defense of Zuldadar.
- Dire wolf - These wolves are preferred by the Mag'har for their ferocity, loyalty, and for something to snuggle on those cool winter nights.
- Clefthoof - The Mag'har bred clefthooves not only as sturdy pack animals but also powerful instruments of war.
Zandalari Empire
Zandalari troll- The Zandalari trolls in Dazar'alor of Zuldazar are a powerful and superstitious tribe descended from the first troll tribes, they settled on the highest peaks of this mountain range populated with loa, where they built crude shrines that eventually became the massive temple city of Zuldazar. These trolls are scholarly and value knowledge; they preserve troll history but are also deeply steeped in ritual and superstition. They are also masters of war and strategy, having led the trolls in many battles before, and having for many millennia tamed massive dinosaurs.[90] Currently they possess one of the most formidable fleets in the known world, using it in their work to further the goals of troll society as a whole. But as enemies encroach upon the borders of Zuldazar, unrest within the king's council threatens to topple the empire.
- Led by Queen Talanji.
- Zanchuli Council - The council advises the ruler of the Zandalari Empire, and ensures their every command is executed upon.
- Led by: Unknown
- Zandalari army - The army has been an integral part of the survival of the empire throughout the many events following the Cataclysm.
- Led by Queen Talanji and secondarily by General Rakera.
- Golden Fleet - Is the maritime military force of the Zandalari Empire.
- Led by Queen Talanji.
- Talanji's Expedition - An expeditionary force of Zandalari led by Princess Talanji into Nazmir enable to find a way to stop the blood troll threat. They are aided by Horde forces in the form of Darkspear led by Rokhan and the Gob Squad.
- Led by Princess Talanji
- Blood tick - Talanji's Expedition re-trained blood ticks to serve as mounts.[91]
- Dire troll - Among the military of Zandalar are the elite dire trolls. These trolls are warriors who have perfected their arts, traded portions of their lives for the dark gift of brutal strength, and serve Zandalar as her greatest weapons of war.
- Scorched Sands tribe - A group of Zandalari troll outcasts that once made their home within Vol'dun. The tribe sought only to live in peace, but due to being constantly harassed by the thugs of Mojambo they turned to the Horde. At an unknown point in time, their exile was ended and they were welcomed back into their homes by Talanji.[92]
- Led by Razgaji.
Voldunai vulpera
Vulpera - The vulpera in Vol'dun are a keen and intelligent race of nomadic scavengers capable of turning what they find into opportunities to thrive.[93] They travel in caravans, scavenging for supplies, trading where they can,[94] and spreading information they pick up along the way.[93] Dwelling in Vol'dun, the vulpera can't afford to waste resources. Over time, they have learned to take anything that looks even remotely useful and be creative using what they have,[95] and they have learned to recognize value wherever it hides in the desert.[96] Eager to join the ranks of the Horde, their caravans have departed from the dunes in search of adventure.
- Led by Kiro.
Dark Talons weyrn
Dracthyr - Where the enemies of the Earth-Warder tread, the Dark Talons shall harrow their skies, crush their will, and topple their leaders, denying the black dragonflight's enemies solace in walls and borders. For every talon in their ranks, they strike down ten of their foes from behind. This weyrn, currently under the authority of the Scalecommander Cindrethresh, trained to be the elite force that shall be feared by all enemies of the black dragonflight.[97]
- Led by Scalecommander Cindrethresh.
Awakened earthen
Earthen - The titan-forged earthen once toiled under the edicts of the titans to shape Azeroth itself. The earthen of Khaz Algar, aided by the efforts of outsiders, were revitalized by the Hall of Awakening after it was restored by Magni Bronzebeard.[98] These earthen who have awoken from the Hall have found themselves imbued the magic of the Worldsoul itself and have been given new freedoms that were never available to them.[99][100] They now pledge service to the Alliance or Horde to learn more about Azeroth for their people.[101][102][103] Unlike other races, the Awakened earthen are still neutral, allowing earthen to individually pledge their allegiances as they see fit.
- Led by the Council of Dornogal
Horde forces
While a huge portion of the Horde's military power consists of representatives from the faction's member states, there are also several examples of organizations within the Horde which do not belong to any of the member states and instead of answering to a particular racial leader, they are organized by the leader of the Horde, the Warchief, and their advisors. However, while these organizations are not tied directly to any of the member states, the sub-organizations within them are often sent by one of the member states.
Thrallmar - is the name for the Horde expeditionary forces to Outland, who quickly found many native allies. Consist of all the Horde races. The expedition's settlements are scattered all over Outland's zones, except Nagrand and Netherstorm.
- Led by Nazgrel.
Horde Expedition - The military umbrella organization overseeing the Horde forces that have established themselves throughout Northrend, formerly unified under Garrosh Hellscream who had been chosen to lead the expedition by the Warchief.
- Warsong Offensive - The main forces of the Horde in Northrend. It is named after the clan, but not a part of it.
- Led by: Unknown.
- Kor'kron Guard - the elite fighting forces of the Warsong Offensive in Northrend.
- Hand of Vengeance - A group of Forsaken forces that have been sent to Northrend by Sylvanas Windrunner to bring Undercity's vengeance upon the Lich King. Their method is the delivery of the latest strain of their deadly Plague.
- The Taunka - Ancient relatives of the tauren, were thought to be lost until re-discovered by Garrosh Hellscream and his orc forces upon their arrival to Northrend. They are welcomed into the Horde soon after their leader is rescued.
- Led by Roanauk Icemist
- Sunreavers - Former blood elven members of the Kirin Tor, named for their leader, Aethas Sunreaver. The Horde, traditionally barred from Dalaran, was allowed entry into the city due to the Sunreaver's efforts. However, they were, later, expelled from the city. Now they fight as a part of the Sunreaver Onslaught to strengthen the might of Quel'Thalas.
- Led by Aethas Sunreaver
Krom'gar - An army named after it's leader, Krom'gar, given by Garrosh Hellscream with the intention to conquer the Stonetalon Mountains. Following the end of the questline, it is implied the army is dissolved entirely.
- Previously led by Overlord Krom'gar
Hellscream's Reach - An elite Horde regiment comprised solely of veterans of multiple tours of duty. Handpicked by Garrosh himself, he has commanded them to take complete control of Tol Barad.
- Led by Garrosh Hellscream until his deposal. Current leader unknown.
Dominance Offensive - The major Horde force for the Pandaria campaign.
- Led by Garrosh Hellscream until his deposal. Current leader unknown.
Vol'jin's Spear - Horde forces in Ashran, stationed at Warspear.
- Led by High Warlord Volrath.
Vol'jin's Headhunters - Horde forces in Tanaan Jungle, stationed at Vol'mar.
Honorbound - Special force of the Horde army tasked with disrupting Alliance operations within Kul Tiras.
- Led by Nathanos Blightcaller until he joined Sylvanas in abandoning the Horde. Current leader unknown.
Other members and allies
Stonemaul clan - This faction joined the Horde after Rexxar bested Kor'gall in a duel for the leadership of the clan. After, Rexxar disappeared into the Barren wilderness and made the ogre Mok'Morokk the leader of the clan. Although Mok'Morokk fell prey to temptations of power after Rexxar's departure and so the Stonemaul Village, actual former capital of the clan, was raided by Onyxia's brood. Mok’Morokk led the clan to Brackenwall Village, current capital, where he ruled unquestioned until an unknown challenger drove him out.
- Currently many support Tharg as a new leader.
Dunemaul clan - Shortly after the shattering the Dunemaul band joined the Horde due to the efforts of Megs Dreadshredder and the Dunemaul "Emissary" who are stationed at the Dunemaul Recruitment Camp.
- Organized by Megs Dreadshredder.
Revantusk tribe - Situated in the Hinterlands, this tribe was allied with the Old Horde and still was loyal to their allies even after the Second War. The moment they heard about the creation of the new Horde this tribe once again allied themself with the Horde. At Elder Torntusk's return, the Revantusk have joined the Horde as full members.
- Led by Primal Torntusk and her husband Elder Torntusk.
Shatterspear tribe - Personally recruited by Garrosh Hellscream to fight against the night elves.[104] Mostly situated in the Shatterspear Village. After they helped the Horde during the War of the Thorns, the tribe was attacked in retaliation by the night elf forces. They are rebuilding the village since the end of the Fourth War, in hopes that the tribe can ever answer the Horde's call.[105]
- Led by: Ohseso.
The Mag'har of Outland - Mag'har orcs are orcs from various clans that escaped corruption and remained in Outland throughout all three wars.
- Led by Greatmother Geyah. Secondary leadership include Jorin Deadeye.
The Taunka - Ancient relatives of the tauren, were thought to be lost until re-discovered by Garrosh Hellscream and his orc forces upon their arrival to Northrend. They are welcomed into the Horde soon after their leader is rescued.
- Led by Roanauk Icemist.
Grookin tribe - A faction of hozen that has made their home in Jade Forest and was in constant war against the Jinyu. They find themselves allied with the Horde after the Horde gains their favor by rescuing some of their members, sating their appetite for fish, and killing some of their most fearsome enemies. Armed and equipped by the Horde, this tribe of hozen are recruited to fight the Horde's war against the Alliance.
- Led by Chief Kah Kah.
Slingtail tribe - A smaller tribe of hozen that lives in southern Jade Forest and was recruited into the Horde together with the Grookin tribe.
- Led by Chief Gukgut.
Unshackled - A faction of former naga slaves found in Nazjatar. An oppressed group consisting of gilgoblins, makrura, murlocs, and sea giants, these refugees have banded together to rise up and seize their freedom. When Horde forces arrive in Nazjatar, they ally with the Unshackled against the naga while the Alliance befriends the Waveblade Ankoan. Unshackled Mercenaries are gilgoblins that are troops that participate in various War Campaign missions.
- Led by Neri Sharpfin.
Centaur - During the unification of the centaur under the rule of Aratas, a single member of their race, Dorthar has joined the ranks of the Horde and helped his new allies to defeat the centaur.
Although not officially part of the Horde, the following groups have allied themselves with the Horde:
- Mok'Nathal clan- This clan of hunters and beastmasters were discovered by Rexxar during his activities in Outland. After being impressed by Horde adventurers, they agree to aid the Horde.
- Led by Leoroxx.
- Jellyneck's tribe - Another, seemingly Jungle Troll, aids the Horde in the Twilight Highlands; oddly, they are native to the region.[106]
- Led by Jon-Jon Jellyneck.
- Eastwind Rest - After being aided in retaking their town, the pandaren of Eastwind Rest have joined the Horde.
- Led by Elder Shiao and Farmhand Ko.
- Honeydew Village - Though not officially aligned with the Horde. The villagers of Honeydew Village appear affiliated with the Horde and grant Horde members sanctuary in their village.
- Led by Mayor Honeydew.
- Zandalari Exiles - These exiles from the Zandalari Empire use their knowledge of the sands to thrive where others would wither and die.
- Fogsail Freebooters - A pirate group found in Kul Tiras. They allow the Horde to use their base of Plunder Harbor as a foothold on the island after the Horde helped Owings pull a mutiny on the previous captain Rhenik for wanting to sell the crew out to the Ashvane Trading Company.[107]
- Led by Captain Owings.
These factions listed are not full members of the Horde but subjugated servants.
- Boulderslide - They became servants of the Horde thanks to the efforts of Subjugator Devo.[108][109]
- Led by Subjugator Devo.
- Ettin - Both the Forsaken and the Horde at large have managed to subjugate and utilize some of ettins to haul their wagons through Silverpine Forest and other regions.
- Black dragons - The Dragonmaw have enslaved members of the Black Dragonflight to serve them as mounts.
- Led by Warlord Zaela.
- Magnataur - Garrosh domesticated many by holding their young hostage.
- Gronn - During the reign of Garrosh, the Horde has subjugated several gronns of Outland.
- Kraken - Garrosh used eight kraken to defend Bladefist Bay from an Alliance naval assault.[35]
- Wendigo - During the Fourth War the Horde enslaved at least one wendigo.[110]
Former members and allies
- See also: Old Horde#Members and allies
Dreadmaul - After losing Dreadmaul Hold a portion of the Dreadmaul tribe have become slaves to the conquering Horde forces while another portion of the clan fight to reclaim their former home.[111] Some still remain and continue to fight the Horde for their home. They have managed to break free by allying themselves with the Iron Horde.
- Led at the time by Okrilla.
The Dustbelcher band - These ogres were hired to assist the Horde, but betrayed them.[112]
- Led by: Boss Tho'grun
Witherbark tribe - Joined the Horde sometime after the Third War, but betrayed Thrall, bringing on the wrath of the Darkspear tribe.[113]
- Led by: Unknown
Magram clan - They allied with the Horde during Year 25 to suppress the other centaur clans and kill Theradras.[114]
- Led by: Unknown
San'layn - This group of San'layn entered into an agreement with Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner during the Fourth War, in which they would have a home within the Horde as long as they proved themselves and respected the hierarchy of authority within the Horde.[115] They were ultimately defeated and their leader killed by the Alliance.[116]
- Led at the time by Blood Prince Dreven
Val'kyr - Following the death of the Lich King, many Val'kyr swore fealty to Sylvanas and raised slain enemies as Forsaken. Ultimately loyal and bound to Sylvanas, the Val'kyr followed their mistress following her betrayal of the Forsaken and the Horde at large.
- Led by: Sylvanas Windrunner
Bases of operations
Capital cities
Base of operations Location Status Orgrimmar Northern Durotar Active Darkspear Isle Central Echo Isles Active Thunder Bluff Northern Mulgore Active Undercity Southern Tirisfal Glades Plagued Silvermoon City Northern Eversong Woods Active Bilgewater Harbor Central Azshara Active Suramar City Southern Suramar Active Thunder Totem Central Highmountain Active Dazar'alor Central Zuldazar Active Vulpera Hideaway Eastern Vol'dun Active Hammerfall Northeastern Arathi Highlands Active Base of operations Location Status Bloodhoof Village Central Mulgore Active Bloodvenom Post Central Western Felwood Destroyed Irontree Clearing Northern Felwood Active Brackenwall Village Northwestern Dustwallow Marsh Active Stonemaul Village Dustwallow Marsh Destroyed Camp Mojache Eastern Feralas Active Camp Taurajo Central Southern Barrens Destroyed Crossroads Northern Barrens Active Desolation Hold Southern Barrens Active Krom'gar Fortress Stonetalon Mountains Active Razor Hill Central Durotar Active Sen'jin Village Southern Durotar Active Shadowprey Village Southern Desolace Active Southwind Village Eastern Silithus Active Splintertree Post Eastern Ashenvale Active Stonemaul Hold Western Feralas Active Sun Rock Retreat Central Stonetalon Mountains Active Westreach Summit Northwestern Thousand Needles Active Dunemaul Compound Tanaris Active Zoram'gar Outpost Northwest Ashenvale Active Shatterspear Vale Northeastern Darkshore Active Shatterspear War Camp North Darkshore Active Kor'gar Southeastern Darkshore Active Base of operations Location Status Andorhal Western Plaguelands Active Ar'gorok Northwestern Arathi Highlands Destroyed Brill Central Tirisfal Glades Active Dragonmaw Port Eastern Twilight Highlands Active Bloodgulch Central Twilight Highlands Active The Krazzworks Northeastern Twilight Highlands Active Falconwing Square Ruins of Silvermoon Active Sunstrider Isle Northwestern Eversong Woods Active Frostwolf Keep Alterac Valley Active Ruins of Alterac Central-western Alterac Mountains Active Grom'Gol Northern Stranglethorn Active Bambala Northern Stranglethorn Active Hardwrench Hideaway Cape of Stranglethorn Active Go'Shek Farm Eastern Arathi Highlands Active New Kargath Northwestern Badlands Active Okril'lon Hold Northwestern Blasted Lands Captured Revantusk Village Southeastern Hinterlands Active Jintha'Alor Southeastern Hinterlands Active Sepulcher Central Silverpine Forest Active Fenris Keep Eastern Silverpine Forest Active Sunwell Central Isle of Quel'Danas Active Sun's Reach Northern Isle of Quel'Danas Active Tarren Mill Northern Hillsbrad Foothills Active Sludge Fields Western Hillsbrad Foothills Active Dun Garok Southeastern Hillsbrad Foothills Active Tranquillien Ghostlands Active Base of operations Location Status Thrallmar Hellfire Peninsula Active Falcon Watch Western Hellfire Peninsula Active Mag'har Post Northwestern Hellfire Peninsula Active Garadar Northern Nagrand Active Mok'Nathal Village Eastern Blade's Edge Mountains Active Shadowmoon Village Shadowmoon Valley Active Stonebreaker Hold Central Terokkar Forest Active Thunderlord Stronghold Blade's Edge Mountains Active Zabra'jin Western Zangarmarsh Active Swamprat Post Northeastern Zangarmarsh Active -
Base of operations Location Status Agmar's Hammer Western Dragonblight Active Icemist Village Western Dragonblight Captured Kor'kron Vanguard northern Dragonblight Active Camp Tunka'lo Eastern Storm Peaks Active Conquest Hold Western Grizzly Hills Active Camp Oneqwah Eastern Grizzly Hills Active New Agamand Southern Howling Fjord Active Halgrind Southern Howling Fjord Plagued Taunka'le Village Borean Tundra Captured Vengeance Landing Eastern Howling Fjord Active Venomspite Eastern Dragonblight Active Warsong Hold Southern Borean Tundra Active Garrosh's Landing Western Borean Tundra Captured Base of operations Location Status Domination Point Southwestern Krasarang Wilds Active Eastwind Rest Southeast Kun-Lai Summit Active Serpent's Spine Horde Tower Southwest Kun-Lai Summit Active Strongarm Airstrip Northern Jade Forest Abandoned Grookin Hill Western Jade Forest Active Camp Nooka Nooka Northwest Jade Forest Active Garrosh'ar Point Southern Jade Forest Destroyed Twinspire Keep Southwestern Jade Forest Abandoned Shrine of Two Moons Northeastern Vale of Eternal Blossoms Active Thunder Cleft Eastern Krasarang Wilds Active Dawnseeker Promontory Northwestern Isle of Thunder Active Base of operations Location Status Axefall Spires of Arak Unknown Beastwatch Southern Gorgrond Unknown Broken Horn Village Northern Gorgrond Unknown Frostwall Frostfire Ridge Abandoned Bladespire Citadel Western Frostfire Ridge Unknown Riverside Post Western Nagrand Unknown Sunsworn Camp Southeastern Talador Unknown Vol'jin's Pride Northeastern Talador Unknown Vol'mar Eastern Tanaan Jungle Unknown Warspear Northern Ashran Unknown Wor'var Eastern Nagrand Unknown Base of operations Location Status Dreadwake's Landing Stormheim Active Nighthold Suramar Bay Active Shal'Aran Central Suramar Active Skyhorn Highmountain Active Riverbend Highmountain Active Ironhorn Enclave Southern Highmountain Active Base of operations Location Status Port of Zandalar Southern Zuldazar Active Warbeast Kraal Zuldazar Active Zeb'ahari Eastern Zuldazar Active Village in the Vines Zuldazar Active Mugambala Zuldazar Active Atal'Dazar Zuldazar Active Warport Rastari Southern Zuldazar Active Isle of Fangs Southern Zuldazar Active Tusk Isle Southern Zuldazar Active Blood Gate Northern Zuldazar Active Zul'jan Ruins Nazmir Active Zo'bal Ruins Nazmir Active Base of operations Location Status Diretusk Hollow Stormsong Valley Unknown Hillcrest Pasture Stormsong Valley Unknown Ironmaul Overlook Stormsong Valley Unknown Krazzlefrazz Outpost Drustvar Unknown Mudfisher Cove Drustvar Unknown Stonetusk Watch Stormsong Valley Unknown Seawatch Point Northern Stormsong Valley Unknown Swiftwind Post Drustvar Unknown Timberfell Outpost Stormsong Valley Unknown Warfang Hold Northern Stormsong Valley Abandoned Windfall Cavern Stormsong Valley Unknown Wolf's Den Tiragarde Sound Unknown
Capital cities
In the RPG
History of the Horde
- See also: Old Horde#In the RPG
Many orcs slipped through the portal to Azeroth before Khadgar's forces set up their defensive perimeter; among them was Grom Hellscream, who brought a large chunk of the Warsong Clan through the portal. The Warsong Clan became a nuisance for the humans, who had placed most of the remaining orcs in internment camps rather than simply slaughtering them.
During this time, the family of one of Lord Aedelas Blackmoore's servants raised Thrall for the first few years of his life. These fleeting years were more kind to Thrall than the next score; the young daughter of the servant's family befriended him and treated him as a younger brother. Her name was Taretha, and she was the closest thing to family that Thrall ever had. Sadly, Thrall was torn away from the servant family as soon as he was old enough to begin his scholastic training, and even that was brief; he was taught the basics of how to read before his military training would begin. Blackmoore intended to use Thrall as a gladiator at first but later developed a much darker plan to give himself power over the Alliance.
As the young Thrall trained, Grom Hellscream fought his guerilla war, and Doomhammer escaped from Terenas Menethil II. Doomhammer did not immediately join the rebel clans; rather, he became a hermit and spent his days in contemplation. Such was the way of many warriors who were not ready to give up the fight, but neither did they have the strength left to rally the fragments of the Horde.
Thrall's arena matches grew more brutal as time went on, and he eventually fled with help from his human "sister." He first sought the internment camps, getting captured and observing them from the inside, but finding it amazingly simple to escape. The orcs had fallen into a pitiful state of apathy; few resisted capture. Thrall investigated, eventually seeking out the legendary Grom Hellscream. After proving himself to Grom, Thrall learned that the orcs were in withdrawal; they had grown dependant on the demonic magics wrought by Gul'dan and his servants. Grom also told Thrall about the young orc's rightful clan, the Frostwolves; and Thrall sought them out, vowing to return and work with the mighty chieftain when he could.
Thrall nearly died of the cold trying to reach the Frostwolves, and they concealed their surprise at being reunited with the heir to their chieftain. The Frostwolves, now led by the shaman Drek'Thar, tested Thrall before accepting him into the clan. After he proved himself, he trained as a shaman. One day, a cloaked warrior wandered into the camp, and the Frostwolves offered him hospitality. Thrall thought the warrior was insulting him and his clan, and he challenged the traveler; the other orcs gasped as the wanderer threw off his cloak to reveal black plate and a massive hammer. Thrall, unaware who he faced, defeated the wanderer in a brief duel; the warrior then laughed and revealed himself to be Orgrim Doomhammer, the Horde's warchief. He made the mighty Thrall his second, and together they planned to assault the human camps and show their brothers how to fight again. Thrall reunited with Grom, and the three mighty warriors led the orcs in reclaiming the prisoners of war. Blackmoore hounded Thrall at every turn until finally Thrall turned his growing Horde toward Blackmoore's forces at Durnholde Keep and crushed him. Orgrim Doomhammer fell in the fighting, and Thrall took his place as Warchief of the Horde.[117]
The Horde avoided conflict with the Alliance as much as possible for a time, sacking only the prisoner camps, until a mysterious visitor — the prophet Medivh — visited Thrall and told him that his people would find a home in the west, on the forgotten continent of Kalimdor. He made his offer to many, hoping to bring enough strength to Kalimdor to protect the World Tree when the Burning Legion arrived. Thrall was one of few who heeded Medivh's warnings, and he took the majority of the Horde across the sea, meeting with the Darkspear trolls and allying with them on the way.
When Thrall reached Kalimdor, the orcs encountered the shamanistic tauren, led by Cairne Bloodhoof. The two races allied, since the tauren were in need of aid against the centaur, and the orcs needed friends and guides in this foreign land. They found that their people were similar, but the tauren had fortunately not lost so many to the study of dark magic. After aiding the tauren against the centaur, Thrall and Grom split up for a short time while Grom's clan went to gather supplies in Ashenvale Forest. When the orcs took their axes to the ancient trees, the night elves responded, seeing it as an attack on nature. Hellscream fought a downhill battle against the elves, but just as the last of his troops were about to be defeated, a familiar figure entered the scene — Mannoroth the Destructor. Mannoroth secretly offered Hellscream a chance to regain his former fury and power — enough for his people to defeat the elves, and their demigod, Cenarius — if Grom was willing to drink from a well tainted with Mannoroth's blood. Grom knew the price of his actions, but he was not willing to lose in battle. He, and his troops, drank from the fel-tainted water and were imbued with demonic strength. They slew Cenarius and many elves in their berserker rage. After the battle, Mannoroth revealed himself to Grom and asserted his dominance.
As Grom succumbed to the will of the Burning Legion, Medivh visited Thrall again. Thrall's orcs united with Jaina Proudmoore's human forces at Medivh's request, and together they captured Grom's spirit and freed him from his demonic taint. Thrall and Grom then went alone to seek their vengeance against Mannoroth. The two defeated the pit lord, but Grom suffered a mortal wound after saving Thrall's life. Thrall grieved for his friend, whom he had seen as a brother, but he knew that the orc's sacrifice had not been in vain.
As the Burning Legion and the Scourge took more of Kalimdor, the orcs and humans allied with the night elves, and together the three forces stood at Mount Hyjal, fighting the fury of Archimonde, lord of the Burning Legion. It was there that Archimonde fell, though at the cost of many lives from every race. The Legion retreated in the aftermath, and for a brief time, there was peace.[118]
Thrall founded the city of Orgrimmar, named after Orgrim Doomhammer, in the valleys of Durotar, named after his noble father Durotan. Jaina of the humans and Malfurion of the night elves allowed the Horde to live in peace, and tauren constructed on their own city for the first time — Thunder Bluff in Mulgore. It was not long before tensions rose again, however.
Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, one of the leaders of the Alliance in the Second War, came to find his daughter Jaina. In spite of her protests, he launched assault after assault on the orcs, until Jaina was forced to aid the Horde against her father. Thrall honored her sacrifice by sparing those loyal to her within her city of Theramore, but the battle proved to many that lasting peace between the Alliance and the Horde was impossible.[119] More and more battles sprung up in spite of the efforts of both leaders to keep diplomatic relations strong. Battlegrounds erupted threatening to plunge both sides closer to all-out war. And so, things grew worse and worse.
Back in Lordaeron, Sylvanas Windrunner, a banshee and former ranger general of Quel'Thalas, broke free of Arthas's control and created her own undead faction — the Forsaken. As the situation in Kalimdor grew bloodier, Sylvanas offered an alliance to Thrall, which he grudgingly accepted. The introduction of the undead to the Horde infuriated the Alliance further; while Jaina still did her best to stop the fighting, the humans in Stormwind took action against the Horde again, and the situation deteriorated. More recently, Thrall has been in communication with the Revantusk forest trolls, who agreed to a tentative alliance with the Horde.[119] The Revantusk tribe is now loosely allied with the Horde. While not members of the Horde, they are its friends.[120]
Notes and trivia
- Until Thrall came to power and reformed it, females were not considered equals to males in the Horde.[121] Similarly, peons were badly treated by their peers.
- Warlocks in the ranks of the Horde are considered as pariahs, and must operate in the shadows of polite society to practice their dark arts within hidden enclaves, so that they can escape the prejudice of the public. However, during and following the war against the Lich King, they only started to be respected as powerful assets on the battlefronts.[122]
- As of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, the Horde has fractured into civil war twice within World of Warcraft's lifetime.
- With the defection of Sylvanas Windrunner and the deaths of Cairne Bloodhoof and Vol'jin, Thrall is the only Horde racial leader from vanilla to be both alive and still aligned with the Horde.
- The Blood Horde is a version of the Horde that exists in the Warlands, an alternate timeline of Azeroth where the Alliance destroyed the Undead Scourge and pursued the orcs to Kalimdor to exterminate them.
- When asked if the Horde symbol was "a crude drawing shared by the Draenor orc spiritual leaders based on their visions of K'ure inside Oshu'gun that was passed down for centuries and eventually chosen because it represented all orcs and not one clan" or "just some cool tribal [thing]", Chris Metzen amusingly answered "Uhhhh... in my mind - it's A. Yeah. That. It's always been that cool and well thought out!....."[123]
- Early in the game's development, when Metzen was still writing Warcraft III, the Horde was going to be the "evil faction" instead of the underdog/antihero faction.[124]
- As of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth three of the Horde's playable races had time frames in which they officially didn't have a leader.
- The orcs went leaderless from the Darkspear Rebellion and the Siege of Orgrimmar in which they rejected and aided in the defeat of Garrosh Hellscream up until World of Warcraft: Legion revealed Varok Saurfang as their new leader.
- The trolls went without a racial leader after Vol'jin's death in the Battle for Broken Shore up until [50] Warchief of the Horde, which established Rokhan as their new Chieftain.
- The orcs and undead were leaderless following the death of Saurfang and the defection of Sylvanas in the Reckoning up until [50] Warchief of the Horde revealed that Thrall and Lilian Voss, respectively, become the orc and forsaken leaders.
This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
The Horde military ranks of Legionnaire and Centurion may have come from the historical traditions of the Gorian Empire.
Grunt, shaman, headhunters, tauren warriors, and raiders fighting together in the Third War.
The united Horde ready to attack Theramore during the invasion of Durotar.
The Horde as seen by the pandaren
Horde logo from the World of Warcraft 5 Year Anniversary: BattleCry
"Horde Victory" by Glenn Rane.
Faction Pride Coin in Hearthstone.
For the Horde! in Hearthstone.
Horde banner during the first Azerothian Kosh'harg in Razor Hill.
See also
- ^ a b Blizzard Entertainment. Playable Races. Archived from the original on 2019-04-21.
- ^ a b c Pandaren Faction Selection
- ^ Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 112
- ^ Beginnings & Ends
- ^ a b Battle for Azeroth in-game cinematics, The Negotiation
- ^ a b c d [50] Warchief of the Horde
- ^ [50] The Price of Peace
- ^ Anshlun 2019-11-04. World of Warcraft Group Interview Recap - Torghast, Level Squish, Flying & Pathfinder. Wowhead. Retrieved on 2019-11-07.
- ^ Playable Races of World of Warcraft
- ^ Overview: Who Will You Become?
- ^ Darkmoon Faire Cataclysm Promotion: Fortune card
- ^ Taking Your First Steps in World of Warcraft Classic
- ^ "The Founding of Durotar: Old Hatreds", Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blizzard Entertainment.
- ^ "The Founding of Durotar: A Blaze of Glory Map: Theramore Isle", Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blizzard Entertainment. Admiral Proudmoore: "Can your blood atone for genocide, orc? Your Horde killed countless innocents with its rampage across Stormwind and Lordaeron. Do you really think you can just sweep all that away and cast aside your guilt so easily? No, your kind will never change, and I will never stop fighting you.".
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 113
- ^ Races of World of Warcraft - Forsaken
- ^ Troll Compendium: Revantusk Tribe
- ^ [30] Alliance Relations
- ^ [33] Alliance Relations
- ^ [33] The Burning of Spirits
- ^ [33] Befouled by Satyr
- ^ [33] Alliance Relations
- ^ [54D] The Eastern Kingdoms
- ^ The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm, pg. 106
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex, pg. 107
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 121
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex, pg. 123
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 125
- ^ [60] The Horde Needs Tin Bars!
- ^ The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Blood Elves
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 150
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 153
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 156 - 157
- ^ The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm
- ^ a b c Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War
- ^ [15-35] The Horde Is Family
- ^ [15-35] De-Subjugation
- ^ [1-20] The Horde Way
- ^ [15-35] A Gathering Storm
- ^ [15-35] Get My Results!
- ^ [15-35] What's in the Box?
- ^ [15-35] One Last Grasp
- ^ Dark Heart of Pandaria
- ^ Siege of Orgrimmar
- ^ [10-45] The Battle for Broken Shore
- ^ A Good War
- ^ [10-60] Rastakhan
- ^ Reckoning
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 4, pg. 171
- ^ Shadows Rising
- ^ Death Rising
- ^ [10-60] Through the Shattered Sky
- ^ 2022-04-20, World of Warcraft Developers Break Down the New Dragonflight Expansion. IGN, retrieved on 2022-04-24
- ^ [68-70] Violent Impact
- ^ [68-70] They Come from Below
- ^ [68-70] Impossible Odds
- ^ Heartlands, Chapter 1 - Summit at Boralus
- ^ [80] Embassies and Envoys
- ^ [80] Ground Pounders
- ^ [10] For the Horde
- ^ [10] For the Alliance
- ^ World of Warcraft manual, pg. 182
- ^ Exodus of the Horde
- ^ World of Warcraft Horde Premium Hoodie
- ^ World of Warcraft Horde Track Jacket
- ^ World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Horde Faction Logo Premium Tee
- ^ [1-20] The Horde Way
- ^ [15-30] Blood Oath of the Horde
- ^ Blizzard Entertainment. Orc - Game Guide - World of Warcraft. Archived from the original on 2015-12-30. Retrieved on 2017-01-03.
- ^ Before the Storm
- ^ Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde
- ^ [90] The Measure of a Leader
- ^ [30-35] Call of Duty
- ^ [30-35] Negotiations Terminated
- ^ [10-30] Silencing Rageroar
- ^ [35H] Break the Godbreaker
- ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, pg. 247
- ^ Gargoyle (Darkshore)
- ^ [50] Dark Ranger Round-Up
- ^ Invasion of Gilneas
- ^ Faction Assault on Tiragarde Sound
- ^ [10-50WQ] Blight and Sound
- ^ http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/race/blood-elf
- ^ In the Shadow of the Sun
- ^ a b Mists of Pandaria Press Tour. MMO-Champion (2012-03-19). Retrieved on 2012-03-19.
- ^ [40-80] Thalyssra's Estate
- ^ Blizzcon 2015: World and Content Overview Panel (around 41:25)
- ^ [10-45] Huln's War - Stormrage
- ^ [10-45] Ormgul the Pestilent
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1
- ^ [Reins of the Expedition Bloodswarmer]
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Islands and Isles pg. 76
- ^ a b Blizzard Entertainment 2018-08-06. Battle for Azeroth: Vol’dun Visitor’s Guide - WoW. Retrieved on 2018-08-07.
- ^ [30-60] Answering Their Attacks
- ^ [30-60] Ranishu Are Resources
- ^ [30-60] The Strongest Rope in Vol'dun
- ^ Edict: Dark Talons
- ^ [73-75] Into the Machine
- ^ [Azerite Surge]
- ^ [10] Who am I?
- ^ [10] Whoever You Want to Be
- ^ [10] For the Alliance
- ^ [10] For the Horde
- ^ [5-30] Disturbing Connections
- ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor, pg. 38
- ^ [30-35] Kor'kron Drop
- ^ [35-60] I'm the Captain Now
- ^ [10-30] Reinforcements...
- ^ [10-30] Kobold Fury!
- ^ Muk'luk
- ^ [15-30] Futile Pride
- ^ [43] Broken Alliances
- ^ [42] Grim Message
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3
- ^ [60] Meeting of the Minds
- ^ [60] Target: Blood Prince Dreven
- ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 173, 175
- ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 175, 176
- ^ a b Horde Player's Guide, pg. 176
- ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 10
- ^ [12] Crossroads Conscription
- ^ Visiting Warlock#Quotes
- ^ Chris Metzen on Twitter (2019-07-16). “Uhhhh... in my mind - it’s A. Yeah. That. It’s always been that cool and well thought out!.....”
- ^ https://web.archive.org/web/20210304081940/https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/9fb2bo/john_staats_ama_author_of_the_world_of_warcraft/ "Early on, the Horde was definitely considered the “evil” faction. [...] But then, there was the epiphany that some people were into playing evil races/factions. Whereas a LOT more people wanted to play as these "evil races (Forsaken not included) but as the good guys (Thrall’s Orcs during WCIII)."