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Light and Dark Val'kyr.jpg
Faction/Affiliation Valarjar (Valkyra), Helarjar,
Jotunheim vrykul,[1]
Knights of the Ebon Blade
Mawsworn, Forsaken, Scourge
Racial capital Neutral Halls of Valor
Neutral Helheim
Neutral Jotunheim
  Formerly Horde Undercity †
Neutral Icecrown Citadel
Racial leader(s)  Odyn (Eyir)
  Formerly  Sylvanas Windrunner
IconSmall LichKing.gifIconSmall NewLichKing.gif Lich King †
Homeworld Azeroth
Area(s) Northrend, Eastern Kingdoms, Broken Isles, Shadowlands
Language(s) Vrykul, Common

“I saw the answer. For in life, there exists death, and in death, there can be life. But there are only beings of life and beings of death. My messengers must span both realms. They will be formed from the vrykul, and their bravery shall preserve their brethren as Valarjar for all time. Like life, they shall be powerful. Like death, they shall be eternal.”


Val'kyr are a type of ascended female vrykul. The original Val'kyr are warriors of the Light created to serve the Prime Designate Odyn by bringing the spirits of the glorious dead to his Halls of Valor. The Val'kyr of the Scourge acted as the Lich King's agents in the spirit world and were described by Thoralius the Wise as fearsome creatures made of pure nightmare.[3] After the defeat of the Lich King, several Val'kyr came to serve the Forsaken under Sylvanas Windrunner. After the Banshee Queen's desertion of the Forsaken and the Horde, her remaining Val'kyr followed and returned to directly serving the Jailer's forces.


The first Val'kyr were created in ancient times by the titanic keeper Odyn, who disagreed with the other keepers' uplifting of the Dragon Aspects and decided to form his own elite army to protect Azeroth. He offered vrykul warriors who died in glorious combat the opportunity to become part of his Valarjar in the Halls of Valor. However, Odyn first had to find a way to take the spirits of these departed vrykul from the Shadowlands to the Halls of Valor.[4] With the help of his adopted daughter, the titan-forged sorceress Helya,[2] Odyn contacted the powerful spirit Mueh'zala[5] and sacrificed his eye to him in exchange for the ability to gaze into the Shadowlands. There he saw the kyrian of Bastion, winged beings responsible for ferrying the souls of the dead to the afterlife, and decided to create his own beings based on them.[6] These "Val'kyr" would travel between the Shadowlands and the physical world to guide souls to the Halls of Valor, but would also be cursed to a wraithlike existence for eternity. Since no vrykul volunteered for the task, Odyn decided to create his servants by force, a plan Helya vehemently objected to. Seeing Helya's disobedience as a threat to his plans, Odyn shattered her physical form, twisted her spirit into the first Val'kyr, and ordered her to begin transforming other unwilling vrykul into Val'kyr as well. Helya was forced to obey Odyn's commands[4] but nursed resentment against him for millennia, ultimately causing her to rebel against him with the aid of Loken.[7]

In the current day, Valarjar Val'kyr are ascended warriors of the Valkyra, who prove their worth to Eyir in order to become Val'kyr.[8] As Val'kyr, they take worthy vrykul warriors who die with glory in battle to the Halls of Valor, where they will feast and battle for eternity as part of Odyn's Valarjar. Val'kyr are considered "sunborne" when they are honored in the presence of Odyn.[9] They are also considered warriors of the Light, which Odyn also follows.[10]

From the vrykul in his service, the Lich King learned of the Val'kyr and their ability to corral spirits and even delve into the Shadowlands, the realm of death. The Lich King tried to create his own Val'kyr, but the task proved difficult even for him. After missteps, he finally succeeded and the Scourge Val'kyr were born. The Val'kyr greatly enchanted his ability to control the dark powers of undeath.[11] Some of his Val'kyr were also corrupted original Val'kyr, twisted and bent to his will.[12][10]

The vrykul bard, Helgus, who lived in the town of Nifflevar, wrote three sagas, one of which was the  [Saga of the Val'kyr]. This is ancient knowledge.[13] It is unknown if other mentions of the Val'kyr in the Howling Fjord are references to the original Val'kyr, or are direct references to the Lich King's Val'kyr forces.

Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

A Val'kyr, original model in Wrath of the Lich King.

The Scourge Val'kyr were described as warrior maidens of old and each was the greatest warrior of her generation. They are sisters who served the warriors of the north in life, and chose to continue [their] service in death.[14] An unknown amount of them were created from the female vrykul of Valkyrion, who fought and trained to receive the Lich King's unusual gift.[15] At least one example exists of a female vrykul being turned into a Val'kyr at another location as well. Those that were deemed worthy underwent the transformation from vrykul to Val'kyr. It is said that the Val'kyr serve to judge the fate of vrykul combatants, transforming the favored contestants to Ymirjar, and the failed contestants to the ranks of the undead Vargul.[3] Val'kyr are considered "unborn" until they vanquish a creature of high nobility.[16]

Beyond this, the Val'kyr Battle-maidens also watched the fates of the training death knights of Acherus, making sure the newly born warriors didn't fall in battle before their time. These Val'kyr were acting much like spirit healers. If they fell in battle, the Val'kyr would return them to their unlife. During the Battle for the Ebon Hold shortly after the death knights were freed, they were aiding the remains of the Scourge.

The Val'kyr Annhylde the Caller was a part of the Ingvar the Plunderer encounter in Utgarde Keep. Upon Ingvar's death, Annhylde judged Ingvar and found him unworthy. Annhylde resurrects him as Vargul and begins phase two of the fight giving him a second chance.

Geirrvif was appointed to oversee the trials of Valhalas; judging those worthy to ascend to the ranks of the Ymirjar, while those unworthy became Varguls. She is notably extremely friendly to the adventurers, expressing genuine joy at seeing them return to fight in the arena and holding no ill-will or threats towards them.

Fjola Lightbane and Eydis Darkbane are two very powerful Val'kyr that were originally sent by the Lich King along with their Vengeful Val'kyr army to disrupt, destroy, and terrorize the Argent Tournament and its citizens. But during this attack, Argent Confessor Paletress came to the defense of the tournament and battled the twins. Paletress was victorious, and Fjola and Eydis were captured. Their bonds were maintained by Priestess Alorah and Priest Grimmin. They later appeared as the final challenge of the coliseum after the raid defeated the Faction Champions.

Edge of Night

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

After the events took place within the Icecrown Citadel, and the death of Arthas, nine of the Scourge's Val'kyr remained at the Frozen Throne. These nine, led by Annhylde the Caller, were bound to the will of their new dormant Lich King. Imprisoned atop the Icecrown, possibly for eternity, they hungered for their freedom. To gain this freedom they needed a vessel, one like them, a sister of war, strong, and who understood life and death. Someone who had seen the light and the dark. Someone worthy of power over life and death. Sylvanas Windrunner, after having just committed suicide off the Frozen Throne, was shown what would happen to her people and herself if she was gone. Using this information, they convinced her to make a pact with them. In this pact, the Val'kyr would be free of the Lich King forever, but their souls would be bound to the Dark Lady. Sylvanas will walk with the living once again but through the sisterhood of the Val'kyr. As long as they live, so too will Sylvanas. All of them will have their freedom, life, and power over death.

Sylvanas agreed to this pact if only to prolong her fate, which filled her with terror. Annhylde took Sylvanas's place in death as the pact was made and the remaining eight sisters were bound to their new leader.[14]

Part of the Forsaken

The Forsaken had one major flaw working against them; they could not reproduce. The Lich King was the one who created the Scourge, and now that the Lich King was gone, there were no Scourge left to turn to Forsaken. The Val'kyr were her salvation and solution to her dilemma. Since the Val'kyr could raise the undead, they were essentially the key to keeping the Forsaken "alive" as a viable race. After leaving Northrend, a few of the Val'kyr were sent to the Deathknell Graves to "recruit" any remaining corpses there into the Forsaken, while the Dark Lady made her way to Silverpine to prevent her people from being slaughtered by Garrosh's command. With her were the rest of the Val'kyr making their presence known.[14]

After Garrosh backed down and allowed Sylvanas to take command of the campaign for Gilneas, Sylvanas had decided that her people would no longer be carelessly used or squandered away for some orc.[14] They would be used wisely and with a purpose, as a bulwark to safeguard her and their kingdom. A bulwark that grows stronger as the Val'kyr raises the living's dead to bolster their numbers, even with former enemies joining their ranks. This is due to the fact those raised by the Val'kyr who die in combat or under extreme stress, enter into a violent, frenzied state. Undead in this state are easily manipulated and their rage is often directed at the foes of those who raised them. After the effects wear off, the remaining resurrected are given the option of joining the Forsaken or being returned to the grave.[17]

The Val'kyr themselves have been deployed into several battles since their conscription, notably throughout Silverpine and Andorhal, both of which were sound Forsaken victories due to the Val'kyr's input. However, the Val'kyr were only able to reanimate human corpses as Forsaken.[18] The humans trapped in the conflict with the Forsaken sought to escape that fate by turning into worgen, and thus the surviving leaders and refugees of Hillsbrad Fields and Southshore were willing to take the worgen curse and became Hillsbrad Worgen to prevent the Forsaken from raising them into undeath.[19]

When Sylvanas was killed in Silverpine Forest, Agatha, Arthura and Daschla sacrificed themselves to revive her once more.[20] Then later in the battle at Andorhal, the Alliance would kill Aradne, thus leaving only four dark Val'kyr in existence. It's unknown where they currently are, but they're likely in a safe area continuing to raise more Forsaken members.

During the Siege of Orgrimmar, Sylvanas intended to use her Val'kyr to raise slain Alliance soldiers in the streets of Orgrimmar.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Eyir, the Valkyra's goddess

During the battle at the Broken Shore, Sylvanas called her Val'kyr. Two of them took Baine and Thrall to her position and later, five of them arrived and picked the bodies of fallen heroes of the Horde.

The Val'kyr loyal to the Valarjar are encountered for the first time in the Halls of Valor. Unlike the ones that were bound to servitude by the Lich King, the Val'kyr residing within these halls are pure beings that are warriors of the Light. They are tasked with bringing the souls of deceased Vrykul heroes from Stormheim and Northrend to these halls for eternal feasts.

The vrykul shieldmaidens of Skold-Ashil employ a rite of ascension to be granted access to a vault which provides an audience with Eyir. Sylvanas Windrunner made a deal with Helya and was granted a magical lantern called the Soulcage which Sylvanas intended to subjugate Eyir with and force her to make more Val'kyr for the Forsaken. Sylvanas had an adventurer undergo the rite of ascension to gain access to the vault in Skold-Ashil and used the Soulcage to bind Eyir. Genn Greymane followed Sylvanas into the vault, however, and foiled Windrunner's plan by smashing the lantern and freeing Eyir.

Val'kyr under Helya appear in Helheim during the Trial of Valor.


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

During the war against the Jailer, Helya kidnapped several of the Valarjar val'kyr, including Danica the Reclaimer. She intended to corrupt them all into Mawsworn, using Odyn's sacrificed eye as a weapon of darkness.

Exploring Azeroth: Northrend

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

During their exploration of Northrend, the brothers Bronzebeard inspected the city of Jotunheim. There, they found that the Val'kyr Geirrvif continued her duties at Valhalas; though her people no longer have a death god to serve.[10] Notably, this makes her the last of the known named Scourge Val'kyr; and the only one of them to have not joined with the Nine or the Knights of the Ebon Blade.

The nine

After the defeat of the Lich King, only nine of his Val'kyr remained present in his citadel. These nine bound themselves to Sylvanas and in order to seal the pact, the strongest Val'kyr Annhylde sacrificed herself to save the banshee's life. Later, in Silverpine, Agatha, Daschla, and Arthura sacrificed themselves to revive the Dark Lady once more after she was shot dead by Lord Godfrey.[20] In Andorhal, Aradne was killed by Alliance forces.[21]

Multiple lesser Val'kyr maidens were spotted in the skies during the Battle for Andorhal, and though they can raise corpses[22] these lesser Val'kyr are not part of the original pact and are thus not strong enough to revive Sylvanas. How exactly they are created remains unknown, and where they dwell now is a mystery.[23] It is known that they are bound to greater Val'kyr, as when Aradne was slain, these Val'kyr dissipated.

At this point, though five Val'kyr died and thus only four should remain. The number of Val'kyr who appeared during the Battle for the Broken Shore cinematic was five; though these could have been Lesser Val'kyr.

In the Arathi Highlands, Nathanos Blightcaller ordered Val'kyr to raise several powerful slain enemies.[24]

In Darkshore, Brynja was killed by Tyrande Whisperwind.[25] The Val'kyr left alive are: Signe, Kyra, and one other.

The Val'kyr are able to raise corpses into undeath, which is how more Forsaken are created. The power of the Lich King previously allowed them to raise more powerful undead in the form of death knights. They can still extremely rarely use their own powers to reshape the body of an active undead and make it stronger, though it is an arduous endeavor that they are reluctant to undertake. For this reason, Sylvanas cannot have all the Forsaken undergo the ritual, and the only known person to have done it is Nathanos Blightcaller.[26]

In the Sanctum of Domination, the final Val'kyr is revealed to be Skyja. The remaining three Val'kyr and Sylvanas raise the six who died back, so that they can block the heroes' progress and protect Sylvanas. This resurrection was seemingly incomplete, or somehow rested on Skyja, as the six are only able to take a supporting role in the ensuing battle with the Maw Walkers, and once Skyja is struck down, the fallen six vanish. When the heroes finally reached the pinnacle of the Sanctum of Domination, Bolvar Fordragon announced to Sylvanas that all of her Val'kyr were eliminated, and that she would die here for the last time.[27]

Sylvanas' Val'kyr


Name Role Affiliation Status Location
Neutral  Helya Fallen Val'kyr queen, ruler of Helheim Helarjar Active Helheim
Boss  Agatha Assisted in raising new Forsaken at Deathknell, gave her life for Sylvanas, later resurrected and apart of The Nine Sylvanas Windrunner Deceased Various
Boss  Annhylde the Caller Raised Ingvar the Plunderer as a vargul, later took Sylvanas' place in the spirit world, later resurrected and apart of The Nine. Sylvanas Windrunner Deceased Tyr's Terrace, Utgarde Keep
Boss  Aradne Commander of the Forsaken forces in Andorhal, later resurrected and apart of The Nine. Sylvanas Windrunner Deceased Tirisfal Glades and Western Plaguelands
Boss  Arthura Assisted in raising new Forsaken at Deathknell, gave her life for Sylvanas, later resurrected and apart of The Nine. Sylvanas Windrunner Deceased Various
Boss  Brynja Raised Delaryn Summermoon and Sira Moonwarden, was killed by Tyrande Whisperwind, later resurrected and apart of The Nine. Sylvanas Windrunner Deceased Delaryn's Demise, Darkshore
Boss  Daschla Assisted in raising new Forsaken at Deathknell, gave her life for Sylvanas, later resurrected and apart of The Nine. Sylvanas Windrunner Deceased Various
Boss  Eydis Darkbane Scourge lieutenant, twin of Fjola Lightbane Scourge Killable Trial of the Crusader
Neutral  Eyir Val'kyr goddess of the Valkyra Shieldmaidens of Skold-Ashil Valkyra, Valarjar Active Halls of Valor, Vault of Eyir
Boss  Fjola Lightbane Scourge lieutenant, twin of Eydis Darkbane Scourge Killable Trial of the Crusader
Neutral  Geirrvif Watcher and judge of the Valhalas tournament Jotunheim vrykul Active Valhalas, Icecrown
Mob  Hildana Deathstealer Unknown Scourge Killable Jotunheim or Ymirheim, Icecrown
Boss  Hyrja Chosen of Eyir Valkyra, Valarjar Active Halls of Valor
Boss  Kyra Participated in the Fourth War, transformed into a Mawsworn Kyrian and apart of The Nine. Sylvanas Windrunner Deceased Various
Neutral  Olrun the Battlecaller Death knight instructor Scourge Unknown Death's Breach, Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
Boss  Sara Controlled by Yogg-Saron (or perhaps an avatar of Yogg-Saron). Yogg-Saron Killable Ulduar
Boss  Signe Raised Delaryn Summermoon and Sira Moonwarden, transformed into a Mawsworn Kyrian and apart of The Nine. Sylvanas Windrunner Deceased Various
Boss  Skyja The first of the Val'kyr to be transformed into a Mawsworn Kyrian and apart of The Nine. Sylvanas Windrunner Deceased Chancel of the Dark Pact, Sanctum of Domination
Boss  Svala Sorrowgrave Former lieutenant of Ingvar the Plunderer, transformed into a Val'kyr by the Lich King Scourge Killable Observance Hall, Utgarde Pinnacle
Mob  Sister Svalna Guards the way to Sindragosa in Icecrown Citadel Scourge Killable Frostwing Halls, Icecrown Citadel
Neutral  Vardmadra High-ranking judge of battles, killed by the Lich King Scourge Deceased Icecrown


As a companion pet

Notes and trivia


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

The Lady of the Sword mentioned in N [25-30] Revenge for the Vargul may be a Val'kyr, or Eyir.

A possible reconciliation for the suggested link between Val'kyr and spirit healers is that the Val'kyr who refused to join Helya were instead sent to Bastion by the Arbiter after they entered the Shadowlands and became kyrian due to their commitment to their duties. They would therefore become kyrian who would become spirit healers.



See also


  1. ^ Geirrvif
  2. ^ a b The Legend of Odyn, "The Keeper's Eye"
  3. ^ a b A [10-30] The Echo of Ymiron
  4. ^ a b World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 48
  5. ^ Mueh'zala yells: It be Mueh'zala who brought Helya to da Jailer's side... struck a deal for ol' Odyn's eye... and made da Banshee warchief with a whisper!
  6. ^ a b Garth Holden 2020-05-28. A deep dive into Bastion, the Shadowlands realm of selflessness and greater purpose. SA Gamer. Retrieved on 2020-11-23.
  7. ^ a b World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 57
  8. ^ B [10-45] Shielded Secrets
  9. ^  [Sunborne Val'kyr]
  10. ^ a b c Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 132
  11. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 19
  12. ^ Alex Afrasiabi on Twitter (Wayback Machine used to replace dead link)
  13. ^ H [10-30] The Enemy's Legacy
  14. ^ a b c d e Edge of Night
  15. ^ N [25-30] Off With Their Black Wings
  16. ^ Unborn Val'kyr
  17. ^ Ask CDev #3
  18. ^ H [5-30] Lessons in Fear
  19. ^ H [5-30] No Escape
  20. ^ a b H [5-30] Cities in Dust
  21. ^ A [15-30] Aradne
  22. ^ A [15-30] Val'kyr Incursion
  23. ^ BlizzCon 2011 - Lore Q&A
  24. ^ Arathi Highlands world quest completion text: Nathanos Blightcaller says: Call in the val'kyr! This one will make a useful ally...
  25. ^ A [60] In Darkest Night
  26. ^ Dark Mirror
  27. ^ Sylvanas Windrunner (tactics)#Stage one
  28. ^ Alex Afrasiabi on Twitter, (Wayback Machine used to replace dead link.)
  29. ^ Blizzard Entertainment Blizzard Entertainment 2019-11-01. BlizzCon 2019 - World of Warcraft: What's Next. Retrieved on 2019-11-03.
