Nathanos Blightcaller

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For his appearance as a world boss, see Nathanos Blightcaller (tactics).
"Blightcaller" redirects here. For the removed death knight mastery, see [Blightcaller].
MobNathanos Blightcaller
Image of Nathanos Blightcaller
Title Blightcaller,
Champion of the Banshee Queen,
Ranger Lord,[1][2]
Hunter Trainer
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Class Ranger, Hunter, Dark ranger,[3] Marksman,[3] Tracker
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Independent
Former affiliation(s) Undercity, Orgrimmar,[4] Horde, Scourge, Farstriders, Quel'Thalas, Lordaeron, Alliance of Lordaeron
Occupation Champion of the Banshee Queen
Former occupation(s) Ranger Lord of the Forsaken, Hunter Trainer, Ranger Lord of the Farstriders, Ranger of Lordaeron
Location The Maw (lore);
Various (in-game)
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Stephon (cousin)[5]
Mentor(s) Sylvanas Windrunner
Companion(s) Bloodwing, Plaguefang, Blight-Howl, other blighthounds

“Among the first of my champions was Nathanos, now known as the Blightcaller. Few exist with more dedication or vigor amidst our ranks.”

— Lady Sylvanas Windrunner[6]

Nathanos Blightcaller (born Nathanos Marris) was the champion and bodyguard[3] of the Banshee Queen of the Forsaken, and a teacher of new Forsaken hunters. In life, Nathanos was the first and only human "ranger lord," trained by the high elves of Quel'Thalas, and was close to Sylvanas Windrunner. He died and became undead during the Third War, joining Sylvanas's rogue Forsaken shortly afterward. As Nathanos Blightcaller, he would stand in the Eastern Plaguelands, battling the Alliance heroes sent to kill him and faking his death. During the Burning Legion's third invasion of Azeroth, his body was restored with the help of Sylvanas's Val'kyr, allowing him to serve his liege with renewed strength. As the Dark Lady's champion, Nathanos played a major role in the Horde's war effort throughout the Fourth War and remained loyal to Sylvanas after she abandoned the Horde and her title of Warchief during the battle at the Gates of Orgrimmar.

After a failed gambit to kill Bwonsamdi, the loa of death, he retreated to the Marris Stead in the Eastern Plaguelands. During Death Rising, he was discovered by the Argent Crusade, who informed the Horde and Alliance. In the ensuing battle against their champions, Nathanos was confronted and killed by Tyrande Whisperwind.


The Ranger Lord

A younger version of Nathanos Marris seen in Old Hillsbrad Foothills.

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In life, Nathanos Marris was a ranger in the service of Lordaeron, eventually working his way up to the rank of Ranger Captain.[7] Nathanos's accomplishments were unprecedented. He was considered a master strategist[8] and a tactical genius, responsible for Alliance victories spanning a decade of conflict.[9] When Lordaeron suspected the Horde of forming an alliance with the Amani tribe, Nathanos was sent to confirm the trolls' allegiance to the Horde and deliver the news to King Anasterian Sunstrider of Quel'Thalas. While spying on a group of trolls, he saved the lives of two elven Farstriders, Sylvanas Windrunner and Lor'themar Theron, from an Amani ambush. After taking Nathanos to Silvermoon City to deliver his information to the Council, Sylvanas got to know him as she escorted him throughout the city. Nathanos and Sylvanas grew closer during his extended stay in Silvermoon. When her parents were killed in an apparent Amani ambush in Eastweald, he went with her and the Farstriders to examine the bodies and joined them in their conclusion that the Horde was responsible.[7] Sylvanas visited Nathanos at the Marris Stead shortly before the onset of the Second War. She spoke to him of a potential invasion of Quel'Thalas from the Horde and met Nathanos's young cousin, Stephon Marris. Before leaving, Sylvanas spent the night at the stead.[5]

Following Sylvanas's ascension to ranger-general of the Farstriders, she commanded that Nathanos be inducted into their order. He would stand by her during another tragedy - the death of her younger brother Lirath.[7] Nathanos Marris was the first and only human ranger[3] as well as the only human ranger lord, the highest rank in the Farstriders' hierarchy below the ranger-general. His inclusion in their ranks was not without its conflicts. Nathanos was on the receiving end of prejudice from his elven comrades, many of whom objected to the presence of a human in their ranks. Halduron Brightwing and Renthar Hawkspear both argued against his inclusion in their ranks,[10] and Nathanos had a particular animosity with Lor'themar Theron, now Sylvanas's second-in-command, who claimed Nathanos felt intimidated by the elven rangers; Nathanos believed he could match Theron shot-for-shot. Kael'thas Sunstrider, the crown prince of Quel'Thalas, also opposed the appointment, but Sylvanas insisted on it anyway, impressed with Nathanos's ability and believing that the high elves must practice tolerance with the outside world.[11] Still, Nathanos felt unwelcome in the ancient city of the elves and tired of their politics, instead choosing to reside in his native Lordaeron, at his childhood home. As a Ranger Lord, Nathanos owed allegiance to Silvermoon, and was obligated to fight in its defense should the elves demand it. Sylvanas frequently visited him at the stead, officially to hear his reports, but rumor spread throughout the Farstriders - and the elven kingdom at large - that Sylvanas had been continuing a romantic relationship with her human pupil. Nathanos worried that these rumors would negatively impact Sylvanas, who required the goodwill of her compatriots as ranger-general.

Death and freedom

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After the fall of Stratholme, the Scourge swept over the once-great nation of Lordaeron, killing all in its path and raising the fallen as cadaverous undead. Despite his great skill, Nathanos Marris fell as well at his house, murdered by the abomination Ramstein the Gorger. Nathanos rose as a mindless thrall of the Scourge, bound to the will of the Lich King, spreading the plague of undeath through the kingdom of his birth. Somehow though, deep in his soul, he knew that Sylvanas would come for him, and she did.[12]

Sylvanas, who had been killed and raised as a banshee by Arthas during the Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas, had later been freed from Ner'zhul's control during the Plaguelands civil war, and after establishing the Undercity scoured Lordaeron for signs of Nathanos, with her dark rangers informing her of his sightings.[13] When she found her old disciple, he had been reduced to a pitiful sight, a decaying slave feasting on corpses of his own making. Nathanos did not immediately recognize her, and attempted to attack her with the unending rage filling the void in his soul, but was fettered by dark ranger arrows while Sylvanas called him to his senses. Sylvanas tore Nathanos free from the Lich King's will and told her disheveled former pupil of the plight of the Forsaken. She named Nathanos her champion, in their quest to avenge themselves upon Arthas.[5] After he was freed by Sylvanas, Nathanos hunted Ramstein the Gorger across the Plaguelands for months until the abomination fled to the safety of Stratholme.[12]

In death, Nathanos retained the deep loyalty he had felt towards Sylvanas in life. Were she to perish at the end of their quest, he knew he would happily follow her.[5] According to Lor'themar, he was already a bully and a braggart in life and undeath magnified his worst traits.[14]

World of Warcraft

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Nathanos, the Blightcaller.

In time, Nathanos returned to his old home, the Marris Stead in the Eastern Plaguelands, with his pet blighthounds on the banshee queen's orders. There he recruited Horde soldiers to fight against corrupted animals such as plaguebats, the Scourge, and the Scarlet Crusaders of Tyr's Hand.[12][15]

Nathanos collected relics from the battle of Darrowshire, for unknown reasons. He kept them in his home.[16] Nathanos appeared to be secretive regarding personal details of his former life, even sending Horde adventurers to retrieve the Quel'Thalas Registry that contained his file.[17] He made sure to inform adventurers that the registry was not to be read. Nathanos took a special pleasure in tormenting the lodge's elven residents, his former comrades, who had scorned him even while alive.[5]

Nathanos's death did not go unnoticed, nor did the fact that a body had never been found. Master Mathias Shaw, head of SI:7 - the Stormwind intelligence agency - received some disturbing reports of unusual Forsaken activity in the Eastern Plaguelands, and sent five agents to investigate. Only one of those agents returned, babbling incoherently about "Nathanos" and the word "Blightcaller." He died in his sleep just days after his return, and Alliance adventurers were asked to go investigate their disappearance.[18] The only thing SI:7 had to go on was that Nathanos Marris may have been slain by this "Blightcaller," but the truth was far less pleasant. After investigating the grounds around the Marris Stead, adventurers uncovered the ugly reality - Nathanos was the Blightcaller, now a champion of the Banshee Queen.[19][20]

Once it was determined that Nathanos was the Blightcaller, King Varian Wrynn and Bolvar Fordragon enlisted Alliance adventurers to gather an army and destroy him. Nathanos, however, managed to survive this through faking death.[9]


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After surviving the Alliance assassination attempt on his life, Nathanos decided to reside in the War Quarter of the Undercity, where he trained Forsaken rangers.[21] There he began training a new generation of Forsaken rangers, representing both their past and their future.[22] He would also stand with Sylvanas as her right hand in the Royal Quarter.[23]

After the disastrous conclusion to the trial of Garrosh Hellscream, Sylvanas confided in Nathanos about her experience atop Icecrown following the Lich King's defeat, including the pact she had made with the Jailer. Nathanos knew that should Sylvanas ever find herself facing that damnation again, he would gladly end his own undeath to face it at her side. Part of him hoped for it.[7][5]

Trial of Garrosh

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When Sylvanas conspired with her sister Vereesa to kill Garrosh during his trial in Pandaria, Nathanos warned her lady of the danger and didn't trust Vereesa would go on with their plan. This proved true, and the angered Sylvanas went on a rampage against wildlife in Lordaeron. Nathanos found her outside Silverpine and told her what had happened at the end of the trial - how Garrosh escaped and how the August Celestials planned for Garrosh to live from the beginning and were judging not the orc warchief but the mortals present at the trial. Upon hearing this and considering her conversation with the Jailer after her suicide at the Frozen Throne, she told her champion about the bargain with Zovaal and the Nine Val'kyr. Nathanos promised to continue standing by her side.[24]

Dark Mirror

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Nathanos impressed at his new appearance.

As the Legion began invading Azeroth, Sylvanas called Nathanos to partake in a ritual meant to make him stronger. He agreed to take part, though not before attempting to provoke her. When he discovered that the ritual would involve the Val'kyr sacrificing his cousin Stephon Marris, he felt no regret, only the duty-bound oath he had made towards Sylvanas. The Val'kyr proceeded to place herself between the human and the undead and began chanting guttural words in an ancient tongue, flashes of blue and gold pulsing from her hands. Nathanos lost his senses for a time, his world exploding in fire and pain. When the Blightcaller's wits returned, he found that he had been transformed to become stronger than before and not be as decayed and withered as he had been. However, upon looking into a mirror, he noticed that his new face was not entirely his own. He then noticed that the second ritual table was empty save for a bit of ash and oily residue stains. Sylvanas directed Dark Ranger Anya to escort her champion to the armory to see him outfitted in a manner befitting his station. Along the way, Anya implied to Nathanos that Sylvanas had feelings for her champion, a notion that the Blightcaller disagreed with, as he personally felt that whatever emotion his mortal heart might have held, now it had room only for rage and contempt. After picking out a green and gray mix of mail and leather, a clean and well-maintained breastplate caught his eye and caused him to reflect back to the ritual and to the empty altar next to his. For the briefest of moments, Nathanos felt regret.[5]


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Nathanos at Vol'jin's funeral in Durotar (Legion model).
Nathanos fighting King Genn aboard the Skyfire.

Following the death of Vol'jin during the disastrous Battle for Broken Shore, Nathanos and the other dark rangers were seen protecting Sylvanas, the new warchief of the Horde. He fought against the demons when they were revealed by the newly-accepted Illidari.

Nathanos issued summons to the Horde champion on behalf of Sylvanas and led them to the Forsaken fleet approaching Stormheim. Predictably, Nathanos retained his dry humor and low regard for most of the figures he crosses paths with (particularly the worgen, whom he writes off as "beasts"), save of course for Sylvanas. He is accompanied by his pet bat, Bloodwing.

When the Alliance led by Genn Greymane and Sky Admiral Rogers took the chance to bombard the Forsaken fleet, Nathanos made his queen's safety his first priority, but was ordered to take the fleet on the offensive. He led the Forsaken forces in a counterattack against the 7th Legion and worgen troops. The Blightcaller and his men boarded the Skyfire and caused havoc in the hull, planting vials of blight to take it apart from within. Nathanos battled Greymane on the ship's deck, and was unimpressed with his opponent until he goaded Genn into assuming his worgen form. Nathanos gained the upper hand and managed to wound Greymane (Horde version), but the battle abruptly ended with the destruction of the Skyfire, which plummeted down into Stormheim. Nathanos and Greymane survived, although Nathanos's face became "even uglier" than it was before.[25][1]

Nathanos took command of the Forsaken stragglers, and led his rangers in a ruthless hunt across the region to locate Sylvanas.[26] He was certain the queen survived, and sought bloody revenge on the Alliance forces remaining in the area.[27] With the help of the champion, Nathanos was able to discover that Sylvanas safely escaped, but did not wish to be pursued.[28] Respecting the Dark Lady's wishes, Nathanos turned his attention to claiming the Aegis of Aggramar, though he ultimately left the quest to Horde adventurers after reuniting with his master in Dreadwake's Landing.

When the Horde adventurer reached Prestige Rank 2, Nathanos could be found in the Undercity alongside other notable leaders of the Horde. He was present at the ceremony hosted by Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner to congratulate the adventurer for their battles against the Alliance.[29]

When Sargeras, lord of the Burning Legion, was defeated, he stabbed Azeroth in Silithus. Soon after the Bilgewater Cartel discovered a new material at the wound called Azerite. Nathanos sent Horde adventurers to meet with the goblins in Silithus and oversaw the fighting at the Seething Shore from an unnamed gunship.

Soon later, he arrived to the Orgrimmar Embassy with the other leaders.

Before the Storm

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As Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner's stalwart champion and bodyguard, Nathanos relayed to Sylvanas the ongoings of the Undercity. Nathanos reported that while many were proud that a Forsaken has been crowned warchief, others resented that she had forgotten those who were loyal to her in order to attend to the needs of other Horde races. As Sylvanas paraded with a diverse contingent of Horde races on their way to the celebration feast, Nathanos elaborated that she left a power vacuum behind in the undeads' capital, and the Desolate Council was created as an interim government to attend to the Undercity's needs. Word has also reached the Undercity of Sylvanas' efforts to create more Val'kyr in Stormheim and how her plans were foiled by Genn Greymane. The Desolate Council has reservations about her actions and has requested an audience with her to speak of disagreements about their future. Sylvanas confided to Nathanos her plans to bolster the ranks of the Forsaken by directing the Horde's bloodlust against the humans of Stormwind.

Later on, Nathanos relayed an invitation to Sylvanas to attend the Desolate Council's ceremony which honored the Forsaken who fell in the war against the Burning Legion. On Nathanos' return to the Undercity however, he reported that Sylvanas was not able to attend with her duties preoccupying her and has sent Nathanos as an emissary in her stead. While Vellcinda Benton and Nathanos discussed plans for the Forsaken, they were interrupted by Alonsus Faol who gave them each messages from King Anduin Wrynn; one of which was addressed to Sylvanas and concerned the proposal of the Gathering. Nathanos was furious Alonsus was a Forsaken and fraternizing with the Alliance High King, but Faol claimed he was politically neutral as he was not a member of the Horde, but a simple priest of the Light. Nathanos traveled to the Gallywix Pleasure Palace to relay King Anduin's missive to Sylvanas. Nathanos advised Sylvanas to use the Gathering to her advantage by publicly supporting it and either using the reconnection with their loved ones to motivate the Forsaken to continue existing as undead and prolong their will to propagate or use the hurt feelings from the reunion's failure to sway the Forsaken masses to be amenable to bloodlust and vengeance on the living. After hearing Nathanos' opinion of the Desolate Council not being a threat and considering the benefits, Sylvanas consented to the Gathering, but only with the Desolate Council members' sole participation and a small group of humans. Sylvanas and Nathanos returned to the Undercity, where she clarified her concerns and stipulated the conditions for the Gathering.

Nathanos attended the Gathering with Sylvanas and observed the event from Thoradin's Wall. He continued to advise Sylvanas on how she could use the Gathering to politically benefit her. However, when she ordered all the Forsaken participants to be executed despite some of them not defecting, even he was shocked by her ruthlessness.

Battle for Azeroth

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War of the Thorns

Nathanos in Warbringers.

Prior the War of the Thorns, Nathanos Blightcaller helped hunt down Alliance spies infiltrating Orgrimmar and was ensuring that the meetings of his warchief remained private. Eventually, Varok Saurfang let Nathanos in on his and Sylvanas' secret plan and recruited Nathanos to act out an adversarial relationship with him in order to trick the Alliance into thinking Saurfang was chafing against Sylvanas's rule and was bullying her into endorsing a major Horde campaign in Silithus. The Alliance took the bait; fearing the Horde was proliferating Azerite weapons, they sent a sizable night elf fleet to Silithus as deterrence. Tyrande Whisperwind traveled to Stormwind City to help the Alliance leadership plan the war, leaving only Malfurion Stormrage and his skeleton crew of night elf defenders for the Horde to contend with. This primed the Horde's campaign for their true objective: the conquering of Darnassus.

When the Horde army marched to Ashenvale, Nathanos rode with Saurfang. Nathanos contemplated how Saurfang was trusted by the Horde due to his history of warfare and sacrifices but was resentful that the Horde hadn't given Sylvanas the same trust even though she had accomplished just as much if not more than Saurfang. Nathanos viewed the Horde as weak-willed and short-sighted, and only Sylvanas knew what laid beyond life and had the will to act. Although some may consider her actions cruel, Nathanos supported her regardless because life was cruel and fleeting and it delighted him that her plans soared over the horizon of mortality and frightened many. Nathanos was also elated to carry out Sylvanas' will — to kill kaldorei on their own soil and take their home for her.[30]

Nathanos as a hunter trainer in Undercity (Battle for Azeroth model).

Despite fierce resistance from the night elves, the Horde had managed to secure Ashenvale. Still, Nathanos complained how steadfast the night elves were to resisting him, even to the bitter end. After rescuing Saurfang from an ambush in Astranaar,[30] Nathanos accompanied the Horde army into Zoram'gar Outpost in Ashenvale. Upon learning about the appearance of the wisp wall on the border of Ashenvale and Darkshore, he was confident his dark rangers and demolishers could take it out, though Sylvanas Windrunner warned him not to underestimate it.[31] When Sylvanas ordered Varok Saurfang to find a way to Darkshore through Felwood's mountains, Varok asked Nathanos if he knew any smugglers there. He responded that they could find one and persuade him to help the Horde. Nathanos introduced a darkspear troll named Rejiji to Saurfang, and Reijiji led Saurfang to a smuggler's pass they could use to scale the mountains of Felwood. Together, Rejiji, Varok, Nathanos, and a part of the Horde army went into Felwood,[32] and eventually reached Darkshore from the north. Once there, they desecrated the forests, luring the wisps to them and dispersing Malfurion's wisp wall.

Once the Horde breached Darkshore, the night elves were defeated. However, Nathanos along with Sylvanas were enraged to learn that Saurfang had let Malfurion escape alive. Nathanos yelled that Malfurion would return to take many Horde lives in vengeance, but Saurfang was content with his decision and would face the night elf when that day came. When Nathanos threatened Saurfang with violence, Sylvanas broke up their bickering and told them to focus on finishing the battle. Saurfang set out to make arrangements for the boarding of Teldrassil, and Nathanos contemptuously answered his questions about the logistics of the next step.[30]

After securing Darkshore, Sylvanas gave Nathanos and Varok orders to secure the beach and prepare to invade Teldrassil. As Sylvanas went off to speak to a gravely injured Delaryn Summermoon, Nathanos inspected the carnage of the battle. His examination was interrupted by Sylvanas who suddenly ordered him to burn down Teldrassil. Nathanos hesitated for a moment only for Sylvanas to repeat her order more sharply, causing Nathanos to set off on executing her command.[33] Wide-eyed, Nathanos watched Teldrassil burn.[30]

Battle for Lordaeron

During the Battle for Lordaeron, Nathanos led an assault against the Alliance alongside Lor'themar Theron in the back side of Lordaeron Keep in an attempt to stop them, but was defeated when void elven reinforcements led by Alleria Windrunner came to aid King Anduin Wrynn and his force. Alliance forces win the battle and the Horde is forced to retreat into the throne room, where he received orders from Sylvanas to saturate the Ruins of Lordaeron with the Forsaken Blight. Following this, he and the other Horde leaders were seen on a zeppelin flying away from the plagued Lordaeron.

Stormwind prison

Later, Nathanos then gathered Thalyssra, Rokhan, and the Horde champions on Sylvanas' orders for a mission in Stormwind City. While en-route to Stormwind Harbor, Nathanos instructed the Horde members about mission and later helped them escape from the city.

Upon reaching Princess Talanji's ship, Nathanos tried to make Talanji sail them to Orgrimmar under Sylvanas' orders, but Talanji refused, sailing them instead to Zandalar.

Horde War Campaign

Nathanos can be found aboard the The Banshee's Wail docked at Port of Zandalar, where on orders from Sylvanas he directs the Honorbound's operations to secure their position on Zandalar and Kul Tiras.[34] He questioned Garona about her loyalty to the Horde and revealed that he knew that her killing of King Llane Wrynn wasn't her choice.[35] In turn she pointed out that the zeal at which he struck out against the Alliance seemed to be motivated beyond his loyalty to Sylvanas, causing Nathanos to admit that after the Alliance rejected the fallen of Lordaeron and started hunting them, he vowed to hunt the Alliance in turn.[36]

With outposts established on Kul Tiras and convinced that the Horde partnership with the Zandalari Empire would be secured,[37] Nathanos directed Horde the into establishing a more a suitable base for operations against the Alliance.[38] To this end, he directed them to conquer Timberfell Outpost within Tiragarde Sound[39] and then reinforce the newly controlled outpost.[40] Following the death of Captain Amalia Stone, Nathanos ordered for her body to be placed within a wagon.[41]

Seeking to learn about the Kul Tiran fleet, Nathanos sought the body of a Kul Tiran war hero and directed the Horde to the Barrowknoll Cemetery within Drustvar.[42] After the Horde examined the graveyard of its inhabitants, Blightcaller decided to focus their attention on Marshal M. Valentine.[43] After breaking into Valentine's crypt, Nathanos discovered that the crypt didn't actually contain the corpse of Valentine. He was then subsequently informed by the resurrected Captain Stone that the Marshal's body was lost at sea.[44] He later sent the Speaker of the Horde to aid Rexxar and Lilian Voss in discovering the location of Thomas Zelling, a powerful tidesage capable of discovering Valentine's body.[45] When the Val'kyr Kyra left the Banshee's Wail, Nathanos was surprised but approved of the choice to resurrect Thomas Zelling as a Forsaken.[46]

Nathanos, Captain Amalia Stone, Owings, and Thomas Zelling in Plunder Harbor.

While the Speaker searched for Valentine's body, Nathanos and the rest of the Honorbound abroad the Banshee's Wail came under attack by the Alliance. While looking for Valentine's corpse, the Speaker unexpectedly discovered the body Derek Proudmoore, Crown Prince of Kul Tiras. With the Alliance driven off the Speaker brought both corpses onto the Banshee's Wail.[47] Valentine was soon after resurrected as a Forsaken and sent to Boralus to inform Katherine Proudmoore that the Horde was in possession of her son's corpse, which was located at Plunder Harbor. While the Kul Tirans besieged the harbor, the defenses of Boralus were weakened, just as Nathanos planned. While the Horde and Fogsail Freebooters fought to defend the harbor, Nathanos ordered the Speaker of the Horde and Zelling with breaching Boralus and acquiring the Abyssal Scepter. After the Abyssal Scepter was acquired, the pair returned to inform Nathanos of the mission's success when they were interrupted by General Cadarin who offered the life of Valentine in exchange for the body of Derek Proudmoore. Not to be deterred, Nathanos refused, an act which cost Valentine his life.[48] Following the death of General Cadarin, Nathanos gave the order for the Abyssal Scepter to be used to destroy the Kul Tiran fleet and had Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner informed of the mission's success.[49]

Taking advantage of the Siege of Boralus, Nathanos led a Horde strike team to claim Azerite within the city. He also directed Horde agents to break into Tol Dagor in order to reclaim a captured Horde asset.

Tides of Vengeance

After discovering a black moon now hangs over Darkshore Nathanos sent scouts in order to discover what caused the transformation. However, none of them returned and Nathanos became convinced that the night elves were up to something. In order to discover what the Army of the Black Moon was up to, Nathanos ordered for the lieutenants to be hunted down and interrogated.[50] He also ordered for the slain night elves to be risen into their service, in order to replenish Horde forces in the area.[51] After witnessing Tyrande's transformation into the Night Warrior through the Lost Wisp, Nathanos revealed that he was unsettled and remarked that they needed to accelerate their plans.[52]

Under orders from Sylvanas, Nathanos called for Delaryn Summermoon to be raised into undeath. However, when Horde adventurers attempted to raise her, they were attacked by Sira Moonwarden. After Sira was defeated, Nathanos ordered for her death. Though adventurers can carry out this task out if they refuse Nathanos himself will deal the killing blow on the warden, dryly noting that he knew the adventurers "didn't have it in them" to kill her.[53] At Nathanos's command the Val'kyr Brynja and Signe began raising Delaryn Summermoon and Sira Moonwarden, however during the ritual Nathanos was attacked by the Army of the Black Moon led by Tyrande Whisperwind. During the battle, Nathanos was empowered by the Val'kyr which allowed him to survive Tyrande's onslaught until Signe restrained her, though Tyrande broke the Val'kyr's bonds, and Malfurion Stormrage joined the fray. In response, Brynja personally entered the battle to aid Nathanos which gave Signe enough time to finish the ritual. Following their resurrections, Delaryn Summermoon and Sira Moonwarden declared for the Forsaken causing Tyrande to lash out and kill Brynja. The death of the Val'kyr caused Nathanos to order the Horde forces to retreat.[54] After he declared that "They will all pay", Nathanos called for the Horde to prepare for battle.[55] During the warfront battle itself, he coordinates the attacks against the kaldorei.

As part of the renewed war effort, Nathanos ordered the Speaker, Rexxar, and Zelling to launch an assault against the Azerite supply that was in the possession of Kul Tiras and the Alliance.[56] With the Azerite now in Horde's hands Nathanos revealed that it was already being prepared for the Horde's next attack.[57] After Trade Prince Gallywix engineered a plan with the claimed Azerite to deal with the Alliance, Nathanos sent the Speaker of the Horde to aid Gallywix, at the Trade Prince's own request. Blightcaller personally instructed them to ensure that he stays alive as the Alliance previously made an attempt on Gallywix's life.[58] Under orders from Nathanos, Rexxar, Valtrois, and the Speaker worked to break Lady Priscilla Ashvane out of her prison and deliver her to Sylvanas.[59]

After receiving word that the Alliance had mounted an attack through Nazmir Nathanos sent the Speaker to the Great Seal in order to confer with King Rastakhan and Princess Talanji.[60] He later participated in the battle against the Alliance within Nazmir itself. Following the death of the Blademaster Telaamon and the destruction of the Abyssal Scepter, Nathanos, along with his allies, discovered that Telaamon and his forces were a bait to lure them away from Dazar'alor in order to weaken the city's defenses.[61] Realizing that the city was in danger, the combined Zandalari and Horde army rushed back to defend the city, with Nathanos among them.[62] Amidst the fighting, Nathanos heard Talanji's wail due to discovering her dying father, and the Blightcaller locked eyes with Jaina Proudmoore. As Proudmoore departed, he gave the order to get to the king.

Nathanos attended the funeral of King Rastakhan, where he encouraged Talanji to let her grief be sated by vengeance against the Alliance.[63] He was later present at Talanji's coronation.[64]

After Baine Bloodhoof called champions of the Horde to aid him in a secret task, Sylvanas's loyalist sought to bring it to Nathanos's attention. In response to Baine wishing to act in the shadow, Nathanos gave them his protection and ordered them to aid Baine in his task to discover what he was planning.[65] Nathanos was later informed that Baine, with the help of Thomas Zelling, liberated Derek Proudmoore and delivered him to Jaina Proudmoore.[66] In preparation for the leaders of the Horde gathering at Warfang Hold in Stormsong Valley, Nathanos sent Horde heroes to help secure the area.[67] During the meeting of the Horde leaders, Nathanos held Zelling at bow point when Sylvanas revealed that she knew Zelling had aided in returning Derek to the Alliance. After Baine admitted his own role in the event, Nathanos killed Zelling which outraged Baine. Following Baine's arrest, the Dark Lady and her champion left the stronghold.[68]

Rise of Azshara

Nathanos in Nazjatar.

Under the orders of Sylvanas, Nathanos called for the Speaker of the Horde to join the Horde forces to embark upon the warships. Convinced that the key to victory over the Alliance was within the Horde's grasp, Nathanos declared that what they had to do next was done for the Horde.[69] Revealing that he had been entrusted with a mission of the highest priority from Sylvanas, Nathanos directed the Speaker to speak with Captain Rez'okun when they were ready to set sail.[70] The undead would then use the black blade to guide the Horde fleet and the pursuing Alliance fleet towards Nazjatar where both fleets would be attacked by the naga under Queen Azshara's command after the seas were opened.[71]

Following the naga attack, Nathanos expressed satisfaction when the Speaker got back on their feet and revealed that their survival was key to the Dark Lady's plan. Though the Horde fleet was destroyed, Nathanos was pleased to see the vaunted Alliance fleet in ruins.[72] He then remarked that he had a mission to complete and then departed from the rest of the Horde forces.[73] In his absence, the Horde rallied under Lor'themar Theron and First Arcanist Thalyssra and aligned with the former slaves of the naga, the Unshackled.[74] When Lor'themar sent adventures to rescue Baine Bloodhoof from execution at Sylvanas's command, loyalists were able to rendezvous with Nathanos and inform him of Lor'hemar's actions. In response, Nathanos remarked that Lor'themar showed his true colors at last and regarded him siding with Baine as a pity. He then ordered them to play along and remarked that the traitors were in for a surprise once they reached Bloodhoof.[75] After Nathanos was informed that Baine was saved from execution, Blightcaller mentioned that while it was vexing to allow their quarry to believe that they had escaped from them, they must trust in the Warchief's plan. He warned that their loyalty would soon face an even greater test. After revealing that he has been recalled to Orgrimmar, Nathanos instructed the loyalist to remain in Nazjatar and play along with the traitorous vipers until they are summoned.[76]


Nathanos called for loyalists to meet with Sylvanas Windrunner in Orgrimmar and expressed his belief that their forces shall exterminate Saurfang's revolutionaries.[77] He then journeyed to Orgrimmar himself, where Sylvanas ordered for loyalists to deliver Eitrigg to him.[78] After Eitrigg was brought before him, Nathanos declared that the orc lacked the necessary resolve that the loyalists had.[79] He ordered for loyalists to sabotage the enemy's siege weapons,[80] burn the propaganda that dissidents within the city have been spreading,[81] and to rally the citizens of Orgrimmar to their army.[82] With their house in order, Nathanos declared that it was time to deal with revolutionaries and Alliance outside the Gates of Orgrimmar.[83]

As Nathanos and Sylvanas stood atop the gates of Orgrimmar and watched the approach of Saurfang and his allies, he and Sylvanas discussed the next phase of their plan with the Jailer: that after dealing with the revolution, Sylvanas would depart for the Shadowlands and leave Nathanos to tend to affairs on Azeroth. As Saurfang arrived, Nathanos suddenly suggested that they could simply leave; let the Alliance and Horde fight each other, fulfill the final task the Jailer had given Sylvanas, and find some place to just be together forever. Sylvanas was conflicted, not wanting to abandon the Jailer's plan after working towards it for so long, but she never got the chance to make the choice. Saurfang, recognizing Sylvanas' loyalists as his brothers and sisters in the Horde and unwilling to spill more Horde blood, challenged Sylvanas to Mak'gora.[7]

After Saurfang's death and Sylvanas's abandonment of the Horde,[84] Nathanos left Orgrimmar and the Horde to rendezvous with her at Windrunner Spire in the Ghostlands. The two conversed before wishing one another a safe journey as they departed, with him calling her "my love".[85] Unbeknownst to Nathanos and Sylvanas, Lor'themar called for the Farstriders to track them down[86] while SI:7 agents started scouring the Eastern Kingdoms for them.[87]

Heritage of Gilneas

Nathanos Blightcaller as seen in the Emerald Dream's version of Gilneas City.

An Emerald Dream version of Nathanos appears in Gilneas City during A Gilnean's Dream as part of the Heritage of Gilneas. He is killed by Tess Greymane and the Gilnean champion.[88]

Shadows Rising

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Nathanos on the cover of Shadows Rising.

Alongside Sira Moonwarden, Nathanos was tasked by Sylvanas with killing the troll loa of death himself, Bwonsamdi. To that end, they allied with the Widow's Bite, a group of Zandalari rebels led by a witch known as Apari. In contrast with Sira's concerns, Nathanos was confident that while they focused on their mission Sylvanas would triumph over any Alliance or Horde agents that came upon her. He also took delight in the rumors and propaganda that the Widow's Bite was spreading against Talanji as he wanted the young queen to regret ever turning her back against the Banshee Queen. After meeting Apari in Nazmir, he and his squad were found by a Zandalari patrol. Flying on pterrordax provided by Apari, they lured the patrol on a beach and had the Banshee's Wail's dark rangers kill the trolls.

In order to weaken the protections around Bwonsamdi's shrines, Nathanos was forced to hand over something precious and irreplaceable to the witch. Thus, after a moment, he handed his officer's badge given to him by Sylvanas when they were among the Farstriders many years ago and warned Apari that if she failed to destroy the loa's shrines as promised, then the consequences would be severe. After the witch departed to begin her work, Nathanos instructed Sira to remind him to drown her in the bogs of Nazmir after their mission was complete.

As the Widow's Bite and the Banshee loyalists fought side by side, they finally clashed with the Zandalari Empire in Nazmir, where they were discovered attempting to sacrifice children in order to weaken one of Bwonsamdi's shrines. During this conflict, Nathanos commanded the combined armies and was noted by Zekhan to be smiling while firing arrows at his enemies. In the end, this skirmish ended with the children saved, and Nathanos commanded his forces falling back. In the aftermath, Nathanos asked Sira if the theatrics with the children sated her bloodlust, causing her to wonder if he had a weak stomach. Nathanos was unmoved and reminded Sira that if the Zandalari were galvanized enough, they could pose a threat to their plans, especially if they acquired a few orc battalions.

After dealing with another holdout of Bwonsamdi's worshipers, Nathanos found himself faced with the ghost of Stephon Marris, which Nathanos saw as his one true regret. Despite declaring the ghost not real, when the spirit demanded to know how he could allow Sylvanas to sacrifice himself, Nathanos found himself justifying the action, showing that he believed the spirit to be his younger cousin. However, once Stephon declared his queen had made some nasty friends on the other side and how the lords of death would never let her win, and as she is chained to undeath she will be chained to the forces of the Shadowlands, Nathanos quickly realized that he was actually speaking to Bwonsamdi, who had either sent a vision of or appeared as Stephon to mock him. In outrage, Nathanos declared that Bwonsamdi knew nothing of it, that he didn't know her as he did, and in response the loa simply jeered at him remarking that it was his game and they were playing it by his rules.

After arriving at loa's Necropolis, Nathanos prepared traps, anticipating that Bwonsamdi could receive reinforcements. Unbeknownst to Nathanos, Tayo, the lieutenant of the Widow's Bite, had grown increasingly disgusted with Apari's tactics, especially those against children. When Apari sought to harm another child in order to summon Bwonsamdi, Nathanos witnessed Tayo stopping Apari. After Tayo left, Apari let her go as she believed that Tayo would simply return. When Visrynn went to follow her, Nathanos called her off and told the dark ranger that they no longer needed her. When Bwonsamdi appeared Nathanos gave the order to attack.

Unknown to Nathanos, his decision to ignore Tayo would prove costly as she defected to the Horde, with Thrall later noting that her aid proved instrumental in saving them from Blightcaller's traps. Though caught off guard by the Horde and Zandalari reinforcements, Nathanos remained focused on the mission to the point of ignoring Apari's death, the resulting collapse of the Widow's Bite, and even Sira's calls for aid. Ultimately in the face of his numerous enemies, Nathanos was forced to flee the battlefield, using the same magic that Sylvanas used to kill Varok Saurfang.

He reported directly to Sylvanas, who had just defeated the Lich King Bolvar Fordragon and shattered the Helm of Domination, how Bwonsamdi still lived, Sira Moonwarden had been captured, how the Horde came in full force, and her champion believed that Bwonsamdi will now only grow more defiant. Though acknowledging that it was a blow to her plans, Sylvanas was confident that it was a blow that they could overcome. In response, Nathanos decided to return to the Marris Stead to await further orders. Sylvanas ordered him to not remain idle, expecting him to return to her with a means to prevent Bwonsamdi's meddling.[89]


Shadowlands-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

The Blightcaller with his pets, Blight-Howl and Plaguefang, at the Marris Stead.
Nathanos finally meets his end.

Nathanos returned to the Marris Stead. On one of their patrols, the Argent Crusade saw Nathanos sitting on his front porch, not even trying to hide, and they alerted the Alliance and Horde.[90] Genn Greymane and Lor'themar Theron sent champions to deal with him. In the midst of their battle, Tyrande Whisperwind ambushed him. The power of the Night Warrior had grown in her, and she easily defeated the undead bowman. She attempted to interrogate him about Sylvanas' location, but Nathanos instead offered cryptic answers and gloated that killing him would merely send him straight to her. When he attempted to taunt her further, she killed him mid-sentence.[91]

The Alliance and Horde champions reported these events to Greymane and Theron respectively, who both expressed satisfaction with the outcome, disappointment at not being able to partake in the battle themselves, and concern over Tyrande's state of mind. [92]

Despite his belief that he would be reunited with Sylvanas in death, he was instead sent to the Maw like every other soul;[93] the Jailer kept Sylvanas in the dark about his demise until Tyrande revealed it to her during the Battle of Ardenweald.[94]

After turning against the Jailer and being reunited with the lost part of her soul, Sylvanas was determined to find Nathanos again, no matter how long it took.[95] Following the Jailer's defeat, Tyrande sentenced Sylvanas to free all of the souls trapped in the Maw and sending them to the Arbiter for judgment.[96] Despite the seeming infinity of the Maw, Sylvanas knew that Nathanos was somewhere among its condemned souls and that she would eventually find him again, just as she always had.[93]


Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Nathanos Marris in Everywhen Inn.

A time-displaced Nathanos Marris appeared in Everywhen Inn in Thaldraszus, asking adventurers to kill dangerous beasts in Winterpelt Hollow in the Azure Span. He was aware of being time-displaced. After confirming that they were only fowls, Nathanos insisted that they were eldritch creatures, after which he entered a time portal to return back to his ranger-general.[97]


Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
H [110] Ripe for the Picking 110 7,481,000
H [10-60] Speaker of the Horde 117 30,377
H [40-80] The Rite of Kings and Queens 120 2,168,050
Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
Western Plaguelands 62 38,850
Old Hillsbrad Foothills 48
Undercity Cata-Logo-Small.png 62 46,830
H [10-45] Fate of the Horde 98 - 110 3,365,231
H [10-45] Demons Among Us 110 155,463,600
Undercity Legion-Logo-Small.png 110 15,589,005
A [10-45] Greymane's Gambit 98 - 110 2,019,139
Stormheim 98 - 110 5,047,846
H [10-45] A Royal Audience 110 103,926,704
Orgrimmar Embassy ?? 101,590


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A Gilnean's Dream
  • Ability ironmaidens ironshot.png Binding Shot — Stuns all enemies within 100 yards of the impact, rendering them unable to move or attack for 4 sec.
  • Inv boots cloth 15.png Disengage — Leaps away from the current target.
  • Ability hunter swiftstrike.png Mutilate — The caster strikes the target with both weapons, inflicting significant Physical damage and causing them to bleed for additional Physical damage over 15 sec.
  • Ability hunter swiftstrike.png Mutilate — Stuns an enemy, rendering it unable to move or attack for 0.8 sec.
  • Ability hunter quickshot.png Rain of Arrows — The caster fires several volleys of arrows into the air that inflict 20 Physical damage to all enemies within 3 yards of their location on impact and knocks them back.
  • Ability marksmanship.png Shoot — Shoots at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage.



Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Battle for Azeroth

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Horde War Campaign

Stub.png Please add any available information to this section.

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


Legion-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Legion.


WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.



His death was the objective of the quest A [60R] Order Must Be Restored.

One strategy was to take Nathanos down as fast as possible, whilst reducing the aggro on weaker party members. This enabled the group to at least complete the quest, or gain honor under the Honor system for the kill, while all the party were (still) alive.

You needed at least 8 people in a raid group at lower levels, with a main and off-tank.

Focus on Nathanos himself and take him down as fast as possible. He can be taken down in a minute or so, at which point no more skeletons will be added. The Blighthounds will not do any serious damage until he is down. Deal with them second, and the skeletons third.

Avoid healing as 2-4 skeletons are attracted to the healer. This includes direct heals, heal over time spells, Warlock's drain spells, bandages, potions, pet heals, and life-stealing enchants. Rather than heal, run; stop fighting to reduce threat (trinkets etc. with Spirit bonuses are useful here) and heal normally; or let your tanks do the healing to attract aggro back.

It was easy to solo him at level 80, especially if you are a tank.



WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.


No doubt you are another inept simpleton sent from the Dark Lady to train under her champion.

<Nathanos sighs.>

I've sent every one of you back to her in pieces, I don't see why it will be any different this time.

Mine, however, is not to question why, but instead to do as the Dark Lady bids.


Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Context.

  • Disappointing.
  • How dare you!
  • Is that the best you can do?
  • Next time, bring friends.
  • Pathetic.
  • You weren't worth the energy expenditure. <Nathanos spits.>
  • You merely prolong the inevitable. Succumb. She will free your misguided soul.
Playing fetch with his dogs
  • Are you ready to fetch, boy?
  • Go get it!!
  • Good boy! Now put it back on the bone pile.
  • I can smell your fear, <race>.
  • Prepare for a severe beating.
  • I shall wear your entrails as a necklace.
  • If you run now, you may live.


Cata-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.


To hunters

A ranger masters the most useful skills of every animal he encounters, including the survival techniques of even the lowliest creature. That includes opossums, imbecile.

To non-hunters

Be gone, <class>. I have no need of you in my hunt.


Legion-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Legion.


Main article: The Warchief Beckons#Notes
Main article: The Splintered Fleet#Notes
Main article: The Windrunner's Fate#Notes
Main article: A Grim Trophy#Notes
Main article: Summons to Orgrimmar#Notes
Main article: Witness to the Wound (Horde)#Notes
Main article: Seething Shore#Quotes


  • Out with it.
  • Do not test me.
  • What is it?
  • Make it quick.
  • Hmmmm.
  • How dare you?!
  • I should wear your entrails as a necklace!
  • If you run now you may live.
  • Hmmh.
  • Make yourself useful.
  • For the Dark Lady.
  • Try not to get yourself killed.
  • Get moving.


The Vol'jin's funeral dialogue happens after Nathanos' Legion graphical update, giving him a new human model.

Vol'jin's funeral

Not now!

Gossip There's something different about you, Blightcaller...

I'm here to ensure the Warchief's protection. Draw your weapon against her and you'll be dead before the first drop of your blood hits the ground.

As for anything else... it doesn't concern you. Understood?

Initial at the Cove of Nashal, Stormheim

The Alliance are still scouring the wreckage. They haven't found their quarry yet...

During quests

It seems our queen has eluded the Alliance for now.

Forsaken Foothold

We must regroup and rally to our queen. The task of finding the Aegis of Aggramar falls to you.

Orgrimmar Embassy

Well, well... the illustrious <order title>. Still basking in the glory of your victory over the Legion, no doubt.

<Nathanos rolls his eyes.>

The Dark Lady has entrusted you with securing new allies for the Horde. For your sake, let us hope her faith has not been misplaced.

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the PTR stages.


They put YOU in charge of procuring new subjects for the Dark Lady?

<Nathanos rolls his eyes and mutters>

Battle for Azeroth

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.


Main article: A Quick Flyover#Notes
Main article: An Unstoppable Force#Notes
Main article: The Battle for Lordaeron (Horde)#Notes
Main article: Battle for Azeroth: Mission Statement#Notes
Main article: The Stormwind Extraction#Notes
Main article: Most Loyal#Notes
Main article: Let Sleeping Wolves Lie#Scenario: A Gilnean's Dream


  • Humph... Speaker of the Horde.
  • The Zandalari do not seem to like me much.
  • The Warchief's will be done.
  • We need that Zandalari fleet.
  • The Zandalari fleet must join the Horde. Make it happen.
  • Get Zandalari to join the Horde, hero.
  • The Alliance is not going to wait for us to build a fleet before they attack. We need the Zandalari.
  • The war with the Alliance will end us if we do not have the Zandalari fleet.


In Zuldazar during introduction questline

For now, I will let you and Rokhan decide the best course of action as he knows these people better than I.

Besides, these trolls are prejudiced against those like myself that refuse to stay dead. I do not want their short-sighted views on life to get in the way of us gaining their fleet.

We must not fail. Sylvanas must have her fleet.


So the King named you Speaker for the Horde? Good. My diplomacy skills mostly involve arrows.

In Dazar'alor

This war is long overdue.

The Alliance cloaks itself in righteousness and piety. Rubbish! They spurn and revile anyone who does not fit into their narrow world-view.

Conversation with Garona Halforcen on The Banshee's Wail
  • Gossip <Stay awhile and listen.>
Garona Halforcen walks over to Nathanos Blightcaller.
Garona Halforcen says: The zeal with which you attack the Alliance seems borne of more than deference to your queen, Blightcaller.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: I once fought for their cause. The Alliance's insufferable arrogance has increased tenfold since they turned their backs on us.
Garona Halforcen says: Turned their backs?
Nathanos Blightcaller says: When the Lich King's hold over us was broken, Sylvanas sought allies. Instead of embracing their fallen kin of Lordaeron, the humans spurned us. Hunted us. So I vowed to hunt them.
Garona Halforcen says: Ah, vengeance fuels you. I can appreciate that.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: Vengeance. Contempt. Call it what you will.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: When the last of his subjects has been slain and raised Forsaken, the boy-king will kneel before the Dark Lady. And at long last, there will be but one queen to rule them all.
Garona Halforcen walks back to her post.
  • Gossip <Stay awhile and listen.> (starts with Garona)
Nathanos Blightcaller walks over to Garona Halforcen.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: Your strikes on Alliance targets have been most impressive, Garona. I admit, I wondered if your loyalties might be... divided.
Garona Halforcen says: Because I was once befriended by the young king's grandfather? I murdered him, if you recall.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: I am familiar with the tale. I also know that killing Llane Wrynn was not your choice.
Garona Halforcen says: No. And you are doubtless aware that I have worked with the Alliance when it served my purposes. But I owe them nothing. The Horde is my home.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: Good. The Alliance deserves no sympathy. No quarter. Make them suffer, and the Dark Lady will reward you.
Garona Halforcen says: I caused the downfall of one king. Perhaps it is time I ended the reign of another.
Nathanos Blightcaller walks back to his post.
Post-H [60] The Return of Derek Proudmoore
Gossip Where is Derek Proudmoore being held?
Derek Proudmoore is being kept in the Hall of Ritual until preparations are complete to properly twist his mind.
Try not to get in the way.
Barrowknoll Cemetery, Drustvar
We have some graves to unearth.
In Lor'danel Landing, Darkshore

Get on with it.


Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Everywhen Inn gossip
I don't like this place. Not enough cover. Too exposed.
I'm eager to return home. My ranger-general will be wondering where I've gone.
Gossip The monsters you sent me to kill seemed like harmless ducks.
Nonsense, that's just what they wanted you to think.
I'm onto them though, with their beady eyes and strangely shaped beaks. Can't even pretend to be disgusting birds properly.
Monstrous beings of eldritch origin, that's what they are. No doubt in my mind.
Gossip Let's talk about something else.

Relationship with Sylvanas

There are strong implications that Nathanos and Sylvanas may have had a romantic relationship while alive - with echoes of this perhaps persisting in their undeath.

  • Nathanos was unpopular with his high elf comrades during his time as a Farstrider. Sylvanas championed Nathanos's cause in the face of all adversity, from her comrades and even from elven royalty. It was widely rumored throughout the Farstriders that their ranger-general had a romantic interest in her disciple. Neither denied it; Nathanos's only concern was that it might adversely affect Sylvanas's authority.
  • In the short story Dark Mirror, Nathanos expresses an explicit attraction and deep personal loyalty to Sylvanas, stating that she is more important to him than his home, or his position as ranger lord. The text further places emphasis on the physical closeness between the two, such as Sylvanas brushing his hand with her fingertips and requesting his "company" for the night at the Marris Stead.
    • Dark Ranger Anya outright mocked Nathanos for not seeing Sylvanas' lingering favor and affection for him for what it is. "Sylvanas defied a kingdom to name you ranger lord. She scoured the Plaguelands to reclaim you from the Scourge. And today she drew upon her most precious resource to restore your strength. Think upon these things, Blightcaller, and tell me how someone so cunning can be blind to the simplest of truths."[5]
    • This is further reflected in the quest H [60] Most Loyal where he directly calls Sylvanas "my love", and in World of Warcraft: Sylvanas in which he asks her to run away with him once her plans come to fruition.[98]
    • After Nathanos' death at Marris Stead and the defeat of the Jailer, she also sets out to find him in The Maw, referring to him as someone "very dear to me". Her on-click emotes also change to reflect this desire.[95]

Notes and trivia


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
  • He may be related to Marshal Marris.
  • Despite the alliance between Sylvanas and the Jailer, Sylvanas was not informed of Nathanos' death. It is unknown if the Jailer simply saw Nathanos as having served his purpose like he did with Sire Denathrius or if the Jailer has hidden plans for the Blightcaller, such as a potential bargaining chip to keep Sylvanas in line or has plans to convert him into one his Mawsworn. However it is equally possible that the Jailer, as dismissive of mortals as the rest of the Ancient Ones, did not consider Nathanos or any of Sylvanas' other lieutenants worth remembering and is also ignorant of his death and did not care enough to specifically keep his soul.


Fan art


Patch changes

  • Legion-Logo-Small.png Patch 7.3.5 (2018-01-16): Model updated.
  • Legion-Logo-Small.png Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Updated with a new model and voice.
  • Cata-Logo-Small.png Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Moved from the Marris Stead to the Undercity. Now a hunter trainer.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.5.0 (2005-06-07): Added.

See also


  1. ^ a b H [10-45] The Ranger Lord
  2. ^ A [60G] The First and the Last
  3. ^ a b c d e Before the Storm, chapter 2
  4. ^ Through Vanilla to WotLK
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h Dark Mirror
  6. ^ H [56] The Champion of the Banshee Queen
  7. ^ a b c d e World of Warcraft: Sylvanas
  8. ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, pg. 82
  9. ^ a b A [60R] Order Must Be Restored
  10. ^ In the Shadow of the Sun
  11. ^  [Quel'Thalas Registry]
  12. ^ a b c H [60D] Ramstein
  13. ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, chapter 15, 16
  14. ^ The Banshee's Champion (Horde)#Notes
  15. ^ H [60G] The Scarlet Oracle, Demetria
  16. ^ N [15-30] Heroes of Darrowshire
  17. ^ H [60] The Ranger Lord's Behest
  18. ^ A [60G] Honor the Dead
  19. ^ A [60G] The Eastern Plagues
  20. ^ A [60G] The Blightcaller Cometh
  21. ^ World of Warcraft: Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 141
  22. ^ H [10-45] Making the Rounds
  23. ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, pg. 110
  24. ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, chapter 23
  25. ^ H [10-45] The Splintered Fleet
  26. ^ H [10-45] The Windrunner's Fate
  27. ^ H [10-45] Wrath of the Blightcaller
  28. ^ H [10-45] A Grim Trophy
  29. ^ H [10-45] A Royal Audience
  30. ^ a b c d A Good War
  31. ^ H [110] A Quick Flyover
  32. ^ H [110] An Unstoppable Force
  33. ^ Warbringers: Sylvanas
  34. ^ H [35-59] The War Campaign
  35. ^ Gossip text aboard the Banshee's Wail
  36. ^ Gossip text aboard the Banshee's Wail
  37. ^ H [60] Breaking Kul Tiran Will
  38. ^ H [60] Into the Heart of Tiragarde
  39. ^ H [60] Our Mountain Now
  40. ^ H [60] Making Ourselves at Home
  41. ^ H [60] The Bridgeport Ride
  42. ^ H [60] A Stroll Through a Cemetery
  43. ^ H [60] Examining the Epitaphs
  44. ^ H [60] What Remains of Marshal M. Valentine
  45. ^ H [60] Tracking Tidesages
  46. ^ H [60] To Be Forsaken
  47. ^ H [60] Grab and Go
  48. ^ H [60] Life Held Hostage
  49. ^ H [60] A Cycle of Hatred
  50. ^ H [50] Black Moon Rising
  51. ^ H [50] Dark Ranger Round-Up
  52. ^ H [50] The Night Warrior
  53. ^ H [50] Where Hope Dies
  54. ^ H [50] The Dead of Night
  55. ^ H [50] Aftermath
  56. ^ H [60] Azerite Denied
  57. ^ H [60] The Day is Won
  58. ^ H [60] A Mech for a Goblin
  59. ^ H [60] Breaking Out Ashvane
  60. ^ H [60] War Is Here
  61. ^ H [60] Parting Mists
  62. ^ H [60] Fly Out to Meet Them
  63. ^ H [60] The King's Death
  64. ^ H [40-80] The Rite of Kings and Queens
  65. ^ H [60] Righting Wrongs
  66. ^ H [60] Under False Colors
  67. ^ H [60] Securing Warfang Hold
  68. ^ H [60] A Display of Power
  69. ^ H [50] The Warchief's Order
  70. ^ B [50] Send the Fleet
  71. ^ of Azshara Now Live – Cinematic (Alliance)
  72. ^ B [50] Send the Fleet
  73. ^ B [50] Upheaval
  74. ^ H [50] Stay Low, Stay Fast!
  75. ^ H [60] Old Allies
  76. ^ B [60] Stay of Execution
  77. ^ H [60] They Move Against Us
  78. ^ H [60] Leaders of the Horde
  79. ^ H [60] Traitors In Our Midst
  80. ^ H [60] Siegebreakers
  81. ^ H [60] Propaganda Takedown
  82. ^ H [60] Militia
  83. ^ H [60] A Line in the Sand
  84. ^ Reckoning
  85. ^ H [60] Most Loyal
  86. ^ Lor'themar Theron#Saurfang's Funeral
  87. ^ Battle at the Gates of Orgrimmar#Alliance leaders
  88. ^ A IconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Worgen Female.gif [50-80] Let Sleeping Wolves Lie
  89. ^ Shadows Rising
  90. ^ B [50] The Banshee's Champion
  91. ^ The Banshee's Champion#Notes Cinematic - "For Teldrassil"
  92. ^ B [50] The Banshee's Champion
  93. ^ a b World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, Epilogue
  94. ^ N [60] The Battle of Ardenweald
  95. ^ a b Sylvanas' 9.2 on-click quotes: "I found you before, my love. I will find you again... no matter how long it takes."
  96. ^ N [60] Penance and Renewal
  97. ^ N [10-70 Daily] Fowl Beasts
  98. ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, chapter ??
  99. ^ N [50RWQ] Squacks - "I loathe birds. Screeching, filthy things."
  100. ^ Undercity gossip text
  101. ^ H [60] A Goblin's Definition of Success
  102. ^ Nathanos Blightcaller
  103. ^ Queen Sylvanas Windrunner

External links

Nathanos Generic name