Break the Godbreaker

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NeutralBreak the Godbreaker
Start Bloodslayer Zala
End Bloodslayer Zala
Level 35 (Requires 35)
Type Heroic
Category Zul'Gurub
Experience 138,800
Rewards 37g 60s
Shareable Yes


Kill Jin'do the Godbreaker inside of Zul'Gurub on Heroic difficulty.


<Bloodslayer Zala points at the temple in the distance.>

When Jin'do was last ripped from dis world, he survived as a shade, weak and broken, in da spirit world.

But Jin'do always had power over da spirits. One by one, he broke dem to his will, and wit' each soul devoured, Jin'do got closer ta' rippin' a hole through to dis world.

Ta be here now...

Da spirits be wit' us, we must end Jin'do.


<Bloodslayer Zala clutches her hand to her chest.>

It be done, then. Spilling da blood of our brothers be a grim task. Da city of da Gurubashi has seen only death an' hatred for years.

Maybe it be time for da jungle ta retake Zul'Gurub, an' wash da scent of death from dis place.

Blood and honor, champion, to da Atal-Mhuto you will always be known as "Bloodslayer".


You will receive: 37g 60s

Patch changes

  • Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png Patch 10.1.0 (2023-05-02): Mention of "Siame-Quashi" in the completion text replaced with "Atal-Mhuto".
  • Cata-Logo-Small.png Patch 4.1.0 (2011-04-26): Added.

External links