Warsong Hold

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HordeWarsong Hold
Warsong Hold.jpg
Type Fortress
Leader(s) Unknown (lore)
  Formerly IconSmall Varok.gif Varok Saurfang †
IconSmall Garrosh.gif Garrosh Hellscream †
Race(s) OrcOrc Orc
Mag'har orcMag'har orc Mag'har orc
Jungle trollJungle troll Jungle troll
TaurenTauren Tauren
TaunkaTaunka Taunka
ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
GoblinGoblin Goblin
Language(s) Orcish, Taur-ahe, Zandali, Gutterspeak, Thalassian, Goblin
Affiliation(s) Warsong Offensive, Horde Expedition, Horde
Location Borean Tundra[42, 53], Northrend
Status Active

Done Inn          Done Mailbox

Done Stables

Done Anvil & Forge

Undone.gif Bank       Undone.gif Auctions
Trainers Undone.gif Class
Done Profession
Travel Done Flight Master(s)
Done Mass-transit
Undone.gif Portal(s)

“This impregnable fortress is a testament to the tenacity of the Horde. Through much we have battled to establish this foothold in Northrend. It is from here that our journey to Icecrown begins and it is through the leadership of the son of Hellscream that we will succeed!”

Warsong Recruitment Officer[1]

Warsong Hold is the headquarters of the Horde forces in Northrend. It is a great, spiky fortress that the Horde built for the Warsong Offensive, located in southern Borean Tundra, just a short distance from the Garrosh's Landing. Once led by Garrosh Hellscream during the war against the Lich King, he sent an army of peons to cut a quarry down into the tundra to make the walls and towers; which became the Mightstone Quarry surrounding the fortress.[2]

Along the road from Garrosh's Landing to Warsong Hold, a village including Torp's Farm sprang up to house the peons working on the fortress.


Before they built up Warsong Hold, the Horde had Garrosh's Landing, named after Garrosh Hellscream since he led the fleet of orcish destroyers that landed at the coast. They used it as their main port after they decided to build their fortress inland,[3] as they required a base of operations, a location to house their troops, as well as a place for formulating strategies to further the Offensive's hold in Northrend.

An army of peons were sent from Orgrimmar to build this large keep. They began digging into the cold stone surface of the tundra and carved out massive blocks of stone. With the aid of cranes, they began positioning the blocks atop the hill they dug around. After a short time, the fortress itself was completed. Once the Hold was completed, the peons began work on an outer line of defenses; a series of towers and gates around the outer edge of the Mightstone Quarry.

Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

All however has not gone according to plan for Garrosh Hellscream and Varok Saurfang and their keep. The fortress was unknowingly built atop a well-traversed portion of Azjol-Nerub.[4] While they were building, the peons broke through into the nerubian tunnels and had their people snatched up by the Nerub'ar, Scourge nerubians.[2] Unwilling to let them take down Warsong Hold's defenses, Overlord Razgor sent Horde forces on the offensive against them.[5] Seeking to stop the attack on Warsong Hold, Quartermaster Holgoth sought to destroy the sinkholes that the Nerub'ar used as tunnels and passages within the quarry.[6] The Nerub'ar forces attacking Warsong Hold ultimately retreated before the dedicated efforts of the Horde.[7]

At the same time, the peons who have moved to Warsong Hold were being housed in small shelters around the base of the keep, which have been taken over by the Cult of the Damned. They ravaged the village and began creating more undead minions for the Scourge forces.

The Shattering

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Some months before the Cataclysm, Cairne Bloodhoof traveled to Warsong Hold to meet with Garrosh Hellscream. With the war in Northrend as good as over, Garrosh was recalled to Orgrimmar to experience a hero's celebration, in honor of the Horde's victories under his leadership. It was then revealed that Varok Saurfang, his second-in-command, would remain within the hold as part of the Horde's Northrend skeleton crew and as the leader of the Warsong Offensive and the Horde Expedition. While Garrosh and Cairne were taking the majority of both the fortress and Warsong Offensive's troops back to Kalimdor, the kvaldir attacked again, but they managed to escape by ship.[8]

Exploring Azeroth

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard reported that the fortress looks to still be holding, but it's half-covered in webs like a thing of nightmares.[2]

Travel connections

Warsong Hold original zeppelin tower?

Being one of the first places that Horde adventurers can come, Warsong Hold is an important travel hub.

Flight paths

To get to the flight master, adventurers must take an elevator from the second floor (where most of the profession trainers are located) to the top of the fortress.


The Zeppelin lands at a small raised platform inside of the fortress itself.


Main hall

Adventurers seeking training for Leatherworking and Skinning at the Grand Master level must travel to Taunka'le Village to the north east and speak to Awan Iceborn and Tiponi Stormwhisper respectively.



  • They used to hold Alliance Deserters they caught running off from Valiance Keep in their pigsty.[2]
  • Occasionally, you might be able to see a "ghostly" figure of a Warsong Battleguard running towards innkeeper Williamson. The reason for this is unknown.

Patch changes


External links