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Image of Zen'tabra
Title <Druid Trainer>
Gender Female
Race Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Class Druid
Witch doctor (formerly)
Resource Mana / Energy
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Darkspear tribe, Guardians of Hyjal, Cenarion Circle
Occupation Darkspear druid trainer, Champion of the Cenarion Circle
Location Various
Status Alive

Zen'tabra (also spelled Zen'Tabra)[1] is a jungle troll druid trainer on Darkspear Isle. Zen'tabra later appears during the Firelands Invasion patrolling the Regrowth in Mount Hyjal alongside Celestine of the Harvest, Mardant Strongoak and Gart Mistrunner.


Zalazane's Fall

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Zen'tabra was among the group of witch doctors who assumed that the spirits were angry with them when they began hearing their call less and less. Unfortunately by the time the witch doctors realized that Zalazane had been slowly cutting off from the loa, they were powerless to stop. In shame, Zen'tabra and the other witch doctors ignored Vol'jin's call to retreat and fled into the southern end of the Echo Isles. That night Zen'tabra had a vision in which she was approached by the ancient raptor loa Gonk and transported to the Emerald Dream. After being informed that Zalazane's mindless slaves were killing the beasts on the isles and hearing Gonk's request to save them, Zen'tabra and the other witch doctors began studying druidism.

After successfully becoming druids, as learning in the Emerald Dream hurries the process along, Zen'tabra and her fellow druids tried to stay unnoticed by Zalazane, whose mind servants were able to kill a few of them. Despite these losses, they remained focused on keeping the isles alive until Vol'jin and the Darkspear returned to reclaim their former home.

After Vanira's frog spies discovered Zen'tabra she was fought in her tiger form and then recruited to join the attack on Zalazane by Horde adventurers.[2] As Vol'jin began the battle, Zen'tabra brought the beasts of the isles to help the Horde forces. After aiding the Darkspear in proving their worth to Bwonsamdi, she aids in killing Jun'do the Traitor and heeds Vol'jin's warning that Zalazane is cunning and strong with the voodoo. After a fierce battle with Zalazane he flees. Zen'tabra changes into a bat to find him. After discovering it she informs Vol'jin and warns him that Zalazane was working some black magic.

Zen'tabra in the Greenscale Inn

Vol'jin, perhaps in an act of mercy for his former friend, offers Zalazane the chance to surrender, only for Zalazane to reveal that he has lured Vol'jin's strike force into a trap. Zalazane quickly gains control of the Darkspear warriors and forces them to fight Vol'jin and the rest of the Horde strike force. After seeing his trap fail Zalazane says that it doesn't matter as no living thing can make its way through his barrier and as such the Echo Isles will be his to rule forever. Zen'tabra then witnesses Bwonsamdi's appearance. Bwonsamdi tells Zalazane that the dead Darkspear are his domain, and then kills Zalazane. After Vol'jin mentions that it was a fitting end to one so foul Zen'tabra declares that her fate is now entwined with Vol'jin's.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Afterwards, Zen'tabra was the messenger or among the messengers who successfully convinced the Cenarion Circle to accept the Darkspear tribe into their ranks. The only detail of this known is that Zen'tabra found the look on a night elven member's face amusing.

Zen'tabra now helps train new druid recruits on the Darkspear isle.

Later, she was in Hyjal during the beginning of the assault on the Firelands at the Sanctuary of Malorne flying around in the form of a bat.


Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Zen'tabra has been taken as a prisoner of war and is held captive at the Dranosh'ar Blockade. She was later freed by agents of the SI:7. She is later relocated at the now troll taken Razor Hill, where she introduces the Alliance representative to Vol'jin.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

The Cenarion Circle planned to move the bulk of its forces to the Dreamgrove in Val'sharah the ancient forest where Cenarius taught Malfurion Stormrage, in order to combat the return of the Burning Legion. Hamuul Runetotem, Malfurion, Naralex, Zen'tabra, Remulos, and a druid hero opened a portal to the Emerald Dream at the Stormrage Barrow Dens, allowing their forces to move swiftly over vast distances.

Zen'tabra was later part of a small party led by Hamuul that also consisted of Skylord Omnuron and Celestine of the Harvest. They traveled to Nordrassil in Mount Hyjal to investigate reports of a demonic presence in the area. Overwhelmed, they were soundly defeated and the Well of Eternity was almost completely destroyed. The arrival of the druid hero and Lyessa Bloomwatcher, who had come to cleanse  [G'Hanir, the Mother Tree], was their salvation, and the three druids were healed just in time to battle Destromath. Destromath was defeated when the newly cleansed G'Hanir was used to summon many wisps to defeat him, and afterwards Zen'tabra stayed behind to ensure that Omnuron and his forces could reestablish themselves on the mountain.[3]

She was later part of the druids that communed with Malorne beneath Nordrassil.[4] Afterward, she was among the druids that entered and fought in Malorne's Nightmare.

Zen'tabra participated in the Battle for the Exodar battling against High General Rakeesh, alongside Naralex.

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Zen'tabra once more defended the Echo Isles from Zalazane and his undead forces when he returned as a lich.[5]


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Zen'tabra traveled to Shady Sanctuary in the Ohn'ahran Plains on the Dragon Isles and is seen at Greenscale Inn, together with Wardruid Loti, the high priestess of Gonk.

After the Primalists claimed the portal to the Emerald Dream on the Ancient Bough, she aided the green dragonflight in reclaiming it.[6]

She was among the druids working on closing a Flame Portal at the Furnace Coil in the Emerald Dream.[7] After Fyrakk's death, Zen'tabra attended the gathering at Amirdrassil when it bloomed on the Dragon Isles.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Echo Isles, Durotar 80 Elite Alliance Horde As part of the Zalazane's Fall event; appearance removed in retail.
Echo Isles, Durotar 1-10 Alliance Horde
Mount Hyjal 35 Alliance Horde As part of the Firelands Invasion.
Dranosh'ar Blockade & Razor Hill, Durotar 90 Alliance Horde As part of the Battlefield: Barrens event; appearance removed.
Moonglade; Dreamgrove; Nordrassil, Mount Hyjal 10-45 Alliance Horde As part of the Druid Campaign.
Seat of the Naaru, the Exodar 10-45 Alliance Horde As part of N [10-45] Bringer of the Light.
Malorne's Nightmare 45 Alliance Horde
Echo Isles, Durotar 50 Horde As part of The Shadow Hunter questline.
Greenscale Inn & Ancient Bough, Ohn'ahran Plains 70 Alliance Horde
Furnace Coil, Emerald Dream 70 Alliance Horde
Amirdrassil 70 Alliance Horde


Mount Hyjal
  • Spell nature stranglevines.png Entangling Roots — Entangles an enemy in roots, inflicting Nature damage every 3 sec. and immobilizing it for up to 4 sec.
  • Spell nature regeneration.png Mark of the Wild — Increases the friendly target's Strength, Agility, and Intellect by 5% for 1 hour. If target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected.
  • Spell nature resistnature.png Regrowth — Heals an ally for a fixed amount, then heals additional damage every 3 sec. for 21 sec.
  • Spell nature rejuvenation.png Rejuvenation — Heals an ally every 3 sec. for 12 sec.
  • Ability druid flightform.png Swift Flight Form — Shapeshift into flight form, increasing movement speed.
  • Spell nature abolishmagic.png Wrath — Hurls a bolt of lightning at an enemy, inflicting Nature damage.
Malorne's Nightmare
  • Ability druid ferociousbite.png Ferocious Bite — Deals 200% weapon damage to the target.
  • Spell shadow vampiricaura.png Shred — Shred the target, causing Physical damage and reducing the target's movement speed by 50% for 4 sec.

As a follower

Zen'tabra is also a Feral Druid Class Hall champion with the following abilities:

  • Ability druid demoralizingroar.png Incapacitating Roar (Ability) — Increases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%. Counters: Minions Minions
  • Ability druid catform.png Feral (Specialization) — Takes on the form of a great cat to deal damage with bleeds and bites, to counter some BossesCounters: Boss Boss
  • Inv bone skull 04.png Skull Bash (Ability) — You skull bash the target to counter a SpellCounters: Spell Spell


Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 7.0.3.

Battlefield: Barrens

Objective of



  • Your spirit burns bright!
  • I won't be forsakin' Gonk's blessin'.
  • Der be life all around, life worth savin'.
  • Da loa give, and dey be takin' away.
  • Why you be bothering me like dis?
  • You won't be likin' me when I'm angry!
  • *growls*
  • Dis be your last warnin'!
  • Don't be angerin' the spirits.
  • Walk in de path of de loa.
  • Peace to ya.
  • I've got your back.

Zalazane's Fall

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Nature will guide ya when all else fails.

Gossip Zen'tabra, are you one of the druids from the rumors? Were there druids on the Echo Isles long ago?

<Zen'tabra laughs.>
We spread dose rumors, mon. Keep'n Zalazane and others off our tails. Don't be believin' everytin ya hear.
No, we be new ta de craft, only learnin' a few years ago. But in some ways, we spend our lives preparin' ta answer de call...
Gossip What were you before you were druids, then?
Some o' us be loa priests, witch doctors before. Like Zalazane...
<Zen'tabra's face grows hard as her gaze drifts south.>
We thought de spirits be angry wit us; we did not suspect it be Zalazane slowly cuttin' us off from dem. We knew he be strong, but not dat strong... and by de time his voodoo had reached de other isles, we was powerless ta stop 'im.
Gossip How did you escape Zalazane?
<Zen'tabra closes her eyes and shakes her head.>
When Vol'jin called for everyone ta flee, we... couldn't face de tribe after failing dem so badly. So, we fled south, ta de untamed jungle islands.
De wilds claimed a few o' us dat first night. We found safety in a deep cave in de center o' de isle, but me dreams dere were not peaceful: I be havin' a vision!
Gossip What was the vision?
<Zen'tabra's head snaps back to you, her eyes bright and her smile wide around her tusks.>
'Twas a jungle bigger and wilder dan I ever seen! And before me, de ancient raptor loa only talked about in Zandalari tales-Gonk, de Great Hunter!
De raptor spirit spoke ta me, told me he had brought me spirit to a place called de Emerald Dreem. De spirit had been trapped, like de other loa on de Echo Isles, by Zalazane's magic. But Gonk, bein' an ancient spirit, was able ta reach across and bring me spirit ta him, even through Zalazane's voodoo.
Gossip What did the spirit want?
Zalazane's mindless servants were killin' all de beasts o' de isles, burnin' up de trees and plants too. Gonk needed us ta save de life on de isles. But since we not be able ta draw upon de power o' de loa wit Zalazane in power, Gonk be showin' us a new way ta connect wit ALL de spirits o' nature, ta work WIT de spirits, not just be servin' a single loa at a time.
It be difficult at first, ya, mon, but Gonk be showin' us how ta also reach inta de Emerald Dream wit de spirits and learn from dem directly!
Gossip How did the other loa react to this?
<Zen'tabra laughs.>
De other loa, 'specially Shirvallah, did not much care for dis plan. Dey still be wantin' us ta work just for one o' dem at a time, not wit all de spirits at once. But Gonk had forced dere hands, and de knew it was de only way ta save de isles while Zalazane still rules.
I be tinkin' dat Gonk did not care for de other loa much either. He be teasin' de other loa all de time while we be learnin' from dem.
Gossip So what happened then?
We been workin' wit de spirits for many moons now, mon, but many o' us already knew de forms o' de loa we served before. It not be easy, but de Emerald Dream be a powerful teacher by itself-havin' de spirits demselves also teachin' ya... it hurries tings along.
Dat don't mean 'twas easy keepin' safe from Zalazane. Even wit our new tricks combined wit de loa givin' what help dey could, we lost a few bruddas and sistas over de years ta his voodoo and mindless servants. But we kept de life o' de isles alive, and when Vo'jin and de Darkspears returned, we knew just how ta take Zalazane down.
Gossip So are the loa still holding to their side of the deal?
Ya, mon, for now. Dey not be too keen on teachin' many more o' our kind, but dey be helpin' us 'long as we be keepin' de life o' de isles flourishin'. When Gonk left after de fall o' Zalazane, he be tellin' us how ta contact him if de other loa don't keep dey end o' de bargain.
I be hopin' it never come ta dat... but just in case, we be openin' up channels wit dat Cenarion Circle group.
<Zen'tabra cackles madly.>
Oh, ya shoulda seen de look on dat night elf's face....
Main article: Zalazane's Fall (quest)#Notes


Sanctuary of Malorne, Mount Hyjal

You come to join the fight, <class>?


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Malorne's Nightmare gossip

Da enemies a' da Nightmare are clever. Dey choose da moment when da Wild Gods fell in battle thousands a' years ago, when dey rose up ta defend Azeroth against the Burning Legion.

Main article: Call of the Wilds#Notes
Main article: Cleansing the Mother Tree#Notes
Main article: Champion: Zen'tabra#Notes
Main article: The War of the Ancients#Notes

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

The loa be powerful here. I can feel the presence of me own loa, Gonk, stalking behind every tree and bush. Gonk be near. It will be a fine thing to see him in person.



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
  • Zen'tabra might have followed Vol'jin to a meeting with Zul, Daakara and Jin'do as there is a troll in the background strongly resembling her.

Patch changes


External links

Zen'tabra Guardian of the Dream Champion