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Goblin (language)

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Goblin letters on a recruitment poster.

Goblin is the language used by the goblins.[1][2]

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Goblin is generally written with the Common alphabet.[3] However, most goblins have mastered a myriad of other languages including Orcish and Common in order to trade with members of the big factions.[4]

Goblin primer

Goblin names

Every goblin has a given name and a family name. The family names portray some ancestor's achievement, though a goblin may take a new family name if he feels he has made an accomplishment that outstrips that of his eponymous forebear.[5]

  • Male Names: Zautso, Beedle, Chizbolt, Nuzak.
  • Female Names: Lystis, Mefeero, Sazai, Rossa.
  • Family Names: Steamgear, Boltnose, Manclamp, Leafgrinder.


See also

  •  [Binary Brew], an alcoholic drink which temporarily gives the consumer the ability to speak in "Goblin Binary" (Horde) or "Gnomish Binary" (Alliance).


External links