New Agamand

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HordeNew Agamand
New Agamand2.jpg
Type Town
Leader(s)  Chief Plaguebringer Harris
Race(s) ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
Affiliation(s) Hand of Vengeance, Horde Expedition
Organizations Royal Apothecary Society
Location Southern Howling Fjord
Status Active

Done Inn          Done Mailbox

Done Stables

Done Anvil & Forge

Undone.gif Bank       Undone.gif Auctions
Travel Done Flight Master(s)
Undone.gif Mass-transit
Undone.gif Portal(s)
New Agamand.
The front gates to New Agamand (Utgarde Keep in the distance)

New Agamand is a Forsaken town in the Howling Fjord. The town is presumably named after the Agamand family and their haunted mills, a symbol of the prosperity of Tirisfal Glades before the Plague of Undeath. Unlike other towns controlled by the Forsaken — which are actually ruined villages in northern Lordaeron, for the most part — it was built in the distinctive Forsaken architectural style, which can be described as dark, gothic, and spindly.[1]

During the war against the Lich King, New Agamand was at the front line of the Forsaken efforts against the Scourge. Since Sylvanas Windrunner's rise to power, the Royal Apothecary Society in the Undercity have been developing a "New Plague" intended to wipe out the Scourge. After several years of research, the Forsaken were ready to unleash their ultimate weapon against Arthas' forces, and it was tested at New Agamand, turning the land around the town dead and brown in the otherwise verdant landscape.[1]

After the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard reported that the town was still active and run by the Forsaken.[1]

Travel connections


Neutral Kamagua in Howling Fjord
Horde Venomspite in Dragonblight
Horde Apothecary Camp in Howling Fjord
Horde Camp Winterhoof in Howling Fjord
Horde Vengeance Landing in Howling Fjord


Other Characters


New Agamand is a target in the Alliance quest A [10-30] Mission: Plague This!

Patch changes


External links