- This article is about the tiger in general. For the mob, see Tiger (mob). For the cat, see Tiger (cat).
Tiger | |
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Classification | Large Animal |
Racial leader(s) |
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Homeworld | Azeroth, Draenor |
Environment | Warm forests |
Area(s) | Wandering Isle, Stranglethorn Vale, Uldum, Pandaria, Talador |
Average height | more than 3 ft |
Weight | 400 - 600 lbs |
Organization(s) | Solitary |
Sources: Monster Guide Web Supplement, 23 |
“When waking a tiger, use a long stick. Better yet, tell your friend to wake the tiger instead.”
Tigers are a type of large, predatory cats with striped fur native to both Azeroth and Draenor. Azerothian tigers are mainly found in Stranglethorn Vale, Pandaria, on the Wandering Isle and in Uldum, while Draenic tigers are mostly found in Talador and the Spires of Arak. Tigers were once also found on the Echo Isles of Durotar, however, they have all but vanished from there.
The last known Zulian tigers were kept by High Priest Thekal, deep within Zul'Gurub. They are said to have been hunted into extinction.[2]
Like their distant nightsaber cousins, tigers are renowned for their razor-sharp claws, incredible agility, and love of being scratched behind the ears.[3]
Considered to be lucky, tigers carved of jade are prized, but taming a jade tiger itself is an even greater prize.[4] A rarely seen family of tigers, many believe (perhaps incorrectly) that some residual magic or other event is responsible for the unique color of the zipao tiger.[5]
Historians claim that spectral tigers were created when Draenor exploded, unleashing energies that warped the world's flora and fauna.[6]
The blood from the prowler tigers in Talador is sometimes added into elixirs as a coagulant[7] and can be used in combination with snapdragon fronds and a riverhopper eye to create a resurrection potion.[8] Tiger blood can also be used as a pigment.[9] Daggle Bombstrider asks adventurers to gather tiger blood for her, intending to sell it on the black market after spreading a rumor about how it improves muscle[10] or adds potency to warlock summoning spells.[11] Far Seer Mok'thardin asks adventurers to gather a pristine tigress fang for him to use in a powerful enchantment.[12] Linzi Hewstrike claims that people often request heavy leather or rough hides from her, but thinks that they would also appreciate if she had softer material such as tiger or panther fur.[13] The Darkspear trolls use the hides of Durotar tigers to create blankets, armor, and tents.[14]
Azunyan <Zach Chow's Pet>
Battle-Tiger <Adam Eternum's Pet>
Chasheen <Queen of the Deepwild>
Kher Shan <The Hozen Bane>
Kimbul is the tiger loa of the Farraki and Zandalari trolls.
King Bangalash
Kung Din
Kyo <Che Wildwalker's Pet>
Mimbubu <Kuzari's Pet>
Miss Purr-Purr
The Nodding Tiger
Orcgut <Patrick Messer's Pet>
Saari <Jaul Hsu's Pet>
Sher'khaan <Sharpfang Patriarch>
Shirvallah is the tiger loa of the Gurubashi jungle trolls.
Summer <Lorewalker Cho's Companion>
Tsavo'ka <Ghost in the Darkness>
Xuen <The White Tiger> is one of the four August Celestials.
Bloodthirsty Prowlers are only found in Greenstone Village.
Dread Matriarchs, Dread Stalkers are found in the Dread Wastes.
Durotar Tigers could be found on the Echo Isles in Durotar prior to the Cataclysm. They are now extinct.
Elder Stranglethorn Tigers, Stranglethorn Tigers, Stranglethorn Tigresses and Young Stranglethorn Tigers are found in Stranglethorn Vale.
Bloodscalp Tigers are the pets of the Bloodscalp trolls.
Kurzen War Tigers are the pets of Kurzen's Expedition.
Forest Huntresses, Forest Prowlers, Wary Forest Prowlers and Forest Cubs are found in the Jade Forest.
Enthralled Forest Prowlers are the pets of the Forest Hozen.
Sha-Infested Prowlers start appearing after the first appearances by the sha.
Golden Tiger are found in Fox Grove in the Jade Forest during quest phasing.
Gorge Stalkers are found in Dustback Gorge in the Valley of the Four Winds.
Krasari Elders, Krasari Huntresses, Krasari Maulers, Krasari Prowlers, Krasari Stalkers and Krasari Cubs are found in the Krasarang Wilds.
Lurking Tigers are found in the Jade Forest.
Pei-Wu Tigers and Pei-Wu Tiger Cubs are found in Pei-Wu Forest on the Wandering Isle.
Pridelands Stalkers are found in southern Spires of Arak, north of Pinchwhistle Point, west of Pinchwhistle Gearworks, south of Bloodmane Valley, and southeast of Southport and Axefall.
Ridge Prowlers, Young Ridge Prowlers and Elder Ridge Prowlers are found in eastern and southern Talador, near Bladefury's Command, the Tomb of Lights, and between Tuurem and the eastern outskirts of Shattrath City.
Sharpfang Stalkers are found in western Talador, near the border to Nagrand.
Sha-Haunted Tigresses and Sha-Haunted Tiger Cubs are found near the Temple of the Red Crane in the Krasarang Wilds
Summit Prowlers and Summit Prowler Cubs are found in Kun-Lai Summit.
Tamed Tol'vir Prowlers are found in the Lost City of the Tol'vir.
Thicket Stalkers are found in the Jade Forest, in the Terrace of Ten Thunders and in Tideview Thicket, east of Honeydew.
Tigers are found in Neferset City in Uldum prior to the assault of the city.
Waxwood Hunters and Waxwood Matriarchs are found in the Waxwood Forest in the Jade Forest.
Wild Huntresses, Wild Prowlers and Wild Stalkers are found in the Bamboo Wilds of the Jade Forest.
Windward Tigers are found on Windward Isle in the Jade Forest. They are found in the Windward Huntress, Windward Saber, Windward Alpha, and Young Windward Tiger variations.
Young Stalkers are summoned during the fight with Rakira in the Jade Forest.
Zouchin Tigers are found in the Zouchin Province of Kun-Lai Summit.
Zulian Guardians, Zulian Tigers, and Zulian Cubs were found in Zul'Gurub prior to the Cataclysm. They are now extinct.
As a mount
- Main articles: Cat mounts, Saber cat mounts
- Prior to patch 4.1.0,
[Swift Zulian Tiger] had a chance to drop from High Priest Thekal. In Warlords of Draenor it was added to the Black Market Auction House.
[Reins of the Black War Tiger] is a PvP reward.
[Reins of the Spectral Tiger] and
[Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger] are obtained from rare loot cards in the TCG (Fires of Outland).
[Reins of the Blue Shado-Pan Riding Tiger],
[Reins of the Green Shado-Pan Riding Tiger] and
[Reins of the Red Shado-Pan Riding Tiger] are available for purchase from Rushi the Fox <Shado-Pan Quartermaster> upon reaching Exalted with the Shado-Pan.
[Ban-lu, Grandmaster's Companion] is a reward from
[45] The Trial of Ban-Lu.
[Wen Lo, the River's Edge] is available from the Battle.net Shop or In-Game Store.
As a companion pet
[Enchanted Jade] and
[Enchanted Purple Jade] were given out as part of special one-time promotions on Chinese and Taiwanese servers, respectively. They were later added as reward choices to the Recruit-A-Friend program.
[Experiment 13] is sold by Burt Macklyn in Burning Steppes for 3 Shadowy Gems.
[Spectral Tiger Cub] is obtained from a rare loot card in the TCG (Scourgewar).
[Savage Cub] can be purchased from Z'tenga the Walker <Saberstalker Quartermaster> at a cost of 1,500
upon reaching Revered with the Saberstalkers.
[Ban-Fu, Cub of Ban-Lu] is purchased from Mei Chele for 1000
after earning
[Ban-lu, Grandmaster's Companion].
As a hunter pet
- Main article: Cat#As a hunter pet
In the RPG
These great cats stand more than 3 feet tall at the shoulder and are about 9 feet long. Tigers typically weigh from 400 to 600 pounds.[15]
[Reins of the Bengal Tiger] is a mount found in the game files but isn't available in-game.
- In Mists of Pandaria, tigers received a brand new model to be used by the tigers of Pandaria, and which continues to be used in Draenor. Tigers in older content continue to use the lower-quality model.
Priestess of the Moon with her frostsaber tiger[16] in Warcraft III.
The Mists of Pandaria tiger model, as shown at BlizzCon 2011.
A tiger in the TCG.
Shirvallah, a tiger loa as she appears in Hearthstone.
- ^ Mount Journal entry for Blue, Red and Green Shado-Pan Riding Tigers
- ^ Mount Journal entry for
[Swift Zulian Tiger]
- ^ Mount Journal entry for
[Reins of the Black War Tiger]
- ^
[Enchanted Jade]
- ^
[Enchanted Purple Jade]
- ^ Mount Journal entry for Swift Spectral Tiger
- ^
[Prowler Blood]
- ^
[20-40] A Pilgrimage Gone Awry
- ^
[Coagulated Tiger's Blood]
- ^
[15-35] Profit Mastery
- ^
[15-35] Profit Mastery: Chasheen
- ^
[38] Mok'thardin's Enchantment
- ^
[10-30] Plush Pelts
- ^
[8] Practical Prey
- ^ Monster Guide Web Supplement, pg. 23
- ^ http://classic.battle.net/war3/nightelf/units/priestessmoon.shtml