Go'Shek Farm

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HordeGo'Shek Farm
Go'Shek Farm BfA.jpg
Go'Shek Farm when controlled by the Horde
Type Farmstead
Leader(s) Horde  Apothecary Jorell
  Formerly Mob  Darbel Montrose
Alliance  Primwell Skye †
Race(s) ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
OrcOrc Orc
Mag'har orcMag'har orc Mag'har orc
  Formerly HumanHuman Human
Affiliation(s) Mag'har Clans, Forsaken, Horde
  Formerly Syndicate,[1] Kingdom of Stromgarde
Organizations Defilers, Royal Apothecary Society
Location Eastern Arathi Highlands[57, 56]
Status Active

Go'Shek Farm is a farmstead in the eastern part of the Arathi Highlands, near Witherbark Village. The farm is protected by Hammerfall Grunts.

The rare armored boar Swee can be found in the stables of the farm.


Go'Shek Farm before Battle for Azeroth.

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

This once-human farmstead[2] was originally occupied by Primwell Skye, a veteran of the Second War.[3] It got taken over by Forsaken and orcs from Hammerfall some time after Third War. Since then, the Forsaken have been using this farm as a test ground for their mysterious alchemical experiments.[4] The orcs seem to be using it for supplies to Hammerfall.

Two agents of the Alliance, Quae and Kinelory, were sent here to investigate this issue. With the help of some adventurers, they managed first to stop a Forsaken Courier traveling to Tarren Mill,[5] and then discovered within the farmstead notes and researches of Apothecary Jorell.[6] It seems the apothecary was working on some new kind of new plague.


Cata-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Following the Cataclysm, the Forsaken once more attempted to come up with a new plague, so the Alliance agents Quae and Kinelory teamed up again to undermine the Forsaken experiments.[7]

Battle for Azeroth

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

During the time of the Battle for Stromgarde, when Stromgarde Keep was under Alliance control, the Defilers continued to operate at Go'Shek Farm under the lead of Doomrider Helgrim.[8] Consequently, Yvera Dawnwing and Mathias Shaw sent their agents to drive them off the farm.[2][9] When the Horde controlled Ar'gorok, Go'Shek Farm would be taken over by the Syndicate. In the end though, the Horde managed to drive the Syndicate back to Alterac.[1] At some point, Nathanos Blightcaller's agents spotted the Syndicate agent Singer in the area, and adventurers were sent to eliminate her.[10]


WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Main article: Battle of Go'Shek Farm
Aggralan and Jaina Proudmoore facing the 7th Legion and Kor'kron at Go'Shek Farm.

Ten days after the destruction of Dalaran, Regent Marran Trollbane led the 7th Legion and the Stromgarde army in an attack on the farm to claim it for Stromgarde. In response, Overlord Geya'rah led the Mag'har Clans and the Kor'kron to battle. While Thrall sought to sway Geya'rah to stand down, Aggralan was able to recruit the elementals to aid in reducing the fighting, and Jaina Proudmoore did her best in reducing casualties, while seeking to stop Marran, working her magic to disrupt the regent's ability to command the soldiers present on the battlefield.

Having come to see the battle upon the Go'Shek Farm as one without honor, Geya'rah sounded a horn and called for the Mag'har and Kor'kron to hold and called upon the 7th Legion and Stromic army to do the same. The Alliance followed suit and when Marran protested, she found herself arrested by Lord Danath Trollbane himself, who formally apologized for her actions and even offered reparations. However, Overlord Geya'rah rejected it as she didn't want to punish his people for Marran's actions and only wanted to quash the animosity between their people, to which Danath eagerly offered his support in that endeavor.[11]



See also


External links

Arathi Highlands BfA