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Monte Gazlowe

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For his The Frozen Throne statistics, see Engineer Gazlowe (Warcraft III).
HordeMonte Gazlowe
Image of Monte Gazlowe
Title Trade Prince of the Bilgewater Cartel,
Gazlowe's Greasemonkeys,
Garrison Architect
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Class Engineer,
WC3Reforged-icon.png Tinker,
WC3tFT-logo.png Sapper
Affiliation(s) Bilgewater Cartel, Horde, Horde Council, MEGA, Greasemonkeys
Former affiliation(s) Steamwheedle Cartel, Ratchet
Occupation Trade prince of the Bilgewater Cartel, Leader of the Greasemonkeys, Representative of the Bilgewater Cartel on the Horde Council, Member of MEGA
Former occupation(s) Chief Engineer and leader of Ratchet, Horde Garrison Architect, Chief engineer of the Horde
Location Various
Status Alive
Relative(s) Charnas[1] & Morbix (cousins)
Companion(s) Lady Sena & Skaggit (assistants)

“Our people are smart but erratic. Genius ideas, inconsistent execution. We solve difficult logistical problems, but all too often it’s the fact that we don't pay attention to the details—to quality control—that undoes our best efforts.”

— Monte Gazlowe[2]

Monte Gazlowe[3] is the Trade Prince of the Bilgewater Cartel[4] and representative to the goblins within the Horde Council.[5] Following the Third War, he established a close working relationship with the Horde and particularly Warchief Thrall during the foundation of Durotar.[2] He has worked as the Horde's chief engineer on many occasions, including during the construction of Orgrimmar and later Frostwall.[6] He also established the neutral port of Ratchet within the Northern Barrens as part of the Steamwheedle Cartel. Despite allowing the Alliance to do business within the port, he maintained strong relations with the Horde.[7]

Prior to the Fourth War, Monte viewed neutrality as the most profitable course of action and actively defended his independence with force when needed.[8] While he holds no special love for the Alliance, he holds no hate for them either, and regards their gold as he would anyone else's.[9] After Jastor Gallywix had abandoned the Horde and the Bilgewater Cartel, Thrall personally requested Gazlowe to take up the mantle of leadership, which he accepted and assured that he would compensate them better. Afterward, he and Marin Noggenfogger began working in a joint effort to improve the working conditions of the goblin cartels.[2]

Gazlowe is muscular four feet tall with bright-green skin, bloodshot yellow eyes, a prominent chin, an impressive nose, and long pointed ears.[10] He is a proud member of the Mechanical Engineers' Guild of Azeroth and sponsors the races it holds. He also operated Gazlowe's Greasemonkeys, owns a yacht, and conducted several salvage operations in the Shimmering Deep in Thousand Needles.[11] The zeppelin Cloudkicker also belonged to Gazlowe.[12] Despite his purported neutrality at the time, one of his prized possessions was a "liberated" SI:7 spy cloak.[13]

Gazlowe embodies some of the best qualities found within goblin society: allowing unions among his employees, willing to give them days off and full pay[14] and believes that a good boss has to respect his crew in order to get their own respect back.[15] His workers are given hazard pay,[16] but he is not willing to see good crew die. For the lost, he gives insurance to their families, with full value and no haggling.[17] Gazlowe expects the best from his crews, so he pays them what they're worth and treats them well. In return, he has the best goblin crews on the planet, and they are not going over to any competition.[18] Gazlowe is even willing to challenge the views of other goblin leaders in order to normalize these values among other cartels.[2] He describes himself as being good and talented at solving problems.[19]


The Founding of Durotar

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

After the Third War, Gazlowe was contracted by Warchief Thrall to be Durotar's Chief Engineer. His task was to secure a reliable source of water for the newly constructed city of Orgrimmar. Gazlowe's expedition dugs tunnels outside the city in search of underground well, where they accidentally tunneled into a den of kobolds who immediately flooded into the caves and drove the goblin miners out. Gazlowe sent the yet-unproven Rexxar into the Orgrimmar Tunnels to protect sappers that would collapse the breaches into the kobold dens. When Rexxar succeeded Gazlowe rewarded him with magical items.[20]

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Gazlowe's original model in World of Warcraft.

Having been paid well by Thrall for his and his workers' aid in constructing the city, Gazlowe decided to establish the port town of Ratchet in the Barrens, at the mouth of the Southfury River, sometime after Orgrimmar's completion.[21] He sent one of his employees, Rezlak, to Durotar to continue helping the orcs.[22]

In the past, Gazlowe helped the goblins of Mirage Raceway to build a rig, and he continued to support their team further.[23] He promised Pozzik a new prototype fuel regulator, but it got delayed when Baron Revilgaz had troubles with retrieving its blueprints.[24]

When the Southsea Freebooters arrived in the Barrens, they settled on the Merchant Coast from where they were causing problems to the goblins of Ratchet. Consequently, Gazlowe sent adventurers of both factions to deal with the pirates and retrieve his stolen goods.[25] He notably awaited new boots from Drizzlik.[26]

At some point, Baron Revilgaz of Booty Bay sent a bottle of 99-Year-Old Port to Gazlowe as a gift, but it was nabbed by the menace Mad Magglish after a crane accident in Ratchet. Adventurers were sent by Crane Operator Bigglefuzz to retrieve it, and who later brought it to Gazlowe.[27]

The Shattering

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Following the devastation in Orgrimmar caused by rogue fire elementals, Gazlowe was approached by Thrall to rebuild the city; even after lowering the price, it was still a tremendous amount, but nonetheless Thrall agreed to pay it to rebuild his shattered capital. Shortly afterward, the former Warchief departed for Outland.[28]

Following the death of the tauren leader Cairne Bloodhoof in the Orgrimmar arena, and the insurrection of the Grimtotem tribe that followed, Gazlowe was approached by the shaman Jevan Grimtotem, a Grimtotem defector who sided with Cairne's son Baine. Baine's plan called for massive amounts of explosives and other weapons, the technical and martial skill of mercenaries, and three zeppelins to transport troops into Thunder Bluff. Stormsong gave Gazlowe an enormous sum, borrowed from the coffers of Theramore Isle: one large payment, and an extra, smaller payment to make it a rush job. Atypically for a goblin, Gazlowe (albeit a little reluctantly) only accepted a fistful of the extra gold as a gesture of respect to Cairne and his son and provided the armaments requested in four days.[29]

After the Shattering, Gazlowe provided a vessel, Draka's Fury, for Thrall and Aggra's voyage to the Maelstrom, complete with provisions.[30]


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

At the time of Cataclysm, it was apparent that Gazlowe wanted to remain neutral in the factions' conflict. However, he could not bear to be robbed of profit, and when he felt that Rear Admiral Hartley of the Northwatch Expeditionary Unit wanted to prevent the Horde from trading at the port of Ratchet, Gazlowe was severely irritated by this action, and proceeded to secretly enlist the aid of Horde adventurers to destroy Hartley's ship and cargo.[31]

He promised Wharfmaster Dizzywig a promotion if he were to deal with the pirates on Fray Island.[32] He also sent the adventurers to the captured Baron Longshore to find his stolen supplies.[33]


WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

The Spiral Path

At some point after the Cataclysm, Gazlowe came to Thousand Needles to sponsor the races at the Speedbarge as a member of MEGA. When Aramar Thorne, Makasa Flintwill, and their friends arrived at the Speedbarge in search of crystals, Daisy knew to who direct them - Gazlowe should help him salvage his lost treasure[34] as he had previously performed salvage operations in the area for pirate ships. Gazlowe sponsored three hundred gold coins invested in the leper gnome Gimble Sprysprocket's speedboat, the Steamwhistle and two thousand wagered on the race.

When Daisy and Hotfix brought Aram and his companions to Gazlowe, the goblin was measuring time for Gimble and his boat. Daisy and the kids told the goblin they needed his help with salvaging and could pay for it, which sparked his interest. As the kids explained the situation, they spoke about money. Gazlowe asked for more than they had, so the goblin refused to help. As Aram went to continue the haggle, a speedboat suddenly arrived. Gazlowe was dissatisfied as Sprocket was late. Gazlowe wasn't in the mood, but Gimble begged him and promised he would cut weight again and that his cousin Razzle was coming. Gazlowe's patience ran out and saw through Gimble's lies. As he didn't have a pilot, Aram offered to be one, in exchange for the help with the salvaging. Gazlowe briefly considered this and lifted the boy to weigh him. Sprocket objected, but Gazlowe told him and betted on it that the leper gnome had five days to the race to train him, manipulating him. With that, Gazlowe shook hands with Aram on their deal as well. He then observed Aram's first spins around the Speedbarge, and Makasa told him about the danger that was following the kids - Gordok's Elite, comprised of Gordunni ogres and serving the Hidden led by Malus. When the girl threatened that the deal was now off, Gazlowe disagreed and invited them to stay on his yacht, otherwise he wouldn't help them with the salvaging.

When the kids relocated to the yacht, Gazlowe dined with them and talked with Aram about the training. While Aram was improving, Gazlowe warned him to slow down as his competitors and gamblers watched him. He also told them that the next day Aram needed to return to the Speedbarge for registration, which Makasa didn't like due to the ogres watching the Speedbarge. Gazlowe immediately had a solution - he would give Aram an SI:7 hooded cloak, that he had recovered from a member of the organization. Makasa had noticed that Gazlowe was not using Aram's name, so she made him say his full name. When Gazlowe did so and said he wouldn't let him get hurt, she was satisfied with that. Gazlowe also admitted that he became fond of Aram.

The next day, Gazlowe, Sprocket, and Aram went to Pozzik and Fizzle Brassbolts to register. During the process, Aram was found by the ogres, but managed to evade them and returned to the yacht. There, Makasa was furious at Gazlowe as he maintained that nothing really happened to Aram, besides losing him his cloak. This event changed their deal, as Aram asked Gazlowe to conduct the salvage mission in the evening instead of after the race. Aram also let it slip that they were looking for a crystal, so Gazlowe agreed and provided suits and goblin crew for the operation in the Shimmering Deep. Despite a hiccup with a whale shark that damaged Aram's suit, the operation was successful. Gazlowe wondered what had happened to the suit, and Makasa was ready to kill Gazlowe for the question. When he later realized that Aram almost died again, he sent milk and cookies to the kids.[35]

On the race day, Gazlowe explained to Aram that he and the other pilots had to walk to the speedboat for the audience to see him. To protect him, Gazlowe had convinced Pozzik and Fizzle that the ogres would disrupt the races, so their Brute Squad blocked the ogres' path to the gangway. He also slipped several coppers to the gnome Raphael, so that when the ogres did appear and tried to force through, he would shout, which did happen. The alert prompted Pozzik to appear, and Gazlowe was dissatisfied when he heard Pozzik say to the ogres that he didn't care what would happen after the race. He then went to watch the race and was satisfied with how the Steamwhistle was going, and eventually it won the race,[36] and Gazlowe was proud and earned a lot of money, which he used to pay off any debts and expenses he had, including to Sprocket, Pozzik, and Daisy, to fix any damages he needed to fix, and was keeping Aram's share in trust as well. Following the victory lap, the Elite approached the Steamwhiste, only to find Hotfix inside, a thing planned by Gazlowe and the kids. Before the race, Gazlowe had paid Pozzik to meet with him and ensure that there would be no problem when Aram traded places with Hotfix during the victory lap. Shortly after the win, Gazlowe posed for Charnas, with Hotfix on Gazlowe's shoulders.[37] With the race won, the travelers continued their journey to Gadgetzan in Tanaris, with supplies from Gazlowe, who promised to sail his yacht there to meet them[38] and also to board the zeppelin Cloudkicker for the next MEGA competition in three days.

Once in the town, Gazlowe avoided the Elite ogres. While he didn't care for any of them, and even briefly considered keeping Aram's share of the money, he liked the boy and considered him a friend who happened to be a good pilot who could earn him more money. As such, he resolved to make a little effort to see him safe and to get him into the town. Gazlowe checked out Gadgetzan's gates and identified Malus's hidden lookouts, which presented problems to his plans of keeping Aram safe. This, however, presented an opportunity to solve the problem and visit Sprinkle, one of his many former flames. He relied on the danger to Sprocket, who was stationed outside the city and eventually spotted and warned the travelers. They reunited with Gazlowe outside the town and waited for Sprinkle's caravan, handed by Winifred, that took them to Gadgetzan without problems. Gazlowe paid Winifred for their rooms in her abode (with Aram's money) and assured Makasa that Winifred could be trusted. Aram told the goblin that they needed to find Faeyrine Springsong, who Gazlowe knew so he brought the night elf druid to them instead. Winifred told Gazlowe the kids needed supplies and tickets,[39] so he bought the items (with Aram's money), including four tickets on the Crustacean heading to Stormwind Harbor and went on a drink with his cousin Charnas, who had also met Aram and told him about his father and uncle. He told Aram he would come back to hear his decision whether he would go to Stormwind or the Stonetalon Mountains.[40]

However, things got complicated and Malus with the Hidden found the kids and started chasing them. Makasa tried to separate them by luring the members of the Hidden to the Thunderdrome, where Gazlowe happened to be. When Makasa demanded combat, Marin Noggenfogger called for bets, which Gazlowe participated in, and even argued with the Baron about the cut of the take, causing a delay, which annoyed Makasa. Soon, Gazlowe was joined by Winifred and Faeyrine, as the lone Makasa was joined by her friends, which prompted Gazlowe and the other betters to adjust their bets. The combat ended in Makasa's team's victory, and Gazlowe once again won money.[41]

Ultimately, the kid travelers freed themselves from the Hidden, and Gazlowe agreed to take them on the Cloudkicker to the Stonetalon Mountains for the MEGA event in the Charred Vale. Once in the air, he briefly argued with Sprocket about the zeppelin's speed.[42]

The Shining Blade

Throughout their journey, Aram came to admire Gazlowe. When the zeppelin arrived in the vale, Gazlowe bid Aram farewell, saying he could call him whenever he would need him. As the travelers set out to Thal'darah Overlook, the Cloudkicker went to the MEGA event,[43] an obstacle course off the coast of the vale. Gazlowe and Sprocket won the race with their invention, a fleet of DLVR-E drones.[44]

In the meantime, the travelers arrived at their destination and beyond, but eventually fell into great danger, with Aram being kidnapped by Malus. Makasa weighed her options and decided to ask Gazlowe for help, so she wrote him a letter. She had a Sentinel send their owl after him.[45] As Gazlowe and his team were relaxing with drink and admiring his trophy at the party barge, an owl found him. He read the letter, explaining everything that had happened to the kids and asking him to fly the Cloudkicker to Thal'darah Overlook and from there to Lakeshire in the Redridge Mountains. Gazlowe initially hesitated as he didn't see profit in it, but Charnas reasoned with him that he felt responsible since he had told Aram about his uncle, who was, in reality, Malus. Scanning the letter again, seeing the mention of an artifact the kids had been searching for, Gazlowe agreed to help Makasa for friendship and profit.[44]

When he arrived at the Overlook, Galena Stormspear slipped the mention of the Diamond Blade, so Gazlowe was immediately sold on helping them with diamonds and Aram. Makasa mentioned they didn't have any money to pay for the ride, and Murky only gave him seashells and bruiseweed, Gazlowe offered the ride for free. When they arrived at their destination, Gazlowe and the others planned their course of action in the area and agreed to hide the zeppelin in the mountains.[46] When Makasa and others found other shards and prepared a plan to save Aram, which included Sprocket's DLVR-E machines being sent back to Kalimdor with messages to their allies there, so Galena was sent to Gazlowe to rely on this plan.[47]

Gazlowe was again skeptical of this plan, especially since the enemy now involved a Burning Legion dreadlord. Nevertheless, Sprocket convinced him of the benefits this would give them, so the goblin agreed to go with their plan, still thinking of fortune. After the drones were sent, Gazlowe helped the Everstill murlocs board the Cloudkicker that transported Makasa and her army to the Dark Portal valley in the Blasted Lands. As they disembarked, Makasa hugged him, and they bid themselves goodbye with the promise he would get paid. The zeppelin then left as Gazlowe needed to return to Gadgetzan.[48] Makasa's mission was successful and the Hidden were defeated. One year later, Gazlowe returned to Redridge and got paid in diamonds from the Stormwind treasury for the assistance against the Darkstorm threat. Gazlowe transported Aramar from Lakeshire back to Kalimdor for his meeting with his friends.[49]

Warlords of Draenor

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

Gazlowe in Frostwall.

As Thrall and Khadgar's expedition reached Frostfire Ridge, the archmage opened a portal and brought in personnel and supplies to construct a garrison. Gazlowe served as chief architect because of his history in helping construct Orgrimmar. Gazlowe, his personals, Lady Sena, Skaggit, and peons immediately began working on the garrison in Frostwall. During early developments, he worked with the commander giving him tasks to prepare the land for construction and continued to work with him when expanding the garrison. The adventurer could learn blueprints and construct buildings at his table. Gazlowe seemed to be taking great pride in his work to the point of vanity. He also provided plans for constructing outposts across Draenor.

Upon establishing a building in Vol'jin's Pride, Gazlowe showed up to hurry his workers up.

Gazlowe accompanied the commander and the Frostwolf leaders, Durotan and Draka in Talador and fought against the Iron Horde, their machinery and supplies. He also managed to get and function a robot that was used against the enemy force stationed in Tuurem. He then accompanied the Horde to the entrance of Shattrath City to meet Khadgar. When the counter-attack started, he and Thaelin Darkanvil found an Iron Star, functioned it and the commander used it to eliminate the numbers of orcs.

Some time later, the Iron Horde renewed their machinery near Thunder Pass and Gazlowe agreed to investigate... for a sum. With the help of the adventurer, he deactivated the enemy drill but was eager to find out about who was responsible for the machinery and what else they've got in the mountains. They entered the Iron Siegeworks and started eliminating the enemies and examining the gadgets. He eventually found out that the mastermind behind the armory was captured dwarf Thaelin Darkanvil with whom he has a friendly rivalry. They found and freed the dwarf and killed a leading orc on whom the Alliance had set a bounty, thus he gained an extra profit. Afterward, he returned to Frostwall.

He is ultimately seen with the Horde leaders near the Gates of Tanaan after Warlord Azuka was killed, as Warchief Grommash challenged them to enter Tanaan.

After Gul'dan took over the Iron Horde, Gazlowe sent a team of goblins with the Frostwolf orcs and the Horde to the Iron Docks. He later provided Durotan a siege machine that destroyed the Tanaan Gate.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Gazlowe in his personal shredder.

During the Burning Legion's invasion, Gazlowe defended Ratchet in his own custom shredder.

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Gazlowe in Dazar'alor.

During the Fourth War, Gazlowe led a Horde band known as Gazlowe's Greasemonkeys during the Island Expeditions. The team comprised himself and his assistants from Frostwall, Lady Sena, and Skaggit. The group could also be found idling in the Port of Zandalar in Zuldazar.

After hearing rumors that Grizzek Fizzwrench was alive, Trade Prince Gallywix would hire Horde adventurers to hunt him down and ensure he was dead. Unbeknownst to Gallywix, Gazlowe would give them a higher offer to ensure that Grizzek stayed alive.[50] Thus, the adventurer started in Tanaris by repairing Feathers, following the mechanized parrot, and finding Grizzek with Sapphronetta Flivvers in Thistleshrub Valley.[51] Saffy and Grizzek promised to give Feathers to the hero in exchange for telling everyone that they had died. With that, the couple drove off on Grizzek's bike. While Gallywix was convinced, Gazlowe saw through the adventurer's lie and was happy that Grizzek still lived.[52]


Gazlowe later caught wind of Tinkmaster Overspark of Tinker Town leading an Alliance operation to the now-opened vault within the Abandoned Junkheap of Tiragarde Sound. While he dismissed Overspark's belief that the vault had a connection with Mechagon Island as a fairy tale, Gazlowe was very interested in acquiring any tech within the vault.[53] To that end, he rallied a team together and secured the vault.[54] Seeing the machinery was broken, Gazlowe quickly got it back up and running, triggering a projection of King Mechagon who then attempted to purge the goblins from the vault. Though unable to save all of the crew, Gazlowe's quick thinking in using a captured gnome saved the rest from King Mechagon. Surprised by Mechagon's actual existence, he quickly voiced the desire to obtain the King's tech.[55] Gazlowe immediately directed the expedition to Mechagon, as he didn't want to lose another good crew on his watch.[17]

With his crew established and having no misconception about how King Mechagon would greet them, Gazlowe had the group quietly arrive to the island on a submarine. After the group arrived in Mechagon, he told the Speaker of the Horde not to be fooled by the grass on the island. He pointed out that bots on the shoreline and the constant buzz of machinery and smog in the air revealed that Mechagon is a technological gold mine.[56]

Acknowledging that King Mechagon's cruelty ensured he would have enemies, Gazlowe and the Speaker headed off to find allies and subsequently allied with the Rustbolt Resistance led by Prince Erazmin, King Mechagon's own son.[57] At the Prince's request, Gazlowe fought against the King's forces side by side with Tinkmaster Overspark and later joined with the Prince in Rustbolt.[58][59] As a show of unity, Gazlowe vowed to keep his nose clean, while he discretely asked for Horde adventures to collect unfinished prototypes before the Alliance could get their hands on them.[60]

After King Mechagon's termination, Gazlowe remarked that the partnership with Overspark wasn't half bad and that it reminded him of how profitable working with the Alliance can be.[61]

Gazlowe joined Varok Saurfang's revolution against Sylvanas Windrunner, where he worked with Tinkmaster Overspark in creating a machine to clear the tunnel path from Razor Hill to Orgrimmar.[62] During the conflict, Saurfang challenged Sylvanas to a Mak'gora, which ended in his death and Sylvanas's abandonment of the Horde. Gazlowe attended Saurfang's funeral.[63] He admitted that he was going to miss Saurfang, and he vowed that he wouldn't let the job he started go unfinished.

When Auctioneer Ralinza refused to allow a Former Banshee Loyalist to use the Auction House in the Valley of Strength, Gazlowe stepped in and reminded Ralinza that the Horde needed to unite if it wanted to survive and that Sylvanas had conned a lot of folks into following her.[64]

Visions of N'Zoth

Monte Gazlowe joins the Horde Council.

Gazlowe was among those to attend the private auction for the X-52 Personnel Armor.[65] When Gallywix took Hobart Grapplehammer hostage to get the armor for himself, Gazlowe joined the battle against the Trade Prince.[66] After Hobart was freed and Gallywix beaten, the armor fell into the possession of Gallywix's old rival.[67]

In the aftermath of N'Zoth's death and the end of the Fourth War, Gazlowe and the other Horde leaders received the terms for an armistice from the Grand Alliance, putting the Fourth War on hold indefinitely, if not permanently. With that matter settled, Lor'themar Theron addressed the absence of a Warchief. Despite support for Thrall to take the mantle on again, he refused, citing that he had promised Varok Saurfang he would not take on the role once more. Instead, he brought up the idea of the Warchief being necessary, instead bringing in the belief that a change was needed for the Horde's leadership. With this, the Horde Council was created. In light of Gallywix fleeing Orgrimmar with the rest of Sylvanas's inner circle, Thrall turned to Gazlowe to take over as the leader of the Bilgewater Cartel. Remarking that "under new management" was just another way of saying that "opportunity's knockin", Gazlowe agreed to Thrall's request, thus becoming the Trade Prince of the Bilgewater Cartel and their representative on the council. In the face of Thrall's concerns that Gallywix could still be funding members of the Cartel, Gazlowe simply promised to pay them more than the cheapskate.[5]

With his ascension to Trade Prince of the Bilgewater Cartel, Gazlowe couldn't help but comment that the Horde itself was about to go through a "management restructuring." Though the goblin promised that there wouldn't be any complaints from him as long as the checks didn't bounce.

Shadows Rising

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When a Horde Council meeting was derailed by a failed assassination attempt on Talanji, the Zandalari queen and a key ally, Gazlowe and the rest of the Horde leaders were forced into action. They empowered the young troll shaman Zekhan, still grieving the loss of Varok Saurfang, with a critical mission to aid Talanji and help uncover the rising threat against her. After Zekhan sent word that another assassination attempt was made by a war party, Gazlowe provided Rokhan with a flying machine that the troll used to bring him to Dazar'alor.

Upon learning that the Alliance was aware of the unrest in Zandalar, their belief that Talanji was working with Sylvanas, and that they had requested to speak with the council, another meeting was held. Gazlowe felt that Thrall should just tell the humans to stay off their lands and stated that if they wanted Mathias Shaw freed by the Zandalari Empire then the Alliance should give the Horde something first. After his fellow council members voiced support for a meeting, Gazlowe decided to vote in favor hoping that it could lead to the capture of Sylvanas. His hope being that if Sylvanas was captured, then they could focus on Horde problems. Thus, a unanimous vote was reached for Thrall and Ji Firepaw to meet Jaina Proudmoore and Anduin Wrynn.

When the Horde rallied to aid the Zandalari against the Widow's Bite and the Banshee loyalists, Gazlowe gave Thrall goblin seeker bots and joined Lor'themar to sail to the Necropolis in Nazmir to prevent any possibility of retreat by sea.[68]

Exploring Azeroth

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After the Horde Council decided to send Rexxar and Zekhan to look over the Horde holdings within Kalimdor, in order to assess the needs and statuses of the people, how the wounds from the Fourth War were healing, and where there were still aches within the Horde. Consequently, Monte wrote them a letter as a pass for any goblin they might encounter on their journey, on which he indicated that he "owns" whoever read it, their Steamwheedle boss, their Bilgewater cronies, and their shoes, and that the duo can therefore go where they want just like him on his property.[3]

He then wrote a letter to Krendle Bigpockets and had Zekhan deliver it, as part of his search for lost funds from the era of Jastor Gallywix.[69] He also warned them to avoid the Venture Company in Mulgore.[70]


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

During the Scourge resurgence, Gazlowe was among the Horde leaders to convene with the leaders of the Alliance and Bolvar Fordragon at the Frozen Throne within Icecrown Citadel. While desiring to rescue his friends, Gazlowe knew that he couldn't risk the stability of the Horde and send their fellow leaders on what might well be a suicide mission. In light of Tyrande Whisperwind's hostility when Lor'themar Theron encouraged the Alliance to do the same, he prepared himself for battle but stood down when Bolvar called for it.[71] He then witnessed the ritual to open the doorway to the Maw and watched as champions of Azeroth, the Knights of the Ebon Blade, and even Tyrande Whisperwind enter to rescue their comrades and seek out Sylvanas.[72] Gazlowe subsequently departed from Icecrown.


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

During the Love is in the Air, Gazlowe and Thaelin Darkanvil worked together on the crashed X-46 Heartmender in Durotar. The goblin appreciated having the Dark Iron dwarf for a friend.

The Goblin Way

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Seeking to better the goblin way, Gazlowe conducted “factfinding” tours and took stock of the less-than-desirable working conditions among the goblins. He was forced to use the power of the Horde in order to strong-arm Marin Noggenfogger to allow him to inspect his mine. As he makes studious observations about the condition the mine is in, Gazlowe sees disrepair, dangerous conditions, and disregard for the workers. He then speaks with Noggenfogger about improving conditions overall to improve the goblin's way of doing business. To treat workers better, stop cutting corners, and provide safer conditions.

Noggenfogger was hesitant, concerned about the other cartels seeing this as a weakness; however, Gazlowe offered to keep pressure off of Noggenfogger, by aligning their cartels together. Recognizing that he would be in a position of strength, Noggenfogger agreed.[2]

The War Within

The War Within This section concerns content related to The War Within.

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Gazlowe is present in Azj-Kahet.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Ratchet, Northern Barrens[68.4, 69] 5-30 Alliance Horde As a quest giver for Northern Barrens quests.
Frostwall 10-40 Horde
Various, Talador 20-40 Alliance Horde
Thunder Pass & Iron Siegeworks, Frostfire Ridge 40 Horde As part of the Grinding Gears chapter of the Garrison Campaign.
Port of Zandalar, Dazar'alor[44.77, 89.72] 10-60 Alliance Horde With the Island Expedition team;
appearance removed once Mechagon Island is unlocked.
Island Expeditions 50 Alliance
Port of Zandalar, Dazar'alor[50.2, 99.0] 50 Horde During H [50] Whatever Happened to Grizzek Fizzwrench?.
Great Seal, Dazar'alor 50 Horde As a quest giver during the Mechagon introduction storyline.
Abandoned Junkheap & Forgotten Vault, Tiragarde Sound 50 Horde As part of the Mechagon introduction storyline.
Rustbolt, Mechagon Island 50 Alliance Horde
Operation: Mechagon 50 Alliance Horde
Razor Hill, Durotar 50 Alliance Horde As part of the final chapter of the War Campaign.
Orgrimmar 50 Horde As part of the War Campaign epilogue.
Motherlode 60 Horde As part of the Heritage of Kezan questline.
Frozen Throne, Icecrown Citadel ?? Alliance Horde As part of the Shadowlands intro experience.
Durotar[42.86, 17.83] 1-70 Alliance Horde During the Love is in the Air.
Azj-Kahet 78-80 Elite Alliance Horde As part of the Azj-Kahet storyline.


  • Spell fire selfdestruct.png Bomb — Bombs all enemies in a selected area, inflicting Fire damage.
Island Expeditions
  • Ability mount shreddermount.png Summon Shredder — Summons Gazlowe's Shredder.
  • Inv misc bag 08.png Throw Scrap — Throws a random scrap item at an enemy, inflicting 1 Physical damage.
  • Inv misc blackironbomb.png Xplodium Charge — Throw a bomb at the target area which will explode after 3 sec dealing 11 Fire Damage and stun targets for 2 sec.
  • Inv misc sawblade 01.png Buzz SAW — Fires a close range blast, knocking down all enemies in front of you for 2 sec and dealing 4 damage.
  • Spell frost frostblast.png Deth Lazor — Fire the Deth Lazor, damaging all enemies in a line for 11 damage.
  • Spell nature slow.png Discharge — Zaps all enemies within 8 yards with a lightning discharge, causing 2 damage and snaring them for 4 sec.
  • Inv misc bomb 02.png Mega Bomb — Unleash the Mega bomb, causing 50 fire damage to all enemies within 15 yards.
  • Ability vehicle rocketboost.png Turbo Boost — Speed boosted while not in combat.


The War Within This section concerns content related to The War Within.

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Mechagon island

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

Frostfire Ridge

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Garrison Campaign

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Since Cataclysm, he gives all-new quests, unique to either faction:

WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.

Objective of


Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

Engineer Gazlowe in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.
Ah, new guy, huh? I'm Gazlowe, chief engineer around these parts. But enough about me. We got work to do, buddy![20]
You see, me and my boys have been dredging out tunnels beneath the city, looking for underground wells. Problem is, we dug straight into a den of kobolds. Now those rat-freaks are running willy-nilly all over our tunnels![20]
I need you to hook up with my boys and seal those kobolds back in their hole. Yeah, just find the tunnel entrance outside of town, and my boys will set you straight.[20]
Engineer Gazlowe: Hey, come on, pal! Not paying you by the hour![20]
Rexxar: Not paying me at all, little goblin.[20]
So they blew themselves up, you say? Now that's occupational commitment! Anyway, ya done good, kid. Take these items, it's the least I can do to repay ya.[20]

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

  • Rezlak. There's one thing you need to know in life, and that's if you want something done well, do it yourself.[73]
  • You can get anything done for a price.[73]
  • Don't be afraid to take that big step.[73]
Oh no, you didn't!



Thrall paid me and my boys well for helping out with the construction of Orgrimmar, so I decided to set up a port here. We do most of our business through Booty Bay and Baron Revilgaz.


We're ready for construction! I learned a few new techniques when building Orgrimmar.

Port of Zandalar

What we've got here is a business opportunity. Might even be able to sell off the Alliance as scrap!

Mechagon, Alliance

Prince Erazmin's got potential. Smart. Knows his people and leans on their strengths, shores up their weaknesses. Knows that the group's success is his success.

<Gazlowe makes a rude gesture over to Tinkmaster Overspark.>

You Alliance grubs could learn a thing or two about him.

Mechagon, Horde

Prince Erazmin's got potential. Smart. Knows his people and leans on their strengths, shores up their weaknesses. Knows that the group's success is his success.

Still needs us, of course. And I don't mind not gettin' paid as long he don't mind us loading up our submarine with tech we find out here.

We're gonna get rich off this stuff.

Operation: Mechagon

Hey, <name>!

<Gazlowe's eyes look to either side as he motions you closer.>

I think we can make a deal here.

Orgrimmar Embassy

Looks like the Horde is about to go through a "management restructuring", so to speak. You won't hear any complaints from me... so long as checks don't bounce!

Saurfang's funeral
Main article: Old Soldier (Horde)#Leader dialogue


In Ratchet

Cataclysm The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 8.2.0 but is present in Cataclysm Classic.

  • Welcome to Ratchet! I hope you're looking for work!
  • Hey there, just passin' through?
  • Keep it quick, kid! I ain't got all day!
  • I sure could use your help, kid!
In Frostwall
  • Hey, commander!
  • Watcha need?
  • Work crew standing by!
  • I'm all yours, commander!
  • So, what's next commander?
  • I'm on it!
  • Right away!
  • Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll take care of it.
  • Huh, I love it!
  • Precision goblin engineering!
Battle for Azeroth
  • Hey, you lookin' for work?
  • I only deal with the best.
  • You buying or selling?
  • Got a contract with your name on it!
  • Plenty more where that came from.
  • Let me know if you need a pro.
  • Business is booming!
  • Where there's risk, there's reward!
  • Keep it up and you better hope you get hazard pay.


Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

Main article: For the Horde! (quest)#Notes
Main article: At Your Command (Horde)#Notes

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Main article: Whatever Happened to Grizzek Fizzwrench?#Notes
Main article: Rumors of Mechagon#Notes
Main article: The Legend of Mechagon (Horde)#Notes
Main article: A Quick Ear Hustle#Notes
Main article: This is Our Vault Now#Notes
Main article: Let's Get It Started (Horde)#Notes
Main article: You Must be This Height (Horde)#Notes
Main article: Machinations for Mechagon#Notes
Main article: Only the Best Will Do#Notes
Main article: To Mechagon!#Notes
Main article: Prospectus Bay (quest)#Notes
Main article: We Come in Peace... and Profit#Notes
Main article: This Ain't Mine (Horde)#Notes
Island Expeditions
  • Hey! Fixing that thing ain't cheap!
  • Kill switch, engaged!
  • Stupid piece of junk.
  • That's what this baby is built for!
  • Looks like this place has a lot to offer! Shade, loot... the Alliance? Well, now it's ruined.
  • Smell that? That's plunder, and a whole lot of it. Get your bags ready!
  • What we've got here is a business opportunity. Might even be able to sell off the Alliance as scrap!
  • You ain't seen... the last of me...
Operation - Mechagon
Main article: Operation: Mechagon#Quotes
Post-War Campaign - Auction house
Main article: Battle at the Gates of Orgrimmar#Auction house
Post-War Campaign - Horde Council
Main article: Warchief of the Horde (quest)#Notes
Next to a X-46 Heartmender during Love is in the Air
Gazlowe says: Looking good--this'll be miles above the old model.
Thaelin Darkanvil says: Aye, with yer fuel catalyzer and my dynamo shielding, it ought to be runnin' at twice the speed o' the last one!
Gazlowe says: Hey... Thaelin?
Thaelin Darkanvil says: Aye?
Gazlowe says: Not to get all mushy or anything, but... it's nice to have a friend that gets me, you know?
Thaelin Darkanvil says: Ain't mush if it's the truth. Thank ye... and likewise.

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

In his younger days, Gazlowe was a thief, like many goblins. Through adventuring, he gradually managed to make enough money to begin legitimate business, and proved to excel at it.[74]

Now, at the age of 40, Gazlowe resides in Ratchet as the manager of the port's trading operations. He runs one of the largest and most successful port towns in Kalimdor — if not the entire globe. While Gazlowe's city operates under the watchful eyes of the trade princes, he has considerable free reign, and proves effective because of it. A well-respected member of the goblin community, he also has a good heart, and is willing to help someone for little in return on occasion — but he wouldn't mind payback later, of course. He ships and receives to and from Booty Bay and Undermine. This goblin's smile looks almost friendly, but for his sharp teeth.[74]

Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans

WarcraftAdventures-Logo.png This section concerns content related to the canceled game Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans and is therefore non-canon.

Gazlowe repairing his zeppelin in Warcraft Adventures.

In the canceled Warcraft Adventures, Gazlowe was a pilot and engineer who built his own zeppelin during the Second War and flew it in over ten missions. The young Thrall helped him foil the "ground-breaking" engineering plans of a group of nearby gnomish inventors that Gazlowe wanted to stop. In thanks, Gazlowe helped him travel around the Eastern Kingdoms in his zeppelin.

The machinery of this zeppelin contained a samophlange.

In Hearthstone

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.

Gazlowe appears as a legendary card in the Goblins vs Gnomes expansion for Hearthstone. His flavor text reads: "Gazlowe was voted "Most Likely to Explode" in high school."

In Heroes of the Storm

Heroes of the Storm This section concerns content related to Heroes of the Storm and is considered non-canon.

Gazlowe appears as a playable character in Heroes of the Storm.

The powered armor used by him in the game greatly resembles the Tinker hero unit from Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne and the artwork for the epic tinker in the non-canon Warcraft RPG. His Chief Engineer skin incorporates elements from Gallywix's unused shredder concept art.

Notes and trivia

  • He was about forty by the time of the Cataclysm,[75] so he is about 52 in Dragonflight.
  • Gazlowe's mount is a chopper.[57]
  • Gazlowe likes to eat well and has a sweet tooth.[76]
  • Gazlowe once invited Harleen Chirpsnide over and cooked dinner to impress her. She says it smelled bad.[77]
  • He once saw the Heedless on the open seas.
  • Baron Longshore[33] and other close friends[11] call him Gazzy or Gaz.[78]
  • Since he describes his father in the past tense,[79] he is probably dead.
  • "Noggenfogger's cogs" is Gazlowe's expression of disgust.[80]
  • Gazlowe and his engineers also dug out other tunnels under Durotar, finding a previously unexplored city at the Excavation Site.[81]
  • Gazlowe is mentioned by an Irradiated Manager, his name is used as an expression of surprise.[82]
  • During N [15-30] I Must Have Them!, Wazat uses the unusual expression "By Gazlowe's horrific halitosis!"
  • The item  [Gazlowe's Charm] is named after him.
  • In Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, he used the model of a Goblin Sapper, showing three goblins, yet he was and still is a single character. It is unknown if he was the one with a helmet or the one with a mask and goggles. It is unlikely he was the one under the barrel.
    • This seems to have been retroactively changed for Reforged, where he appears closer to his Heroes of the Storm depiction as a tinker.
  • See also a special page for Gazlowe's Garrison: [1]
  • His generic name in Frostfire Ridge is Goblin Engineer.
  • Sammy Fivefingers reuses his model.
  • Gazlowe is voiced by Travis Willingham.
  • During the Battle for Azeroth beta, Gazlowe was originally a champion. He was replaced by Hobart Grapplehammer.


Heroes of the Storm

Patch changes

  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.2.0 (2019-06-25): New appearance added. Now has new outfit and voicelines.
  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.3 (2014-10-28): New appearance on Draenor added. Has new voicelines.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Model updated. Given unique voicelines.

See also


  1. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, pg. 419
  2. ^ a b c d e The Goblin Way
  3. ^ a b Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor, pg. 16
  4. ^ Goblin on the World of Warcraft website
  5. ^ a b H [50] Warchief of the Horde
  6. ^ H [40] My Very Own Fortress
  7. ^ H [1-30] Winds in the Desert. Rezlak: "I'm Rezlak, one of Gazlowe's boys. Boss sent me to help the orcs here in Durotar."
  8. ^ H [5-30] Love it or Limpet. Gazlowe, referring to the Alliance warship The Bellipotent: "I can't be held responsible if some enterprising Horde <class> were to attach a limpet mine to that part of the hull. Not even if I supplied the mine. And paid <him/her>. Handsomely."
  9. ^ A [15-30] Flight to Theramore
  10. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, pg. 238
  11. ^ a b Traveler: The Spiral Path
  12. ^ Traveler: The Shining Blade, pg. 8
  13. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, pg. 267
  14. ^ The Legend of Mechagon (Horde)#Notes
  15. ^ A Quick Ear Hustle#Completion
  16. ^ Let's Get It Started (Horde)#Notes
  17. ^ a b H [50] Machinations for Mechagon
  18. ^ H [50] Only the Best Will Do
  19. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, pg. 345
  20. ^ a b c d e f g Quest: Seal the Tunnel, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blizzard Entertainment. Orgrimmar Tunnels, Durotar. Gazlowe.
  21. ^ Gazlowe's quotes
  22. ^ H [1-30] Winds in the Desert
  23. ^ N [37] Goblin Sponsorship
  24. ^ N [37] Goblin Sponsorship
  25. ^ N [14] Southsea Freebooters
  26. ^ N [14] The Missing Shipment
  27. ^ N [18D] Trouble at the Docks
  28. ^ The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm, chapter 10
  29. ^ The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm, chapter 28
  30. ^ The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm, Epilogue
  31. ^ H [5-30] Club Foote
  32. ^ H [5-30] Southsea Freebooters
  33. ^ a b H [5-30] Find Baron Longshore
  34. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, pg. 236
  35. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, Part II, chapters 25 - 29
  36. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, chapter 30
  37. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, chapter 38
  38. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, chapters 31, 33
  39. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, chapters 36 - 37
  40. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, chapter 39
  41. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, chapters 41, 42, 43
  42. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, chapter 44
  43. ^ Traveler: The Shining Blade, chapter 1
  44. ^ a b Traveler: The Shining Blade, chapter 20
  45. ^ Traveler: The Shining Blade, chapter 19
  46. ^ Traveler: The Shining Blade, chapters 22 - 23
  47. ^ Traveler: The Shining Blade, chapter 31
  48. ^ Traveler: The Shining Blade, chapters 32 - 33
  49. ^ Traveler: The Shining Blade, Epilogue
  50. ^ H [50] Whatever Happened to Grizzek Fizzwrench?
  51. ^ N [50] Return to the Nest
  52. ^ H [50] He's Dead, Jastor
  53. ^ H [50] The Legend of Mechagon
  54. ^ H [50] This is Our Vault Now
  55. ^ H [50] You Must be This Height
  56. ^ H [50] To Mechagon!
  57. ^ a b H [50] We Come in Peace... and Profit
  58. ^ N [50] The Resistance Needs YOU!
  59. ^ N [50] Welcome to the Resistance
  60. ^ H [50 Daily] Prototypes for Profit
  61. ^ King Mechagon (tactics)
  62. ^ H [60] This Ain't Mine
  63. ^ B [60] Old Soldier
  64. ^ Battle at the Gates of Orgrimmar#Auction house
  65. ^ H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [50-70] The VIP List
  66. ^ H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [50-70] Beat The Crapopolis Outta Him!
  67. ^ H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [50-70] A Fitting Reward
  68. ^ Shadows Rising
  69. ^ Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor, pg. 89
  70. ^ Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor, pg. 91
  71. ^ A Chilling Summons
  72. ^ N [50] Through the Shattered Sky
  73. ^ a b c H [1-30] Securing the Lines
  74. ^ a b Lands of Mystery, pg. 30
  75. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, chapter 25, pg. 238: "The goblin Gazlowe was about forty years of age."
  76. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, pg. 263
  77. ^ N [68-70] Screechflight Potluck
  78. ^ Traveler: The Shining Blade, pg. 146
  79. ^ H [10-40] What We Need
  80. ^ Traveler: The Shining Blade, pg. 155
  81. ^
  82. ^ Project Blue Book#Quotes

External links

Gazlowe Generic name
Preceded by:
Trade Prince Gallywix
Leader of the Bilgewater Cartel
Succeeded by: