- "Swoop" redirects here. For the hunter pet ability, see
Vultures are carrion birds that can be found throughout the drier areas of Kalimdor — seeking carnage upon which to feed. The mottled scavengers have been known to aid the vile harpies from time to time — drawn by the promise of freshly slain flesh and blood.[1] They have also been seen in Outland, but with two heads.
Boulderfist clan legend recounts a cloud of carrion birds following ogre warriors through the Dark Portal during the Second War; it may be that all two-headed scavengers in Azeroth are their descendants.[2]
Mulgore swoops are often hunted for their quills by the tauren.[3]
Angered Arakkoa Protectors can be summoned in Blade's Edge Mountains.
Barrens Vultures can be found in the Northern Barrens.
Bonelashers can be found in the Terokkar Forest.
Bonestripper Buzzards are found in Hellfire Peninsula.
Bonestripper Vultures appear in Hellfire Peninsula.
Buzzard critters can be found throughout Tanaris.
Carrion Bird mobs and Diseased Vultures are found in Uldum.
Carrion Vultures can be found in Townlong Steppes.
Darktail Bonepickers, Bonepicker Felfeeders appear in the Blasted Lands since the Cataclysm.
Defiant Swoops, Dread Swoops, Dread Flyers and Dread Rippers are found in Desolace.
Fledgling Buzzard critters can be found in north-western Redridge Mountains.
Fleshrippers, Young Fleshrippers and Greater Fleshrippers are found in Westfall.
Giant Buzzards are found in the Badlands, and due to living in a desert, can often be found parched or starving.
Loch Buzzards are found in Loch Modan.
Mesa Buzzards are found in the Arathi Highlands, also appearing in the elder and young variations.
Sky Shadows can be found in the Deadwind Pass.
Summit Bonestrippers can be found in Kun-Lai Summit.
Swoops, Wiry Swoops and Taloned Swoops are found in Mulgore.
Thrashtalon Vultures can be found in Gorgrond.
Twilight Buzzards can be found in Mount Hyjal.
Removed or extinct
Due to the Cataclysm, the Carrion Vultures of the Western Plaguelands have gone extinct.
Salt Flats Vultures were wiped out during the Cataclysm. Their corpses can still be found floating in Thousand Needles. The scavenger variation has also gone extinct, but their corpses aren't found in-game.
Due to the Cataclysm, the Mountain Buzzard variation in Loch Modan is now extinct.
Due to the Cataclysm, the Wayward Buzzard variation in Tanaris is now extinct.
Bonechewer is a rare ghostly vulture on the top of a Scarlet Palisade's tower in Tirisfal Glades.
Catal and Favored of Isiset are rare two-headed mobs found in Burning Steppes.
Fene-mal is a rare two-headed vulture, who can be found in the Eastern Plaguelands.
Heress is a rare two-headed vulture found in the Western Plaguelands.
Ripwing is a rare mob found in Arathi Highlands.
Spiteflayer is a rare vulture, who can be found in the Blasted Lands. He has a two-headed model, so he presumably comes from Outland.
Torgos and his mate Trachela can be found the Terokkar Forest. He is considered the king of the boneflayers.
Vultros is a rare mob found in Westfall.
Zaricotl is a rare mob found in the Badlands.
As a mount
[Waste Marauder] drops from Rotfeaster in Uldum.
As a hunter pet
- Main article: Carrion bird
As a companion pet
[Albino Buzzard] has a chance to drop from
[Torn Sack of Pet Supplies].
- Fledgling Buzzard can be caught in Redridge Mountains.
[Mana-Warped Egg] has a chance to drop from Man-Hunter Rog in Arathi Highlands.
[Plagued Egg] has a chance to drop from Plaguefeather in Arathi Highlands when a faction has control over Stromgarde Keep.
In Warcraft III
Vultures appeared as critters in Warcraft III.
Swoops can be seen in Stonetalon Mountains.[4]
Buzzards are scavengers along savannahs and other arid environments. Buzzards flap toward their prey and strike with their beaks.[5]
Warcraft III concept art.
A buzzard in the TCG.
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth concept art.
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth concept art.
Freebird in Hearthstone.
Vultures in Warcraft Arclight Rumble.
Patch changes
Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Single-head model updated.
- ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Game Manual, pg. 88
- ^
[Mana-Warped Egg]
- ^
[1-30] Swoop Hunting
- ^ Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 208
- ^ Monster Guide Web Supplement, pg. 6