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Kun-Lai Summit

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NeutralKun-Lai Summit
Level: 20 - 50
Battle Pet Level: 23 - 25
Kun-Lai Summit TBoS.jpg
Capital(s) Neutral Temple of the White Tiger
Races PandarenPandaren Pandaren
Grummle Grummle
Hozen Hozen
Jinyu Jinyu
MoguMogu Mogu
Yaungol Yaungol
Zandalari trollZandalari troll Zandalari troll
Ruler(s) Neutral  Xuen
Neutral  Taran Zhu
Major settlements Neutral Shado-Pan Monastery
Alliance Westwind Rest
Horde Eastwind Rest
Neutral Zouchin Village
Neutral Binan Village
Neutral One Keg
Minor settlements Neutral Kota Basecamp
Neutral Winter's Blossom
Location Northern Pandaria

“Chill winds lash this snowy mountain region, site of a breathtaking temple complex devoted to the powerful spirit of the White Tiger, Xuen. Among Kun-Lai's denizens are members of the Shado-pan — an elite order of highly disciplined pandaren fighters dedicated to protecting their empire from any threat.”

The Art of World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, pg. 88

Kun-Lai Summit (pronounced "KUHN-lai")[1] is a zone in northern Pandaria, surrounded by the Vale of Eternal Blossoms to the south, the Townlong Steppes to the west, and the Jade Forest to the east. It is a vast area with majestic mountains, autumnal plains, and a lush coastal area. High atop the frigid northern peaks looms the Temple of the White Tiger, an ancient training ground protected by an elite force of martial priests, along with the spirit of the White Tiger itself, Xuen. Deeper into the mountains is the hideout of the Shado-Pan: a mysterious order charged with protecting Pandaria from the dark things buried beneath its surface. When the isolated people of Kun-Lai are threatened by marauders from the west and a Zandalari troll menace invading its northern shores, they turn to the Alliance and Horde for help.[2]


Ancient history

Kun-Lai Summit originated as a place created by the titans. The mountains of this land were shaped by mogu hands before they succumbed to the Curse of Flesh. Eventually, Kun Lai Summit was heavily contested along with the rest of Pandaria by several different mogu clans. Soon after, many different races of Pandaria, including the mountain hozen, jinyu, and even early pandaren farmers came to inhabit the region. The Summit was watched over by Xuen, the White Tiger, who swore to protect the races of Kun Lai from outsiders. When Lei Shen and his mogu legions marched upon Kun-Lai Summit, he gave the citizens the chance to remain free. A single challenger was meant to face Lei Shen. If he won, Lei Shen would leave the lands alone. However, if he lost, the citizens of Kun-Lai Summit would bow before the Thunder King. His challenge was accepted by Xuen, and their battle raged for thirty days and thirty nights. In the end, Lei Shen was triumphant, and the lands of Kun-Lai Summit were shortly thereafter conquered and enslaved by Lei Shen, with minimal opposition. Xuen was then bound atop Mount Neverest, left to watch the rise of the mogu empire.

The pandaren Kang believed that the mogu empire's reliance on slave labor made it weak. He learned how to fight without weapons, using the strength of his opponents against them, and taught it to many others. Soon he and his followers escaped to Kun-Lai, where they honed their abilities and philosophies in secret. One day, Kang climbed to the top of Mount Neverest to meditate, and instead found Xuen. The White Tiger's isolation had not made him angry or bitter, but it had simply made him eager to help. He guided Kang and the other novice monks in the ways of strength-not simply the strength of raw power, but the strength of endurance, encouraging him to also find strength in the land. Kang looked and saw scattered, isolated trees growing along the Kun-Lai ridgelines. They were twisted and gnarled, but he soon understood they needed to be. They had to endure biting winds and harsh sleet. Their trunks needed to be sturdy and strong, their roots deep. It was those trees that formed the walls of the monks' monastery and supplied the wood from which they crafted their first weapons-not blades, as their enemies had, but staves. Kang brought his to Xuen, who blessed it. Kang named it "Sheilun" after his son, who had died to the mogu's cruelty years before.[3]

After the Pandaren Revolution, and the Zandalari Troll Wars that followed, Kun-Lai Summit became a free state under control by the Pandaren Empire from their seat in the Jade Forest.

Xuen warned the monks that, although they were free, they had inherited the responsibility to protect Pandaria from the evil minds that wished to claim it. Every one hundred years, the mantid--dangerous insectoid creatures--would swarm the land. All that stood in their way were the brave souls who would fight atop the Serpent's Spine, a great wall protecting Pandaria from the mantid's ravaging mayhem. The monks who remained in Kun-Lai dedicated themselves to preparing for this threat. And every one hundred years, pandaren monks lined the top of the Serpent's Spine to face the overwhelming waves of mantid and risk their lives to protect their land.[3]

Mists of Pandaria

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Kun-Lai Summit.

The lands have been peaceful for the past ten thousand years, until outsiders arrived in Pandaria. The war between the Horde and the Alliance and their negative emotions have awoken the Sha. Even worse, the mantid to the east have forced the yaungol out of their homes in Townlong Steppes to breach the Serpent's Spine in order to break through and invade Kun-Lai. The yaungol invasion has left the Pandaren farmlands occupied and devastated. Even worse, the yaungol invasion has empowered the Sha even further. The Shado-Pan Monastery has come under attack by the Sha of Hatred from within and the Sha of Anger has risen in the South with the heightened negative emotions.

To the north, Zouchin Province on the coastline of Kun-Lai has been experiencing very peaceful times for several years. That was until a large Zandalari army led by Prophet Khar'zul and Gara'jal the Spiritbinder arrived on the shores and assaulted the pandaren villages. A large amount of the province's pandaren population was slaughtered in the process, and even worse, the Zandalari have regained their ancient alliance with the mogu through the mountains of Kun-Lai above Zouchin Province. The mogu have begun animating several terracotta and stone warriors to fuel their growing army which they intend to use to reclaim Pandaria. The Zandalari have also gained possession of the body of Lei Shen, who they intend to resurrect. Taking him to the Isle of Reckoning along with their mogu allies, Prophet Khar'zul succeeded in resurrecting the fallen First Emperor. The Zandalari then launched a full-scale assault on Zouchin Village, while the Horde and Alliance managed to help the pandaren villagers win a Pyrrhic victory over the rebels. Most of the mogu and Zandalari in Kun-Lai have since fled with the Thunder King to his island citadel, where they intend to unite into a single army commanded by Lei Shen to reconquer Pandaria for him.


Seeking the  [Divine Bell] Warchief Hellscream orders Horde forces to enter the region and discover its location. The Alliance is also seeking the bell, determined to prevent the Warchief from acquiring the mogu artifact. In time both sides learn that the bell is hidden within the Ruins of Korune. However in the race between factions to reach the artifact, the Alliance is victorious.

Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

After being attacked Vol'jin is rescued by Chen and taken to recover at the Shado-Pan Monastery. While there Vol'jin is plagued by visions which warns him of a Zandalari attack on the mainland. Aided by Chen, Tyrathan Khort, and Shado-pan monks Vol'jin leads a strike against the Zandalari that ends up baiting them to the monastery where The Thirty-three are successfully able to beat the invaders back, despite the losses suffered.[4]

The Thunder King

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Zandalari and Mogu invaders have landed on the shores of Kun-Lai to begin the invasion of Pandaria which will restore mogu rule.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, the area came under attack by the demons. Notably, they attacked the Serenity Peak and the Temple of the White Tiger. Monks of the Broken Temple also scoured the summit for the tale of Ban-Lu.

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Warring mogu clans overtook Kun-Lai Summit's plains.[5]

Getting there

Kun-Lai Summit is accessed via the Veiled Stair, which begins at the Grassy Cline in the Valley of the Four Winds. A breadcrumb quest is offered once adventurers reach level 87 from Messenger Grummles at Halfhill, Stoneplow, and the Grassy Cline. On the Veiled Stair, take the Spring Drifter through the Ancient Passage to reach Binan Village in the southeast corner of Kun-Lai.


Kun-Lai Summit is no doubt one of the coldest places in all of Pandaria. The southern lands are much more vibrant and warmer with dry air,[6] reminding somewhat of autumn, while the lands of the north are much more barren and most of them covered in snow. This is because the mountains are actually the highest in all of the known world of Azeroth.[citation needed]  The only way into the summit that is not sealed off by the Serpent's Spine is through the Hidden Pass. The key trade route of Kun-Lai is the Burlap Trail, that is run by the Grummles. Many yaungol warmongers are constantly trying to expand their territory, having been driven away from Townlong Steppes by the Mantid and desperately looking for a place to set up their new homes. In the mountains, many ancient mogu ruins and crypts can be found, and the Mogu themselves, along with the Zandalari trolls that have recently arrived there are uncovering their secrets. The pandaren have two major holdouts in the region - Temple of the White Tiger and Shado-Pan Monastery. The latter is endangered with the rampage of the Sha, that have been set free by the tremendous surge of negative emotions caused by the great conflict between the Alliance and Horde. On the northern shores, local villagers are endangered by the Zandalari that have made their base of operations on a small island and ruins along the coast.

Maps and subregions

Map of Kun-Lai Summit.


Instance name Level range Group size Approximate run time
Instance portal Shado-Pan Monastery 20-35 5 man Unknown
Instance portal Mogu'shan Vaults 35 10/25 man 2-4 hours

Travel hubs

Binan Village
Eastwind and Westwind Rests
Shado-Pan Fallback
Temple of the White Tiger
Kota Basecamp
One Keg
Winter's Blossom
Zouchin Village

Regions adjacent to Kun-Lai Summit

Zone Name Faction Level Range Direction Access
The Jade Forest HordeAlliance 85-86 Southeast Flight
Townlong Steppes HordeAlliance 89-90 Southwest Ox Gate
Vale of Eternal Blossoms HordeAlliance 90 South Gate of the August Celestials
The Veiled Stair HordeAlliance 87 South The Ancient Passage

Notable characters

Main article: Kun-Lai Summit NPCs


Main article: Kun-Lai Summit storyline


Wild pets

Wild creatures


Notes and trivia

  • Picante Pomfruit Cake is made from Fresh Kun-Lai pomfruits.
  • This area is possibly named after Mount Penglai, a mystical land found in Chinese mythology, or Kunlun Mountain, said to be the paradise of Taoism.
  • The region particularly resembles the Himalayas of China and Nepal (particularly with Mount Neverest, an obvious parallel to Everest).


Patch changes

  • Legion Patch 7.3.5 (2018-01-16): Level scaling implemented, previous zone level: 87 - 88.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added.


External links

es:Cima Kun-Lai