Kobold Fury!

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HordeKobold Fury!
Start Subjugator Devo
End Subjugator Devo
Level 10-30
Category Stonetalon Mountains
Experience 2,150
Reputation +250 Orgrimmar
Rewards  [Kobold-Wrangler Leggings]
or  [Unearthed Cloak]
or  [Devo's Handaxe]
or  [Kobold-Wrangler Legguards]
Shareable Yes


Use the Kobold War Horn near the Horde Banner at the Unearthed Grounds to unleash the Kobold Army!


We now command the kobold armies of Stonetalon! It almost sounds impressive. Almost.

<Devo sighs.>

The Alliance base camp north of here is tightly guarded. It is nigh impregnable, save for the entry point by the Unearthed Grounds, northeast of here. Take this kobold war horn and head towards the Unearthed Grounds. Enter from the east, <name>! Once there, head west until you arrive at the location I have marked upon your map. Use the horn there to unleash kobold fury upon the Alliance!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv pants leather 39v3.png [Kobold-Wrangler Leggings] Inv misc cape 06.png [Unearthed Cloak]
Inv axe 06.png [Devo's Handaxe] Inv pants leather 39v3.png [Kobold-Wrangler Legguards]

You will also receive:




<Devo laughs.>

Fascinating tale, friend. It would seem that our newfound kobold allies might be somewhat useful after all!

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