- For the ogre in Dustwallow Marsh, see Ogron (ogre). For the mogu in Throne of Thunder, see Ritualist Ogron.
Ogron | |
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Faction/Affiliation | Breakers, Gorian Empire, Iron Horde, Mag'har Clans, Horde |
Racial capital | Orgrimmar |
Formerly | Highmaul (Gorian Empire) |
Racial leader(s) |
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Formerly |
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Homeworld | Draenor (alternate) |
Area(s) | Frostfire Ridge, Gorgrond, Nagrand, Durotar |
Organization(s) | Tribes |
- "It is hard to admit that there is a creature more brutal than an ogre, but the ogron definitely fit that description."[1]
The ogron are race of cruel, brutish giants native to Draenor. Part of the Breaker lineage, they are descended from gronn (and in turn the magnaron and colossals) and are the ancestors of the ogres and orcs. Before Draenor's destruction in the main timeline, the ogron were hunted to near extinction by the Old Horde, but are still present in the Draenor from an alternate timeline, for which they were frequently serving as enforcers for the Gorian Empire and the Iron Horde. Decades later, the ogron had recently taken refuge at Gorgrond, where they allied with the Mag'har Clans to stand against the Lightbound and joined the Horde when they were transported to Azeroth. Now on Azeroth, the ogron race was restored in the main universe.
Early history
As the stone giant Grond battled the Sporemounds, pieces of the battling leviathans fell to the earth and gave rise to the colossals, children of Grond, and the genesaur, children of the Sporemounds. After Grond's death, the colossals continued fighting the Sporemound Botaan and its minions, but over time many of the stone giants succumbed to their foes. From the colossals' remains, new creatures known as magnaron emerged. After the colossals sacrificed themselves to destroy Botaan in a massive explosion, spores from the plant creature's body, teeming with the Spirit of Life, drifted back to Draenor's surface and clung to the hides of the magnaron, weakening their bodies. Some of the magnaron devolved into beings called gronn, and due to the lingering effects of the spores, a small number of gronn continued degenerating into the ogron. The ogron, in turn, gave rise to the ogres and finally the orcs. The magnaron, gronn and ogron were known collectively as the Breakers, and though different in many ways, their common ancestry united them against the plant-like Primals, the descendants of the Sporemounds. For many long ages, the two factions engaged in sporadic battles with one another, neither side ever managing to destroy the other.[2]
The ogre revolution

By the time that the arakkoan Apexis empire fell, the children of stone had grown in number and spread across the land. The ogron, though brutish, cruel beings, quickly learned the value of working together and formed rudimentary societies: strength in numbers meant the conquest of their rivals, while isolation meant defeat and death. These early tribes warred constantly, for the pride of an ogron was easily wounded, and only blood could repay an insult. Most of the world's other races were beneath their notice, save when they could serve as food or slaves. Even their relatives, the ogres and orcs, quickly learned to fear the ogron's attention. The best fate a conquered ogre clan could hope for was to be sent into battle as disposable combatants against other ogron tribes, while their sick, weak and elderly clan members were typically offered as living sacrifices to appease the gronn and keep them from attacking ogron territories.[3]
One day, a group of arakkoa led by Yonzi sought to claim a ruined Apexis settlement in Talador, a place now occupied by ogron. Attempts to bribe or barter with the ogron ended violently, leading the arakkoa to instead begin teaching the ogron's ogre slaves the arts of arcane magic in the hopes that they would rebel against their masters. One of the first to master this new power was named Gog. He strode forth, empowered, but not to fight the ogron: instead, he targeted the gronn, whom all ogres revered and feared as deities. Though stunned, the arakkoa could not argue with the results. Gog did not only kill one gronn with his magic, but several. By his fifth, stories of his deeds were known to all captive ogres on Draenor, erasing their fear of both gronn and ogron. The ogres rose up together against their ogron overlords, igniting a bloody war. In the end, nearly every ogron tribe fell to their captives, and the ones who were not torn limb from limb by the ogres were forced to scatter across the world to escape. Not soon thereafter, Gog founded the Gorian Empire, which soon spread across the world.[3]
Rise of the Horde
Thousands of years later, the Orcish Horde marched across Draenor. Warchief Blackhand tasked the orcish Frostwolf, Thunderlord and Whiteclaw clans with wiping out Draenor's gronn, ogron, and magnaron, as well as the ogres that had refused to join the Horde. The Frostwolves and Whiteclaws saw no honor in hunting the giants down and held most of their warriors back, but Chieftain Fenris and his Thunderlords did not shy away from the task and reveled in the slaughter of their ancient enemies.[4] It is said that most of the ogron were slain during this time.[5]
Warlords of Draenor
On the alternate Draenor, the ogron were still prevalent and are mainly found serving as enforcers for the Gorian Empire and the Iron Horde. The "Twin Ogron", Pol and Phemos, serve as the personal guards of the ogre sorcerer king himself, Imperator Mar'gok.[6] Most of the ogron assaulting Alliance and Horde frontlines were determined to be coming from the Broken Precipice deep in western Nagrand.[7]
Battle for Azeroth
A Horde adventurer and Eitrigg managed to open a portal back to the alternate Draenor, arriving decades after they last set foot on the planet. When the Lightbound had waged war against the unified orc clans for the safety of Draenor, the ogron had recently taken refuge in Gorgrond where they gained their allegiance with the Mag'har Clans to stand against the draenei that became fixated upon the Light due to more naaru arriving on Draenor. Just before the Lightbound set upon them, Eitrigg managed to use the shard of the [Vision of Time] to transport all of the ogron and their allies safely to Azeroth, and thereby joining the Horde under the leadership of Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner. As a result, the ogron returned to the main timeline for the first time since the Old Horde had purged them.
Tunk was part of the Darkmaul led by Gor'groth, an ogre necromancer on the isle of Exile's Reach. He is the only ogron that appears to have been from the main universe that was still alive; as the portal between the alternate Draenor had not yet re-opened during the time of Exile's Reach.
Description and culture

Ogron are more intelligent than their gronn progenitors, but not as strong.[2] They take in their surroundings with a single yellow eye—slow to blink and even slower to comprehend. Too idiotic to disobey orders, but big and dangerous enough to keep even unruly ogres in line, ogron serve as expendable muscle for ogre leaders from warlords all the way up to the emperor himself. Any champions seeking to overthrow ogres in power had best prepare to face down one or more ogron towering in their way.[8]
Rokhan describes the ogron as brutes and as creatures from a time that was best left forgotten. What they lack in wisdom they make up for in violence, force and greed, and where the ogron goes, death and pain are sure to follow.[5] Facing a captured ogron in the arena is considered to be no mean feat. Facing one in their own lair is something even more dangerous.[1]
Dorogg the Ruthless <Bladespire Butcher>
Earthshaker Holar
Gelgor of the Blue Flame
Grosh the Mighty
Grubnor Wargut
Kaga the Ironbender
Pit Slayer
Stribit <Minion of Ok'mok>
The Beater <Champion of the Circle of Blood>
- Ogron are inconsistently classified, with some being considered giants and others humanoids.
- The ogron appear to have taken the place of the ogre lords, who were the original "missing links" between the ogres and the gronn but who are nowhere to be found on the alternate Draenor.
- ^ a b
[15-40] Proof of Strength: Ogron Horn
- ^ a b World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 19 - 20
- ^ a b World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 36 - 37
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 97 - 98
- ^ a b
[10-40] The Ogron Live?
- ^ Adventure Guide entry for Twin Ogron
- ^
[40 Daily] Assault on the Broken Precipice
- ^ Beasts of the Savage Lands - Frostfire Ridge