Zandalari troll

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This article is about the Zandalari troll lore. For the playable race, see Zandalari troll (playable). For trolls in general, see Troll. For lore about the Zandalari trolls' empire, see Zandalari Empire.
Zandalari trolls
Zandalari Striker HS.jpg
Faction/Affiliation Zandalari Empire, Horde, Zandalari Invaders, Zandalari Beast Ward, Shera Ali'kh, Empire of Zul, Mogu empire (allied)
Character classes

WoW Icon update.png Druid, Hunter, Death knight, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior

Augur, Confessor, Demoniac, Dinomancer, Freethinker, Haruspex, Illusionist, Madcap, Predator, Prelate, Shadow hunter, Spiritbinder, Venomancer, Vindicator, Witch doctor
Icon-RPG.png Potion doc, Wilderness stalker
Racial capital Neutral Zuldazar
Racial leader(s)

Horde  Queen Talanji

  Formerly Horde  God King Rastakhan †
Mob  Prophet Zul †
Racial mount IconSmall Bat2.gif Bat
IconSmall Brutosaur.gif Brutosaur
IconSmall Direhorn.gif Direhorn
IconSmall Pterrordax2.gif Pterrordax
IconSmall ZandalariRaptor.gif Ravasaur
IconSmall Skyscreamer.gif Skyscreamer
Homeworld Azeroth
Area(s) Kun-Lai Summit, Isle of Giants, Isle of Thunder, Mogu'shan Vaults, Northern Stranglethorn, The Cape of Stranglethorn, Throne of Thunder, Zandalar, Zul'Aman, Zul'Drak, Zul'Gurub
Language(s) Zandali, Orcish

“De Zandalari built an empire dat would endure for over ten-thousand years... while your barbaric ancestors scuffled in de dirt.
We civilized dis world. We conquered it. And once again, you savages seek to undermine our greatness.
No, I will not surrender. Because no matter what happens here today... Zandalar will stand long after your Alliance has crumbled to dust.”

King Rastakhan

The Zandalari trolls (or Zandalarian trolls)[1] are a race of trolls originating from Zandalar. They were the most powerful and superstitious tribe to arise when the first trolls settled near the Zandalar Mountains, which were home to many loa.[2] They claimed its highest peaks and built crude shrines which, over the years, eventually became the massive temple city of Zuldazar.[3]

The Zandalari are scholarly and value knowledge above all else. They also work to preserve troll history and to further the goals of troll society as a whole.[4] They are masters of magic and communing with the spirits,[5]

Zandalari history had them fight off the aqir, ally with the mogu empire, fight the Pandaren Empire, after the Sundering explore the newly formed Great Sea, enslave the goblin race, and fight Hakkar the Soulflayer twice.[3]

After the Cataclysm, the Zandalari prophet Zul and his followers traveled around the world to unite all trolls and build a united troll empire.[3][6] Zul's forces resurrected Lei Shen and allied with the mogu once more, to launch an assault on the continent of Pandaria.[7]

The Fourth War led to the Zandalari Empire allying with and later joining the Horde. This war also saw the Empire's home of Dazar'alor besieged by the Alliance, which led to the death of their king Rastakhan, who had ruled over the empire for centuries.


Main article: Zandalari Empire#History

Appearance and traits

Zandalari trolls in heritage armor.
Patch 5.2 model with yellow eyes.

Up until Rise of the Zandalari, most Zandalari appeared as skinny pinkish-white trolls. In Cataclysm they were given a re-skinned ice troll model and had a larger build than before, with a yellowish-tan skin. This new look was used for their appearance until patch 5.2.0 where it was updated once more. Their newest appearance has them standing upright with skin colors ranging from gray, black, green, and blue, accompanied by glowing eyes in the color of yellow or blue. This new design is how Blizzard always envisioned them.[8] The Zandalari received another model update in Battle for Azeroth when they became playable. This kept their Mists of Pandaria design but updated their animations to match the quality of player races, and also introduced female Zandalari with the Mists design.

Zandalari have been mentioned to have fur on their neck, though it is unknown if it covers their body akin to the hair like fur of jungle trolls.[9] Most Zandalari are seen with scale-like patches on various areas of their bodies, such as; feet, ankles, shins, thighs, waist, back, shoulders, chin, cheeks, brows, scalp, biceps, forearms, and hands, locations appear to vary between individuals. However not all Zandalari have these patches and retain a smoother appearance. The patches of scales most Zandalari have can also grow into spikes.[10][11][12] It is unknown what they truly are, though it is possible that they are osteoderms, bony deposits that form scales, plates, and even spikes. Many dinosaurs are known to have had osteoderms.

The Zandalari's third toe, or "heel toe", is less prominent on males than it is on females. It is especially prominent on both male and female Zandalari dire trolls, of which males are also sometimes seen wearing rings around their heel toes as accessories.

Many male Zandalari stand a head taller than an upright jungle troll on average, most even more. And even short males tend to be taller.[13] Female Zandalari stand taller than male and female trolls from other subgroup, excluding ice trolls and dark trolls.[13] Additionally, the Zandalari generally stand tall because of their regal and proud attitude.[14]

The Zandalari are considered the finest specimen of all troll tribes, with their royal stature and being the original trolls. Some humans even called them the "elves of trolls", much to their immense offense.[13] Their beauty and noble physical appearances were inherited by their elven descendants - the night elves[15] and the high elves.[16]

The Zandalari boast incredible strength; being able to easily lift jungle trolls with both hands and are capable of puncturing through scale-armored breastplates padded with lacquered leather and quilted silk using only their thumbs.[17] They are also strong enough to lift other Zandalari with one hand.[18]

Culture and people

Talanji, Queen of Zandalar.

Zandalari society has remained an unchanging hierarchy for thousands of years. Hardworking farmers, fishers, and craftsmen form the peasant caste, the foundation of the empire. Zandalari elders tell them what to harvest, when to plant, and how to behave. To disobey the elders is to disobey the gods, an offense punishable by exile or death. The Zandalari warrior caste sits above the peasantry, acting as the arms of the King and the might of the council. Dexterity is not prized among Zandalari warriors: Brute force, backed by ancient magics, is the preferred combat style. Dictating every aspect of Zandalari society down to the very last detail are the scholars of the priesthood. Masters of magic and communing with the spirits, these respected bastions of knowledge stand upon fifteen millennia worth of accumulated knowledge. The highest of these have a seat on the Zanchuli Council, which both advise the King and ensures his every command is executed upon. The council is consulted before every battle or major decision. From a golden throne, lording over all of the Zandalari, rests the great King Rastakhan. Empowered by the Zandalari gods themselves to act as their voice, he has ruled for over two hundred years.[19] Zandalar's rulers are generally notoriously long-lived.[20] As such new coronations happen only every few centuries. Claiming the throne is the Zandalari's most sacred rite, with the would-be ruler's spirit being weighed and measured by the loa themselves.[21]

Citizens might request a direct audience with the current king or queen, but the waiting line could be made up of more than four hundred citizens at a time,[22] resulting in lines lasting for days.[23] More desperate citizens might try pleading with the current voice of the king in order to speed things up.

Casteless orphan children are tested for any sign of connection to the loa. Those blessed by the loa receive full priest training and all of the honor and privilege that accompanies it. Those that are not blessed are given an opportunity to prove they will grow into strong warriors someday. Those that fail both tests are of no use to the Zandalari and are likely to end up as thieves or beggars.[24]

Being a Zandalari farmer apparently involves taking the "rock test" by lifting heavy stones above one's head and show that one's back is strong, after which one gets a job pushing plow living on dirt.[25]

There is no room for weakness among the Zandalari. Strength, ferocity, stamina, power: These are the traits by which success is measured. At adolescence, those Zandalari males not chosen to be priests or scholars must prove their strength to the council, the king, and the gods themselves. Any display of physical power will do. Tournaments and competitions are held as children come of age. Adolescents prepare for their trials with years of training, communion with the spirits, and by tattooing sigils of power onto their skin. A common rite is to travel to one of the violent, beast-ruled islands near the capital to steal or subdue a wild creature. The lesser troll races have their own, humbler versions of this tradition. But the mastery of ravasaurs or raptors is nothing compared to the power required to call upon a devilsaur or direhorn.[26]

The ultimate symbol of power amongst the Zandalari is the garb they wear in battle,[27] and the tribe acknowledges station and power through what the Zandalari wear.[28] The Zandalar prize what they wear as a symbol of accomplishment. One doesn't need to be able to see what one wears to be able to sense what emanates from it - power transcends sight.[29]

The Zandalari, during the aftermath of the Sundering that had turned Zandalar into an island, mastered the seas over thousands of years and as such their navy rivals, if not surpasses that of Kul Tiras.[30] The master of the Zandalari navy is Pa'ku, the pterrordax loa.[31]

Their cloth features dinosaur leather and gold.[32]

Preserved night elf heads are an esteemed home decoration and children's toy in Zuldazar. Golden Troll Berserkers are common children's toys.[33]

Zandalari legends discuss the many magical properties of plants that grow from golden seeds.

Practitioners of alchemy among the Zandalari kept a tight society within the empire known as the "Shadra'Zan". Entrance into the guild included a ritual which would require the inductee to imbibe a potion made from their own blood. Should they withstand the effects, they were deemed worthy to learn the secrets kept within.[34]

Once a generation, the greatest trolls from all over Azeroth come to the Gurubashi Arena to challenge one another in combat. This is an ancient rite long presided over by the Zandalari troll king, Rastakhan. They fight for the glory of the loa. To win is one of the greatest honors to which a troll can aspire. With Rastakhan's death, it is unknown if the rite will continue.[35]

The Zandalari trolls used to bury their dead in burial mounds[36] until the final era of the Council of Tribes, when a blood plague broke out, killing thousands of trolls. It was deemed that the bodies, too polluted for proper burial, would instead be handled by golems, cremated, and kept in special urns. As time progressed, this method became commonplace among the Zandalari in disposing of their dead.[37] This marked the end of the now non-existent caste whose purpose was to handle and protect the remains of Zandalar's former rulers.[38] Not all are cremated, however. Royalty and the most respected trolls are taken to Kings' Rest where some of them are kept as mummies.

Raptors are the favored companions of Zandalari Kings and are mummified and buried alongside their masters, so they can carry them through the afterlife.[39]

Paired tusk rings are commonly exchanged in Zandalari weddings.[40]

Their blood color is crimson.[41]

The children of Zandalari who were banished to Vol'dun used to be exiled alongside their parents, but this is no longer the case.[42]

  • A chain of exemption is required for being allowed to leave Vol'dun, to prevent exiled trolls from returning.[43]


Zanchul, where there are many altars and devotees of various loa.
The Garden of the Loa, where many Loa would reside.

The Zandalari worship beings referred to as loa. Countless loa exist, most weak, but some very powerful. Most are shapeless, whereas others have animal or creature forms. Zandalari families often worship their own family loa, cities usually have their own civic deities, and the greatest loa are worshiped by the nation as a whole. Powerful, enlightened Zandalari can become loa upon their death - or so it is believed. These spirits are central to the Zandalari worldview: so say the loa, so go the Zandalari.[44] As such, the faithful (priests, druids or prelates) are among the most revered in Zandalari society.[45]

The homeland of the Zandalari, Zandalar, was once a mountain range on ancient Kalimdor that was home to many loa. It was there that the Zandalari built their bustling capital of Zuldazar, a temple city.[2] Following the Great Sundering, Zandalar is now a large island located in the South Seas.

The trolls of the desert who worship Sethraliss use blowguns to hunt their prey, be it beast, or troll. The poison the darts were dipped in would paralyze their prey, and within a minute, kill them. "The Sting of Sethraliss" was whispered to children in order to keep them in line, as was written in an ancient poem: "Should the young turn defiant, show anger or malice, the winds of Vol'dun will bring the Sting of Sethraliss."[46] To honor the loa of death Bwonsamdi, Zandalari would don masks in their rituals and pray to him. Bwonsamdi, in turn, would either answer in kind, or curse them with pain, depending on his mood.[47]

Throughout the ages, many kings have ruled over the Zandalari empire. Each one, however, knew their place when it came to the great loa and offered their praise to the mightiest of all of them, Rezan, the Loa of Kings. This loa honors deeds over words, but takes slights very seriously and had been known to harbor grudges.[48]

The Zandalari believe that Bwonsamdi brings the spirits of any who worship him into his realm; the Other Side.[49]

While travel and trade throughout Zandalar has decreased, Torcali was once the loa who took it upon herself to protect travelers, with wayshrines found in many parts of the island, notably all along the Old Merchant Road starting at the Port of Zandalar, passing through the Garden of the Loa, and culminating in the crossroads of Zandalar, the Antul'Mita Plateau.[50][51][52]


The Zandalari are above the use of slaves, they are strong and capable of seeing to themselves. And as such, the sight of slavery within their city is insulting to them.[53] Additionally, they see the usage of slaves as a sign of weakness. Thus, when they met the mogu–who built their empire with slaves–over 12,000 years ago, they saw themselves above the slavers.[54]

Despite this, shortly after the Sundering, and up until they rebelled 100 years before the Dark Portal, they did enslave the goblins of Kezan.[55] This discrepancy was not addressed.


Zandalari classes vary from regular ones in names and in several aspects.

The greatest Zandalari hunters travel to the edge of the Maelstrom to prove their resolution. From the heart of the sea, they pull strands of kelp known as Maelstrom Tendrils. The kelp is then woven into a talisman that is enchanted to improve their accuracy and power.[56]

The Zandalari prelates are Zandalari trolls paladins, also known as prelates, that served Rezan as the highest order of holy warriors to serve any loa. After Rezan's death, the prelates were cut off from his power except for a handful of his followers.[57] However, even with the Loa of Kings gone, his ideals remained. The prelates chose to lead those who are lost, and through their faith for the loa, to stand as a beacon of light against the darkness.[58]

The Zandalari druids are primarily composed of the Raptari, the followers of Gonk. There is also a small group living in the wilds called the Lun'alai, but they are considered heretics, and the matron they follow is not considered a true loa by the other Zandalari.

Other occupations

Beast taming

Main article: Zandalari Beast Ward

The Zandalari are known and regarded for their ability to tame even the most powerful of beasts. Including–but not limited to–devilsaurs, direhorns and skyscreamers.[59]

One of their greatest allies is that of the direhorn. Plated skin, with spikes protruding from various directions, this creature offered both protection for itself and that of its master. It was custom for its future master to be the first to see it when it broke free from its shell.[60] All the beasts that haul their goods, carry their armies, and fight their wars are born and bred at Warbeast Kraal in Zuldazar.[61]

On the Isle of Thunder however, the Zandalari Beast Ward resorted to ancient ways of magically breaking the animals with the aid of charms and fetishes, due to their lack of time to bond with them.[62]


The Zandalari are quick learners and carry out tasks well. Having mastered the usage of magic and communing with the spirits.[63][5] Zandalari priests and mages wield magic with incredible power and utilize forbidden knowledge whilst being backed up by at least fifteen millennia of accumulated knowledge due to the scholarly nature of their culture.[63][64]

With their mastery over spirits, they can capture and entomb spirits within golems and sentries.[65][66][67] They can also channel the essence of a loa's spirit into powerful constructs.[68] Likewise they have totems to retrieve the spirits bound within golems by siphoning them out, called "soulcatcher totems".[69]

Because of their incredible mastery over magic, the Zandalari were able to erect a powerful shield around the lands of their empire as the Well of Eternity imploded and broke ancient Kalimdor apart. They had hoped to shield the rest of the continent but did not have the time to extend past their own borders, beyond the shield they watched the world be consumed by water. In the aftermath, they discovered that their lands had become an island.[4]

They mastered, honed, and perfected the voodoo arts.[70] The true origin of voodoo magic is unknown yet it is likely that it originated from the Zandalari.

Zandalari casters, priests and Loa Speakers utilize their faith in the loa to bestow incredible powers upon their weaponry,[71][72] as well as their bestial companions.[73][74] Items and animals empowered this way are referred to as "Loa-Infused".[75][74][76][77] Loa-Infused items are often passed down through generations, with each generation adding more power to the item.[78] Two such items are:  [Mask of the Spirit-Caller] and  [Mask of the Dark Mystic] having belonged to two Zandalari brothers, Spiritbinder Tu'chek and Arcanital Ra'kul respectively.

They have an impressive mastery over the arcane and shadow, having achieved what many others have not as they are able to combine the two schools into one.[79][80] A unique feat that only the Apexis civilization is also known to have achieved.[81]

During times of war, the Zandalari faced off against many powerful foes. Some, even, that they could not break. Their witch doctors devised cursed pots and through the use of powerful magic, summoned them at different locations within the enemy's encampment. Shortly after, a fountain of frogs would spring forth, causing a ruckus and confusing the enemy in the process. Little did they know that these frogs carried a plague with them that would quickly devastate their ranks and force them to retreat or surrender.[82]

Blood magic is forbidden, but some Zandalari have been known to use it,[83] after the Cataclysm had broken the Blood Gate and some started to fall to its temptation.[84][85] Blood magic is described by Hexlord Raal as being from the "old" ways.[85] Blood cultists operate in secret.

The Zandalari do not practice the widespread troll custom of cannibalism,[86] although there have been individual exceptions to this.[87]

Military and organizations

Main articles: Zandalari Empire#Military, Zandalari Empire#Organizations


Name Role Status Location
Horde  Rastakhan God King of the Zandalari Deceased Zuldazar, Zandalar
Neutral  Zul Dark Prophet of the Zanchuli Council Deceased-Killable The Oblivion Door, Uldir
Mob  Al'tabim the All-Seeing Formerly part of the expedition to Yojamba Isle Killable East of Bay of Echoes, Isle of Thunder
Neutral  Captain Nir'zan Right hand of Khal'ak Deceased Unknown
Neutral  Chabal Watches over Zul'Gurub along with Maywiki Alive Hardwrench Hideaway, Cape of Stranglethorn
Neutral  Chronicler Bah'Kini Seeks to record the final hours of the Drakkari Empire Alive Cave of Mam'toth, Gundrak
Horde  Chronicler To'kini Chronicler Alive Zim'Torga, Zul'Drak
Neutral  Element-Tamer Dagoda Element-tamer Alive Zim'Torga, Zul'Drak
Mob  Dohaman the Beast Lord Attempting to command Oondasta Killable Isle of Giants
Neutral  Exzhal Yojamba juice merchant (formerly Servitor of Rastakhan) Alive Yojamba Exchange, Zuldazar
Neutral  Falthir the Sightless Formerly part of the expedition to Yojamba Isle Unknown Formerly Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale
Mob  Gara'jal the Spiritbinder Lead the Zandalari assault on Mogu'shan Vaults; Zandalari representative on the Council of Elders Killable Emperor's Reach, Mogu'shan Vaults; Lightning Promenade, Throne of Thunder
Neutral  Ghaliri Emissary of Rastakhan Alive Fort Livingston, Northern Stranglethorn
Mob  Hekima the Wise Herald of Rastakhan Killable Shimmer Ridge, Blood in the Snow
Boss  Jin'rokh the Breaker Berserker imbued with power by Lei Shen Killable Overgrown Statuary, Throne of Thunder
Neutral  Kazakus Hearthstone Leader of the Kabal Alive Gadgetzan
Neutral  Khal'ak Took part in the invasion of Pandaria Deceased Unknown
Neutral  Khar'vaxal the Cracked Legendary madcap Deceased Unknown
Neutral  Lieutenant Trag'kal Lieutenant of Khal'ak Deceased Unknown
Neutral  Maywiki Watches over Zul'Gurub along with Chabal Alive Explorers' League Digsite, Cape of Stranglethorn
Neutral  Mengazi Commander of the Zandalari forces during the Zandalari Troll Wars Deceased Unknown
Mob  Molthor The Gatekeeper, formerly Hand of Rastakhan Killable Stormsea Landing, Isle of Thunder
Mob  No'ku Stormsayer Lord of Tempest Killable Throne of Thunder
Mob  Prophet Khar'zul Acquired Lei Shen's corpse Killable Thunder's Call, Kun-Lai Summit
Horde  High Prelate Rata Leader of the Zandalari prelates and member of the Zanchuli Council Alive Chamber of Rezan, Dazar'alor
Neutral  Scalper Ahunae Scalper Alive Zim'Torga, Zul'Drak
Horde  Surkhan Emissary of Rastakhan Alive Bambala, Northern Stranglethorn
Horde  Talanji Queen of the Zandalari, Daughter of Rastakhan Alive Zuldazar, Zandalar
Neutral  Vilnak'dor One of the leaders of the invasion of Pandaria Unknown Unknown
Neutral  Vinchaxa Servitor of Zanza Unknown Formerly Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale
Mob  War-God Al'chukla Warlord blessed by Lei Shen Killable Conqueror's Terrace, Isle of Thunder
Mob  War-God Dokah Warlord Killable Isle of Giants
Mob  War-God Jalak Leader of the Zandalari Beast Ward Killable Royal Amphitheater, Throne of Thunder
Neutral  Witch Doctor Khufu Witch doctor Alive Zim'Torga, Zul'Drak
Neutral  Zandalarian Emissary Used to give the  [Spirit of Zandalar] buff Unknown Formerly Booty Bay, Unknown

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The Zandalar tribe is the progenitor tribe from which all other troll tribes sprang.[88] Zandalar has long been the heart of all troll culture throughout the world. Zandalari are their own separate sort of troll — not jungle trolls, not forest trolls, not ice or dark or sand. (However, several groups of other trolls live on Zandalar, including jungle trolls beneath the canopy and ice trolls on snowy Mount Mugamba.) The Zandalari’s overall goal remains what it always has been: to maintain troll history and continue their research. They also again oppose Hakkar.

Every 6 years, Zandalar also plays host to a meeting of all troll tribes. Trolls from all over the world meet in the great ziggurat-city of Zuldazar to discuss matters of importance to all trolls. Zandalar is neutral ground for trolls. Though many tribes don’t get along with each other, they all meet on peaceful terms in Zandalar.[88]


King Rastakhan, a hoary and formidable witch doctor, rules the Zandalari from his capital of Zuldazar. The Zandalari are mystical and ancient trolls who revere knowledge and history; their organization is loose. They represent an overall priest caste for all trolls, yet they do not attempt to parley this position into real power with those trolls.[89]


The Zandalar tribe is a group of mystical trolls who serve as the priest caste for all other trolls. They have few warriors, and what warriors they do have are dedicated to protecting their home island of Zandalar. Thus, when the Zandalari need people to accomplish tasks in the larger world, they work through agents of other races. Were an unfriendly member of such a race to enter Zandalar, however, he would find himself contending with the Zandalari’s warriors. Though few, they are rumored to be excellent fighters.

The Zandalari make their home in the jungle. As such, their warriors prefer to attack from ambush, lurking in the trees’ shadows, in the underbrush, or in the canopy before bursting out to attack. They set themselves up in the wilderness along their enemy’s path well in advance, then leap forward when the time is right. They hurl javelins; then, depending on the reaction, they either continue to fling their weapons, they charge into melee, or they melt back into the shadows to perform the same tactic again.

Many priests and witch doctors work among the Zandalari, so almost all Zandalar warriors are in possession of a few bottles of brews they can slug back to make themselves stronger, fiercer, or heal their wounds. Zandalar leaders carry many such concoctions and are sure to have witch doctors at their sides who provide them with more. If they expect to go to battle, the trolls drink the brews immediately beforehand, allowing them to crush their enemies with ease.

If battle is joined, Zandalar priests and witch doctors support their warriors with enhancement spells and healing in addition to entering the fray directly. Bloodlust and inner fire are particularly devastating — spells that affect many allies at once. Of course, the spellcasters don’t mind blasting their enemies when the situation calls for it, and Zandalari potion docs spend battles hurling explosive potions into enemy ranks.

The few Zandalari warriors take the front lines, though they prefer to soften up the enemy with thrown javelins and axes first. This tactic also allows their spellcasters more time to cast beneficial spells on them before melee is joined. Zandalari warriors are fierce and wild, and they do not often retreat; once a troll throws himself into melee, he isn’t coming back until the enemy’s corpses lie about him.

Zandalar warriors perform other functions as well, including reconnaissance, discovering the best places to set their ambushes. They also harry enemy forces with guerilla tactics, which can make the enemy foolish. Priests and witch doctors help these endeavors with divination magic.[90]


One must be born a Zandalari to be part of the tribe, with at least one parent being a Zandalari.[89]

Averaging eight feet in height, the Zandalari trolls are among the largest, strongest trolls in the world; only the Drakkari ice trolls of Northrend are as big. They are just as ferocious as other trolls, and just as cunning, if not more so.[89]

A typical Zandalari spends his days hunting in the jungles or fishing along the coastlines. Many spend their days researching ancient lore and cataloging history. Religion is important to the Zandalari —they are the trolls’ priest caste, after all — and they revere their pantheon of primitive, animalistic gods that take the forms of bats, snakes, and the like. Zandalar priests carve totems and engage in rituals, while Zandalar witch doctors brew potions and administer to wounded trolls. The Zandalari are constantly vigilant against invaders.[89]

Notes and trivia

  • The depiction of the Zandalari has been remarkably inconsistent.
    • Their first depiction was the Zandalar Tribe faction on Yojamba Isle. It was the jungle troll model but with one uniform pink-peach colored skin tone. This depiction was later used again in Wrath of the Lich King as the Zandalari showed up at Zim'Torga in Zul'Drak.
    • Their second depiction in Cataclysm was dramatically different. Here, they used the frame of the ice troll model, but with three skin tones of yellow to green skin. Their eyes were blue, gold, and orange. There was no accompanying female model.
    • Their third depiction was a unique model that was based on the night elf rig, albeit with some unique animations. In this depiction, they were a myriad of new skin tones, blue, black, blue-green, a deep black, grey, stone-green, and white. Some trolls also had rocky scale-like growths on parts of their body. Their eyes switched between gold and blue, and they possessed glowing blue tattoos. They had no accompanying female model.
    • Their fourth and final, playable, depiction was an evolution on their third depiction. The rocky scales are now present on all Zandalari trolls with a female model having also been included. Their eyes have been made uniform glowing blue, though unplayable Zandalari such as Zul have slightly red eyes as well. Skin tones that made a return were their blue-green, blue, grey, black, and white skin tones. Their stone-green skin tone was replaced with a lighter green, and their deep black skin tone did not return. They also possess golden tattoos, rather than blue, although blue tattoos were present during the alpha stages of Battle for Azeroth.
  • The patch 5.2.0 Zandalari model was based on the original male night elf skeleton, though modified. Their playable model was inspired by this design but using a modified jungle troll rig.[91]
    • The 5.2. males are voiced by Steve Blum.
    • Some of the 5.2 Zandalari NPCs use the wrong UV mapping for their hair, making it appear with stripes of transparency and armor-mapped bits.
  • Oddly, the Gurubashi Venom Priest NPCs in the Throne of Thunder dungeon use the original skin tone of the Zandalar tribe, despite being jungle trolls.
  • Prior to Battle for Azeroth, Zandalari trolls tended to use the same voice files as jungle trolls, and spoke with a Jamaican accent. In subsequent expansions, they speak with a continental African accent.
  • It was said during early Battle for Azeroth beta that unnamed mobs on Pandaria would randomize between genders using the new models and that all old Zandalari NPCs would be updated, however, this was never implemented. The only previous Zandalari NPCs to be updated were Ghaliri and Surkhan.
  • The Zandalari paint and adorn some Pterrordax with gold, these gilded Pterrordax patrol the skies over the tomb of Atal'Dazar.[92]


  • Many elements of Zandalari culture are based upon various South Amerindigenous peoples and African or African Diasporic peoples.
    • Much like much of troll architecture, there are elements of Aztec architecture and Maya architecture.
    • The reference of Dazar'alor to a city of gold is based around El Dorado, a Muisca myth.
    • Atal'Dazar being a temple-tomb at the top of a mountain is similar to Machu Picchu of the Inca.
    • The use of castes within Zandalari society is parallel to real-world caste histories, which are rooted in the Spanish and Portuguese colonization of South America.
    • Rastakhan's headdress is almost identical to Montezuma's headdress.
    • The Rastari Skull Whistle has a resemblance to the Aztec Death Whistle, which was often shaped in the form of a skull.
    • Troll loa worship started with the Zandalari practices, much like how West African Vodun is the mother of African Diasporic Voodoo and much of their Lwa.
    • The accents of Zandalari trolls are based upon Western and Southern African accented English, similar to the Xhosa language based accents implemented for Black Panther (film).[93]
    • The recurring use of "Zandalar Forever" gestures also to the movie's line "Wakanda Forever".
    • The sarcophagi within King's Rest resemble the royal sarcophagi of Ancient Egypt.
    • Rastakhan's name is likely based on the words Rasta, referencing the Anglo-Caribbean aspect of trolls in Warcraft, and khan, a Mongolian word for "king".
    • One of Rastakhan's click quotes, "Do not throw off my groove.", is a reference to The Emperor's New Groove, whose setting and protagonist is loosely based upon the Inca Empire and the Sapa Inca.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
  • It appears that not all members of the Zandalari seek to declare war on the land, based on Ghaliri warning the Alliance about the Gurubashi threat, as well as Maywiki and Surkhan's continued presence in the Explorer's League Digsite and Bambala, respectively. It is possible that they are members of the group of Zandalari who are opposed to Zul's plans. Alternatively, both Ghaliri and Surkhan may have defected to the Darkspear tribe. If the latter is true, they would be the only Zandalari to not be part of the Zandalari Empire.
  • The assumed and speculated average height for a male Zandalari lies around 10' as opposed to RPG's statement on 8'. You can read more about this here. To bolster the supposition, it was mentioned in the novel Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde that a Zandalari stands a head taller than a Darkspear, assuming the latter stood upright. This is based on the in-game model height for jungle trolls, which can be found here, along with the other playable races.



Patch changes

  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.1.5 (2019-03-12): The male player model has received several new and unique animations.
  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): New male and female player models.
    Zandalari child models have been added.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.2.0 (2013-03-05): New male model.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.1.0 (2011-04-26): New model using the ice troll skeleton with three unique skin colors; brown, yellow and light green.


  1. ^ N [58] The Hand of Rastakhan
  2. ^ a b World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 70
  3. ^ a b c World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1
  4. ^ a b Troll Compendium/Other Trolls#Zandalar Tribe
  5. ^ a b  [Enchanted Tiki Mask]
  6. ^ Patch 4.1.0: Rise of the Zandalari
  7. ^ Patch 5.2.0: The Thunder King
  8. ^ Dave Kosak on Twitter - "We had never had the art to depict them as we envisioned, but made the time to do it in 5.2."
  9. ^ Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde, pg. 87: The fur began to rise at the nape of [Khal'ak's] neck.
  10. ^ Jin'rokh's model
  11. ^ King Rastakhan's model
  12. ^ Zul's model
  13. ^ a b c Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde
  14. ^ - MMO-Champion: Inside the Art of WoW Live Stream
  15. ^ The Well of Eternity - "Rhonin's flames illuminated his face, the handsomeness typical of any elf forever ruined by a severe scar running down the left side from near the eye to the lip."
  16. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King - "And yet, Prince Kael'thas unnerved her. She wasn't quite sure what it was. He was handsome, certainly, with that grace and beauty that all elves possessed."
  17. ^ Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde, pg. 110, 118
  18. ^ Da White Shark
  19. ^ For Council and King
  20. ^ A Royal Occasion#Notes
  21. ^ H [40-70] The Rite of Kings and Queens
  22. ^ Natal'hakata#Quotes
  23. ^ Nok'tal#Quotes
  24. ^ Priestess Vulja gossip text
  25. ^  [Blood-Spattered Zandalari Journal]
  26. ^ Coming of Age
  27. ^ N [60R] Paragons of Power: The Demoniac's Robes
  28. ^ N [60R] Paragons of Power: The Illusionist's Robes
  29. ^ N [60R] Paragons of Power: The Predator's Mantle
  30. ^ BlizzCon 2017, World of Warcraft | What's Next (14:40)
  31. ^ Pa'kura Priest gossip text
  32. ^ MMO-Champion: The Art of World of Warcraft
  33. ^  [Golden Troll Berserker]
  34. ^  [High Apothecary's Hood]
  35. ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, pg. 37
  36. ^ Burial Mound
  37. ^  [Urn of Passage]
  38. ^ Mchimba the Embalmer#Adventure Guide
  39. ^  [Mummified Raptor Skull]
  40. ^  [Matching Tusk Rings]
  41. ^ Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde, chapter 33
  42. ^ Mugjabu#Quotes
  43. ^  [Chain of Exemption]
  44. ^ Shadows of the Loa
  45. ^ H [40-70] Breaking the Faith
  46. ^  [Blowgun of the Sethra]
  47. ^  [Bwonsamdi Voodoo Mask]
  48. ^  [Rezan Idol]
  49. ^  [Bwonsamdi Voodoo Mask]
  50. ^ H [50] Wayshrines of Zuldazar
  51. ^ H [50] One Road Ends
  52. ^ H [50] Heresy at the Crossroad
  53. ^ H [10-60] Zul's Ethical Dilemma
  54. ^ Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde, pg. 200
  55. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 158
  56. ^ N [60R] The Maelstrom's Tendril
  57. ^ High Prelate Rata#Quotes
  58. ^ Rastari Prelate#Quotes
  59. ^ Blizzard Entertainment Blizzard Entertainment 2018-04-30. Battle for Azeroth Preview: Zuldazar Visitor’s Guide. Retrieved on 2018-05-02.
  60. ^ Direhorn Hatchling
  61. ^ H [10-60] Ravenous Landsharks
  62. ^ Binding Raptors
  63. ^ a b The Dark Prophet Zul
  64. ^ For Council and King
  65. ^ H [30-60] They've Got Golems
  66. ^ H [35 Daily] They All Fall Down
  67. ^ A [35 Daily] Centuries in Sentries
  68. ^ A [35 Daily] Even Giants Fall
  69. ^ H [30-60] Siphoning Souls
  70. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 129
  71. ^ A [35 Daily] Out of Enemy Hands
  72. ^ H [35 Daily] Very Disarming
  73. ^ B [35 Daily] Loa-saur
  74. ^ a b Adventure Guide: Oondasta
  75. ^  [Loa-Infused Blade]
  76. ^ Loa-Infused Bloodhorn
  77. ^ Loa-Infused Compy
  78. ^ H [35 Daily] Power Play
  79. ^ H [35 Daily] Knowledge Is Power
  80. ^ A [35 Daily] Keep It Secret
  81. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 24 - 25
  82. ^  [Croak Crock]
  83. ^ N [20-35] Chasing the Storm
  84. ^ H [10-60] Forbidden Practices
  85. ^ a b H [10-60] Offensively Defensive
  86. ^ Troll Compendium/Troll Traits#Cannibalism
  87. ^ Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde, chapter 10
  88. ^ a b Dark Factions, pg. 166
  89. ^ a b c d Dark Factions, pg. 167
  90. ^ Dark Factions, pg. 188-189
  91. ^ World of Warcraft 2017-11-18. Lost Codex BlizzCon Interview- November 18, 2017. YouTube. Retrieved on 2017-11-18.
  92. ^  [Armored Golden Pterrordax]
  93. ^ Marvel was originally unsure of Black Panther having an African accent — but Chadwick Boseman pushed back

es:Tribu Zandalar