Draenor (alternate universe)

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For the historical version of Outland, see Draenor.
Level: 10-40
Warlords of Draenor Draenor loading screen.jpg
Type World
Races Various
Ruler(s) Lightbound
Former ruler(s) Iron Horde
Gorian Empire
Location Great Dark Beyond

“War...it is the lifeblood of this world.”

Grommash Hellscream in the Warlords of Draenor trailer
Draenor as seen from the Great Dark Beyond.

Draenor [ˈdɹænɔɹ] is the main setting of the Warlords of Draenor expansion, which takes place thirty-five years ago in a parallel universe[1] that Kairozdormu brought Garrosh to using the Vision of Time. Khadgar describes it as 'the far side of the looking glass'. As a result it's extremely important to note that this Draenor, while almost the same as the one that became Outland, is not exactly the same (see the pertinent section below for further details).

The arrival of Garrosh Hellscream from the main universe and his subsequent meddling with history allowed him to create a technologically advanced Iron Horde under the leadership of Grommash Hellscream. The Iron Horde has constructed their own Dark Portal and connected it with Azeroth in 31 ADP through the same dimensional gateway, which originally connected Azeroth with Outland — the destroyed, main universe version of the world.


Main article: Draenor#Background

Compared to Azeroth, Draenor was a young world. The primal forces that shaped and bent the land are still accessible - if one knows where to look.[2] Draenor is a land of magma and metal, stone and steam. City-forges wrap her twin moons in smog, and wheels deform the earth. Vicious saberon, winged arakkoa, spike-skinned gronn, and more unusual creatures rule the edges of the world, feasting on anything they kill. Enigmatic draenei refugees have built a coastal foothold into a glimmering state replete with the libraries and worship-halls of their timeless civilization. Meanwhile, the Iron Horde's slaves labor on engines of war pointed at the draenei and worlds beyond. Kingdoms, clans, tribes, men, women, children – all are tense as coiled muscles.[3]

Warlords of Draenor

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

Draenor's two moons as seen from Shadowmoon Valley.

In Year 31 of the main universe's timeline, Garrosh Hellscream was sent to an alternate universe version of Draenor set in Year -4[4] as part of a scheme by the bronze dragon Kairozdormu and the black dragon Wrathion.[5] The overthrown warchief was tasked to prevent the Blood Curse from coming to pass within this parallel universe in order to create an uncorrupted orcish Horde for their machinations. Garrosh, however had no intention of being a pawn in someone else's plans and once on Draenor with Kairoz, he killed him and stole the fragment of the Vision of Time, which served as the catalyst that bridged both universes, and then departed to unite the Horde for his own purposes.

Garrosh convinced Grommash of his race's eventual fate, using the Vision of Time to show him the prime universe's events up to the aftermath of the Second War,[6] shared information about some of the modernized Horde technology and how to create it, with himself later smuggling some of it into the parallel universe,[citation needed]  thanks to his connections within Blackfuse Company, and then plotted his way to prevent the orcs from entering the Blood Pact, which ultimately succeeded. This was the major turning point of this universe's timeline, where the newly established union of the clans, the Iron Horde, started their conquest of Draenor under the leadership of Grommash Hellscream of the Warsong clan. Grom also put Garrosh in the position of Warlord of the Warsong clan to replace him. The orcs proceeded to build the Dark Portal, using the captive Shadow Council as its power source, and connected the gateway with the prime universe's Azeroth in order to invade and conquer it.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, an adventurer was sent to Hellfire Citadel in order to find something that could help Mama Diggs unlock the mystery of infernal brimstones, and succeeded by retrieving  [The Infernal Codex] off Archimonde's corpse.[7]

Late during the conflict, Alliance and Horde soldiers who previously fought in Ashran traveled to the Seething Shore and resumed their battle there.

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

At an unknown point in time, the connection between Draenor and Azeroth closed.[8]

After Archimonde's fall, the orcs and draenei worked together to drive the Burning Legion from Draenor. Orc and draenei lived alongside each other for years. However, without demons to fight, the draenei became fixated upon the Light. The naaru then compelled them to spread their influence among the orcs, and they formed an army known as the Lightbound. A few orcs were converted willingly, while others had the Light forced upon them. Ogres also joined the Lightbound.[9] Decades later, the planet began to die. While only Gorgrond is seen, it is considerably less forested than it was before, the sky is clouded over, and there is a green tint in the air. The Lightbound accuse the Mag'har orcs of causing this, while the Mag'har, in turn, accuse the Lightbound of causing it.[10]

While decades had passed on Draenor, only a handful of years had passed on Azeroth. Eitrigg and the old Commander arrived on Draenor in the middle of the war between the Lightbound and Mag'har, led by Yrel and Grommash respectively. Having been unaware of this and of the years that had passed from Draenor's perspective, the forces from Azeroth had intended on recruiting the Mag'har to the Horde. A group of Mag'har led by Overlord Geya'rah, the daughter of Draka and the deceased Durotan, fled to Azeroth with Eitrigg and the Commander while Grommash held off Yrel and died nobly in battle.[11]


The world of Draenor is comprised of at least two (most likely unnamed) continents, and only one of them is known to Azeroth's races. The continent we visit is the central one.[12] After Draenor's destruction in the prime universe, that continent became Outland, the only known surviving fragment of the Red World. The second landmass is located southwest of it and is said to be the homeland of the ogres, as well as the heart of their empire.[citation needed] 

The Zangar encroachment is the name given to a fungal ecosystem seeking to overtake the land by spreading its spores from the Zangar Sea.[13]

Draenor has two moons.[14][15] The larger moon is bright with reflected light, responsible for the illumination of Shadowmoon Valley, while the smaller appears closer and is far darker. Nowhere is the larger of the two moons more imposing than over Shadowmoon Valley.[16] The name "Pale Lady" is assumed to refer to the larger of the two moons.

Map of Draenor.
Map of Outland.


Lore locations

Draenor and Outland comparison

Differences between the alternate Draenor and prime Draenor

According to Don Adams, Blizzard's goal with the expansion was to depict Draenor's past. Because of that, the general background presented in the alternate universe is the same as the one of the prime universe.[17]

However, there are two types of differences between both backstories:

a) Changes triggered by Garrosh's interference.
b) Pre-existing differences and the changes triggered by them[18] — as the alternate Draenor is not a perfect mirror image of the prime universe.[19] These few are exceptions and not the rule.[20][21]

Among the differences of the second type we can count:

Alternate Draenor Main Draenor
Garrosh Hellscream was not born. Garrosh Hellscream was born to Golka and Grommash Hellscream.
Rulkan is alive. As a consequence of this, the Burning Legion apparently never contacted Ner'zhul but coordinated only with Gul'dan. Then, the use of fel was only spread among the members of the Shadow Council. Rulkan died several years prior to the rise of the first Horde. The Burning Legion also contacted Ner'zhul in disguise of Rulkan's spirit, and Gul'dan, already secretly working with the Legion,[22] later spread the fel among the orc clans, turning majority of orcs (excluding the Mag'har) green.[23]
The drinking of Mannoroth's blood happened in Year -4. Mannoroth is present and unveiled himself. The drinking happened in Year -3.[22] Mannoroth is not described to be present.
Garad and Ga'nar were still alive at the time of Garrosh's arrival and the formation of the Iron Horde. Garad and Ga'nar died several years prior to the rise of the Horde.[22]
Garadar in Nagrand was not constructed, indicating that the red pox outbreak caused by Gul'dan never happened. Garadar in Nagrand was constructed several years prior to the rise of the Horde[24] as Gul'dan spread the pox to the orcs.[22]
Orc clan leaders are mainly referred to as warlords. Orc clan leaders are mainly referred to as chieftains.
Durotan's eyes are blue and Orgrim's are amber-colored. Durotan's eyes are brown and Orgrim's are bright gray.[25]
Commander Tharbek is a member of the Warsong clan. Tharbek belonged to the Blackrock clan.[26]
When Blackhand helped Orgrim get the Doomhammer by entering an elemental pool, he scarred his body in the process.[27] When Blackhand helped Orgrim get the Doomhammer, his body was not consumed in fire, or much less.[28][29]
Ner'zhul is shown with a white skull painted on his face around the time of the construction of the Dark Portal. Ner'zhul paints a white skull on his own face after the First and Second wars believing he was "dead" to his people for unknowingly corrupting them.


  • Telredor, a centuries-old monastery, and the Twin Spires are not present. It is unclear if they existed or if they were destroyed by the invading Iron Horde.
  • The Dragonmaw clan (as well as some other minor clans) hasn't been introduced in the alternate Draenor. It's unknown whether they did not exist in the world. Alternatively they could have been absorbed into or annihilated by the Iron Horde.
  • The Temple of Telhamat is missing from Tanaan Jungle. It is unclear whether it was built before or after the fall of Draenor in the main universe, but it was likely before.
  • Alternate Draka had a sister named Lokra. It is yet unconfirmed whether Lokra existed in the main universe, but it is probable considering Durotan's new brothers are confirmed in the main universe.


Main article: Instances by continent

Outposts and cities

Getting there

Players that will reach level 90 will embark on a journey that will lead them to repel the Iron Horde's invasion entering Azeroth through the Dark Portal, which has turned red because of a time warp that now connects it with the world of Draenor in the alternate past. The prologue quest will be a similar experience to the death knight starting experience. After defeating the invading army, they will travel through the portal and arrive at Tanaan Jungle (located in the same place as what will eventually become Hellfire Peninsula). After the prologue, Alliance will be sent to Shadowmoon Valley, while the Horde will go to the Frostfire Ridge - their own faction territories, with fully-fledged Garrisons (that they need to build first) in Draenor.





  • In the early maps of Warlords of Draenor, there was to be more islands: Farahlon, an unnamed ogre island south of Nagrand and an island off the southwestern coast of Spires of Arak. As of today, all three have been removed from the map, but an unnamed landmass southwest of Draenor's main continent is still visible.
    • The unnamed ogre island south of Nagrand might have been related to seafaring ogres claiming the south of the zone,[30] but this plot point was removed during development.
    • The large continent southwest of Draenor's main continent was described at BlizzCon 2013 as a "mysterious ogre continent" from which the Gorian Empire originated and where their main seat of power was still located, with their influence having spread to Draenor's main continent over time.[31] High Centurion Tormmok still mentions having campaigned on two continents.[32]
  • The rivers of Draenor are filled with moray.[33]
  • One of Draenor's oldest stories is the legend of Grumpus. The story tells of a mean-spirited brute that would come in the night, in the dead of winter, and kidnap children that misbehaved. Back at his lair, he would present them with awful toys, and use their tears to spawn his minions.[34] No one quite knows when the legend of Grumpus began in Draenor, but his toys are just the worst.[35]
  • Fel and Void effect's caused vile bloods to emerge in Tanaan Jungle[36] and Shadowmoon Valley.[37]
  • Although Mag'har Darkcasters exist in Orgrimmar around the time of the Fourth War, opening a direct portal to alternate Draenor, it is possible that they are simply for in-game purposes, as it was mentioned that Draenor had been sealed off some time before, and their portal would have to be a temporal one to make sense from a lore perspective.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
  • As he was the only known titan to have interacted with Draenor, Aggramar is very likely the one that left behind several Ancient Titan Chests, the Vault of the Titan in Nagrand, the treasure inside Rukmaz's Vault and the artifacts responsible for the creations of the magic breakers before leaving. It is also possible he might have left behind servants comparable to keepers who wielded remnants of his power, and the relics contain their legacy.
  • It is unclear how the vast majority of Mag'har orcs and draenei initially viewed the orcs and draenei who originated from Azeroth, as their obvious racial similarities were never really commented upon by any of their NPCs despite being acknowledged to come from another world. For example, it is unclear why alternate Velen did not seem to openly recognize Maraad or any of the other Exodar draenei, and why they seemed to lack any counterparts in Draenor.
  • It is currently unknown what has caused the planet to begin to die. While the Mag'har and the Lightbound blame each other, it is possible that both Mag'har's industrialism and the Lightbound's spreading of the Light contributed to the planet's decay. Alternatively, something could have caused this timeline to collapse in on itself, with the planet dying as a side effect.
    • Another possibility is that when Kairoz used the  [Vision of Time], it merely delayed the timeline's collapse, meaning the deterioration may have been inevitable as the timeline falls apart. This would also explain why the Horde's attempt to re-connect with alternate Draenor's Mag'har connected with its equivalent to the time of the Prime timeline, rather than the time Kairoz and Garrosh escaped to, as the timeline continued to unfold on its own, despite its slow but continuous collapse. Chronicles mentions that alternate timelines are natural but unstable and will eventually dissipate into nothing if they are left alone, but beings from their realities can remain in existence "indefinitely" if efforts are made to preserve them. The bronze dragonflight apparently expected the Horde's arrival at the Caverns of Time and went to considerable efforts to assist them, implying they believed it was "meant" for them to reunite with the Mag'har and recruit them from alternate Draenor. The game, however, is far less cut and dry on the subject, suggesting some timelines collapse, and others do not.
    • Yet another option, tied to the green color and absence of Primals, is that the conflict between the Mag'har and Lightbound drew the ire of the Plane of Life and the planet's state is the power of Life leaving it.


In-game maps
Fan art

See also


  1. ^ World of Warcraft: Paragons: "...heroes will traverse time itself and brave an alternate version of the orcish homeworld..."
  2. ^ N [100D] Core of Flame
  3. ^ Official Warlords of Draenor site
  4. ^ Warlords of Draenor cinematic
  5. ^ War Crimes, chapter ??
  6. ^ Hellscream
  7. ^ N Mining [45R] Hellfire Citadel: Hellfire and Brimstone
  8. ^ H [40-70] Vision of Time
  9. ^ H [40-70] Bonds Forged Through Battle
  10. ^ H [40-70] Tyranny of the Light
  11. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 4, pg. 150
  12. ^ A Thousand Years of War
  13. ^  [Zangar Spore]
  14. ^ Loreology on Twitter (2014-05-16).
  15. ^  [Shadowmoon Astrologer's Almanac]
  16. ^ The Art of World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, pg. 43
  17. ^ Don Adams on Twitter (2014-10-27): "My understanding is that the histories are the same up to the point where Garrosh arrives and begins mucking things up."
  18. ^ Don Adams on Twitter (2014-11-04): "Correct, this is one of a few exceptions where differences were not caused by Garrosh's interference."
  19. ^ Hellscream
  20. ^ Don Adams on Twitter (2014-11-04): "You're correct, I forgot about that detail. We consider the timelines to be mostly the same with a few notable differences."
  21. ^ Don Adams on Twitter (2014-10-27): "I would say Rulkan is an exception, not the rule."
  22. ^ a b c d World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2
  23. ^ Rise of the Horde
  24. ^ Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 115
  25. ^ Rise of the Horde
  26. ^ Tides of Darkness
  27. ^ Blackhand
  28. ^ Matt Burns on Twitter (2017-03-11). Retrieved on 2017-03-16.​ “Yeah that was something we ultimately decided to go away from in Chronicle. Not to say he didn't help Orgrim get the--
  29. ^ Matt Burns on Twitter (2017-03-11). Retrieved on 2017-03-16.​ “--hammer back, but just the stuff related to him being "consumed" in fire.
  30. ^ Official Warlords of Draenor site. Retrieved on 2017-03-26.
  31. ^ WoW: Warlords of Draenor, the entire Blizzcon WoW panel. (13:23) (2013-11-10). Retrieved on 2017-03-26.
  32. ^ N [15-40] A Centurion Without a Cause
  33. ^  [Slithershock Elver]
  34. ^ N [40-70G Daily] Grumpus
  35. ^ Mount Journal entry for  [Minion of Grumpus]
  36. ^ Vile Blood of Draenor
  37. ^ Combat Vile Bloods
  38. ^ http://reznik.wikia.com/wiki/Draenor
