Frostfire Ridge

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HordeFrostfire Ridge
Level: 10 - 50
Battle Pet Level: 23 - 25
Frostfire Ridge.jpg
Capital(s) Horde Bladespire Citadel
Races IconSmall FireFury.gifIconSmall WaterFury.gifIconSmall EarthFury.gif Furies
Mag'har orcMag'har orcOrcOrc Orc
IconSmall Ogre2 Male.gifIconSmall Ogre Female.gif Ogre
IconSmall Ogron.gif Ogron
IconSmall Magnaron.gif Magnaron
IconSmall Gronn.gif Gronn
IconSmall Gronnling.gif Gronnling
IconSmall Goren.gif Goren
Jungle trollJungle troll Jungle troll
TaurenTauren Tauren
ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
GoblinGoblin Goblin
Government Tribal chiefdom
Ruler(s) Horde IconSmall Durotan2.gif Durotan
Former ruler(s) Iron Horde Emblem.png  Fenris Wolfbrother †
Major settlements Horde Frostwall
Iron Horde Emblem.png Grom'gar
Horde Wor'gol
Iron Horde Emblem.png Iron Siegeworks
Neutral Bloodmaul Slag Mines
Neutral Bloodmaul Stronghold
Minor settlements Horde Stonefang Outpost
Horde Throm'var
Horde Darkspear's Edge
Iron Horde Emblem.png Colossal's Fall
Horde Wolf's Stand
Iron Horde Emblem.png Agurak's Fall
Neutral Grimfrost Hill
Languages Orcish, Ogre
Faiths Shamanism
Affiliation Frostwolf clan, Thunderlord clan, Gorian Empire, Breakers
Location Northwestern Draenor
PvP status Contested territory
Frostfire Ridge is a harsh land of ceaseless winter and volcanic peaks, where travelers encounter molten lava as often as painfully cold snow. Rock-hewn Bladespire Fortress, built to grandiose heights by the ogres who occupy its halls, is one of the few structures able to remain standing amidst this inhospitable wilderness. It's the perfect target for the survivalist orcs of the Frostwolf clan.[1]
"Like the great wolves that roam here, we survive in this land according to its rules."
Chieftain Durotan[2]

Frostfire Ridge is a zone in north-western Draenor. It is home to the Frostwolf clan and the Thunderlord clan. The ogre stronghold-turned Horde capital, Bladespire Citadel is located here. When Draenor shattered and became Outland, Frostfire Ridge and Gorgrond were pressed together to become the Blade's Edge Mountains.[3][4] Several recognizable landmarks in Blade's Edge Mountains can be found in Frostfire, such as the Circle of Blood and the rock spires jutting from the earth. The Blade's Edge Mountain, the namesake of the future mountain range that Frostfire would become, can be found near Bladespire Citadel.

Frostfire Ridge is the starting zone for Horde characters in Draenor. Its Alliance counterpart is Shadowmoon Valley.


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In the past, the Gorian Empire ruled over Frostfire Ridge, Bladespire Citadel serving as far-flung outpost.[5] During those times, when the orcs were still enslaved by the ogres, the legendary Thunderlord hero Brakor wielded the mighty spear  [Gronnsbane].[6]

Getting there

Players will get to Frostfire Ridge after completing the Dark Portal event, landing just west of Frostwall, the location of the Horde Garrison.


Frostfire Ridge is an area of extremes - snow and ice-covered glaciers in one area, active volcanoes spewing lava in another. The region is defined by the volcanic activity of late, so be wary of gigantic cliffs in otherwise normal plains.

Maps and subregions

Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: list of sub-zones doesn't match the one on the template.

Map of Frostfire Ridge, Alliance point of view (Horde's PoV until unlocking the Garrison).

Undisplayed locations


Instance name Level range Group size Approximate run time
Instance portal Bloodmaul Slag Mines 90-92 5 player Unknown

Travel hubs

Adjacent regions

Zone Name Faction Level Range Direction Access
Gorgrond HordeAlliance 92-94 East By foot

Notable characters

Main article: Frostfire Ridge NPCs


Main article: Frostfire Ridge storyline


Main article: :Category:Frostfire Ridge vignettes

Continuing the tradition started on the Timeless Isle, Frostfire Ridge has a huge number of vignettes, which are one-time events like killing rare mobs, looting treasure chests, finding Shamanstones, or completing scripted events. Nearly all of the vignettes reward [Garrison Resources] in addition to an uncommon or rare-quality item.


Wild pets

Wild creatures

Film universe

Icon-film-40x16.png This section concerns content exclusive to the Warcraft film universe and is considered non-canon.


Unused concept art for the Frostwind Desert.
Concept art.
  • During the initial planning phase, the land was to be an icy desert with purple sand dunes called Frostwind Desert.[7] However, the purple sand in the concept art was frequently mistaken for snow, eventually resulting in the desert idea being abandonded in favor of a frozen wasteland with volcanic activity. A fragment of this concept appears to exist in the final version, though, as Cordana mentions "scouting the dunes" to the Horde commander.



Patch changes

  • Legion Patch 7.3.5 (2018-01-16): Level scaling implemented, previous zone level: 90 - 93.
  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2014-11-15): Reduced the density of critters and Icespine Hatchlings in Frostfire Ridge.
  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Added.


External links

es:Cresta Fuego Glacial