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Mi'da, Pure Light HS.jpg
Faction/Affiliation The Light, Draenei, Sha'tar, Conclave, Army of the Light
Racial capital Shattrath City
Racial leader(s)  A'dal
 Xe'ra †
Homeworld Great Dark Beyond
Language(s) Telepathy, Able to understand all mortal languages

“And then, a sound. At first it was merely a vibration in the night, yet even that slight disturbance of the air was pure and strong and clean. A glow began, then several; the vibration became many, all in different tones, and the sights and sounds coalesced into an ascending tide of rainbow and melody. Beings of Light surrounded Anduin, rescuing him from the dark and singing to him of hope in a chorus that restored the universe. In the midst of it all, the face of one of the refugees appeared, a man the prince had seen many times but whose name he did not know. The beings around Anduin said (sang), "Each life, a universe.

Prophet's Lesson

The naaru (pronounced ['na:ru]) are a race of living, sentient energy beings[1] made up of scintillating holy energies.[2] They are perhaps the purest expression of the Holy Light that exists in the Great Dark Beyond, and have vowed to bring peace and hope to all mortal civilizations and waylay the forces of the Void.[3] They are known to travel through dimensions,[4] and are the sworn enemies of the Legion.[5]

Not all naaru necessarily have the same motives, and they have their own personalities and own goals, with Xe'ra, who was notably different from other naaru players have met, being the best example of this. As such, not all naaru are necessarily good from the player's perspective, for while Xe'ra believed that she was indeed doing good, that good was not necessarily good for everyone.[6][7]



The crest of the Army of the Light.

In the primordial era following the birth of the universe — a result of the clash between the Light and Void — shards of fractured Light occasionally gathered in the Great Dark Beyond and formed clouds of Light from which powerful beings emerged, among which were the benevolent naaru. When the naaru gazed out across the universe, they saw limitless possibilities and vowed to use their mastery over holy magic to nurture life and hope throughout the cosmos. Although the titans were described as "more extraordinary" than the naaru, and presumably considerably more powerful than the average naaru, the naaru far outnumber the known titans of the Pantheon.[2] The prime naaru were the first naaru to be forged during the great ordering of the cosmos.[8] Velen believed that the naaru's powers greatly resembled those of the moon goddess Elune,[9] and Archmage Khadgar found in an ancient cosmology tome a passage indicating that the prime naaru may have been created by Elune during the great ordering of Light and Shadow.[10]

As nurturing as they may be, the naaru are not passive pacifists either. In seeking goodness and harmony,[11] they struggle against the servants of cosmic forces who oppose the Light, being notably in conflict with the Void and Disorder, as well as making sure Death keeps its place.[12]

According to the prime naaru, Xe'ra, the Light and the Void have been at war since the beginning of the entire universe, before time itself, and she notably reacted with cold disgust to the idea of the Army of the Light cooperating with the Void even against the Legion, as the Void sought to destroy or enslave everything in existence; she also declared that the two forces could not exist together. Alleria Windrunner herself briefly glimpsed the cosmic conflict between the Light and Void affecting millions of lives across countless worlds and planets.[13] At least some of the naaru such as A'dal, however, recognize the Void's creatures as "a necessary part of the universe", but they must nevertheless be held in check by the Light.[14] Xe'ra also refused to tell the Army of the Light that the naaru, like L'ura, were able to fall into a Void state,[15] but D'ore openly acknowledged it was a facet of the naaru condition, and furthermore stated that without the Void, the Light could not exist.[16]

According to Xal'atath, while the naaru regarded them as "horrors to be resisted", the void beings regard the naaru as "beloved brethren that lost the true path" which will return to their embrace eventually.[17]

When it comes to facing Disorder, the naaru have been waging open war against the Burning Legion for thousands of years, apparently sustaining heavy losses, with the Xenedar described as the Light's largest remaining refuge, and despite Sargeras believing he had already defeated the Light, they were apparently the last major cosmic force openly opposing the Burning Crusade after the Pantheon's destruction.[13]

Long ago, the forces of the Light additionally assaulted the Shadowlands realm of Revendreth in retaliation to an affront against them by Sire Denathrius.[18] The affront was the nathrezim, Denathrius' creations, infiltrating the forces of Light and being discovered.[19] The location of the battlefield between the Light and the Venthyr is now a Light-scorched ruin known as the Ember Ward. The naaru Z'rali was injured in the battle, captured by the "unseen ones", and held prisoner by the Venthyr.[12]

The naaru are not always directly intervening either. Their plans might last millennia, with them indirectly reaching out to younger mortal races of the cosmos, preparing them for when the time would come.[11] They as such once bestowed the Ata'mal crystal to the fledgling eredar of Argus. The crystal became the eredar's most sacred artifact, with them not knowing of its true origin.[20]

Shepherding the draenei

The Genedar appears to rescue Prophet Velen and his draenei followers on Argus.

When Sargeras came to the world of Argus and began convincing the eredar to join the Burning Legion, Velen, one of the three eredar leader, prayed for help. The naaru appeared to him in visions, offering to take Velen and any other like-minded eredar to safety. Velen and his faction accepted, and the naaru came to rescue Velen and his followers with a dimensional ship named the Genedar. They thus began to call themselves draenei, meaning "the Exiled Ones" in eredun.[21] The Genedar then split into two different ships, the Genedar and Xenedar. The draenei who boarded the Xenedar would become the Lightforged, and went their separate ways, with the former fleeing across the cosmos, and the latter openly striking back and fighting the Legion.[22]

During the draenei's journey, the enigmatic naaru race taught them the ways of the Light, though they already had a certain experience with it through Velen and T'uure. The naaru explained that there were other forces in the cosmos that would stand against the Burning Legion. One day the naaru would forge them into a single unstoppable Army of the Light.[21] The naaru also bestowed a blessing, the [Gift of the Naaru], upon the draenei to signify their new connection with the Light, Velen's sigil being visible at all times,[23] and to this day, all the draenei are able to tap into this power to heal themselves and others.[24] Deeply affected by the naaru's words, the draenei vowed to honor the Light and uphold the naaru's altruistic ideals.

Communing with humanity

Following the Troll Wars, a number of human priests began having faint dreams and visions of angelic forms thrumming with living light. They did not know it, but they had actually managed to commune with the naaru in the Great Dark Beyond, and through this connection, the Holy Light was introduced to the early humans for the first time.[25] Mereldar was the first of these prophets, receiving visions of holiness, protection, justice, retribution, and compassion. With others who had also reported seeing the visions, they codified and wrote down the wisdom of this higher power. The movement sparked widespread faith in the Light and became the predominant human religion, and centuries later the different Light-based traditions and belief systems were codified by Lordaeron's leaders into the Church of the Holy Light.[26]

Right before the Invasion of Draenor, the paladin Turalyon received a vision from the naaru when he learned that Ner'zhul's Horde planned to invade and plunder other worlds in the cosmos. The vision convinced him that the Alliance had to send an expedition to Draenor and save all those innumerable innocents.[27]

The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

A'dal, leader of the Sha'tar naaru in Shattrath City.

Right before the invasion of Outland began, Khadgar and Velen reached out to the naaru independently, both seeking aid against the dark forces of the Burning Legion amassing on Outland.[28] The Army of the Light heard their pleas but the Army's battles with the Legion were costly and ceaseless, so they could not spare soldiers to protect Outland. Instead A'dal, M'uru, and O'ros volunteered to help the people of Outland and arrived with Tempest Keep.[29]

When the shattered realm of Outland became a strategic battlefront in the Burning Crusade, the naaru used the mighty fortress of Tempest Keep to reach the shattered land. However, when the naaru set out from their stronghold, Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider and his blood elves quickly raided the dimensional fortress and assumed control over its satellite structures.[5] Though most of the naaru had already left the fortress, the blood elves succeeded in capturing the sole remaining guardian of Tempest Keep, M'uru, and transported it back to Silvermoon City to serve as a power source for the blood elves. Grand Magister Rommath, Astalor Bloodsworn and Liadrin created the Blood Knights order.

Meanwhile, A'dal, leading the Sha'tar and later apparently joined by other naaru including V'eru, G'eras and Xi'ri, traveled to Shattrath City, its presence managing to keep the Legion at bay, and O'ros journeyed with the draenei to Azeroth upon the Exodar, crash-landing with them on the Azuremyst Isles.

Shortly before the siege of the Black Temple, an elder naaru (Xe'ra) appeared to Illidan Stormrage and told him that he was destined to become a hero of the Light battling against the Void.[30]

After Kil'jaeden was defeated, Velen purified the Sunwell using the dying spark of M'uru, restoring it as a fount of arcane and holy power, and thereby beginning the rebirth of the soul of an entire nation.[31]

Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

During the Scourge Invasion, using the concentration of Light from the naaru of Shattrath, and the shared benedictions from the faithful, the Church of the Light created holy artifacts of profound power to strike down the Scourge necropolises.[32]

During the war against the Lich King, A'dal and two other naaru, M'ori and K'uri, were able to purify Crusader Bridenbrad's soul from the Scourge's corruption, guaranteeing him "paradise eternal" in his afterlife after promising that the Light does not abandon its champions.[33]

Warlords of Draenor

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

In alternate draenor, the Dark Star worshipped by the Shadowmoon clan was in fact the fallen naaru, K'ara. The alternate version of Velen sacrificed his life to purify K'ara and return it to the Light.[34]

In Nagrand, Cho'gall drained K'ure of its power and transformed it into the void god Decimatus.[35]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Xe'ra, the prime naaru.

During the course of the third invasion of the Burning Legion, Light's Heart, the core of the naaru prime Xe'ra, was sent to Azeroth by High Exarch Turalyon and crashed off the coast of Suramar on the Broken Isles. It was to be brought to Velen aboard the Exodar. O'ros, as the last naaru in the line of Xe'ra, was the only one with the ability to unlock the core, but the Burning Legion attacked the Exodar and killed O'ros to prevent that from happening. Light's Heart was then stored within a Class Order Hall for safekeeping,[36] and was finally unlocked using the Tears of Elune.

Xe'ra later started communing with the order leader through Light's Heart and revealed that she was searching for her prophecized "child of Light and Shadow" destined to bring an end to the age of demons: Illidan Stormrage.[8] Xe'ra then taught the order leader the story of Illidan, and revealed at the end that the goal was, in fact, not to prepare Light's Heart but to prepare the class leader, for Xe'ra wept over the death of Illidan at the hands of the then-adventurer and in her eyes, the class leader needed to redeem their self.

At Netherlight Temple, priests across Azeroth worked together to transform the void god Saraka the Lighteater back into the naaru Saa'ra, and succeeded.[37]

On Argus, a disembodied Xe'ra was rescued aboard the Xenedar.[38] Returning her to the Vindicaar, she was made whole again as Light's Heart was returned to her. She however died shortly after, slain by Illidan as she attempted to forcefully fill him with the Light.[7] Xe'ra had mentioned Tempest Keep to the Army of the Light, but they had never seen it in person.[39]

Upon landing on Eredath, Velen reminisced about the naaru named L'ura who stayed behind to fend off the demons in order to allow the draenei to flee Argus, thousands of years ago.[40] L'ura was captured and imprisoned within the Seat of the Triumvirate on the order of Kil'jaeden, where she would gradually turn into darkened naaru.[41] She was eventually slain and absorbed by Alleria.

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

After Calia Menethil was killed at the Gathering in Arathi Highlands, she was brought to Saa'ra at Netherlight Temple and, with the aid of Anduin Wrynn and Alonsus Faol, she was revived as an undead infused with the Light.[42]

While only a handful of years had passed on Azeroth since the events of the war in Draenor, in the alternate universe several decades had passed. In the initial years after the Burning Legion was pushed off the planet and Archimonde was killed, the draenei and orcs lived together in peace. Eventually, however, more naaru arrived on Draenor and the draenei became fanatical. Led by the Light Mother, the draenei formed the Lightbound and began spreading the Light to the orcs whether they wanted it or not; while some went willingly, others had the Light forced upon them. The Lightbound and their naaru masters waged a war against the resisting Mag'har orcs in the name of bringing them together under the Light, and the Light Mother granted Yrel a vision of the Lightbound becoming an Army of the Light that would spread the Light across the universe.[43][44]


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

During the war against the Jailer, two naaru were found within the Shadowlands. Z'rali was imprisoned in the Sanguine Depths of Revendreth, and the dark naaru Ti'or was imprisoned as a fighter in the Theater of Pain in Maldraxxus. Z'rali was kept captive until being freed by the Court of Harvesters, a rebellion of Venthyr against their Sire. After she was freed, Z'rali was moved to Dawnkeep in the Ember Ward, as she cannot return to her home because the other naaru would only consider her tainted by the touch of Denathrius. She decided to remain in Revendreth to ensure that the Light is felt there, that justice is rendered, and that Death is made to know its place.[12]

Biology and characteristics

The naaru of the Exodar, O'ros.

Naaru are composed of scintillating holy energies, from clouds of fractured Light gathered in the Great Dark Beyond,[2] that may freely move around a central "core". Their sentience core can be detached from their main body and seems to house their mind, soul-equivalent, and knowledge as shown with Xe'ra and her  [Light's Heart].[45]

Naaru may leave a "spark" when they die, as in the case of M'uru.[46] Just like demons in the Twisting Nether, Naaru can normally only be killed within the realm of the Light itself, as if they died in the mortal realm their essence returns to the Light to reconstitute, so it is necessary to go to the realm of Light to destroy them definitively. However, some exceptionally powerful forces can intervene in the process. But it takes a significant influence as it’s not something that casually happens.[47]

It is unknown whether or not the naaru have separate genders. K'ure, A'dal, Xi'ri and M'uru have all been described using the pronoun "he,"[48][49][50][51] and K'ara and L'ura are referred to as female.[52] However, the pronoun "it" has also been used.[53][54][55][56] It is possible that the naaru are genderless, given that "gender" only exists in races that engage in sexual reproduction, and it is unknown if naaru do, though O'ros was stated to be part of Xe'ra's lineage which means they do reproduce somehow.

The naaru appear to have different motives and agendas, with A'dal openly calling for Illidan's demise,[50][57] and Xe'ra championing him as the Child of Light and Shadow, whose destiny would be to destroy the Legion and eventually the Void forever. K'ure informed Velen on Argus that the naaru were unable to stop the eredar's corruption due to "free will", and were only able to save those who chose to reject Sargeras,[58] while Xe'ra disregarded Illidan's free will to the point of trying to directly compel him to embrace the Light, leading to her destruction and even Velen's disapproval.[7] Not only did she inform Alleria that their two cosmic forces could not exist together, Xe'ra also refused to tell the Army of the Light that the naaru were able to fall into a Void state,[15] but D'ore freely told adventurers that it was a facet of the naaru condition, and that furthermore, without the Void, the Light could not exist.[16]

Dark naaru

Naaru can die, but if their physical form is damaged, it may bleed their energy causing them to enter a darkened state[59] in which they are weakened and produce void energies,[60] becoming dark naaru[61][15] (Dark Naaru)[62] or darkened naaru.[63] A naaru's darkened state is different than death. Their energy may take up to one thousand years to regenerate.[64] It should be noted that some darkened naaru still appear to harbor altruistic intentions; however, their weakened state may be exploited for nefarious purposes, such as creating void minions[65] and raising the undead.[66] It is unknown if this cycle occurs naturally without an external catalyst. Examples of darkened naaru are D'ore, M'uru, K'ure, and K'ara. Thrice, darkened naaru have also been shown to transform further into void gods; though in all known occasions this was only when their light was forcibly drained by an outside party, so it does not seem to be a natural phenomenon and is normally extremely rare. The ethereal Locus-Walker noted that the few cases of naaru falling into Void he knew of had occurred when mortals were involved, which he thought carried fascinating implications.[67]

Powers and technology

See also: Dimensional ship
Concept art of naaru control consoles and stylized depictions of themselves.

The dimensional fortress Tempest Keep, as well as the draenei dimensional ship/city the Exodar, are examples of naaru technology.

The naaru have advanced knowledge of magic and access to otherworldly materials and reagents that have not been seen in Azeroth. The Mechanar, for example, employs naaru technology to create manacells,[68] objects which provide great amounts of power.[69] The Tempest Keep has "automated" defenses, the ability to fly, the ability to travel through other dimensions such as the Twisting Nether or the Great Dark Beyond, and the ability to teleport itself and anything in it. For example, the Exodar was able to transcend dimensions and warp the fabric of time itself, and even a  [Shard of the Exodar] retains some of its temporal powers.

The power levels and resilience of individual naaru appear to vary significantly, although most appear to be largely immortal and typically channel the Light's holy energies for offensive, defensive and healing purposes. The naaru provided the [Gift of the Naaru] to the entire draenei race, enabling them to periodically heal themselves and their allies,[70] and are able to temporarily bolster entire groups of people, such as with [A'dal's Song of Battle] and [K'iru's Song of Victory].

Maiev Shadowsong described A'dal's power as sufficient to destroy entire cities and level mountains.[71] According to Khadgar, who stated he learned more from the naaru in five months than he did in all his years in the libraries of Dalaran, A'dal and his Sha'tar were able to drive the Legion away from Shattrath City,[48] and A'dal was possibly "the most powerful being" the adventurer would ever face.[72] He and two other naaru were able to teleport themselves to Azeroth and prevent the Scourge from raising the soul of Crusader Bridenbrad by sending it directly into the Light, when others such as Remulos and Alexstrasza were only able to delay his fate,[33] and some of the naaru also appear to have immense [Resurrection] capabilities, such as the Prime Naaru on Argus, or lingering remnants of M'uru's Light able to bring back a fallen blood elf.[73] Alonsus Faol, Anduin Wrynn and Saa'ra, who appeared to have prophetic abilities, were able to together revive Calia Menethil as a Light-infused undead.[74]

From abroad the Vindicaar, Xe'ra was able to make Turalyon "an eternal protector of creation", bestowing upon him immortality, and helped Alleria Windrunner share her "pure, infinite love" for her son Arator in Stormwind, filling her heart with joy so intensely that it hurt as she watched him reaching out to her with his hand.[13] T'uure's [Holy Nova] sacrifice was able to banish Dimensius the All-Devouring from Karkora, even its shard became one of the most powerful Artifacts of Light in existence as  [T'uure, Beacon of the Naaru], able to heal wounds physical and mental, and inspire hope in times of overwhelming darkness.[75] M'uru's spark was capable of purifying and permanently restoring the tainted Sunwell, and K'ara was able to instantaneously annihilate most of the Iron Horde's naval fleet in the Defense of Karabor, and provided the final and ultimate blessing for the Alliance commander's legendary ring.[76]

Despite being one of the oldest and strongest of the naaru, described as far more powerful than A'dal in their first encounter and even able to help Illidan escape from the clutches of Kil'jaeden, Xe'ra was easily destroyed by Illidan. During the Battle for the Exodar, O'ros was slain by the Fel Annihilator of High General Rakeesh, despite being completely healed by Velen.[36]

Notable naaru

Main universe
Name Role(s) Status Location
Neutral  A'dal Leader of the Sha'tar, master of Shattrath City. Alive Terrace of Light, Shattrath City
Neutral  D'ore "Died" when the Genedar crash landed on Draenor. Alive Crypt of Remembrance, Auchenai Crypts
Neutral  G'eras Sha'tar quartermaster Alive Terrace of Light, Shattrath City
Neutral  K'ara Ejected from the Genedar during the crash and became the Dark Star. Unknown
Neutral  K'iru Assisting the Shattered Sun Offensive. Alive Sun's Reach Harbor, Isle of Quel'Danas
Neutral  K'ure First naaru to contact the draenei. Alive Oshu'gun, Nagrand
Neutral  K'uri Accompanied A'dal when trying to save Crusader Bridenbrad. Alive Silent Vigil, Icecrown
Neutral  L'ura Bought more time for the draenei to escape Argus, sealed in the Seat by Kil'jaeden while wounded; now darkened. Deceased Seat of the Triumvirate, Eredath
Neutral  M'ori Accompanied A'dal when trying to save Crusader Bridenbrad. Alive Silent Vigil, Icecrown
Neutral  M'uru Captured and drained by the blood elves until it turned into Entropius. Deceased Shrine of the Eclipse, Sunwell Plateau
Neutral  O'ros Journeyed to Azeroth aboard the Exodar, slain by High General Rakeesh. Deceased Seat of the Naaru, Exodar
Neutral  Saa'ra Redeemed from the void god Saraka the Lighteater by the Conclave. Alive Hall of Balance, Netherlight Temple Ti'or
Neutral  Ti'or Imprisoned fighter of the Theater of Pain within Maldraxxus. Killable Theater of Pain, Maldraxxus
Neutral  T'uure Sacrificed itself to save Karkora from Dimensius the All-Devouring.[77] Deceased
Neutral  V'eru Helps get aid to the ogres of Outland. Alive Terrace of Light, Shattrath City
Neutral  Xe'ra One of the first naaru, seeking Illidan Stormrage to defeat the Burning Legion, later slain by him. Deceased Various Class Halls (as  [Light's Heart])
Neutral  Xi'ri Leader of the Sha'tari assault on the Black Temple. Alive Ruins of Karabor, Shadowmoon Valley
Neutral  Z'rali Lead the Light assault on Revendreth, where she was defeated and imprisoned, currently allied with Court of Harvesters. Alive Dawnkeep, Revendreth
Alternate universe
Name Role Status Location
Neutral  K'ara Ejected from the Genedar during the crash and became the Dark Star. Alive Various Locations
Neutral  K'ure Corrupted into the void god Decimatus by Cho'gall. Killable Sanctum of the Naaru, Nagrand

As a companion pet

 [Holy Chime] is a reward from  [Raiding with Leashes III: Drinkin' From the Sunwell].

Notes and trivia

A draenei shrine in Shadowmoon Valley, showcasing a naaru and the flight from Argus
  • While worshipers typically revere the Holy Light itself as a concept, some cultures still do seek individual blessings from particular naaru. A'dal is associated to fortitude, D'ore to healing, K'ara to accuracy in times of war and K'ure to swiftness.[78]
  • The Wavestrider's figurehead was carved in the form of a naaru by Anselm Yewtree on Captain Greydon Thorne's strict instructions. Aramar Thorne did not know what it was supposed to be, and if anyone else on the crew did then they didn't say so.[79]
  • On Argus, Prime Naaru serve as the replacement for Spirit Healers. It is unclear why other naaru were not able to directly help the Army fight back against the Legion on Argus in any offensive capability during this decisive struggle.
  • Characters used to be able to gain the title ' [Champion of the Naaru]' by completing certain requirements.
  • The naaru do not have any "proper" attack animation. When they fight, they just spin around in order to face their opponents. While their preferred attacks, such as those used by A'dal, M'uru, and X'iri are spells, it seems they can physically hit their opponents too as evidenced by the ability to auto-attack with melee damage.
    • Naaru do not have any proper death-animation either. When they die, they will simply freeze in the air, and the crystals spinning around them will halt. After a few seconds, the entire being will disappear in thin air.[81][82]
    • L'ura is the first naaru to have attack and death animations. These are used more dynamically with Ti'or in Maldraxxus. In these animations, the naaru spins its segments around like a spiked ball, or throws four if its segments like spears.
  • Specific music plays around naaru, different for their light or void state.
  • "Naru" means "River God" in Babylonian, and "nūru" (also rendered nuuru) means "light".
  • The naaru act in a similar manner to the angels of real-life religions such as Abrahamic religions. They are described as angelic by Dornaa[83] as well as in Chronicle Volume 1,[25] and Chris Metzen has described them as "the angels of the Warcraft universe" in an interview.[23] See Myth for more information.
  • The naaru also have a few similarities to the Vorlons from the sci-fi television series Babylon 5. Both are a higher race of beings of light in an ancient war against destructive beings of shadow (the Shadow/Void Lords), and both have shown both benevolent and controlling traits from various members, though that's where the similarities end.
  • The character of Xe'ra was created to explore the idea that not all naaru are necessarily good from the player's perspective, with naaru all having their own distinct personalities and goals. While Xe'ra believed that she was indeed doing good, that good was not necessarily good for everyone.[6]


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
  • Naaru may be related to certain gods, such as Elune. This was further backed up by Khadgar in N [45] Goddess Watch Over You who believes that Xe'ra was created by Elune. The first strong evidence came when Elune's Tear was used to successfully unlock Light's Heart, which Velen had stated could only be unlocked by a naaru descended from Xe'ra.
  • The Ashbringer may have been crafted from part of a naaru, or is at least somehow related to the naaru.



The Story of The Naaru


  1. ^ Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 203
  2. ^ a b c World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 18 - 19
  3. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 13
  4. ^ World of Warcraft: Paragons pg. 912
  5. ^ a b The Mechanar. Retrieved on 2016-03-18.
  6. ^ a b Blizzblizz - Entrevista com Interview, 27:55
  7. ^ a b c N [45] The Child of Light and Shadow
  8. ^ a b N [45] In the House of Light and Shadow
  9. ^ Ask CDev
  10. ^ N [45] Goddess Watch Over You
  11. ^ a b Rise of the Horde, chapter 9
  12. ^ a b c Z'rali#Quotes
  13. ^ a b c A Thousand Years of War
  14. ^ N [25-30D] Unbound Darkness
  15. ^ a b c N [45] Shadow of the Triumvirate
  16. ^ a b H [15-30] What the Soul Sees
  17. ^  [Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire]
  18. ^ N [58-60] Refuge of Revendreth
  19. ^ N [60] Convoy of the Covenants
  20. ^ Rise of the Horde, prologue
  21. ^ a b The Burning Crusade Bestiary
  22. ^ Lost Codex BlizzCon 2017 Interview
  23. ^ a b Burning Crusade Behind The Scenes - The Draenei (2008-03-19). Retrieved on 2016-05-26.
  24. ^ A IconSmall Draenei Male.gifIconSmall Draenei Female.gif [1-10] Rescue the Survivors!
  25. ^ a b World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 142
  26. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 126
  27. ^ Beyond the Dark Portal, chapter 13
  28. ^ Khadgar#Shattrath City
  29. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 140
  30. ^ Illidan, chapter 27
  31. ^ Sunwell Plateau epilogue
  32. ^ A IconSmall Human Male.gifIconSmall Human Female.gif [70] Stormwind
  33. ^ a b N [25-30] The Boon of A'dal
  34. ^ A [10-40] Darkness Falls
  35. ^ B [35-40] The Dark Heart of Oshu'gun
  36. ^ a b N [10-45] Bringer of the Light
  37. ^ N Priest [10-45] The Light and the Void
  38. ^ N [45] The Light Mother
  39. ^ N [45] Imprisoned Inquisitor
  40. ^ N [45] Eredath, Jewel of Argus
  41. ^ N [45] Talgath's Forces
  42. ^ Before the Storm, chapter 35
  43. ^ H [40-70] Bonds Forged Through Battle
  44. ^  [Sermon of the High Exarch]
  45. ^ N [10-45] Bringer of the Light
  46. ^ Sunwell Plateau epilogue
  47. ^ Ezgi Pajecki 2020-09-26. Maldraxxus, Shadowlands and Beyond - Interview with Steve Danuser. Lorekeeper. Archived from the original on 2020-09-27.
  48. ^ a b N [15-30] A'dal
  49. ^ A'dal/Lady Liadrin Scripted Event
  50. ^ a b N [30] Entry Into the Black Temple
  51. ^ N [30] A Distraction for Akama
  52. ^ Velen repeatedly called her a "she" in A [10-40] The Prophet's Final Message. However, while Velen's audio uses "she" the text in his speech bubbles uses the gender-neutral "it."
  53. ^ Rise of the Horde, chapter 9, pg. 201 (ebook): "Each time the Naaru, particularly the one that called itself K'ure..."
  54. ^ A [10-40] The Prophet's Final Message, "It was a fallen naaru, ejected from our vessel in moments of panic and terror. Its name was K'ara."
  55. ^ The Defense of Karabor#Stage 3: Protect K'ara from the invading forces, Yrel says: Champion, the naaru has come to aid us. We must defend it while it gathers power!
  56. ^ World of Warcraft: Illidan, chapter 27, pg. 482 (ebook): "If anything, this creature was possessed of even more power than A'dal and its followers."
  57. ^ N [25-30] Battle of the Crimson Watch
  58. ^ Rise of the Horde
  59. ^ Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 203
  60. ^ H [15-30] When Spirits Speak
  61. ^ Priestess Asaani#Quotes
  62. ^ N [45] Whispers from Oronaar
  63. ^ N [45] The Seat of the Triumvirate
  64. ^ H [15-30D] Auchindoun...
  65. ^ H [15-30] A Secret Revealed
  66. ^ A [10-40] The Dark that Blinds Us
  67. ^ Locus-Walker#Quotes
  68. ^ Mechano-Lord Capacitus#Adventure Guide
  69. ^ N [20-30D] With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility
  70. ^ A IconSmall Draenei Male.gifIconSmall Draenei Female.gif [1-10] Rescue the Survivors!
  71. ^ World of Warcraft: Illidan, ch. 10
  72. ^ N [15-30] City of Light
  73. ^ H IconSmall BloodElf Male.pngIconSmall BloodElf Female.png Paladin [12] Claiming the Light
  74. ^ Before the Storm
  75. ^ Word of the Conclave
  76. ^ A [100] Light Be With You
  77. ^ Of Light and Void
  78. ^ Pilgrim's Shrine
  79. ^ Traveler
  80. ^ Traveler: The Shining Blade
  81. ^ Youtube: "A'dal, Uvuros and Me"
  82. ^ Youtube: "Malarion Solos A'dal"
  83. ^ A [10-70] The Seat of the Naaru