Garrosh's Landing

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MobGarrosh's Landing
Garrosh's Landing area.jpg
Type Village, Port
Leader(s) IconSmall Kvaldir Male.gif Orabus the Helmsman
Race(s) KvaldirKvaldir Kvaldir
  Formerly OrcOrc Orc
Affiliation(s) Kvaldir
  Formerly Horde, Warsong Offensive
Location Western Borean Tundra
Status In ruins

Garrosh's Landing[32, 53] is a dock area on the western shore of Borean Tundra near Warsong Hold, where an orcish destroyer ship is moored, and the remains of a second ship can be seen nearby. There is a great hall and a watch tower, while the goblin Mobu once had a hut here. One part of the beach was made into a kennel.

Before they built up Warsong Hold, the Horde had Garrosh's Landing, named after Garrosh Hellscream since he led the fleet of Orcish destroyers that landed at the coast. They used it as their main port after they decided to build their fortress inland. About the time they marched the bulk of their forces off for the assault on Icecrown, the kvaldir attacked and nearly razed the buildings.[1]

Around the time of Lich King's fall, the landing was retaken temporarily by the Horde, but when Cairne Bloodhoof and Garrosh Hellscream were taking some of their people back to Kalimdor, the kvaldir attacked again.[2]

Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard reported that the port still under the control of the kvaldir, and all they could see from a distance was mist and more mist.[1]



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