Kirin Tor Offensive

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For the achievement, see Alliance  [Kirin Tor Offensive].
AllianceKirin Tor Offensive
Glorious Standard of the Kirin Tor Offensive.jpg
Main leader  Jaina Proudmoore
Secondary leaders  Vereesa Windrunner
 Archmage Modera
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
High elfHigh elf High elf
Night elfNight elf Night elf
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
GnomeGnome Gnome
Base of operations Violet Rise and The Seabolt
Theater of operations Isle of Thunder, Pandaria
Affiliation Kirin Tor (Silver Covenant), Magocracy of Dalaran, Alliance
Status Active
Quartermaster  Hiren Loresong
Notable reward(s)  [Reins of the Golden Primal Direhorn]

The Kirin Tor Offensive is the Alliance reputation faction introduced in patch 5.2. It is personally led by Jaina Proudmoore, leader of the Kirin Tor and Dalaran. Its base camp is named the Violet Rise. The Offensive is composed of Silver Covenant high elves combined with war mages and warriors of the Kirin Tor. Their main goals are to prevent the Horde from obtaining powerful artifacts from Emperor Lei Shen and to also fight the coalition of Zandalari and mogu threatening Pandaria.

Daily quests for the Kirin Tor Offensive are divided into two categories, only one of which can be chosen per day: PVE-oriented tasks, or PVP-based missions. The former involves assisting Archmage Modera, Narasi Snowdawn, and Archmage Lan'dalock in dealing with the local threats (primarily the saurok, the Zandalari and the mogu), while the latter is focused on attacking the Sunreaver Onslaught forces and defending the rise.

By 40 ADP, Kirin Tor Offensive forces remained on the isle and their once conflict with the Sunreaver Onslaught had turned into a friendly competition.[1]

Faction description

Ignited by Jaina's fury, the Kirin Tor Offensive seek to seize Thunder Isle for the glory of the Alliance!


Hiren Loresong
<Kirin Tor Offensive Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Slot Focus
Neutral  [Kirin Tor Beacon] 25g Hearthstone
 [Kirin Tor Offensive Insignia] 1 Tattered Historical Parchments Rep token
 [Greater Kirin Tor Offensive Insignia] 10 Tattered Historical Parchments Rep token
 [Blood Spirit] 200g Crafting ingredient
 [Thunder-Chaser Cloak] 377g 23s Back Agility DPS
 [Static-Collecting Cloak] 374g 50s Back Intellect DPS
 [Shan'ze Gravetender Cloak] 375g 88s Back Spirit
 [Shan'ze Partisan's Greatcloak] 378g 61s Back Strength DPS
 [Cloak of the Immortal Guardian] 370g 28s Back Tank
 [Refurbished Band of Jin] 316g 72s Finger Agility DPS
 [Restored Hexxer's Signet] 319g 1s Finger Intellect DPS
 [Ancient Primalist's Seal] 320g 17s Finger Spirit
 [Refurbished Seal of Jin] 315g 56s Finger Strength DPS
 [Ancient Overlord's Onyx Band] 317g 88s Finger Tank
Friendly  [Potion of Light Steps] 1 Elder Charm of Good Fortune Troves of the Thunder King
Honored  [Shan'ze Scholar's Girdle] 300g Waist Cloth spirit
 [Pain-Binder Girdle] 300g Waist Cloth spell caster
 [Belt of Loa Charms] 300g Waist Cloth spell caster
 [Skumblade-Tooth Girdle] 300g Waist Leather agility
 [Cinch of the Dead Forest's Vigil] 300g Waist Leather spirit
 [Skumblade Ritualist Links] 300g Waist Mail spirit
 [Rotting Bog Cinch] 300g Waist Mail agility
 [Girdle of Shan'ze Glory] 300g Waist Plate spirit
 [Thunder Caressed Waistguard] 300g Waist Plate tank
 [Sleep Dust] 1 Elder Charm of Good Fortune Troves of the Thunder King
3x  [A Common Rock] 1 Elder Charm of Good Fortune Troves of the Thunder King
Revered  [Grand Commendation of the Kirin Tor Offensive] 50g Rep token
2x  [Arcane Propellant] 1 Elder Charm of Good Fortune Troves of the Thunder King
 [Frost Rune Trap] 1 Elder Charm of Good Fortune Troves of the Thunder King
Exalted  [Reins of the Golden Primal Direhorn] 3000g Mount (150)
 [Kirin Tor Offensive Tabard] 10g Tabard
 [Polymorphic Key] 3 Elder Charm of Good Fortune Troves of the Thunder King
 [Empty Supply Crate] 3 Elder Charm of Good Fortune Troves of the Thunder King
 [Arcane Trove] 15 Elder Charm of Good Fortune Goody bag
Quest  [Glorious Standard of the Kirin Tor Offensive] Banner


  1. Stage 0:
    1. A [35] Thunder Calls
    2. A [35] The Storm Gathers
    3. A [35] Allies in the Shadows
  2. Stage 1: A [35] The Assault on Shaol'mara
  3. Stage 2: A [35] Tear Down This Wall!
  4. Stage 3: A [35] To the Skies!
  5. Stage 4: A [35] A Bold Idea
  6. Stage 5: A [35] The Fall of Shan Bu
  7. At exalted: A [35R] Securing A Future

Daily quests

Upon reaching Stage 2, the Assignment Map will provide an option of whether to complete PvE- or PvP-focused quests for that day.

Patch changes


External links