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For other Morgans, see Morgan (disambiguation).
Image of Morgan
Title <Morgan's Militia>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 60 Elite
Reaction Alliance
Affiliation(s) Morgan's Militia
Location Blackrock Depths
Status Alive
Blackrock Depths
Detention Block

High Interrogator Gerstahn


Halls of the Law

Lord Roccor
Houndmaster Grebmar


Ring of Law (Arena)

Gorosh the Dervish
Hedrum the Creeper
Ok'thor the Breaker
Theldren & Company


Outer Blackrock Depths

Pyromancer Loregrain
Warder Stilgiss & Verek
Watchman Doomgrip
Fineous Darkvire
Lord Incendius
General Angerforge
Golem Lord Argelmach


Grim Guzzler

Ribbly Screwspigot
Hurley Blackbreath
Plugger Spazzring
Coren Direbrew (Brewfest, summoned)


Inner Blackrock Depths

Ambassador Flamelash
Panzor the Invincible
The Seven
High Priestess of Thaurissan
Princess Moira Bronzebeard
Emperor Dagran Thaurissan


Morgan is the leader of Morgan's Militia. Her family used to own land in the Burning Steppes until the Dark Iron dwarves and Ragnaros killed them and drove her people away. Having returned from her vigil, she seeks to go on the offensive on the Dark Iron dwarves of Blackrock Depths and establish her own kingdom in the Burning Steppes.

After the Cataclysm, she makes her first ever appearance, having previously been absent from her namesake outpost.



I've been watching the Dark Iron for a long time... plotting, hoping, wishing for the chance to drive them away and take back my land.
They can keep Blackrock Mountain. I hope it erupts again and takes them all with it. I want what is now called the Burning Steppes, my part of the Redridge Mountains that their fiery overlord destroyed.
<Class>, I'm going to show the world the potential left in my land. I'll build a kingdom of peace and justice atop the death and trickery they leave behind them. My vigil is over. I'm here to fight for what is rightfully mine.
And I'm willing to die for it.


  • With an updated model, she was apparently planned to appear in Legion.

Patch changes

External links
