List of Kirin Tor mages

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For the organization, see Kirin Tor.

The following is a list of all current and former mages of the Kirin Tor.

Members of the Kirin Tor

Name Role Status Location
Horde  Aethas Sunreaver Leader of the Sunreavers and former member of the Council of Six, expelled from but later rejoined the Kirin Tor Alive Various locations
Neutral  Alec Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Krasus' Landing, Dalaran
Neutral  Alonda Constantly searched for information about the fifth troll species Unknown Unknown
Neutral  Alvareaux Kirin Tor quartermaster Alive Violet Citadel, Dalaran
Neutral  Amara Leeson Accompanied Rhonin to defend Theramore Deceased Killed on Theramore Isle
Neutral  Ansirem Runeweaver Member of the Council of Six Alive Various locations
Alliance  Antonidas Leader of the Kirin Tor during the Second and Third Wars, killed by Arthas Menethil Deceased Unknown
Neutral  Anzim Warmage of Amber Ledge Alive Amber Ledge, Borean Tundra
Neutral  Archus Warmage of Amber Ledge Alive Amber Ledge, Borean Tundra
Neutral  Arrexis Member of the Council of Tirisfal; killed by demons Deceased Unknown
Alliance  Ashcrombe Sent to investigate Arugal's activities in Silverpine Forest Unknown Formerly Shadowfang Keep
Neutral  Austin Warmage of Amber Ledge Alive Amber Ledge, Borean Tundra
Neutral  Baihu Kirin Tor commander who leads the battle against Yalnu Alive Stormwind, Everbloom
Neutral  Belleford Librarian of Violet Stand Alive Violet Stand, Crystalsong Forest
Mob  Belmara Abjurist of Kirin'Var Village; killed by the Sunfury and turned into a ghost Killable Kirin'Var Village, Netherstorm
Neutral  Bitty Frostflinger Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Runeweaver Square, Dalaran
Neutral  Calandra Warmage of the Transitus Shield Alive Transitus Shield, Borean Tundra
Horde  Charles Pratt Former arcane reforger Active Apothecarium, Undercity
Neutral  The Chooch Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Underbelly, Dalaran
Mob  Cohlien Frostweaver Mage of Kirin'Var Village; killed by the Sunfury and turned into a ghost Killable Kirin'Var Village, Netherstorm
Alliance & Horde IconSmall Adventurer.gif The Conjuror Archmage; leader of the Tirisgarde Alive Azeroth
Alliance  Crafticus Mindbender Former inhabitant of Dalaran and Stormshield quartermaster Unknown Unknown
Neutral  Dath'omere Invites adventurers in Northrend to Dalaran Alive Valiance Keep, Borean Tundra
Mob  Dathric Battle-mage of Kirin'Var Village; killed by the Sunfury and turned into a ghost Killable Kirin'Var Village, Netherstorm
Neutral  Delth Scholar of elven history Unknown Unknown
Neutral  Dieworth Keeper of Kirin'Var Village; killed by the Sunfury and turned into a ghost Active Kirin'Var Village, Netherstorm
Neutral  Donathan Librarian of Amber Ledge Alive Amber Ledge, Borean Tundra
Neutral  Dorfus Alphamage Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Underbelly, Dalaran
Alliance  Drenden Member of the Council of Six Alive Dalaran
Neutral  Elandra Assists Jaina Proudmoore in the Frozen Halls and the Auchenai in Talador Alive Various locations
Neutral  Emeline Fizzlefry Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Magus Commerce Exchange, Dalaran
Alliance  Emerine Junis Traveled in Stranglethorn Vale to study the Altar of Naias Alive Rebel Camp, Northern Stranglethorn
Neutral  Fabioso the Fabulous Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Dalaran
Neutral  Fansy Goodbringer Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Violet Hold, Dalaran
Neutral  Garren Sent to monitor the magical anomalies around the Westrift Alive Amber Ledge, Borean Tundra
Neutral  Ginsberg Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Purple Parlor, Dalaran
Neutral  Goldlilly Gleamingfell Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Underbelly, Dalaran
Neutral  Grezla the Hag Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Eventide, Dalaran
Neutral  Guzbah Scholar of demon lore and instructor of Khadgar; killed by demons Deceased Unknown
Neutral  Haelenai Invites adventurers in Northrend to Dalaran Alive Amberpine Lodge, Grizzly Hills
Neutral  Halister Warmage of Violet Stand Alive Violet Stand, Crystalsong Forest
Neutral  Hollister Warmage of the Transitus Shield Alive Transitus Shield, Borean Tundra
Neutral  Ilsudria Warmage of Violet Stand Alive Violet Stand, Crystalsong Forest
Neutral  Joboba Mezbreaker Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Underbelly, Dalaran
Neutral  John Nicholas Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Purple Parlor, Dalaran
Neutral  Kaelana Invites adventurers in Northrend to Dalaran Alive Warsong Hold, Borean Tundra
Neutral  Kalecgos (Kalec) Member of the Council of Six Alive Various locations
Neutral  Kallistia Starlance Searching for her lost parents in Azsuna alongside her brother Alive Ruins of Nar'thalas, Azsuna
Neutral  Karina Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Underbelly, Dalaran
Neutral  Karlain Member of the Council of Six Alive Various locations
Neutral  Kat Sunflower Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Violet Citadel, Dalaran
Neutral  Kath'leen Warmage and Legionfall artificer Alive Various locations
Neutral  Kesalon Undermage of the Violet Bluff, later promoted to archmage in the Broken Isles Alive Violet Bluff, Everbloom; Broken Isles
Neutral  Khadgar Leader of the Council of Six Alive Various locations
Neutral  Kinndy Sparkshine Apprentice to Jaina Proudmoore, killed in the Attack on Theramore Isle Deceased Killed on Theramore Isle
Neutral  Koreln Assists Jaina Proudmoore in the Frozen Halls Deceased Forge of Souls; Pit of Saron; Halls of Reflection
Neutral  Korrigan Librarian Unknown Unknown
Neutral  Korialstrasz (Krasus) Member of the Council of Six Deceased Various locations
Neutral  Lan'dalock Archmage Alive Various locations
Neutral  Linda Ann Kastinglow Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Krasus' Landing, Dalaran
Neutral  Lukems Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Krasus' Landing, Dalaran
Mob  Luminrath Conjurer of Kirin'Var Village; killed by the Sunfury and turned into a ghost Killable Kirin'Var Village, Netherstorm
Neutral  Melindra Gatekeeper of Violet Stand Alive Violet Stand, Crystalsong Forest
Neutral  The Magnificent Merleaux Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Violet Citadel, Dalaran; Violet Rise, Isle of Thunder
Neutral  Modera Member of the Council of Six Alive Various locations
Neutral  Moran Warmage of Amber Ledge Alive Amber Ledge, Borean Tundra
Neutral  Morran Lieutenant-sorcerer of Kirin'Var Village; killed by the Sunfury and turned into a ghost Active Kirin'Var Village, Netherstorm
Neutral  Mumplina Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Violet Citadel, Dalaran
Neutral  Natalie Tootiblare Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Underbelly, Dalaran
Neutral  Nelphi Servant of Jaina Proudmoore Alive Dalaran; Violet Rise, Isle of Thunder
Neutral  Norlan Chief Artificer Unknown Unknown
Neutral  Old Fillmaff Member of the Kirin Tor and Librarian of the Tirisgarde Active Hall of the Guardian
Neutral  Olothil Starlance Searching for his lost parents in Azsuna alongside his sister Alive Ruins of Nar'thalas, Azsuna
Neutral  Pentarus Helped fund Hemet Nesingwary's Sholazar Basin expedition and Brann Bronzebeard's Ulduar expedition Alive Krasus' Landing, Dalaran; Expedition Base Camp, Ulduar
Neutral  Phaelista Invites adventurers in Northrend to Dalaran Alive Conquest Hold, Grizzly Hills
Alliance  Phin Odelic Former mage of Southshore, later became a worgen Deceased Silverpine Forest
Neutral  Preston Warmage of Amber Ledge Alive Amber Ledge, Borean Tundra
Neutral  Raethan Corrupt Underbelly guard captain Alive Underbelly, Dalaran
Neutral  Ravandwyr Apprentice to Archmage Vargoth and member of the Tirisgarde Alive Various locations
Neutral  Rheaume Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Purple Parlor, Dalaran
Neutral  Rhonin Leader of the Kirin Tor, killed in the Attack on Theramore Isle Deceased Various locations
Neutral  Rhydian Archmage who assists in the attempt to save Crusader Bridenbrad and the Ulduar expedition Alive Crusaders' Pinnacle, Icecrown; Expedition Base Camp, Ulduar
Neutral  Sarina Warmage of Violet Stand Alive Violet Stand, Crystalsong Forest
Alliance  Sathera Friend of Antonidas and Kael'thas, killed when death knights attacked Dalaran Deceased Unknown
Neutral  Silva Warmage and Kirin Tor emissary Alive Violet Citadel, Dalaran
Neutral  Tari Cogg Accompanied Rhonin to defend Theramore Deceased Killed on Theramore Isle
Neutral  Tenaj Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Dalaran
Neutral  Teronus III Invites adventurers in Northrend to Dalaran Alive Argent Stand, Zul'Drak
Neutral  Thoder Windermere Accompanied Rhonin to defend Theramore Deceased Killed on Theramore Isle
Neutral  Tiare Librarian of the Transitus Shield Alive Transitus Shield, Borean Tundra
Neutral  Timear Archmage Alive Violet Hold, Dalaran
Alliance  Tomas Riogain Inhabitant of Dalaran and Stormshield quartermaster Alive Eventide, Dalaran; Stormshield, Ashran; Mezzamere, Nazjatar
Neutral  Tyr'ganal Invites adventurers in Northrend to Dalaran Alive Venomspite, Dragonblight
Neutral  Ulrik von Stromhearth Invites adventurers in Northrend to Dalaran Alive Valgarde, Howling Fjord
Alliance  Ur Mage known for researching the worgen and other worlds, killed by the Scourge Deceased Unknown
Neutral  Varenthas Invites adventurers in Northrend to Dalaran, later becomes High Forgeguard of the Tirisgarde Alive Vengeance Landing, Howling Fjord; Hall of the Guardian
Neutral  Vargoth Member of the Council of Six, former master of Kirin'Var Village Alive Various locations
Neutral  Watkins Warmage of the Transitus Shield Alive Transitus Shield, Borean Tundra
Neutral  Weinhaus Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Violet Citadel, Dalaran
Neutral  Whirt the All-Knowing Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Magus Commerce Exchange, Dalaran
Alliance  Yurias Warmage of Violet Stand and the Kirin Tor Offensive Alive Violet Stand, Crystalsong Forest; Violet Rise, Isle of Thunder
Neutral  Zildjia Inhabitant of Dalaran Alive Purple Parlor, Dalaran


In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The following are stated to be members or former members of the Kirin Tor in the Warcraft RPG but have no known connection to the faction in canon lore.

Name Role Status Location
Mob  Allistarj Former member of the Kirin Tor, now a servant of Razelikh the Defiler. Deceased Formerly Serpent's Coil, Blasted Lands

Former members

Name Role Current affiliation Status Location
Neutral  Angela Dosantos Protector of Atiesh Brotherhood of the Light Alive Tyr's Hand, Eastern Plaguelands; Stratholme
Neutral  Arugal Unleashed the worgen upon Azeroth, later raised by the Scourge Scourge, Wolfcult Deceased Various locations
Horde  Ataeric Protector of Ambermill, killed and raised by the Forsaken Undercity Active Ambermill, Silverpine Forest
Horde  Bethor Iceshard Killed by the Scourge, now a Forsaken Undercity Active Magic Quarter, Undercity
Boss  Corla Twilight's Hammer herald transforming cultists into drakonid Twilight's Hammer Killable Halls of Awakening, Blackrock Caverns
Horde  Dalar Dawnweaver Killed by the Scourge, now a Forsaken Forsaken Active Sepulcher, Silverpine Forest
Horde  Gunther Arcanus Killed by the Scourge, now a Forsaken Undercity Active Gunther's Retreat, Tirisfal Glades
Alliance  Jaina Proudmoore Former leader of the Kirin Tor, left Dalaran at the start of the Burning Legion's invasion Alliance, Proudmoore Admiralty Alive Various locations
Neutral  Kael'thas Sunstrider Prince of Quel'Thalas, turned to the Illidari and ultimately the Burning Legion Burning Legion Deceased Buried on the Isle of Quel'Danas
Neutral  Kalynna Lathred Left the Kirin Tor in pursuit of forbidden knowledge Independent Alive Area 52, Netherstorm
Neutral  Kel'Thuzad Lieutenant of the Jailer and founder of the Cult of the Damned, formerly majordomo of the Lich King, master of Naxxramas, and Archmage of the Kirin Tor and the Council of Six Mawsworn Deceased Various locations
Neutral  Levia Laurence Banned from Dalaran for dabbling in shadow magic Independent Active Den of Fiends, Azsuna
Mob  Naberius Former apprentice to Archmage Vargoth, betrayer of Kirin'Var Village Independent Killable Chapel Yard, Netherstorm
Neutral  Normantis Former librarian of Amber Ledge, now pursues vengeance against the blue dragonflight Independent Killable Amber Ledge, Borean Tundra; Lair of the Deposed, Azsuna
Alliance  Phin Odelic Former mage of Southshore, later became a worgen Refugee Leadership Deceased Silverpine Forest
Horde  Rommath Cut ties with the Kirin Tor after the Third War, now serves as Grand Magister of Quel'Thalas Magisters, Silvermoon City Alive Various locations
Neutral  Thalen Songweaver Horde spy and Garrosh loyalist who played a key role in the destruction of Theramore True Horde Alive Unknown
Mob  Thule Ravenclaw Necromancer, former ruler of Fenris Keep Scourge Killable Silverpine Forest
Boss  Urom Defector who sided with Malygos during the Nexus War Blue dragonflight Killable Band of Transmutation, Oculus